From ajmillion at Sat Jul 1 19:52:44 2017 From: ajmillion at (A.J. Million) Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2017 18:52:44 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T '17, SIG IEP Workshop Call for Participation Message-ID: *Call for Participation*: The New Information State: How Information Ethics and Policy Affects Everyone, sponsored by SIG-IEP, ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Crystal City, Virginia *Date*: October 28, 2017 *Abstract*: In today?s milieu of fake news, misinformation, and generalized distrust of institutions, information ethics and policy affects everyone, across different information science research areas. In this workshop, we will analyze these changes to the informational state and discuss how we can address them through three themes: *pedagogy for information ethics and policy*, *engagement with policymakers*, and *information ethics and policy across information science*. Workshop participants are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways and will leave the workshop with tangible products that can be used in research and teaching. *Contributions*: For the workshop, we seek several different types of contributions: - Panel: A panel should incorporate two of the themes (see below, under workshop organization) and each panel is encouraged to include at least one person outside academia. Panels should be explicit about which themes are addressed and include a brief biography of each contributor. - Paper: A paper should address one of the themes (see below) in detail, tying it back to the broader discussion of the changed information state. Papers should be 3500-5000 words. - Speaker: We seek volunteers to synthesize these themes (see below) and address potential big-picture implications of these trends. Those interested in being a featured speaker should submit a c.v. and a brief essay (under 5000 words) on these themes. *The deadline for all contributions is 8/18*. Contributions should be emailed to Shannon Oltmann at shannon.oltmann at Contact Shannon Oltmann with any questions. Read the full workshop proposal here . -- *?A.J. Million?, Ph.D.* Media Center Director, Drury University Review my professional portfolio: * * From bean.lists at Wed Jul 5 09:38:07 2017 From: bean.lists at (Carol Bean) Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 08:38:07 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: Code4Lib Journal Call for Papers deadline, July 14 Message-ID: Call for Papers, with apologies for cross-posting: The Code4Lib Journal (C4LJ) exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future. We are now accepting proposals for publication in our 38th issue. Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your ideas and experiences. To be included in the 38th issue, which is scheduled for publication in mid October, 2017, please submit articles, abstracts, or proposals at or to journal at by Friday, Friday, July 14, 2017. When submitting, please include the title or subject of the proposal in the subject line of the email message. C4LJ encourages creativity and flexibility, and the editors welcome submissions across a broad variety of topics that support the mission of the journal. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: * Practical applications of library technology (both actual and hypothetical) * Technology projects (failed, successful, or proposed), including how they were done and challenges faced * Case studies * Best practices * Reviews * Comparisons of third party software or libraries * Analyses of library metadata for use with technology * Project management and communication within the library environment * Assessment and user studies C4LJ strives to promote professional communication by minimizing the barriers to publication. While articles should be of a high quality, they need not follow any formal structure. Writers should aim for the middle ground between blog posts and articles in traditional refereed journals. Where appropriate, we encourage authors to submit code samples, algorithms, and pseudo-code. For more information, visit C4LJ's Article Guidelines or browse articles from the first 36 issues published on our website: . Remember, for consideration for the 38th issue, please send proposals, abstracts, or draft articles to journal at no later than Friday, July 14, 2017. Send in a submission. Your peers would like to hear what you are doing. Code4Lib Journal Editorial Committee From plato.smith at Wed Jul 5 14:29:05 2017 From: plato.smith at (Smith, Plato) Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 18:29:05 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Position: Metadata Librarian, Digital Production Services, University of Florida Message-ID: Please pardon cross-post. ########### Job announcement starts here ###################################### Position: Metadata Librarian, Digital Production Services, University of Florida Please forgive cross-posting. POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Assistant University Librarian or Associate University Librarian The University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries seek a Metadata Librarian for a 12-month, tenure track faculty position in the Digital Production Services Department, a user focused, data enhancing, hands-on, collegial team, that strives for efficiencies and streamlined procedures to maximize findability. The Metadata Librarian creates and revises all types of metadata, contributes to local policy and procedure decisions, develops and assesses workflows, creates and delivers trainings, collaborates on large and small projects, and promotes creative approaches for managing metadata. We seek a colleague who understands metadata and the importance of the work of data curation, and who sees the big picture while working with the details on a daily basis. We work in an environment that encourages participation in decision making and values continual learning and creative thinking. Gainesville is a welcoming city offering unique outdoor activities, excellent museums, historical sites, a strong music scene, quality breweries, eclectic dining and local food choices, and a great variety of sporting events. The search will remain open until July 17, 2017, review of applicants will begin June 15, 2017. For a full description of the position and instructions on how to apply, please refer to the George A. Smathers Libraries faculty recruitment webpage at Failure to submit the required documents may result in the application not being considered. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please contact: Bonnie Smith, George A. Smathers Libraries Human Resources Office, at bonniesmith at The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to the diversity of our faculty and staff. Applicants from a broad spectrum of people, including members of ethnic minorities and disabled persons, are especially encouraged to apply. ######### Job announcement ends here ###################################### Thank you. Respectfully, Plato ________________________________________________________ Plato L. Smith II, Ph.D. Data Management Librarian University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries, USA Office: + 1 352-294-1077 | Cell: + 1 850-319-7924 | Email: plato.smith at ORCiD: From Selenay.Aytac at Wed Jul 5 10:52:58 2017 From: Selenay.Aytac at (Selenay Aytac) Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 14:52:58 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T SIG III InfoShare Membership Award Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, The ASIS&T International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III) is pleased to announce that for 2017 we will be able to sponsor another group of deserving information professionals from developing countries for complimentary ASIS&T memberships (the financial burden of which would otherwise be prohibitive). We are soliciting nominations of candidates for the InfoShare Membership Award. The award will be given to LIS professionals. Please include a one-page curriculum vitae and a one-page description of why this person is deserving of membership, including their willingness to promote ASIS&T within their networks and build relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations. Awardees will be decided by a vote of the SIG-III officers. Each membership award will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year if the new member proves to be a strong advocate for ASIS&T in their home country during the course of the year. Awardees will be asked to submit a report on their activities by next year's Annual Meeting, which may include, but are not limited to: I. Sharing ASIS&T publications that they receive (the Bulletin of ASIS&T and JASIS&T) with other colleagues II. Promoting the SIG-III paper contest among their colleagues III. Serving as a contact/coordinator for ASIS&T members traveling to their area who may be able to speak about ASIS&T and information science IV. Having the ability to strengthen the relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations, and V. Sponsoring lectures on information science topics in their area on behalf of ASIS&T Nominators can mentor the award recipients for the above activities. We look forward to welcoming new members to ASIS&T from across the globe, especially from countries that have never been ASIS&T members or have limited ASIS&T membership. Women, minority, and candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Please feel free to circulate the Call in your professional networks (e.g., your alma mater listservs, professional contacts at IFLA, OCLC, international organizations, practitioner groups, academic institutions, etc.). Please send your nominations of deserving candidates to Selenay Aytac (selenay.aytac at The deadline for submitting nominations is July 15, 2017. Thank you! Dr. Selenay Aytac Associate Professor LIU Post B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library 720 Northern Blvd Brookville NY 11548 516 299 3443 From jmartin at Thu Jul 6 14:13:24 2017 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 18:13:24 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Grant Opportunity Reminder - CLIR Recordings At Risk Grant Program Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF9016F1AB3E9@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> GRANT OPPORTUNITY REMINDER from NEDCC ******************************************* CLIR RECORDINGS AT RISK - 2nd Call for Applications Deadline is July 31, 2017 The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has begun accepting applications for the second call of the Recordings at Risk program, a national re-granting program administered by CLIR to support the preservation of rare and unique recordings of high scholarly value in the United States. Generously funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation the program will award a total of $2.15 Million in three open competitions in 2017-2018. (Two other calls for applications will be available. Deadline dates are February and June 2018.) AWARD AMOUNTS: $10,000 to $50,000 EILIGIBLE MATERIALS: AUDIO: open-reel audio tape, compact cassette, shellac/vinyl/lacquer disc, wax cylinder, wire recording, microcassette, digital audio tape (DAT), compact disc, MiniDisc VIDEO: VHS, U-Matic, 8mm, Betamax, Betacam, Digital8, DV, MiniDV FILM: 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, Super 8 LEARN MORE: ******************************************************** NEDCC - NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER Join us at Digital Directions: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections - August 21-23, 2017 - Seattle, WA DETAILS HERE: Registration Deadline: August 10 ********************************************************* From marialemos72 at Fri Jul 7 13:46:21 2017 From: marialemos72 at (Marle) Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 18:46:21 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Papers --- ICITS'18 --- Ecuador Message-ID: <> * Proceedings published by Springer and indexed by ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex, DBLP, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICITS'18 - The 2018 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems Peninsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador, 10 - 12 January 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE ICITS'18 - The 2018 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (, to be held at Pen?nsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador, 10 - 12 January 2018, is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Information Technology & Systems. We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to ICITS'18. They can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity. TOPICS Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes proposed for the Conference: A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM); B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS); C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM); D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT); E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA); F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS); G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS); H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA); I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS) K) Health Informatics (HIS); L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE); SUBMISSION AND DECISION Submitted papers (until 10-page limit) must comply with the format of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website or download a DOC example) be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, must not have been published before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the authors? identification. Therefore, the authors? names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publication form filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system. All papers will be subjected to a ?double-blind review? by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. Based on Scientific Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as paper or poster. The authors of papers accepted as posters must build and print a poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference can includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 7 minute limit per poster. The authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. PUBLICATION AND INDEXING To ensure that an accepted paper is published, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by the 20th of October 2017, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit (until 10 pages). Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the camera-ready version. No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration. One registration permits only the participation of one author in the conference. Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in a book of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series, will be submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS and DBLP, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library. Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese and accepted and registered will be published in Proceedings by AISTI and will be submitted for evaluation and possible indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex and SCOPUS. The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them for publication in international journals indexed by ISI, SCOPUS, EI-Compendex and DBLP, among others. IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: September 6, 2017 Notification of Acceptance: October 13, 2017 Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: October 20, 2017. Camera-ready Submission: October 20, 2017 --------- ICITS'18 website: --------- ---------------------------------------------- --- PS: If you do not wish to receive any more notices from ICITS just reply to this message with the word REMOVE in the subject line. --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. From zimmerm at Fri Jul 7 16:35:52 2017 From: zimmerm at (Michael T Zimmer) Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 20:35:52 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] "Privacy" issue of Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy References: Message-ID: <> Colleagues, I?m happy to announce that the ?Privacy? special issue of the American Library Association?s Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy (JIFP) has now been published. Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Spring Table of Contents Editorial -------- Introduction: The ?Privacy? Special Issue of the Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy (3-4) Michael Zimmer Commentaries -------- The Path to a Creating a New Privacy Policy: NYPL's story (5-7) Bill Marden We Can?t All Be Rock Stars: Reaching a Mass Audience with the Message of Library Privacy (8-10) Jessica Crowe Garner How to Get Free HTTPS Certificates from Let's Encrypt (11-12) Mike Robinson Libraries and the Right to be Forgotten: a Conflict in the Making? (13-14) Eli Edwards Features -------- Balancing Privacy and Strategic Planning Needs: A Case Study in De-Identification of Patron Data (15-22) Becky Yoose Privacy Policies and Practices with Cloud-Based Services in Public Libraries: An Exploratory Case of BiblioCommons (23-37) Katie Chamberlain Kritikos, Michael Zimmer Reviews -------- Review of Protecting Patron Privacy: A LITA Guide (38-38) Rudy Leon -- Michael Zimmer, PhD Associate Professor, School of Information Studies Director, Center for Information Policy Research University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee e: zimmerm at t: @michaelzimmer w: From syn at Tue Jul 11 02:23:52 2017 From: syn at (Sue Yeon Syn) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 02:23:52 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Apply for ASIS&T SIG USE Elfreda A. Chatman Research Award Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, We hope you will consider applying for the SIG USE Elfreda A. Chatman Research Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize the best research proposal that falls within the scope of information behavior. Information behavior is broadly defined to include how people construct, need, seek, manage, give, and use information in different contexts. The award winners will receive a Certificate and a check for $1000 for their research, and will be formally recognized at the SIG USE symposium to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The application package should include (1) a cover letter, (2) the research proposal (max. 2500 words), and (3) a short budget plan. Detailed information for application can be found from Applications for the SIG USE Elfreda A. Chatman Research Award is due JULY 15, 2017. Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh (sangee.oh at Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs *Sue Yeon Syn, Ph.D.* *Assistant Professor* *Department of Library and Information Science* *Catholic University of America* *620 Michigan Ave. N.E.* *Washington, D.C. 20064* *Phone: 202-319-6277* *Email: syn at * *Web: * From syn at Tue Jul 11 02:33:42 2017 From: syn at (Sue Yeon Syn) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 02:33:42 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Apply for ASIS&T SIG USE Conference Travel Awards Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, We hope you will consider applying for the SIG USE conference travel awards, SIG USE Student Conference Travel Award and Interdisciplinary Conference Travel Award. SIG USE Student Conference Travel Award is to support students in a master's or doctoral program in attedning the ASIS&T annual conference. The award winners will receive a check for $1000 for their travel expenses. The application package should include (1) a cover letter, (2) the 250 word statement, and (3) a letter of endorsement from a faculty member. Detailed information for application can be found from Interdisciplinary Conference Travel Award is to provide financial support for memers to attend non-LIS conferences. The award winners will receive a check for $200 for their travel expenses. Detailed information for application can be found from Applications for both SIG USE conference travel awards are due JULY 15, 2017. Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh (sangee.oh at Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs *Sue Yeon Syn, Ph.D.* *Assistant Professor* *Department of Library and Information Science* *Catholic University of America* *620 Michigan Ave. N.E.* *Washington, D.C. 20064* *Phone: 202-319-6277* *Email: syn at * *Web: * From h.obrien at Tue Jul 11 23:24:24 2017 From: h.obrien at (O'Brien, Heather) Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 03:24:24 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Save the date: SIGUSE Annual Symposium, Oct. 28 in Crystal City Message-ID: <> Please join us for Framing Inclusion and Exclusion in Information Behavior Research and Practice, sponsored by SIGUSE, ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Crystal City, Virginia Date: October 28, 2017 (1:30-5:30 pm) Abstract: The 17th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium focuses on the theme of inclusion and exclusion. This theme acknowledges that advances in information and communication technology?such as the Internet, social media, and mobile devices?have afforded individuals and communities new ways of connecting with one another and of accessing vast quantities of information, but that many individuals and groups still remain at the periphery of the information society. These groups include, but are not limited to: older persons, geographically or socially isolated persons, migrant persons, disabled persons, economically disadvantaged and displaced persons, global youth, and others who are often considered at-risk and vulnerable. While some scholars have considered these populations and their information behavior and practices (e.g. Fisher et al., 2017; Jaeger et al., 2015; Pang et al., 2016), the aims of this Symposium are to strengthen and build the community of scholars and information professionals who critically consider issues related to inclusion and exclusion in their work. It also aims to provide an opportunity for scholars and professionals to reflect and gain feedback on their ongoing studies, to take in new perspectives, and to engage in theoretical debates. Keynote speaker: Professor Paul T. Jaeger, of the College of Information Studies and the Information Policy and Access Center (iPAC) at the University of Maryland (, will present ?Leveraging Information Behavior Theory and Research to Promote Inclusive Information Practice.? Dr. Jaeger is the author of more than 160 articles and book chapters, as well as more than a dozen books. He is Editor of Library Quarterly, Editor of Advances in Librarianship, and Associate Editor of International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion. Dr. Jaeger is founder and chair of the Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library and Information Science (CIDLIS), and co-founder and co-chair of the UMD Disability Summit. In 2014, he received the Library Journal/ALISE Excellence in Education Award, the international educator of the year award for the field of library and information science. Organizers: Stan Karanasios (stan.karanasios at; Leslie Thomson (lethomso at and Chi Young Oh (jcoh at Stay tuned for a full call for participation (short papers, posters). Dr. Heather O'Brien Associate Professor The iSchool, University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC h.obrien at; Member-at-Large, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T): Why Engagement Matters: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives on User Engagement, edited with Paul Cairns is now available: From syn at Wed Jul 12 01:39:48 2017 From: syn at (Sue Yeon Syn) Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 01:39:48 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Apply for ASIS&T SIG USE Innovation Award (Due date extended!) Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, We hope you will consider applying for the SIG USE Innovation Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize innovative human information behavior work of any formats including papers, videos, demos, and other works that are accepted by the ASIS&T conference. The award winners will receive a Certificate and a check for $200 at the SIG USE symposium to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The application package should include a cover letter and a copy of the work to be considered. Detailed information for application can be found from Applications for the SIG USE EInnovation Award is due *August 1, 2017* (*Notice the extended due date!*). Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh ( sangee.oh at Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs *Sue Yeon Syn, Ph.D.* *Assistant Professor* *Department of Library and Information Science* *Catholic University of America* *620 Michigan Ave. N.E.* *Washington, D.C. 20064* *Phone: 202-319-6277* *Email: syn at * *Web: * From arorissa at Wed Jul 12 18:50:22 2017 From: arorissa at (Rorissa, Abebe) Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 22:50:22 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2018 ALISE - Reminder: Juried Paper Deadline Approaching Message-ID: Submit by July 15th! ? The deadline for juried paper proposal submissions?is July 15, 2017. Please consider submitting your completed or in-progress work. The theme of the 2018 conference - Expanding the LIS Education Universe - calls for educators, practitioners, and policy makers to address the ever-expanding horizon and the current terrain of the field of LIS education. The conference will provide opportunities for attendees to: . Share ideas for new and innovative programs and emerging curricular areas or specializations within MLIS programs . Discuss how new undergraduate and graduate programs may complement ALA-accredited masters programs . Exchange ideas on pedagogy and curriculum for evidence-based learning? . Present research on topics that help to inform the expanding educational programs . Address interdisciplinary convergence in the field of LIS . Design high impact educational practices for learner engagement . Learning outcome assessment Applicants will be informed of the committee's decisions by September 14, 2017. Conference presentation time slots will be published online and in the conference program. All presenters are required to register for the ALISE 2018 conference in Denver, CO. Accepted papers and panels will be published in an online open access proceedings. Please note: Juried paper proposals accepted for presentation at the conference which are developed into full papers, may be submitted to JELIS for consideration for publication. Questions? Please direct any questions regarding the 2018 call for juried papers?to committee co-chairs. Sincerely, Juried Papers Co-Chairs: Abebe Rorissa, University at Albany, SUNY arorissa at Wooseob Jeong,?Emporia State University wjeong1 at ALISE office at | 206-209-5267 | ________________________________________ From kberlack at Wed Jul 12 15:39:42 2017 From: kberlack at (Ken Berlack) Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 19:39:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NFAIS Webinar July 27: PrePrints on the Rise In-Reply-To: References: , , Message-ID: NFAIS Webinar -- Preprints on the Rise: Insights on What's New and What's Next Date: Thursday, July 27, 2017 Time: 12:00 pm ? 1:30 pm EDT Location: Virtual Registration: ==================================================================== What's the focus? Twenty-five years ago, the creation of arXiv provided physicists with an efficient way to share their manuscripts before peer review and publication. Since then we have wondered why other discipines have been slow to follow their lead. Until 2014 when others joined such as bioRxiv, F1000 Research, PeerJ, The Winnower,, and Wellcome Open Research. Join us to gain insights into the cultural dynamics that support PrePrints and explore how they can play an increasingly supportive role in the existing research landscape. What will our presenters cover? * What recent developments in a variety of disciplines, such as, the American Chemical Society (ChemRxiv), the Center for Open Science (PsyArXiv, AgriXiv, SocArXiv, and engXiv), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), have populated the preprint landscape suggesting that 2017 be considered the "Year of the PrePrint"? * What makes the preprint culture work in terms of discovery and funding sources along with the detection of plagiarism and junk science? * What factors such as cultural change, preprint policies at universities, preprints' relationship to scholarly journals, and new players will affect the infrastructure of preprints in the near future? Register Now: _________________________________________________________________________________ Please note: For individual registrations, the costs for this NFAIS Webinar are: $125 for NFAIS members; $150r allied societies*; and $195 for non-members. For group registration, the member rate for unlimited attendance is $295 and the non-member rate for unlimited attendance is $450. *Allied Societies: LYRASIS, CENDI, ICSTI, Society for Scholarly Publishing, the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of AAP, Association of American University Presses, NISO and ASIS&T. Contact: For more information about this event or any of those shown below, please contact Nancy Blair-DeLeon, NFAIS Director of Professional Development, at 443-221-2980 ext. 102 or nblairdeleon at Upcoming NFAIS Events: July 25, 2017 ? Lunch & Learn: Customer Research ? From Discovery to Execution July 31, 2017 ? Can R&D Funding Be Separated From Political Agendas October 2-3, 2017 ? Open Access and Beyond Conference Subscribe to NFAIS Advances e-newsletter! NFAIS ? the National Federation of Advanced Information Services nfais at @NFAISForum From fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at Thu Jul 13 06:24:29 2017 From: fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at (IBEKWE-SANJUAN Fidelia) Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2017 12:24:29 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Education for Information appoints new Editor-in-Chief Message-ID: <> New Editor-in-Chief IOS Press is proud to announce that*Prof. Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan* has agreed to be the new Editor-in-Chief of/Education for Information /. Current Editor-in-Chief Prof. Jamshid Beheshti says?I am delighted that Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan has agreed to be the new Editor-in-Chief of our journal, taking over at the beginning of 2018. Until then she and I will work together on the journal". Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan is Full Professor at the School of Journalism & Communication of Aix-Marseille University and member of the IRSIC research team in France. Call for submissions Since 1983,*Education for Information* has been a forum for debate and discussion on education and training issues in the sphere of information handling and is essential reading for those involved and interested in the field. The scope of the journal is interpreted broadly to encompass all knowledge acquired through teaching, professional practice and research that can be used to enhance pedagogy and education in Library and Information Science (LIS). As a member of our research community, we would like to invite you to consider submitting your original work for publication in the journal. *Education for Information *offers contributing authors many benefits, including: - Rigorous peer review and speedy manuscript processing - Rapid online publication. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Ph.D.) Full Professor (Professeur des Universit?s) School of Journalism & Communication (EJCAM) Aix-Marseille University - France. Homepage: Editor in chief Education for Information, IOS Press ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Selenay.Aytac at Thu Jul 13 10:36:51 2017 From: Selenay.Aytac at (Selenay Aytac) Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2017 14:36:51 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T SIG III InfoShare Membership Award Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, The ASIS&T International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III) is pleased to announce that for 2017 we will be able to sponsor another group of deserving information professionals from developing countries for complimentary ASIS&T memberships (the financial burden of which would otherwise be prohibitive). We are soliciting nominations of candidates for the InfoShare Membership Award. The award will be given to LIS professionals. Please include a one-page curriculum vitae and a one-page description of why this person is deserving of membership, including their willingness to promote ASIS&T within their networks and build relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations. Awardees will be decided by a vote of the SIG-III officers. Each membership award will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year if the new member proves to be a strong advocate for ASIS&T in their home country during the course of the year. Awardees will be asked to submit a report on their activities by next year's Annual Meeting, which may include, but are not limited to: I. Sharing ASIS&T publications that they receive (the Bulletin of ASIS&T and JASIS&T) with other colleagues II. Promoting the SIG-III paper contest among their colleagues III. Serving as a contact/coordinator for ASIS&T members traveling to their area who may be able to speak about ASIS&T and information science IV. Having the ability to strengthen the relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations, and V. Sponsoring lectures on information science topics in their area on behalf of ASIS&T Nominators can mentor the award recipients for the above activities. We look forward to welcoming new members to ASIS&T from across the globe, especially from countries that have never been ASIS&T members or have limited ASIS&T membership. Women, minority, and candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Please feel free to circulate the Call in your professional networks (e.g., your alma mater listservs, professional contacts at IFLA, OCLC, international organizations, practitioner groups, academic institutions, etc.). Please send your nominations of deserving candidates to Selenay Aytac (selenay.aytac at The deadline for submitting nominations is July 15, 2017. Thank you! Dr. Selenay Aytac Associate Professor LIU Post B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library 720 Northern Blvd Brookville NY 11548 516 299 3443 From unmil at Fri Jul 14 09:04:44 2017 From: unmil at (Unmil Karadkar) Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 08:04:44 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Updated dates - CfP - iPRES2017 workshop - Preservation and Access to Privacy-sensitive Collections In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> We have updated submission dates in order to accommodate the change in early registration date for the iPRES 2017 conference. New dates here, rest of the CfP below and at : August 3: early due date for proposals August 10: early notification of acceptance August 12: Early registration date for iPRES 2017 August 24: due date for all proposals August 31: Notification of acceptance September 29: PAPC2017 Workshop On 6/28/2017 9:57 PM, Unmil Karadkar wrote: > This Call for Proposals is available on the workshop web page at: > > > ------------------------------------------------- > > Overview > > Recent developments in digitization and dissemination technologies > present the possibility of making archival collections broadly > available to a global audience. In addition, new collections of > born-digital documents will be readily available to support a > multitude of objectives of their diverse, worldwide stakeholders. > Demographics such as family members, journalists, social services > providers, and policy makers can all benefit from access to these > historical collections. > > While these advances are broadly welcomed in most circumstances, some > archival collections include restricted or privacy-sensitive > collections. Examples of such privacy-sensitive records include mental > health institutional records, prison records, records of the Truth and > reconciliation commissions, Nazi archives, and the Guatemalan national > police archives. While access to paper documents is protected