[Asis-l] CFP: HICSS minitrack Collective Intelligence and Crowds

Fichman, Pnina fichman at indiana.edu
Mon May 22 16:42:47 EDT 2017

Collective Intelligence and Crowds
HICSS Minitrack
January 3-6, 2018
Big Island, Hawaii, USA

We are looking for papers that analyze collective intelligence, knowledge creation, and crowdsourcing. We also encourage the submission of papers that design and implement technologies that create new kinds of collectives. For example, papers that consider how machine learning and human learning interact in crowds and communities. In sum, we are open to a wide range of research that addresses relations between people, collectives, and machines, as well as the artifacts produced as a result.

The deadline is June 15, 2017. Feel free to send an abstract or a query between now and then to any of the three minitrack chairs, Jeff Nickerson (jnickerson at stevens.edu<mailto:jnickerson at stevens.edu>), Pnina Fichman (fichman at indiana.edu<mailto:ichman at indiana.edu>), or Don Steiny (steiny at steiny.com<mailto:steiny at steiny.com>). The abstract is not required, but can be helpful for all involved. If you won't be submitting but are willing to review, please let one of us know the number of papers you are willing to take.

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