From Katrin.Weller at Tue May 2 17:11:10 2017 From: Katrin.Weller at (Weller, Katrin) Date: Tue, 2 May 2017 21:11:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation: IC2S2 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Computational Social Science (early bird rates until May 25) Message-ID: <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D10183275C79@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> IC2S2 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Computational Social Science July 10-13, 2017 Cologne, Germany Web: Twitter: #IC2S2 / @IC2S2 Facebook: ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear colleagues, we would like to inform you that registration is now open for the 3rd International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2017)! This international conference brings together scientists from different disciplines and research areas to meet and discuss computational problems in the study of social systems and dynamics, as well as research questions motivated by large datasets, either extracted from real applications (e.g. social media, communication systems), or created via controlled experiments or computational models The goal of the conference is to create a broad and interdisciplinary community of researchers, including academics, tech industry workers, open data activists, government agency workers, and think tank analysts, who are committed to advancing social science knowledge through computational methods. In addition to keynote speakers, paper and poster sessions, the conference will also include a series of training opportunities and tutorials. Based on the open call for submissions, we accepted 136 submissions as talks, and 114 as poster presentations. You can find an overview of accepted talks and posters at and -------------------------------------- Keynote Speakers: -------------------------------------- This year the conference will feature keynotes by the following distinguished experts from different research areas in Computational Social Science: - Ulrik Brandes, University of Konstanz - Kathleen Carley, Carnegy Mellon University - Ciro Cattuto, ISI Foundation - Emily Falk, University of Pennsylvania - Justin Grimmer, Stanford University - Jeff Hancock, Stanford University - ?gnes Horv?t, Northwestern University - Cecilia Mascolo, University of Cambridge - Mar?a Pereda, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Daniel Romero, University of Michigan - Matt Taddy, Microsoft Research & University of Chicago - Milena Tsvetkova, London School of Economics and Political Science - Dashun Wang, Northwestern University -------------------------------------- Tutorials: -------------------------------------- On the pre-conference day (June 10) there will be the following tutorials: - A Practical Introduction to Spatial Datasets and Urban Applications (Bruno Gon?alves, Desislava Hristova, Anastasios Noulas) - Topic modeling European political debates with the EUSpeech dataset (Tatjana Scheffler, Damian Trilling, Cornelius Puschmann) - Social Media for Health Research (Ingmar Weber, Yelena Mejova) - Discovering and Mitigating Algorithmic Discrimination (Sara Hajian, Carlos Castillo) - Introduction to GIS using Google Maps and Google Earth (Toni Rouhana) - A Practical Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis for Text (Jacob Miller, David Gefen, Jorge Fresneda) - Computational Sociolinguistics (Dong Nguyen) - Crowdcomputing and Citizen Science for Large-Scale Experimentst (Snehalkumar 'Neil' S. Gaikwad, Sohan Dsouza, Oana Vuculescu, Andrew Mao, Iyad Rahwan) - Digital Demographys (Ingmar Weber, Bogdan State) - A brief introduction to Exponential Random Graph Models for social networks (Andr?s V?r?s) See details and abstracts at: -------------------------------------- Registration: -------------------------------------- Please visit our website for all information and for registering: Early bird tickets will be available until May 25, 2017. Registration will be open until June 22, 2017. We look forward to seeing you in Cologne! Kind regards, the IC2S2 Organizing Team (IC2S2 at From rsandusky at Mon May 1 12:32:50 2017 From: rsandusky at (Robert Sandusky) Date: Mon, 1 May 2017 11:32:50 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Register for the 2017 DataONE Users Group Meeting Message-ID: Dear DataONE Community Please mark your calendars for the DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting to be held July 24th ? 25th 2017 and co-located with the Summer ESIP Federation Meeting at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. The DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting will be a 2-day event featuring plenary presentations, topical breakout sessions, and community-led discussions. There is no registration fee to attend and participate in the DUG meeting Information, registration and group hotel rates can be found at: Meeting Theme and Objectives The 2017 meeting theme, ?Data Discoverability, Reproducibility, and Sustainability?, will bring together stakeholders to explore current advancements in these areas. Community talks and posters that explore broad topics of discoverability, reproducibility and sustainability are invited. Some examples are provided below: Data Discoverability: ?Describing, Documenting, and Representing Data ?Connecting journal articles to datasets to repositories ?Distinguishing between publishing, data, preservation repositories Reproducibility: ?Best Practices, Guidelines, and Standards ?Procedures, Tools, and Workflows ?Projects, Prototypes, and Use Cases Sustainability: ?Collaborations, Partnerships, and Stakeholders ?Infrastructure, Resources, and Support ?Computation, Integration, and Certification DataONE encourages DataONE Member Nodes, data scientists, researchers, scientists, students and others to submit abstracts for posters and talks. Abstract Submission for Posters and Talks Abstracts for talks and posters are solicited during the registration process. Talks will be approximately 10-20 minutes in duration, to be confirmed with development of the agenda. Submissions for talks will be accepted until June 2nd 2017. Oral presentations are not guaranteed and some submissions may be accepted as posters instead. Poster submissions will remain open until July. Important dates Oral Abstract Submission Deadline: June 2nd 2017 Author Notification: June 12th 2017 Thanks! Bob Sandusky University of Illinois at Chicago DataONE Users Group Steering Committee From Frank.Guerino at Tue May 2 09:58:22 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Tue, 02 May 2017 09:58:22 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Understanding Critical Thinking versus Design Thinking In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi All, Given your interest in Information and Knowledge Management, I thought the article ?Understanding Critical Thinking versus Design Thinking ? might also be of value. > [Direct address: >] I hope you find it interesting and useful. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From awasom.afuh at Wed May 3 11:06:06 2017 From: awasom.afuh at (Afuh, Awasom) Date: Wed, 3 May 2017 15:06:06 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG - III international Paper contest 2017 Message-ID: Dear All, The Special Interest Group on International Information Issues (SIG-III) of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) hereby announces the opening of its 17th International Paper Contest for LIS Professionals in Developing countries, for the 2017 Annual Meeting, which will take place in Washington DC (Crystal City, Virginia) from October 27- November1, 2017. The theme of the Annual Meeting is: "Diversity of Engagement: Connecting People and Information in the Physical and Virtual Worlds." This theme provides an opportunity for information science researchers - including academics practitioners, to discuss the impact of their research on industry, government, local/national/global community groups, individuals, information systems, libraries/museums/galleries, and on other practice contexts. It highlights the focus on Applied Research, which recognizes that basic research in information science is also inspired by, and/or connected to, information practice contexts. Papers could discuss issues, policies and case studies on specific aspects of the theme from a local and/or international perspective. Topics include, but are not limited to the following core areas: * Impact on Individuals: information behavior, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, social media use, information literacy, etc. * Impact on Society: digital citizenship, cultural engagement, archival preservation, policy development, copyright, intellectual property, infometrics, information access, etc. * Impact on Organizations: information architecture, knowledge management, competitive intelligence, linked data and big data, digital curation, records and archives management, etc. * Impact on Systems & Technology: cloud computing, digital libraries, automatic indexing, social tagging, classification, semantic web, database design, web usability, etc. * Impact on Information Contexts: health, education, law; environment, agriculture, business, etc. A panel of judges will select three winners. The panel is composed of Innocent Awasom (Texas Tech University, USA), Shimelis Assefa (University of Denver, USA), Premila Gamage (Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka), Devendra Dilip Potnis (University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA) and Fatih Oguz (UNC Greensboro, USA) Judging criteria: The papers will be judged on the following:- - Originality of paper in the developing world and global information ecosystem - Relevance to the paper contest theme and - Quality of argument, presentation and organization Eligibility & Information for authors: Only papers by a principal author who is a citizen of, and resides in a developing country are eligible. Winners of the 2010-2016 contests are not eligible. The papers should be original, unpublished, and submitted in English. We encourage submissions from librarians, information and network specialists, and educators involved in the creation, representation, maintenance, exchange, discovery, delivery, and use of digital information. Award: The first-place winner will receive a minimum of $1,000 towards offsetting the costs of attending the 2017 ASIS&T Annual Conference in Washington DC. In addition, all three winners will receive a two-year individual membership in ASIS&T. In case of multiple authors, the principal author will be awarded the ASIS&T membership. Style: The international paper contest committee requires that submissions follow the International Information and Library Review instructions to authors. Detailed information is available under the heading, Guide for Authors at: ASIS&T Copyright Policy: ASIS&T will have the non-exclusive right to publish any of the papers submitted on its web site or in print, with ownership and all other rights remaining with the author. Deadline for submission of full papers: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts, not to exceed 5,000 words, by May 31st, 2017 via email to awasom.afuh at, [awasomdotafuh at ttudotedu] preferably as Microsoft Word or PDF attachment. Thanks and we look forward to receiving your papers. Please distribute wisely to LIS professionals in Developing Economies. International Paper contest Team Innocent Awasom Shimelis Assefa Premila Gamage Devendra Dilip Potnis Faith Oguz From birger at Thu May 4 04:49:15 2017 From: birger at (Birger Larsen) Date: Thu, 4 May 2017 08:49:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Nominations - 2017 Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Scholarship - Deadline extended to May 15 Message-ID: <> EUGENE GARFIELD DOCTORAL DISSERTATION SCHOLARSHIP 2017 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS *** DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 15, 2017 *** 1. NATURE OF THE AWARD The scholarship will consist of an award of USD 3,000 (donated by the Eugene Garfield Foundation) to cover any research related expenses (including traveling) of the grant recipient, contingent upon the recipient's attending ISSI 2017, the next ISSI biennial conference. This conference will be held in Wuhan, P. R. China from October 16 till October 20, 2017. 2. PURPOSE OF THE AWARD The purpose of this scholarship is to foster research in informetrics, including bibliometrics, scientometrics, webmetrics and altmetrics by encouraging and assisting doctoral students in the field with their dissertation research. 3. ELIGIBILITY The scholarship recipient must meet the following qualifications: (a) Be an active doctoral candidate pursuing research using informetric, bibliometric, scientometric, webmetric or altmetric methodology in a degree-granting institution; (b) Have a doctoral dissertation proposal accepted by the institution or by their dissertation advisor. Clarification: an active doctoral student is someone who has not yet obtained the doctoral degree at the moment he/she receives the award. Moreover, the applicant need not be a member of ISSI to be considered for this scholarship. 4. ADMINISTRATION The award is sponsored by the Eugene Garfield Foundation with the cooperation of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, and is administered by the Board of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI). 5. NOMINATIONS Submission should include the following: (a) The doctoral research proposal, including a description of the research, methodology, and significance, 10 pages or less in length, double-spaced, and in English; (b) A copy of the paper submitted for presentation at the ISSI Conference; (c) A cover letter from the dissertation advisor endorsing the proposal and confirming that the contents of this proposal are accepted by the institute, or at least by the advisor; (d) An up-to-date curriculum vitae. 6. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS AND DEADLINE Due to the extension of the ISSI'2017 paper submission deadlines, the deadline for submission to the award is *** extended to MAY 15, 2017***. All proposals should be submitted in PDF by e-mail to ISSI Board member Birger Larsen at egdds.award at An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to candidates. 7. CONFERENCE PRESENTATION The recipient of the award will be given the opportunity to present his/her work either during a normal session (if his/her paper has been accepted for presentation), either as a special lecture on the same level as research in progress. This presentation will be referred to as the special Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Scholarship Lecture. Some further clarifications a) The candidate must have the intention to attend the conference, as shown by a submitted paper. b) The awardee is free to use the award money as he/she pleases. The award does not have to (but of course may) be used for travelling to the conference. c) The awardee is not automatically entitled to an (extra) travel grant from the conference organizers or from ISSI. Of course he/she may apply for such a grant (if such grants are made available by the organizers) like any other conference participant. ___________________________________ Birger Larsen, PhD Professor Head of Communication and Information Studies Department of Communication Aalborg University Copenhagen A.C. Meyers V?nge 15 DK-2450 K?benhavn SV Denmark web: From ludovico.boratto at Thu May 4 05:01:47 2017 From: ludovico.boratto at (Ludovico Boratto) Date: Thu, 4 May 2017 11:01:47 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Special Issue on "Data-Driven User Behavioral Modeling" Message-ID: *Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (Springer)* *Special Issue on ?Data-Driven User Behavioral Modeling: From Real-World Behavior to Knowledge, Algorithms, and Systems?* *MOTIVATION* We are now *inundated* with user data ? in the digital world and in the real world ? so it makes sense to try to mine that data to look for patterns and rules to guide our recommendation algorithms. We capture data streams from sensors, social media recommendations, mobile location-based information, and the evolving Internet of Things (IoT). The goal is to create a *snapshot*, or profile, of the user by understanding a person?s behavior when searching for a product, user activities when near a store that has a previously search-for product, and how social recommendations may influence a decision. The data tells the much of the user?s story, but we need tools and techniques to look for patterns, and turn those patterns into knowledge that can guide our algorithms in making smarter recommendations. Data is being collected constantly on user behavior on the Web, by location-based services using mobile phones, tele-monitoring and home support systems, and on our mobile fitness apps, and by sensors, cameras, and the IoT. Our goal is to *transform* that data into knowledge in ways that support and enhance the user experience. We want to make recommender systems smarter and more responsive to user needs, so we need to understand our users better. One important requirement is that users be able to provide *feedback* regarding the recommendations provided by the system. Another important factor is the role of social media in the way users are influenced in their decision-making. *TOPICS FOR THE SPECIAL ISSUE* We are interested in original research that addresses the multitude of issues in Data-Driven User Behavior Modeling. Topics include, but are not limited to the following: - Data mining of user behavior from data streams; - Knowledge discovery for user behavior modeling; - Internet of Things and daily activity monitoring; - Recommender systems for user decision-making; - Algorithms that incorporate user behavior models; - Role of social media and recommendations for user decision-making; - Real-world applications and systems in healthcare and other areas; - User behavior modeling and data privacy and data security. *IMPORTANT DATES* - First submission paper due: October 1, 2017 - First round decision made: December 15, 2017 - Revised manuscript due: January 31, 2018 - Final decision made: March 15, 2018 - Final paper due: April 15, 2018 *SUBMISSION GUIDELINES* Paper submissions must conform to the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems format guidelines . Manuscripts should be around (but not longer than) 25 pages and must be submitted to the online submission system . Please, select option "Data-Driven User Behavioral Modeling: From Real-World Behavior to Knowledge, Algorithms, and Systems" in the "Choose Article Type" section. Submissions to this Special Issue must represent original material that has been neither submitted to, nor published in, any other journal. A submission based on one or more papers that appeared elsewhere should have at