From bmeyersford at Thu Feb 1 09:29:32 2018 From: bmeyersford at (Barbara Meyers Ford) Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 14:29:32 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CORRECTION: Posted Title & Description Didn't Match Message-ID: Hello, everyone, the email I sent out yesterday had the title of one NFAIS event (Humanities Roundtable) but the description of another (Journals Subscription Models Workshop). Here's the message text which I had hoped you all would have received. 2018 NFAIS Humanities Roundtable joins the National Humanities Alliance ~ Have you been wanting to go up to Capitol Hill and educate Congress about the importance of humanities? Now's your chance! For the first time NFAIS is partnering with the National Humanities Alliance (NHA) to provide Roundtable participants a different activity. One which offers the opportunity to make a difference. Knowledgeable individuals are needed to make Federal legislators and their staff aware of the contributions to our country and the world made by artists, researchers, and scholars across myriad areas and disciplines. The need for government support of the arts and humanities along with the libraries which provide the information to allow practitioners and scholars to flourish can not be overstated. Humanities Roundtable attendees who are interested are encouraged to remain and attend the NHA's Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day. By participating in the 2-day NHA program, NFAIS attendees will have the opportunity to avail themselves of access to members of Congress. To review the Preliminary Agenda and register for the NFAIS Humanities Roundtable 2018 please go to Thanks for considering this special NFAIS event as one to add to your meetings calendar, Barbara Barbara Meyers Ford l Director, Marketing & Communications, NFAIS l bmeyersford at From katy.davis at Thu Feb 1 12:45:54 2018 From: katy.davis at (Katy Davis) Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 17:45:54 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Librarian I, Washington DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross-postings... LAC Federal is currently looking to fill a Librarian I position to work for a federal agency in the Washington, D.C. metro area. Librarian will oversee the daily operations of collection management and provide daily assistance to patrons. This is a long term, full-time contract (40 hour a week; Monday - Friday) benefited position. RESPONSIBILITIES * Oversee daily operations of collection management such as item intake and cataloging, record keeping, weeding, and the retrieval of pertinent un-selected items from the New Electronic Titles list * Provides assistance to patrons in accessing depository items and resources. * Review of the library's depository selection profile and makes resulting changes. * Create original and copy-cataloged records for monograph, serial, and monograph-as-serial items and uploads these records into the library's OPAC * Proficient in the use of constant data forms QUALIFICATIONS * Master's degree in Library/Information Science from an institution accredited by the ALA * Thorough knowledge and experience in cataloging workflows; Experience with RDA, OCLC, MARC21 and other standards used in cataloging * Experience providing reference support * Original cataloging using RDA experience is a must * Various branding, marketing, and promotional activities experience preferred To apply, visit: Katy Davis Recruiting Assistant LibGig - LAC Group (323)302-9432 Katy.davis at From silvello at Fri Feb 2 03:57:00 2018 From: silvello at (Gianmaria Silvello) Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 09:57:00 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] DESIRES 2018 - Call for Papers - Deadline 2018-Apr-15 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: *** DESIRES 2018: 2nd Call for Papers *** 1st Biennial Conference on Design of Experimental Search and Information Retrieval Systems 28 August - 31 August 2018 Bertinoro, Italy Submissions: April 15, 2018 ***Vision*** DESIRES is a biennial retreat-like systems-oriented conference, complementary in its mission to the mainstream Information Access and Retrieval conferences like SIGIR, ECIR and other conferences focusing on specific aspects of IR such as ICTIR or CHIIR, emphasizing the innovative technological aspects of search and retrieval systems. DESIRES gathers researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to discuss the latest innovative and visionary ideas in the field. DESIRES is inspired by CIDR ( DESIRES mainly encourages papers about innovative and risky information access and retrieval system ideas, systems-building experience and insight, resourceful experimental studies, provocative position statements, and new application domains. DESIRES also welcomes contributions focusing on implementation details, successful or failed reproducibility attempts, technological breakthroughs and new uses of old ideas. At DESIRES running demos/prototypes and war stories are more than welcome. Moreover, industrial and "real-world" experiences play a central role in DESIRES. For instance, papers discussing how well-established research ideas are implemented and used by industries and in commercial products are encouraged. ***C4P*** DESIRES is a single-track conference. To encourage authors to submit only their best work, each person can be an author or co-author of only a single paper or demo. That is, authors can submit only 1 (one) paper. DESIRES invites three kinds of contributions: - Papers (up to 6 pages). Papers usually lack rigorous frameworks, simulations of performance, or prototype implementations but present a radical departure from conventional approaches that enables new applications. Accepted full papers will typically be presented in 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and discussion. There will be a discussant for each paper that will read the paper in advance and prepare questions (plus questions from the audience). - Prototypes (up to 6 pages). The prototype descriptions generally are a detailed report on successes and mistakes. Accepted prototype papers will typically be presented in 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and discussion. - Abstracts (1 page). Ideas that are too half-baked for a paper or demo proposal are good candidates for an abstract. Any author of a paper or prototype demo may additionally submit one abstract. Abstracts are expected to have a single author. Accepted abstracts are allocated 2 minutes in a gong-show style. Format: ACM SIGIR classic format Publication: The accepted (and presented) papers will be published as CEUR-WS proceedings freely available on-line: (Indexed by DBLP and Scopus). Modified or incremental versions of the papers included in the DESIRES proceedings can be submitted to other venues. The scope of DESIRES is discussing ideas, not tying them. The Call for Papers is also available here: ***Dates*** Conference: 28-31 August 2018 (Tuesday evening welcome reception, Wednesday and Thursday full days + Friday morning) Submission deadline: April 15, 2018 Notifications: May, 30 2018 ***Venue and Organization*** DESIRES 2018 will be held at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro (Ce.U.B.), Italy: The Ce.U.B. is active since 1994 in the field of vocational training, conferences, congresses and lectures. Ce.U.B. is a a vocational training centre of the University of Bologna and it is located in the ancient town of Bertinoro (Forl?-Cesena). The Ce.U.B complex is a former fortress (dating back to the 10th century) and an historical landmarks considered one of the most important monumental complex of the Region. DESIRES 2018 is organized under the Bertinoro international Center for informatics (BiCi) umbrella ( BiCi is an association whose mission is to foster cutting-edge research and advanced education in Computer Science. DESIRES is sponsored by Google. *Keynotes* The first confirmed keynote speaker is Jimmy Lin, Professor and the David R. Cheriton Chair in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. (Tentative) Title of the keynote: Rocket Ships, V8, and Other Batsh*t Crazy Ideas in Information Retrieval *A great conference for a small price* We plan to keep the participation price to a minimum. We foresee a registration fee in the 500-650? range comprising accommodation in a single room for 3 nights, breakfasts, lunches, welcome reception, two dinners and coffee breaks. All the participants should reside at the Ce.U.B. in order to maximize participation and ideas exchange. There is a limited number of places and the accommodation order is: invited speakers, authors (max 2 people per paper), committees and others. Bertinoro offers two hotels at walking distance from the center that accommodate up to 30 additional people. If we will have more requests we are going to provide accommodation in hotels in cities nearby (3-4Km) plus a shuttle service from and to the hotels. *How to reach* More info here: It is possible to organize a shuttle service from Bologna. It costs 250? for 15 people. ***Committees*** *General chairs* Omar Alonso (Microsoft, USA) Gianmaria Silvello (University of Padua, Italy) *Advisory board* Maristella Agosti (University of Padua, Italy) Ricardo Baeza-Yates (NTENT, USA; UPF, Spain; Univ. de Chile) Bruce Croft (University of Massachusetts, USA) Susan Dumais (Microsoft, USA) Norbert Fuhr (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Donna Harman (NIST, USA) Kalervo Jarvelin (University of Tampere, Finland) Marc Najork (Google, USA) Jan Pedersen (Twitter, USA) Gerhard Weikum (MPI, Germany) *Program committee* James Allan (University of Massachusetts, USA) Barla Cambazoglu (NTENT, USA) Diego Ceccarelli (Bloomberg, UK) Jeffrey Dalton (Google, USA) Claudia Hauff (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) Nicola Ferro (University of Padua, Italy) Evgenyi Gabrilovich (Google, USA) Krishna Gummadi (MPI-SWS, Germany) Vasileios Kandylas (Microsoft, USA) Bhaskar Mitra (Microsoft, UK) Nicola Montecchio (Spotify, Germany) Edgar Meij (Bloomberg, UK) Jussi Karlgren (Gavagai & KTH, Sweden) Emre Kiciman (Microsoft, USA) Andreas Rauber (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) Tony Russell-Rose (UXLabs, UK) Tetsuya Sakai (Waseda University, Japan) Mark Sanderson (RMIT, Australia) Sunita Sarawagi (IIT Bombay, India) Ian Soboroff (NIST, USA) Paul Thomas (Microsoft, USA) Andrew Trotman (eBay) Arjen de Vries (Radboud University, The Netherlands) Ingmar Weber (QCRI, Qatar) Wouter Weerkamp (904 Labs, The Netherlands) Cong Yu (Google Research, USA) Justin Zobel (University of Melbourne, Australia) From bean.lists at Mon Feb 5 16:31:31 2018 From: bean.lists at (Carol Bean) Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 15:31:31 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Code4Lib Issue 39 now available! Message-ID: With the usual apologies for multiple cross-postings. The new issue of the Code4Lib Journal, Issue 39, is now available. Many thanks to the authors and editors that worked hard to make this issue happen. Editorial: Musing on learning to be a selfish librarian Terry Reese One of the perks of being the coordinating editor is you get to write the opening editorial for the issue. It's an opportunity to think broadly about the community, the journal.current events. And if you look back over the past year or so, those that have taken on this role have been more than up [.] Approaching the largest 'API': extracting information from the Internet with Python Jonathan E. Germann This article explores the need for libraries to algorithmically access and manipulate the world's largest API: the Internet. The billions of pages on the 'Internet API' (HTTP, HTML, CSS, XPath, DOM, etc.) are easily accessible and manipulable. Libraries can assist in creating meaning through the datafication of information on the world wide web. Because most information is created for human consumption, some programming is required for automated extraction. Python is an easy-to-learn programming language with extensive packages and community support for web page automation. Four packages (Urllib, Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Scrapy) in Python can automate almost any web page for all sized projects. An example warrant data project is explained to illustrate how well Python packages can manipulate web pages to create meaning through assembling custom datasets. Using R and the Tidyverse to Generate Library Usage Reports Andy Meyer Gathering, analyzing, and communicating library usage data provides a foundation for thoughtful assessment. However, the amount of time and expertise required creates a barrier to actually using this data. By using the statistical programming language R and the tools and approach of the Tidyverse, the process of gathering, analyzing, and communicating data can be automated in ways that reduce the amount of time and energy required. At the same time, this approach increases staff capacity for other data science projects and creates a shareable model and framework for other libraries. This article focuses on electronic resource usage reports - especially Counter DB1 Reports - but this approach could be extended to other data sources and needs. Archidora: Integrating Archivematica and Islandora Tim Hutchinson "Archidora" is shorthand for the publicly available integration between the open source software packages Archivematica and Islandora. Sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan Library, this integration enables the automated ingest into Archivematica of objects created in Islandora. This will allow institutions that use Islandora as a digital asset management system, particularly for digitized material, to take advantage of Archivematica's standards-based digital preservation functionality, without requiring staff doing digitization to interact with Archivematica. This paper outlines the basic functionality and workflow of archidora; provides an overview of the development process including challenges and lessons learned; and discusses related initiatives and possible future directions for development. Microdata in the IR: A Low-Barrier Approach to Enhancing Discovery of Institutional Repository Materials in Google Shayna Pekala Georgetown University Library curates a multitude of open access resources in its institutional repository and digital collections portal, DigitalGeorgetown. Over the last several years, the Library has experimented with methods for making these items increasingly visible in search engine search results. This article describes the Library's low-barrier approach to applying vocabulary to its DSpace institutional repository using microdata, as well as the challenges with and strategies used for assessing this work. The effects of the application of microdata to DigitalGeorgetown on Google search results were tracked over time using three different metrics, providing new insights about its impact. Getting Real in the Library: A Case Study at the University of Florida Samuel R. Putnam and Sara Russell Gonzalez In the fall of 2014, the University of Florida (UF) Marston Science Library, in partnership with UF IT, opened a new computer lab for students to learn and develop mobile applications. The Mobile Application Development Environment (MADE at UF) features both software and circulating technology for students to use in an unstructured and minimally-staffed environment. As the technological landscape has shifted in the past few years, virtual and augmented reality have become more prominent and prevalent, signaled by companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft making significant financial investments in these technologies. During this evolution, MADE at UF has migrated to focus more on virtual and augmented reality, and we will discuss the opportunities and challenges that hosting and managing such a space has provided to the science library and its staff. Accio e-Libri: Magically Delivering Digital Resources to Patrons Using NFC Technology Christopher M. Jimenez and Barbara M. Sorondo To coincide with the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, our library created a Happee Birthdae Harry display incorporating Near Field Communication (NFC) technology alongside print materials in order to magically place electronic resources in our users' hands. The display was a spellbinding success, increasing usage of both print and electronic items, and helping our students become familiar with this innovative technology in an engaging manner. This article will provide step-by-step instructions on the materials and procedures librarians need to implement NFC technology in their own libraries, and will discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with this rapidly spreading technology. Ship It: Logistical tracking of ILL physical loans Ryan Litsey & Scott Luker The OBILLSK Shipment Tracking system is the first consolidated and comprehensive shipment information system for interlibrary loan. The system is unique because not only does it offer an interface for consolidating the items being shipped out of an ILL office, it also provides real time statistical data of global geographic shipping patterns, tracking of packages across all major couriers, and customized date range reporting for ILL shipment activity. This system takes advantage of several web-based technologies that makes it easy to use for students, staff and library administrators. The web-based software utilizes a .NET platform and SQL Server database. Client-side frameworks include Bootstrap and jQuery for responsive design, Shield UI for data visualizations, and jVectorMap for geographical representation of shipments. The system is now available for all libraries. It is actively in use at 15 academic libraries nationwide and has over 190,000 items scanned since October of 2016. It is through the development of innovative technologies that libraries can continue to serve as incubators for practical solutions that can help the discipline and practice of librarianship. The Automagic of the LII's eCFR Charlotte Schneider and Sylvia Kwakye The Legal Information Institute (LII) began providing access to federal legal materials in 1992. This article discusses their work expanding and improving free public access to federal legal resources in the U.S., particularly developing their eCFR product for the Code of Federal Regulations, and plans to integrate DocketWrench. Terry Reese Coordinating Editor, Issue 39 From brad.eden at Tue Feb 6 08:14:28 2018 From: brad.eden at (Brad Eden) Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2018 07:14:28 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Scholarly Communication and Library Management book for ALAO Message-ID: See the URL below for a call for papers related to scholarly communication and library management. From brenda.sheridan at Tue Feb 6 14:34:27 2018 From: brenda.sheridan at (Brenda Sheridan) Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2018 19:34:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers University School of Communication and Information Faculty and Students will Participate and Present at ALISE 2018 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Rutgers University School of Communication and Information Faculty and Ph.D. Students will Participate and Present at ALISE 2018 Professor of Library and Information Science, Marie Radford will co-present a juried paper entitled, ?Training Knowledge Creation Facilitators: The Alignment of Organizational Needs with LIS Expertise and Curriculum.? The session will be held on Wednesday, February 7 at 8:30 a.m. Professor Radford will also serve as moderator for four additional juried paper presentations. Director of the Master of Information Program and Associate Teaching Professor of Library and Information Science, Lilia Pavlovsky will participate in an Innovative Pedagogies SIG panel entitled, ?Curricula and Programs for the Expanding LIS Education,? on Wednesday, February 7 at 8:30 a.m. Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, Charles Senteio and Part-Time Lecturer Nancy Kranich, along with Lynn Silipigni Connaway, will co-present a OCLC/ALISE LIS Research Grant Paper entitled, ?Investigating Engagement of Public, Academic, and Medical Libraries with Community-based Health and Wellness Activities in Diverse Urban Communities? on Thursday, February 8 at 2:30 p.m. In addition, the school has multiple Ph.D. students presenting at ALISE. We congratulate everyone! For more information about the School of Communication and Information, please visit our website. Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 c: 856-261-0089 From christian.schloegl at Fri Feb 2 10:03:12 2018 From: christian.schloegl at (Christian Schloegl) Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 16:03:12 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] International Symposium on the Future of Education in Information Sciences (FEIS 2018) - 3rd Cf Message-ID: <> -- Apologies for multiple posting -- International Symposium on the Future of Education in Information Sciences (FEIS 2018) Pisa, Italy 10-11 September 2018 An event organized by the Erasmus+ EINFOSE project ( ----------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers ----------------------------------------------------------------- Differences in entry requirements and learning outcomes in the field of Information Science (IS) cause large mobility barriers and lack of uniformity among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that offer Master degrees in IS. The Erasmus+ EINFOSE project seeks to find out the appropriate ways and modes of the harmonization and recognition of the entry requirements which would enable students from other fields to master learning outcomes at the graduate level of IS programs. The International Symposium on the Future of Education in Information Sciences (FEIS 2018) is intended to stimulate discussion and reach commonly accepted recommendations that could serve not only to partner HEIs but also as a model for other academic disciplines.Contributions and discussion are solicited from HEIs, their governing bodies, public authorities responsible for the implementation of EU guidelines and recommendations at the HEI level as well as representatives from national agencies for diploma recognition, ECTS implementation and Qualification Frameworks. Submissions are also invited from researchers and institutions to share their experience and accomplishments in recognition and mobility processes, building up the European Qualification Framework and its nationally based implementations, and in the implementation of new teaching/learning didactics and evaluation approaches and methods. Contributions from outside the EU are very welcome. It is expected that the exchange of ideas and experience in accreditation processes, cooperative efforts and joint programs at graduate and postgraduate level throughout the World might contribute to discussions about the future of education of Information professionals in Europe and Worldwide. Suggested topics include (but are not limited to): * Educational trends in higher education worldwide* Information professionals in changing and challenging digital environment (new profiles, old skills and new competencies, social role)* Entrepreneurship and the information professional* Reminiscing about the future of professional education* Ethical values in IS (Universal access, collaboration, intellectual freedom, fairness)* Multidisciplinarity issues and relation with other sciences (Computer Sciences, Digital Humanities, Economics, etc.)