by > distance, physical barriers, and varying state and national policies > and laws, digital access may exacerbate threats to the privacy of > individuals named in these records. The online availability of such > records has a potential to stigmatize or embarrass the families or > descendants of those named in the records when they bear no > responsibility for the acts or health conditions of the named > individuals, raising ethical issues in providing broad, open access to > these records. In some cases, the legal frameworks for digital records > are substantially less clear than those for physical records. > > > Topics > > We invite broad participation from scholars and practitioners who work > with or are interested in issues surrounding the preservation of and > providing access to digital, privacy-sensitive collections. A > non-exhaustive list of topics of interest include: > > * Digitization, curation, and preservation of privacy-sensitive > collections > * Theoretical and metadata models > * Policies, workflows, and protections for accessing materials > * Issues in using cloud services for privacy-sensitive materials > storage and scholarship > * Scholarly information behavior and needs > * Models that recognize diverse user needs (for example, aggregate > data, individual information) > * Institutional and political negotiations surrounding access to > privacy-sensitive collections > * Mechanisms and models for data retrieval from handwritten documents > * Privacy-aware digital repository architectures > * Privacy-aware crowdsourcing and transcription methods > * Privacy issues in designing user interfaces and data visualizations > * Privacy mitigation in data analytics and presentation > * Evaluation of existing software, infrastructure, and techniques > * Social justice issues and non-scholarly outcomes of work with > restricted collections > > > Proposals: formats and submission > > All contributions must be written in English. > > We encourage you to submit proposals for: > > * *mature work (up to 500 words exclusive of references, 20-25 minute > presentation)*: submissions that report on mature work or stake out > a position in an area of interest > * *work-in-progess (up to 250 words exclusive of references, 10-15 > minute presentation)*: submissions that present early results or a > nascent project > > Please submit papers via the workshop's*EasyChair submission page*: > > > > Important dates: > > * *August 3*: early due date for proposals > * *August 10*: early notification of acceptance > * *August 12*: Early registration date for iPRES 2017 > * *August 24*: due date for all proposals > * *August 31*: Notification of acceptance > * *September 29*: PAPC2017 Workshop > > > Organizers > > Please contact us in case of questions. > > Unmil Karadkar (unmil at > ) > Pat Galloway (galloway at > ) > King Davis(king.davis at > ) > > School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin > > > Acknowledgement > > The organizers are funded by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (grant > number: 11500653) under the scholarly communications program. From pr-aksw at Fri Jul 14 09:46:04 2017 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 15:46:04 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTICS2017 - Early registration discount reminder Message-ID: Dear all, There are only two weeks left to benefit from the reduced registration fee for the SEMANTICS2017 conference in Amsterdam. *To get the discount, please register * *before July 1th, 2017* Looking forward to meeting you at the conference! Semantics Organizing Team From syn at Fri Jul 14 15:03:53 2017 From: syn at (Sue Yeon Syn) Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 15:03:53 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] [FINAL CALL] DUE EXTENDED for ASIS&T SIG USE Elfreda A. Chatman Research Award Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, We hope you will consider applying for the SIG USE Elfreda A. Chatman Research Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize the best research proposal that falls within the scope of information behavior. Information behavior is broadly defined to include how people construct, need, seek, manage, give, and use information in different contexts. The award winners will receive a Certificate and a check for $1000 for their research, and will be formally recognized at the SIG USE symposium to be held at the upcoming ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The application package should include (1) a cover letter, (2) the research proposal (max. 2500 words), and (3) a short budget plan. Detailed information for application can be found from https://siguse.wordpress. com/elfreda-a-chatman-research-award/ Applications for the SIG USE Elfreda A. Chatman Research Award is due *JULY 22, 2017 (EXTENDED DUE)*. Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh ( sanghee.oh at Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs *Sue Yeon Syn, Ph.D.* *Assistant Professor* *Department of Library and Information Science* *Catholic University of America* *620 Michigan Ave. N.E.* *Washington, D.C. 20064* *Phone: 202-319-6277* *Email: syn at * *Web: * From syn at Fri Jul 14 15:05:32 2017 From: syn at (Sue Yeon Syn) Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 15:05:32 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] [FINAL CALL] DUE EXTENDED for ASIS&T SIG USE Conference Travel Awards Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, We hope you will consider applying for the SIG USE conference travel awards, SIG USE Student Conference Travel Award and Interdisciplinary Conference Travel Award. *SIG USE Student Conference Travel Award* is to support students in a master's or doctoral program in attending the ASIS&T annual conference. The award winners will receive a check for $1000 for their travel expenses. The application package should include (1) a cover letter, (2) the 250 word statement, and (3) a letter of endorsement from a faculty member. Detailed information for application can be found from sig-use-masters-student-conference-travel-award/ *Interdisciplinary Conference Travel Award *is to provide financial support for members to attend non-LIS conferences. The award winners will receive a check for $200 for their travel expenses. Detailed information for application can be found from interdisciplinary-conference-travel-award/ Applications for both SIG USE conference travel awards are due *JULY 22, 2017 (EXTENDED DUE)*. Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh ( sanghee.oh at Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs *Sue Yeon Syn, Ph.D.* *Assistant Professor* *Department of Library and Information Science* *Catholic University of America* *620 Michigan Ave. N.E.* *Washington, D.C. 20064* *Phone: 202-319-6277* *Email: syn at * *Web: * From barilaj at Sat Jul 15 05:14:28 2017 From: barilaj at (Judit Bar-Ilan) Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2017 12:14:28 +0300 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: Call for contributions: altmetrics17 Message-ID: ***Apologies for cross-posting*** *altmetrics17. The dependencies of altmetrics* altmetrics17 is part of the altmetrics workshop series organized since 2011 and will take place in conjunction with the 4th Altmetrics Conference (4:AM) , at Ryerson University in Toronto on *26 September 2017*. This year?s workshop will focus on the dependencies of altmetrics. Altmetrics are heavily shaped, if not completely driven, by data availability, technical affordances of underlying platforms and data providers. Against this background, the altmetrics17 workshop will have a special focus on the dependencies of altmetrics and their potential effects on altmetric research, the role of altmetrics in research evaluation and the effects on scholarly communication in general. The workshop particularly invites contributions that address the workshop?s theme directly or indirectly, analyze effects of the dependencies, and propose solutions and alternative frameworks in which to study altmetrics. *Call for contributions* We are soliciting empirical and theoretical contributions for short presentations and as a basis for discussions, which will be the main focus of the altmetrics17 workshop. Submissions can focus on empirical analyses, novel theoretical frameworks, original datasets or represent a position paper. The goal of the workshop is to discuss, exchange and foster collaboration on altmetrics between researchers and practitioners. Contributions will be curated by the altmetrics17 committee for their relevance and technical soundness and selected for short presentations. *How to submit* Please provide an extended abstract (max 1,000 words) presenting your altmetrics research contribution and highlighting particular issues you would like to discuss with other workshop participants. Abstracts need to be submitted via EasyChair by *31 July 2017*. Please include a link to any relevant artifact (e.g., a dataset, plots, slidedeck) you wish to present and discuss, after archiving it via an appropriate repository (e.g., Dryad, figshare, GitHub, SlideShare, etc.). More information can be found on the altmetrics17 website and on Twitter . ________________________________ Judit Bar-Ilan Department of Information Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002, Israel Tel: 972-3-5318351 Fax: 972-3-7384027 email: Judit.Bar-Ilan at From ludovico.boratto at Mon Jul 17 06:55:32 2017 From: ludovico.boratto at (Ludovico Boratto) Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 12:55:32 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] 2nd ICDM Workshop on Semantics-Enabled Recommender Systems (SERecSys 2017) Message-ID: *2nd Workshop on Semantics-Enabled Recommender Systems (SERecSys 2017)* *In conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2017)* New Orleans, USA - November 18, 2017 *CALL FOR PAPERS* A recommender system is designed to suggest items that are expected to interest a user. In order to filter the items and produce the recommendation, Data Mining techniques are largely employed. Among the most popular recommendation approaches in the literature and in real-world applications (e.g., e-commerce websites) are the so-called content-based recommender systems. Content-based recommender systems suggest to users items that are similar to those they previously evaluated. The early systems used relatively simple retrieval models, such as the Vector Space Model, with the basic TF-IDF weighting. Simple (word-based) interest descriptions may fall short both because of semantic ambiguity and because they lack of generality. Recently, content-based recommender systems evolved and started employing external knowledge sources (e.g., ontologies) to improve accuracy and scope of recommendations. More recent approaches have been based on deep learning. Other approaches have employed word embeddings in the recommendation process. Among the best known and high-performance implementations following these lines of research we mention Google?s word2vec. Moreover, semantic technologies will soon find a connection with cognitive computing, cooperating in the definition of the so-called cognitive recommender systems. Given the rapid advances of Semantic Technologies, there is still a large number of options for recommender systems to take advantage of semantics. Our workshop will solicit contributions in all topics related to employing Semantic Technologies in Recommender Systems, focused (but not limited) to the following list: - Novel approaches to user profiling in recommender systems that model behavior with semantic technologies; - Cognitive recommender systems; - Content-based recommendation algorithms that employ novel uses of semantic technologies; - Recommendation explanation using semantic technologies; - Generation of novel, diverse, and serendipitous recommendations using semantic technologies; - Hybrid recommender systems that combine semantic technologies with other recommendation techniques (e.g, collaborative); - Group-based approaches that use semantic technologies to describe the group preferences or to generate recommendations. *IMPORTANT DATES* - Paper submission: August 7, 2017 - Notification of acceptance: September 4, 2017 - Camera-ready version submission: September 9, 2017 - Workshop date: November 18, 2017 *TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS* We will consider three different submission types, all in the IEEE 2-column format: regular (8 pages), short (4 pages) and extended abstracts (2 pages). Research and position papers (regular or short) should be clearly placed with respect to the state of the art and state the contribution of the proposal in the domain of application, even if presenting preliminary results. In particular, research papers should describe the methodology in detail, experiments should be repeatable, and a comparison with the existing approaches in the literature should be made where possible. Position papers should introduce novel point of views in the workshop topics or summarize the experience of a researcher or a group in the field. Practice and experience reports (short) should present in detail the real-world scenarios in which Semantic Technologies are employed for recommendation purposes. Demo proposals (extended abstract) should present the details of a prototype or complete application that employs Semantic Technologies in Recommender Systems. The systems will be demonstrated to the workshop attendees. The reviewing process will be coordinated by the organizers. Each paper will receive three reviews: two externals to the organizing committee and one internal. The external reviewers will be contacted according to their expertise in the paper topic. *PROCEEDINGS* Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE ICDM 2017 Workshops Proceedings volume published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and will also be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The workshop proceedings will be in a CD separated from the CD of the main conference. The CD is produced by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version in a journal special issue. *SUBMISSION GUIDELINES* All papers must be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society proceedings manuscript style, following IEEE ICDM 2017 submission guidelines available at Papers should be submitted in PDF format, electronically, using the CyberChair submission system. *INVITED SPEAKER* Dr. Huzefa Rangwala (George Mason University, USA) *CONTACTS* Website: Facebook page: For general enquires regarding the workshop, send an email to serecsys at *ORGANIZERS* Ludovico Boratto (EURECAT, Spain) Salvatore Carta (University of Cagliari, Italy) Giovanni Stilo (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) From eric.meyer at Mon Jul 17 13:44:05 2017 From: eric.meyer at (Eric Meyer) Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 17:44:05 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG-SI Research Symposium on the Social Informatics of Knowledge (ASIS&T '17) 28 Oct 2017 Message-ID: <> Please circulate widely! Call for Papers and Participation The 13th Annual Social Informatics (SIG-SI) Research Symposium: The Social Informatics of Knowledge ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Washington, DC ( Saturday 28 October 2017 from 8:30 - 12:30 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, VA Submissions Due: 15 August 2017 We are soliciting papers on the Social Informatics of Knowledge for a pre-conference ASIST workshop. Specifically, we are looking for extended abstracts and papers that advance the concepts, methods and theories that support the social informatics perspective. Social informatics is the study of the connections among people and the technologies they use is a lens to understand a wide variety of topics linked by a recognition of the "integration of information and communication technologies into organizations...[which has] now spread from organizations...