From marialemos72 at Sun Jan 1 12:35:39 2017 From: marialemos72 at (ML) Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2017 17:35:39 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CISTI'2017 - Doctoral Symposium Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------ Doctoral Symposium of CISTI'2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 14th and 17th of June 2017, ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of CISTI'2017?s Doctoral Symposium is to provide graduate students a setting where they can, informally, expose and discuss their work, collecting valuable expert opinions and sharing new ideas, methods and applications. The Doctoral Symposium is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present and discuss their work in a Workshop format. Each presentation will be evaluated by a panel composed by at least three Information Systems and Technologies experts. CONTRIBUTIONS SUBMISSION The Doctoral Symposium is opened to PhD students whose research area includes the themes proposed for this Conference. Submissions must include an extended abstract (maximum 4 pages), following the Conference style guide. All selected contributions will be handed out along with the Conference Proceedings, in CD with an ISBN. These contributions will be available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be sent for indexing in ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex, INSPEC and Google Scholar. Submissions must include the field, the PhD institution and the number of months devoted to the development of the work. Additionally, they should include in a clear and succinct manner: ? The problem approached and its significance or relevance ? The research objectives and related investigation topics ? A brief display of what is already known ? A proposed solution methodology for the problem ? Expected results IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission: February 12, 2017 Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2017 Submission of accepted papers: April 9, 2017 Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: April 9, 2017 OGANIZING COMMITTEE ?lvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra Manuel P?rez Cota, Universidad de Vigo SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Manuel P?rez Cota, Universidad de Vigo (Presidente) Adolfo Lozano Tello, Universidad de Extremadura Alma Mar?a G?mez-Rodr?guez, Universidade de Vigo Alvaro Arenas, IE Business School ?lvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra Ana Maria Ramalho Correia, NOVA IMS Ant?nio Lucas Soares, Universidade do Porto, FEUP Antonio Fern?ndez-Caballero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Antonio Garcia Loureiro, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Arnaldo Martins, Universidade de Aveiro Arturo Jos? M?ndez Pen?n, Universidad de Vigo Augusto Sousa, Universidade do Porto, FEUP Br?ulio Alturas, Instituto Universit?rio de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) Carlos Ferr?s Sexto, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela David Fonseca, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull Ernest Redondo, Universidad Polit?cnica de Catalunya Evelio Gonzalez, Universidad de La Laguna Feliz Gouveia, Universidade Fernando Pessoa Fernando Moreira, Universidade Portucalense Fernando S?enz-P?rez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Francisco Martinez-Gil, Unversitat de Valencia Francisco Restivo, Universidade Cat?lica Portuguesa Gon?alo Paiva Dias, Universidade de Aveiro Gonzalo Cuevas, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Guilhermima Miranda, Universidade Lisboa Jo?o Barroso, Universidade de Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro Jo?o Costa, Universidade Coimbra J?rg Thomaschewski, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer Jose Antonio Calvo-Manzano Villal?n, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Jos? Borbinha, Universidade de Lisboa, IST Jos? Enrique Armend?riz-??igo, Universidad P?blica de Navarra Luciano Boquete, Universidad de Alcal? Lu?s Paulo Reis, Universidade do Minho Manuel I. Capel, Universidad de Granada Marco Painho, NOVA IMS Mar?a J Lado, Universidade de Vigo Mar?a Pilar Mareca, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Miguel Ramon Gonzalez Castro, ENCE, Energ?a y Celulosa Nelson Rocha, Universidade de Aveiro Nuno Lau, Universidade de Aveiro Paulo Pinto, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Paulo Rupino, Universidade de Coimbra Pedro Garc?a Teodoro, Universidad de Granada Ramiro Gon?alves, Universidade de Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro Robert Joan-Arinyo, Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya Ruben Gonz?lez Crespo, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Vitor Santos, NOVA IMS Doctoral Symposium webpage: Regards, CISTI'2017 ----------------------- From michel.menou at Tue Jan 3 10:13:33 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 16:13:33 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] R.S. Giliarevski. Informational sphere. A short encyclopedic dictionary Message-ID: <> I just learn from Ruggero Giliarevski of the publication of his book. In Russian. R.S. Giliarevski. Informational sphere. A short encyclopedic dictionary. Saint Petersburg, Professia, 2016, 296p. ISBN 978-5-91884-000-0 I quickly browsed and was most impressed. Names of entries are translated in English. A special feature is the biographical notices of noteworthy contributors to the field of information science. With their picture. Also quite moving to see so many colleagues and friends who are no longer with us. From hrosenba at Thu Jan 5 10:37:31 2017 From: hrosenba at (Rosenbaum, Howard S.) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 10:37:31 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] AMCIS 2017> STIR Call for Papers Message-ID: <> Call for Papers: 23nd Americas Conference on Information Systems August 10 - 12, 2017, Boston, MA, USA =========================================================== SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS SCST 2017: 2nd Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks (co-located with CHIIR 2017) Oslo, Norway March 11, 2017 =========================================================== ------------------------ Description & Objectives ------------------------ One of the current challenges in information access is supporting complex search tasks. A user's understanding of the information need and the overall task develops as he or she interacts with the system. Supporting the various stages of this task involves many aspects of the system, e.g. interface features, presentation of information, retrieving and ranking. The Supporting Complex Search Tasks workshop (SCST 2017) aims at creating and fostering an interdisciplinary forum where researchers can exchange ideas about alternative experiments and prototypes, and contribute to the development of a research agenda in supporting complex search tasks. ------------------ Topics of interest ------------------ We invite position papers addressing open research questions related to: * Context: What are the obvious use cases and applications of complex search? * Tasks: What are essential features of work tasks and search tasks to take into account? * Heterogeneous sources: With a multitude of information, varying from introductory to specialized, and from authoritative to speculative or opinionated, when to show what sources of information? * Search process: How does the information seeking process evolve and what are relevant differences between different stages? * UI/UX: What affordances are required and in what stage of the search process? How can we make the search process transparent to the user? How and when does the initiative shift between system and user? * Evaluation: How do we evaluate and compare approaches? Which measures should be taken into account? ------ Format ------ This is a workshop proper where discussion is central, and all attendees are active participants. We will start the workshop with a full round of introductions of all participants, making everyone feel welcome and part of the workshop. Then, the workshop continues with two short keynotes by keynote from academia to be confirmed and keynote from industry to be confirmed to set the stage and ensure all attendees are on the same page. Next, we will have presentations of contributed papers, with each paper getting a 1-minute boaster and a poster presentation in an interactive poster session. There will be 3-4 breakout groups seeded from the open research questions (see Goals) and the contributed papers, each group thoroughly prepared by a chair who guides the discussion, with examples from relevant IR evaluation campaigns such as the TREC Session and Tasks Tracks and the SBS Interactive and Suggestion Tracks, and from concrete examples of complex support systems with their UX and UI challenges. The breakout groups will report to the audience and a panel of experts, with continued discussion on what we learned, concrete plans for the next year, and a roadmap for the longer term. The discussion will continue during a social event, where the discussion will continue in a more informal way over food and drinks, deep into the Oslo night. The organizers have gained a proud reputation for their open and inclusive workshops, leading to new research collaborations, other workshops, and new evaluation tracks. The results will be disseminated in various ways: * A high quality, peer reviewed workshop proceedings, published in the CEUR workshop proceedings series ( * A report on the results of the workshop in the ACM SIGIR Forum of June 2017. * Depending on the outcome, we will consider a special issue in an appropriate journal. * Last, but not least, the results can be fed into the running tracks at TREC, CLEF, and other evaluation campaigns. -------- Audience -------- The workshop will bring together a varied group of researchers?bridging CHI and IR in a natural way?with experience covering both user- and system-centered approaches, to work together on the problem and potential solutions, and identify the barriers to success and work on ways of addressing them. Authors can submit both research and position papers. Papers can be 2+1 pages max., with 2 pages of narrative text and an additional page for tables/figures/notes/references. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind review process. --------------- Important dates --------------- * Paper submission deadline: February 1, 2017 * Notification of acceptance: February 20, 2017 * Camera-ready deadline: March 1, 2017 * SCST 2017 Workshop: March 11, 2017 ---------- Organizers ---------- * Nick Belkin (Rutgers University) * Toine Bogers (Aalborg University Copenhagen) * Diane Kelly (University of Tennessee) * Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam) * Marijn Koolen (Huygens ING) * Emine Yilmaz (University College London) For further questions, please contact a member of the organizing committee. From agruzd at Fri Jan 6 05:37:20 2017 From: agruzd at (Anatoliy) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 00:37:20 -1000 Subject: [Asis-l] [Extended Deadline Alert] Submit your work to the Int.Conf on Social Media & Society (Toronto, Canada, July 28-30, 2017) Message-ID: <01c601d26808$dcf0c780$96d25680$> ***Apologies for cross-posting*** Happy New Year! Due to many requests, the paper submission deadline for the 2017 International Conference on Social Media & Society (Toronto, Canada, July 28-30) has been extended. Both work-in-progress (WiP) and full papers are now due January 31st, 2017. The organizing committee invites scholarly and original submissions that relate to the broad theme of Social Media & Society. We welcome both quantitative and qualitative work which crosses interdisciplinary boundaries and expands our understanding of the current and future trends in social media research. IMPORTANT DATES . Full and Work-in-Progress (WIP) Papers - Due January 31, 2017 (extended!) . Posters and Panels - Due March 6, 2017 . Conference Dates - July 28-30, 2017 Full and WIP (short) papers presented at the Conference will be published in the conference proceedings by ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS) and will be available in the ACM Digital Library. All conference presenters will also be invited to submit their extended conference papers to a special issue of the Social Media + Society journal ( published by SAGE. For more information, please see CfP at ial-media-society/ or visit the Submission Page at ORGANIZATION: * 2017 #SMSociety Organizing Committee: * Anatoliy Gruzd, Ryerson University, Canada - Conference Chair * Jenna Jacobson, University of Toronto, Canada - Conference Chair * Philip Mai, Ryerson University, Canada - Conference Chair * Hazel Kwon, Arizona State University, USA - Poster Chair * Bernie Hogan, Oxford Internet Institute, UK - WIP Chair * Jeff Hemsley, Syracuse University, USA - WIP Chair * Advisory Board: * William H. Dutton, Michigan State University, USA * Zizi Papacharissi, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA * Barry Wellman, INSNA Founder, The Netlab Network, Canada * Programme Committee: o Visit: If you have any questions, please contact us via email at ask at or on Twitter at @SocMediaConf From Frank.Guerino at Tue Jan 3 08:41:43 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 08:41:43 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Automated Content Generation for Knowledge Management In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hello All, I hope you all had a great New Year?s weekend. For those of you interested in using Automated Content Generation and Curation solutions for Digital Library generation, the linked article touches on what automated content generators (ACGs) are, what they generate, how they work, what they?re used for Digital Library conceptual architecture, and examples. I hope you find the material interesting and useful. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From brad.eden at Wed Jan 4 13:32:35 2017 From: brad.eden at (Brad Eden) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 12:32:35 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Project management in the library workplace Message-ID: > > Please excuse duplication. Please forward to interested colleagues and > other listservs. > Call for proposals Advances in Library Administration and Organization Project Management in the Library Workplace Publication due 2018 Series Editor: Samantha Hines, Peninsula College Volume Editor: Alice Daugherty, Louisiana State University Libraries Many works have been published on ?how to do project management? in librarianship, but there are gaps in coverage of the deeper issues and surrounding processes. For example, what methods have been successfully used, in the library workplace, to assess efficacy of project management? What are the future trends and implications for library administration and management as formal project management schema become more commonplace in library work? How do these formal schemas demonstrably affect and improve library workplaces? For this forthcoming volume we welcome submissions that consider how project management affects library administration and that address the role of project management in the library workplace. Proposals in the following areas would be of particular interest: ? Assessments of project management approaches ? Integration of project management processes and procedures within libraries ? Project leadership in libraries and future trends ? Project management education and certification for library workers This will be the first volume of *Advances in Library Administration and Organization* (ALAO) to publish in 2018. About the Advances in Library Administration and Organization series *ALAO* offers long-form research, comprehensive discussions of theoretical developments, and in-depth accounts of evidence-based practice in library administration and organization. The series answers the questions, ?How have libraries been managed, and how should they be managed?? It goes beyond a platform for the sharing of research to provide a venue for dialogue across issues, in a way that traditional peer reviewed journals cannot. Through this series, practitioners can glean new approaches in challenging times and collaborate on the exploration of scholarly solutions to professional quandaries. How to submit We are currently seeking proposals for the 2018 volume on project management in the library workplace. If you are interested in contributing to this volume, please send a proposal including author details and estimated length of final submission to Alice Daugherty at adaugher at by February 28, 2017. *Submission deadlines* Submission deadline for proposals: Feb. 28, 2017 Notification of acceptance sent by: March 31, 2017 Submission deadline for full chapters: May 31, 2017 Comments returned to authors: July 31, 2017 Submission deadline for chapter revisions: August 31, 2017 From fcunning at Thu Jan 5 10:10:00 2017 From: fcunning at (Cunningham, Flo) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 15:10:00 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Tenure-Track Faculty Position at Kent State's iSchool In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: The Kent State University School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) is seeking exceptional candidates for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (subject to University approval). * Complete position description and application; search for position #000112 We are most interested in a candidate who can capitalize on our school's strengths and extend our coverage into new areas of information studies via new and emerging combinations of content areas. Applications are encouraged from candidates with research and teaching competencies that bridge two or more of the following areas: * School and/or youth librarianship; * Museum studies; * Socio-technical studies. The successful candidate will join an active, collaborative, diverse and internationally engaged community of scholars. Candidates must have a doctorate in Library and Information Science or a related field and demonstrate evidence of strong potential for research and scholarly activity, publications and successful grant applications in one or more of the above research areas. Candidates should be able to teach at least one of the School's core courses. Experience in online teaching is preferred. A nine-month appointment begins August 21, 2017; summer teaching, including workshops, may be available. Salary is competitive; benefits are excellent. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. A letter of interest and vitae should be submitted online at Names and contact information for at least three references should be provided with the application. The letter of interest should indicate teaching background and research interests. For additional information, contact the Search Committee chair: Dr. Meghan Harper. Screening of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University offers a Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.) and the Master of Science in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management with a concentration in Health Informatics, User Experience Design or Knowledge Management. In addition, the school participates in an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in the College of Communication and Information. SLIS has the largest graduate program at Kent State and enjoys newly-renovated office and research space. The main campus of Kent State University is located in vibrant Northeast Ohio, with world-class medical facilities, regional and national centers for the arts, and first-rate entertainment and professional sports, as well as the scenic Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Kent State University supports equal opportunity, affirmative action, and diversity in education and employment. Applications from minority group members and women are encouraged. All the best, Flo <~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~> Flo Cunningham Marketing Communications and Public Relations Specialist School of Library and Information Science Kent State University 330-672-0003 fcunning at Facebook: Twitter: @KentStateSLIS I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. -- Jorge Luis Borges From samchu at Thu Jan 5 21:57:45 2017 From: samchu at (samchu) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 02:57:45 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Symposium on Research Design, Paper Writing & Publishing in Information Science : call for papers In-Reply-To: <> References: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <> <>, <>, <> Message-ID: <> Dear all, The captioned symposium tries to equip research students and junior researchers to develop knowledge and ability in 1) designing and conducting a sound research, 2) writing a paper and submitting it to the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) 2017 conference ( and 3) upgrading the conference paper into a Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology (JASIST) journal article. Date: Mar 27-28, Mon-Tue (right after iConference 2017 from March 22 -25). Submission of an abstract (300-500 words) or an extended abstract (1000-2000 words) is highly recommended. Venue: The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Host: Faculty of Education, HKU Target participants: research students and junior researchers Target group size: 30-50 Registration: * $250 USD for each participant (student and junior researchers). * $100 USD for each mentor, who serve as commenters on the participants? work and are invited to serve as co-authors for ASIS paper with the participants. * ASIS&T members can enjoy a 20% discount. Register on or before 20 January 2016 can enjoy another 