* Best educational practices and current challenges* Software tools and platforms for collaborative learning and teaching* Open educational resources* Role and responsibility of archives, libraries and documentation centers in higher education* Entrance into the labour market of IS graduates. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Submission and Publication ----------------------------------------------------------------- We welcome and encourage the submission of high-quality, original papers, which are not being submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Long papers, describing original ideas on the listed topics and on other fundamental aspects of higher education in Information Science, are solicited. Moreover, short papers or posters on early research results, new results on previous published works, demos, and projects are also welcome.Long papers should not exceed 12 pages, including bibliography.Short papers should not exceed 6 pages, including bibliography.Poster descriptions should not exceed 2 pages. All accepted contributions will be collected in the Symposium Proceedings and published online, as Open Access, in the Repository of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Osijek, indexed in Google Scholar. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of one of the online journals dedicated to Information Science. Contributions should be written in English, formatted for single column A4 paper, without page numbering. Right and left margins should be justified, with 1,15 line spacing and 11 point Times New Roman font to be used for the body text. A Word template is available at the Symposium website. All contributions (either in Word or in .pdf) should be submitted via Easychair at: The review process will be double blind. Please make sure not to include the authors names in the contribution, and to provide them to Easychair when making the submission. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates ----------------------------------------------------------------- Papers and posters submission: 11 March 2018Notification to authors: 30 April 2018Camera-ready copies due by 1 July 2018On line proceedings published by end of AugustConference: 10-11 September 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Symposium Registration ----------------------------------------------------------------- Regular registration fees: * 150 euro early registration (until June 3rd, 2018)* 200 euro standard registration (until August 20th, 2018)* 250 euro late and on-site registration Student registration fees: * 50 euro early registration (until June 3rd, 2018)* 100 euro standard and on-site registration* 125 euro late and on-site registration Registration fees include coffee breaks and light lunches. Social dinner (on September 10th, 2018) is not included and the cost is 40 euro per person. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Student Scholarships ----------------------------------------------------------------- A number of student scholarships will be offered that cover registration, travel, and accommodation. The Call for Applications will be available at the conference web site. The deadline for applying will be in May 2018. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Keynote speakers ----------------------------------------------------------------- David Bawden, City University London, UKLaif Kajberg, School of Library and Information Science, DenmarkGary Marchionini, University of North Carolina, USAAnna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Italy ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organization ----------------------------------------------------------------- Program Chairs Tatjana Aparac-Jelu?i?, University of Osijek, CroatiaVittore Casarosa, University of Pisa and ISTI-CNR, Italy Elena Maceviciute, University of Bor?s, SwedenProgram Committee Members (see website) Publicity Chair Thomas Mandl, University of Hildesheim, Germany Sponsor ChairSimona Turbanti, University of Pisa, Italy Local Organizing CommitteeAlessandro Gandolfo, University of Pisa, ItalySalvatore Ruggieri, University of Pisa, Italy Enrica Salvatori, University of Pisa, ItalyMaria Simi, University of Pisa, Italy ----------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts ----------------------------------------------------------------- Program Chairs: feis2018 at Local Organization: feis2018 at From fernando.vandervlist at Tue Feb 6 09:48:27 2018 From: fernando.vandervlist at (Fernando van der Vlist) Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2018 15:48:27 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Abstracts -- Special Issue on Apps and Infrastructures Message-ID: Dear all, We invite submissions for a special issue of Computational Culture on "Apps and Infrastructures", edited by Carolin Gerlitz, Anne Helmond, David Nieborg, and Fernando van der Vlist. Please find the call for abstracts below. 750 word abstracts are due by April 1, 2018. More information is available at Queries to the editors can be addressed at apps.infrastructures at Best regards, Carolin Gerlitz (University of Siegen) Anne Helmond (University of Amsterdam) David Nieborg (University of Toronto) Fernando van der Vlist (University of Siegen and University of Amsterdam) -- # CALL FOR ABSTRACTS # APPS AND INFRASTRUCTURES # A special issue of Computational Culture, a Journal of Software Studies # Edited by Carolin Gerlitz, Anne Helmond, David Nieborg, Fernando van der Vlist ## OUTLINE Apps have become an important new cultural, technical, and economic software form. Most of today?s apps are designed to run on smartphones and other mobile devices and provide functions previously possible with other software forms (Morris and Elkins, 2015). However, they represent new ways in which software artefacts are developed, tested, packaged, promoted, distributed, monitored, monetised, downloaded, integrated, updated, stored, accessed, archived, interpreted, and used. To foreground the relational and material dimensions of apps, research should not only account for them as discrete media objects, but needs to approach apps as part of their multiple infrastructures and environments including app stores, development platforms, advertising technologies, analytics tools, and cloud services, among others. App stores set the conditions for users and developers to distribute, browse, promote, monetise, rate, and download apps developed for Apple?s iOS, Google?s Android, or other mobile operating systems. Developers draw on a variety of both official and third-party developer tools, including developer pages and reference documentation, application programming interfaces (APIs), software development kits (SDKs), integrated development environments (IDEs), and dedicated programming languages. Such resources are commonly employed in order to build, test, and monitor apps whilst appropriating the features and constraints of particular platforms and devices, thereby participating in the re-interpretation and re-evaluation of platform features and data. Furthermore, apps may also utilise a device?s built-in sensors for continuous data collection of movements, practices, and environments whilst being wirelessly connected to the cloud or other infrastructures, without the user necessarily knowing exactly when, how, or where (Mackenzie, 2010). Approaching apps from an infrastructural perspective allows attending to the various socio-technical actors, layers, and inscriptions that inform app development, distribution, and usage in situated, distributed, and often dissimilar ways. Within such stacked intermediary infrastructures, platform logics of negotiation among heterogeneous stakeholders are multiplied and nested. This raises questions about the material and technological boundaries of apps and the subsequent need for methodologies to study apps? socio-technical assemblages on multiple scales, attending to inbound and outbound data flows, governance and power, valuation, their political economy, and material semiotics. Previous research on apps -- initially emerging at the intersection of mobile studies and media studies -- considered mobile apps as a form of mobile or location-based media transforming and generating new forms of communication and sociality, places, and publics through the affordances and practices associated with mobile artefacts (Goggin and Hjorth, 2014). While these studies raised general questions about the boundaries of apps, attention was primarily directed to apps as compartmentalised software applications and their relations with affect, bodies, and locales (Farman 2012; Matviyenko et al., 2015; Morris and Elkins, 2015). A second strand of app research has moved beyond such a single app focus and directed primary attention to the materialities and infrastructures of apps by engaging with their data cultures, material connections, political economic underpinnings, and ecologies (Albury et al., 2017; Farman, 2015; Goldsmith in Goggin and Hjorth, 2014; Horst, 2013; Nieborg, 2017; Wilken, 2015). This special issue of Computational Culture welcomes proposals and projects from scholars and practitioners from across different disciplines interested in the advancement of app studies at the intersection of apps and infrastructures. Studies of mobile apps, platform native apps, and web browser apps or extensions are particularly encouraged. We specifically seek articles that bring together conceptual work with a technically and empirically grounded perspective, addressing the methodological challenges associated with the critical study of apps and their intricate relations to other software, platforms, and infrastructures. Contributors are encouraged to move beyond studies of single apps and their users in favor of approaches that explore apps as material artefacts alongside the infrastructures, political economy, and environments in which they are embedded and situationally enacted. We thus encourage interdisciplinary contributions that traverse boundaries between the fields of software studies, platform studies, cultural and media studies, science and technology studies, as well as political economy and data critique. ## TOPICS AND PROJECTS MIGHT INCLUDE * The relations between apps and their wider material and infrastructural environments, including app stores, development platforms and toolkits, analytics tools, advertising technologies, and cloud services. * The methodological and empirical challenges associated with the critical study of apps, including concerns about accessibility to mobile app backends and the limits of data retrieval through APIs or scraping methods as used in web research. * Studies of apps as articulations of technicity (e.g., how they are designed, built, maintained, and updated) and the data cultures they produce (e.g., what data do they collect or require). * Detailed empirical and critical studies exploring apps? data cultures, usage tracking, technical dependencies and app permissions, sensor technologies, and wireless access points. * Inventive methods to conceptualise how apps are located or situated, given they are utilising a mobile device?s built-in sensors as well as accessing other resources from remote cloud infrastructures. * Studies of the political economy of apps (e.g., how apps are valued and monetized), the role of industry partnerships and third parties (e.g., how apps are re-interpreted or extended), and the politics of operability (e.g., how apps negotiate among stakeholders or interests). * Explorations of the techno-economic relations between the web and app ecosystems, including the dependencies of apps on web platforms and cloud services, as well as the regulations and limits of app development by device manufacturers and mobile operating systems like Android and iOS. * Explorations of the ways and mechanisms through which multiple apps are interconnected, forming collections, ecologies, and chains of apps in specific practices (e.g., task and content automation). * Media archaeologies exploring historical constellations of apps and their wider material and infrastructural environments and other historical approaches to app research. * Explorations of app stores as the primary environment or infrastructure for mobile apps, including contributions focusing on non-Western apps and app stores, apps? update cultures, and their development cycles. * The ways in which different material and infrastructural environments, such as app stores, cater to distinct mobile operating systems, devices, and geographic regions. * Critical artistic interventions and research software tools that repurpose the affordances of apps, app stores and other native environments, and explore their data cultures. ## SCHEDULE 750 word abstracts should be emailed to apps.infrastructures at by April 1, 2018. Any queries can be addressed to the editors at apps.infrastructures at Abstracts will be reviewed by the Computational Culture Editorial Board and the special issue editors. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by May 1, 2018 and invited to submit full manuscripts by September 15, 2018. These manuscripts are subject to full blind peer review according to Computational Culture?s policies. The issue will be published in March 2019. Computational Culture is an online open-access peer-reviewed journal of interdisciplinary enquiry into the nature of cultural computational objects, practices, processes and structures. -- From pr-aksw at Mon Feb 5 10:18:41 2018 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 16:18:41 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTiCS 2018, Vienna, Sep 10-13, Open Calls Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting Call for Papers, Posters & Workshops and Tutorials SEMANTiCS 2018 - The Linked Data Conference 14th International Conference on Semantic Systems Vienna, Austria September 10 -13, 2018 Important Dates (Research & Innovation incl. Data Science Track) Abstract Submission Deadline:??? April 15, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Paper Submission Deadline:??? April 22, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Notification of Acceptance: ??? June 4, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Camera-Ready Paper: ??? ??? August 6, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Submission via Easychair on SEMANTiCS?18 proceedings will be published as Open Access by Elsevier Procedia Computer Science. The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, understand its benefits, and encounter its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers and researchers from a wide spectrum of organisations ranging from SMEs and non-profit organizations, to public administration bodies, to the largest companies in the world. Attendees learn from industry experts and top researchers about emerging trends and topics in the fields of semantic software, including enterprise data, linked data & open data strategies, methodologies in knowledge modelling and text & data analytics. The SEMANTiCS community is highly diverse; attendees routinely interlinking areas such as knowledge management, technical documentation, e-commerce, big data analysis, enterprise search, document management, business intelligence and enterprise vocabulary management. Given the success of last year?s conference in Amsterdam, which attracted more than 370 attendees from 28 countries, SEMANTiCS 2018 is bound to continue a long tradition of bringing together a community from around the world. There will be presentations on industry implementations, use case prototypes, best practices, panels, papers and posters to discuss semantic systems in a broad range of regular as well as informal settings. SEMANTiCS addresses problems common among information managers, software engineers, IT-architects and various specialist departments working to develop, implement and evaluate semantic software systems. The SEMANTiCS program will provide a rich mix of technical talks, panel discussions on emerging topics and presentations by people who make things work - just like you. In addition, attendees will have a unique opportunity to network with experts in a variety of fields. These relationships provide great value to organisations as they encounter technical challenges in any stage of implementation. The expertise gained by SEMANTiCS attendees has a long-term impact on their careers and organisations. These factors make SEMANTiCS the key event across Europe for a diverse community of industry leaders and academic experts alike. Following the success of the previous year, this year?s SEMANTiCS will also again feature a special Data Science track, which offer a unique opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the intersection of Semantic Technologies, Linked Data and Data Science and provide a platform to present their ideas and discuss the most important scientific, technical and socio-economic challenges in this emerging field. SEMANTiCS 2018 particularly welcomes submissions on the following key topics: *Web Semantics, Linked (Open) Data & *Corporate Knowledge Graphs *Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies *Data Quality Management *Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems *Ethics and Explainable AI *Data Science (special track, see below) Following the success of previous years, we welcome any submissions related, but not limited to, the following ?horizontal? (research) and ?vertical? (industries) topics: Horizontals *Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration *Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search *Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies *Semantics in Big Data *Text Analytics *Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization *Semantic Information Management *Document Management & Content Management *Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management *Smart Connectivity, Networking & Interlinking *Smart Data & Semantics in IoT *Semantic Services *Semantics for IT Safety & Security *Semantic Rules, Policies & Licensing *Community, Social & Societal Aspects Verticals *Industry & Engineering *Life Sciences & Health Care *Public Administration *e-Science *Digital Humanities *Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) *Education & eLearning *Media & Data Journalism *Publishing, Marketing & Advertising *Tourism & Recreation *Financial & Insurance Industry *Telecommunication & Mobile Services *Sustainable Development: Climate, Water, Air, Ecology *Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids *Food, Agriculture & Farming *Safety, Security & Privacy *Transport, Environment & Geospatial We invite contributions to the following tracks: # Research and Innovation Track The Research & Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes papers on novel scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must not exceed 12 pages in length for full papers and 6 pages for short papers, including references and optional appendices. Important Dates: Abstract Submission Deadline:??? April 15, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Paper Submission Deadline:??? April 22, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Notification of Acceptance: ??? June 4, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Camera-Ready Paper: ??? ??? August 6, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Author instructions: Proceedings should follow the guidelines of the Elsevier Procedia Computer Science format.? Details will be provided soon. # Data Science Track Following the success of last year?s inaugural edition, SEMANTiCS will again feature a Data Science track that provides a unique opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the intersection between data science and Semantic Technologies. Semantics will provide a forum to present their ideas and discuss the most important scientific, technical and socio-economic challenges of this emerging field. The detailed Call for Data Science papers is available here: Important Dates: Abstract Submission Deadline:??? April 15, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Paper Submission Deadline:??? April 22, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Notification of Acceptance: ??? June 4, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Camera-Ready Paper: ??? ??? August 6, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Author instructions: Proceedings should follow the guidelines of the Elsevier Procedia Computer Science format. Details will be provided soon. # Posters and Demos Track The Posters & Demonstrations Track invites innovative work in progress, late-breaking research and innovation results, and smaller contributions in all fields related to the Semantic Web in a broader sense. These include submissions on innovative applications with impact on end users, such as demos of solutions that users may test or that are yet in the conceptual phase, but are worth discussing, and also applications or pieces of code that may attract developers and potential research or business partners. The detailed Call for Poster & Demos papers is available here: Important Dates: Paper Submission Deadline:??? ??? June 11, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Notification of Acceptance: ??? July 2, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Camera-Ready Paper: ??? ??? August 6, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Author instructions: Proceedings should follow the guidelines of the CEUR Workshop proceedings format. Details will be provided soon. # Industry and Use Case Track Focusing strongly on industry needs, SEMANTICS invites presentations on enterprise solutions that deal with semantic processing of data and/or information in areas like Linked Data, Data Publishing, Semantic Search, Recommendation Services, Sentiment Detection, Search Engine Add-Ons, Thesaurus and/or Ontology Management, Text Mining, Data Mining and any related fields. All submissions have a strong focus on real world applications beyond the prototypical stage and demonstrate the power of semantic systems! The detailed Call for Industry and Use Case Presentations is available here: Important Dates: Abstract Submission Deadline:??? May 6, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Paper Submission Deadline:??? ??? May 28, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Notification of Acceptance: ??? August 22, 2018 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) # Workshops and Tutorials Workshops and tutorials at SEMANTiCS 2018 allow your organisation or project to advance and promote your topics and gain increased visibility. The workshops and tutorials will provide a forum for presenting widely recognized contributions and findings to a diverse and knowledgeable community. Furthermore, the event can be used as a dissemination activity in the scope of large research projects or as a closed format for research/commercial project consortia meetings. A detailed call for workshops and tutorials is available here: Important Dates for Workshops: Workshop Proposals due: ??? ??? April 1, 2018 (23:59 Hawaii Time) Notification of Acceptance: ??? April 14,? 