[into] people's social lives" (Fichman & Rosenbaum, 2014, p. x). We are particularly keen to see submissions that look at questions about how knowledge - broadly conceived - can be better understood when we look at the social contexts in which knowledge is created, generated, organized, shared, and used. Kling (2000) pointed out that in socio-technical models of ICT in society, "...knowledge and expertise are inherently tacit/implicit..." (p. 220) as opposed to explicit: all too often, the processes of knowledge generation and discovery are hidden behind (or within a black box of) technology. There is obviously considerable research on knowledge in a variety of outlets (see Hislop, 2013 for a comprehensive review). This said, many of these focus on specific practices of knowledge management and are often constrained to the realms of formal organizations (Grant, 2011) instead of the broader socio-technical questions of how knowledge practices are embedded within and enabled by technical systems. Ackerman, Dachtera, Pipek, and Wulf (2013) in their survey of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) highlight the development of our understanding of knowledge and information in organizations. By way of comparison, Hara and Fichman (2014) argue that we can use social informatics and the concept of boundaries to better understand knowledge sharing in the social media space, while Auernhammer and Hall (2014) focus on how leadership and social conditions within organizations are reflected in knowledge creation processes. We seek submissions that extend our understanding of how we can better explain knowledge practices by looking at the connections between people and technologies, which we have elsewhere called 'examining the hyphen' in the socio-technical sphere (Meyer, 2014) that represents the connections of the social to the technical. Interested participants are also encouraged to look at Kling's foundational paper on the nature of the entanglement between the social and the technical in which he wrote that social informatics is "the interdisciplinary study of the design, uses and consequences of information technologies that takes into account their interaction with institutional and cultural contexts" (Kling, 2007, p. 205). We expect an engaging discussion, with expert feedback on papers and lively interactions with the audience. The topics of this workshop and associated special issue include, but are not limited to, social informatics empirical research and/or theory development in the areas of: * Knowledge: o Creation o Dissemination o Screening / filtering o Validation / authentication o Consumption o Impact * Knowledge generation and sharing platforms o Online knowledge spaces o Changing knowledge standards in news and politics * Novel approaches to knowledge generation, including: o Big data approaches o Machine learning o Computational models o Topic discovery o Scientific workflows * Knowledge discovery techniques, including: o Corpora-based information extraction o Data mining o Data visualization and other exploratory efforts o Trace data collection o Multiple methods * Collaborative scientific practices, including: o The roles of groups/teams/collectives in knowledge generation o Group memory and knowledge sharing o Distributed scientific collaboration o Knowledge and innovation Special Issue of JASIST: The ASIST pre-conference workshop will serve as an optional paper development workshop for a special issue of JASIST on Social Informatics (final submission due January 15 2018). Workshop participants will be given the opportunity to present their papers-in-development for feedback and discussion, and will also have the opportunity to discuss how social informatics can be embedded in their work. Special issue co-editors Eric T. Meyer, Kalpana Shankar, and Steve Sawyer will be on hand and give feedback to individual paper presenters. A half-hour mini-workshop will end the symposium, with information both on the special issue procedures and goals and more general information on successful publishing in JASIS&T and elsewhere. Authors who wish to take full advantage of the opportunity for mentoring and feedback on their papers are encouraged to submit optional full or draft papers by 15 October. NOTE: Authors who are unable to attend the workshop will not be disadvantaged - all papers will go through a full peer review process to decide which papers to include in the special issue. The workshop is designed to help those who want some guidance that might not be as readily available locally to have access to the expertise they need to develop their papers or just want some extra feedback before submitting. For more information on the planned special issue, see Call for papers and posters: Please submit an extended abstract of up to 750 words by August 15, 2017 with author names, affiliations, and contact information with 'SIG-SI Workshop' in the subject line to Kalpana.shankar at and eric.meyer at Accepted extended abstracts will be shared with other workshop participants. Papers that explicitly advance social informatics concepts, theories, or methods will be given priority in the review process. Acceptance announcements will be made by September 1, 2017 in time for conference early registration (ends Sept 15). Late submissions up to Sept 30 will be considered on a rolling basis, and will only be accepted if there is still space in the program. We aim to have an interactive workshop to enable the fullest exchange of ideas amongst attendees. For this reason, we encourage participants from both SIG-SI members and non-members, and enthusiastically support attendance and participation even if you don't have a paper to present. Tentative Schedule The workshop is scheduled for Saturday 28 October 2017 from 8:30 - 12:30 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, VA. Opening keynote: 8:30-9:00 Paper presentations & feedback: 9:00-10:30 Paper awards, followed by coffee break: 10:30-11:00 Paper presentations & feedback: 11:00-11:30 Closing keynote: 11:30-12:00 JASIS&T special issue mini-workshop: 12:00-12:30 FEES Members: $115 Non-members $125 For more information please contact the SIG SI Research Symposium Organizers: Kalpana Shankar University College Dublin (Ireland) kalpana.shankar at Eric T. Meyer University of Oxford (UK) eric.meyer at Prof Eric T Meyer, University of Oxford Professor of Social Informatics & Director of Graduate Studies, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford Turing Fellow, The Alan Turing Institute, London Email: eric.meyer at | Web: | Twitter: @etmeyer From olssi.chair at Mon Jul 17 14:18:34 2017 From: olssi.chair at (OLSSI Chair) Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 14:18:34 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] OLSSI 2017: Ohio Library Support Staff Institute: Register before Thursday! Message-ID: There?s still time to sign up for Bookstock ? OLSSI 2017! Please share with all who might be interested in the Ohio Library Support Staff Institute! Register by 5:00pm this Thursday and attend classes on: 3D printing, Bookbinding, Research guides, Making digital pictures, Google docs, Google Drive, forms, apps, and more! Learn about the O-H-I- Read! Program, enhancing your catalog, and Central State University?s Hallie Q. Brown Memorial Library. All of our classes can be found here: Register by 5:00pm Thursday here: Questions? You can reach Tanya, our OLSSI Treasurer, here: tanya.kimmet at Join us at Central State University ? July 30th thru August 1st ? for the Ohio Library Support Staff Institute! *Michael Bradshaw, OLSSI Chair Emeritus* * OLSSI: the Ohio Library Support Staff Institute * July 30 ? Aug. 1, 2017 * Central State University * Wilberforce, Ohio* From unmil at Tue Jul 18 04:28:14 2017 From: unmil at (Unmil Karadkar) Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 03:28:14 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP - InfoVision 2018 - February 19-21, Bengaluru, India In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: This CfP is available online at: Technology drives Innovation and Innovation leads to increased Productivity: economic, social, and environmental productivity. As a technology, Data Analytics is a driver of innovation and is fundamental to increasing Productivity in today?s world. It is both a vertical and a horizontal, cutting across all sectors of society. We are seeing users move beyond traditional Business Intelligence techniques to Next Generation Analytics. Next Generation Analytics includes exploration and discovery and advanced analytics such as predictive and prescriptive analytics. It includes Visual Analytics, which allows the user to explore the data and resulting analysis visually often leading to a better understanding of the data. The Internet of Things requires the application of analytics to streaming data to enable real time or near real time decision-making. Next Generation Analytics will drive innovation by providing context to information and enable better and faster decision-making. The theme for InfoVision 2018 is Next Generation Analytics: Data-Driven Innovation. The Conference will be a must for both academics and industry. The Conference invites papers that explore Next Generation Analytics and its impact on innovation and productivity: economic, social and environmental productivity. Papers are invited across a broad range of related areas, including but not limited to: ? Financial analytics ? Marketing analytics ? Visual analytics ? Smart Cities ? Health analytics ? Data analytics and productivity ? The Industrial Internet of Things ? Data governance ? Metrics to assess the impact of data analytics on decision making Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research papers for presentation, 12 pages maximum. Two page proposals for poster presentation describing early-stage research are also invited. All submissions will be refereed and accepted papers and poster proposals will be published in LNBIP ? Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Important Dates: ? 8 October 2017 ? one page paper abstract indicating intent to submit (optional) ? October 25, 2017 ? full paper submission (12 pages), poster submission (2 pages) ? November 29, 2017 ? notification of acceptance ? December 15, 2017 - final camera ready copy ? February 19-21, 2018 - InfoVision 2018 conference InfoVision 2018 will be the latest instance of the InfoVision series of conferences that started in 2005. The 2018 conference is hosted by the Centre of Excellence for Data Analytics and Business Insights (CEDABI), MYRA School of Business. From unmil at Tue Jul 18 04:42:14 2017 From: unmil at (Unmil Karadkar) Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 03:42:14 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Early CfP - ACM/IEEE JCDL 2018 - June 3-7, Fort Worth, Texas In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> This CfP is available at: --------------------------------------------------------------- The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2018 (JCDL 2018) will be hosted by three units of the University of North Texas (UNT) ? the College of Information, the UNT Health Science Center, and the UNT Libraries. It will be held at the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth, the rustic and artistic threshold into the American West. Its co-organizer includes the School of Information Management at Wuhan University. *Theme:* From Data to Wisdom: Resilient Integration across Societies, Disciplines, and Systems *Communities Welcomed: * JCDL welcomes interesting submissions ranging across theories, systems, services, and applications. We invite those managing, operating, developing, curating, evaluating, or utilizing digital libraries broadly defined, covering academic or public institutions, including archives, museums, and social networks. We seek involvement of those in iSchools, as well as working in computer or information or social sciences and technologies. Multiple tracks and sessions will ensure tailoring to researchers, practitioners, and diverse communities including data science/analytics, datacuration/stewardship, information retrieval, human-computer interaction,hypertext(and Web/network science), multimedia, publishing, preservation, digital humanities, machine learning/AI, heritage/culture, health/medicine, policy, law, and privacy/intellectual property. *Additional Topics of Interest:* In addition to the topics indicated above, the following are some of the many topics that will be considered relevant, as long as connections are made to digital libraries: lCollaborative and participatory information environments lCrowdsourcing and human computation lCyberinfrastructurearchitectures, applications, and deployments lDistributed information systems lDocument genres lExtracting semantics, entities, and patterns from large collections lInformation and knowledge systems lInformation visualization lInfrastructure and service design lKnowledge discovery lLinked data and its applications lPerformance evaluation lPersonal digital information management lScientific data management lSocial media, architecture, and applications lSocial networks, virtual organizations and networked information lUser behavior and modeling lUser communities and user research *Important Dates:* Jan. 15, 2018- Tutorial and workshop proposal submissions Jan. 15, 2018- Full paper and short paper submissions Jan. 29, 2018- Panel, poster and demonstration submissions Feb. 1, 2018- Notification of acceptance for tutorials and workshops Mar. 8, 2018- Notification of acceptance for full papers, short papers, panels, posters, and demonstrations Mar. 25, 2018- Doctoral Consortium abstract submissions Apr. 5, 2018- Notification of acceptance for Doctoral Consortium Apr. 15, 2018- Final camera-ready deadline for full papers, short papers, panels, posters, and demonstrations Jun. 3, 2018- Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium Jun. 4 ? 6, 2018- Main Conference Jun. 6 ? 7, 2018- Workshops From kpearl at Tue Jul 18 14:50:27 2017 From: kpearl at (Perales, Katherine Pearl) Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 18:50:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] UNC SILS Professor Amelia Gibson Receives IMLS Early Career Award Message-ID: UNC SILS Professor Amelia Gibson will use IMLS grant to research how libraries can better engage people with Autism and their families UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) Assistant Professor Amelia Gibson has received an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Early Career Award to support a project titled "Deconstructing Information Poverty: Identifying, Supporting, and Leveraging Local Expertise in Marginalized Communities." The three-year project, which received over $336,600 in funding from IMLS, will examine the potential for libraries to help people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families fulfill their information needs and reduce information poverty in local ASD communities. It will also investigate how members of marginalized communities can act as self-advocates on a local level, and how libraries can recognize, empower, and educate all members of their communities through programming, planning, and collection development. Gibson will collaborate with the Durham and Charlotte Public Libraries and the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) for the project, which will culminate in the development and dissemination of an online toolkit that describes community assessment and engagement processes. Read more at From bean.lists at Tue Jul 18 20:13:19 2017 From: bean.lists at (Carol Bean) Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 19:13:19 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Code4Lib Journal Issue 37 published Message-ID: <> With usual apologies for flooding inboxes :) The new issue of the Code4Lib Journal is now available: * *Table of Contents** *Editorial: Welcome New Editors, What We Know About Who We Are, and Submission Pro Tip!* Sara Amato Want to see your work in C4LJ? Here?s a pro tip! *A Practical Starter Guide on Developing Accessible Websites* Cynthia Ng and Michael Schofield There is growing concern about the accessibility of the online content and services provided by libraries and public institutions. While many articles cover legislation, general benefits, and common opportunities to improve web accessibility on the surface (e.g., alt tags), few articles discuss web accessibility in more depth, and when they do, they are typically not specific to library web services. This article is meant to fill in this vacuum and will provide practical best practices and code. *Recount: Revisiting the 42nd Canadian Federal Election to Evaluate the Efficacy of Retroactive Tweet Collection* Anthony T. Pinter and Ben Goldman In this paper, we report the development and testing of a methodology for collecting tweets from periods beyond the Twitter API?s seven-to-nine day limitation. To accomplish this, we used Twitter?s advanced search feature to search for tweets from past the seven to nine day limit, and then used JavaScript to automatically scan the resulting webpage for tweet IDs. These IDs were then rehydrated (tweet metadata retrieved) using twarc. To examine the efficacy of this method for retrospective collection, we revisited the case study of the 42nd Canadian Federal Election. Using comparisons between the two datasets, we found that our methodology does not produce as robust results as real-time streaming, but that it might be useful as a starting point for researchers or collectors. We close by discussing the implications of these findings. *Extending Omeka for a Large-Scale Digital Project* Haley Antell, Joe Corall, Virginia Dressler, Cara Gilgenbach In September 2016, the department of Special Collections and Archives, Kent State University Libraries, received a Digital Dissemination grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) to digitize roughly 72,500 pages from the May 4 collection, which documents the May 1970 shootings of thirteen students by Ohio National Guardsmen at Kent State University. This article will highlight the project team?s efforts to adapt the Omeka instance with modifications to the interface and ingestion processes to assist the efforts of presenting unique archival collections online, including an automated method to create folder level links on the relevant finding aids upon ingestion; implementing open source Tesseract to provide OCR to uploaded files; automated PDF creation from the raw image files using Ghostscript; and integrating Mirador to present a folder level display to reflect archival organization as it occurs in the physical collections. These adaptations, which have been shared via GitHub, will be of interest to other institutions looking to present archival material in Omeka. *Annotation-based enrichment of Digital Objects using open-source frameworks* Marcus Emmanuel Barnes, Natkeeran Ledchumykanthan, Kim Pham, Kirsta Stapelfeldt The W3C Web Annotation Data Model, Protocol, and Vocabulary unify approaches to annotations across the web, enabling their aggregation, discovery and persistence over time. In addition, new javascript libraries provide the ability for users to annotate multi-format content. In this paper, we describe how we have leveraged these developments to provide annotation features alongside Islandora?s existing preservation, access, and management capabilities. We also discuss our experience developing with the Web Annotation Model as an open web architecture standard, as well as our approach to integrating mature external annotation libraries. The resulting software (the Web Annotation Utility Module for Islandora) accommodates annotation across multiple formats. This solution can be used in various digital scholarship contexts. *The FachRef-Assistant: Personalised, subject specific, and transparent stock management* Eike T. Spielberg, Frank L?tzenkirchen We present in this paper a personalized web application for the weeding of printed resources: the FachRef-Assistant. It offers an extensive range of tools for evidence based stock management, based on the thorough analysis of usage statistics. Special attention is paid to the criteria individualization, transparency of the parameters used, and generic functions. Currently, it is designed to work with the Aleph-System from ExLibris, but efforts were spent to keep the application as generic as possible. For example, all procedures specific to the local library system have been collected in one Java package. The inclusion of library specific properties such as collections and systematics has been designed to be highly generic as well by mapping the individual entries onto an in-memory database. Hence simple adaption of the package and the mappings would render the FachRef-Assistant