10% early-bird discount. Deadline for registration is on or before 31 January 2017. * To register, CLICK: Programme: Participants are expected to be in one of the 3 stages outlined below & come prepared: (1). Design: research proposal, ethical concerns, etc.; (2). Conduct: executing the research plan, collect & analyse data with proper research methods; (3). Write-up: communicate research process & findings. When registering for the symposium, the registrant is highly encouraged to submit an abstract to form the basis for a fruitful discussion. Each participant will present the progress of his/her research at the symposium and experienced researchers will give feedback. The symposium will facilitate a close mentor and mentee relationship for all participants. Mentors and mentees are also encouraged to co-author papers for ASIS 2017 conference. Event organizers/supporters: Asia Pacific Chapter and Taipei Chapter of ASIS&T Khoo Soo Guan, Christopher, Chair of Asia Pacific Chapter of ASIS&T & Associate Professor at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University. Ming-Hsin Phoebe Chiu, Chair of Taipei Chapter of ASIS&T & Associate Professor at Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University. Sam Chu, Associate Professor & Deputy Director at Centre for Information Technology in Education, HKU. Speakers? Biographies Dr Sam Chu - Dr Samuel Kai Wah Chu, is an Associate Professor and the Deputy Director (Centre for Information Technology in Education) in the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He was the Head of Division of Information and Technology Studies (2013-2016) at HKU. He is ranked as the top 66th author in the world regarding his publications in library and information science (DOI 10.1007/s11192-014-1519-9). Dr Lynn Silipigni Connaway is a Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Her research investigates how and why individuals engage with technology and get their information. She is the current President of ASIS&T. Prof. Javed Mostafa ? Prof. Mostafa is the Director of the Carolina Health Informatics Program and the Director of the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research. His research concentrates on information retrieval problems, particularly related to search and user-system interactions in large-scale document/data repositories. He currently serves as editor-in-chief of JASIST. Prof. Lam Wai - Prof. Lam received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. He is currently a professor at CUHK. His research interests include intelligent information retrieval, text mining, digital library, machine learning, and knowledge-based systems. He is the current senior associate editor of JASIST. Dr Xiao HU, Assistant Professor - Dr Hu is in the Division of Information and Technology Studies in the Faculty of Education of HKU. Her research interests include learning analytics, applied data/text mining, and information retrieval. Dr Hu has 4 articles published or accepted in JASIS&T, as well as several papers in ASIS&T annual meetings. Dr Natalie Pang - Dr Pang is an Assistant Professor with the Division of Information Studies, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, and Principal Investigator at the Centre of Social Media Innovations for Communities (COSMIC) at Nanyang Technological University. Her research interests are: social informatics, collective action and information behaviour on the Internet, qualitative and mixed methods research, end-user interactions in heritage sites, and social media innovations for marginalised communities. Dr. Tien-I Tsai ? Dr Tsai is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science at National Taiwan University and is the chair of ASIS&T Taipei Chapter for 2017. Her research focuses on information behavior, especially how individuals with diverse backgrounds seek information and how individuals collaboratively seek, use, and exchange information to fulfill their learning objectives. Please visit for further information on the event. Sam -------------------------------------------------- Samuel Kai Wah Chu, Ph.D. Associate Professor Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (Ranked 6th best in the world - QS 2015, 2016) Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Managing Editor, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Tel: (852) 2241-5894 | Fax: (852) 2517-7194 E-mail: samchu at Skype Name - chukaiwahsamuel Homepage: -------------------------------------------------- Latest publication: Chu, S.K.W., Reynolds, R.B., Tavares, N.J., Notari, M. & Lee., C.W.Y. (2017). 21st Century Skills Development through Inquiry-based Learning: From Theory to Practice. New York: Springer Science. (eBook - From jmartin at Thu Jan 5 13:29:14 2017 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 18:29:14 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Funding for Audio Collections at Risk - CLIR and NEDCC Partner on Pilot Program Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF90111A4132C@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> NEW FUNDING FOR AUDIO RECORDINGS AT RISK ***************************************** The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is now accepting applications for the pilot cycle of the 'Recordings at Risk' program, a national regranting program administered by CLIR to support the preservation of rare and unique audio recordings of high scholarly value. Generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the program will run four competitions from Jan 2017 to September 2018, and will award a total of $2.3 Million. PILOT CALL: Audiotape at Risk DEADLINE: March 3, 2017 To help develop guidelines and review criteria for the new regranting program, CLIR is issuing a pilot call for proposals in partnership with NEDCC. The pilot call will focus only on the reformatting of magnetic and digital audio media (open reel, DAT, and cassette tapes) to be digitized through NEDCC's expanded audio preservation service. CLIR will convene an independent review panel to assess proposals. After the review in May 2017, CLIR will disburse a total of $150,000, in awards ranging from $5,000 to $25,000. [Institutions with large collections may want to use this initial funding to propose a pilot project for their collection, which would provide a confident basis for a future "Digitizing Hidden Collections" grant application to complete the entire collection.] OPEN COMPETITIONS: Audio and/or Audiovisual Media at Risk DEADLINES: June 2017, December 2017, and May 2018 CLIR will then launch a series of three open competitions for audio and/or audiovisual digitization, disbursing $2.15 million in funds over two years. Awards from the open competitions will range from $10,000 to $50,000 and will cover costs of preservation reformatting for audio and/or audiovisual content by eligible institutions working independently or with qualified service providers. CLIR's review panelists will assess: Potential scholarly and public impact of proposed projects; urgency of undertaking the reformatting to avoid risk of loss; viability of applicants' plans for long-term preservation; and overall cost-effectiveness of the proposals. CLIR and NEDCC will hold an informational webinar for prospective applicants on January 12 at 2:00 pm Eastern time. Watch the NEDCC website for details. ********************************************************** FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION and Guidelines, Visit CLIR Recordings at Risk: INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH NEDCC on a CLIR Recordings at Risk project? Contact Bryce Roe, Manager of Audio Preservation Services broe (@) nedcc(.)org, 978-470-1010 ext. 238 ********************************************************** NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER - NEDCC From chirags at Thu Jan 5 21:06:07 2017 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 21:06:07 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP 2nd Workshop on the Evaluation of Collaborative Information Retrieval and Seeking ECol@CHIIR'2017 Message-ID: ========================================================== ECol Workshop @ CHIIR 2017: Call for papers ========================================================== The 2nd International Workshop on the Evaluation of Collaborative Information Retrieval and Seeking (ECol 2017) In conjunction with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval (CHIIR 2017) Oslo, Norway, March 11, 2017 OVERVIEW The ECol workshop mainly addresses challenges related to collaborative information terieval (CIR) or seeking (CIS) which refer to methodologies and technologies that support collective-knowledge sharing within a work team in order to solve a shared complex problem. Collaborative search is also known as a social process in which users leverage from other users? interactions and social signals (e.g., bookmarks and annotations). While a follow on from our previous workshop, this workshop has two distinguishing and novel elements: (i) a specific focus on social IR and collaborative IR evaluation, bridging the gap within this space, and (ii) we provide datasets, tools and new tasks for participants and others to undertake evaluations and explore this space (download from ). SCOPE AND TOPICS (non exhaustive list) * Evaluation - Studies on collective relevance judging. - Studies of collaborative behavior applicable to evaluation. - Simulation vs. log-studies vs. user-studies for collaborative search. - Evaluation of single vs. collaborative search session. - Novel or extended traditional evaluation measures, test collections, methodologies of operational evaluation. - Evaluation Concerns and Issues: Reliability, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Replicability. * Tasks - Exploratory search (knowledge acquisition, multi-faceted search) - Recommending social collaborators (experts, answerers, sympathizers) - Collaborative ranking on social platforms - Collaborative intent understanding * Application - Medical CIS/CIR - Legal CIS/CIR - E-science and digital libraries ========================================================= PAPER SUBMISSION AND GUIDELINES - Research papers: both theoretical and practical research papers are welcome from both research and industrial communities addressing the main conference topic (evaluation framework), but will also consider related aspects including models, methods, techniques and, examples of CIS/CIR in theory and in practice. Authors have the opportunity to: - Use their own datasets/tools to propose an evaluation framework for the identified tasks. - Use the provided datasets/tools to propose an eval- uation framework for a task they have identified. - Propose an evaluation framework without support of datasets/tools for a task we/they have identified. - Designing possible tasks (with/without proposing models and evaluation frameworks) on provided or their own datasets - Collection papers: We are also seeking papers describing test collections usable for the experimental evaluation of contributions related to CIS/CIR. The collection should be publicly available and different from previously available collections and data sets and allowing to investigate a variety of research questions that could rise from CIS/CIR challenges. The submissions will be peer reviewed (double blind) and should be no longer than 4 pages in the ACM format ( ). The papers should be submitted online through the EasyChair workshop submission system at: . All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the workshop program committee. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the paper. All accepted papers will be required to be published on ArXiv, and might be submitted elsewhere. The ECol 2017 website will however refer to the published ArXiv papers. ========================================================= IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: January 27 2017 Notification of Acceptance: February 20, 2017 Camera-Ready papers due: March 1, 2017 Workshop: March 11, 2017 ========================================================= ORGANIZERS Leif Azzopardi, School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow - UK (Leif.Azzopardi at ) Jeremy Pickens, Catalyst Repository Systems - USA (jpickens at ) Chirag Shah, Rutgers University - USA (chirags at ) Laure Soulier, LIP6 - Pierre and Marie Curie University, France? (laure.soulier at ) Lynda Tamine-Lechani, Paul Sabatier University - IRIT, France (Lynda.Tamine-Lechani at ) For any question, send an e-mail to ecol2017 at PROGRAM COMMITTEE To be announced ****** Chirag Shah, PhD Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science, Rutgers University Director, InfoSeeking Lab ( From Frank.Guerino at Fri Jan 6 10:49:36 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2017 10:49:36 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Use a Steering Committee for Records Management Ownership In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hello All, For those of you interested in Records Management issues that also relate to Library Management, the following article: ?Use a Steering Committee for Records Management Ownership ? discusses the establishment and use of a Records Management Steering Committee (RMSC) to address ownership. I hope you find it interesting and useful. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From brad.eden at Mon Jan 9 09:44:52 2017 From: brad.eden at (Brad Eden) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 08:44:52 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Authors: Developing a Curriculum to Advance Library-Based Publishing Message-ID: The ?DEVELOPING A CURRICULUM TO ADVANCE LIBRARY-BASED PUBLISHING? project (IMLS, 2016-2018) invites proposals to create a curriculum to support library-based publishers. This invitation extends to professionals in library publishing (past or present), LPC members/practitioners, LIS/iSchool professors, PhD candidates, and others with an interest and/or experience in this growing area of activity. Each proposal may be authored by an individual or a team. Proposals are invited between January 9 and February 28, 2017. Each proposal should focus on ONE of the following four course topics: Policy, Content, Impact, or Sustainability. See the Library Publishing Curriculum Framework for more details on what each of these course topics might include. Each selected author will develop a self-paced online course covering approximately 5-7 subtopics and providing approximately 15 hours of instruction and materials. Selected proposal authors will: - Attend an in-person retreat with the project team and fellow authors to review program goals, discuss formats and learning styles, and refine the learning objectives and methods we will use for each course and its subtopics (April-May, 2017). - Assemble the following learning materials for each course subtopic: learning objectives, readings, a narrative core for the course, a brief annotated bibliography, case studies, and exercises (May-August, 2017). - Refine the materials according to guidance from an Instructional Designer (August-September, 2017). - Create a course guide to support those who may use the materials (October 2017). - Assist in the creation of evaluation instruments tied to the learning objectives and competencies covered in your course (November-December, 2017). - Be invited to participate as a panelist at the 2018 Library Publishing Forum to talk about the project and the course materials (March-April, 2018). The curriculum is expected to reach more than 100 students in the first year of pilot experiences (2018) through LIS programs, professional development workshops, and online courses. We are pleased to be able to offer an honorarium of $4,000 for each of the four course topics (Policy, Content, Impact, and Sustainability). This honorarium will be provided to each of the four authors (or author teams) as they complete their work on the four course topics in December 2017, in recognition of the time and energy course development requires. Travel expenses will be covered for each of the four authors (or, in the case of a team, the lead author) to attend the in-person retreat. In addition, each author will have an opportunity to present at the 2018 Library Publishing Forum. Proposals are due by 5pm PT on February 28, 2017. Authors will be notified by March 31, 2017. Proposals should consist of: - A 1-2 page summary of your proposed approach to designing and developing the self-paced online course on one of the four named topics (Policy, Content, Impact, or Sustainability) and its range of potential subtopics (please see the Framework for more information). - A current author CV. For team proposals, a CV should be included for each team member, along with brief contribution statements, and a lead author for correspondence should be identified. - A brief (one paragraph) statement of purpose, explaining why you are interested in being an author in this project. Proposals will be reviewed and authors selected by the Advisory Board , with the following criteria in mind: - Successful proposals will demonstrate knowledge of the relevant topics, effective written communication skills, understanding of diverse learning styles, and will cover the topics and objectives laid out in the framework. - The field of library publishing includes a broad range of publication types and activities (e.g., journals, monographs, ETDs, and textbooks, in both restricted and open access formats), and proposals that reflect this range will be prioritized. - Care will be taken to assemble a group of authors with diverse voices in terms of gender, sexuality, race, and cultural backgrounds. -- *Melanie Schlosser* Scholarly Communications Program Leader Educopia Institute From chinnant at Fri Jan 6 19:06:14 2017 From: chinnant at (C. Hinnant) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 19:06:14 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] dg.o 2017: 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research - Extended Deadline - Feb. 3, 2017 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS - Extended Submissions Deadline - Feb. 3, 2017 dg.o 2017: 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research Theme: Innovations and Transformations in Government City University of New York College of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY June 7-9, 2017 Twitter handle: #dgo2017 The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research - dg.o 2017, with the theme "Innovations and Transformations in Government." The dg.o 2017 conference will be hosted by the City University of New York, College of Staten Island Campus, NY, June 7--9, 2017. The dg.o conference is an established forum for presentation, discussion, and demonstration of interdisciplinary research on digital government, political participation, civic engagement, and the impact of technology and innovation on government and governance. Each year the conference brings together scholars recognized for the interdisciplinary and innovative nature of their work, their contributions to theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), and their focus on important and timely topics. The conference program combines: - Keynote and track presentations and discussions on new research on digital government at the intersections of information technology research, social and behavioral science research, and the challenges and missions of government. - Presentations of effective partnerships and collaborations among government professionals and agencies, university researchers, relevant businesses, and NGOs, as well as grassroots citizen groups, to advance the practice of digital government. - A showcase of digital government projects, implementations, and initiatives that bring together the research and practitioner communities, demonstrate the effectiveness and/or challenges of digital government and offer best practices. JOINT EVENT WITH INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY FORUM Two global communities, the Digital Government Society (DGS) and the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), will partner in June 2017 to build new bridges between research and practice, with a shared goal of creating new interdisciplinary, multi-sector partnerships within the world's communities focused on innovation. Both DGS and the ICF have convened respective communities in cities all around the world. This year they are bringing their communities together in New York to share knowledge, allow each group to network at a deeper level and explore new partnerships to advance urban and rural innovation. On June 7, 2017, the DGS and ICF's representatives will host the joint program at the City University of New York Staten Island campus for the ICF's annual Summit and the dg.o conference. For one day, members of both communities will present a set of joint and complementary sessions that provide attendees with a chance to hear from global leaders from across the world's leading regions, cities and towns. Attendees will participate in master classes and workshops, and seek to build collaborations focused on advancing the scholarship, policy and practice of urban and rural innovation. The capstone of the collaboration of these two communities will be the announcement of the world's Top7 intelligent communities at a joint reception in Manhattan on the evening of June 7th. THEMES AND TRACK TOPICS The 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research will feature the main theme of Innovations and Transformations in Government. Technological advances, such as big data and collective intelligence, together with policy innovations including open government, open data, and the creation of new public data labs have been a catalyst for disruptive innovations in government, causing radical re-thinking of the traditional assumptions and expectations regarding how governments should