2018 (23:59 Hawaii Time) Important Dates for Tutorials (and other meetings, e.g. seminars, show-cases, etc., without call for papers): Submission deadline: ??? ??? July 1,? 2018 (23:59 Hawaii Time) Notifications: ??? ??? ??? July 10,? 2018 (23:59 Hawaii Time) # Vocarnival Bootstrap your new Vocabulary project: At the carnival you can present your ideas and early stage vocabs to find the right people to get the Vocab discussion going. For this event we use a very open definition of what a vocabulary is. Ontologies, classifications, thesauri, concept and metadata schemes, whatever their format, in RDF or not, are all welcome. We require at least a project website. Details to follow. The detailed calls? will be available on the conference website Research and Innovation Chairs: Anna Fensel, University of Innsbruck Victor de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Data Science Track Chairs: Bernhard Haslhofer, Austrian Institute of Technology Laura Hollink, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica Alexander Schindler, Vienna University of Technology Industry and Use case Presentations Tobias B?rger, BMW Christian Dirschl, Wolters Kluwer Andreas Blumauer, Semantic Web Company Workshops and Tutorials Chairs: Javier D. Fern?ndez, WU Vienna Tobias Kuhn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Posters and Demos Ali Khalili, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Maria Koutraki, FIZ Karlsruhe Conference Chairs: Elmar Kiesling, TU Wien Tassilo Pellegrini, UAS St. P?lten The program committee will be announced on the conference website From WHe at Sun Feb 4 21:13:19 2018 From: WHe at (He, Wu) Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 02:13:19 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Papers - Information Discovery and Delivery In-Reply-To: References: , , Message-ID: Information Discovery and Delivery aims to cover information discovery and access for digital information researchers. This includes educators, knowledge professionals in education and cultural organizations, knowledge managers in media, health care and government, as well as librarians. The journal publishes research and practice which explores the digital information supply chain ie transport, flows, tracking, exchange and sharing, including within and between libraries. It is also interested in digital information capture, packaging and storage by ?collectors? of all kinds. Information is widely defined, including but not limited to: *Records *Documents *Learning objects *Visual and sound files *Data and metadata and *User-generated content (social media data analytics, big data, data mining, etc). The journal is also looking for quality papers on the following specific themes: *Information aggregation and fusion *Perspectives on medical information *Image discovery and delivery *Managing Big Online/Social Media Data *Query log analysis *Disciplinary information discovery and delivery services (i.e., medical, legal, business, educational) *Emerging applications and systems for information discovery and delivery Further enquiries can be directed to Dr. Wu He (whe at at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA. The journal website is at To submit your paper, please go to the journal website at From xh.gslis at Tue Feb 6 08:57:21 2018 From: xh.gslis at (Xiao Hu) Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2018 21:57:21 +0800 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?CFP_=E2=80=93_19th_Conference_of_the_Internati?= =?utf-8?q?onal_Society_for_Music_Information_Retrieval_=28ISMIR201?= =?utf-8?q?8=29?= Message-ID: Dear All, On behalf of the ISMIR2018 organizers and program committee chairs, I am pleased to announce the Call for Papers is now available (below for convenience). Please refer to the conference website for more information, including an overview of Important Dates . We would additionally highlight that the abstract submission deadline (23 March) is now less that two months away, and wish you luck in preparing your submissions. We are all extremely excited for this year's conference, and hope to see you in Paris! best, Emmanouil Benetos Emilia G?mez Xiao Hu Eric Humphrey Program Co-Chairs, ISMIR 2018 # ----------------------------------------- Overview The 19th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2018 ) will be held in Paris, France, from September 23-27, 2018. The annual conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) is the world?s leading research forum on processing, analyzing, searching, organizing and accessing music-related data. Music becomes music after being processed by the human mind and each person perceives the music in a different and complex way. Therefore, this conference embraces the complexity and diversity of music by showcasing ideas and applications that aim to enhance the way in which we interact with music. Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is a truly interdisciplinary area, involving researchers, developers, educators, librarians, students and professionals from the disciplines of musicology, cognitive science, library and information science, computer science, electrical engineering and many others. Therefore, like previous ISMIR editions, ISMIR 2018 will provide a venue for the exchange of ideas, issues, results and perspectives among the different profiles of people working with music and computing in a broad sense. ISMIR 2018 will cover the entire area of MIR, providing ample room for diversity and new developments. We are accepting submissions for: - Conference Papers - Tutorials - Late-breaking Papers & Demos - Exhibition of Installation using Interactive Machine-Learning for Music Topics of Interest include but are not limited to: MIR data and fundamentals - music signal processing - symbolic music processing - metadata, tags, linked data, and semantic web - lyrics and other textual data, web mining, and natural language processing - multimodality Domain knowledge - representations of music - music acoustics - computational music theory and musicology - cognitive MIR - machine learning/artificial intelligence for music Methodology and impact - corpus creation - annotation methodology - evaluation methodology - legal issues - ethical issues Musical features and properties - melody and motives - harmony, chords and tonality - rhythm, beat, tempo - structure, segmentation and form - timbre, instrumentation and voice - musical style and genre - musical affect, emotion and mood - expression and performative aspects of music Music processing - sound source separation - music transcription and annotation - optical music recognition - alignment, synchronization and score following - music summarization - music synthesis and transformation - fingerprinting - automatic classification - indexing and querying - pattern matching and detection - similarity metrics User-centered MIR - user behavior and modeling - human-computer interaction - user-centered evaluation Applications - digital libraries and archives - music retrieval systems - music recommendation and playlist generation - music and health, well-being and therapy - music training and education - music composition, performance and production - gaming - business and marketing Scientific Program Notes All papers will go through a double-blind review. Each paper will be assigned at least three reviewers per submission. All accepted papers will be presented at ISMIR 2018 as either a poster or an oral presentation. The Program Committee will determine which submissions will be presented orally and which will be presented as posters; this determination will not be based on the relevance or potential impact of the papers, but rather on the content and the best method to reach each paper?s intended audience. Each paper may have a maximum of six pages of scientific content (including figures and possible references) and one additional page which may only contain references. Xiao Hu, PhD Faculty of Education The University of Hong Kong Room 329, Hui Oi-Chow Science Building Tel: 22194722 Email: xiaoxhu at From at Wed Feb 7 23:53:09 2018 From: at (Dr. S K Niranjan Aradhya) Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 10:23:09 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Paper : Second International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT 2018) Message-ID: *<<<<< Apologies for cross-postings >>>>><<<<< Please circulate among your friends, peers and researchers >>>>>* *We are happy to announce our Previous edition is published in Scopus (ICGCIoT 2015-Record ID:21100457337), Engineering Village and ISI.* *UP COMING CONFERENCE CALL FOR PAPERS [CFP]* IEEE sponsored *Second International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT 2018)* Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Conference Date : 16-18 August 2018 *Submission Deadline : 2 May 2018* Conference website : We have attached the call for paper for your ready reference. Prospective authors are invited to submit soliciting, original, previously unpublished and high quality research papers addressing research challenges and advances. Submitted papers will undergo a peer-review process, coordinated by the Program Committee. All accepted and presented papers are eligible for submission to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and SCOPUS INDEXED Journals. IEEE ISBN : 978-1-5386-5657-0; IEEE Part No. : CFP18C35-ART IEEE Conference Record No.: #44090; For any enquiries or if you have any proposal please contact: chair at gciot- & secretariat at <+secretariat at> P.S.We have clearly mentioned the subject lines and your email address won't be misleading in any form. We have found your mail address through our own efforts on the web search and not through any illegal way. If you wish to remove your information from our mailing list or no longer receive future announcements, please email with REMOVE in subject. Your request to opt-out will be effective within a reasonable amount of time. Disclaimer: The information transmitted, including attachments, is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and destroy any copies of this information. ? ICGCIoT 2018.pdf ? From ppichappan at Tue Feb 6 23:41:17 2018 From: ppichappan at (Pit Pichappan) Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 10:11:17 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] ICDIM 2018 Message-ID: Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2018) September 24-26, 2018 Berlin, Germany Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Following the successful earlier conferences at Bangalore (2006), Lyon (2007), London (2008), Michigan (2009) , Thunder Bay (2010), Melbourne (2011), Macau (2012), Islamabad (2013), Thailand (2014) Republic of Korea (2015) Porto (2016) and Japan (2017), the Thirteenth event is being organized at Berline, Germany in 2018. The International Conference on Digital Information Management is a multidisciplinary conference on digital information management, science and technology. The principal aim of this conference is to bring people in academia, research laboratories and industry together, and offer a collaborative platform to address the emerging issues and solutions in digital information science and technology. Digital Information technologies are gaining maturity and rapid momentum in adoption across disciplines. The digital community is producing new ways of using digital information technologies for integrating and making sense out of various data ranging from real/live streams and simulations to analytics data analysis, in support of mining of knowledge. The conference will feature original research and industrial papers on the theory, design, and implementation of digital information systems, as well as demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial presentations. The Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Information Management will be held during September 24-26, 2018 at Berlin, Germany The topics in ICDIM 2018 include but are not confined to the following areas. Information Retrieval Data Grids, Data and Information Quality Big Data Management Data Warehouses and Data Mining Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0 E-Learning, eCommerce, e-Business and e-Government Natural Language Processing XML and other extensible languages Web Metrics and its applications Enterprise Computing Semantic Web, Ontologies and Rules Human-Computer Interaction Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems Knowledge Management Ubiquitous Systems Peer to Peer Data Management Interoperability Mobile Data Management Data Models for Production Systems and Services Data Exchange issues and Supply Chain Data Life Cycle in Products and Processes Case Studies on Data Management, Monitoring and Analysis Security and Access Control Information Content Security Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security Distributed information systems Information visualization Web services Quality of Service Issues Multimedia and Interactive Multimedia Image Analysis and Image Processing Video Search and Video Mining Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems Artificial Intelligence Applications SUBMISSIONS AT Important Dates Full Paper Submission: July 08, 2018 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 08, 2018 Registration: September 10, 2018 Camera Ready: September 10, 2018 Workshops/Tutorials/Demos: September 13, 2017 Main conference September: 24-26, 2018 SUBMISSIONS AT Program Committee General Chair Stefan Covaci, Technische University at Berlin, Germany Thomas Jell, Siemens, Germany Program Chairs Pit Pichappan, Digital Information Research Labs, India & UK Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau Yao-Liang Chung, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan Co-Chairs Manabu Ohta, Okayama University, Japan Robert Bierwolf, IEEE TEMS, Netherlands Feliz Lustenberger, Espros Photonics Corporation, Switzerland SUBMISSIONS AT Contact: conference at From michel.menou at Wed Feb 7 10:06:29 2018 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 16:06:29 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [icts] OUT NOW: Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism - tripleC Special Issue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [icts] OUT NOW: Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism - tripleC Special Issue Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 16:38:45 +0000 From: Thomas Allmer Reply-To: Thomas Allmer To: Thomas Allmer Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism Special issue of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique Edited by Thomas Allmer and Ergin Bulut Volume 16 (1), 2018, pp. 44-240 We are delighted to announce the publication of the tripleC special issue 'Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism?, edited by Thomas Allmer and Ergin Bulut. The special issue has been published in tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, volume 16 (1), 2018, pp. 44-240, and is available here: The overall task of this special issue is to gather critical contributions examining universities, academic labour, digital media, and capitalism. The articles collected (1) provide the context, history and theoretical concepts underlying academic labour, (2) analyse the relationship between academic work and digital media/new information and communication technologies/the Internet/social media, and (3) discuss the political potentials and challenges within and beyond higher education institutions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Thomas Allmer and Ergin Bulut: Introduction: Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism Thomas Allmer: Theorising and Analysing Academic Labour Maxime Ouellet and E?ric Martin: University Transformations and the New Knowledge Production Regime in Informational Capitalism Richard Hall: On the Alienation of Academic Labour and the Possibilities for Mass Intellectuality Marco Briziarelli and Joseph L. Flores: Professing Contradictions: Knowledge Work and the Neoliberal Condition of Academic Workers Jamie Woodcock: Digital Labour in the University: Understanding the Transformations of Academic Work in the UK Jan Fernback: Academic/Digital Work: ICTs, Knowledge Capital, and the Question of Educational Quality Christophe Magis: Manual Labour, Intellectual Labour and Digital (Academic) Labour. The Practice/Theory Debate in the Digital Humanities Karen Gregory and sava saheli singh: Anger in Academic Twitter: Sharing, Caring, and Getting Mad Online Andreas Wittel: Higher Education as a Gift and as a Commons Zeena Feldman and Marisol Sandoval: Metric Power and the Academic Self: Neoliberalism, Knowledge and Resistance in the British University Gu?ven Bak?rezer, Derya Keskin Demirer and Adem Yes?ilyurt: In Pursuit of an Alternative Academy: The Case of Kocaeli Academy for Solidarity (Non-Peer-Reviewed Reflection Article) ABOUT THE JOURNAL tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society provides a forum to discuss the challenges humanity is facing in the capitalist information society today. It promotes contributions to critical media and communication studies following the highest standards of peer review. It is the journal?s mission to encourage uncommon sense, fresh perspectives and unconventional ideas, and connect leading thinkers and young scholars in inspiring reflections. tripleC is indexed in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, SCOPUS, Communication Source (EBSCOhost), DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals and CSA Sociological Abstracts (selected sociological content of tripleC). ABOUT THE EDITORS Thomas Allmer is Lecturer in Digital Media at the University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, and a member of the Unified Theory of Information Research Group, Austria. His publications include 'Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in Informational Capitalism' (Peter Lang, 2012) and 'Critical Theory and Social Media: Between Emancipation and Commodification' (Routledge, 2015). For further information, please see: Ergin Bulut is Assistant Professor of Media and Visual Arts in Istanbul. His research interests include political economy of media, digital media and politics, and media labor. Together with Michael A. Peters, he edited 'Cognitive Capitalism, Education and Digital Labor' (Peter Lang, 2011). His work has been published in International Journal of Communication, TV & New Media, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Media, Culture and Society, and Journal of Communication Inquiry. --- Cet email a fait l'objet d'une analyse antivirus par AVG. From chirags at Thu Feb 8 13:36:28 2018 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 18:36:28 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Help Make Web Searching Better Message-ID: <> We invite you to participate in a research study on information searching intentions! The purpose of this study is to understand search behavior to better improve the web searching experience. This study is hosted by the Library and Information Science Department of Rutgers University, under a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Requirements * Approximately 7 hours of work over 10 days. * Must be at least 18 years old * Must be a non-student and employed * Proficiency in English required * Intermediate typing + online search skills required * You must use Google Chrome on a laptop/desktop computer for the study Total compensation for participation is $95. For more information, please consult the registration site at: [cid:D99D4CC7-10FA-486C-90DF-9254824F6B91 at] From katy.davis at Thu Feb 8 15:08:00 2018 From: katy.davis at (Katy Davis) Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 20:08:00 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Cataloger - Washington DC or Virtual Message-ID: Please excuse the cross-posting... LAC Federal is seeking experienced Catalogers to provide high quality original cataloging for a major Federal Library in the Washington, DC Metro Area. Work may be done on-site at the government's facility or virtually. This is a long term, full-time contract (40 hour a week; Monday - Friday) benefited position. Responsibilities: * Create PCC BIBCO-level catalog records of English language material in all subject areas that are compliance with RDA standards * Analyze materials to appropriately identify access points * Assign subject headings using Library of Congress Subject Headings * Classify material according the Library of Congress Classification system * Perform authority control of all headings used in access points * Create or update name authority records in the LC/NACO Name Authority File * Make recommendations regarding new Library of Congress Subject Headings and/or classification numbers Qualifications * MLS or MLIS from an ALA accredited institution * 5+ years of original cataloging experience in an academic or large special library * Expert knowledge of RDA, LCSH, LCC, MARC21 and other standards used in cataloging monographic materials * Proven experience with any/all of these LC classifications * D * E * F * G * H * J * P * Z * Demonstrated history of BIBCO level cataloging * Thorough knowledge and experience in cataloging workflows * Strong computer skills related to downloading, installing and using specialized software from OCLC and LC * Understanding of item based workflow and requirement to create high level bibliographic and/or NACO records in a minimal amount of time * Familiarity with OCLC's Connexion, Cataloger's Desktop and the RDA Toolkit * Knowledge of NACO procedures * Strong computer & analytical skills * Ability to work in a virtual environment * Excellent command of English * High attention to detail To apply, visit: Katy Davis Recruiting Assistant LibGig - LAC Group (323)302-9432 Katy.davis at From kpearl at Fri Feb 9 10:59:40 2018 From: kpearl at (Perales, Katherine Pearl) Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2018 15:59:40 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Register for UNC SILS International Summer Seminars by March 1! Message-ID: Join the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at UNC-Chapel Hill in Prague, London, or Dublin and Berlin during summer 2018! Look behind the scenes at libraries throughout England or the Czech Republic, or explore the inner workings of global corporations and start-ups in Germany and Ireland. Registration deadline is March 1, 2018. All seminars are available for 3 hours of credit from UNC SILS. Our seminars are open to UNC undergraduate and graduate students (also non-UNC graduate students), as well as practicing professionals. Participants generally have evenings and weekends free to explore on their own. Click the links below to learn more or visit Prague Seminar Prague offers lectures and tours related to librarianship in a country that deals with a history of monarchy, empire, Communism, and the meeting of east and west. Participants experience firsthand how the democratization of the Czech Republic, formerly a communist state, has affected the accessibility of information. The program is offered in partnership with Charles University. May 20 - June 2, 2018 Dublin/Berlin Seminar Our only multi-city seminar focuses on the ways information gathering, dissemination, privacy, and security affect business. By participating in business visits, students will closely examine the juxtaposition between multinational tech companies and the entrepreneurial start-up scene. The program provides ample time for networking and serves as an excellent avenue for career exploration. May 28 - June 12, 2018 London Seminar This program offers an opportunity to gain an in-depth view of libraries and librarianship in Great Britain. Lectures and site visits will be arranged by the faculty of University College London's (UCL's) Department of Information Studies, the largest and one of the most highly ranked LIS Schools in the United Kingdom. The seminar includes tours of cultural heritage institutions in England. May 20 - June 2, 2018 Katherine Pearl Perales Communications Coordinator School of Information and Library Science (SILS) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Manning Hall 04, CB# 3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 kpearl at Phone: (919) 843-8337 SILS.UNC.EDU | SILS on Facebook | SILS on Twitter From amcc at Sun Feb 11 15:58:38 2018 From: amcc at (Crescenzi, Anita M.C.) Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 20:58:38 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ACM CHIIR 2018 call for participation: March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ Message-ID: <> The ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) (pronounced "cheer") March 11-15, 2018 twitter: @ACM_CHIIR #CHIIR2018 We invite you to attend the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) next month. CHIIR will be take place from March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. New Brunswick is about 38 miles (60 km) from New York City. See the CHIIR website for conference details: A block of rooms at the conference hotel (The Heldrich) is reserved for CHIIR attendees until February 17. The conference rate of $179 includes free internet access at the hotel and is only available if you use this link: Registration is open and the regular registration rate is good through February 25 (11:59pm in NJ, Eastern Standard Time). Some program highlights include * Keynote speakers are Susan Dumais from Microsoft Research and Pertti Vakkari from University of Tampere, Finland * Full papers with topics such as search bots, requerying, and augmentation of human memory * Perspective papers with bold new ideas such as reality-based IR and information fostering * Short papers and demos with exciting new research themes and applications * Tutorials covering information visualization, deep learning, and structural equation modeling * Workshops on IIR resources and evaluation Breakfasts and lunches at the Heldrich Hotel will be included with registration. A welcome reception will be held at the Zimmerli Art Museum, and the conference banquet will be held at the Ria Mar. Contact chiir2018 at if you have any questions. See you in New Brunswick in March. From arkaitz at Mon Feb 12 03:05:04 2018 From: arkaitz at (Arkaitz Zubiaga) Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 08:05:04 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP: OIR Special Issue on Social Media Mining for Journalism Message-ID: --------------------------- Call for Papers ------------------------------ ----------- Online Information Review (OIR) Special Issue on "Social Media Mining for Journalism" htm?id=7570 [[ Impact Factor: 1.534 ]] **Submission Deadline: February 28, 2018** ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ AIMS AND SCOPE -------------------------- The exponential growth of social media as a central communication practice, and its agility in capturing and announcing breaking news events more rapidly than traditional media, has changed the journalistic landscape: social media has been adopted as a significant source by professional journalists, and conversely, citizens are able to use social media as a form of direct reportage. This brings along new opportunities for newsrooms and journalists by providing new means for newsgathering through access to a wealth of citizen reportage and updates about current affairs, as well as an additional showcase for news dissemination. As well as being a big opportunity and having changed the day-to-day practices in the newsrooms, social media has introduced a number of challenges when it comes to news gathering, verification, production, reporting and dissemination. These include real time monitoring of streams, event detection, noise filtering, contextualisation, source and content verification,fact checking, annotation and archiving . The development of more advanced algorithms and tools for journalists requires not only furthering research in computational techniques, but also engaging more closely with journalists to understand how they work, what problems they are facing when using social media, and how their day-to-day workflows can be improved. In this special issue we are looking for contributions that address a variety of research questions from both theoretical and practical perspectives. For example, how can we best utilise social media for news production? What technologies can we use for breaking news detection, filtering, aggregation and contextualisation? How can we assess the veracity of social media content and sources? What moral, legal, and ethical issues arise when professional journalists use social media as a source? How can we organise, interpret, and retain a record of social media around news events? What does this record contribute to our larger understanding of news, and the writing of news? TOPICS OF INTEREST -------------------------------- Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * Newsgathering from social media ** Citizen journalism ** Detection of eyewitnesses and topic experts ** Event detection in social media ** Social media content curation ** Fact-checking and verification of sources and content ** Credibility assessment ** Social media and fake news * Social media news analytics ** Social media analytics for news ** Analysis of news diffusion in social media ** Visualisation of news and social media ** Social media to measure public opinion on news ** Analysis of the effect of fake news on public opinion * Data and Computational journalism ** Robot journalism with social media as a source ** Algorithmic accountability and transparency ** Data driven storytelling ** Data driven investigative journalism * Ethics and digital citizenship ** Ethical issues concerning social media newsgathering and eyewitness media ** Social media news audiences and network gatekeeping ** Social media and censorship SUBMISSION ------------------- Submissions should comply with the journal author guidelines: uidelines.htm?id=oir Submissions should be made through ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at GUEST EDITORS ------------------------ * Arkaitz Zubiaga, University of Warwick, UK * Bahareh R. Heravi, University College Dublin, Ireland * Jisun An and Haewoon Kwak, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar IMPORTANT DATES ----------------------------- * Papers Due: February 28, 2018 * First? ?round? ?decisions? ?made:? ?25 April?, ?2018 * Revised? ?manuscripts? ?due:? ?23 May?, ?2018 * Final ?decisions? ?made:? 27 June?, ?2018 * Publication Date: Late 2018 From belkin at Sun Feb 11 00:00:52 2018 From: belkin at (Nicholas J Belkin) Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 21:00:52 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] DEADLINE EXTENSION: Call for Papers: Workshop on Evaluation of Personalisation in Information Retrieval - WEPIR 2018 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> *WEPIR 2018: Workshop on Evaluation of Personalisation in Information Retrieval* * * To be held in conjunction with the *ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, **CHIIR 2018* March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. * ***** Extended Paper Submission Deadline: Midnight FRIDAY16th FEBRUARY **** *_Call for Papers_* The purpose of the WEPIR 2018 workshop is to bring together researchers from different backgrounds, interested in advancing the evaluation of personalisation in information retrieval. The workshop focus is on the development of a common understanding of the challenges, requirements and practical limitations of meaningful evaluation of personalisation in information retrieval. The planned outcome of the workshop is the proposal of methodologies to support evaluation of personalised information retrieval from both the perspectives of the user experience in interactive search settings, and of user models for personalised information retrieval and their algorithmic incorporation in the search process. Since the focus of the workshop is primarily on exchange of ideas and development of new research activities, only short paper contributions will be sought in the form of 2 to 4 page papers in the standard ACM conference format. *Topics* for contributions include but not be limited to: * Task design for evaluation of personalised information retrieval * Test collections for personalised information retrieval * Evaluation metrics for peronsalised information retrieval * Protocols for evaluation of interactive personalised information retrieval * User modeling for personalised information retrieval * Search algorithms for personalised information retrievaL * Submitted contributions will be selected for inclusion in the workshop on the basis of reviews by the programme committee *Workshop format* The topic of evaluation of the incorporation of personalisation within search applications and algorithms and their impact on user engagement and experience of search is currently underexplored within the information retrieval community. This is particularly the case from the perspective of comparative evaluation of interactive and algorithmic elements of personalised search systems, and the representation and exploitation of user models. To reflect this, the workshop will focus on establishing and exploring the principles working towards the outcome of a proposed framework. The workshop will have the following elements: * Invited talks: focusing on user-centered interactive issues, and on evaluation of the algorithmic component of search. * Presentations of papers submitted in response to an open call for research and position papers. Papers will be presented as short oral and poster format. The number of oral presentations will be limited to allow for the maximum of time for interactive activities, with other papers being presented as posters. * Working groups focusing on relevant topics for the evaluation of personalised information retrieval, including experimental protocols, test collection development, evaluation metrics. * Consolidation session: integration of the activities of the working groups, and proposal of agreed framework or frameworks for the evaluation of personalised information retrieval *Paper Submissions* The workshop is accepting short papers from 2 to 4 pages (including references) describing approaches or ideas/challenges on the topics of the workshop. Submissions do not need to be anonymized. Submissions should be in ACM Standard SIGCONF format. LaTeX and Word templates are available at ( /proceedings?-template). Papers should be submitted in pdf format through the EasyChair system ( ) no later than midnight Sunday 11th of February, 2018 (AoE). Submissions will be reviewed by members of the workshop program committee. Accepted papers will be included in the extended CHIIR 2018 Proceedings and will be available via the ACM Digital Library. In addition, the WEPIR workshop proceedings will be indexed with CEUR. Authors of select papers may be invited to contribute to a journal publication which describes the outcomes of the workshop. *Important Dates* Anywhere on Earth Time Zone *Midnight Friday 16th of February : Deadline for paper submission (EXTENDED DEADLINE)* Midnight Thursday 22nd of February: Notification to authors Midnight Thursday 1st of March: Camera-ready paper due Midnight Thursday, 15th of March 2018: WEPIR Workshop at CHIIR Further information is available by emailing the workshop organizers at wepir at *Workshop Organizers* Gareth J. F. Jones, ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland Nicholas J. Belkin, Rutgers University, USA Gabriella Pasi, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy S?amus Lawless, ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland / / / *S?anadh R?omhphoist/Email Disclaimer* *T? an r?omhphost seo agus aon chomhad a sheoltar leis faoi r?n agus is lena ?s?id ag an seola? agus sin amh?in ?. Is f?idir tuilleadh a l?amh anseo. * *This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for use by the addressee. Read more here. * / -- Nicholas J. Belkin Distinguished Professor of Information Science Department of Library & Information Science School of Communication & Information Rutgers University 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071 USA belkin at +1 848-932-7608 From saddo at Fri Feb 9 18:18:04 2018 From: saddo at (Stephan Addo) Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2018 23:18:04 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2018 ASIS&T Annual Meeting Call for Proposals Message-ID: The 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology November 9-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada BUILDING AN ETHICAL AND SUSTAINABLE INFORMATION FUTURE WITH EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES This meeting will focus the creative and analytical energies of the ASIS&T community on the dramatic near horizon socio-technical shifts expected due to rapid developments in technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, virtual and augmented reality, and embedded, ubiquitous computing. The opportunities afforded by these technologies are enormous, as are the challenges of ensuring that ethical and human-centered perspectives, including sustainability, privacy, human agency and equity, are incorporated into their design and use. As interdisciplinary information science and technology researchers and practitioners, with an 80 year tradition of studying and working in this rapidly evolving field, we are uniquely situated to steward and mediate this shift. ASIS&T 2018 will provide an opportunity to learn from one another and from leading experts in these emerging technologies; to discuss, critique and pose the much-needed questions; and to share perspectives grounded in our own research and practice that intersect with and provide context for current developments. The ASIS&T Annual Meeting is a premier, peer-reviewed international conference that gathers scholars and practitioners from around the globe to share research, innovations, and insights regarding the role of information and technology in the lives of individuals, organizations and communities. We invite papers, posters and visual presentations, panel and workshop submissions that focus on the conference theme, as well as work that reflects the broader mandate of ASIS&T, regarding the creation, representation, storage, access, dissemination and use of information, media and records, and the systems, tools, and technologies associated with these processes. The conference embraces plurality in methods and theories, and encompasses research, development and practice from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIS&T's many special interest groups (SIGs). We are pleased to announce that the ASIS&T 2018 Proceedings will be published by John Wiley & Sons and will be indexed and accessible via multiple international venues. Please note that at least one of the authors must register for the conference in order for a paper to be accepted and published in the proceedings. ------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMISSION INFORMATION The Conftool submission site is available here: ConfTool Submission Site ( All submissions for Papers, Panels, Workshops & Visual Presentations must be formatted according to the guidelines provided in the ASIS&T AM template, as this is the required format for inclusion in the Proceedings. The template is available here: AM18 Proposal Template ( Tutorial Proposals must be submitted using this form: Tutorial Proposal Form ( IMPORTANT DATES Papers, Panels, Workshops & Tutorials Submission System opens: Tuesday, 2 January, 2018 Submissions due: Monday, 2 April, 2018 Notifications: Friday, 4 May, 2018 Final publishable version due: Sunday, 15 July, 2018 Visual Presentations Submission System opens: Tuesday, 2 January, 2018 Submissions due: Tuesday, 15 May, 2018 Notifications: Friday, 15 June, 2018 Final publishable version due: Sunday, 15 July, 2018 For more information, please visit From dabbish at Mon Feb 12 15:10:57 2018 From: dabbish at (Laura Dabbish) Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 15:10:57 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Summer 2018 Research for Undergraduates in Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University Message-ID: <> Summer 2018 Research for Undergraduates in Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University ??? The Human Computer Interaction Institute is looking for talented and motivated undergraduates to join us for Summer 2018 conducting novel research at the edge of design, behavioral sciences, and computing technology. Students in our summer research program will work closely with mentors. Some example topics of research for Summer 2018 include: ??? - Smart classroom sensors ??? - Software engineering for HCI and security ??? - Designing and developing educational games ??? - Developing tools for citizen science ??? - Designing better systems for the future of work ??? - Improving online health support groups ??? - Building smartphone privacy tools ??? - Building tools to help people with disabilities be crowd workers ??? The program runs for 10 weeks, from May 29 to Aug 3. Students receive a stipend and housing supplement. ??? Ideal applicants are rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors, with strong skills in one or more of visual or interaction design, behavioral sciences, or software or hardware development. Students from traditionally underrepresented groups in computing or who do not have access to research facilities at their home institution are particularly encouraged to apply. Previous research experience is not a requirement. ??? The application deadline is Tuesday February 20th 2018, with decisions sent out by March 15. For more information and our application form, please see: From sanghee.oh at Mon Feb 12 21:25:11 2018 From: sanghee.oh at (Sanghee Oh) Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 11:25:11 +0900 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Nominations (Due March 1): The 2018 SIGUSE Outstanding Contribution to Information Behavior Research Award Message-ID: C*all for Nominations: The 2018 SIGUSE Outstanding Contribution to Information Behavior Research Award * The purpose of the award is to recognize an individual for their outstanding contribution to information behavior research. The award is intended to be for achievements that have had a significant impact in the field. The award is for a systematic program of research at the level of a lifetime?s work. *Eligibility* (a) Persons who have made a significant contribution to information behavior research are eligible for the award. (b) The award is to be made to an individual, not an organization. (c) Persons who have received the Award in the past are not eligible in future years. *The nomination package shall consist of the following*: (a) Nominating letter (1-2 pages), stating why the candidate deserves the award; (b) The name, address, and phone number of the person making the nomination; (c) The name, address, and phone number of the candidate for the award; (d) Supporting documents including the nominee?s CV, up to two letters of support, and up to two publications that most reflect the nominee?s research contributions or impact. *Nominations must be submitted to the SIGUSE Awards Chair, Sanghee Oh (sanghee.oh at ) by March 1. * Please find the detail about the award here: outstanding-contribution-to-information-behavior-research-award/ The past winners of the award are available from here: https://siguse Please feel free to email, Sanghee Oh, the SIGUSE Awards Chair ( sanghee.oh at, for questions. Thank you! Sanghee Oh SIGUSE Awards Chair Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan & Sarah Barriage SIGUSE Awards Members -- Sanghee Oh, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Chungnam National University Tel: 82-42-821-6357 Email: sanghee.oh at Homepage: From deshazok at Wed Feb 14 11:28:02 2018 From: deshazok at (Kristina DeShazo) Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 16:28:02 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Registration Open: 2018 Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> **** Cross-posted to multiple lists; please excuse any duplication. **** The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge Saturday May 19 - Tuesday May 22, 2018; Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, Oregon REGISTRATION IS OPEN We're so excited to share our 2018 Program with you! We had what we think is a record number of proposals this year and from them have chosen a program we hope will both educate and inspire you. From a panel discussion between librarians and publishers on diversity, inclusion and equity in scholarly publishing and acquisitions, to the triumphs and tribulations of leading workplace culture change, to deciphering and visualizing data, there's a little something for everyone. Check out the program page for much more! We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker this year is Thomas Padilla, Visiting Digital Research Services Librarian at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He publishes, presents, and teaches widely on digital scholarship, digital collections, Humanities data, data curation, and data information literacy. In his talk, he will advance the argument that conditions of uncertainty and a speculative orientation to collections constitutes a disposition that empowers libraries and the communities they serve. As the poet a. maxwell reminds us, uncertainty is not the same as not knowing - uncertainty indicates the presence of alternatives. This talk is a call to embrace those alternatives. About The Acquisitions Institute Since 2000, we are the pre-eminent conference located in Western North America on acquisitions and collection development held at Timberline Lodge. We are a small, informal and stimulating gathering in a convivial and glorious Pacific Northwest setting, focused on the methods and innovation of building and managing library collections. Timberline Lodge is located on the slope of Mt. Hood, about an hour east of Portland, Oregon. Read more about us at, contact us as planning at About Timberline Lodge The Timberline Lodge conference facility offers a relaxed atmosphere for librarians, vendors, and publishers to discuss issues of concern. Plan to come and listen to one another in this small conference (enrollment is limited to 85) with its rustic resort setting and the finest of people and conversations. Presenters are encouraged to engage the audience and there are plenty of opportunities for informal discussion outside the scheduled program. Plan to enjoy the good food, the beautiful mountain scenery, snow sports and swimming, and favorite readings. Explore the Timberline Lodge web site for a sense of the historic character of the lodge. We have reserved the entire suite of rooms for the Institute. ________________________________________ The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge Planning Committee is Lindsay Cronk, University of Rochester; Kristina DeShazo, Oregon Health & Science University; Stacey Devine, Library of Congress; Kerri Goergen-Doll, Oregon State University; Kim Maxwell, MIT; Nancy Slight-Gibney, University of Oregon; and Scott Alan Smith, Librarian at Large From kberlack at Wed Feb 14 15:27:39 2018 From: kberlack at (Ken Berlack) Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 20:27:39 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NFAIS 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Network and Learn with leading publishers, libraries, and funders In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Registration for NFAIS 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE is still open! Don't miss your opportunity to build your network with leading publishers, libraries, and funders from over 50 organizations, including: * New England Journal of Medicine * Massachusetts Institute of Technology * The Supreme Court of the United States * The National Library of Medicine * The Defense Technology Information Center (DTIC) * George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida Learn from leading experts from around the world on topics that affect your organization now and into the future, including: * Cameron Neylon (Curtin University) discussing identity and community in a transforming information enviroment * Regina Joseph (Sibylink and Python) discussing the application of predictive analytics * Katja Brose (Chan Zuckerburg Initiative) adressing how a more networked, researcher-centric open discovery enviroment is transforming science and creating new opportunities * Margaret Tait (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) discussing how the foundation is building a culture of health to improve health care for all Americans and policies in support of their mission * Dr. Joris van Rossum (Digital Science) discussing how blockchain technology figures into the rapidly transforming world of publishing The NFAIS 2018 Annual Conference will take place February 28th through March 2nd at the Hilton Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia. Register today! From deshazok at Wed Feb 14 14:42:13 2018 From: deshazok at (Kristina DeShazo) Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 19:42:13 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: Registration Open: 2018 Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge References: <> Message-ID: <> Further apologies! Incorrect links are corrected in the message below. **** Cross-posted to multiple lists; please excuse any duplication. **** The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge Saturday May 19 - Tuesday May 22, 2018; Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, Oregon REGISTRATION IS OPEN We're so excited to share our 2018 Program with you! We had what we think is a record number of proposals this year and from them have chosen a program we hope will both educate and inspire you. From a panel discussion between librarians and publishers on diversity, inclusion and equity in scholarly publishing and acquisitions, to the triumphs and tribulations of leading workplace culture change, to deciphering and visualizing data, there's a little something for everyone. Check out the program page for much more! We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker this year is Thomas Padilla, Visiting Digital Research Services Librarian at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He publishes, presents, and teaches widely on digital scholarship, digital collections, Humanities data, data curation, and data information literacy. In his talk, he will advance the argument that conditions of uncertainty and a speculative orientation to collections constitutes a disposition that empowers libraries and the communities they serve. As the poet a. maxwell reminds us, uncertainty is not the same as not knowing - uncertainty indicates the presence of alternatives. This talk is a call to embrace those alternatives. About The Acquisitions Institute Since 2000, we are the pre-eminent conference located in Western North America on acquisitions and collection development held at Timberline Lodge. We are a small, informal and stimulating gathering in a convivial and glorious Pacific Northwest setting, focused on the methods and innovation of building and managing library collections. Timberline Lodge is located on the slope of Mt. Hood, about an hour east of Portland, Oregon. Read more about us at, contact us as planning at About Timberline Lodge The Timberline Lodge conference facility offers a relaxed atmosphere for librarians, vendors, and publishers to discuss issues of concern. Plan to come and listen to one another in this small conference (enrollment is limited to 85) with its rustic resort setting and the finest of people and conversations. Presenters are encouraged to engage the audience and there are plenty of opportunities for informal discussion outside the scheduled program. Plan to enjoy the good food, the beautiful mountain scenery, snow sports and swimming, and favorite readings. Explore the Timberline Lodge web site for a sense of the historic character of the lodge. We have reserved the entire suite of rooms for the Institute. ________________________________________ The Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge Planning Committee is Lindsay Cronk, University of Rochester; Kristina DeShazo, Oregon Health & Science University; Stacey Devine, Library of Congress; Kerri Goergen-Doll, Oregon State University; Kim Maxwell, MIT; Nancy Slight-Gibney, University of Oregon; and Scott Alan Smith, Librarian at Large From barrow at Wed Feb 14 14:53:36 2018 From: barrow at (Bebe Barrow) Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 11:53:36 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] New Book: Images in Social Media: Categorization and Organization of Images and Their Collections Message-ID: <019f01d3a5cd$81589020$8409b060$> I am pleased to announce the latest title in Morgan & Claypool?s series on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services: Images in Social Media: Categorization and Organization of Images and Their Collections Susanne ?rnager, University of Copenhagen Haakon Lund, University of Copenhagen Paperback ISBN: 9781681730790 eBook ISBN: 9781681730806 Hardcover ISBN: 9781681732770 February 2018, 120 pages ts_id=1198 Abstract: This book focuses on the methodologies, organization, and communication of digital image collection research that utilizes social media content. ("Image" is here understood as a cultural, conventional, and commercial?stock photo?representation.) The lecture offers expert views that provide different interpretations of images and their potential implementations. Linguistic and semiotic methodologies as well as eye-tracking research are employed to both analyze images and comprehend how humans consider them, including which salient features generally attract viewers' attention. This literature review covers image?specifically photographic?research since 2005, when major social media platforms emerged. A citation analysis includes an overview of co-citation maps that demonstrate the nexus of image research literature and the journals in which they appear. Eye tracking tests whether scholarly templates focus on the proper features of an image, such as people, objects, time, etc., and if a prescribed theme affects the eye movements of the observer. The results may point to renewed requirements for building image search engines. As it stands, image management already requires new algorithms and a new understanding that involves text recognition and very large database processing. The aim of this book is to present different image research areas and demonstrate the challenges image research faces. The book's scope is, by necessity, far from comprehensive, since the field of digital image research does not cover fake news, image manipulation, mobile photos, etc.; these issues are very complex and need a publication of their own. This book should primarily be useful for students in library and information science, psychology, and computer science. Table of Contents: Preface / Acknowledgments / Abbreviations / Introduction and Iconic Language for Images / Literature Review: State of the Art / Natural Scene Perception and Eye Tracking / Trends in Handling Future Image Collections / Bibliography / Author Biographies Series: Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services =2d&series=32 From aylin.ilhan at Thu Feb 15 10:26:07 2018 From: aylin.ilhan at (Aylin Ilhan) Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 16:26:07 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG SM @ASIS&T ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Message-ID: <> Hi everybody! :) Are you interested in Social Media & Politics? Social Media & Health? Social Media & Science? Or other related topics? GREAT! SIG Social Media is planning to submit a panel for the ASIS&T annual meeting 2018. Take part in our survey & share your ideas with us: Best, Aylin ------------------------------------------------- Aylin Ilhan, B.A., B.A., M.A. Heinrich Heine University D?sseldorf Dept. of Information Science Bldg 24.53, Level 01, Room 88 Universit?tsstra?e 1 D-40225 D?sseldorf, Germany Tel. +49 211 81-11810 From D.Allen at Fri Feb 16 06:56:15 2018 From: D.Allen at (David Allen [LUBS]) Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 11:56:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Workshop: Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies (DATIS) Message-ID: Workshop Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies (DATIS): building the AT community in IS 25th June 2018 At the European Conference on Information Systems, Portsmouth, UK Organizers: Dr Boyka Simeonova, b.simeonova at, Loughborough University, UK Dr Stan Karanasios, stan.karanasios at, RMIT University, Australia Professor David K. Allen, d.allen at, University of Leeds, UK Dr Jyoti Mishra, j.l.mishra1 at, University of Bradford, UK Dr Alistair Norman, a.w.t.norman at, University of Leeds, UK Over the last two decades the use of Activity Theory has developed within the field of information systems (IS) (Allen et al., 2013; Karanasios & Allen, 2013; Karanasios 2018; Malaurent and Avison 2015; Simeonova, 2017), as well as related fields such as Human Computer Interaction (Kaptelinin & Nardi, 2006; Kuutti, 1996; Nardi, 1996), information studies (Allen et al., 2011; Spasser, 1999; Wilson, 2008; Hasan et al., 2016), organisation studies (Engestr?m 2000; Jazrabkowski 2003) and communications (Spinuzzi, 2012). However, while there is a growing community, the use and development of Activity Theory in IS remains underdeveloped and fragmented. The purpose of the workshop is to strengthen and develop the community of IS scholars using Activity Theory as an analytic and explanatory framework to understand the relationship between information, knowledge, context, people and technology. While there is significant interest in this topic many of the researchers deploying Activity Theory are working as lone scholars within IS and related departments. The aim of the workshop will be threefold: 1. Strengthen and build the community of scholars within IS using Activity Theory to understand the relationship between information, knowledge, context, people and technology. 2. Provide an opportunity for scholars to reflect and gain feedback on work in progress or gain fresh perspectives. 3. Provide support for researchers that are starting to explore Activity Theory. Submission details and dates ? Submission of short paper (500 words): 15th April 2018; should be e-mailed to Boyka Simeonova, b.simeonova at, with the words ?DATIS Workshop? in the title. ? Short paper submission is not required for attendance at the workshop. Deadlines for submission: 15th April 2018 Notification of acceptance: 25th of April 2018 References Allen, D., Karanasios, S., & Slavova, M. (2011). Working with activity theory: Context, technology, and information behavior. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(4), 776-788. doi: 10.1002/asi.21441 Allen, D. K., Brown, A., Karanasios, S., & Norman, A. (2013). How should technology-mediated organizational change be explained? A comparison of the contributions of critical realism and activity theory. MIS Quarterly, 37(3), 835-854. Engestr?m, Y. (2000). Activity Theory and the Social Construction of Knowledge: A Story of Four Umpires. Organization 7(2): 301-310. Hasan, H., Smith, S., & Finnegan, P. (2017). An activity theoretic analysis of the mediating role of information systems in tackling climate change adaptation. Information Systems Journal, 27(3), 271-308. Jarzabkowski, P. (2003). Strategic practices: An activity theory perspective on continuity and change." Journal of Management Studies 40(1): 23-56. Kaptelinin, V., & Nardi, B. (2006). Acting with technology: Activity theory and interaction design: The MIT Press. Karanasios, S., & Allen, D. (2013). ICT for development in the context of the closure of Chernobyl nuclear power plant: an activity theory perspective. Information Systems Journal, 23(4), 287-306. doi: 10.1111/isj.12011 Karanasios, S. (2018). Toward a Unified View of Technology and Activity: The Contribution of Activity Theory to Information Systems Research. Information Technology & People (forthcoming). Kuutti, K. (1996). Activity Theory as a Potential Framework for Human-Computer Interaction Research. In B. A. Nardi (Ed.), Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 17-44). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Malaurent, J. and Avison, D. (2015). Reconciling global and local needs: a canonical action research project to deal with workarounds. Information Systems Journal 26(3): 227?257. Nardi, B. A. (1996). Activity theory and human computer interaction In B. A. Nardi (Ed.), Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 1-8). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Simeonova, B. (2017). Transactive memory systems and Web 2.0 in knowledge sharing: A conceptual model based on activity theory and critical realism. Information Systems Journal, 1-20, doi:10.1111/isj.12147. Spasser, M. A. (1999). Informing information science: The case for activity theory. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50(12), 1136-1138. Spinuzzi, C. (2012). Working Alone Together: Coworking as Emergent Collaborative Activity. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 26(4), 399-441. Wilson, T. D. (2008). Activity theory and information seeking. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 42, 119-161. From katy.davis at Fri Feb 16 17:20:36 2018 From: katy.davis at (Katy Davis) Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 22:20:36 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Generalist Librarian, Washington DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross-posting... LibSource, a LAC Group company, seeks a Generalist Librarian for a major law firm client with a busy library in their Washington DC office. The Librarian will be required to coordinate technical services and collection maintenance, respond to research requests, and perform cataloging and basic support functions. This position functions as part of a larger library team dispersed across four office locations. The candidate will be expected to collaborate and work in a distributed environment. RESPONSIBILITIES ? Perform legal research using electronic and print resources via the library's portal site. ? Maintain library collection by sorting, shelving and organizing print publications and filing pocket parts, supplements and loose- leaf sets. ? Check-in and route materials using library catalog. ? Modify and update catalog records according to set criteria to change location, holdings, etc. * Search and retrieve records in OCLC and the ILS and assist in their processing. * Respond to research requests and assist in locating books and publications. * Perform related tasks as assigned and participate in special projects as necessary. ? Print and affix labels. * Perform clerical tasks such as cataloging, data entry, generating reports and processing invoices. QUALIFICATIONS ? 1-3 years experience in Information/Library Services preferably in a legal environment or solo environment. ? A Bachelor's Degree, Master's in Library and Information Science, preferred. ? General knowledge of library services, tasks, programs. ? Ability to work independently with limited supervision. ? Experience using an integrated library system such as EOS or Sydney. ? Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential. To apply, please visit: Katy Davis Recruiting Assistant LibGig - LAC Group (323)302-9432 Katy.davis at From Courtney.Butler at Fri Feb 16 20:41:58 2018 From: Courtney.Butler at (Butler, Courtney) Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 01:41:58 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Beyond the Numbers Conference 2018 Message-ID: <> Please excuse any cross-postings. Beyond the Numbers - "The Data Ecosystem" (November 7-9, 2018) The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis seeks submissions for its third biennial conference on economic information: "Beyond the Numbers" "The data ecosystem" encompasses all the institutions and people involved in the production, management, and use of economic data, from the newest undergraduate student to the seasoned librarian to the venerable economist. This conference will bring together librarians, information professionals, data researchers, and data managers to improve understanding of economic resources and how to find, use, and share them. We encourage users, creators, curators, and managers of economic, business, and financial information to share their expertise and provide insights into the challenges they face. Possible topics include: * Best practices and common missteps in using economic data * New, misunderstood, or underused economic information tools and sources * Deep dives into the construction of economic and financial data * Curating data for access, preservation, sharing, and re-use * Data description, citation, and findability * Research data management for economics and related disciplines Proposal types include: * Sessions: 45-minute full sessions or 20-minute short sessions * Panels and roundtable discussions: 45-60 minutes * Tutorials and hands-on workshops: 90 minutes Abstracts for each proposal should be no more than 250 words. For presentations and panel discussions, clearly state the aim of the presentation, the topic, and the specific knowledge attendees will gain. For tutorials and workshops, explain what resource you will demonstrate and how the tutorial will benefit attendees. Workshops based on software resources should also include a brief description of necessary skills and tools required for participants. All proposals will be reviewed by the conference organizing committee. Please submit your proposals by Monday, April 30, 2018, via email to Research.Event.Services at Refer to the submission template here (docx). [cid:F103D279-F587-4693-9690-644EF2BEF1F6]Courtney R. Butler Data Curator Center for the Advancement of Data and Research in Economics Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Courtney.Butler at / 816-585-0288 From g.demartini at Mon Feb 19 01:14:59 2018 From: g.demartini at (Gianluca Demartini) Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:14:59 +1000 Subject: [Asis-l] Final CFP: HCOMP 2018 - Crowdsourcing & Human Computation - Abstract due on Feb 19 - Keynote by Patrick Meier Message-ID: The 2018 AAAI Conference on Crowdsourcing and Human Computation (HCOMP) will be held July 5-8, 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland. Follow us on Twitter Abstracts for full papers are due on February 19, 2018. Full papers are due on February 23, 2018. See "Call for Full Papers" below for details. *Confirmed keynote talk* Digital Humanitarians: How You can Make a Difference during the Next Disaster Patrick Meier, WeRobotics, Important Dates *FEBRUARY 19, 2018: Abstracts submission (midnight anywhere on the planet)* FEBRUARY 23, 2018: Full papers due (midnight anywhere on the planet) MARCH 23?24, 2018: PC meeting in US and UK MARCH 29, 2018: Notification of acceptance APRIL 6, 2018: Workshop proposals due (midnight anywhere on the planet) MAY 1, 2018: Camera ready papers due JULY 5?8, 2018: Conference * About HCOMP HCOMP is the premier venue for disseminating the latest research findings on crowdsourcing and human computation. While artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interaction (HCI) represent traditional mainstays of the conference, HCOMP believes strongly in inviting, fostering, and promoting broad, interdisciplinary research. This field is particularly unique in the diversity of disciplines it draws upon, and contributes to, ranging from human-centered qualitative studies and HCI design, to computer science and artificial intelligence, economics and the social sciences, all the way to digital humanities, policy, and ethics. We promote the exchange of advances in human computation and crowdsourcing not only among researchers, but also engineers and practitioners, to encourage dialogue across disciplines and communities of practice. HCOMP 2018 builds on a successful history of past meetings: five HCOMP conferences (2013?2017) and four earlier workshops, held at the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2011?2012), and the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2009?2010). Proceedings from past HCOMP conferences are available online in the HCOMP Conference Digital Archive. * Call for Full Papers The Program Committee will oversee the review process and ensure that each submission receives a constructive and rigorous review. * Previously unpublished. All submitted papers must represent original work, not previously published or under simultaneous peer-review for any other peer-reviewed, archival conference or journal. * Length. Papers of up to 8 pages (references can extend beyond 8 pages) may be submitted. Formatting. Submissions must be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style. (See the AAAI 2018 Author Kit). Papers must be in trouble-free, high-resolution PDF format, formatted for US Letter (8.5" x 11") paper, using Type 1 or TrueType fonts. * Anonymized. All papers must be anonymized (include no information identifying the authors or their institutions) for double-blind peer-review. * Supplemental Materials. Authors are invited, but not required, to include supplemental materials such as executables and data files so that reviewers can reproduce results in the paper, images, additional videos, related papers, more detailed explanations, derivations, or results. These materials will be viewed only at the discretion of the reviewers, who are only obligated to read your paper itself. * Archival. Accepted full papers will be published in the HCOMP conference proceedings and included in the AAAI Digital Library. HCOMP is a young but quickly growing conference, with a historical acceptance rate of 25?30% for full papers. * Submission. Papers should be submitted via EasyChair. For abstract submission, abstracts can be entered directly into the EasyChair form field; it is not necessary to upload any file. Please be sure to declare any conflicts-of-interest with PC members by selecting the "Declare Conflicts" link on upper-right of your EasyChair submission page. * Review criteria. Reviewers will be instructed to evaluate paper submissions according to specific review criteria. We encourage authors to review these criteria and contact us with any questions or feedback. To ensure relevance, submissions are encouraged to include research questions and contributions of broad interest to crowdsourcing and human computation, as well as discuss relevant open problems and prior work in the field. When evaluation is conducted entirely within a specific domain, authors are encouraged to discuss how findings might generalize to other communities and application areas using crowdsourcing and human computation. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference to present the work or acceptance will be withdrawn. * Paper Awards Continuing the tradition of Past Paper Awards, HCOMP 2018 will recognize a Best Paper and two Best Paper Finalists. New in 2018 will be a Best Poster or Demo Award. Continuing the partnership between HCOMP and the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), all HCOMP 2018 paper awardees (i.e., best paper through finalists) will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for fast-track publication in JAIR's Award-Winning Papers Track. This track seeks to recognize the best work at leading conferences and bring additional exposure to the authors' work. Upon acceptance, extended papers will be published in a regular volume of JAIR, recognized in the Award-Winning Papers Track, and linked from the HCOMP Conference website's Past Paper Awards. While JAIR broadly covers all areas of artificial intelligence, JAIR recognizes that HCOMP's interdisciplinary research extends beyond traditional boundaries of artificial intelligence. JAIR is committed to inviting relevant HCOMP PC members to review extended papers submitted to the Award-Winning Track. * Call for Workshops HCOMP workshops are a gathering place for people interested in Crowdsourcing and/or Human Computation to meet in the context of a focused and interactive discussion. They are an opportunity to move a field forward and build community. Workshops might address basic or applied research, crowdsourcing in industry, new methodologies, or emerging application areas. Each workshop should generate ideas that will give the HCOMP community a fresh way of thinking about the topic or that suggest promising directions for future work. Selected workshops will be held on July 5, the day before the main conference begins. If you would like to organize a workshop, please reach out to hcompconference at by April 6 with a description of your proposed topic, intended audience, and a one-day or half-day schedule. We look forward to a fantastic HCOMP 2018 and invite you to join us! Website Conference Organizers From toine at Mon Feb 19 18:00:31 2018 From: toine at (Toine Bogers) Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 23:00:31 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2nd CfP: CHIIR 2018 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use Message-ID: <> Second Call for Participation: BIIRRR 2018 ************************************************************************* CHIIR 2018 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use Thursday, March 15 2018, 9:00-17:00 ************************************************************************* The goal of the BIIRRR 2018 workshop is to serve as a starting point for a community-driven effort to design and implement a platform for the collection, organization, maintenance, and sharing of resources for interactive information retrieval (IIR) experimentation. Examples include search tasks, experimental protocols, questionnaire designs, reporting standards, evaluation procedures, data collections, and the search interaction data produced in such experiments. While the idea of collecting such resources in a central location is perhaps not a new one, the effort required in designing, implementing, and maintaining such a platform can only be borne by the community as a collective effort. Please join us in a full-day workshop to brainstorm about the shape this iRepository should take. If you yourself have conducted interactive IR experiments, we would love to hear about your experiences too! Please fill out our survey at, it shouldn?t take more than 10 minutes of your time! The result of the survey will help us prepare the workshop and get an overview of the current state of re-use of IIR resources. One of the goals of the workshop is to produce a set of requirements and activities in order to develop an iRepository, which the organizers commit to publishing as a short report right after the workshop. After this immediate follow-up, we then plan further documented dissemination of the workshop outcomes but also envisage a more extensive activity, such as a Dagstuhl-style seminar, which will provide the time to discuss the requirements and solutions in more detail. ************************************************************************* Tentative program: -Introduction of workshop purpose, goals and planned activities -2 keynotes: ---Nils Pharo, Oslo Metropolitan University: The importance and challenges for standardization in IIR Evaluation - Basis for an iRepository ---Luanne Freund, University of British Columbia: Previous experiences at IIR evaluation campaigns: INEX, TREC, CLEF, RepAST -2 break-out sessions: ---Viewpoints on standardization: which components of IIR experiments could be re-used? ---Requirements for IIR reuse: how can documentation and archiving be standardized? ************************************************************************* BIIRRR 2018 Workshop homepage: Registration for BIIRR 2018 Workshop: Contact the organizers: biirrr at From ackerm at Tue Feb 20 00:12:04 2018 From: ackerm at (Ackerman, Mark) Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:12:04 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] ECSCW 2018: Call for Submissions to Workshops and Masterclasses Message-ID: ==== Call for Submissions to Workshops and Masterclasses ==== ECSCW 2018: The 16th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work The International venue on Practice-centred computing and the Design of cooperation technologies Nancy, France, June 4-8, 2018 Website: ========================================== The ECSCW conference is an important venue for defining and further develop the agenda of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work research with a focus on the in-depth understanding of human practices and on the design of cooperation technologies based on such understanding. Submissions to ECSCW 2018 are now open for workshops and masterclasses: ==== Workshops ==== Workshops offer ways to engage in discussions with other researchers in an informal setting. ECSCW 2018 invites workshop proposals addressing basic research questions, new methodologies, innovative technologies, and emerging research areas ? to mention a few. The workshops should involve the attendees in working together on developing new insights, and should avoid consisting only of a series of presentations. Workshops will take place on Monday, June 4 and Tuesday, June 5, 2018. See the list of workshops at ECSCW 2017: Workshops may be half-day or full-day sessions. Workshop proposals should consist of an abstract and a detailed proposal. The abstract should be no more than 150 words. The body of the proposal should be no more than 3000 words, and should include a description of the theme(s) of the workshop, the workshop activities and goals, the duration of the workshop (half or full day), the background of the organiser(s), the maximum number of participants, and the means of recruiting and selecting participants. Accepted workshops will need to provide a short description of the workshop for publication on the conference web site containing the workshop title, names and affiliations of organisers, 150-word abstract, workshop web site, and details on position paper submission or other participation requirements Accepted workshops may optionally provide a 2 page Workshop Program for publication in the ECSCW/EUSSET digital library. The program should contain the workshop title, 150 word abstract, objectives, participant names and a body text. We encourage workshop organisers to create web-based resources for their workshops so that advertising, submission and organisation can be handled online. ==== Masterclasses ==== Masterclasses will offer a small number of participants the opportunity to learn about specific CSCW concepts, methods and techniques from recognised experts. The topic of a masterclass can be quite specific and the class will typically be small so to encourage in-depth discussion. These masterclasses are particularly targeted at early career researchers and PhD students, but they are open also to other participants if places are available. Masterclasses will take place on Monday, June 4 See the list of masterclasses at ECSCW 2017: Master classes may be for half-day or full-day sessions. Master class proposals should be no more than 3000 words, and should include a description of the theme(s) of the master class, the background of the organiser(s) and the maximum number of participants. === Submission === Submissions for both workshops and masterclasses should be sent per email at ecscw2018-workshops-masterclasses at Please follow the exploratory papers template for your proposals. The template can be downloaded as RTF, MS Word or Latex. === Important dates: ==== Monday, March 5, 2018: Submission deadline Monday, March 19, 2018: Notifications due to authors Monday, June 4, 2018: Masterclasses, Workshops Tuesday, June 5, 2018: Workshops From tibbo at Mon Feb 19 14:00:57 2018 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 19:00:57 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?Online_master=92s_degree_in_digital_cur?= =?windows-1252?q?ation_at_UNC?= Message-ID: Become a leader in the emerging field of digital curation and data management with the Professional Science Master?s (PSM) degree in Digital Curation from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ? 100% online program. ? Take courses part-time or full-time, whatever works best for you and your goals. ? Comprehensive, project-oriented curriculum will enable you to acquire the core skills, knowledge, and competencies for ensuring the longevity, authenticity, discoverability, and usability of digital assets. ? Apply your knowledge through an internship or practicum that can be completed in partnership with your current employer or at another enterprise with digital asset needs. ? Work with world-renowned faculty from UNC?s top-ranked information school. Apply by March 13 to begin classes in May. Learn more at or Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor, SILS Digital Curation Program Director, & Society of American Archivists, President 2010-2011 and Fellow School of Information and Library Science 211 Manning Hall, CB# 3360 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 1+ 919 418 4557 Fax: 1+ 919 962 8071 tibbo at From alisa.libby at Wed Feb 21 09:49:43 2018 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2018 09:49:43 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Allen Smith Scholar Events at Simmons SLIS Message-ID: Simmons College School of Library and Information Science is happy to welcome Frederick S. Lane as the 2018 Allen Smith Scholar. As a part of his visit, he will be moderating two panel events. *Free Speech, Civil Discourse, and Libraries* *Tuesday, March 13th* *6 ? 8 PM* *Simmons School of Management Building, Rooms 501/502, Fifth Floor* This event will look at issues of civil discourse and libraries, especially focusing on challenges to online discourse including cyber-bullying and trolling along with the related issues of misygony, racism, etc. The event will consist of a panel, followed by a response and presentation by our visiting scholar. The panelists include Simmons faculty members *Colin Rhinesmith* and *Saher Selod*, as well as SLIS alums *Gianna Gifford*, now Chief of Adult Services at the Boston Public Library, and *Kate van Sleet,* Rights Manager at WGBH, as well as *Anita Cellucci*, a school librarian in Westborough. *Cybertraps for Librarians* *Friday, March 16th* *2 ? 5 PM* *Linda K. Paresky Conference Center, Main College Building, Third Floor* *RSVP at: * This session will examine the topic of privacy, surveillance, and cybersecurity. What are the biggest threats to online and data safety for libraries and their communities? What can librarians do to keep their own and their patrons? data safe, and how can we help our communities to learn more? An expert panel session will be followed by a longer address and Q&A with Fred. Panelists for the Friday session include *Kade Crockford* of the ACLU; *Jessamyn West*, a noted technologist and librarian; SLIS alum and Director of Technology at Brookline Public Library *Callan Bignoli*; and SLIS Alum and Reference Librarian at Bentley University *Matthew van Sleet*. Email slis_events at if you have any questions. *Light refreshments will be served at each event. *Each event will also be recorded and made available online. -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From Jan.Hutar at Wed Feb 21 21:59:28 2018 From: Jan.Hutar at (Jan Hutar) Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2018 02:59:28 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Proposals - IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2018 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: IIPC WEB ARCHIVING CONFERENCE 2018: Call for Proposals WEB ARCHIVING HISTORIES AND FUTURES National Library of New Zealand Wellington 13-15 November 2018 Web archiving is now into its third decade of practice and there is much experience to reflect upon and many achievements to acknowledge. It is also a critical time to look to the future and to the technical, legal, ethical and organisational challenges that saving the web for citizens and for researchers continue to present. As established web archives mature and new initiatives emerge, web archive artefacts and data become more valuable for our understanding of societies, politics, cultures and economies in a world of increasingly contested narratives. In 2018 the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) will celebrate 15 years as the premier international body fostering the development of web archiving tools, standards, practice and research. For the first time in a decade, the IIPC's annual web archiving conference will come to Australasia, providing a rare opportunity for web curators, librarians, archivists, historians, humanists, researchers, developers, computer scientists and others interested in the preservation of world's web heritage to come together at this international forum in the southern hemisphere. Proposals on all aspects of web archiving practice as well as researching and using web archives are invited. Particularly welcome are proposals related to the Australasian, Asia Pacific and southern hemisphere regions; proposals from the perspective of new users and researchers; and proposals addressing the major conference themes of histories and futures. Potential topics include: Building web archives * Harvesting approaches, tools and challenges * Collection development and curation * Legal and ethical issues in collecting content Maintaining web archive content and operations * Preservation and sustainability issues and strategies * Institutional and organizational structures and approaches * Collection assessment and metrics * Collection management tools * Description and access Using and researching web archives * User experience and discovery * Legal, ethical or social aspects in accessing content * Tools, APIs and indexing for researching web archives * Research opportunities and challenges presented by web archives Web archive histories and futures * Initiatives and collaborations * Web archive stories and histories * National web domains * Web archives as repositories of 'truth' The programme committee invite proposals for: * 30 minute presentations (i.e., 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for questions) * 60 minute panel discussions or multi-presentations * Conference themed workshops (proposed length to be agreed with organisers) * Tutorials focusing on particular tools (proposed length to be agreed with organisers) * Posters with accompanying 5 minute lightning talks Proposals for presentations and panels must be submitted as an abstract of between 300 and 500 words. Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be 800 to 1,000 words and include information about coordinators, format, target participant numbers and technical requirements. Proposals should demonstrate how the presentation, panel or workshop contributes to understanding web archiving histories or futures and the general themes relating to building, maintaining and researching web archives. Proposal should be accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords. Based on the abstracts, the programme committee may invite the submission of full papers for future publication. Please submit your proposals using EasyChair For questions, please e-mail iipc2018 at The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2018. All submissions will be reviewed by the WAC18 Programme Committee and submitters will be notified by 16 April 2018. For more information and updates, see: @NetPreserve #iipcWAC18 From alisa.libby at Fri Feb 23 10:52:36 2018 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2018 10:52:36 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Simmons SLIS Granted Continued Accreditation Status Message-ID: The Simmons School of Library and Information Science is pleased to announce that the ALA's Committee On Accreditation has granted its MS-LIS program Continued Accreditation Status. The Simmons MS-LIS degree program has been accredited by the ALA since 1924 and, with the next accreditation visit scheduled for 2024, Simmons is proud to approach its 100th year of ALA accreditation. -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From arkaitz at Mon Feb 26 05:42:45 2018 From: arkaitz at (Arkaitz Zubiaga) Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 10:42:45 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP: Extended, New Deadline 15th March - OIR Special Issue on Social Media Mining for Journalism Message-ID: --------------------------- Call for Papers ----------------------------------------- Online Information Review (OIR) Special Issue on "Social Media Mining for Journalism" [[ Impact Factor: 1.534 ]] **Submission Deadline: 15th March, 2018** [extended] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIMS AND SCOPE -------------------------- The exponential growth of social media as a central communication practice, and its agility in capturing and announcing breaking news events more rapidly than traditional media, has changed the journalistic landscape: social media has been adopted as a significant source by professional journalists, and conversely, citizens are able to use social media as a form of direct reportage. This brings along new opportunities for newsrooms and journalists by providing new means for newsgathering through access to a wealth of citizen reportage and updates about current affairs, as well as an additional showcase for news dissemination. As well as being a big opportunity and having changed the day-to-day practices in the newsrooms, social media has introduced a number of challenges when it comes to news gathering, verification, production, reporting and dissemination. These include real time monitoring of streams, event detection, noise filtering, contextualisation, source and content verification,fact checking, annotation and archiving . The development of more advanced algorithms and tools for journalists requires not only furthering research in computational techniques, but also engaging more closely with journalists to understand how they work, what problems they are facing when using social media, and how their day-to-day workflows can be improved. In this special issue we are looking for contributions that address a variety of research questions from both theoretical and practical perspectives. For example, how can we best utilise social media for news production? What technologies can we use for breaking news detection, filtering, aggregation and contextualisation? How can we assess the veracity of social media content and sources? What moral, legal, and ethical issues arise when professional journalists use social media as a source? How can we organise, interpret, and retain a record of social media around news events? What does this record contribute to our larger understanding of news, and the writing of news? TOPICS OF INTEREST -------------------------------- Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * Newsgathering from social media ** Citizen journalism ** Detection of eyewitnesses and topic experts ** Event detection in social media ** Social media content curation ** Fact-checking and verification of sources and content ** Credibility assessment ** Social media and fake news * Social media news analytics ** Social media analytics for news ** Analysis of news diffusion in social media ** Visualisation of news and social media ** Social media to measure public opinion on news ** Analysis of the effect of fake news on public opinion * Data and Computational journalism ** Robot journalism with social media as a source ** Algorithmic accountability and transparency ** Data driven storytelling ** Data driven investigative journalism * Ethics and digital citizenship ** Ethical issues concerning social media newsgathering and eyewitness media ** Social media news audiences and network gatekeeping ** Social media and censorship SUBMISSION ------------------- Submissions should comply with the journal author guidelines: Submissions should be made through ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at GUEST EDITORS ------------------------ * Arkaitz Zubiaga, University of Warwick, UK * Bahareh R. Heravi, University College Dublin, Ireland * Jisun An and Haewoon Kwak, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar IMPORTANT DATES ----------------------------- * Papers Due: 15 March, 2018 -- extended * First? ?round? ?decisions? ?made:? ?15 May?, ?2018 * Revised? ?manuscripts? ?due:? ?10 July, ?2018 * Final ?decisions? ?made:? 1 September, ?2018 * Publication Date: Late 2018 From fichman at Tue Feb 20 14:17:50 2018 From: fichman at (Fichman, Pnina) Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 19:17:50 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?AMCIS_2018_CFP_Minitrack=3A_Social_Theory_in_I?= =?utf-8?q?nformation_Systems_Research_=28STIR_=E2=80=9918=29?= Message-ID: Call for Papers: AMCIS 2018 Minitrack: Social Theory in Information Systems Research (STIR ?18) Track: Social Inclusion (SIGSI) 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Aug. 16-18, 2018 New Orleans, LA, USA This minitrack solicits papers using social theory to critically examine ICTs and their roles in enabling and constraining social inclusion. What can be done to improve access to computing for underrepresented groups? In what ways do new technologies impact digital divides? What are the social, cultural, political, and economic implications of the Internet of things? These are examples of the kinds of questions we are interested in exploring in this minitrack. We are particularly interested in completed or emerging research using social theory to address the conference theme, Digital Disruption, critically examining the ways in which emerging technologies are changing the sociotechnical landscape in ways that narrow or widen the digital divide. This will be the 18th consecutive year for STIR, and we hope to continue a tradition of high quality papers, and thought-provoking and lively discussion for IS researchers using social theory in their work. In addition to research aligned with the conference theme we are also interested in high quality empirical and conceptual work that uses social theory to investigate issues such as (but not limited to): ? Improving access to computing for underrepresented minorities ? Reengineering the pipeline in STEM education for greater inclusiveness and diversity ? Critically assessing the ways in which ICTs and information systems can be used to privilege some and exclude others ? Understanding the impacts of the Internet of Things on the digital divide ? Assessing the unintended consequences of technology implementation and use in organizations and in social life ? Reflection on the ways in which ICT assemblages support and challenge political, cultural, and economic hegemonies. Mini-Track chairs Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University hrosenba at Pnia Fichman, Indiana University fichman at Submission Instructions: Important Dates: January 15, 2018: Manuscript submissions open February 28, 2018: Deadline for paper submissions April 18, 2018: Authors will be notified of decisions April 25, 2018: Camera-ready submissions due ------------------------ Pnina Fichman, Professor Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington From chirags at Wed Feb 21 22:48:49 2018 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2018 03:48:49 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ACM CHIIR 2018 call for participation: March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ Message-ID: <> The ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) (pronounced "cheer") March 11-15, 2018 twitter: @ACM_CHIIR #CHIIR2018 We invite you to attend the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) next month. CHIIR will be take place from March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. New Brunswick is about 38 miles (60 km) from New York City. Registration is open and the regular registration rate is good through February 25 (11:59pm in NJ, Eastern Standard Time). Visit to find out more and register. The hotel rooms that we had blocked are all taken up now. You can still book a room in the conference hotel (The Heldrich), but for that, please visit The Heldrich website to make your booking. Don't forget ? there are going to be wonderful social events in and around the conference hotel and you don't want to miss any fun! Some program highlights include * Keynote speakers are Susan Dumais from Microsoft Research and Pertti Vakkari from University of Tampere, Finland * Full papers with topics such as search bots, requerying, and augmentation of human memory * Perspective papers with bold new ideas such as reality-based IR and information fostering * Short papers and demos with exciting new research themes and applications * Tutorials covering information visualization, deep learning, and structural equation modeling * Workshops on IIR resources and evaluation Breakfasts and lunches at the Heldrich Hotel will be included with registration. A welcome reception will be held at the Zimmerli Art Museum, and the conference banquet will be held at the Ria Mar Portuguese Restaurant. Contact chiir2018 at if you have any questions. See you in New Brunswick in March. ***** Chirag Shah, PhD Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science, Rutgers University Director, InfoSeeking Lab,, @chirag_shah From heidijul at Thu Feb 22 15:37:26 2018 From: heidijul at (Julien, Heidi) Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:37:26 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ISIC 2018 Conference - New Submission Deadlines Message-ID: ISIC 2018 - The Information Conference Jagiellonian University in Krak?w, Poland, 9-11 October 2018 EMAIL: isic2018 at Call for Papers ISIC 2018 is the twelfth ISIC conference. The ISIC conferences have a reputation for being an arena for discussing challenging work concerning people's contextualised interactions with information of various kinds. To see the proceedings of previous ISIC conferences please visit: ISIC is multidisciplinary in scope: researchers from information science, information studies, library studies, communication studies, information management, education, management science, psychology, social psychology, sociology, STS, information systems, computer science, and other disciplines contribute to the research field. A common thread is the focus on contextualised information activities, expressed in different framings such as 'information behaviour', 'information practice', 'information seeking' 'information experience' and others. ISIC 2018 intends to reflect and engage with the interdisciplinary character of information activities research and seeks to attract papers from all of these areas. ISIC is a conference for research papers exploring information as a rich site of study, going beyond the sole focus on technological aspects and exploring a wide variety of contexts. This legacy is borne out in the publication of the conference proceedings since the first conference in the series over 20 years ago. The ISIC conference is particularly interested in analytical rather than descriptive investigations. For more information about the suggested themes of the papers please visit: The language of the conference will be only English and translators will not be available. Important dates Papers and Posters ? Paper submission deadline: 15 March 2018 ? Poster submission deadline: 15 March 2018 ? Poster submission deadline: 15 March 2018 Pre-Conference Doctoral Workshop submissions *Doctoral workshop submission deadline: 1 April 2018 Registration *Early bird registration ends: 30 June 2018 *Late registration ends: 7 September 2018 To see more important dates please visit: Associate Professor Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson, Chair, Permanent ISIC Committee Assistant Professor Remigiusz Sapa Chair, ISIC2018 Committee ****************************************************** Heidi Julien, Ph.D. President, Association for Library and Information Science Education Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo 526 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 Ph: 716-645-1474 Fax: 716-645-3775 Email: heidijul at ****************************************************** "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Leon Megginson From cyberarianpk at Fri Feb 23 06:55:14 2018 From: cyberarianpk at (Muhammad Shafiq Rana) Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2018 16:55:14 +0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Revised Dates for Open Source Summit'18 at 20-21 April, 2018 at Hotel Margala, Islamabad In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: > > Dear All, > > *Greeting from the organizing Committee of 1st Open Summit 2018* > > It is to share with immense pleasure that we received overwhelming > response from the LIS professionals regarding the Open Source Summit. Our > professional colleagues are eager to participate and present papers in the > Summit. Some international participants are also expected Inn Sha ALLAH. > They requested to extend the Summit date to avail further time for the > preparation for participation. > > Please update your calendar now revised dates for the *1st Open Summit > 2018* are * 20-21 April, 2018 *at the same > venue* Hotel Margala, Islamabad, Pakistan*. Please *register > *yourself now to reserve your > seat. Please *email us * if you require any > information OR nomination letter for your institution/organization in this > regard. > > With regards and thanks > > *Muhammad Shafiq Rana* > > *Lead Coordinator, **Open Source Summit?18 * > > *PhD Scholar, Library & Information Science, at IUB* > > *Mobile: 92-333-521 61 65*** > > > *DHMS-NCH* > *Dental Hygienist-PMF* > *Member PDHA* > *Life Member PULISAA* > > > > > > > *Member Knowledge Management Benchmarking Association (KMBA)Member Global > Alliance for ICT and DevelopmentLife Member Pakistan Library Association > (FB), PKProfessional Member Human Resource Development NetworkSLA B&F Div. > International Travel Awardee 2006, USAASIST InfoShare Membership Awardee > 2007-2008, USAAlumnae U. S. International Visitor Leadership Program 2007* > From ralf.bierig at Sat Feb 24 07:25:37 2018 From: ralf.bierig at (Ralf B) Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 12:25:37 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP: Special Issue on De-Personalisation, Diversification, Filter Bubbles and Search (IR Journal) Message-ID: CfP: Special Issue on De-Personalisation, Diversification, Filter Bubbles and Search (IR Journal) Call for papers for the Information Retrieval Journal ( Apologies for cross-posting. Link to the call: Introduction Information retrieval, recommender systems and, more generally, approaches in machine learning have resulted in highly personalised web experiences. Building on context, location and users? virtual (social) profiles, the web is highly aligned to users? perceived interests, to the interests of ?similar? users, and to the interests of users to whom a user is digitally connected. Whilst this delivers relevant content, it also polarises informational perspectives and removes serendipity through the development of filter bubbles or echo chambers: scenarios where specific ideas, beliefs or data are reinforced through repetition of a closed system that limits the free movement of alternative (competing) ideas. There is the implication that certain ideas or outcomes dominate due to, and resulting in, a bias concerning how specific input is gathered. Search diversification has gained significant attention in information retrieval in recent years as one approach to relax over-focused views on search results and content. However, methods, reviews and evaluations that aim to qualify and quantify personalised experiences and their biasing effects are under-addressed in the literature. Currently, there is no single source that integrates multidisciplinary research that conceptualises and evaluates the bias that results from continuous filtering and personalisation. We aim to address this gap by accepting a selective set of papers that allows researchers to better understand the influence that personalisation has on information experiences. In this context, we aim to bring together a wide range of views and approaches from information retrieval, information science, cognitive systems, computational social science and machine learning. Topics of Interest We envisage the following topical categories for submission with a particular emphasis on variety and cross-disciplinary approaches: * Reviews: Review papers concerning pertinent aspects of filter bubbles including understanding and determining the needs and boundaries of (de-)personalisation; * Theoretical & Empirical Models: Formal approaches to represent highly personalised filter bubbles to facilitate experimental approaches, enable user comprehension, and simulate filter bubbles; * Metastudies: Studies that attempt to qualify/quantify/visualise the divergence of users' personalised search results and information experience(s); * Experimental Methods: Methodologies for the reproducibility of studies seeking to investigate filter bubbles; * Experimental Infrastructures: Systems that help control and compare the effects of various degrees of (de-)personalised search scenarios; * IR Experiments: Experiments that demonstrate and formalise any effects of filtered information experiences; * Test Collections and Corpora: Practice and experience using, adapting, merging and/or gathering (test) collections and experimental data sets; * User Studies: Studies that consider multiple users or multiple user profiles (search engines, social media, etc.) and contexts (location, tasks, devices, etc.) that shed light on the differences in users' diverging search results and information experience(s), and * Case Studies: Studies into filter bubbles and discussion on the tangible effects and observations of (de-)personalisation. Special Issue Guest Editors Ralf Bierig (Maynooth University, Ireland) (Contact Person: ralf [dot] bierig [ad] mu [dot] ie.) Simon Caton (National College of Ireland) Important Dates Initial submission due: July 01, 2018 Initial reviewer feedback: October 01, 2018 Revised submission due:: November 01, 2018 Final reviews and notification: December 15, 2018 Paper Submission Papers submitted to this special issue for possible publication must be original and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or conference. Previously published or accepted conference papers must contain at least 30% new material to be considered for the special issue. All papers are to be submitted by referring to (submit online). At the beginning of the submission process in Editorial Manager, under ?Article Type?, please select the appropriate special issue. All manuscripts must be prepared according to the journal publication guidelines which can also be found on the website provided above. Papers will be evaluated following the journal's standard review process. Contact For inquiries on the above please contact Ralf Bierig, ralf [dot] bierig [ad] mu [dot] ie. From keren.dali at Sat Feb 24 15:10:12 2018 From: keren.dali at (Keren Dali) Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 15:10:12 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI) Message-ID: <> Apologies for the cross-postings. Dear ASIS&T members, We are delighted to announce the publication of the special issues of The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI). IJIDI is a quarterly, online, open-access journal that presents multidisciplinary perspectives on the intersection of equity, social justice, and information. Please visit the journal home page at IJIDI publishes peer-reviewed articles, short reports, special section contributions, and creative formats and has both regular and special (thematic) issues. We are currently accepting submissions for our 2019 regular issues. Please consult our submission timeline at IJIDI is always pleased to work with prospective authors. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions, proposals, and comments. Below is the TOC for the special 2018 issues. Sincerely, Dr. Keren Dali, IJIDI Editor. TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol 2, No 1/2 (2018) EDITORIALS * Keren Dali, Paul T. Jaeger. IJIDI - The new beginning: A welcome editorial * Nadia Caidi, Keren Dali. The special issues: The International Diversity by Design Symposium Toronto, ON, Canada (September 13-14, 2017) ARTICLES * Nadia Caidi, Susan Beazley, Laia Colomer Marquez. Holy selfies: Performing pilgrimage in the age of social media. * Denice Adkins, Heather Moulaison Sandy. Engaging linguistically diverse populations: Gatekeepers in rural and sparsely populated areas of the U.S. Midwest. * Paul T. Jaeger. Designing for diversity and designing for disability: New opportunities for libraries to expand their support and advocacy for people with disabilities. * Lisa P. Nathan, Amy Perreault. Indigenous initiatives and information studies: Unlearning in the classroom. VISUAL PRESENTATIONS * Ahmed Alwan, Joy M. Doan, Julieta Garcia. Empowering academic librarians in their quest for social justice and recognition in academia. * Houman Behzadi, Blair Kuntz. Diversifying music collections by design: Responding to the needs of Iranian music researchers in North America. * Bobbie Bushman. Library services and early literacy approaches in public libraries for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. * Kim Johnson, Sabina Iseli-Otto. A new model for accessible formats in the public library. * Durham Library Partners in Diversity (DLPD). Building welcoming communities: Durham Libraries engage diversity. * Sharon Farnel, Denise Koufogiannakis, Ian Bigelow, Anne Carr-Wiggin, Debbie Feisst, Kayla Lar-Son, Sheila Laroque. Unsettling our practices: Decolonizing description at the University of Alberta Libraries. * Nafiz Zaman Shuva. The everyday life information behaviour of immigrants: A case of Bangladeshi women. **************************************************** The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail. The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent. **************************************************** From kpearl at Mon Feb 26 11:25:28 2018 From: kpearl at (Perales, Katherine Pearl) Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 16:25:28 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Workshop on data lifecycle training for grad students and postdocs at UNC Message-ID: NSF-sponsored workshop on data lifecycle training for grad students and postdocs The NSF Cyber Carpentry Workshop: Data Lifecycle Training is a two-week summer training program aimed at helping graduate students understand the many aspects of the data-intensive computing environment. Even more important, the workshop will focus on bridging the gap between domain scientists and computer and information scientists so that data-intensive research is quicker, less complicated, and more productive. The workshop will take place July 16- 27, 2018, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Travel and accommodations will be provided for accepted participants, and a certificate of completion from the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) will be awarded at the end of the training. The workshop is open to doctoral students and postdocs in basic sciences and computational sciences. Women, applicants from underrepresented groups, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. Pacific Time on March 15 to receive full consideration. For more information and a link to the application form, visit the UNC Cyber Carpentry Training website ( The Cyber Carpentry workshop is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through a grant awarded to Arcot Rajasekar, Frances McColl Distinguished Term Professor at UNC SILS. Workshops topics will be taught by researchers who participated in the successful DataNet Federation Consortium (DFC), an NSF-funded project to develop national data management infrastructure to support collaborative multidisciplinary research. Drawing from their own expertise and their experiences with the DFC from 2013 through 2017, instructors will focus on providing students with an overview of best data management practices, data science tools, methods for performing end-to-end data intensive computing, data lifecycle management, and promoting reproducible science and data reuse. Katherine Pearl Perales Communications Coordinator School of Information and Library Science (SILS) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Manning Hall 04, CB# 3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 kpearl at Phone: (919) 843-8337 SILS.UNC.EDU | SILS on Facebook | SILS on Twitter From keren.dali at Mon Feb 26 17:20:45 2018 From: keren.dali at (Keren Dali) Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 17:20:45 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI) Message-ID: <> Apologies for the cross-postings. Dear ASIS&T members, We are delighted to announce the publication of the special issues of The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI). IJIDI is a quarterly, online, open-access journal that presents multidisciplinary perspectives on the intersection of equity, social justice, and information. Please visit the journal home page at IJIDI publishes peer-reviewed articles, short reports, special section contributions, and creative formats and has both regular and special (thematic) issues. We are currently accepting submissions for our 2019 regular issues. Please consult our submission timeline at IJIDI is always pleased to work with prospective authors. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions, proposals, and comments. Below is the TOC for the special 2018 issues. Sincerely, Dr. Keren Dali, IJIDI Editor. TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol 2, No 1/2 (2018) EDITORIALS * Keren Dali, Paul T. Jaeger. IJIDI - The new beginning: A welcome editorial * Nadia Caidi, Keren Dali. The special issues: The International Diversity by Design Symposium Toronto, ON, Canada (September 13-14, 2017) ARTICLES * Nadia Caidi, Susan Beazley, Laia Colomer Marquez. Holy selfies: Performing pilgrimage in the age of social media. * Denice Adkins, Heather Moulaison Sandy. Engaging linguistically diverse populations: Gatekeepers in rural and sparsely populated areas of the U.S. Midwest. * Paul T. Jaeger. Designing for diversity and designing for disability: New opportunities for libraries to expand their support and advocacy for people with disabilities. * Lisa P. Nathan, Amy Perreault. Indigenous initiatives and information studies: Unlearning in the classroom. VISUAL PRESENTATIONS * Ahmed Alwan, Joy M. Doan, Julieta Garcia. Empowering academic librarians in their quest for social justice and recognition in academia. * Houman Behzadi, Blair Kuntz. Diversifying music collections by design: Responding to the needs of Iranian music researchers in North America. * Bobbie Bushman. Library services and early literacy approaches in public libraries for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. * Kim Johnson, Sabina Iseli-Otto. A new model for accessible formats in the public library. * Durham Library Partners in Diversity (DLPD). Building welcoming communities: Durham Libraries engage diversity. * Sharon Farnel, Denise Koufogiannakis, Ian Bigelow, Anne Carr-Wiggin, Debbie Feisst, Kayla Lar-Son, Sheila Laroque. Unsettling our practices: Decolonizing description at the University of Alberta Libraries. * Nafiz Zaman Shuva. The everyday life information behaviour of immigrants: A case of Bangladeshi women. **************************************************** The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail. The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent. **************************************************** From katy.davis at Mon Feb 26 15:55:15 2018 From: katy.davis at (Katy Davis) Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 20:55:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Reference Librarian, Germantown MD Message-ID: Apologies for the cross-posting... LAC Federal is seeking an experienced Reference Librarian to provide part-time (up to 20 hours a week) reference and research assistance at an academic library in Germantown, MD. This is a contract Librarian position that will start March 19 and conclude by May 12. Extension to summer and/or fall semester is possible but not guaranteed. The Librarian will provide instruction and answer ready reference questions in addition to assisting with reference requests. The Librarian will also provide outreach and instruction on the use of library resources including print and non-print formats. Other duties as assigned. Requirements * MLS from an ALA accredited institution * At least 1 year of experience as a reference librarian * Knowledge of e-resources and library technologies including Integrated Library Systems (experience with Voyager a plus) * Knowledge of library best practices and procedures including: * Reference services * Instruction Collection Development and Management * Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work well as a team member * Strong customer service focus * Ability to work with a culturally diverse clientele * Must be available to work Monday-Thursday 4:00 - 8:00 PM and Friday 1:00 - 5:00 PM. To apply, please visit: Katy Davis Recruiting Assistant LibGig - LAC Group (323)302-9432 Katy.davis at From saddo at Tue Feb 27 09:59:52 2018 From: saddo at (Stephan Addo) Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 14:59:52 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2018 ASIS&T Annual Meeting Call for Proposals Message-ID: The 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology November 9-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada BUILDING AN ETHICAL AND SUSTAINABLE INFORMATION FUTURE WITH EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES This meeting will focus the creative and analytical energies of the ASIS&T community on the dramatic near horizon socio-technical shifts expected due to rapid developments in technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, virtual and augmented reality, and embedded, ubiquitous computing. The opportunities afforded by these technologies are enormous, as are the challenges of ensuring that ethical and human-centered perspectives, including sustainability, privacy, human agency and equity, are incorporated into their design and use. As interdisciplinary information science and technology researchers and practitioners, with an 80 year tradition of studying and working in this rapidly evolving field, we are uniquely situated to steward and mediate this shift. ASIS&T 2018 will provide an opportunity to learn from one another and from leading experts in these emerging technologies; to discuss, critique and pose the much-needed questions; and to share perspectives grounded in our own research and practice that intersect with and provide context for current developments. The ASIS&T Annual Meeting is a premier, peer-reviewed international conference that gathers scholars and practitioners from around the globe to share research, innovations, and insights regarding the role of information and technology in the lives of individuals, organizations and communities. We invite papers, posters and visual presentations, panel and workshop submissions that focus on the conference theme, as well as work that reflects the broader mandate of ASIS&T, regarding the creation, representation, storage, access, dissemination and use of information, media and records, and the systems, tools, and technologies associated with these processes. The conference embraces plurality in methods and theories, and encompasses research, development and practice from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIS&T's many special interest groups (SIGs). We are pleased to announce that the ASIS&T 2018 Proceedings will be published by John Wiley & Sons and will be indexed and accessible via multiple international venues. Please note that at least one of the authors must register for the conference in order for a paper to be accepted and published in the proceedings. ------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMISSION INFORMATION The Conftool submission site is available here: ConfTool Submission Site ( All submissions for Papers, Panels, Workshops & Visual Presentations must be formatted according to the guidelines provided in the ASIS&T AM template, as this is the required format for inclusion in the Proceedings. The template is available here: AM18 Proposal Template ( Tutorial Proposals must be submitted using this form: Tutorial Proposal Form ( IMPORTANT DATES Papers, Panels, Workshops & Tutorials Submission System opens: Tuesday, 2 January, 2018 Submissions due: Monday, 2 April, 2018 Notifications: Friday, 4 May, 2018 Final publishable version due: Sunday, 15 July, 2018 Visual Presentations Submission System opens: Tuesday, 2 January, 2018 Submissions due: Tuesday, 15 May, 2018 Notifications: Friday, 15 June, 2018 Final publishable version due: Sunday, 15 July, 2018 For more information, please visit> From alisa.libby at Tue Feb 27 12:41:17 2018 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 12:41:17 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Simmons SLIS News, February 2018 Message-ID: Simmons SLIS News Faculty Dean *Eileen Abels* and Associate Professor *Laura Saunders* co-facilitated a pre-conference workshop, "A Future by Design: What Do We Teach?" with Lynne C. Howarth (Toronto) and Linda C. Smith (Illinois) on February 6 at the ALISE Conference in Denver, CO. Abels and Saunders also participated in a panel, "Core and More: Examining Foundational and Specialized Content in LIS Programs" on February 7. Associate Professor *Naresh Agarwal* has been invited to Paris, France as invited speaker to talk on Context and his book Exploring Context in Information Behavior: Seeker, situation, surroundings, and shared identities at the First Workshop on Context in Analytics, held in conjunction with the 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, April 16-19, 2018. Simmons faculty, staff and students can access the electronic version of Agarwal's book freely from the Simmons Library or find more information. Associate Professor *Gerald Benoit* is giving an invited talk to faculty and students at Harvard on Information Visualization at Adams House on February 27. Senior Lecturer *Rebecca Davis* presented her poster entitled "Expanding LIS Education by Thinking About How Academic Librarians Can Collaborate with Undergraduate Women and Faculty in STEM" during the Works in Progress session at ALISE on Tuesday, February 6 in Westminister, CO. Associate Professor *Laura Saunders* was quoted in an article in Poynter, focused on the trust the public has in their libraries and librarians. Assistant Professor *Amber Stubbs* presented on a panel, "Team-Teaching with Humanities" at the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Technical Symposium in Baltimore, Maryland on February 22. Stubbs has a new Natural Language Processing Shared Task starting up. Registration is now open; data release is March 5. Associate Professor *Rong Tang* co-moderated the ALISE Special Program: Connecting Teaching and Research, on February 7. She co-presented a Juried Paper: "Teaching User Experience (UX) in LIS Programs and iSchools in North America: Challenges and Innovations" and participated in a Juried Panel: Teaching Research Methods in LIS Programs: Approaches, Formats, and Innovative Strategies on February 9. Adjunct Faculty Adjunct *Sid Berger* presented "Frankenstein in the Popular Imagination" at the 51st California International Antiquarian Book Fair on Saturday, February 10. The Fair celebrated the bicentennial of Frankenstein, exhibiting first editions, comics, and vintage movie posters of Mary Shelley's "monsterpiece." Adjunct *Lisa Fagin Davis* published a post, Fragmentarium: a Model for Digital Fragmentology , on her blog, highlighting her students' participation in a Fragmentarium case study, which lead to original discoveries now reflected in the manuscript record . Alumni *Billy C. Beal* was posthumously inducted into the Meridian Community College Hall of Fame on February 12 in the MCC Riley Workforce Center. Beal's portrait will be ultimately hung in the Dulaney Room with fellow honorees. Children's Literature graduates were among those recognized by ALA's Youth Media Awards . 2014 Children's Literature graduate *Mackenzi Lee* was awarded a Stonewall Honor for her YA novel, *The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue*. Roaring Brook Press editor *Emily Feinberg*, who graduated in 2011, edited the Caldecott Honor book *Big Cat, Little Cat. *2013 Children's Lit grad *Karen Boss*, Associate Editor at Charlesbridge Publishing, was editor of *Malala: Activist for Girls' Education*, which was a Batchelder Honor Book 2018. *Sondra Murphy* began her position as Director of the Leominster Public Library . -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 <(617)%20521-2816> f 617-521-3192 <(617)%20521-3192> Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From katy.davis at Wed Feb 28 14:47:16 2018 From: katy.davis at (Katy Davis) Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 19:47:16 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Systems Librarian - Andover, MA Message-ID: Apologies for the cross-posting... LibGig, an LAC Group company, has an immediate opening for a full-time Systems Librarian for a large public library network in Massachusetts. The Systems Librarian is responsible for all technical support services, system administration, operation, management, installation, and implementation of automated systems. RESPONSIBILITIES * Work in collaboration with the Executive Director to plan and coordinate new automated systems for the Consortium. The Systems Librarian supervises Technology Services staff. * Maintain collegial and effective working relationships with automation partners to ensure timely resolution of support issues, software and hardware upgrades, and installation and implementation of new hardware and software products. * Assists individual member libraries in developing long and short-term technology plans. * Provides on-site assistance for PC and network related issues for member libraries. * Provides technical documentation and training for staff at member libraries. * Maintains an operating knowledge of policies and procedures, system documentation, and vendor support systems. * Creates reports, compiles statistics, and implements custom applications as requested by the Executive Director, members, user groups, and standing committees. QUALIFICATIONS * A Master's Degree in Information/Library Sciences is required. * At least 5 years' experience managing complex automated systems and telecommunications networks. * Experience in system administration of an integrated library system, preferably the BLUEcloud Library Services Platform - Powered by Symphony * Knowledge of TCP/IP telecommunications networks, Symphony API, HTML 5, CSS 3, JQuery, Javascript, PERL, and Web design tools. * Public library experience desirable To apply, please visit: Katy Davis Recruiting Assistant LibGig - LAC Group (323)302-9432 Katy.davis at From Jan.Hutar at Wed Feb 28 16:43:32 2018 From: Jan.Hutar at (Jan Hutar) Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 21:43:32 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] --- DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 12 MARCH --- IIPC WEB ARCHIVING CONFERENCE 2018: Call for Papers Message-ID: --- with apologies for cross-posting ---- The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 12 March 2018. IIPC WEB ARCHIVING CONFERENCE 2018: Call for Papers WEB ARCHIVING HISTORIES AND FUTURES National Library of New Zealand Wellington 13?15 November 2018 Web archiving is now into its third decade of practice and there is much experience to reflect upon and many achievements to acknowledge. It is also a critical time to look to the future and to the technical, legal, ethical and organisational challenges that saving the web for citizens and for researchers continue to present. As established web archives mature and new initiatives emerge, web archive artefacts and data become more valuable for our understanding of societies, politics, cultures and economies in a world of increasingly contested narratives. In 2018 the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) will celebrate 15 years as the premier international body fostering the development of web archiving tools, standards, practice and research. For the first time in a decade, the IIPC?s annual web archiving conference will come to Australasia, providing a rare opportunity for web curators, librarians, archivists, historians, humanists, researchers, developers, computer scientists and others interested in the preservation of world?s web heritage to come together at this international forum in the southern hemisphere. Proposals on all aspects of web archiving practice as well as researching and using web archives are invited. Particularly welcome are proposals related to the Australasian, Asia Pacific and southern hemisphere regions; proposals from the perspective of new users and researchers; and proposals addressing the major conference themes of histories and futures. Potential topics include: Building web archives * Harvesting approaches, tools and challenges * Collection development and curation * Legal and ethical issues in collecting content Maintaining web archive content and operations * Preservation and sustainability issues and strategies * Institutional and organizational structures and approaches * Collection assessment and metrics * Collection management tools * Description and access Using and researching web archives * User experience and discovery * Legal, ethical or social aspects in accessing content * Tools, APIs and indexing for researching web archives * Research opportunities and challenges presented by web archives Web archive histories and futures * Initiatives and collaborations * Web archive stories and histories * National web domains * Web archives as repositories of ?truth? The programme committee invite proposals for: * 30 minute presentations (i.e., 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for questions) * 60 minute panel discussions or multi-presentations * Conference themed workshops (proposed length to be agreed with organisers) * Tutorials focusing on particular tools (proposed length to be agreed with organisers) * Posters with accompanying 5 minute lightning talks Proposals for presentations and panels must be submitted as an abstract of between 300 and 500 words. Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be 800 to 1,000 words and include information about coordinators, format, target participant numbers and technical requirements. Proposals should demonstrate how the presentation, panel or workshop contributes to understanding web archiving histories or futures and the general themes relating to building, maintaining and researching web archives. Proposal should be accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords. Based on the abstracts, the programme committee may invite the submission of full papers for future publication. Please submit your proposals using EasyChair For questions, please e-mail iipc2018 at The deadline for submissions is 12 March 2018. All submissions will be reviewed by the WAC18 Programme Committee and submitters will be notified by 16 April 2018. For more information and updates, see: @NetPreserve #iipcWAC18