[Asis-l] CFP - ISIC 2018

Julien, Heidi heidijul at buffalo.edu
Wed May 17 14:15:47 EDT 2017

ISIC 2018 - The Information Conference

Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, 9-11 October 2018

http://www.isic2018.com/    https://www.facebook.com/isic2018/    https://twitter.com/ISIC2018

EMAIL: isic2018 at uj.edu.pl<mailto:isic2018 at uj.edu.pl>

Call for Papers

ISIC 2018 is the twelfth ISIC conference. The ISIC conferences have a reputation for being an arena for discussing challenging work concerning people's contextualised interactions with information of various kinds. To see the proceedings of previous ISIC conferences please visit:


ISIC is multidisciplinary in scope: researchers from information science, information studies, library studies, communication studies, information management, education, management science, psychology, social psychology, sociology, STS, information systems, computer science, and other disciplines contribute to the research field. A common thread is the focus on contextualised information activities, expressed in different framings such as 'information behaviour', 'information practice', 'information seeking' 'information experience' and others.

ISIC 2018 intends to reflect and engage with the interdisciplinary character of information activities research and seeks to attract papers from all of these areas. ISIC is a conference for research papers exploring information as a rich site of study, going beyond the sole focus on technological aspects and exploring a wide variety of contexts. This legacy is borne out in the publication of the conference proceedings since the first conference in the series over 20 years ago.

The ISIC conference is particularly interested in analytical rather than descriptive investigations.

For more information about the suggested themes of the papers please visit:


The language of the conference will be only English and translators will not be available.

Important dates

Papers and Posters

*Paper submission deadline: 1 March 2018

*Poster submission deadline: 1 March 2018

Pre-Conference Workshop proposals

* Workshop proposals should be sent by 15 January 2018

Pre-Conference Doctoral Workshop submissions

*Doctoral workshop submission deadline: 1 April 2018


*Early bird registration ends: 30 June 2018

*Late registration ends: 7 September 2018

To see more important dates please visit: http://www.isic2018.com/important-dates.html

Associate Professor Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson,

Chair, Permanent ISIC Committee

Assistant Professor Remigiusz Sapa

Chair, ISIC2018 Committee


Heidi Julien, Ph.D.

Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies

Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo

526 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260

Ph: 716-645-1474 Fax: 716-645-3775

Email: heidijul at buffalo.edu<mailto:heidijul at buffalo.edu>


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Leon Megginson

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