compatible to other library systems. The personalization of the application allows for the inclusion of subject specific usage properties as well as of variations between different collections within one subject area. The parameter sets used to analyse the stock and to prepare weeding and purchase proposal lists are included in the output XML-files to facilitate a high degree of transparency, objectivity and reproducibility. *The Semantics of Metadata: Avalon Media System and the Move to RDF* Juliet L. Hardesty and Jennifer B. Young The Avalon Media System (Avalon) provides access and management for digital audio and video collections in libraries and archives. The open source project is led by the libraries of Indiana University Bloomington and Northwestern University and is funded in part by grants from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Institute of Museum and Library Services. Avalon is based on the Samvera Community (formerly Hydra Project) software stack and uses Fedora as the digital repository back end. The Avalon project team is in the process of migrating digital repositories from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4 and incorporating metadata statements using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) instead of XML files accompanying the digital objects in the repository. The Avalon team has worked on the migration path for technical metadata and is now working on the migration paths for structural metadata (PCDM) and descriptive metadata (from MODS XML to RDF). This paper covers the decisions made to begin using RDF for software development and offers a window into how Semantic Web technology functions in the real world. *OpeNumisma: A Software Platform Managing Numismatic Collections with A Particular Focus On Reflectance Transformation Imaging* Avgoustinos Avgousti, Andriana Nikolaidou, Ropertos Georgiou This paper describes OpeNumisma; a reusable web-based platform focused on digital numismatic collections. The platform provides an innovative merge of digital imaging and data management systems that offer great new opportunities for research and the dissemination of numismatic knowledge online. A unique feature of the platform is the application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), a computational photographic method that offers tremendous image analysis and possibilities for numismatic research. This computational photography technique allows the user to observe on browser minor details, unseen with the naked eye just by holding the computer mouse rather than the actual object. The first successful implementation of OpeNumisma has been the creation of a digital library for the medieval coins from the collection of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation. *DuEPublicA: Automated bibliometric reports based on the University Bibliography and external citation data* Eike T. Spielberg This paper describes a web application to generate bibliometric reports based on the University Bibliography and the Scopus citation database. Our goal is to offer an alternative to easy-to-prepare automated reports from commercial sources. These often suffer from an incomplete coverage of publication types and a difficult attribution to people, institutes and universities. Using our University Bibliography as the source to select relevant publications solves the two problems. As it is a local system, maintained and set up by the library, we can include every publication type we want. As the University Bibliography is linked to the identity management system of the university, it enables an easy selection of publications for people, institutes and the whole university. The program is designed as a web application, which collects publications from the University Bibliography, enriches them with citation data from Scopus and performs three kinds of analyses: 1. A general analysis (number and type of publications, publications per year etc.), 2. A citation analysis (average citations per publication, h-index, uncitedness), and 3. An affiliation analysis (home and partner institutions) We tried to keep the code highly generic, so that the inclusion of other databases (Web of Science, IEEE) or other bibliographies is easily feasible. The application is written in Java and XML and uses XSL transformations and LaTeX to generate bibliometric reports as HTML pages and in pdf format. Warnings and alerts are automatically included if the citation analysis covers only a small fraction of the publications from the University Bibliography. In addition, we describe a small tool that helps to collect author details for an analysis. *New Metadata Recipes for Old Cookbooks: Creating and Analyzing a Digital Collection Using the HathiTrust Research Center Portal* Gioia Stevens The Early American Cookbooks digital project is a case study in analyzing collections as data using HathiTrust and the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) Portal. The purposes of the project are to create a freely available, searchable collection of full-text early American cookbooks within the HathiTrust Digital Library, to offer an overview of the scope and contents of the collection, and to analyze trends and patterns in the metadata and the full text of the collection. The digital project has two basic components: a collection of 1450 full-text cookbooks published in the United States between 1800 and 1920 and a website to present a guide to the collection and the results of the analysis. This article will focus on the workflow for analyzing the metadata and the full-text of the collection. The workflow will cover: 1) creating a searchable public collection of full-text titles within the HathiTrust Digital Library and uploading it to the HTRC Portal, 2) analyzing and visualizing legacy MARC data for the collection using MarcEdit, OpenRefine and Tableau, and 3) using the text analysis tools in the HTRC Portal to look for trends and patterns in the full text of the collection. *Countering Stryker?s Punch: Algorithmically Filling the Black Hole* Michael J. Bennett Two current digital image editing programs are examined in the context of filling in missing visual image data from hole-punched United States Farm Security Administration (FSA) negatives. Specifically, Photoshop?s Content-Aware Fill feature and GIMP?s Resynthesizer plugin are evaluated and contrasted against comparable images. A possible automated workflow geared towards large scale editing of similarly hole-punched negatives is also explored. Finally, potential future research based upon this study?s results are proposed in the context of leveraging previously-enhanced, image-level metadata. From ludovico.boratto at Wed Jul 19 07:20:56 2017 From: ludovico.boratto at (Ludovico Boratto) Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 13:20:56 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Information Retrieval Journal - Special Issue on "Social Media for Personalization and Search" Message-ID: *Information Retrieval Journal (Springer)* *Special Issue on ?Social Media for Personalization and Search?* *CALL FOR PAPERS* Social media platforms have become powerful tools to collect the preferences of the users and get to know them more. In order to build profiles about what the users like or dislike, a system does not only have to rely on explicitly given preferences (e.g., ratings) or on implicitly collected data (e.g., from the browsing sessions). In the middle, there lie opinions and preferences expressed through likes, textual comments, click/view logs, following preferences, digital conversations, and posted content. Moreover, the social network itself can provide information on who influences whom. In order to improve the web experience of the users, classic personalization technologies (e.g., recommender systems) and search engines usually rely on static schemes. Users are allowed to express ratings in a fixed range of values for a given catalogue of products, or to express a query that usually returns the same set of webpages/products for all the users. Being able to mine usage and collaboration patterns in social media and to analyze the content generated by the users opens new frontiers in the generation of personalization services and in the improvement of search engines. Moreover, recent technological advances, such as deep learning, are able to provide a context to the analyzed data (e.g., Google's *word2vec* provides a vector representation of the words in a corpus, considering the context in which a word has been used). This special issue solicits novel papers that exploit social media on a broad range of topics, including, but not limited to: - Recommender systems - Search and tagging - Query expansion - User modeling and profiling - Advertising and ad targeting - Content classification, categorization, and clustering - Using social network features/community detection algorithms for personalization and search purposes - Event/topic detection over heterogeneous social sources *IMPORTANT DATES* - First submission paper due: October 30, 2017 - First round decision made: December 30, 2017 - Revised manuscript due: February 28, 2018 - Final decision made: April 30, 2018 - Final paper due: May 31, 2018 *SUBMISSION GUIDELINES* Paper submissions must conform to the Information Retrieval Journal format guidelines . Manuscripts must be submitted to the online submission system . Please, select option *S.I. : Social Media for Personalization and Search* in the article type. Submissions to this Special Issue must represent original material that has been neither submitted to, nor published in, any other journal. A submission based on one or more papers that appeared elsewhere should have at least 30% of novel valuable content that extends the original work (the original papers should be referenced and the novel contributions should be clearly stated in the submitted paper). *CONTACTS* Website: For enquiries regarding the special issue, send an email to all the guest editors at ludovico.boratto at, stilo at, kaltenbrunner at *GUEST EDITORS* Ludovico Boratto - EURECAT (Spain) Andreas Kaltenbrunner - EURECAT (Spain) Giovanni Stilo - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) From pr-aksw at Thu Jul 20 04:22:30 2017 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 10:22:30 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTiCS 2017, Amsterdam, Sep 11-14, Extended Submission Deadline July 25, 2017 Message-ID: <> ***DEADLINE EXTENSION*** 2nd Call for Posters & Demos SEMANTiCS 2017 - The Linked Data Conference 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems Amsterdam, Netherlands September 11 -14, 2017 For details please go to: Important Dates (Posters & Demos Track): *Submission Deadline: extended: July 25, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) *Notification of Acceptance: August 10, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) *Camera-Ready Paper: August 18, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) As in the previous years, SEMANTiCS?17 proceedings will be published by ACM ICPS (pending) and CEUR WS proceedings. This year, SEMANTiCS features a special Data Science track, which is an opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in data science and its intersection with Linked Data to present their ideas and discuss the most important scientific, technical and socio-economical challenges of this emerging field. SEMANTiCS 2017 will especially welcome submissions for the following hot topics: *Metadata, Versioning and Data Quality Management *Semantics for Safety, Security & Privacy *Web Semantics, Linked (Open) Data & *Corporate Knowledge Graphs *Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies *Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems Special Track (please check appropriate topic in submission system) *Data Science Following the success of previous years, we welcome any submissions related but not limited to the following ?horizontal? (research) and ?vertical? (industries) topics: Horizontals: *Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration *Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search *Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies *Semantics in Big Data *Text Analytics *Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization *Semantic Information Management *Document Management & Content Management *Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management *Smart Connectivity, Networking & Interlinking *Smart Data & Semantics in IoT *Semantics for IT Safety & Security *Semantic Rules, Policies & Licensing *Community, Social & Societal Aspects Data Science Special Track Horizontals: *Large-Scale Data Processing (stream processing, handling large-scale graphs) *Data Analytics (Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Network Analytics) *Communicating Data (Data Visualization, UX & Interaction Design, Crowdsourcing) *Cross-cutting Issues (Ethics, Privacy, Security, Provenance) Verticals: *Industry & Engineering *Life Sciences & Health Care *Public Administration *e-Science *Digital Humanities *Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) *Education & eLearning *Media & Data Journalism *Publishing, Marketing & Advertising *Tourism & Recreation *Financial & Insurance Industry *Telecommunication & Mobile Services *Sustainable Development: Climate, Water, Air, Ecology *Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids *Food, Agriculture & Farming *Safety, Security & Privacy *Transport, Environment & Geospatial Posters & Demos Track The Posters & Demonstrations Track invites innovative work in progress, late-breaking research and innovation results, and smaller contributions in all fields related to the broadly understood Semantic Web. These include submissions on innovative applications with impact on end users such as demos of solutions that users may test or that are yet in the conceptual phase, but are worth discussing, and also applications, use cases or pieces of code that may attract developers and potential research or business partners. This also concerns new data sets made publicly available. The informal setting of the Posters & Demonstrations Track encourages participants to present innovations to the research community, business users and find new partners or clients and engage in discussions about the presented work. Such discussions can be invaluable inputs for the future work of the presenters, while offering conference participants an effective way to broaden their knowledge of the emerging research trends and to network with other researchers. Poster and demo submissions should consist of a paper that describe the work, its contribution to the field or novelty aspects. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Accepted papers will be published in HTML (RASH) in CEUR and, as such, the camera-ready version of the papers will be required in HTML, following the poster and demo guidelines ( Papers should be submitted through EasyChair ( and should be less than 2200 words in length (equivalent to 4 pages), including the whole content of the paper. For the initial reviewing phase, authors may submit a PDF version of the paper following any layout. After acceptance, authors are required to submit the camera-ready in HTML (RASH). Submissions will be reviewed by experienced and knowledgeable researchers and practitioners; each submission will receive detailed feedback. For demos, we encourage authors to include links enabling the reviewers to test the application or review the component. For details please go to: From asis at Wed Jul 19 14:41:24 2017 From: asis at (Jacek Gwizdka) Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 13:41:24 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Last CFAbstracts: JASIST Special Issue on Neuro-Information Science Message-ID: CFP: JASIST Special Issue on Neuro-Information Science Summary and Scope ================= The field of neuroscience has fruitfully contributed to a wide variety of other fields, for example, economics, marketing and information systems. In the last decade, wide adoption and influence of neuro-physiological (NP) research tools also led the creation of several new sub-fields, including neuroeconomics, neuromarketing and NeuroIS. There is now a growing interest in the use of NP methods in human-information interaction (HII) and interactive information retrieval (IIR) research. The latter interest has been motivated, at least partially, by researchers who regularly utilize search logs, direct searcher observation and questionnaires and interviews as data collection methods and are concerned with the limitations of these traditional methods. Experimental data obtained from NP methods is expected to complement the more traditional data sources and, together, contribute to improving and deepening the understanding of HII (*1). The deeper understanding offers potential for the development of new information search models. The long-term and primary goal is to create robust and predictive models that go beyond behavioral data. A secondary and additional goal is to develop new search models that can account for physiological and neurological responses to information stimuli and the influence of cognitive and affective states on users' information behavior. The NP methods of potential usefulness to HII include, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), electro-encephalography (EEG), magneto-encephalography (MEG), eye-tracking (esp. pupilometry). Example research questions include, investigating which cognitive functions are engaged in assessing relevance; establishing differences in NP signals collected when users are assessing relevant vis-a-vis not relevant information; establishing differences in brain activity between easy and difficult search tasks; relating individual differences in search task performance to differences in activations of brain regions. Early applications of NP methods to HII has resulted in two emerging threads of active research: (1) the investigation of inferring relevance assessment and (2) the study of human responses to search tasks. The results from the two research threads have been disseminated through a number of recent publications that appeared at major international conferences (e.g., ACM CHIIR, ACM SIGIR, ECIR) as well as (less frequently) in scholarly journals (e.g., JASIST). Importantly, a few of these early publications have garnered