least 30% of novel valuable content that extends the original work (the original papers should be referenced and the novel contributions should be clearly stated in the submitted paper). *CONTACTS* Website: For enquiries regarding the special issue, send an email to both guest editors at ludovico.boratto at and eloisa.vargiu at *GUEST EDITORS* Ludovico Boratto - Digital Humanities unit, EURECAT (Spain) Eloisa Vargiu - eHealth unit, EURECAT (Spain) From candy.schwartz at Thu May 4 12:23:52 2017 From: candy.schwartz at (Candy Schwartz) Date: Thu, 4 May 2017 12:23:52 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG CON Message-ID: I am retiring, and I am looking for someone to take over the SIG/CON archives and web site. Preferably a faculty person or library staff person - someone who will be able to sustain a level of interest - rather than a student group which might wax and wane. If this is you, please contact me. Candy -------------------------------- Candy Schwartz From openings at Fri May 5 09:56:32 2017 From: openings at (Higher Ed Listserv) Date: Fri, 5 May 2017 09:56:32 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Asis-l] Position Openings Message-ID: <> The following positions were recently posted to HigherEdJobs: We hope this is helpful! STEM Outreach & Instruction Librarian Eastern Washington University Cheney, WA Libraries Posted 05/04/17 Audio Visual Project Manager Yale University New Haven, CT Libraries Posted 05/04/17 Digital Scholarship & UX Design Librarian Middlebury College Middlebury, VT Libraries Posted 05/04/17 Digital Initiatives Coordinator South Dakota State University Brookings, SD Libraries Posted 05/03/17 Digital Archivist Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Libraries Posted 05/03/17 ERM & Continuing Resources Team Leader UCLA Los Angeles, CA Libraries Posted 05/02/17 Digital Publishing Services Specialist University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT Libraries Posted 05/01/17 Electronic Resource Assistant/Serials Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA Libraries Posted 04/26/17 E-Resources & Serials Acquisitions Specialist University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO Libraries Posted 04/21/17 Coordinator for Library Technology Services & e-Resources Librarian/Asst/Assoc Prof, Library University of Nebraska at Kearney Kearney, NE Library and Information Science Posted 04/19/17 HigherEdJobs (814) 861-3080 [ | ] [ ] makes no representations about the suitability of the information on this email for any purpose and disclaims all warranties with regard to this information. shall not be liable to any party for any special, indirect, or consequential damages that arises in any form from the use of this email. From chirags at Sat May 6 16:05:59 2017 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Sat, 6 May 2017 20:05:59 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] First CFP: ACM CHIIR 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ, USA Message-ID: ACM CHIIR 2018 Call for Papers and Proposals ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) (pronounced ?cheer?) which will take place during March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. Conference Scope and Topics Users are central to the design, evaluation, and use of information retrieval systems. ACM CHIIR 2018 invites submissions on user-centered approaches to information access, retrieval, and use, including studies of interactive systems, novel interaction paradigms, new evaluation methods, and a range of related areas. Alongside with detailed studies on specific information retrieval systems and situations, we welcome longitudinal, real-life, and ethnographic research of contextually embedded search tasks. Due to the rapidly increasing use of online and social media-oriented information interaction in all areas of human life - including work, leisure, and education - there has never been a more important time to consider, both empirically and theoretically, the consequences that search options, search strategies, recommendation systems, visualization, social media groups and other aspects of information interaction can have on the development of both individuals and society as a whole. Submissions focusing on user-centered work in the area of information interaction and retrieval are welcome, for example: * Information seeking, including task-based and exploratory studies * Interaction techniques for information retrieval and discovery * Online information seeking, including log analysis of search and browsing * Modeling and simulation of information interaction * Search user interfaces, including those for specialized tasks, populations and domains * Information use, including measures of use as well as broader sense-making * Field and case studies relevant to understanding prerequisites for information searching, design and access * User-centered evaluation methods and measures, including measures of user experience and performance, experiment and search task design, eye-tracking and physiological approaches, data analysis methods, and usability * Human interaction and experience with mobile searching and services * User-Centered Design approaches to humans interacting with information and systems * Context-aware and personalized search and design, contextual features and analysis for information interaction * Information visualization and visual analytics, including search result presentation * Collaborative information seeking and social search, including social utility and network analysis for information interaction Contribution Types Full papers: High quality, original research of relevance to CHIIR may be submitted as a full paper (10 pages). Submissions are expected to contain a rigorous evaluation of any proposed findings, using techniques such as laboratory studies, field experiments, in situ observational studies, crowdsourcing, simulations of search behavior, or log analysis. Authors should describe their methods and techniques in enough detail to allow for replication and reuse. Accepted full papers will be published in the proceedings, and presented as paper presentations at the conference. Perspective papers: A special category of full papers (10 pages), perspective papers should present novel ideas or insights concerning approaches, key challenges, or theoretical or methodological issues that have the potential to inspire substantive discussion and lead to significant advances in the field. These papers should not consist primarily of literature reviews or the presentation of stand-alone studies, but may take the form of: * * Reflections upon the body of research, considering how the field, the theories, the models, and the methods have developed; * Discussion of the implications of research findings on users in the real world; * Proposals for and discussions of theories or models of information-interaction; or * Critical, provocative, and creative contributions to stir debate and discussion. Short papers: Short Papers (4 pages) should report on original, significant, high-quality research. A short paper is likely to present a more focused study, and tends to make a smaller scope of contribution to the research program than full papers. For example, reporting on work in progress, preliminary research analysis, or late-breaking results may be suitable for Short Papers. This might be a good venue for those researchers who are new to the CHIIR community to become familiar with the field. Accepted short papers will be published in the proceedings, and presented as posters at the conference. Demonstrations: Demonstrations (4 pages) should enable presenters to give participants first-hand experience of novel research prototypes, operational systems, or in-progress concepts in development. The submission should both describe and show the proposed solution, addressing questions such as: What problem does the prototype/system/concept seek to address? How does it do so? Who are the users? How will you demonstrate this work? How does the work compare with those that exist already? Finally, how, where and when will your technology have a technical or commercial impact? The authors will have an opportunity of submitting a short video to show how their demo works. Wireless network access, along with a table and poster mount backdrop, will be provided for all accepted demonstrations. A paper describing each accepted demonstration will be included in the conference proceedings. Doctoral Consortium: Doctoral Consortium proposals (3 pages) should include the abstract, motivation, research questions, (planned or ongoing) methodology, progress made, and future plans. The CHIIR Doctoral consortium, held in conjunction with the main conference, provides an opportunity for doctoral students to present and discuss their research with senior researchers and other doctoral students in a seminar format. The Doctoral Consortium focuses on 1) advising students regarding current critical issues in their research, and 2) making students aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their research as viewed from different perspectives. Accepted proposals are eligible for publication in the proceedings. Workshops: Original Workshop Proposals (4 pages) should be highly interactive and could be either full-day or half-day. We welcome workshops that address important issues, discuss potential solutions, integrate various approaches, and offer innovative perspectives within the themes of the conference and have strong potential to contribute to the evolution of research and development of human computer interaction and information retrieval. Tutorials: Proposals for Tutorials (4 pages) should address topics relevant to the themes of the conference and could be either full-day or half-day. Each proposal is expected to cover the selected topic in depth by providing the audience with different perspectives, approaches, and recent developments and advances in the community. The accepted Workshops and Tutorials will be included in the conference proceedings. Deadlines 1 October 2017 - Full papers and Perspectives papers due 22 October 2017 - Short papers, Demos, Workshops and Tutorials proposals due 1 November 2017 ? Doctoral Consortium applications due 15 December 2017 - Notification of acceptance Submission Guidelines * CHIIR submissions should be original, high quality research that has not been published previously and are not under review for another conference or journal. * An international program committee will review all submissions. * All reviews will be double-blind, so submissions must be fully anonymized when submitted. * The page limits for each type of submission includes references. * All submissions should be formatted using the ACM Conference style (for LaTeX or Word). Submissions should be made in PDF. * All accepted submissions will be made available in the ACM Digital Library as part of the CHIIR series. * Submissions should not contain any author identification and should be submitted electronically via the conference submission system (TBA). **** Chirag Shah, PhD Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science, Rutgers University Director, InfoSeeking Lab ( **** From kpearl at Fri May 5 11:50:16 2017 From: kpearl at (Perales, Katherine Pearl) Date: Fri, 5 May 2017 15:50:16 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Educopia and UNC SILS receive IMLS Grant Message-ID: Educopia and UNC SILS receive IMLS funding for study of open source software implementation to improve archival workflows for born-digital materials The Educopia Institute and the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) have been awarded a grant worth over $681,000 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for OSSArcFlow, a project to investigate and support the adoption of open source tools for libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs). The research team will engage with 12 partner institutions to research, devise, and test various strategies for implementing three leading open source software (OSS) technologies, the BitCurator environment, ArchivesSpace, and Archivematica. By working with institutions of multiple sizes and types, investigators will be able to glean important workflow insights that can benefit a variety of libraries and archives. Ultimately, all project information - including narratives, workflows, summary findings, training modules, and guides - will be widely disseminated to help other institutions successfully adapt OSS digital curation and preservation tools. "We aim to make the daunting task of implementing digital curation tools more achievable for memory institutions nationally," said SILS Professor Christopher (Cal) Lee, co-principal investigator for the project. "These activities will catalyze efforts across the library and archives fields by supporting more efficient and effective digital curation programs that ensure ongoing access to our increasingly born-digital legacy for all people." Educopia Executive Director Katherine Skinner will act as principal investigator (PI) and overall coordinator for the project, with SILS' Cal Lee and Research Scientist Kam Woods and Educopia Preservation Communities Manager Sam Meister serving as co-PIs. Partner institutions for the project are Robert W. Woodruff Library, District of Columbia Public Library, Duke University, Emory University, Kansas Historical Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mount Holyoke College, New York Public Library, New York University, UNC Odum Institute, Rice University, and Stanford University. "Rather than assuming a 'lowest common denominator' approach and expecting all of these institutions to use the tools in the same way, we will be working to understand how different institutional needs and capabilities act as drivers in workflow development," said Skinner. "The tools and active workflows we produce in the project will serve both as models and as resources that many LAMs can and will draw upon in their own work." Read more at Katherine Pearl Perales Communications Coordinator School of Information and Library Science (SILS) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Manning Hall 04, CB# 3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 kpearl at Phone: (919) 843-8337 SILS.UNC.EDU | SILS on Facebook | SILS on Twitter From kdali at Mon May 8 11:19:51 2017 From: kdali at (Keren Dali) Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 11:19:51 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Interested in strong LIS education? 2017 IFLA Open Session, 24 August 2017 Message-ID: <> Please excuse cross-postings. Please distribute to other lists. Contribute to building strong LIS education. Save this date and time at the 2017 IFLA WLIC: Thursday, 24 August 2017 (10h45-12h45) The LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG, Education and Training and Library Theory and Research Sections will jointly present an Open Session on Thursday, 24 August 2017 (10h45-12h45) at the 2017 IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Wroclaw, Poland, 19-25 August 2017. (Congress website: The Open Session is titled Building Strong LIS Education: Work-In-Progress and Critical Engagement and aims to: * present findings from a first international survey on qualification requirements (education, certification, individual credentialing system) for library and information 'professional' practice toward a better understanding of the equivalence of credentials and the role of LIS education; * critically engage participants in the implications of similarities and differences among countries for transferability or reciprocity of professional qualifications; and, * map the way forward for the next steps in building strong international LIS education, based on the exploratory study conducted. Input from the Open Session will inform the development of a white paper on Building Strong LIS Education that will be presented at the 2018 ALISE Conference. Be part of this exciting space in international LIS education. Keren Dali, Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Library & Information Studies University of Alberta 3-05 Rutherford South Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2J4 **************************************************** The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail. The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent. **************************************************** From Daniel.Alemneh at Mon May 8 14:14:55 2017 From: Daniel.Alemneh at (Alemneh, Daniel) Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 18:14:55 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ICKM 2017 - Call for Papers and Presentations In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Gentle Reminder - Deadline for full paper submission is June 1, 2017 CALL FOR PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS ICKM2017 International Conference on Knowledge Management October 25-27, 2017 Dallas/Fort Worth Marriott Hotel & Golf Club The 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM) provides academics, researchers, developers and practitioners from all over the world a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas concerning theoretical and practical aspects of information and Knowledge Management. Since the first ICKM conference held in Singapore in 2004, subsequent conferences have been held in Charlotte, North Carolina 2006; Greenwich, London 2006; Vienna, Austria 2007; Columbus, Ohio 2008; Hong Kong 2009; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2010; Johannesburg, South Africa 2012; Montreal, Canada 2013; Antalya, Turkey 2014; Osaka, Japan 2015; Vienna, Austria in 2016. ICKM 2017 will be held in Dallas, Texas and hosted by the Knowledge and Information Professional Association ( The main theme of the conference this year is "Big Data and Data Analytics". The conference welcome submission of high-quality research papers, case studies, posters and practitioners oral PowerPoint presentations in the areas that include but are not limited to the following: Track on Big Data & Data Science Data Science and Data Analytics Big Data Analytics and Decision Making Big Data and Data Warehousing Big Data in Healthcare Privacy & Security Issues of Managing Big Data Big Data and Data Management Challenges Track on Knowledge Discovery & Representation Data Mining, Text and Web Mining Data Analytics and Visualization Computational Linguistics Meta Data and Organization of Networked Resources Learning Resource Metadata Track on Knowledge Management in Organizations KM Practices (Best Practices, communities of practice, etc.) Social Networks and Knowledge Sharing Competitive and Business Intelligence Intellectual Capital, ROI Project Management Track on Knowledge Management and Information Society Knowledge Society & Knowledge Economy Smart Cities and Innovation Indigenous Knowledge Management