function. Public goods and services once considered exclusively the responsibility of government agencies are now often initiated and produced through collaborations with citizens, non-profits, and/or private sector partners. The conference theme will highlight challenges and solutions in harnessing innovations and transformations in government. Innovative designs in all aspects of government, including people, services, data, policy, governance, collaboration, and democracy, require leadership talent, creative ideas and implementation strategies, and clear success criteria for evaluating solutions. We welcome research and practice contributions from around the world on the topics including but not limited to innovation strategies, policy innovations, citizen services, engagement innovations, and data-driven decision innovations that address various current societal, environmental and economic challenges, across all the eight tracks below. Each track will accept full research papers as well as research in progress, management case studies and policy papers. Panel, tutorial, workshop, poster and demonstration proposals are also invited. Each conference element has co-chairs who are responsible for managing the submission and review process for their track. Feel free to contact track chairs for guidance as necessary. Track 1. Social Media and Government Track Chairs: Andrea Kavanaugh (kavan at and Rodrigo Sandoval The use of social media has been growing rapidly and globally. Governments at all levels have been using microblogs, such as Twitter, and social network sites, such as Facebook, among other platforms and tools for public administration and outreach to citizens. Citizens, businesses and voluntary associations have been using these tools and affordances to share information, ask questions, and compete or collaborate on problem solving within and among neighborhoods, industries, states, and nations. The growing use of social media has created new challenges and opportunities for many users such as changes in regulations and policies, marketing, highly diverse perspectives, and feedback. Analysis of communication behavior, messages, and systems and institutions, should contribute to our knowledge of the ways these media are affecting collective problem solving and public policy development. Future trends in social media and government point to new synergies, as well as disruptions, among public agencies and users. This track welcomes research and practice papers addressing a range of similar or related topics on social media analysis on content, metrics, case studies or theoretical models to advance this area of research. Track 2. Organizational Factors, Adoption Issues and Digital Government Impacts Track chairs: Jing Zhang (jizhang at, Yu-Che Chen, and Lei Zheng Public organizations employ information and communication technologies (ICT) to facilitate communication and transactions with many stakeholders in public and private sectors. The adoption and implementation of new ICT by public organizations is influenced by organizational factors such as the availability of resources (i.e. funding, technological knowledge, and personnel), leadership, trust, organization's technological culture, as well as inter-organizational dynamics. Similarly, the adoption of ICT in government and society has generated important impacts on the organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and innovativeness of public organizations. This track solicits research that examines the organizational factors that influence the adoption and implementation of new ICT as well as the impact of new ICT. Research papers in this track examine the adoption, use, and organizational impacts of a variety of innovative technologies and policies or practices that include but are not limited to social media, citizen-centric technologies, virtual collaboration, open data, big data, and modeling tools. Track 3. Opening Government: From Open Data Infrastructures to Collaboration Track chairs: Marijn Janssen (m.f.w.h.a.janssen at, Vishanth Weerakkody, and Adegboyega Ojo Governments are utilizing the Internet to achieve an open, transparent and accountable government while providing responsive services. This extensive transformation is required both within the government and in the way governments engage with the public. The opening and sharing of data, the deployment of tools and instruments to engage the public, collaboration amongst public organizations and between governments and the public are important drivers for realizing these goals. Governments initiate open data portals, develop apps, and open more data to engage with the public to create more value. To successfully achieve this vision, fundamental changes in practice and new research on governments as open systems are needed. Successful cases, measurement instruments, information sharing, adoption, stakeholder analysis and theoretical models and frameworks are necessary to advance this field. In particular, this track solicits papers addressing the issue of public sector transformation achieved through open government, collaboration amongst actors and information sharing within and between public and private organizations. Track 4. Smart Cities, Smart Citizens, Smart Governments Track chairs: Sehl Mellouli (sehl.mellouli at, Yigal Arens The slogan "Smart Cities, Smart Citizens, Smart Governments" refers to the promise of using linked and intertwined technologies to create innovative and intelligent solutions to life in a city that will result not only in operational efficiency, but also in government transformation through co-creative governance. Topics for this track include but are not limited to: Applications and collaborations based on the "internet of things"; Smart sensors; Big data analytics; The Civic Technology Movement, and Intercity and intergovernmental collaborations; Intelligent solutions for cities and governments. Descriptions of research and development efforts that demonstrate advances in technology and/or policy innovations in the areas of energy, transportation, health, education, public safety, structures, natural environment, and business, are all welcome, as are related issues of cybersecurity and privacy, community-based infrastructure resilience, urban informatics and governance. Track 5. Cybersecurity and Government Track Chairs: Loni Hagen (lonihagen at, Hun-Yeong Kwon, Wookjoon Sung and Soon Ae Chun Increasing threats of domestic and international cyber-attacks, and growing dependencies on inter-connected cyberspace, require a need for national and global collaborations to develop secure and resilient cyber infrastructure. This track focuses on technical, policy and social dimensions of cyber security research, including theoretical and empirical models and frameworks, to address ever-expanding cyber security challenges. Topics include but not limited to: information security in e-government, cybercrimes, cyber incident response, critical infrastructure protection, national and global information sharing, surveillance and privacy, cryptography policy governance, security governance and strategies, civil engagement and public awareness. We also invite domain-specific cases and innovative approaches on security challenges, cybernational defence, private/public joint efforts, and education, such as workforce training and retention. Track 6. Beyond Bureaucracy, Co-Producing Governance & New Models of Governance Track Chairs: Alois Paulin (alois at and Leonidas Anthopoulos The Beyond Bureaucracy track aims to outline and discuss challenges along the boundaries of society, technology, and governance, which reach beyond established e-governance research paths and priorities. Where well-established e-government / e-governance research ambitions focus on providing and/or studying technology that supports the work and mission of government agencies and governmental agents (incremental innovation), Beyond Bureaucracy addresses the question how radical technological innovation transforms the power of citizens and the conceptual sovereign body to actively control (rather than passively observe and follow) government agencies and governmental agents. The Beyond Bureaucracy track invites contributions that discuss pending technological (design science) challenges, promotes the economic potentials of disruptive new technological ecosystems, and serves as a platform for pro/con deliberations on Beyond Bureaucracy thought and knowledge. Research keywords includes but not limited to: Liquid Democracy, Informating Governance, e-Anarchy, Participatory Budgeting & Bottom-Up Excise, Non-Bureaucratic Government, etc. Track 7. Participatory Democracy Track Chairs: Claudia Cappelli (claudia.cappelli at, Cristiano Maciel, Jos? Viterbo Filho E-participation comprises the use of information and communication technologies to broaden and deepen political participation by enabling citizens to connect with one another and with their elected representatives. It can lead to new methods of producing public policies and services that contrast with transaction-based methods of service delivery, in which citizens consume public services solely conceived and provided by governments. In the novel coproduction-based approaches, citizens are not only consulted but are part of the conception, design, steering, and management of public policies and services. Hence, this track focuses on e-participation approaches that instrument Participatory Democracy, supporting cooperation among citizens and governments on regular basis. Its major topics will discuss strategies, methods, techniques and tools that can contribute to the coproduction of public services. Track 8. Open Government Data Policies & Politics Track chairs: Boyi Li ( at and Kyung Ryul Park A growing body of literature has been focused on the benefits, motivations, as well as best practices to adopt open data in government sectors. Many theorizing efforts regard institutional structures as critical barriers to promote open innovation paradigm in public sector. In this track, we discuss the impact and change of these institutional structures by inviting research papers that examine open data initiatives as either government policies or politics. The policy lens critically analyses the policy documents and reveals how open data policies are drafted, interpreted, and implemented in a specific context. The politics lens is mainly concerned with the power relations between the state, civil society, and business. It leads to a critical reflection on the agenda of open data movement in the context of power structures of informational capitalism. Therefore, we particularly welcome the content and discourse analysis of open data documents, and the storytelling of government-business collaboration in open data innovations. Panels Chair: Teresa Harrison Panel proposals may address themes or topics related to any of the tracks for the conference. Additionally, we welcome panel proposals