[Asis-l] DE-PERsonalisation 2018: 2nd CfP

Ralf B ralf.bierig at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 07:00:45 EST 2018

*** 2nd Call for Papers ***
DE-PERsonalisation 2018

A workshop on (de-)personalisation for a deeper understanding of
filtered information experiences and echo chambers held in conjunction
with the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2018)
— for more, visit: https://deper2018.wordpress.com and follow us on
Twitter: @DePer2018

You are invited to participate in the upcoming DE-PERsonalisation 2018
workshop, that will be held as part of the 40th European Conference on
Information Retrieval (ECIR).

Important Dates:

* Papers submission: 10 January 2018 (midnight AoE)
* Notification of acceptance: 12 February 2018
* Camera ready submission: 26 February 2018 (midnight AoE)
* DE-PERsonlisation Workshop: 26 March 2018
* ECIR Conference: 26-29 March 2018


Personalised search gave users significant control over information
overload and an ability to simplify the handling of large content
collections, such as the web. On the downside, it has led to
situations where people find themselves in confined information spaces
where similar ideas, beliefs, or data are preserved and repeatedly
reinforced to the extent that users find it difficult to retrieve and
experience alternative content and competing views. Echo Chambers
create substantial polarisation effects, impeding users' ability to
access alternative and diverse information. In search situations, this
may disconnect users from others while inside the Echo Chamber, or
prevent users from refinding information while outside their Echo
Chamber. This one-day workshop aims to explore and host dialogues on
the fundamental areas of theory and practice in the domain of
de-personalising information spaces and understanding, describing and
quantifying filtered information experiences.

Background and Motivation:

Information retrieval (IR) and recommender systems and, more general,
approaches in machine learning have resulted in a personalised web
experience with resounding success. Building on context, location and
users’ virtual (social) profiles, the web is highly aligned to users’
perceived interests, to the interests of ‘similar’ users, and to the
interests of users to whom a user is digitally connected. Whilst this
delivers relevant content, it also polarises informational
perspectives and removes serendipity through the development of Echo
Chambers: scenarios where specific ideas, beliefs or data are
reinforced through repetition of a closed system that limits the free
movement of alternative (competing) ideas. There is the implication
that certain ideas or outcomes dominate due to, and resulting in, a
bias concerning how specific input is gathered. Under-addressed in the
literature are methods to qualify/quantify Echo Chambers and the
associated effect(s) they have over time.

The DE-PER Workshop aims to approach the study of Echo Chambers at the
intersection of IR, information science, cognitive systems,
computational social science, web science, cloud computing, as well as
statistics and machine learning to initiate and foster
interdisciplinary dialogues on (de-)personalisation for a deeper
understanding of filtered information experiences.

Topics of Interest:

We envisage the following topical categories for submission with a
particular emphasis on variety and cross-disciplinary approaches:
* Reviews: Review papers concerning pertinent aspects of Echo Chambers,
* Theoretical & Empirical Models Formal approaches to represent Echo
Chambers to facilitate experimental approaches, enable user
comprehension, and simulate Echo Chambers,
* Metastudies: Studies that attempt to qualify/quantify/visualise the
divergence of (users') search results and information experience(s),
* Experimental Methods: Methodologies for the reproducibility of
studies seeking to investigate Echo Chambers,
* Experimental Infrastructures: Systems that help control and compare
the effects of various degrees of (de-)personalised search scenarios,
* IR Experiments: Experiments that demonstrate/formalise any effects
of Echo Chambers,
* Test Collections and Corpora: Practice and experience using,
adapting, merging, and/or gathering (test) collections and
experimental data sets.
* User Studies: Studies that consider multiple users or multiple user
profiles (search engines, social media, etc.) and contexts (location,
tasks, devices, etc.) that shed light on the differences in users'
diverging search results and information experience(s), and
* Case Studies: Studies into Echo Chambers and discussion on the
tangible effects and observations of (de) personalisation.

Submission Details:

All workshop submissions must be written in English and must follow
the LNCS author guidelines. Full papers must not exceed 10 pages and
short papers must not exceed 6 pages, including figures and
references. Papers must be submitted as PDF files, electronically, and
through the EasyChair paper submission system: Link will be provided
close to the the submission deadline.

All accepted papers will be made available on our website.
Furthermore, we plan to invite authors of selected papers to submit an
*extended version to a journal special issue*. Details about this will
be provided soon.


* Ralf Bierig, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland: ralf.bierig [{add}] mu.ie
* Simon Caton, National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland:
simon.caton [{add}] ncirl.ie
* Ian Ruthven, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK: ian.ruthven
[{add}] strath.ac.uk


For general enquires regarding the workshop, please send an email to
deper2018 [{add}] gmail.com.


Follow us on Twitter: @DePer2018

For more information, please contact: deper2018 [{add}] gmail.com


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