[Asis-l] CFP: Special Issue of the International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion on "Health Justice"

Beth L St Jean bstjean at umd.edu
Wed May 16 16:06:28 EDT 2018

 Dear all,

We are pleased to announce a call for contributions to an upcoming special
issue of the* International Journal of Information, Diversity, &
Inclusion* (IJIDI)
(http://publish.lib.umd.edu/IJIDI) on the topic of "*Health Justice.*"
Extended abstracts of up to 1,000 words for full research papers (or up to
500 words for student work, works in progress, opinion pieces and
professional reports) are due by June 25, 2018. Acceptance notices will be
issued in mid-July and final papers will be due by December 1, 2018.
Publication is slated for the July 2019 issue.

Please see attached file and/or the IJIDI CFP website (
http://publish.lib.umd.edu/IJIDI/pages/view/CFP) for the full details.
Please send abstracts for consideration to the Guest Editors by Monday,
June 25th:

Beth St. Jean (*bstjean at umd.edu <bstjean at umd.edu>*)
Gagan Jindal (gjindal at terpmail.umd.edu)
Yuting Liao (yliao598 at terpmail.umd.edu)

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

We look forward to receiving your contributions!

Please forward widely -- thanks!

Best wishes,
Beth, Gagan, & Yuting

Beth St. Jean, Assistant Professor
College of Information Studies - "Maryland's iSchool"
Room 4117K Hornbake Bldg., South Wing
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-6573

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