Social & Ethical Issues Track on Big Data in Libraries Big Data and Digital Data Curation Knowledge and Data Repositories Digital Curation & Data Management Document & Records Management Archival Management & Web Archiving Track on Information Science & Organization Information Architecture, Design and Analysis Information Retrieval, Usability and HCI Taxonomies and Ontology Information Representation and Visualization Information Privacy and Security Information Policy and Ethics Submission Deadlines Full papers and Posters Submission: June 1, 2017 Practitioners and Work in Progress Presentations (Abstracts Submission): July 1, 2017 Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2017 Final Camera-Ready for Full Papers Submission: August 15, 2017. Click here to submit From asis at Mon May 8 16:58:55 2017 From: asis at (Jacek Gwizdka) Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 15:58:55 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] First CFP: JASIST Special Issue on Neuro-Information Science Message-ID: CFP: JASIST Special Issue on Neuro-Information Science Summary and Scope ================= The field of neuroscience has fruitfully contributed to a wide variety of other fields, for example, economics, marketing and information systems. In the last decade, wide adoption and influence of neuro-physiological (NP) research tools also led the creation of several new sub-fields, including neuroeconomics, neuromarketing and NeuroIS. There is now a growing interest in the use of NP methods in human-information interaction (HII) and interactive information retrieval (IIR) research. The latter interest has been motivated, at least partially, by researchers who regularly utilize search logs, direct searcher observation and questionnaires and interviews as data collection methods and are concerned with the limitations of these traditional methods. Experimental data obtained from NP methods is expected to complement the more traditional data sources and, together, contribute to improving and deepening the understanding of HII (*1). The deeper understanding offers potential for the development of new information search models. The long-term and primary goal is to create robust and predictive models that go beyond behavioral data. A secondary and additional goal is to develop new search models that can account for physiological and neurological responses to information stimuli and the influence of cognitive and affective states on users' information behavior. The NP methods of potential usefulness to HII include, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), electro-encephalography (EEG), magneto-encephalography (MEG), eye-tracking (esp. pupilometry). Example research questions include, investigating which cognitive functions are engaged in assessing relevance; establishing differences in NP signals collected when users are assessing relevant vis-a-vis not relevant information; establishing differences in brain activity between easy and difficult search tasks; relating individual differences in search task performance to differences in activations of brain regions. Early applications of NP methods to HII has resulted in two emerging threads of active research: (1) the investigation of inferring relevance assessment and (2) the study of human responses to search tasks. The results from the two research threads have been disseminated through a number of recent publications that appeared at major international conferences (e.g., ACM CHIIR, ACM SIGIR, ECIR) as well as (less frequently) in scholarly journals (e.g., JASIST). Importantly, a few of these early publications have garnered best-paper awards at major conferences and scholarly venues (including JASIST). Unfortunately, many IIR researchers and more broadly information science scholars in general are largely unaware of the new NP methods and NP applications. This special issue aims to increase the awareness of NP methods and their applicability and to showcase the state-of-the-art work in this area, as well as to to examine challenges in applying NP methods to HII and IIR research. Topics of Interest ================== Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following: * Application of NP-methods in measuring antecedents of HII behaviors and NP correlates of HII behaviors; * HII and IIR studies that utilize NP methods; * Adaptive or personalized search and retrieval systems that incorporate NP data (e.g., brain-computer or gaze-based interfaces specialized for search); * NP-based search and retrieval systems for special populations (e.g., older adults, people with cognitive disabilities); * Models and theories of HII informed by NP theories and data; * Methods for incorporating NP data in HII research and limitations of NP methods; * Ethical considerations in application of NP methods in HII research; The NP methods of interest include, but are not limited to: fMRI, fNIRS, EEG, MEG, eye-tracking (esp. pupillometry). Submission Guidelines ===================== Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read JASIST Submission Guidelines. The complete manuscript should be submitted through JASIST's Submission System. To insure that you submit to the correct special issue, please select "Special Issue on Neuro-Information Science" as your manuscript type. Submission Deadlines ==================== Abstract Submission Due: July 31, 2017 (abstracts are **required**, please email to: at Paper Submission Due: November 15, 2017 (submit to: First Review Notification: January 15, 2018 Revision Due: March 15, 2018 Final Notification: May 15, 2018 Guest Editors =============== Jacek Gwizdka, iSchool, University of Texas at Austin, USA, jacekg at Heather O'Brien, iSchool, University of British Columbia, Canada, h.obrien at, Kelly Giovanello, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, University of North Carolina, USA, kgio at Yashar Moshfeghi, CS, University of Glasgow, UK Yashar.Moshfeghi at Max Wilson, CS, University of Nottingham , UK, Max.Wilson at (*1) Mostafa, J., & Gwizdka, J. (2016). Deepening the Role of the User: Neuro-Physiological Evidence As a Basis for Studying and Improving Search. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (pp. 63-70). New York, NY, USA: ACM. Best - Jacek Jacek Gwizdka, PhD(Toronto) MASc(Toronto) MEng(TULodz) 'Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate' - William of Ockham (1285-1349) Research Talk on NeuroIR | Assistant Professor at School of Information, University of Texas at Austin 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA | Office 5.532 (5th floor) Information eXperience (IX) lab Co-Director | ACM Senior Member Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists From Frank.Guerino at Tue May 9 06:36:27 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Tue, 09 May 2017 06:36:27 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Understanding the different forms and purposes of Reference Data for Master Data Management In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi All, For those of you interested or involved in Reference Data Management efforts, you may find the article ?Understanding the different forms and purposes of Reference Data for Master Data Management ? to be of assistance. > [Direct address: > > ster-data-management] I hope you find the materials interesting and useful. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From kberlack at Mon May 8 18:37:29 2017 From: kberlack at (Ken Berlack) Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 22:37:29 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NFAIS Workshop 5/25: How Social Should Social Collaborative Networks Be? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ==================================================================== NFAIS Half-Day Virtual Workshop: How Social Should Social Collaborative Networks (SCNs) Be? Date: Thursday, May 25, 2017 Time: 9:00 am ? 1:00 pm EDT Location: Virtual Registration: ==================================================================== What's Covered: As social networks become more popular, researchers are not only embracing them, they are also taking more proactive steps to use SCNs in a way that eliminates global borders in the research community. Join NFAIS for a half-day virtual workshop as we examine the trends, the market, and the stakeholders most impacted. Our expert panel will examine: * The expanding use of SCNS, and why researchers are moving beyond the traditional dissemination ecosystem provided by publishers and libraries. * How publishers can make it easier for authors to maximize the audience for their work, while protecting copyright and ensuring that the total usage of a work can be counted when reporting to institutions and funders. * Researcher demographics, and how SCNs are advancing researchers' work through greater visibility and citation. * The effect of SCNs on library collections and discovery services. * How all stakeholders can reach consensus on copyright issues, what works can be posted, what users can access it, and voluntary principles for article sharing. Join NFAIS on Thursday, May 25th to learn how sharing in and among these networks is accelerating research, increasing collaboration, expanding researcher visibility, and how engagement with these services correlates to quality. Who should attend this NFAIS Workshop: scholarly researchers, publishers, research librarians, government agency officials, and non-profit scholarly society staff. Presenters (listed in order of appearance): Charlie Rapple, Sales & Marketing Director and Co-founder, Kudos Gabrielle Appleton, Managing Director, Mendeley Lenny Teytelman, CEO and Co-founder, Nicko Goncharoff, Chief Business Development Officer, Digital Science Dawn Melley, Director, Editorial Services, IEEE Periodicals Additional presenters to be announced! _________________________________________________________________________________ The costs for attending this Half-Day Virtual Workshop are: $295 for NFAIS members; $349 for Allied Societies*; and $395 for non-members. Group rates for three or more attendees are available at $695 for NFAIS members; $749 for Allied Societies*; and $795 for non-members. *Allied Societies: LYRASIS, CENDI, ICSTI, Society for Scholarly Publishing, the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of AAP, Association of American University Presses, NISO and ASIS&T. Contact: For more information about this event, please contact Nancy Blair-DeLeon, NFAIS Director of Professional Development, at 443-221-2980 ext. 102 or nblairdeleon at From plato.smith at Tue May 9 16:41:51 2017 From: plato.smith at (Smith, Plato) Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 20:41:51 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2017 DataONE Users Group Meeting Message-ID: Pardon cross-post. The registration is now open for the DataONE Users Group Meeting held July 24 -25, 2017 and collocated with the Summer ESIP Federation Meeting at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. You can register and/or submit abstract for posters or talks via Thank you, Plato ________________________________________________________ Plato L. Smith II, Ph.D. Data Management Librarian University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries, USA Office: + 1 352-294-1077 | Cell: + 1 850-319-7924 | Email: plato.smith at ORCiD: From rieh at Wed May 10 15:38:50 2017 From: rieh at (Soo Young Rieh) Date: Wed, 10 May 2017 15:38:50 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Nominations for the Research in Information Science Award Message-ID: *Call for Nominations for the 2017 ASIS&T Research in Information Science Award* The ASIS&T Research in Information Science Award (Research Award) recognizes the exceptional research contribution of a researcher or group of researchers working in the field of information science. The Research Award is for a ?program of research? beyond a single study. Many illustrious information researchers have won the Research Award, including Brenda Dervin, Marcia Bates, Carol Kuhlthau, Kalervo Jarvelin, Christine Borgman, Diane Kelly, Susan Herring and most recently in 2016 Reijo Savolainen. The criteria for the Research Award have been recently shifted from recognition of a researcher?s overall career to recognition of a program of research that has had a significant impact in information science. It recognizes an in-depth multi-method or multi-dimensional investigation of one research area. As opposed to the Award of Merit which recognizes an entire career, the objective of the Research Award is to encourage researchers by recognizing an exceptional research program that has significantly advanced knowledge in the information science area. Past winners of the Award of Merit are not eligible for the Research Award. Both ASIS&T members and researchers who are not members of ASIS&T are eligible for the Research Award. Deadline for online submission of nominations: June 15, 2017 Guidelines for the Research in Information Science Award: Online submission of nomination: Soo Young Rieh, Associate Professor School of Information, University of Michigan Personal Website: From emeyers at Tue May 9 23:41:56 2017 From: emeyers at (Eric Meyers) Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 20:41:56 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] HCI Postdoc opportunity at UBC Message-ID: ****Cross-posted recklessly and without the usual apologies**** Postdoctoral Fellow with the Designing for People @ UBC Graduate Training Program University of British Columbia, Canada Designing for People (DFP -- a pan-university research cluster) is seeking applications for a one-year (renewable for a second year) postdoctoral fellow to play a pivotal role in designing and delivering an innovative cross-departmental graduate program in Human Computer Interaction. The position is available immediately at UBC?s Point Grey campus in Vancouver, Canada. Description: DFP is developing a new two-year graduate enrichment program with first phase of delivery targeted for September 2017. The teaching postdoc is envisioned to play a multi-faceted role for this program. The two primary foci for Year 1 are to work with a faculty team on the design and delivery of the program?s two core courses: (1) foundations of HCI, and (2) an eight-month externally-sponsored, team-based project in user-centered design. Both of these will be done in partnership with a network of DFP faculty members. The position has some flexibility ? candidates who are also interested in building their research portfolio will have the option to include DFP research as part of their job description. For example, program evaluation is a secondary goal for the position, which includes assessment of best practices for ?team? building and interdisciplinarity. The postdoc could use the DFP environment to conduct research on these topics. Thus, this role will be ideal for an individual who wants to groom themself for a professional career in innovative, high-value education, rising out of a stellar doctoral research program - for example, as a tenure-track instructor, and/or education researcher. Application Criteria: - The applicant should hold a PhD in a ?Designing for People? discipline. We expect to see applicants from, for example, Computer Science, iSchools, or human-facing engineering (human factors) design. In exceptional cases, a research-type Master?s degree combined with professional instructional experience will be considered. - Start dates are somewhat flexible, but the ideal candidate would start by July 2017, or as soon as possible thereafter. - Applicants must have relevant HCI / user-centered design teaching skills, demonstrated by a successful teaching portfolio (e.g., serving as a teaching assistant and ideally a lecturer for HCI courses). - Applicants should also have relevant HCI / user-centered design research experience, demonstrated by publications in high-quality venues. - Applicants should have experience with a variety of human-centered research methods (research ethics, questionnaires, qualitative interviews, and other education evaluation metrics). Application submission: Interested applicants should send the following information to dfp-postdoc at - a brief letter of application, clarifying interest and fit to the position - a curriculum vitae - three reference letters (to be sent separately) We will review applications as they arrive. Further information: For more information about the position contact: Karon MacLean (maclean at or Joanna McGrenere (joanna at Designing For People ? HCI at UBC is a new research cluster that brings together faculty and students from across many units at UBC who are focused on designing interactive technologies for human use. Our temporary website can be found at: Vancouver is recognized as one of the most livable cities in the world. More information can be found at UBC hires on the basis of merit and is strongly committed to equity and diversity within its community. We especially welcome applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, and others with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities. UBC eligibility for the postdoctoral fellow rank is such that the appointment must commence within five years of being awarded a PhD (excluding maternity/parental/adoptive leave). From dingying at Thu May 11 08:44:58 2017 From: dingying at (Ying Ding) Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 08:44:58 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] The First International Workshop on Data-Driven Discovery, in conjunction with SIGKDD2017 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The First International Workshop on Data-Driven Discovery in conjunction with SIGKDD2017 ( August 14, 2017, Halifax, Nova Scotia - Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The traditional mode of conducting science involves reading related articles, selectively evaluating datasets and ?thinking through? testable hypotheses. Data was the bottleneck in this traditional scientific method, reserved only for final testing. With the rise of high-throughput experiments and sensors, the associated production of enormous data, and publication of more papers on many topics than any individual or team can peruse, the same artisanal approach to hypothesis generation both slows and narrows the scope of science relative to its potential. For one common disease (i.e., diabetes), more than 500,000 articles have been published to date. If a scientist read 20 papers per day, it would take 68 years, by which time millions more will have been published. We need computational approaches to read, reason, and design hypotheses that transcend the capacity of individual teams. We need to deploy scientific creativity not only to craft individual questions, but the models and algorithms that will generate the most promising collections of questions. In short, we need computation to generate Big Questions equal to Big Data. Researchers generate hypotheses in different ways. A dominant approach in biology and medicine is first-hand observation and lab test results, mining electronic medical records, and engagement with experimental and gene sequence data. Generating hypothesis from literature is viewed as a serendipitous process with great uncertainty. With the digitization of the international medical corpus, and increased production of born-digital publications, the vast amount of published knowledge contains a diversity of insight to which domain experts are rarely exposed and about which they cannot casually reason. This situation is exacerbated for transdisciplinary domains. The flipside of this challenge reveals the promise. Generating hypothesis from literature in different but related disciplines can reveal potential connections never before realized because experts from distant domains have not mastered each other's knowledge. Mining literature to generate hypotheses need not be confined to biology or medicine. It should be extended to all areas of science, scholarship, engineering and the arts. Given the enormous resource constraints facing contemporary research, the acceleration of discovery is indispensable scientific and societal advance. This workshop aims to explore this timely topic because the Web has become the essential infrastructure to acquire, disseminate, and create data, information, and knowledge. Here we call for contributions on computational hypothesis generation to share their insights and move this field forward to generate scientific, technological, and societal impact. Ultimately, we hope that this event will visibly bring data and computation up the value chain of science from answers and certainty to questions and creativity. Our workshop call for contributions covering, but not limited to, the following topics: Tactics of Discovery ? Text mining (NLP) for Knowledge Discovery ? Graph Mining for Knowledge Discovery ? Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery ? Data Mining for Knowledge Discovery ? Modeling Cognition for Discovery ? Complex Systems for Discovery ? Creativity and Discovery ? Design Thinking and Discovery Medical Discovery ? Cancer pathways ? Literature, Data and Medical Record integration ? Drug repurposing ? Personalized medicine ? Discovery in Disease Discovering the Brain ? Learning and Memory in the Human Brain ? Making sense of Neuroscience Data ? Understanding how the brain views a complex world Computational Social Science and Service ? Discovery in Social Science ? Social Services ? Policing ? Education ? Business ? Poverty Reduction Digital Humanities and Arts ? Digital Humanities ? Digital Painting ? Digital Recipes ? Computational Creativity: Story, joke and poetry generation Workshop Schedule/Important Dates " Workshop paper submissions: June 10, 2017 " Workshop paper notifications: June 23, 2017 " Final submission of workshop program and materials: June 30, 2017 " Workshop date: August 14, 2017 All papers submitted should have a maximum length of 8 pages and must be prepared using the ACM camera-ready template Authors are required to submit their papers electronically in PDF format. The submission website is Workshop Chairs: Ying Ding, Indianan University James A. Evans, University of Chicago Scott Spangler, IBM Almaden Research Center Lav Varshney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dashun Wang, Northwestern University -- Ying Ding Associate Director of Data Science Online Program School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University From yolande at Thu May 11 14:38:44 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 14:38:44 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T Announces New Executive Director Message-ID: <013a01d2ca85$d1cc3d50$7564b7f0$> I am delighted to announce that Lydia Middleton has been hired as our new Executive Director. Today is her first day in the office. Please see the press release for more information. Lydia is interested in hearing from members about how ASIS&T can be of service to you. Please give Lydia a warm welcome and feel free to contact her to share your vision and ideas for ASIS&T. She can be reached at lmiddleton at or 301-495-0900 x1100. All the best, Lynn- Lynn Silipigni Connaway President, 2017, Association for Information Science and Technology OCLC . Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research, OCLC Research 6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH USA 43017 T +1--- . M +1-303-246-3623 . F +1-614-718-7378 ASIS&T Announces New Executive Director The Board of Directors of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is pleased to announce the hiring of Lydia Middleton, MBA, CAE as its new Executive Director effective May 8, 2017. Middleton was hired after an extensive search from a pool of 200 applicants. "On behalf of the ASIS&T Board, I am thrilled to welcome Lydia Middleton as our new Executive Director." Reported Lynn Silipigni Connaway, ASIS&T Board President. "Lydia brings a wealth of experience leading non-profit scholarly and professional associations. She has increased revenue and expanded membership by introducing new opportunities for sponsorships, collaboration, and engagement. As ASIS&T celebrates its 80th anniversary, the Board believes Lydia is the best person to lead us into a new period of growth and increased offerings for our members." Ms. Middleton has served as an Executive Director with the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, the Association for University Programs in Health Administration and the David A. Winston Health Policy Fellowship. She also serves as an Adjunct Faculty member at the George Washington University. "I am tremendously excited to be joining the team at ASIS&T" remarked Middleton. "ASIS&T is an organization which has had a long and successful tradition of service to the information science community. I look forward to continuing that tradition while seeking new opportunities for member engagement, strategic growth and enhanced impact for the organization." -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 20938 bytes Desc: not available URL: From aida.slavic at Mon May 15 08:40:59 2017 From: aida.slavic at (Aida Slavic) Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 13:40:59 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Invitation: Faceted Classification Today, London 14-15 September In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [apologies for cross-posting] ===== Invitation for registration ===== The International UDC Seminar 2017 FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: theory, technology and end users DATE: 14-15 September 2017 VENUE: Wellcome Collection 183 Euston Road London, United Kingdom WEBSITE: CONTACT: seminar2017 at UDC Seminar 2017 revisits faceted analytical theory as one of the most influential methodologies in the development of knowledge organization systems. We invite information professionals, researchers, lecturers in library and information science and computer science as well as controlled vocabulary developers and designers to join us in discussing important issues related to 'facets' and their application in information organization and discovery. Various aspects of facet analysis will be discussed by the most eminent authors in the field of knowledge organization and classification: Richard Smiraglia, Vanda Broughton, Birger Hjorland, Claudio Gnoli, Joseph Tennis, Martin Fricke, Dagobert Soergel, Rebecca Green, Rick Szostak, A.R.D. Prasad, et al. The conference proceedings will be published by Ergon and distributed at the conference. To learn more about the conference programme and to register, go to the conference website Early bird registration opens 15 May 2017: ?250 early bird fee, students ?220 (closes on 30 June) ?290 regular fee, students ?250 About the organizer: "Faceted Classification Today" is the sixth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDC Consortium). UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the UDC and to support its use and development ( UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain. -- Dr Aida Slavic Editor-in-Chief UDC Email: aida.slavic at --- UDC Consortium PO Box 90407 2509 LK The Hague The Netherlands --- Web: Email: mail at ______________________ * International UDC Seminar 2017 - London, 14-15 September - * UDC Online Hub (6 languages): * UDC Summary (56 languages): The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool ______________________ From ppichappan at Mon May 15 02:19:19 2017 From: ppichappan at (Pit Pichappan) Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 11:49:19 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Future of Big Data 2017 Message-ID: Call for Workshop Papers Third International Workshop on 'Future Big Data' (FBD 2017) In Conjunction with the Twelfth Eleventh International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017) Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan September 12-14, 2017 Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Technology Management Council Accepted workshop papers will be published in the proceedings indexed by IEEE Xplore. About the Workshop Big Data concern large-volume, complex, growing data sets with multiple, autonomous sources. The developments in the Big Data research lead to almost the birth of a new domain. With the fast development of networking, data storage, and the data collection capacity, Big Data are now rapidly expanding in all science and engineering domains, including physical, biological and biomedical sciences. This workshop will address the features of the Big Data revolution, Big Data processing model, data driven models, big data standards, and so on. Topics to be addressed in the workshop, but not limited to: - Big Data models and architectures - Big data architecture and design - Security, privacy, and trust - Data protection and integrity - Big Data mining, analytics and metrics - Data representation and structures - Data capturing and acquisition - Tools and technologies - QoS of big data - Social networks analysis - Big Data searching and mining - Visualisation of data - Personal data logging and quantified-self - Context-aware data - Big Data Visualization - Personalisation of data - Data contextualisation - Data Querying - Applications of open and linked data - Data-intensive computing, - Methodologies and cases studies - Data Usability issues - Storages and network requirements - Bigdata Network models and protocols - Big data in cloud and IoT - Big data processing large-scale datasets on clusters - Smart and connected communities - Big Data and Urban Data Analytics - Cloud Computing and Network Infrastructure for Smart Cities - Intelligent Transport Systems and Traffic Management - Big data for Internet of Things Submissions Submissions should provide original and unpublished research results or ongoing research with simulations. The papers should be between 6 to 8 pages total in length in the IEEE format. * All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore. All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP ( * Modified version of the selected papers will appear in the special issues of the following peer reviewed and indexed journals. (Indexed in Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports, dblp, Engineering Index and many other databases) Important Dates Full Paper Submission July 01, 2017 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection August -01, 2017 Registration Due September -01, 2017 Camera Ready Due September -01, 2017 Workshops/Tutorials/Demos September 13, 2017 Main conference September 12-14, 2017 Organizers Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau Submissions at For additional inquiries, please contact - conference at --------------------- From kdali at Mon May 15 09:44:47 2017 From: kdali at (Keren Dali) Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 09:44:47 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: Interested in strong LIS education? 2017 IFLA Open Session, 24 August 2017 Message-ID: Please excuse cross-postings. Please distribute to other lists. Contribute to building strong LIS education. Save this date and time at the 2017 IFLA WLIC: Thursday, 24 August 2017 (10h45-12h45) The LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG, Education and Training and Library Theory and Research Sections will jointly present an Open Session on Thursday, 24 August 2017 (10h45-12h45) at the 2017 IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Wroclaw, Poland, 19-25 August 2017. (Congress website: The Open Session is titled Building Strong LIS Education: Work-In-Progress and Critical Engagement and aims to: * present findings from a first international survey on qualification requirements (education, certification, individual credentialing system) for library and information 'professional' practice toward a better understanding of the equivalence of credentials and the role of LIS education; * critically engage participants in the implications of similarities and differences among countries for transferability or reciprocity of professional qualifications; and, * map the way forward for the next steps in building strong international LIS education, based on the exploratory study conducted. Input from the Open Session will inform the development of a white paper on Building Strong LIS Education that will be presented at the 2018 ALISE Conference. Be part of this exciting space in international LIS education. Keren Dali, Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Library & Information Studies University of Alberta 3-05 Rutherford South Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2J4 **************************************************** The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail. The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent. **************************************************** From jmartin at Fri May 12 11:09:56 2017 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 15:09:56 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Digital Directions Seattle - Aug 21-23 - Benefits of Attending Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF9014B43FBA8@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> *********************************************************************** Are you just getting started in digitization and digital preservation? Trying to bring several digital projects together into a cohesive digital preservation program? Or are you well into a digital project and need a refresher on the latest standards and best practices? Join Us At: DIGITAL DIRECTIONS: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections August 21-23, 2017 Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattle, Washington ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Guided by a faculty of national experts, join colleagues from institutions large and small for two and a half days of instruction on best practices and practical strategies for the creation, curation, and use of digital collections. Network with colleagues who have similar challenges, interact with faculty one-on-one, and gain a comprehensive introduction to digitization and digital preservation. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The Digital Directions conference is geared toward professionals working with digital collections at archives, libraries, museums, historical organizations, town and city clerks and other government agencies, corporate archives, and other organizations that steward digital collections. BENEFITS OF ATTENDING: -- Get the Big Picture: You will come away with an understanding of the major issues to consider in planning or implementing a digital collections project or program. -- Make the Case: You will explore strategies to help advocate for a digital preservation program to administrators, funders, and your community. -- Build Contacts and Support Networks: There will be ample time to interact with faculty, who are all experienced practitioners in the field. Meet colleagues who can be helpful as you develop your institution's digital preservation program. DISCOUNT DEADLINE APPROACHING: Early-bird Discount Deadline: May 26, 2017 Registration Deadline: August 10, 2017 FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER: **************************************************** NOTE ---- HOTEL Update: A BONUS for participants! On August 21 there will be a 92% partial eclipse of the sun viewable from Seattle (at max during our morning break). But as a result, hotels are filling fast - grab your hotel reservation ASAP. **************************************************** NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER - Preservation Training to Help You Care for Your Collections NEDCC is grateful for support for its training programs from the National Endowment for the Humanities. From alisa.libby at Mon May 15 11:21:18 2017 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 11:21:18 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Simmons SLIS Student Awarded Theodore Calvin Pease Award Message-ID: Simmons SLIS Student Anna Robinson-Sweet has been awarded the Theodore Calvin Pease Award for her paper, ?Truth and Reconciliation: Archivists as Reparations Activists.? The Pease Award, named in honor of the first editor of The American Archivist, is given annually by the Society of American Archivists in recognition of the best paper written by a student of archival studies. Entries are judged on ?innovation, scholarship, pertinence, and clarity of writing.? Robinson-Sweet will receive a certificate, a $250 cash prize, and her paper will be published in The American Archivist (forthcoming Spring/Summer 2018, Vol. 81, No. 1). "I am honored that my paper has been selected as the winner of the Theodore Calvin Pease Award,? says Anna Robinson-Sweet. ?The paper examines the relationship between reparations campaigns and archives, arguing that this relationship requires archivists to take on the role of reparations activists, particularly in the movement for slavery reparations in the United States. I look forward to presenting the paper at the annual SAA conference this summer and its publication in The American Archivist, and to getting feedback from the archivist community." Robinson-Sweet wrote this paper for LIS 438: Introduction to Archival Methods and Services. Assistant Professor Janet Ceja, who nominated the paper for the award, says that ?Anna?s paper articulates a much needed student perspective on current archival discussions on social justice. Anna expands on these discussions by framing social justice in archives through the lens of reparations. Her work expresses an activist spirit that I see many new professionals engaging with in theory and practice. Anna?s work is also representative of how some students are