that put a spotlight on practice and application. Proposals from practitioners at all levels of government featuring experiences with, perspectives on, and evaluations of digital government practice are encouraged. Individuals interested in submitting panel proposals are invited to consult the panel co-chairs about their ideas prior to developing their submissions. Please send expressions of interest for panel development to Teresa Harrison (tharrison at Poster and Demonstration Poster and Demo Chair: Kellyton dos Santos Brito and Murray Scott The poster session, held in conjunction with the system demonstrations, allows presenters to discuss research in progress, application projects, or government policies and program initiatives in one-to-one conversations with other participants at the conference. PUBLICATIONS All accepted management or policy papers, research papers, student papers, panels, posters, and system demonstrations will be published in the printed proceedings and included in the ACM digital library and the DBLP bibliography system. Selected papers will be invited for a journal special issue. BEST PAPER AWARDS Outstanding achievement awards will be presented in the categories Research papers, Management, Case Study and Policy papers, Posters, and System demonstrations. Papers that reflect the main theme of the conference, Innovations and Transformations in Government, will be preferred. Other selection criteria include the interdisciplinary and innovative nature of the work, its contribution to and balance between theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), the importance and reach of the topic, and the quality of the writing for communicating to a broad audience. IMPORTANT DATES February 3, 2017: Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due March 1, 2017: Application deadline for 2017 doctoral colloquium March 1, 2017: Author notifications March 15, 2017: Posters and demo proposals due April 1, 2017: Poster/demo author notifications April 5, 2017: Camera-ready manuscripts due May 5, 2017: Early registration closes! SUBMISSION TYPES AND FORMATS . Research papers (maximum of 10 pages) . Management, Case Study, or Policy papers (maximum of 6 pages) . Panel descriptions (maximum of 4 pages) . Posters (maximum of 2 pages) . System demonstrations (maximum of 2 pages) . Pre-Conference tutorial proposals (maximum of 2 pages) . Pre-Conference workshop proposals (maximum of 2 pages) . Doctoral colloquium application (maximum of 10 pages) Submission Site: Submissions must not exceed the maximum number of pages specified for each type of submission in camera-ready ACM Proceedings format (double column, single spaced pages). Please do not use page numbers. Paper titles should be on the first page of text, rather than on a separate cover page. . Research, Management, Case Study, and Policy papers will be reviewed through a double-blind review process. Therefore, author names and contact information must be omitted from all submissions. Authors must identify the topic(s) being addressed in the paper to assist the program committee in the review process. . All other submissions should follow the same ACM proceedings camera-ready format, but include author names. . All accepted submissions require at least one author to be registered for the conference before the camera-ready copy is due for it to be included in the conference proceedings. . At least one author is expected to attend the conference to present the work. Research papers (8 - 10 pages) - blind review These submissions report innovative digital government research results in the form of a formal scholarly paper. Papers on any digital government topic and all research methodologies are welcome. Relevance to digital government problems, goals, or policies must be explicit. Management, case study, or policy papers (4 - 6 pages) - blind review These submissions describe and evaluate practical digital government projects or initiatives, discuss major policy themes, or present and evaluate management approaches to digital government initiatives and programs. Panels (2 - 4 pages) - Proposals should include information about the theme and goals of the panel, a summary of the digital government issues or questions that the panel will address, statements about the value of the discussion to conference attendees and how well suited the topic is to a panel discussion. In addition, the proposal should include information about the expertise of the moderator and panelists in the selected issues. Please include names, institutional affiliations, addresses, email, and phone contact numbers of the contact person, moderator, and presenter(s). Posters (1 - 2 pages): Two-page summaries should outline the nature of the research, policy, or project and describe why the work will be of interest to dg.o attendees. Posters prepared for the conference should measure approximately 36" x 48." Each poster station is provided with a table and an easel. Selected poster submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions. System Demonstrations (1 - 2 pages): System demonstrations are held concurrently with the poster session to the accompaniment of good food and professional fellowship. The 2-page summaries should outline the nature of the system and describe why the demonstration is likely to be of interest to dg.o attendees. Demonstrations of interest include systems under development or in active use in research or practice domains. Submissions should include authors' names and contact information according to that format. Each station is provided with a table, an easel, and Internet access. Monitors will be available for rent. Selected demo submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions. Pre-conference Tutorials (1 - 2 pages): dg.o tutorials are half- or full-day presentations that offer deeper insight into e-government research, practice, research methodologies, technologies or field experience. In particular, tutorials provide insights into good practices, research strategies, uses of particular technologies such as social media, and other insights into e-government that would benefit researchers and practitioners. Pre-conference Workshops (1 - 2 pages): We invite workshop proposals on any e-government research or management topic. Workshops are half- or full-day events intended to offer interactive sessions, in which the workshop host and participants discuss and engage in activities designed to facilitate joint learning and further exploration of a particular subject. Individuals proposing workshops will assume the responsibility of identifying and selecting participants for the workshop and for conducting workshop activities. Doctoral Colloquium (7 - 10 pages, not including references, tables and figures): The doctoral colloquium is a highly interactive full-day forum in which Ph.D. students meet and discuss their work with each other and with senior faculty from a variety of disciplines associated with digital government research. Ph.D. students can submit papers describing their planned or in-progress doctoral dissertation covering any research areas relevant to digital government. Ideally, student participants will have completed one or two years of doctoral study or progressed far enough in their research to have a structured proposal idea and preliminary findings, but have not reached the stage of defending their dissertations. We expect students at this stage of study will gain the most value from feedback on their work and the more general discussions of doctoral programs and scholarly careers. See the detailed announcement for complete information on the colloquium and how to submit an application. Material provided in applications to the doctoral colloquium will not be published in the proceedings. However, we encourage students to submit finished research to one of the paper tracks or as a poster or demo. CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Conference Chairs . Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York (CUNY), US . Beth Simon Noveck, New York University and Yale Law School, US . Nabil R. Adam, Rutgers University, US Organizing Chairs . Paolo Cappellari, CUNY College of Staten Island, US . Rob Domanski, CUNY College of Staten Island, US . Richard Flanagan, CUNY College of Staten Island, US Program Chairs . Chris Hinnant, Florida State University, US . Adegboyega Ojo, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Track Chairs . Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech, US . Jing Zhang, Clark University, US . Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands . Rodrigo Sandoval, Universidad Aut?noma del Estado de M?xico, Mexico . Sehl Mellouli, Laval University, Canada . Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York, US . Vishanth Weerakkody, Brunel University, UK . Adegboyega Ojo, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland . Yigal Arens, University of Southern California, US . Loni Hagen, South Florida University, US . Hun-Yeong Kwon, Korea University, S. Korea . Wookjoon Sung, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, S. Korea . Kyung Ryul Park, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK . Boyi Li, University of Exeter, UK . Alois Paulin, Vienna University of Technology, Austria . Leonidas Anthopoulos, University of Applied Sciences (TEI) of Thessaly, Greece . Yu-Che Chen, University of Nebraska Omaha, US . Lei Zheng, Fudan University, China . Claudia Cappelli, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . Cristiano Maciel, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Brazil . Jos? Viterbo Filho, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil Panels Chair . Teresa Harrison, University at Albany, SUNY, US Workshop and Tutorial Chair . Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark . Manuel Pedro Rodr?guez Bol?var, University of Granada, Spain Poster and Demo Chairs . Kellyton dos Santos Brito, Pernambuco Rural Federal University, Brazil . Murray Scott, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Doctoral Colloquium Chairs . Sharon Dawes, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, SUNY, US . J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, SUNY, US Publicity and Web Chairs . Yoo Jung An, Essex County College, US . Chulwoo Kim, Pace University, US Liaison and Outreach Chairs . Theresa Pardo, University at Albany, USA . Norman Jacknis, Intelligent Community Forum, USA Registration Chairs . Lukasz Porwol, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland . Catherine Dumas, University at Albany, US Finance Chair . Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech, US From dpotnis at Sat Jan 7 01:37:43 2017 From: dpotnis at (Potnis, Devendra Dilip) Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 06:37:43 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] AMCIS Minitrack on "Managing ICT for Development Field Research: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions" Message-ID: *****Apologies for Cross-Posting***** Call for Papers - Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2017 August 10-12, 2017, Boston, MA, USA Minitrack: "Managing ICT for Development Field Research: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions" Track: ICTs in Global Development (SIGGlobDev) Description A large number of ICT for development (ICT4D) projects across the world cannot meet their objectives. One cause of the failures of ICT4D projects is related to the shortcomings in field research. Field research primarily involves data collection, and often attempts to understand someone else's experience. The high failure rates of ICT4D projects call for fundamentally new ways to tackle the challenges experienced by researchers and practitioners when planning and conducting ICT4D field research in the developing and developed world. This minitrack invites researchers and practitioners to share and analyze their success stories, failures, mistakes, and advice, which would gather momentum for a global discussion on better managing ICT4D field research, furthering the larger goal of socioeconomic and human development of marginalized communities across the world. Suggested Topics The following topics suggested for the proposed minitrack will help the "ICTs in Global Development" track serve as a forum for research on the use and diffusion of ICTs and associated practices across the world. * Failure stories in ICT4D fieldwork: Reflection and analysis; What went wrong? Why? Solutions? * Dynamic inter-relationship between contextual factors (e.g., policy frameworks, environmental conditions, culture, etc.), research methods, researchers, and local assistants in ICT4D field research * Open data, big data, and real-time data in the context of ICT4D field research across the world * Innovative applications of data collection techniques like participatory rural appraisal, image formation, etc. * Innovative process-based and technology-driven solutions to capture, store, and process textual, numeric, audiovisual, and tactile data in ICT4D fieldwork * Issues related to data security, privacy, ethics, copyrights, and intellectual property * Theory development: Extending theories like design-reality gap, innovation management framework, etc. * Applications of theoretical perspectives from anthropology, human-computer interaction, computer science, information science, information systems, etc. for better managing ICT4D field research * Managing scope, time, cost, quality, HR, communication, and risks related to ICT4D field projects * Workforce development and training programs for conducting successful ICT4D field research * Applications of emerging technologies like Near Field Communication, Monitoring & Evaluation tools, Social Media Analytics Cloud, RFID, Biometric Identification, etc. to manage ICT4D field research * Applications of analytical systems like automated decision support systems, real-time performance dashboard, etc. for capturing data in the field (frontend) to make real-time decisions in the backend * What can ICT4D field research in the developing and developed world learn from each other? IMportant Date March 1, 2017 (1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time): Deadline for Completed Research and ERF (Emergent Research Forum) submissions Instructions for Authors The entire paper should be no more than 5,000 words and no more than 10 pages, including all materials and sections such as figures, tables, and references. All conference submissions will be double-blind, peer reviewed, and must be submitted using the online submission system ScholarOne (Manuscript Central). For complete instructions for authors, information about the conference, and for instructions on submitting through ScholarOne (Manuscript Central), please visit the AMCIS 2017 website at Thanks for your attention! Devendra Potnis Minitrack Chair _____________________________________ Devendra Potnis, PhD Associate Professor School of Information Sciences University of Tennessee at Knoxville Office: +1-865-974-2148 From silvello at Mon Jan 9 09:38:56 2017 From: silvello at (Gianmaria Silvello) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 06:38:56 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] [TPDL2017] Call for Tutorial (deadline 3 March 2017) Message-ID: TPDL 2017:?Call for Tutorials Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18-21, 2017 * Introduction * Tutorial topics should have a direct relevance to the topics of the conference. Anticipated areas of interest at the time of TPDL2017 include topics related to digital libraries, their foundations and methodologies, as well as their relevant applications and usages, including cross-disciplinary areas such as information retrieval, databases, information visualization, natural language processing, data mining and machine learning. We especially welcome tutorials bridging multiple areas, or presenting new perspectives in these areas, and tutorials with a practical hands-on approach that educate participants in using a specific methodology or technology after the tutorial. The tutorials are part of the main conference. Therefore proposals will be considered for short tutorials of 1.5 hrs and 3 hrs. Tutorials may cover material either at an introductory level (introducing new areas of research or practice to attendees), or in depth (advancing the understanding of attendees with basic familiarity of the area). Tutorials may target researchers, practitioners, or the field as a whole. * Proposal * A tutorial proposal should include the following: - Title of the tutorial - Instructor(s) and their credentials (short CV, link to personal web page) - Aims, scope and learning objectives of the tutorial - Relevance to TPDL2017 and significance for the research field - Full description (1-2 pages to be used for evaluation) - Tutorial history (previous offerings of tutorial, if any) - Format of tutorial (1.5 hrs or 3 hrs) - Target audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and expected prerequisite knowledge of the audience - Citations to publications covered by the tutorial - Resources required * Submission * Tutorial proposals must be written in English. Tutorial proposals should be maximum four pages in length and they can be submitted in PDF format, according to the LNCS guidelines (please consult, via the conference submission system. Upon submitting the tutorial proposal, the proposers commit that in case the tutorial is accepted, all lecturers will physically attend and present the tutorial. Each submitted proposal will be reviewed by the Tutorial Chairs with the approval of the Conference General Chairs and Program Chairs. The selected tutorials will be organized as part of the Main Track of the conference between 18-21 September 2017. * Important dates * - Deadline for submitting proposals: March 3, 2017 - Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2017 * Tutorial chairs * - Thomas Risse, L3S Research Center, Germany - Gianmaria Silvello, University of Padua, Italy From rhill at Mon Jan 9 09:35:15 2017 From: rhill at (=?utf-8?Q?Richard=20Hill?=) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 14:35:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Library_Linked_Data=3A_From_Proof_of_Concept_t?= =?utf-8?q?o_Action?= Message-ID: MEET THE AUTHOR SERIES Library Linked Data: From Proof of Concept to Action Join us for a webinar on Jan 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM EST. FREE for ASIS&T members; $15 for non-members. REGISTER NOW! ( This presentation gives Carol Jean Godby's perspective on Library Linked Data in the Cloud, a monograph written with OCLC colleagues Shenghui Wang and Jeff Mixter and published by Morgan and Claypool in 2015. This book describes OCLC's contributions to the transformation of the Internet from a web of documents to a Web of Data. As many in the library community have acknowledged, the new Web is a growing 'cloud' of interconnected resources that identify the things people want to know about when they approach the Internet with an information need. The linked data paradigm is a promising framework for delivering on this promise that is achieving critical mass just as it has become clear that library standards for resource description are nearing obsolescence. In 2015, the authors of the book reported on the technical details underlying the publication of RDF datasets extracted from MARC bibliographic and authority records in WorldCat, VIAF, FAST, and the Dewey Decimal Classification. Taken together, these resources represent some of the oldest, largest, and most widely used RDF datasets published to date by the library sector. But these projects are only a start, a technical proof of concept. Going forward, the transformation to linked data will encourage librarians extend their focus from legacy conversion to original description, and to create better models of resources not described well in MARC This is an opportunity as well as a challenge. This presentation gives an update on OCLC's linked data experiments since the book was published nearly two years ago. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. View System Requirements ( Copyright ? 2017 ASIST, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences ( or unsubscribe from this list ( ============================================================ From rakesh.uwm at Sat Jan 7 12:02:59 2017 From: rakesh.uwm at (Rakesh Babu) Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 11:02:59 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP-AMCIS 2017: Inclusion of the Differently Abled in the Information Society (IDAIS) Minitrack Message-ID: AMCIS 2017 Call for Papers Dear colleague, We invite contribution to The IDAIS (Inclusion of the Differently-Abled in the Information Society) Minitrack of the Americas' Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). AMCIS 2017 will be held in Boston, MA between the 10th and 12th of August 2017. Contributions may include completed research papers or emergent research forum (ERF) papers on the access and use of information and communications technology (ICT) by people with different abilities. This population includes those with vision impairments, age-related constraints, reading/ writing difficulties, hearing impairments and mobility challenges. These comprise atypical users who interact with ICTs differently. Often, they face systemic and functional barriers in effective use of ICT. They comprise an under-studied population in the information discipline. We draw the attention of the research community to the broad theme of IT and users with different abilities with the goal of creating an inclusive information society. The long-term goal is to leverage the unique skillsets of differently-abled users for the development of the society. ***Relevant topics include but not limited to*** *Information Systems Accessibility & Usability; *Universal Access to IS Education; *E-learning and differently-abled students; *Social/ Mobile Computing using Assistive Technology; *Healthcare IS and differently-abled users; * Public Policy and/or Legal Implications of Accessibility and Usability. **Instructions for authors:** Manuscripts must be: *Prepared using the AMCIS 2017 submission template; *Compliant with the length specifications [Completed Research papers = 10 pages (approx. 