best-paper awards at major conferences and scholarly venues (including JASIST). Unfortunately, many IIR researchers and more broadly information science scholars in general are largely unaware of the new NP methods and NP applications. This special issue aims to increase the awareness of NP methods and their applicability and to showcase the state-of-the-art work in this area, as well as to to examine challenges in applying NP methods to HII and IIR research. Topics of Interest ================== Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following: * Application of NP-methods in measuring antecedents of HII behaviors and NP correlates of HII behaviors; * HII and IIR studies that utilize NP methods; * Adaptive or personalized search and retrieval systems that incorporate NP data (e.g., brain-computer or gaze-based interfaces specialized for search); * NP-based search and retrieval systems for special populations (e.g., older adults, people with cognitive disabilities); * Models and theories of HII informed by NP theories and data; * Methods for incorporating NP data in HII research and limitations of NP methods; * Ethical considerations in application of NP methods in HII research; The NP methods of interest include, but are not limited to: fMRI, fNIRS, EEG, MEG, eye-tracking (esp. pupillometry). Submission Guidelines ===================== Abstracts ------------- Submit by email to: at Abstracts are not anonymous and will be handled by guest editors. Main review criteria for abstracts are topicality, the expected quality and significance of the proposed contribution. There is a soft length limit for abstracts of 1000 words (not including tables, figures, references). Manuscripts --------------- After abstract is accepted to the special issue and before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read JASIST Submission Guidelines: The complete manuscript should be submitted through JASIST's Submission System. To insure that you submit to the correct special issue, please select "Special Issue on Neuro-Information Science" as your manuscript type. Submission Deadlines ==================== Abstract Submission Due: July 31, 2017 Response: September 11, 2017 (abstracts are **required**, please email to: at Paper Submission Due: November 15, 2017 (submit to: First Review Notification: January 15, 2018 Revision Due: March 15, 2018 Final Notification: May 15, 2018 Guest Editors =============== Jacek Gwizdka, iSchool, University of Texas at Austin, USA, jacekg at Heather O'Brien, iSchool, University of British Columbia, Canada, h.obrien at, Kelly Giovanello, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, University of North Carolina, USA, kgio at Yashar Moshfeghi, CS, University of Glasgow, UK Yashar.Moshfeghi at Max Wilson, CS, University of Nottingham , UK, Max.Wilson at (*1) Mostafa, J., & Gwizdka, J. (2016). Deepening the Role of the User: Neuro-Physiological Evidence As a Basis for Studying and Improving Search. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (pp. 63-70). New York, NY, USA: ACM. Best regards, - Jacek Jacek Gwizdka, PhD(Toronto) MASc(Toronto) MEng(TULodz) | | Google Scholar JASIST *Special Issue on Neuro-Information Science* - CFP Assistant Professor at School of Information, University of Texas at Austin 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA | Office 5.532 (5th floor) Information eXperience (IX) lab Co-Director | ACM Senior Member Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists From marciano at Fri Jul 21 13:53:50 2017 From: marciano at (Richard Marciano) Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 13:53:50 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for workshop papers: Computational Archival Science: digital records in the age of big data. Message-ID: The workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 in Boston, MA, USA, in conjunction with the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017) . See call for papers at: ***** Submission Deadline: October 10, 2017 ***** The large-scale digitization of analog archives, the emerging diverse forms of digital records and systems, and new ways of engaging with archival material using technology, are resulting in disruptions to traditional archival theories and practices. Increasing quantities of ?big archival data? present challenges for the practitioners and researchers who work with archival material, but also offer enhanced possibilities for use and scholarly exploration through the application of computational methods and tools. This workshop will explore this conjunction of emerging methods and technologies around digital records and big data with archival theory and practice, and will examine new forms of records generation and historical, social, scientific, and cultural research engagement with archival institutions. We aim to identify and evaluate current trends, requirements, and potential in these areas, to examine the new questions that they can provoke, and to help determine possible research agendas for the evolution of computational archival science in the coming years, as well as addressing the questions and concerns scholarship is raising about the interpretation of ?big data? and the uses to which it is put. Full papers, of up to 10 pages, should be submitted via the online submission system at We also encourage submission of short papers (up to 6 pages) reporting work in progress. The submission deadline is October 10, 2017. All papers accepted will be included in the proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. The workshop builds on a number of recent developments in Computational Archival Science (see:, and in particular on the 1st Computational Archival Science workshop at IEEE Big Data 2016 (see:, which attracted a range of professionals and researchers, both from the DC area and internationally. For more information, see the full workshop Call for Papers at From h.obrien at Fri Jul 21 15:40:35 2017 From: h.obrien at (O'Brien, Heather) Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 19:40:35 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Seeking people for SIGUSE executive position In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Dear SIGUSE members, SIGUSE is soliciting interest in the following executive positions. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please send an email to Heather O'Brien (h.obrien at and Beth St. Jean (bstjean at by July 31st, 2017. Chair-Elect: 3-year commitment (serve as Chair and Past Chair in years 2 and 3) and is an elected position. Communications Officer: 2-year commitment Webmaster: 2-year commitment Awards Co-chair: 2-year commitment (will mentor a new co-chair in year 2) Thank you, and we look forward to working with you. Heather and Beth Dr. Heather O'Brien Associate Professor The iSchool, University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC h.obrien at; Member-at-Large, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T): Why Engagement Matters: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives on User Engagement, edited with Paul Cairns is now available: From marialemos72 at Sun Jul 23 08:05:15 2017 From: marialemos72 at (ML) Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2017 13:05:15 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] WorldCIST'2018, Naples, Italy --- Call for Workshops Proposals Message-ID: <> - --------------------- CALL FOR WORKSHOPS PROPOSALS --------------------------------------- WorldCIST'18 - 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 27th-29th of March 2018, Naples, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOP FORMAT The Information Systems and Technologies research and industrial community is invited to submit proposals of Workshops for WorldCist'18 ? 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies to be held at Naples, Italy, 27th - 29th of March 2018. Workshops should focus on a specific scientific subject on the scope of WorldCist'18 but not directly included on the main conference areas. Each workshop will be coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed of, at least, two researchers in the field, preferably from different institutions and different countries. The organizers should create an international Program Committee for the Workshop, with recognized researchers within the specific Workshop scientific area. Each workshop should have at least 10 submissions and 5 accepted papers in order to be conducted at WorldCist'18. The selection of Workshops will be performed by WorldCist'18 Conference/Workshop Chairs. Workshops full and short papers will be published in the conference main proceedings in specific Workshop chapters published by Springer in a book of the AISC series. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by ISI Thomson, SCOPUS, DBLP, EI-Compendex among several other scientific databases. Extended versions of best selected papers will be published in journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP. Detailed and up-to-date information may be found at WorldCist'18 website: WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION The Organizing Committee of each Workshop will be responsible for: - Producing and distributing the Workshop Call for Papers (CFP); - Coordinating the review and selection process for the papers submitted to the Workshop, as Workshop chairs (on the paper submission system to be installed); - Delivering the final versions of the papers accepted for the Workshop in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by WorldCist'18 organizers; - Coordinating and chairing the Workshop sessions at the conference. WorldCist'18 organizers reserve the right to cancel any Workshop if deadlines are missed or if the number of registered attendees is too low to support the costs associated with the Workshop. PROPOSAL CONTENT Workshop proposals should contain the following information: - Workshop title; - Brief description of the specific scientific scope of the Workshop; - List of topics of interest (max 15 topics); - Reasons the Workshop should be held within WorldCist?18; - Name, postal address, phone and email of all the members of the Workshop Organizing Committee; - Proposal for the Workshop Program Committee (Names and affiliations). Proposals should be submitted at, in PDF (in English), by August 6, 2017. IMPORTANT DATES - Deadline for Workshop proposals: August 6, 2017 - Notification of Workshop acceptance: September 10, 2017 - Deadline for paper submission: November 26, 2017 - Notification of paper acceptance: December 26, 2017 - Deadline for final versions and conference registration: January 7, 2018 - Conference dates: March 27-29, 2018 CHAIR Luis Paulo Reis, AISTI, IEEE & University of Minho, Portugal WorldCIST'18 Website: ------------------ --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. From agruzd at Sat Jul 22 14:52:45 2017 From: agruzd at (Anatoliy Gruzd) Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:52:45 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Collaborate with Us! Apply now for the 2017-18 Visiting Scholar Program at the Social Media Lab (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada) Message-ID: The Social Media Lab at Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada) has a strong tradition of collaboration. As an internationally engaged research lab, our Visiting Scholar Program (VSP) hosts a diverse range of outstanding multidisciplinary scholars from around the world. The program provides visiting scholars/professors with an opportunity to further their own research as well as collaborate with the Lab on a joint research project. During the program (1-6 months), the visiting scholar will be an active participant in the research life of the Lab and will have access to our international network of experts and our suite of social media data analytics tools. The visiting scholar will also have the chance to explore Toronto ? Canada?s largest and most multicultural city. We invite you to apply at -- Anatoliy Gruzd, PhD Canada Research Chair in Social Media Data Stewardship Associate Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management Director of Research, Social Media Lab Ryerson University Email: gruzd at Twitter: @gruzd Lab: Homepage: From kalbrig7 at Sun Jul 23 09:36:56 2017 From: kalbrig7 at (Albright, Kendra) Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2017 13:36:56 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Papers - iConference 2018, Sheffield, UK Message-ID: Apologies for cross posting. iConference 2018: Open for Submissions March 25-28, 2018, Sheffield, UK Conference website: Submission website: Accepted papers to be published in Springer?s Lecture Notes in Computer Science, indexed by Web of Science and Scopus. iConference 2018 is now accepting submissions of papers, posters and proposals. Authors can submit their work using the conference?s secure submission website. The submission deadline is September 18. iConference 2018 will take place March 25-28, 2018, in Sheffield, UK. This is our thirteenth annual gathering of scholars, researchers and professionals who share an interest in the critical information issues of contemporary society. The 2018 theme is ?Transforming Digital Worlds,? and the aim is to bring together thinkers and leaders from academia, industry and not-for-profit organizations, to discuss emerging challenges and potential solutions for information and data management in our rapidly changing world. iConference 2018 is jointly organised by two of the UK?s iSchools: The University of Sheffield?s Information School and the iSchool at Northumbria. iConference 2018 will be hosted in Sheffield, a city of stunning landscapes ? the greenest in Europe, creative, welcoming and rich in culture and history, but with a modern outlook and lots to see and do. As always, the iConference will include peer-reviewed papers and posters, as well as workshops and sessions for interaction and engagement, interspersed with multiple opportunities for networking. As well as tracks related to the conference theme, we shall be continuing with the iSchool Best Practices and iSchools and Industry Partnership tracks that were introduced last year. Early career and next generation researchers can engage in the Doctoral Student Colloquium and the Early Career Colloquium. For the first time, in 2018 the conference proceedings will be published in Springer?s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series and will therefore be indexed by major services such as Web of Science and Scopus. The papers will be published as Green Open Access allowing them to be deposited in institutional repositories as well as in the open access Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS). The iConference is presented by the iSchools organization, a worldwide consortium of information schools dedicated to advancing the information field, and preparing students to meet the information challenges of the 21st Century. Affiliation with the iSchools is not a prerequisite of participation; we encourage all information scholars and practitioners to take part in the conference. IMPORTANT LINKS * Conference: * Submissions: * Past Proceedings: * Facebook: iConference: * Twitter: @iConf | #iconf18 SUBMISSION INFORMATION All submissions must be in English using the templates and/or formats described on our website. All work should be original and not previously published. Complete guidelines can be found on our website?s track pages: With the sole exception of the Doctoral Dissertation Award, all submissions are due by September 18, 2017. Notification of acceptances will be mid-November 2017 (excepting the Workshops and the Dissertation Award ? dates for these are below). * PAPERS We invite papers falling into two categories: completed research or early work/preliminary results. Each paper will be refereed in a double-blind process and accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science and in the IDEALS proceedings. The author(s) of the completed research paper judged the best of the iConference will receive the Lee Dirks Award for Best Paper and $5,000, provided by Microsoft. Papers Chairs: Kendra Albright, Kent State University; Noa Aharony, Bar-Ilan University; Mei Mei Wu, National Taiwan Normal University * POSTERS We welcome submission of posters presenting new work, preliminary results and designs, or educational projects. Posters will undergo a double-blind review, and accepted abstracts will be published in the IDEALS proceedings. Posters Chairs: Hideo Joho, University of Tsukuba; Frank Hopfgartner, University of Glasgow * WORKSHOPS Workshops can be half- or full-day, and are intended to foster interactive discussions focusing on the topics within the iConference 2018 theme, namely, the relationships among information, people and technology. Workshops provide a great opportunity for attendees who share common interests and want to have intensive discussions. Notifications: October 20, 2017. Workshops Chairs: Andrew Cox, University of Sheffield; Alex Peng, Sun Yat-sen University * SESSIONS FOR INTERACTION AND ENGAGEMENT (SIE) These sessions provide an excellent opportunity to present ideas, facilitate discussions, and foster knowledge-sharing in unconventional ways. Formats can include panels, fishbowls, performances, storytelling, roundtable discussions, wildcard sessions, demos/exhibitions, installations and more. All should be highly participatory, informal, engaging, and pluralistic. SIE Chairs: Jenna Hartel, University of Toronto; Theresa Anderson, University of Technology Sydney * DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM The Doctoral Colloquium provides doctoral students the opportunity to present their work to senior faculty and engage with one another in a setting that is relatively informal but that allows for the fullest of intellectual exchanges. Students receive feedback on their dissertation, career paths, and other areas from participating faculty and student peers. Doctoral Colloquium Chairs: Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University; Elizabeth Shepherd, University College London * DOCTORAL DISSERTATION AWARD Recognizing the outstanding dissertation of the preceding year, this competition is open to all member iSchools. Each school may submit one dissertation for consideration. The winner will receive a cash prize of $2,500, the runner up $1,000; both will be honoured at the iConference. Submission deadline: October 16, 2017 Notifications: January 15, 2018. Dissertation Award Chairs: Joseph Tennis, University of Washington; Vivien Petras, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin * EARLY CAREER COLLOQUIUM This half-day event is intended for assistant professors/early career lecturers, postdocs, or others in pre-tenure positions and builds on the tradition of highly successful events at past iConferences. Participants will sign up at registration. Early Career Colloquium Chair: Kalpana Shankar, University College Dublin; Carsten Oesterlund, Syracuse University * SPECIAL PROGRAM: iSCHOOL BEST PRACTICES This special session will focus on issues pertaining to curriculum/teaching/student experience, and research and administrative management. iSchool Best Practices Chairs: Ann-Sofie Axelsson, University of Boras; Ant?nio Lucas Soares, University of Porto * SPECIAL PROGRAM: iSCHOOLS AND INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP This special session will explore the establishment of mutually beneficial relationships between information schools and industry, and the opportunities these programs afford. iSchools and Industry Partnership Chair: Yvon Kermarrec, Telecom Bretagne; Sean T. McGann, University of Washington ADDITIONAL ORGANIZERS iConference 2018 Chairs: Val Gillet, University of Sheffield; Peter Bath, University of Sheffield; Gobinda Chowdhury, Northumbria University. Program Chairs: Peter Willett, University of Sheffield; Julie Mcleod, Northumbria University. From rieh at Sun Jul 23 10:38:40 2017 From: rieh at (Soo Young Rieh) Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:38:40 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation - ASIS&T 2017 SIG InfoLearn Workshop Message-ID: *Call for Participation, * *ASIS&T 2017 SIG InfoLearn Workshop: **?Information and Learning Sciences Research as an Integral Scholarly Nexus?