making sense of and viewing their roles as future archivists.? Here's the list of award winners: http://www2.archivist And here's more info on the award: http://www2.archivists. org/governance/handbook/section12-pease -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From wildemuth at Mon May 15 16:02:15 2017 From: wildemuth at (Wildemuth, Barbara M) Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 20:02:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice conference - Registration deadline May 31 Message-ID: Is evidence-based practice important to you? Do you want to learn more about applying evidence-based concepts to your research or your institution? Then join us at the 9th Evidence-Based Library & Information Practice Conference (EBLIP9) - a three-day conference dedicated to evidence-based practices. The biennial EBLIP Conference will be held June 18 - 21, 2017 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and is your opportunity to discover new ideas and connect with the latest research and expertise around evidence-based library and information practice. The 2017 conference will consist of more than 40 presentations, three inspiring keynote speeches, poster sessions, and numerous networking opportunities. Registration is open now through May 31, 2017. Register to attend today! As an attendee, you will have access to: * The full three-day EBLIP Conference Program * Opening night welcome reception at the Free Library of Philadelphia * Networking conference dinner at the elegant Crystal Tea Room * A variety of other networking opportunities with your peers and colleagues * Food & Refreshments (including daily lunch and session break refreshments) Be sure to check out the pre-conference workshops too. These sessions require registration and an additional fee. Registration to the main conference is not required to attend a pre-conference workshop. The complete conference program is available online, and visit for more information and details about conference sessions, events and other programming. We hope to see you in Philadelphia! -- Denise Koufogiannakis, MLIS, PhD | Associate University Librarian | University of Alberta Libraries | 5-25N Cameron Library | Edmonton, AB T6G 2J8 | Tel. 780-492-5331 | dak at | Twitter: @dkouf From yolande at Tue May 16 09:58:16 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Tue, 16 May 2017 09:58:16 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T Award June Nomination Deadline Looming! Message-ID: <02a101d2ce4c$7803ff90$680bfeb0$> Don't forget to get your nominations in for these ASIS&T awards whose deadline is in June: James M. Cretsos Leadership Award by June 1, 2017 Best Research in Information Science Award by June 15, 2017 Pratt Severn Best Student Research Paper Award by June 15, 2017 ProQuest Doctoral Dissertation Award by June 15, 2017 Bob Williams History Fund: Research Grant by June 30, 2017 Bob Williams History Fund: Research Paper Award by June 30, 2017 Get award descriptions and deadlines for all the awards at Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer 301.495.0900 From rdubnic2 at Tue May 16 15:32:10 2017 From: rdubnic2 at (Dubnicek, Ryan C) Date: Tue, 16 May 2017 19:32:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder - RFP: HTRC Advanced Collaborative Support (ACS), Spring 2017 Message-ID: *Apologies for cross-posting* Just a reminder that the HTRC ACS deadline is less than one month away. If you have any questions about the program, feel free to get in touch via email. --------------------------- The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) is seeking proposals for Advanced Collaborative Support (ACS) project awards. These awards are modeled in the form of HTRC staff and compute time to collaborate on the proposed project during the award period. 4-6 awards are anticipated, and awardees can be individual scholars or a team of scholars, either from HathiTrust member institutions or non-members, though 3 award spots will be reserved for applicants from HT member institutions. The HTRC ACS-dedicated staff will provide a general overview of HTRC components, the HT corpus and HT computational tools, to the awardees over the course of the project?s time period. For this RFP, we are especially encouraging proposals that will utilize our Data Capsule ( to do analysis on in-copyright volumes in HathiTrust. Proposals should be concise, and include project narrative, detailed description of the data you?re interested in engaging with, a schedule of completion, and list of deliverables. Full details of required components can be found in the full ACS RFP, available here: Deadline for submission is 5:00 pm Eastern, June 19, 2017, submitted electronically. For any questions or to submit your proposal, email acs at __________________ For more information on HTRC: To see HTRCs tools/datasets: For general inquiries: htrc-help at From ferro at Wed May 17 02:09:15 2017 From: ferro at (Nicola Ferro) Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 08:09:15 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Bids to host CLEF 2019 - 20th Anniversary Edition Message-ID: <> INTRODUCTION The CLEF Initiative (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum) is a self-organized body whose main mission is to promote research, innovation, and development of information access systems with an emphasis on multilingual and multimodal information with various levels of structure. The CLEF Initiative is structured in two main parts: - a series of Evaluation Labs, i.e. laboratories to conduct evaluation of information access systems and workshops to discuss and pilot innovative evaluation activities; - a peer-reviewed Conference on a broad range of issues, including - investigation continuing the activities of the Evaluation Labs; - experiments using multilingual and multimodal data; in particular, but not only, data resulting from CLEF activities; - research in evaluation methodologies and challenges. Since 2000 CLEF has played a leading role in stimulating investigation and research in a wide range of key areas in the information retrieval domain. It has promoted the study and implementation of appropriate evaluation methodologies for diverse types of tasks and media. Over the years, a wide, strong, and multidisciplinary research community has been built, which covers and spans the different areas of expertise needed to deal with the breadth of CLEF activities. CALL FOR BIDS The CLEF Steering Committee solicits proposals from groups interested in organizing the CLEF conference and labs in September 2019. CLEF 2019 will be a special edition marking the 20th anniversary of the CLEF Initiative. Groups submitting a bid for CLEF 2019 also commit themselves to collect membership fees on behalf of the CLEF Association and to pass them to the CLEF Association. Guidelines on submitting a bid can be found in the Template for Bids available at: Bids must be submitted by *Friday, July 7h 2017* by email to the Steering Commitee Chair Nicola Ferro (chair at ). The Steering Committee will review and select the proposals. The Steering Committee can ask for modifications and changes to the proposals, if deemed necessary. Interested parties can contact the Steering Committee Chair Nicola Ferro (chair at ) to receive further details. IMPORTANT DATES - Bid submission deadline: Friday 7 July, 2017 - Feedback to bidders and discussion: mid August 2017 - Bid selection: late August 2017 STEERING COMMITTEE - Martin Braschler, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland - Khalid Choukri, Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA), France - Paul Clough, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom - Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy - Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany - Julio Gonzalo, National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain - Donna Harman, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), USA - Djoerd Hiemstra, University of Twente, The Netherlands - Evangelos Kanoulas, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Birger Larsen, University of Aalborg, Denmark - Mihai Lupu, Vienna University of Technology, Austria - Josiane Mothe, IRIT, Universit? de Toulouse, France - Henning M?ller, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland - Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Paolo Rosso, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain - Giuseppe Santucci, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy - Jacques Savoy, University of Neuch?tel, Switzerland - Christa Womser-Hacker, University of Hildesheim, Germany From yolande at Wed May 17 07:37:13 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 07:37:13 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Cretsos Award Deadline EXTENDED! Message-ID: <00a501d2cf01$edd371a0$c97a54e0$> The ASIS&T Leadership Committee has extended the deadline for the James M. Cretsos award to June 15, 2017. The purpose of this award is to recognize a new ASIS&T member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in professional ASIS&T activities. Any ASIS&T member who has been a member for no more than seven years (including years as a student member, if applicable), at the time the award is made, is eligible to receive the award. More than one awardee may be chosen in a given year. Learn more and apply at Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer 301.495.0900 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 5163 bytes Desc: not available URL: From pr-aksw at Thu May 18 03:23:16 2017 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 09:23:16 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTiCS 2017, Amsterdam, Sep 11-14, Extended Submission Deadline May 31, 2017 Message-ID: <> **** DEADLINE EXTENSION**** Due to several requests the SEMANTiCS 2017 conference extends its submission deadlines. 3rd Call for Research & Innovation Papers SEMANTiCS 2017 - The Linked Data Conference 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems Amsterdam, Netherlands September 11 -14, 2017 The Research & Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes the submission of papers on novel scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting ( and must not exceed 8 pages in lenght for full papers and 4 pages for short papers, including references and optional appendices. Research & Innovation Papers are published within ACM ICP Series. Important Dates (Research & Innovation) * Abstract Submission Deadline: extended: May 31, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Paper Submission Deadline: extended: June 7, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Notification of Acceptance: July 3, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Camera-Ready Paper: August 14, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) For details please go to: or contact the Research and Innovation Chairs: Catherine Faron Zucker, faron [@], Universit? Nice Sophia Antipolis Rinke Hoekstra, rinke.hoekstra [@], Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/University of Amsterdam As in the previous years, SEMANTiCS?17 proceedings will be published by ACM ICP (pending). SEMANTiCS 2017 will especially welcome submissions for the following hot topics: * Data Science (special track, see below) * Web Semantics, Linked (Open) Data & * Corporate Knowledge Graphs * Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies * Data Quality Management * Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems Following the success of previous years, the ?horizontals? (research) and ?verticals? (industries) below are of interest for the conference: Horizontals * Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration * Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search * Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies * Semantics in Big Data * Text Analytics * Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization * Semantic Information Management * Document Management & Content Management * Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management * Smart Connectivity, Networking & Interlinking * Smart Data & Semantics in IoT * Semantics for IT Safety & Security * Semantic Rules, Policies & Licensing * Community, Social & Societal Aspects Data Science Special Track Horizontals * Large-Scale Data Processing (stream processing, handling large-scale graphs) * Data Analytics (Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Network Analytics) * Communicating Data (Data Visualization, UX & Interaction Design, Crowdsourcing) * Cross-cutting Issues (Ethics, Privacy, Security, Provenance) Verticals * Industry & Engineering * Life Sciences & Health Care * Public Administration * e-Science * Digital Humanities * Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) * Education & eLearning * Media & Data Journalism * Publishing, Marketing & Advertising * Tourism & Recreation * Financial & Insurance Industry * Telecommunication & Mobile Services * Sustainable Development: Climate, Water, Air, Ecology * Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids * Food, Agriculture & Farming * Safety, Security & Privacy * Transport, Environment & Geospatial For details please go to: From jmartin at Tue May 16 11:20:39 2017 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Tue, 16 May 2017 15:20:39 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Performing Arts Readiness Project - Website Launched - Sign Up for Announcements Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF9015B7013B2@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) is pleased to be a partner in the Performing Arts Readiness Project ********************************************************** The Performing Arts Readiness project, which supports a variety of programs to increase the knowledge and ability of performing arts organizations to create and execute emergency recovery plans, has announced the launch of its new website at LYRASIS is administering this three-year project that is funded through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and was created to address the vulnerability of performing arts organizations to emergencies and disasters that can damage business operations and artistic legacy. The Performing Arts Readiness project will soon offer free webinars and onsite training, conference presentations, grants, and tools to help build the field's capacity for disaster preparedness. The new website will provide updates as details are available. *************************** Project Partners are: ArtsReady at South Arts, Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, Midwest Art Conservation Center, National Coalition for Arts' Preparedness and Emergency Response, National Performance Network, New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Northeast Document Conservation Center, Performing Arts Alliance, and the Western States and Territories Preservation Assistance Service. Sign up to receive future announcements about the project by email at For more information, please contact the Performing Arts Readiness Project Coordinator, Steve Eberhardt, PAR at ***************************************************************************************************** Northeast Document Conservation Center - Preservation Training Programs To Help You Care for Your Collections: From heidijul at Wed May 17 14:15:47 2017 From: heidijul at (Julien, Heidi) Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 18:15:47 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP - ISIC 2018 Message-ID: <> ISIC 2018 - The Information Conference Jagiellonian University in Krak?w, Poland, 9-11 October 2018 EMAIL: isic2018 at Call for Papers ISIC 2018 is the twelfth ISIC conference. The ISIC conferences have a reputation for being an arena for discussing challenging work concerning people's contextualised interactions with information of various kinds. To see the proceedings of previous ISIC conferences please visit: ISIC is multidisciplinary in scope: researchers from information science, information studies, library studies, communication studies, information management, education, management science, psychology, social psychology, sociology, STS, information systems, computer science, and other disciplines contribute to the research field. A common thread is the focus on contextualised information activities, expressed in different framings such as 'information behaviour', 'information practice', 'information seeking' 'information experience' and others. ISIC 2018 intends to reflect and engage with the interdisciplinary character of information activities research and seeks to attract papers from all of these areas. ISIC is a conference for research papers exploring information as a rich site of study, going beyond the sole focus on technological aspects and exploring a wide variety of contexts. This legacy is borne out in the publication of the conference proceedings since the first conference in the series over 20 years ago. The ISIC conference is particularly interested in analytical rather than descriptive investigations. For more information about the suggested themes of the papers please visit: The language of the conference will be only English and translators will not be available. Important dates Papers and Posters *Paper submission deadline: 1 March 2018 *Poster submission deadline: 1 March 2018 Pre-Conference Workshop proposals * Workshop proposals should be sent by 15 January 2018 Pre-Conference Doctoral Workshop submissions *Doctoral workshop submission deadline: 1 April 2018 Registration *Early bird registration ends: 30 June 2018 *Late registration ends: 7 September 2018 To see more important dates please visit: Associate Professor Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson, Chair, Permanent ISIC Committee Assistant Professor Remigiusz Sapa Chair, ISIC2018 Committee ****************************************************** Heidi Julien, Ph.D. Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo 526 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 Ph: 716-645-1474 Fax: 716-645-3775 Email: heidijul at ****************************************************** "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Leon Megginson From ludovico.boratto at Thu May 18 03:45:38 2017 From: ludovico.boratto at (Ludovico Boratto) Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 09:45:38 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] 2nd ICDM Workshop on Semantics-Enabled Recommender Systems (SERecSys 2017) Message-ID: *2nd Workshop on Semantics-Enabled Recommender Systems (SERecSys 2017)* *In conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2017)* New Orleans, USA - November 18, 2017 *CALL FOR PAPERS* A recommender system is designed to suggest items that are expected to interest a user. In order to filter the items and produce the recommendation, Data Mining techniques are largely employed. Among the most popular recommendation approaches in the literature and in real-world applications (e.g., e-commerce websites) are the so-called content-based recommender systems. Content-based recommender systems suggest to users items that are similar to those they previously evaluated. The early systems used relatively simple retrieval models, such as the Vector Space Model, with the basic TF-IDF weighting. Simple (word-based) interest descriptions may fall short both because of semantic ambiguity and because they lack of generality. Recently, content-based recommender systems evolved and started employing external knowledge sources (e.g., ontologies) to improve accuracy and scope of recommendations. More recent approaches have been based on deep learning. Other approaches have employed word embeddings in the recommendation process. Among the best known and high-performance implementations following these lines of research we mention Google?s word2vec. Moreover, semantic technologies will soon find a connection with cognitive computing, cooperating in the definition of the so-called cognitive recommender systems. Given the rapid advances of Semantic Technologies, there is still a large number of options for recommender systems to take advantage of semantics. Our workshop will solicit contributions in all topics related to employing Semantic Technologies in Recommender Systems, focused (but not limited) to the following list: - Novel approaches to user profiling in recommender systems that model behavior with semantic technologies; - Cognitive recommender systems; - Content-based recommendation algorithms that employ novel uses of semantic technologies; - Recommendation explanation using semantic technologies; - Generation of novel, diverse, and serendipitous recommendations using semantic technologies; - Hybrid recommender systems that combine semantic technologies with other recommendation techniques (e.g, collaborative); - Group-based approaches that use semantic technologies to describe the group preferences or to generate recommendations. *IMPORTANT DATES* - Paper submission: August 7, 2017 - Notification of acceptance: September 4, 2017 - Camera-ready version submission: September 9, 2017 - Workshop date: November 18, 2017 *TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS* We will consider three different submission types, all in the IEEE 2-column format: regular (8 pages), short (4 pages) and extended abstracts (2 pages). Research and position papers (regular or short) should be clearly placed with respect to the state of the art and state the contribution of the proposal in the domain of application, even if presenting preliminary results. In particular, research papers should describe the methodology in detail, experiments should be repeatable, and a comparison with the existing approaches in the literature should be made where possible. Position papers should introduce novel point of views in the workshop topics or summarize the experience of a researcher or a group in the field. Practice and experience reports (short) should present in detail the real-world scenarios in which Semantic Technologies are employed for recommendation purposes. Demo proposals (extended abstract) should present the details of a prototype or complete application that employs Semantic Technologies in Recommender Systems. The systems will be demonstrated to the workshop attendees. The reviewing process will be coordinated by the organizers. Each paper will receive three reviews: two externals to the organizing committee and one internal. The external reviewers will be contacted according to their expertise in the paper topic. *PROCEEDINGS* Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE ICDM 2017 Workshops Proceedings volume published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and will also be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The workshop proceedings will be in a CD separated from the CD of the main conference. The CD is produced by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version in a journal special issue. *SUBMISSION GUIDELINES* All papers must be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society proceedings manuscript style, following IEEE ICDM 2017 submission guidelines available at Papers should be submitted in PDF format, electronically, using the CyberChair submission system, available at: *INVITED SPEAKER* Dr. Huzefa Rangwala (George Mason University, USA) *CONTACTS* Website: Facebook page: For general enquires regarding the workshop, send an email to serecsys at *ORGANIZERS* Ludovico Boratto (EURECAT, Spain) Salvatore Carta (University of Cagliari, Italy) Giovanni Stilo (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) From Kristin.Lee at Thu May 18 16:53:43 2017 From: Kristin.Lee at (Lee, Kristin) Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 20:53:43 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Social Science Data Librarian at Tufts Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, The Tisch Library at Tufts University is looking for a Social Science Data Librarian! You can see the full job ad and apply through the online system here: Brief Description: Reporting to the Team Lead for Social Sciences, the Social Sciences Data Librarian leads the development and provision of library services in the discovery and use of locally and externally available datasets by researchers across departments and programs in the social sciences. Working with a broad range of researchers, the successful candidate builds relationships with faculty and students, increases the visibility of available data resources and services, seeks to understand research practices, and meets curricular needs in the use of data-related library resources and services by providing individual research support consultations, group instruction sessions, and other programming as required. Thanks, Kristin Kristin Lee Research Data Librarian, Tisch Library Tufts University kristin.lee at Kristin Lee Research Data Librarian, Tisch Library Tufts University kristin.lee at From yolande at Fri May 19 12:52:19 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 12:52:19 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Doctoral Colloquium -- Call for Paticipation Message-ID: <049401d2d0c0$47b2e3d0$d718ab70$> CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Doctoral Colloquium at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology Crystal City, Virginia Tuesday, October 31, 2017 8:30-12:30 We invite doctoral students to participate in the 2017 ASIS&T Doctoral Colloquium, which will take place as part of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology in Virginia, Denmark. This half-day event is intended for those of you in the later stages of your dissertation research; this means that you are, for example, post-proposal, or have a completed research design, or have begun data collection. Pre-proposal students will also be considered. If you are accepted for the Doctoral Colloquium, your conference fee will be waived. The 2017 ASIS&T Doctoral Colloquium are to provide you with a supportive and critical learning opportunity to discuss your work in progress (or completed work, if you have defended your dissertation before the conference), highlight theoretical and methodological problems/issues for further discussion and inquiry both with senior mentors and Colloquium participants. In your one-on-one session with your senior faculty mentor, you will have the opportunity to receive feedback and comments about your work. There will also be an opportunity for an open discussion session where you can ask the doctoral mentors questions about career, the job search, managing an academic career, and other topics of interest. Another goal of the Colloquium is to develop a supportive community within which you can begin to develop your professional network by interacting with peers and senior scholars in information science. The organizers will invite a group of prominent professors and experts to serve as mentors during the Doctoral Colloquium. To benefit from the Doctoral Colloquium, you should be a PhD student, and be in the post-proposal stage of your dissertation research or have a completed research design, or have begun data collection; this way, participants and mentors may be of help in shaping and framing the research and analysis activities. Pre-proposal students will also be considered. How to submit Submit your completed proposal to the conference review system at: All proposals submitted to the Doctoral Colloquium will undergo a thorough reviewing process with a view to providing detailed and constructive feedback. The Doctoral Colloquium program committee will select the best submissions for participation. The student winners of the proposal and dissertation of the year awards will be invited to the Colloquium without a submission. We expect to accept a total of 15 participants. Submit a nomination letter from your advisor or chair and a five-page description (in English) of your PhD research proposal or dissertation project electronically via the conference submission system. Your description must address each of the following questions: 1. Problem statement: What is the problem that you are addressing? 2. Relevance: Why the problem is important? 3. Related work: How have others attempted to address this problem? 4. Research question(s): What are the research questions that you plan to address? 5. Approach: How are you planning to address your research questions? 6. Evaluation plan: How will you measure your success - faster/more accurate/less failures/etc.? 7. Preliminary results: Do you have any preliminary results that demonstrate that your approach is promising? 8. Implications: What are the theoretical, methodological and practical contributions of your work? Additionally, all submissions must be single-author. Please acknowledge your PhD advisor(s) and other contributors in the Acknowledgements section. Your application statement will not be published. Students accepted to present at the Doctoral Colloquium must plan to attend the full Doctoral Colloquium on October 31, 2017 and the Student Awards session on November 1, 2017 in order to gain as much value as possible from the experience. Important dates Deadline for submission: July 14, 2017 Decisions made: August 25, 2017 If you have questions, please contact the Colloquium organizers Dr. Howard Rosenbaum Dr. Pnina Fichman hrosenba at fichman at School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer 301.495.0900 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 6690 bytes Desc: not available URL: From richard.chbeir at Fri May 19 13:28:39 2017 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 19:28:39 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] ACM MEDES 2017 (Bangkok, Thailand): Submission deadline has been extended Message-ID: * Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * *************** CALL FOR PAPERS *************** (Extended submission date: June 26th, 2017) *** Extended versions of selected papers will be published in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, published by Springer *** The 9th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'17) In-Cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 November 7-10, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rapid growth and exponential use of digital components leads to the emergence of intelligent environments namely "digital ecosystems" connected to the web and composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. With the help of the computational intelligence, these digital ecosystems can exhibit new self-* properties (such as self-management, self-healing and self-configuration) environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying web-based resources mainly comprehend big data management, innovative services, smart and self-* properties platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative, intelligent and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as big data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES),previously named "The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems", aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. MEDES 2016 calls for full papers presenting interesting recent results or novel ideas in all areas of Emergent Digital EcoSystems. At the same time, the conference calls for short papers presenting interesting and exciting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready, and preferably include a system demonstration. Topics ------- MEDES 2017 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure - Data & Knowledge Management - Computational and Collective Intelligence - Semantic Computing - Software ecosystems for software engineering - Big Data - Services - Trust, Security & Privacy - Software Engineering - Internet of Things and Intelligent Web - Cyber Physical Systems - Social and Collaborative Platforms - Human-Computer Interaction - Open Source - Applications (Logistics, Energy, Healthcare, Environment, Smart Cities, Digital Humanities, Robotics, etc.) - Complex Systems and Networks Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: June 26th, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance: July 25th, 2017 - Camera Ready: September 1st, 2017 - Paper Registration: September 1st, 2017 - Conference Dates: 7-10 November 2017 Advisory Chairs ---------------- Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy Conference Chairs ---------------- Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France Asanee Kawtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand Program Chairs ---------------- William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA Toshikazu Kato, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan Ali Ouni, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From jmartin at Fri May 19 14:15:02 2017 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 18:15:02 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NEDCC Preservation Training - May Update Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF9015B71A05D@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> PRESERVATION TRAINING Update from NEDCC *************************************** Join us for one or two-hour webinars on a range of preservation topics. MAY 2017 - Caring for Scrapbooks - Digitizing Scrapbooks AUGUST 2017 - Writing a Disaster Plan - 2 Session Course SEPTEMBER 2017 - Caring for Paper-Based Collections - Caring for Framed Collections OCTOBER 2017 - Introduction to Digitization Standards NOVEMBER 2017 - Caring for Photograph Collections - Digitizing Photograph Collections - Caring for Rare Books DECEMBER 2017 - Caring for Architectural Records ----------- SPECIAL PROGRAM: June 15, 2017 Boxes Within Boxes: Caring for Historic Structures and Collections In-person Workshop Registration deadline: June 5 LOCATION: Providence Athenaeum Providence, RI ----------- DIGITAL DIRECTIONS SEATTLE August 21-23, 2017 Early-bird discount ends next Friday. ----------- LEARN MORE about preservation training at NEDCC: ********************************************************* NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER - Join the NEDCC E-News List for all the latest updates: From fichman at Mon May 22 16:37:15 2017 From: fichman at (Fichman, Pnina) Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 20:37:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP HICSS Minitrack Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS Message-ID: <> CFP HICSS Minitrack Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS) January 3-6, 2018, Big Island, Hawaii, USA Papers Due: June 15, 2017 Globalization has historically been tied to technological innovation, and the present era of a networked information society is no different. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have provided the infrastructure for multinational businesses, created new cultural connections irrespective of geographic boundaries and distances, and allowed an increasingly mobile global population to be connected to their friends, families, and cultures no matter where they are. The issues surrounding global, international, and cross cultural issues in Information Systems (IS) attracted much scholarly attention and have been explored under myriad contexts. This minitrack focuses on the sociotechnical dynamics and the ways in which the Internet affects people, groups, organizations, and societies. We are in particular interested in the impact of global, international, and cross-cultural issues on ICT development, implementation and use across the globe. Globalization has historically been tied to technological innovation, and the present era of a networked information society is no different. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have provided the infrastructure for multinational businesses, created new cultural connections irrespective of geographic boundaries and distances, and allowed an increasingly mobile global population to be connected to their friends, families, and cultures no matter where they are. The issues surrounding global, international, and cross cultural issues in Information Systems (IS) attracted much scholarly attention and have been explored under myriad contexts. In line with the track recognition that the Internet has transformed the way we work, learn, and play, our minitrack focuses on the sociotechnical dynamics and the ways in which the Internet affects people, groups, organizations, and societies. We are in particular interested in the impact of global, international, and cross-cultural issues on ICT development, implementation and use across the globe. The minitrack welcomes submissions that relate to all aspects of global IS, or IS research situated in a global, international or cross-cultural context. The minitrack is open to all methodological approaches and perspectives. We are interested in empirical and theoretical work that addresses these and related socio-technical issues. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ? The impacts of cultural values (e.g. on adaptive user interfaces) on ICT design, adoption, and use. ? The impact of cultural values on policies and practices of big data collection and use (e.g., ? Cross cultural studies of quantification of self at work, by individuals or organizations ? Cross-cultural comparisons of big data collection and use ? Cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons of ICT adoption, use and development (e.g. Internet diffusion and impacts compared between different economies) ? Effects of global social computing on work organization and practices (e.g. pricing strategies) ? Issues relating to globally distributed teams (e.g. the adoption and use of social media by cross-national virtual teams, worker motivation, and human error diversity) ? Issues relating to Internet adoption and the digital society at the national level (e.g. digital infrastructure sophistication across countries) ? Issues relating to global knowledge management (e.g. different knowledge-sharing cultures in multi-national corporations) ? Issues relating to cross-national legislation and regulation (e.g. implications of different regulations governing Green IT in the EU vs. US or Asian countries) ? Issues relating to global ICT governance (e.g. sustainable strategies for standardization and harmonization in evolving business networks) ? Research on global Cloud sourcing strategies ? Single country studies showing implications for other locations or results different from other contexts (e.g. impact of ICT policies on a transition economy) ? Multi-country studies of ICT adoption, use, and development (e.g. e-commerce adoption involving multiple countries) ? Global impacts of big data on governments, multinational companies, NGOs and other organizations Minitrack Organizers: Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington; fichman at Edward W.N. Bernroider, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Institute for Information Management and Control, Vienna, Austria; edward.bernroider at Important deadlines for authors: June 15: Submit full manuscripts for review. Review is double-blind. Aug 16: Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. September 15: Submission final papers. Oct 1: Early Registration fee deadline. Oct 15: Papers without at least one registered author will be removed from the Proceedings. ------------------------ Pnina Fichman Professor and Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington From fichman at Mon May 22 16:42:47 2017 From: fichman at (Fichman, Pnina) Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 20:42:47 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: HICSS minitrack Collective Intelligence and Crowds References: Message-ID: <> Collective Intelligence and Crowds HICSS Minitrack January 3-6, 2018 Big Island, Hawaii, USA We are looking for papers that analyze collective intelligence, knowledge creation, and crowdsourcing. We also encourage the submission of papers that design and implement technologies that create new kinds of collectives. For example, papers that consider how machine learning and human learning interact in crowds and communities. In sum, we are open to a wide range of research that addresses relations between people, collectives, and machines, as well as the artifacts produced as a result. The deadline is June 15, 2017. Feel free to send an abstract or a query between now and then to any of the three minitrack chairs, Jeff Nickerson (jnickerson at, Pnina Fichman (fichman at, or Don Steiny (steiny at The abstract is not required, but can be helpful for all involved. If you won't be submitting but are willing to review, please let one of us know the number of papers you are willing to take. From songphan at Tue May 23 01:15:42 2017 From: songphan at (Songphan Choemprayong) Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 12:15:42 +0700 Subject: [Asis-l] [Reminder] CFP: ICADL & A-LIEP 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand Message-ID: [apologies for cross-posting. Please share to interested colleagues and students. ] Please be reminded that the deadlines for paper submission for ICADL and A-LIEP 2017 are approaching. Below includes CFP for both ICADL and A-LIEP, which will be co-located in Bangkok, Thailand on November 13-15, 2017. ------------------------------ The 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2017) November 13 ? 15, 2017 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand THEME: Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives IMPORTANT DATES (ICADL) June 20, 2017 - Paper Submission Deadline - Full research papers (oral presentation) - Short practitioner papers (poster presentation) - Short work-in-progress papers (poster presentation) July 31, 2017 ? Workshop Proposal Deadline August 30, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance September 15, 2017 - Camera Ready Copy Deadline November 13-15, 2017 - Conference Date AIMS While the number of digital collections have been increased constantly and in diverse practices, there are some concerns regarding the relevancy and value of the efforts to expand, enhance, and sustain these collections to society at large. These concerns call for discussions and exemplifications of how research efforts and practices on digital libraries improve the quality of human life in all dimensions, such as education, business, socialization, public administration, culture, and humanities. In addition, these questions initiate quest to discover novel methodologies of producing, managing, analyzing, and storing digital collections as well as deliver state-of-the-art services in a complex, connected, and ever-changing environment that matter to our daily lives. Therefore, the theme of ICADL 2017 is ?Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives? which is open to all opportunities that illustrate how digital libraries, digital collections, and corresponding methods would lead to better lives. The 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2017) will be co-located with The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP) Conference at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand under a collective title ?International Forum on Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives?. Hosting these conferences together in a heart of Bangkok would bring a diverse group of academic and professional community members from all parts of the world to exchange their cutting-edge knowledge, experience and practices in various relevant issues in digital libraries, and other related fields. TOPICS We welcome research and practitioner papers in all aspects of digital libraries, for instance, - collection development and discovery - data mining and extraction - risk management and quality assurance - digital curation - digital preservation - applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning - performance evaluation - metadata creation and aggregation - semantic web and linked data - non-textual collection management - recommendation system - research data management - digital humanities and digital cultural heritage - service design for digital libraries - user experience design - user interface design - human-computer interaction - information visualization - information retrieval - applications of digital libraries in contexts such as learning, virtual organizations, collaborative task - personal information management and personal digital libraries - user generated content - digital library management and administration - digital library education - digital cultures and digital literacy - intellectual freedom, censorship, misinformation - privacy - intellectual property issues - policy, legal, and ethical concerns for digital libraries - socio-technical aspects of digital libraries - sustainability of digital libraries. In addition to high-quality, original research papers, practitioner and work-in-progress papers discussing issues and future directions of digital libraries and digital collections are also welcome. Submissions that resonate with the conference?s theme are especially welcome. Nonetheless, all topics in digital libraries will be given equal consideration. SUBMISSIONS All paper submission should follow Springer Computer Science Proceedings guideline ( e-proceedings-guidelines) and are to be submitted via the conference?s EasyChair submission page ( ). Full Papers A Full Research Paper reports significant milestone and provides original results relevant to the scope of ICADL 2017. The maximum length of a full paper is 12 pages. Short Practitioner Papers A Practitioner Paper is a concise report of findings or other types of work by practitioners relevant to the scope of ICADL 2017. We welcome papers identifying research problems and future directions in the digital library research. The maximum length of a short paper is 6 pages. Short Work-in-Progress Papers A Work-in-Progress paper is a concise report of preliminary findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work that does not necessarily reach a level of completion but relevant to the scope of ICADL 2017. The maximum length of a short paper is 6 pages. All accepted papers will be published by Springer as conference proceedings, included in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) and indexed by SCOPUS. Electronic copies will be available on Springer website. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Program Committee Co-Chairs Fabio Crestani, Universita? della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland Sally Jo Cunningham, Waikato University, New Zealand Songphan Choemprayong, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Steering Committee Chair Shigeo Sugimoto, University of Tsukuba, Japan General Conference Chair Pimrumpai Premsmit, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Workshop Chair Marut Buranarach, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand For further information, please contact icadl2017 [at] gmail [dot] com. ------------------------------- The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP) November 13 ? 15, 2017 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand THEME: Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives IMPORTANT DATES (A-LIEP) June 30, 2017 - Paper Submission Deadline August 30, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance September 15, 2017 - Camera Ready Copy Due November 13-15, 2017 - Conference Date The list of conference topics is divided into three tracks: LIS Education, LIS Practice, and LIS Research. It includes, but is not limited to, the following topics: LIS Education - LIS pedagogies - Reading advisory - Cooperative education - Challenges in LIS education - Collaboration among LIS schools/departments - Curriculum design - GLAM ? Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums - Community engagement - Digital education - Quality assurance and accreditation of LIS programs - Lifelong learning - Impact of LIS education to society LIS Practice - Technology application for LIS - Service design and design thinking in libraries - Digital and data curation, Digital preservation, Digital stewardship - - GLAM ? Galleries, Libraries Archives, and Museums - Relevance of libraries to society - Leadership development and strategic management in libraries - Libraries as a place: physical and virtual - New competencies in LIS - Evaluation in LIS - Evidence-based librarianship - Mobile platforms of libraries - Collaboration among libraries and with other professions LIS Research - Digital repositories - Human Information Interaction - Information literacy, Digital literacy, Data literacy, Media literacy - Organization of Data, Information, and Knowledge - Semantic web and linked data - Knowledge management and knowledge services - Text and data mining - Digital humanities and digital cultural heritage - Big Data and data science - Information visualization - Research evaluation in Science, Social Science, and Humanities - Search as learning - Gamification in libraries - Digital scholarship SUBMISSIONS Please follow the submission guideline, including templates and a submission site, at ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Program Committee Co-Chairs Andrew B. Wertheimer, University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States Somsak Sriborisutsakul, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Oranuch Sawetrattanasatian, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Steering Committee Chair Christopher Khoo Soo Guan, Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore General Conference Chair Pimrumpai Premsmit, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand For further information, please contact aliepcu2017 [at] gmail [dot] com. -- Songphan Choemprayong, Ph.D. Lecturer Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel. +66 2 218 4817 <02%20218%204817> Fax. +66 2 218 4818 <02%20218%204818> songphan at From hrosenba at Wed May 24 09:27:03 2017 From: hrosenba at (Rosenbaum, Howard S.) Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 09:27:03 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T '17> Doctoral Colloquium Call for Participation Message-ID: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Doctoral Colloquium at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology Crystal City, Virginia Tuesday, October 31, 2017 8:30-12:30 We invite doctoral students to participate in the 2017 ASIS&T Doctoral Colloquium, which will take place as part of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science and Technology in Virginia, Denmark. This half-day event is intended for those of you in the later stages of your dissertation research; this means that you are, for example, post-proposal, or have a completed research design, or have begun data collection. Pre-proposal students will also be considered. If you are accepted for the Doctoral Colloquium, your conference fee will be waived. The 2017 ASIS&T Doctoral Colloquium are to provide you with a supportive and critical learning opportunity to discuss your work in progress (or completed work, if you have defended your dissertation before the conference), highlight theoretical and methodological problems/issues for further discussion and inquiry both with senior mentors and Colloquium participants. In your one-on-one session with your senior faculty mentor, you will have the opportunity to receive feedback and comments about your work. There will also be an opportunity for an open discussion session where you can ask the doctoral mentors questions about career, the job search, managing an academic career, and other topics of interest. Another goal of the Colloquium is to develop a supportive community within which you can begin to develop your professional network by interacting with peers and senior scholars in information science. The organizers will invite a group of prominent professors and experts to serve as mentors during the Doctoral Colloquium. To benefit from the Doctoral Colloquium, you should be a PhD student, and be in the post-proposal stage of your dissertation research or have a completed research design, or have begun data collection; this way, participants and mentors may be of help in shaping and framing the research and analysis activities. Pre-proposal students will also be considered. How to submit Submit your completed proposal to the conference review system at: All proposals submitted to the Doctoral Colloquium will undergo a thorough reviewing process with a view to providing detailed and constructive feedback. The Doctoral Colloquium program committee will select the best submissions for participation. The student winners of the proposal and dissertation of the year awards will be invited to the Colloquium without a submission. We expect to accept a total of 15 participants. Submit a nomination letter from your advisor or chair and a five-page description (in English) of your PhD research proposal or dissertation project electronically via the conference submission system. Your description must address each of the following questions: 1. Problem statement: What is the problem that you are addressing? 2. Relevance: Why the problem is important? 3. Related work: How have others attempted to address this problem? 4. Research question(s): What are the research questions that you plan to address? 5. Approach: How are you planning to address your research questions? 6. Evaluation plan: How will you measure your success - faster/more accurate/less failures/etc.? 7. Preliminary results: Do you have any preliminary results that demonstrate that your approach is promising? 8. Implications: What are the theoretical, methodological and practical contributions of your work? Additionally, all submissions must be single-author. Please acknowledge your PhD advisor(s) and other contributors in the Acknowledgements section. Your application statement will not be published. Students accepted to present at the Doctoral Colloquium must plan to attend the full Doctoral Colloquium on October 31, 2017 and the Student Awards session on November 1, 2017 in order to gain as much value as possible from the experience. Important dates Deadline for submission: July 14, 2017 Decisions made: August 25, 2017 If you have questions, please contact the Colloquium organizers Dr. Howard Rosenbaum Dr. Pnina Fichman hrosenba at fichman at School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University From kberlack at Wed May 24 18:26:57 2017 From: kberlack at (Ken Berlack) Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 22:26:57 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NFAIS Webinar 6/15: Shifting Patterns in Search and Discovery In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ==================================================================== NFAIS Webinar - Shifting Patterns in Search and Discovery Date: Thursday, June 15, 2017 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT Location: Virtual Registration: ==================================================================== What's Covered: Join the National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) on Thursday, June 15th to explore technology disruption in search and discovery. Has your organization become complacent? Joe Buzzanga of Fivesight Research, Alex Humphreys of JSTOR, and Michael Upshall of the Denmark-based startup UNSILO will shake up your thinking! Their experiences will make you look at how technology is generating more options than ever imagined. Technology gives us the ability to test and drive more intuitive means of addressing researchers' demands for new ways to search and discover content. In this NFAIS Webinar, our panel of experts will discuss: * How the human/machine interface has evolved to the stage of voice-enabled virtual personal assistants (VPAs). Fivesight's recent market study exploring the impact of VPAs on the plain old search box (POSB) will be shared. * How Text Analyzer enables researchers, through the use of natural language processing, to upload a document and get relevant results including content, topics and subjects. JSTOR pushed the envelope of traditional searching and will share what challenges and opportunities were learned from their beta test of this new tool. * How the UNSILO experience combines and applies machine-learning and natural language processing to discover a content's DNA. Ideas, topics, and relationships are not just captured. They are processed further to be understood, searchable and thereby discoverable in new ways. Register today: _________________________________________________________________________________ Please note: For individual registrations, the costs for this NFAIS Webinar are: $125 for NFAIS members; $150 for allied societies*; and $195 for non-members. For group registration, the member rate for unlimited attendance is $295 and the non-member rate for unlimited attendance is $450. *Allied Societies: LYRASIS, CENDI, ICSTI, Society for Scholarly Publishing, the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of AAP, Association of American University Presses, NISO and ASIS&T. Contact: For more information about this event or any of those shown below, please contact Nancy Blair-DeLeon, NFAIS Director of Professional Development, at 443-221-2980 ext. 102 or nblairdeleon at Upcoming NFAIS Events: May 25, 2017 - How Social Should Social Collaborative Networks (SCNs) Be? June 1, 2017 - Applications for Open Peer Review: Enabling Recognition for Reviewers in Support of Researchers July 25, 2017 - Lunch & Learn: Customer Research - From Discovery to Execution October 2-3, 2017 - Open Access and Beyond Conference Subscribe to NFAIS Advances e-newsletter! NFAIS nfais at @NFAISForum From Frank.Guerino at Thu May 25 08:12:46 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 08:12:46 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Primary Concerns for Data Strategy and Governance Message-ID: Hi All, For those of you interested in establishing or improving a new or existing Data Strategy & Governance (DSG) program, the article "Primary Concerns for Data Strategy and Governance ? provides of a summary of the areas of focus for mature DSG programs. Each area acts as a dimension for continuous Data and Information Management improvement. [Direct Address: ] I hope you find the materials interesting and useful. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From tjtucker at Thu May 25 11:08:17 2017 From: tjtucker at (Tucker, Theresa Jo) Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 15:08:17 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Primary Concerns for Data Strategy and Governance In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Please remove my email from your list. This is my personal email and I'm not interested in your messages right now. My email is tjtucker at Thank you. Theresa Theresa Tucker . Office Manager .Room 112, Library and Information Sciences . 501 E Daniel . Champaign, IL . 217-244-7434 . Fax 217-244-3302 -----Original Message----- From: Asis-l [mailto:asis-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Frank Guerino Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 7:13 AM To: Asis-l Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Primary Concerns for Data Strategy and Governance Hi All, For those of you interested in establishing or improving a new or existing Data Strategy & Governance (DSG) program, the article "Primary Concerns for Data Strategy and Governance ? provides of a summary of the areas of focus for mature DSG programs. Each area acts as a dimension for continuous Data and Information Management improvement. [Direct Address: ] I hope you find the materials interesting and useful. My Best, Frank < Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) ________________________________________ ASIS&T 2017 Annual Meeting Crystal City, VA Oct. 27th - Nov. 1, 2017 Diversity of Engagement: Connecting People and Information in the Physical and Virtual Worlds ________________ Asis-l mailing list Asis-l at From ferro at Fri May 26 05:14:45 2017 From: ferro at (Nicola Ferro) Date: Fri, 26 May 2017 11:14:45 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP Special issue on Reproducibility in Information Retrieval - ACM JDIQ Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS Special issue on Reproducibility in Information Retrieval ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (ACM JDIQ) ** Guest editors ** Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy, ferro at Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, norbert.fuhr at Andreas Rauber, Technical University of Vienna, Austria, rauber at ** Aim ** Information Retrieval is a discipline that has been strongly rooted in experimentation since its inception. Experimental evaluation has always been a strong driver for IR research and innovation, and these activities have been shaped by large scale evaluation campaigns such as TREC, CLEF, NTCIR and FIRE. IR systems are getting more and more complex. They need to cross language and media barriers; they span from unstructured, to semi-structured to highly structured data; and they are faced with diverse and complex user information needs, search tasks, and societal challenges. As a consequence, evaluation and experimentation, which has remained a fundamental element, has in turn become increasingly sophisticated and challenging. In this context, repeatability, reproducibility, and generalizability of experiments and results cannot be taken for granted. Indeed we need to emphasize these aspects as key requirements, if we wish to continue to reliably and durably advance research and technology in the field. In turn, we need to actively pursue them as a core part of our experimental methodology and practice. In this special issue of JDIQ, we aspire to provide an overview of innovative research at the intersection of information retrieval and data quality, from theory to practice, with a focus on challenges, solutions, and experiences in reproducibility of IR experimental results. ** Topics ** Specific topics within the scope of the call include, but are not limited to, the following: - Analysis of reproducibility challenges in system-oriented evaluation. - Analysis of reproducibility challenges in user-oriented evaluation. - General reproducibility frameworks for IR. - Lessons learned in reproducing third-party experiments. - Reproducibility of query results. - Reproducibility challenges on private or proprietary data. - Reproducibility challenges on ephemeral data, like streaming data, tweets, etc. - Reproducibility challenges on online experiments, e.g., A/B testing. - Reproducibility in evaluation campaigns. - Evaluation infrastructures and Evaluation as a Service (EaaS). - Experiment data management, data curation, and data quality. - Data models, semantic or not, for IR experimental data. - Reproducible experimental workflows: tools and experiences. - Quality of IR experimental data. - Data Citation: citing experimental data, dynamic data sets, samples, and statistical analyses. ** Expected contributions ** We welcome the following two types of contributions: - Research manuscripts reporting mature results [25+ pages]. - Experience papers that report on lessons learned from addressing specific issues towards improved quality and reproducibility of experimental results [12+ pages plus an optional appendix]. If this is an extension of prior published work, then submitted manuscripts must contain at least 30% new material, and the significant new contributions must be clearly identified in the introduction. Submission guidelines with Latex (preferred) or Word templates are available here: ** Important dates ** - Initial submission: Friday September 8, 2017 - First review: Thursday December 7, 2017 - Revised manuscripts: Friday March 9, 2018 - Second review: Friday May 11, 2018 - Camera-ready manuscripts: Friday July 13, 2018 - Publication: Late October 2018 From brenda.sheridan at Fri May 26 07:24:07 2017 From: brenda.sheridan at (Brenda Sheridan) Date: Fri, 26 May 2017 11:24:07 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for papers 2018 Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Announcing a call for papers for the 2018 Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) conference held from June 13-15 at the University of Zadar, Croatia! This year's conference is themed "Social Justice, Community Engagement and Information Institutions: Access, Diversity, and Inclusion." Submissions are due by January 15, 2018. More information can be found at Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 c: 856-261-0089 From WKWSCI-RESEARCH at Mon May 29 03:02:31 2017 From: WKWSCI-RESEARCH at (WKWSCI-Research Office) Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 07:02:31 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Research Fellow Position at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University Singapore (2017-0048357) Message-ID: <> Research Fellow Position at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is ranked 13th globally. It is also placed 1st amongst the world's best young universities. The Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information invites applications for the position of Research Fellow in Computational Social Science with expertise in social network analysis, machine learning, natural language processing, or related areas. Interest in conducting web-based experiments and/or exploring big data is a plus. Successful candidate will work on projects focusing on the emergence and evolution of social systems and the role that human communication plays in them. Possible (but not limited) research topics include cooperation and coordination, contagion and diffusion, trust building, team formation and performance, group information seeking and processing, collective decision making and problem solving, and network dynamics. A PhD is required from one of the following, or allied, disciplines: communication, sociology, political science, economics, computer science, mathematics, statistics or statistical linguistics. Preferred qualifications: * Solid background in mathematics and statistics * Ability to design and administer web-based, real-time interactive experiments * Strong writing and presentation skills * Ability to collect, analyse, build and maintain large-scale databases (e.g., SQL) * Competence in programming languages: R, Python, C/C++, etc. Applicants should submit the following materials to wkwsci-research at * Cover letter * Latest curriculum vitae * Personal Particulars Form ( * Education certificates * Scanned copy of NRIC/Passport * Research statement (no more than 2,000 words) * At least one writing sample (e.g. recent publications, excerpt/summary of dissertation) * Contact information for two references, one of which should be the chair of your dissertation committee. Letters of recommendation will only be solicited from finalists. Closing Date: The position is available immediately and will be closed once a suitable candidate is found. ________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named and may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its contents. Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you. From rferfal at Mon May 29 01:27:08 2017 From: rferfal at (=?utf-8?Q?Mar=C3=ADa_Rosario_Fern=C3=A1ndez?= Falero) Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 07:27:08 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Asis-l] Survey on the utility of electronic mailing lists Message-ID: <> Dear Asis-L subscribers, At the Department of Information & Communication of the University of Extremadura in Spain, we are conducting a study that is aimed at determining: a) The actual utility of different systems that allow professionals and researchers to receive information in their everyday work. These systems include mailing lists. b) The opinion of subscribers on the utility of these electronic systems for sharing knowledge with other colleagues. c) The level of quality and utility of the Asis-L list for its users. For this reason, we would be very grateful if you could respond to a simple questionnaire for us. We can send you the results if you are interested. With warm regards from Spain, M. Rosario Fern?ndez-Falero, Antonio Mu?oz-Ca?avate , & Mar?a Antonia Hurtado -- M? del Rosario Fern?ndez Falero Dpto. Informaci?n y Comunicaci?n Fac. CC. de la Documentaci?n y la Comunicaci?n Plazuela de Ibn Marwan s/n 06001 Badajoz From rferfal at Tue May 30 04:56:18 2017 From: rferfal at (=?utf-8?Q?Mar=C3=ADa_Rosario_Fern=C3=A1ndez?= Falero) Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 10:56:18 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Asis-l] The utility of electronic media for receiving information for everyday work (Reminder) Message-ID: <> Dear Asis-L subscriber, We are carrying out a study to determine the actual utility of different systems that allow professionals and researchers to receive information that is useful for their everyday work and the relationship with the processes of knowledge management. A few days ago we sent an email to Asis-L with a link to the on-line questionnaire. You will find the questionnaire attached to this email. We would be very grateful if you could fill it out. It will only take two minutes to complete. We can send you the results if you are interested. Thank you for your time. -- M? del Rosario Fern?ndez Falero Dpto. Informaci?n y Comunicaci?n Fac. CC. de la Documentaci?n y la Comunicaci?n Plazuela de Ibn Marwan s/n 06001 Badajoz From jdingle at Mon May 29 13:17:19 2017 From: jdingle at (John Dingle) Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 17:17:19 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] DPI 2017: Digital Pedagogy Institute 4th Annual Conference -- Final CFP Message-ID: <0E517A21637C5D4C8E753D4EBB97A5A303C0C93C@MAILSTORE5.campus.brocku.local> Apologies for any cross-posting - please find below a final CFP for the 4th annual Digital Pedagogy Institute: The 4th Annual Digital Pedagogy Institute conference will be held this August at Brock University in the beautiful Niagara Peninsula: Dates: Wednesday August 16 - Thursday August 17, 2017 Location: Brock University (St. Catharines, Ontario) Website: Twitter: @DPI2017 Proposal Deadline: *June 1* Early Bird Registration Deadline: *June 22* The two-day conference will include keynote addresses, presentations, workshops, and digital tool training that focus on the innovative use of digital technologies to enhance and transform undergraduate and graduate teaching. Plenary Speakers: * Dr. Ian Milligan, University of Waterloo "Learning to Collaborate (or Why You Should Hang Out with Librarians)" * Dr. Bonnie Stewart, University of Prince Edward Island "The State of Digital Pedagogy: Where Networks and Institutions Intersect" * Dr. Joycelyn Wilson, Georgia Tech "The Hip Hop Archive as Pedagogical Design Issue: Speculating Across the Digital to the Physical " You are invited to submit a proposal for a paper, workshop, or poster: * digital pedagogy best practices in the Humanities or Social Sciences; * digital pedagogy collaborations between faculty, educational developers, librarians, and/or graduate/undergraduate students; * digital pedagogy collaborations with organizations outside the academy; * the state of digital pedagogy education in higher education; * digital pedagogy case studies, including course and assignment innovations; * innovative new uses for traditional digital pedagogy tools. The Digital Pedagogy Institute is a partnership between Brock University, the University of Guelph, and the University of Toronto Scarborough. John Dingle, MA, MLIS Digital Services and Liaison Librarian Brock University | James A. Gibson Library Niagara Region | 1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way | St. Catharines, Ontario L2S 3A1 | T 905 688 5550 x3809 From Luanne.Freund at Tue May 30 12:57:54 2017 From: Luanne.Freund at (Freund, Luanne) Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 16:57:54 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Open Positions - UBC iSchool, Canada - Lecturers Message-ID: An exciting opportunity to join our dynamic iSchool at the University of British Columbia, a top 40 internationally ranked university located in beautiful Vancouver, Canada: The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS the iSchool at ubc) at the University of British Columbia invites applications for two full-time Lecturer positions commencing as early as August 1, 2017, for initial 1-year term appointment, with possibility of renewal for a further year depending on performance appraisal and availability of funding. The successful candidates will have teaching and research interests/experience in the area of Library and Information Studies. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. (or expect to have successfully defended prior to the start date of the appointment). Applicants must provide strong evidence of their teaching ability and effectiveness. Applicants with the knowledge and experience necessary to teach in one or more of the following areas are invited to apply (those able to teach across multiple areas will be given preference): digital technologies, databases and computing, digital preservation, public libraries, academic libraries, management of information organizations, library services, human information behaviour and human computer interaction. The full advertisement is available here: Luanne Freund Associate Professor and Acting Director SLAIS, the iSchool @ UBC The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada Luanne.freund at From yolande at Wed May 31 13:36:09 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 13:36:09 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] History Fund Awards Call For Nominations Due June 30th Message-ID: <01f001d2da34$67db1010$37913030$> Research Award This award will be for a maximum of $2,000 and will be awarded for the best research proposal submitted by June 30, 2017. All topics relevant to the history of information science and technology may be proposed. The proposal should include: the central topic or question to be researched and an extended abstract, qualifications of the researcher (brief vita should be included), a budget and how the funds will be expended. All funds must be expended by June 30, 2018. Submit proposal to _____ Best Paper Award This award will be for a maximum of $500 and will be awarded for the best paper submitted by June 30, 2017. All topics relevant to the history of information science and technology will be considered. The paper may have been previously published or submitted to a journal. The paper should not exceed 30 pages double-spaced, including notes and references, using APA Style Manual. Nominations or self-nominations can be made from anywhere. Submit paper to _____ The ASIS&T History Fund was established by the ASIS&T Board of Directors in June, 2000 and changed its name to the Bob Williams History Fund in 2017. The Fund was created for the purposes of supporting and encouraging research and publication in the history of information science and technology. The Fund is supported by donations (including book royalties) from ASIS&T members and others with interest in the history of information science and technology. The Fund Advisory Board encourages further donations from anyone interested in supporting historical study of information science and technology. Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer 301.495.0900 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 3976 bytes Desc: not available URL: