[Asis-l] International Symposium on the Future of Education in Information Sciences (FEIS 2018) - 3rd Cf

Christian Schloegl christian.schloegl at uni-graz.at
Fri Feb 2 10:03:12 EST 2018

-- Apologies for multiple posting --

International Symposium on the Future of Education in Information 
Sciences (FEIS 2018)

Pisa, Italy 10-11 September 2018


An event organized by the Erasmus+ EINFOSE project (http://einfose.ffos.hr)


Call for Papers


Differences in entry requirements and learning outcomes in the field of 
Information Science (IS) cause large mobility barriers and lack of 
uniformity among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that offer Master 
degrees in IS. The Erasmus+ EINFOSE project seeks to find out the 
appropriate ways and modes of the harmonization and recognition of the 
entry requirements which would enable students from other fields to 
master learning outcomes at the graduate level of IS programs. The 
International Symposium on the Future of Education in Information 
Sciences (FEIS 2018) is intended to stimulate discussion and reach 
commonly accepted recommendations that could serve not only to partner 
HEIs but also as a model for other academic disciplines.Contributions 
and discussion are solicited from HEIs, their governing bodies, public 
authorities responsible for the implementation of EU guidelines and 
recommendations at the HEI level as well as representatives from 
national agencies for diploma recognition, ECTS implementation and 
Qualification Frameworks. Submissions are also invited from researchers 
and institutions to share their experience and accomplishments in 
recognition and mobility processes, building up the European 
Qualification Framework and its nationally based implementations, and in 
the implementation of new teaching/learning didactics and evaluation 
approaches and methods. Contributions from outside the EU are very 
welcome. It is expected that the exchange of ideas and experience in 
accreditation processes, cooperative efforts and joint programs at 
graduate and postgraduate level throughout the World might contribute to 
discussions about the future of education of Information professionals 
in Europe and Worldwide.

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

* Educational trends in higher education worldwide* Information 
professionals in changing and challenging digital environment (new 
profiles, old skills and new competencies, social role)* 
Entrepreneurship and the information professional* Reminiscing about the 
future of professional education* Ethical values in IS (Universal 
access, collaboration, intellectual freedom, fairness)* 
Multidisciplinarity issues and relation with other sciences (Computer 
Sciences, Digital Humanities, Economics, etc.)* Best educational 
practices and current challenges* Software tools and platforms for 
collaborative learning and teaching* Open educational resources* Role 
and responsibility of archives, libraries and documentation centers in 
higher education* Entrance into the labour market of IS graduates.


Submission and Publication


We welcome and encourage the submission of high-quality, original 
papers, which are not being submitted simultaneously for publication 
elsewhere. Long papers, describing original ideas on the listed topics 
and on other fundamental aspects of higher education in Information 
Science, are solicited. Moreover, short papers or posters on early 
research results, new results on previous published works, demos, and 
projects are also welcome.Long papers should not exceed 12 pages, 
including bibliography.Short papers should not exceed 6 pages, including 
bibliography.Poster descriptions should not exceed 2 pages.

All accepted contributions will be collected in the Symposium 
Proceedings and published online, as Open Access, in the Repository of 
the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of 
Osijek, indexed in Google Scholar. Selected papers will be published in 
a special issue of one of the online journals dedicated to Information 
Science. Contributions should be written in English, formatted for 
single column A4 paper, without page numbering. Right and left margins 
should be justified, with 1,15 line spacing and 11 point Times New Roman 
font to be used for the body text. A Word template is available at the 
Symposium website. All contributions (either in Word or in .pdf) should 
be submitted via Easychair at: 
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=feis2018. The review process 
will be double blind. Please make sure not to include the authors names 
in the contribution, and to provide them to Easychair when making the 


Important Dates


Papers and posters submission: 11 March 2018Notification to authors: 30 
April 2018Camera-ready copies due by 1 July 2018On line proceedings 
published by end of AugustConference: 10-11 September 2018


Symposium Registration


Regular registration fees:

* 150 euro early registration (until June 3rd, 2018)* 200 euro standard 
registration (until August 20th, 2018)* 250 euro late and on-site 

Student registration fees:

* 50 euro early registration (until June 3rd, 2018)* 100 euro standard 
and on-site registration* 125 euro late and on-site registration

Registration fees include coffee breaks and light lunches. Social dinner 
(on September 10th, 2018) is not included and the cost is 40 euro per 


Student Scholarships


A number of student scholarships will be offered that cover 
registration, travel, and accommodation. The Call for Applications will 
be available at the conference web site. The deadline for applying will 
be in May 2018.


Keynote speakers


David Bawden, City University London, UKLaif Kajberg, School of Library 
and Information Science, DenmarkGary Marchionini, University of North 
Carolina, USAAnna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Italy




Program Chairs

Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić, University of Osijek, CroatiaVittore Casarosa, 
University of Pisa and ISTI-CNR, Italy

Elena Maceviciute, University of Borås, SwedenProgram Committee Members

(see website)

Publicity Chair

Thomas Mandl, University of Hildesheim, Germany

Sponsor ChairSimona Turbanti, University of Pisa, Italy

Local Organizing CommitteeAlessandro Gandolfo, University of Pisa, 
ItalySalvatore Ruggieri, University of Pisa, Italy

Enrica Salvatori, University of Pisa, ItalyMaria Simi, University of 
Pisa, Italy




Program Chairs: feis2018 at easychair.org <mailto:feis2018 at easychair.org>

Local Organization: feis2018 at di.unipi.it <mailto:feis2018 at di.unipi.it>

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