* Sat. October 28, 2017, 8:30am ? 12:30pm, Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, VA, close to DC. Researchers in both information and learning sciences aim to understand the processes that facilitate searching, learning, and knowledge co-construction, in order to advance theory and system design. Recent special volumes of the *Journal of Information Science* and *The Information Society* discuss the intersections in human information and learning research. ASIST?s new Special Interest Group, *SIG Information and Learning Sciences* * (InfoLearn, ) *was initiated and launched in Spring of 2017. To mark this occasion, we will offer this half-day pre-conference workshop at the ASIST annual meeting. A primary goal is to present several cross-disciplinary scholars? perspectives on key research occurring within both of these connected disciplines, offer analysis and discernment on scholarly boundaries and convergences, and identify productive ongoing and future areas of theory building, methodology and system design praxis, spanning these 2 inter-disciplinary fields. We seek researchers from all backgrounds to join us in a scholarly nexus to pursue research opportunities in this emerging area. Workshop themes include: ? Information behavior during both formal and informal learning, and by the full diversity of youth, adults, elders and specialized populations: at work; at school; at play ? Design and use of learning systems and information systems ? Computer supported collaborative learning ? Ethnographic, emancipatory, critical-race theory and post-structural research involving information and learning ? Digital divide, literacies, access, and engagement ? Learning analytics and/or data science perspectives on inquiry and learning activity across systems ? E-learning systems research on policies and practices in data sharing, information architecture, knowledge ecosystems management ? Social and ethical issues, privacy and security concerns in online and cyber-learning Check here for more information: *Organizers*: Rebecca Reynolds, Rutgers University (rbreynol at ) Soo Young Rieh, University of Michigan (rieh at *Interactive Panelists*: Denise Agosto, Drexel University June Ahn, New York University Sam Chu, University of Hong Kong Eric Meyers, University of British Columbia *Interested in attending?* We strongly recommend interested people to email a brief 1-page research narrative describing the author?s experience of engaging a workshop theme, research interests, proposed / in-progress work. There is no review/selection process. Breakout groups will be based on position paper themes. *Deadline for position papers*: 9/10/17 *Email your paper to*: rbreynol at; rieh at Register for workshop / conference here : ??Soo Young Rieh, Associate Professor School of Information, University of Michigan Personal Website: ? From songphan at Mon Jul 24 07:46:45 2017 From: songphan at (Songphan Choemprayong) Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 18:46:45 +0700 Subject: [Asis-l] [ICADL 2017] Call for Workshop Proposals (new deadline) Message-ID: [apologies for cross-posting.] Call for Workshop Proposals The 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2017) November 13 ? 15, 2017 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand The 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2017) invites researchers and practitioners to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. The workshops are to provide venues for participants with an opportunity for in-depth discussion of current and emerging topics of the digital libraries. They can range in format from formal, perhaps centering on presentation of refereed papers, to informal, perhaps centering on extended roundtable discussion among the selected participants. The workshops will be held on the November 15th, 2017 at the same venue of the main conference. They should cover the topic in 1.5 hours or 3 hours (half-day) session. Check schedule for more details The topics and details are shown below but not limited to, ? Digital preservation of cultural heritage o How can we preserve the context of cultural heritage? o How do we curate cultural heritage appropriate to particular time periods and cultural contexts? o Where are extant systems currently strong where can they be improved? o What frontiers in digital libraries research can be extended through investigation in digital preservation of cultural heritage? ? Digital Humanities research o What insights can we gain from comparing digital humanities research with digital libraries research? o How do we add value to digital collections using digital humanities research? o What findings from digital humanities research inform core activities of digital librarianship, like cataloguing, indexing, and service provision? ? Data science for digital library o What insights can we gain by applying data science in digital library? o How can librarians benefit from analysis of the existing data? o How can we collect and organize heterogeneous and unstructured data? o What are the related issues such as data privacy, openness and story-telling? Important dates ? Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: 7 August 2017 ? Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: 11 August 2017 ? Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: will announce by each workshop ? Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: will announce by each workshop (before 30 September 2017) ? Workshop Camera Ready Paper and Copyright: will announce by each workshop Workshop Proposal Guidelines Your workshop proposal must contain the following information: ? Workshop title ? The names, affiliations and contacts of the organizers (Please mark the primary contact person) ? A topic description and its relevance (objectives, motivation, and scope) of not more than 500 words ? Proposed duration of the workshop (1.5 or 3 hours) ? Proposed format and agenda ? Estimated number of submissions and acceptance rate ? Estimated number of intended participants ? A brief 1-page CV of the workshop organizers ? A list of the workshop program committee (if available) ? Evaluation process for selecting papers and participants (it is recommended that each paper is reviewed by 3 distinct members of the workshop program committee) ? Proposed keynote/invited speakers ? History of the workshop (if applicable, please provide venues, dates, accepted paper numbers, and estimated participant numbers) ? Workshop website URL (if available) Submissions Please ensure that you adhere to the above workshop proposal guidelines using no more than 5 pages in length. Please submit your workshop proposal electronically in PDF format to the workshop committee chair. Proceedings Accepted papers of all the workshops will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( as a ?Workshop Proceedings of ICADL 2017? (unless the workshop organizers wish to publish them separately). At least one author for each accepted workshop paper will need to register for the workshop. For any further information, please send an email directly to the workshop committee chair. Workshop Committee Chair Marut Buranarach marut.bur at Language and Semantic Technology Lab, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand -- Songphan Choemprayong, Ph.D. Lecturer Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel. +66 2 218 4817 Fax. +66 2 218 4818 songphan at From Tom.Mackey at Tue Jul 25 11:29:09 2017 From: Tom.Mackey at (Tom Mackey) Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 15:29:09 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Chapters: Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World Message-ID: CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World by Tom Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson We are soliciting chapter proposals for a book entitled Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World that we will publish in fall 2018 by the American Library Association. We would like to include both theoretical and applied chapters written by academic librarians, disciplinary faculty from a variety of fields, administrators, and instructional designers that describe and reflect upon the importance of advancing metaliteracy in a post-truth world. We see a particular urgency in editing this book at this time when truth itself is questioned for political purposes, journalism and the free press are constantly under attack, science and climate change are doubted as factual, online hacking is prevalent, online privacy is a concern, and the ability to proliferate false information through circuitous social media networks has become a serious issue. It is profoundly clear that the competencies, knowledge, and personal attributes that define metaliteracy and inform the role of the metaliterate learner are critical in today's connected and divided world: digital literacy and traditional conceptions of information literacy are insufficient for the extreme challenges we currently face. We would like to like to build on the success of our previous books, Metaliteracy in Practice and Metaliteracy: Reinventing Information Literacy to Empower Learners, while leveraging the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education in relation to teaching and learning in the post-truth world. As one example of this approach, our most recent article for The Conversation, entitled "How can we learn to reject fake news in the digital world?," applied metaliteracy to the destructive emergence of fake news in the 2016 Presidential Election. We made the argument that we need to read online information with a critical eye, apply metacognitive thinking to the consumption of all information, and make purposeful and meaningful contributions to the social media ecosystem as active participants. Given the interest in metaliteracy as a model for preparing metaliterate learners as responsible participants in today's divisive information environment, we are especially interested in expanding the conversation to educators who have developed successful metaliteracy teaching and learning theories and practices to resist these challenges. Overall, how do we best prepare our students for being active and engaged metaliterate learners in today's environment? The editors are interested in ideas that are easily transferable, and that include strong components of student metacognition and empowerment. The book will include both theoretical arguments for metaliteracy in a post-truth world and innovative case studies that respond to these complex issues, all from different disciplinary perspectives, and academic institutions in the U.S. and internationally. The Metaliteracy Learning Objectives featured in our books and available via will be core to the chapters as well. Tom Mackey, Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Professor at SUNY Empire State College and Trudi E. Jacobson, Distinguished Librarian and Head of the Information Literacy Department at the University at Albany will write the framing chapter and edit this new book. Please send 1-2 page proposals to Tom at Tom.Mackey at no later than September 29, 2017. We will make our decisions by mid-October. First drafts of the completed chapters (20-25 pages) will be due on January 12, 2018. Final drafts will be due by April 13, 2018. If you have any questions about proposal ideas or about the book, please contact Tom at Tom.Mackey at or Trudi at tjacobson at Thomas P. Mackey, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Academic Programs Office of Academic Affairs Tom.Mackey at 518-587-2100, ext. 2790 [ESC_Logo_Email] SUNY Empire State College | 1 Union Avenue | Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Stay connected: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube | -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 8136 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: From ludovico.boratto at Wed Jul 26 04:53:41 2017 From: ludovico.boratto at (Ludovico Boratto) Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2017 10:53:41 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Special Issue on "Data-Driven User Behavioral Modeling" Message-ID: *Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (Springer)* *Special Issue on ?Data-Driven User Behavioral Modeling: From Real-World Behavior to Knowledge, Algorithms, and Systems?* *MOTIVATION* We are now *inundated* with user data ? in the digital world and in the real world ? so it makes sense to try to mine that data to look for patterns and rules to guide our recommendation algorithms. We capture data streams from sensors, social media recommendations, mobile location-based information, and the evolving Internet of Things (IoT). The goal is to create a *snapshot*, or profile, of the user by understanding a person?s behavior when searching for a product, user activities when near a store that has a previously search-for product, and how social recommendations may influence a decision. The data tells the much of the user?s story, but we need tools and techniques to look for patterns, and turn those patterns into knowledge that can guide our algorithms in making smarter recommendations. Data is being collected constantly on user behavior on the Web, by location-based services using mobile phones, tele-monitoring and home support systems, and on our mobile fitness apps, and by sensors, cameras, and the IoT. Our goal is to *transform* that data into knowledge in ways that support and enhance the user experience. We want to make recommender systems smarter and more responsive to user needs, so we need to understand our users better. One important requirement is that users be able to provide feedback regarding the recommendations provided by the system. Another important factor is the role of social media in the way users are influenced in their decision-making. *TOPICS FOR THE SPECIAL ISSUE* We are interested in original research that addresses the multitude of issues in Data-Driven User Behavior Modeling. Topics include, but are not limited to the following: - Data mining of user behavior from data streams; - Knowledge discovery for user behavior modeling; - Internet of Things and daily activity monitoring; - Recommender systems for user decision-making; - Algorithms that incorporate user behavior models; - Role of social media and recommendations for user decision-making; - Real-world applications and systems in healthcare and other areas; - User behavior modeling and data privacy and data security. *IMPORTANT DATES* - First submission paper due: October 1, 2017 - First round decision made: December 15, 2017 - Revised manuscript due: January 31, 2018 - Final decision made: March 15, 2018 - Final paper due: April 15, 2018 *SUBMISSION GUIDELINES* Paper submissions must conform to the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems format guidelines . Manuscripts should be around (but not longer than) 25 pages and must be submitted to the online submission system . Please, select option "Data-Driven User Behavioral Modeling: From Real-World Behavior to Knowledge, Algorithms, and Systems" in the "Choose Article Type" section. Submissions to this Special Issue must represent original material that has been neither submitted to, nor published in, any other journal. A submission based on one or more papers that appeared elsewhere should have at least 30% of novel valuable content that extends the original work (the original papers should be referenced and the novel contributions should be clearly stated in the submitted paper). *CONTACTS* Website: For enquiries regarding the special issue, send an email to both guest editors at ludovico.boratto at and eloisa.vargiu at *GUEST EDITORS* Ludovico Boratto - Digital Humanities unit, EURECAT (Spain) Eloisa Vargiu - eHealth unit, EURECAT (Spain) From centralplainsnetworkcpndam at Wed Jul 26 11:21:03 2017 From: centralplainsnetworkcpndam at (Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management) Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2017 09:21:03 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management Conference and Call for Proposals Message-ID: -Please Excuse Cross Postings- Join the Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management (CPN-DAM) for their conference in November 2017. This two-day virtual event will include paper and poster presentations, roundtable discussions, and the opportunity to learn from the real-world experiences of others. With a focus on practical professional development in all stages of digital asset management, sessions will cover topics such as digital preservation, digital projects, and sustainability. Learn, network, and share all from the comforts of your own desk! *Now Accepting Conference Proposals!* Please go to our submission guidelines to receive more information about proposals and due dates. To browse possible topics for proposals, click here. *Proposals are due August 21, 2017.* To submit your proposal, click here . You will need to create an account before accessing the proposal form. From Tom.Mackey at Thu Jul 27 09:46:37 2017 From: Tom.Mackey at (Tom Mackey) Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 13:46:37 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Chapters for new Metaliteracy book Message-ID: <> CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World by Tom Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson We are soliciting chapter proposals for a new book entitled Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World that we will publish in fall 2018 by the American Library Association. We would like to include both theoretical and applied chapters written by academic librarians, disciplinary faculty from a variety of fields, administrators, and instructional designers that describe and reflect upon the importance of advancing metaliteracy in a post-truth world. We see a particular urgency in editing this book at this time when truth itself is questioned for political purposes, journalism and the free press are constantly under attack, science and climate change are doubted as factual, online hacking is prevalent, online privacy is a concern, and the ability to proliferate false information through circuitous social media networks has become a serious issue. It is profoundly clear that the competencies, knowledge, and personal attributes that define metaliteracy and inform the role of the metaliterate learner are critical in today?s connected and divided world: digital literacy and traditional conceptions of information literacy are insufficient for the extreme challenges we currently face. We would like to like to build on the success of our previous books, Metaliteracy in Practiceand Metaliteracy: Reinventing Information Literacy to Empower Learners, while leveraging the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education in relation to teaching and learning in the post-truth world. As one example of this approach, our most recent article forThe Conversation, entitled ?How can we learn to reject fake news in the digital world?,? applied metaliteracy to the destructive emergence of fake news in the 2016 Presidential Election. We made the argument that we need to read online information with a critical eye, apply metacognitive thinking to the consumption of all information, and make purposeful and meaningful contributions to the social media ecosystem as active participants. Given the interest in metaliteracy as a model for preparing metaliterate learners as responsible participants in today?s divisive information environment, we are especially interested in expanding the conversation to educators who have developed successful metaliteracy teaching and learning theories and practices to resist these challenges. Overall, how do we best prepare our students for being active and engaged metaliterate learners in today?s environment? The editors are interested in ideas that are easily transferable, and that include strong components of student metacognition and empowerment. The book will include both theoretical arguments for metaliteracy in a post-truth world and innovative case studies that respond to these complex issues, all from different disciplinary perspectives, and academic institutions in the U.S. and internationally. The Metaliteracy Learning Objectives featured in our books and available via will be core to the chapters as well. Tom Mackey, Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Professor at SUNY Empire State College and Trudi E. Jacobson, Distinguished Librarian and Head of the Information Literacy Department at the University at Albany will write the framing chapter and edit this new book. Please send 1-2 page proposals to Tom at Tom.Mackey at no later than September 29, 2017. We will make our decisions by mid-October. First drafts of the completed chapters (20-25 pages) will be due on January 12, 2018. Final drafts will be due by April 13, 2018. If you have any questions about proposal ideas or about the book, please contact Tom atTom.Mackey at or Trudi at tjacobson at Thomas P. Mackey, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Academic Programs Office of Academic Affairs Tom.Mackey at 518-587-2100, ext. 2790 From bmeyersford at Thu Jul 27 14:36:30 2017 From: bmeyersford at (Barbara Meyers Ford) Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 18:36:30 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Please Post: Program Information on Upcoming NFAIS event Message-ID: Can R&D Funding Be Separated From Political Agendas? Date: Monday, July 31, 2017 Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (EDT) Location: NFAIS Virtual Half-Day Workshop ________________________________ NFAIS intends to tackle the rarely-addressed subject of R&D, STEM, and Humanities funding in light of the vagaries brought about by changes in government policies. The near-current advent of Brexit coupled with the new U.S. administration creates a palatable fear among researchers around the globe. Participants in this program will provide their expert take on the following issues: * current negotiations regarding policies and regulations as the UK negotiates with the EU * current state of U.S. research policies under the new administration * areas of research most susceptible to impact from recent political changes Join NFAIS for an intense look at what is happening now and what might happen in the future to research funding. For more information and to register go to Thank you for sharing this with your colleagues on the list, Barbara Barbara Meyers Ford Director, Marketing & Communications NFAIS 443-221-2980 ext. 103 bmeyersford at From barilaj at Fri Jul 28 06:15:06 2017 From: barilaj at (Judit Bar-Ilan) Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 13:15:06 +0300 Subject: [Asis-l] altmetrics17 call for contributions extended Message-ID: ***Apologies for cross-posting*** *altmetrics17. The dependencies of altmetrics* altmetrics17 is part of the altmetrics workshop series organized since 2011 and will take place in conjunction with the 4th Altmetrics Conference (4:AM) , at Ryerson University in Toronto on *26 September 2017*. This year?s workshop will focus on the dependencies of altmetrics. Altmetrics are heavily shaped, if not completely driven, by data availability, technical affordances of underlying platforms and data providers. Against this background, the altmetrics17 workshop will have a special focus on the dependencies of altmetrics and their potential effects on altmetric research, the role of altmetrics in research evaluation and the effects on scholarly communication in general. The workshop particularly invites contributions that address the workshop?s theme directly or indirectly, analyze effects of the dependencies, and propose solutions and alternative frameworks in which to study altmetrics. *Call for contributions* We are soliciting empirical and theoretical contributions for short presentations and as a basis for discussions, which will be the main focus of the altmetrics17 workshop. Submissions can focus on empirical analyses, novel theoretical frameworks, original datasets or represent a position paper. The goal of the workshop is to discuss, exchange and foster collaboration on altmetrics between researchers and practitioners. Contributions will be curated by the altmetrics17 committee for their relevance and technical soundness and selected for short presentations. *How to submit* Please provide an extended abstract (max 1,000 words) presenting your altmetrics research contribution and highlighting particular issues you would like to discuss with other workshop participants. Abstracts need to be submitted via EasyChair by *7 August 2017*. Please include a link to any relevant artifact (e.g., a dataset, plots, slidedeck) you wish to present and discuss, after archiving it via an appropriate repository (e.g., Dryad, figshare, GitHub, SlideShare, etc.). More information can be found on the altmetrics17 website and on Twitter . _____________________ Judit Bar-Ilan Department of Information Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002, Israel Tel: 972-3-5318351 Fax: 972-3-7384027 email: Judit.Bar-Ilan at From sanghee.oh at Sat Jul 29 13:15:53 2017 From: sanghee.oh at (Sanghee Oh) Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2017 02:15:53 +0900 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: ASIS&T SIG USE Innovation Awards 2017: Due Aug. 1st Message-ID: Dear all, This is a FINAL CALL for PARTICIPATION; we hope you apply for the SIG USE Innovation Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize innovative human information behavior work of any formats including papers, videos, demos, and other works that are accepted by the ASIS&T conference. The award winners will receive a Certificate and a check for $200 at the SIG USE symposium to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The application package should include a cover letter and a copy of the work to be considered. Detailed information for application can be found from Applications for the SIG USE EInnovation Award is due *August 1, 2017*. Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh (sangee.oh at Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs -- Sanghee Oh, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Chungnam National University 042-821-6357 sanghee.oh at From sanghee.oh at Sat Jul 29 13:16:52 2017 From: sanghee.oh at (Sanghee Oh) Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2017 02:16:52 +0900 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: ASIS&T SIG USE Annual Best Poster Awards 2017: Due Aug. 1st Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, This is a FINAL CALL for the PARTICIPATION: We hope you will consider applying for the slate of SIG USE awards available for research; award winners will be formally recognized at the SIGUSE symposium, to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Applications for Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award is due AUGUST 1, 2017. Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh (sangee.oh at *Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award *in recognition of the best information behavior paper accepted for presentation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Value $200, *Due AUGUST 1, 2017* use-best-information-behavior-conference-poster-award/ Please note the application requirements and procedures for the various awards, which can be found through the URLs provided above. Please encourage your faculty and student colleagues to apply Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs -- Sanghee Oh, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Chungnam National University 042-821-6357 sanghee.oh at From brenda.sheridan at Mon Jul 31 12:56:11 2017 From: brenda.sheridan at (Brenda Sheridan) Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 16:56:11 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science Chirag Shah's new book: "Social Information Seeking - Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd" In-Reply-To: <> References: , <> Message-ID: Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science Chirag Shah has published a new book, titled ?Social Information Seeking - Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd.? ?My background in information and computer science as well as my work in computational social science have provided me with opportunities to study this topic of social information seeking, which lies at the intersection of information retrieval/seeking and social media, over the last decade or so,? said Shah. ?I think it?s a pretty attractive area for anyone who cares about the social side of information retrieval/seeking. Social information seeking provides a new way we could leverage the wisdom of the crowd for information seeking. Considering the social and collaborative dimensions of information seeking could help us solve problems not possible before.? According to the publisher (Springer), ?. . . Sometimes also referred to as social search or social information retrieval, this is a relatively new area of study concerned with the seeking and acquiring of information from social spaces on the Internet. It involves studying situations, motivations, and methods involved in seeking and sharing of information in participatory online social sites, such as Yahoo! Answers, WikiAnswers, and Twitter, as well as building systems for supporting such activities.? ?This book uniquely combines traditional models of information seeking with newer and emerging trends in social media and crowdsourcing,? said Shah. ?While much has been written about either of these, as well as social/collaborative/community-based searches, this is the first time all of these have come under one umbrella in the most comprehensive form to date. In this regard, it is the first book of its kind. The book is also written with graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in mind. It offers not just theoretical models, but also ideas about system design and evaluation, making it suitable for a wide range of readers.? The publisher added, ?The book is intended mainly for researchers and graduate students looking for an introduction to this new field, as well as developers and system designers interested in building interactive information retrieval systems or social/community-driven interfaces.? ?The book is a culmination of my work over a decade?s time, but I worked on the book specifically for about two years. It?s certainly a fantastic feeling to see it finally come to fruition as I hold a physical copy of the book. This wouldn?t have been possible without the incredible support of my wife Lori, and several colleagues and students over this time,? Shah said. For more information about the book, and to view the table of contents and a sample chapter, please click here. Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 c: 856-261-0089 From samchu at Mon Jul 31 03:59:11 2017 From: samchu at (samchu) Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 07:59:11 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Recruiting PhD candidate Message-ID: <> Dear all, I am currently looking for a PhD candidate. I appreciate any assistance you can provide to advertise this position, especially through the mailing list. This is the text of my advertisement for inclusion: " THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Postgraduate Research Students Dr Samuel Chu is inviting applications for the candidature of a PhD postgraduate research student in the University of Hong Kong. Potential candidates should have an excellent track record in their undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from a reputable university. Potential candidates should have the one or more interest/s in the following areas of Dr Chu's expertise: Game-based Learning, Gamification in Education, 21st Century Skills, Social Media in Education, Plagiarism-free Collaborative Inquiry Project-based Learning, Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital, School and Academic Librarianship. The selected candidate will participate in a research project entitled "Implementing sexuality education in secondary schools with a bilingual interactive game playable on Web, Facebook, tablets, and smartphones" for a project period of 24 months. The project adopts principles from gamification and game-based learning to develop and evaluate the effects of sexuality education on sexual attitudes and behaviors among secondary school students through an interactive social game. A bilingual (English/Chinese) interactive online game playable on the Web, Facebook, iPads, and Android tablets will educate students on the proper knowledge and attitudes in the subject of sexuality education. The candidate is expected to have excellent oral and written communication skills in English; the potential to apply for grants or publish research papers in high quality journals. Those with any research publication experience will be given preference. An IELTS score of 7.0 or above across all bands is preferred for potential candidates from universities, where English is not a first language. For further information, please refer to Dr Samuel Chu's website ( All enquiries should be sent to him (e-mail: samchu at Potential candidates should prepare a draft proposal, according to the format provided by the the School of Graduate Studies ( Please include an up-to-date C.V. and list of three references together with the draft proposal to samchu at The application deadline is by 31 August 2017. The selected candidate must be able to start the program by September 2018." Thanks, Sam -------------------------------------------------- Samuel Kai Wah Chu, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Division of Information and Technology Studies Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (Ranked 6th best in the world - QS 2015, 2016) Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Managing Editor, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (Ranked 5th among KM/IC journals) Tel: (852) 2241-5894 | Fax: (852) 2517-7194 E-mail: samchu at Skype Name - chukaiwahsamuel Homepage: -------------------------------------------------- Latest publications: Chu, S.K.W., Reynolds, R.B., Tavares, N.J., Notari, M. & Lee., C.W.Y. (2017). 21st Century Skills Development through Inquiry-based Learning: From Theory to Practice. New York: Springer Science. (eBook - Chu, S.K.W., Capio, C.M., Van Aalst, J., Cheng, E.W.L. (In press). Evaluating the use of a social media tool for collaborative group writing of secondary school students in Hong Kong. Computer & Education. Ranked 9/269 in ISI's Education category - top 3.35%; Impact Factor: 2.88 (JCR 2015) Chu, S.K.W., Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Chan, C.K., Lee, C.W.Y., Zou, E., & Lau, W. (in press). The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education. Ranked 13/269 in ISI's Education category - top 4.83%; Impact Factor: 2.72 (JCR 2015)