[Asis-l] University of Oklahoma SLIS News

Burke, Susan K. sburke at ou.edu
Wed Oct 18 15:17:05 EDT 2017

Recent Publications

Kim, Yong-Mi and Dursun Delen (in press). “A Critical assessment of health disparities across subpopulation groups through a social determinants of health perspective: The case of type 2 diabetes patients.” Informatics for Health and Social Care.

Lu, Kun, Jin Mao and Gang Li. 2017. “Toward effective automated weighted subject indexing: A comparison of different approaches in different environments<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/asi.23912/epdf>.” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Version of Record online: 12 SEP 2017 | DOI: 10.1002/asi.23912

Rubenstein, Ellen. 2017. “’I didn’t learn that in library school’ – Experiential learning in consumer health for future public librarians.” Library Trends 66(1): 37-51.

Rubenstein, Ellen, Cheryl McCain, and Kristal Boulden. 2017. “ARL instruction librarians and the one-box: A follow-up study.” Reference Services Review 45(3): 368-381.

Van der Veer Martens, Betsy, Bradley G. Illston, and Chris A. Fiebrich. 2017. “The Oklahoma Mesonet: A pilot study of environmental sensor data citations.” Data Science Journal. 16, 47. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2017-047

Dr. Kelvin White contributed a chapter to a book that won the 2017 Australian Society of Archivists Mander Jones Award for the greatest contribution to the archives profession in Australia:
White, Kelvin L. "Race and culture: An ethnic studies approach to archival and recordkeeping research in the United States." In Gilliland, Anne J., Sue McKemmish, Andrew J. Lau., editors. 2017. Research in the Archival Multiverse. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing.

Upcoming Conference Activities and Presentations
SLIS is providing leadership for ASIS&T:
Dr. June Abbas is on the Board as Treasurer and will be attending the 2017 conference.
Dr. Kyungwon Koh is the ASIS&T 2017 annual meeting visual presentation co-chair and the chair for the digital youth session, and will be attending the 2017 conference.
Dr. Kun Lu will also be attending the 2017 ASIS&T conference and will be giving a presentation and a poster:

  *   Kun Lu will present a paper at the ASIST SIG/MET workshop titled, "An Exploratory Study on Co-word Network Simulation"
  *   Kun Lu will present a co-authored poster titled, "Content Analysis of Facebook posts in Public Libraries based on Textual Analysis"

Kim, Yong-Mi, Pranay Kathuria, and Dursun Delen (October 25, 2017) Discovering Different CKD-Related Medical Problems for African American Male and Female Groups using a Machine Learning Technique. International Conference on Knowledge Management. Dallas, Texas.

Van der Veer Martens, Betsy (October 25, 2017). Knowledge Management and the Oklahoma Mesonet. International Conference on Knowledge Management. Dallas, Texas.

Van der Veer Martens, Betsy (November 2, 2017). Workshop for Oklahoma Library Association Ethics Committee. “Information Literacy in the Digital Age.”

SLIS undergraduate student Rebekah Russell recently presented her McNair Scholars research paper:
Russell, Rebekah (September 23, 2017). Right to Farm or Right to Harm? Political Framing of the Online Information Campaigns behind Oklahoma’s 2016 SQ 777. Heartland McNair Research Conference. Kansas City, MO.

Dr. June Abbas and Dr. Kyungwon Koh presented at the opening keynote panel of Library 2.017: Makerspaces, an online conference for library professionals, LIS students, and educators, on October 11, 2017. (The recordings of the conference sessions are freely available at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGvt9IyrGCa68EtCWNg2w57IMjSxFJFuT)

SLIS Faculty Member on NPR
Dr. Nathan Gerth, Assistant Curator and Archivist at the University of Oklahoma Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center, and Assistant Professor for SLIS participated in “A Look at the Political Clout of the National Rifle Association” on October 16, 2017

OU SLIS is Grant Partner on IMLS Funded Grant.
WGBH Educational Foundation in Boston was awarded a $229,772 Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant to launch the Public Broadcasting Preservation Fellowship. OU SLIS is one of five partner programs and will receive two funded fellowship positions for graduate students to work on the digital preservation of historically significant media broadcasts. The OU SLIS fellows will work with the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority. Congratulations, WGBH! We are delighted that you chose OU SLIS as a partner.

OU SLIS is a Grant Partner on IMLS Funded Grant.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, along with Drexel University and the University of Oklahoma received a 2017 National Leadership Grant for Libraries, Cycle Two grant for $524,874 to conduct research and develop screen media education training modules for public librarians working with parents and other caregivers of children ages 5 to 11. Dr. June Abbas is the OU SLIS contributor to this project.

OU SLIS has named Dr. Susan K. Burke to be Director of the School after serving as Interim Director since July 2016.

Ph.D. Program Accepting Applicants
OU SLIS is now accepting applications for our first Ph.D. cohort. SLIS faculty members will be at the ASIS&T conference and will be happy to answer questions about the program.

Susan K. Burke, Ph.D.
Director & Associate Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Oklahoma

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