[Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO z39-85_votingpool] Groups - Ballot reminder: "NISO Z39.85-201x, The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set"

Mark Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Tue Aug 28 18:48:05 EDT 2012

Does anyone have any comment on this? If you want a copy of the complete standard and can't get it let me know if it doesn't show up as an attachment to this email

Sent from Mark Needleman's iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: <admin at list.niso.org>
> Date: August 28, 2012 5:03:06 PM EDT
> To: mneedlem at ufl.edu
> Subject: [NISO z39-85_votingpool] Groups - Ballot reminder: "NISO Z39.85-201x, The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set"
> Reminder: Please cast your vote on the ballot "NISO Z39.85-201x, The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set" in the "NISO Z39.85-201x Voting Pool" group.
> Ballot Title: NISO Z39.85-201x, The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set
> Question
> Do you approved this revision to Z39.85, The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set? 
> Description
> All organization members of this voting pool ARE REQUIRED TO VOTE. Only one vote per organization.
> This ballot is to approve the standard, NISO Z39.85-201x, The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, which is a revision of ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2007 [same title]. The Maintenance Agency for the standard, the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), has asked for a minor revision to the standard as noted below. In accordance with NISO procedures, this revision is being balloted in lieu of the normal five-year periodic review.
> The normative revision to the standard is very minor. In the comments for the “subject” element, the following sentence from the 2007 version has been deleted:
> To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the resource, use the Coverage element.
> Rationale for the revision: The definitions of “subject” and “coverage” clearly overlap because a "spatial or temporal topic of the resource" is also a "topic of the resource". The intent of the usage comment was to provide guidance for users who prefer to use Dublin Core elements in non-overlapping ways. It has however been suggested that this comment creates ambiguity, for some readers, about whether the definitions really overlap. This ambiguity can be avoided by simply removing the sentence.
> In accordance with DCMI procedures, the DCMI Usage Board has reviewed and approved this change prior to submitting it to NISO.
> Some additional non-normative changes were made to the Introduction of the standard. All other parts of the standard are unchanged from the previous edition. A copy of the revised standard with mark-up to show the changes is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link provided in the announcement e-mail.
> Your vote options are:
> Yes – approve the revised standard (comments optional)
> No – do not approve the revised standard (comments required)
> Abstain from voting (comments required) 
> Closing Date: Friday, 7 September 2012 @ 11:59 pm EDT
> Vote
> Yes
> No
> Abstain
> Group: NISO Z39.85-201x Voting Pool
> Date Opened: Wednesday, 25 July 2012 @ 8:00 am EDT
> Referenced Items
>                              	 NISO_Z39-85-201x_for_ballot_wt_markup.pdf (103K)	2012-07-24	Download | View Details
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