5,000 words) and ERF papers = 5 pages (approx. 2,500 words) both including figures, tables, references, and appendices]; *Submitted using the online submission system ScholarOne (Manuscript Central). For complete author instructions, information about the conference, and for instructions on submitting through ScholarOne (Manuscript Central), please visit the AMCIS 2017 website at **Important dates:** January 9, 2017: ScholarOne opens for submissions March 1, 2017 at 1pm (13:00 Hours): ScholarOne closes for submissions April 17, 2017: Author notification of decision outcomes Should you have any question or concern about IDAIS minitrack submission, please don't hesitate to contact the minitrack chair directly at the email provided below. We look forward to receiving your contribution. Best Rakesh Babu (Ph.D.) UWM School of Information Studies NorthWest Quad-Bldg B, Rm 3488 2025 E Newport Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53211 Tel: 414-229-4707 Fax: 414-229-6699 Email: babu at From michel.menou at Sat Jan 7 12:02:46 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 18:02:46 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [tripleC] New Issue Published: tripleC Vol 14 No 1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [tripleC] New Issue Published: tripleC Vol 14 No 1 Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2017 12:28:45 +0100 From: Christian Fuchs To: Michel J. Menou Dear tripleC-Readers, tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society has just published its latest issue at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. Thanks for the continuing interest in our work, -- Prof. Christian Fuchs Co-Editor of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique University of Westminster, Director of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS) & of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) christian.fuchs at TripleC Vol 14 No 1 (2016) tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society Vol 14, No 1 (2016) Table of Contents Articles -------- Skip the (Capitalist) Intermediaries: Freedom, Democracy, and Participation in the Economy and Culture (1?17) Forrest Perry The Media Industry?s Structural Transformation in Capitalism and the Role of the State: Media Economics in the Age of Digital Communications (18?47) Manfred Knoche Towards a (De)centralization-Based Typology of Peer Production (189?207) Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Francesca Musiani Access, Resources, and Classes in the History of Capitalism: A Theory of Social Stratification from a Cognitive Materialist Perspective (208?231) Mariano Zukerfeld, Guillermina Yansen Invisible Play and Invisible Game: Video Game Testers or The Unsung Heroes of Knowledge Working (249?259) Marco Briziarelli Socialisme ou Barbarie: From Castoriadis? Project of Individual and Collective Autonomy to the Collaborative Commons (265-278) Evangelos Papadimitropoulos Class Struggle in Contemporary Films: "Hunger Games" vs. "Arrow, The Ultimate Weapon" (279?291) Dal Yong Jin Ernesto Laclau and Critical Media Studies: Marxism, Capitalism, and Critique (292?311) Jannick Schou Knowledge Workers, Identities, and Communication Practices: Understanding Code Farmers in China (312?332) Sophie Sun Ping, Michelangelo Magasic Piracy as Labour Struggle (333?345) Gavin Mueller Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed) -------- Making Media Studies David Gauntlett Neoliberalism in Britain: From Thatcherism to Cameronism (163?188) Christian Fuchs Henryk Grossmann 2.0: A Critique of Paul Mason?s Book ?PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future? (232?243) Christian Fuchs When Will Greece Get its Money back from Germany? Reflections on Yanis Varoufakis? New Book (244?248) Christian Fuchs Reflections on Phishing for Phools ? The Economics of Manipulation and Deception (260?264) Thomas Klikauer Special section: The Materiality of the Immaterial: ICTs and the Digital Commons -------- DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE SPECIAL SECTION HERE Andreas Roos, Vasilis Kostakis, Christos Giotitsas Introduction: The Materiality of the Immaterial: ICTs and the Digital Commons (48?50) Andreas Roos, Vasilis Kostakis, Christos Giotitsas Introducing a Taxonomy of the ?Smart City?: Towards a Commons-Oriented Approach? (51?61) Vasilis Niaros The Real World of the Decentralized Autonomous Society (62?77) J.Z. Garrod Monetary Materialities of Peer-Produced Knowledge: The Case of Wikipedia and Its Tensions with Paid Labour (78?98) Arwid Lund, Juhana Ven?l?inen Beyond the Screen: Uneven Geographies, Digital Labour, and the City of Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism (99?120) Dillon Mahmoudi, Anthony Levenda The Materialist Circuits and the Quest for Environmental Justice in ICT?s Global Expansion (121?131) Sibo Chen Commons, Piracy and the Crisis of Property (132?144) James Arvanitakis, Martin Fredriksson Following the Open-Source Trail Outside the Digital World: The Case of Open-Source Seeds (145?162) Elsa Tsioumani, Mike Muzurakis, Yannis Ieropoulos, Asterios Tsioumanis _______________ tripleC : Communication, Capitalism & Critique | Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society | From michel.menou at Sat Jan 7 12:03:22 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 18:03:22 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [tripleC] New Issue Published: Vol 14, No 2 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [tripleC] New Issue Published: Vol 14, No 2 Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2017 12:19:15 +0100 From: Christian Fuchs To: Michel J. Menou Dear Readers of tripleC, Please find below the table of contents of tripleC, Volume 14/No. 2 (and of Volume 14/No. 1 in a separate e-mail). tripleC has in 2016 published 33 articles on a total of 515 pages, including the special issue "The Materiality of the Immaterial: ICTs and the Digital Commons" (guest-edited by ndreas Roos, Vasilis Kostakis, Christos Giotitsas). tripleC is in 2017 entering its 15th year of publication. In a world ever more dominated by the nasty politics of capitalism, nationalism and right-wing extremism, it is essential that critical voices are present in academia. tripleC is dedicated to making such voices heard and to fostering anti-capitalist critical inquiry. tripleC in 2017 supports and helps organising the conference " Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism (The 6th ICTs and Society Conference)" that will take place on May 20 and 21 at the University of Westminster in London. It will be a large symposium with the following speakers: Antonio Negri, Jodi Dean, Antoinette Rouvroy, Christian Fuchs, David Chandler, Etienne Turpin, Jack Qiu, Kylie Jarrett, Orit Halpern, Paolo Gerbaudo Registration is possible from now on: Since 2016 (Vol 14), tripleC is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citations Index, a citation index that is part of Web of Science. In 2017, tripleC will continue to accept articles in its general peer-reviewed section and its reflection section. In addition, given the world political situation, it features from now on over the whole year 2017 a special political-interventionist section titled "Critical Theory Interventions on Authoritarianism and Right-Wing Extremist Ideology in Contemporary Capitalism" (editorial responsibilty: Christian Fuchs), for which it considers and invites submissions that are interventionist pieces based on and politically applying critical theories. tripleC will in 2017 also publish two special issues: * "From Global Justice to Occupy and Podemos: Mapping Three Stages of Contemporary Activism" - guest editors: Peter Funke, Paolo Gerbaudo, Emiliano Trer?, Todd Wolfson * Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism - guest editors: Thomas Allmer, Ergin Bulut -------------- tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society has just published its latest issue at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. tripleC Vol 14, No 2 Thanks for the continuing interest in our work, -- Prof. Christian Fuchs Co-Editor of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique University of Westminster, Director of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS) & of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) christian.fuchs at tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society Vol 14, No 2 (2016) Table of Contents Articles -------- >From Produsers to Shareaholics: Changing Models of Reader Interaction in Women?s Online Magazines (346?379) Laura Garc?a-Favaro Networked Social Reproduction: Crises in the Integrated Circuit (380?396) Elise Danielle Thorburn Reflections on a Critical Sociology of Networks (397?412) Charalambos Tsekeris Open Source, Social Activism and "Necessary Trade-offs" in the Digital Enclosure: A Case Study of Platform Co-operative, (413?427) Sam K Jackson, Kathleen M Kuehn The Subject in the Crowd: A Critical Discussion of Jodi Dean?s ?Crowds and Party? (428?437) Jacob Johanssen Humanist and Materialist Perspectives on Communication: The Work of ?lvaro Vieira Pinto (438?450) Rafael Grohmann Market and Labour Control in Digital Capitalism (457?474) Philipp Staab, Oliver Nachtwey Re-thinking the Global Age as Interdependence, Opacity and Inertia (475?495) Oriol Poveda Guill?n, Jakob Svensson When States Strike Back: Failures of Mediatized Activism in Azerbaijan and Turkey (496?515) Ilkin Mehrabov Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed) -------- Critical Reflections on Time and Capitalism (451?456) Thomas Klikauer _______________ tripleC : Communication, Capitalism & Critique | Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society | From susanrrg at Mon Jan 9 12:41:07 2017 From: susanrrg at (Susan Rathbun-Grubb) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 12:41:07 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Final Call for Submissions: Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <009401d26a9f$8f375c40$ada614c0$> Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research Call for Submissions The Library Research Round Table of the American Library Association announces the 2017 Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research. The deadline for submitting entries is January 31, 2017. The LRRT Shera Award Committee will judge the entries for the competition. The decision of the Committee will be announced by the LRRT Steering Committee Chair, prior to the Annual Conference. Guidelines 1. All entries must be research articles published in English during the 2016 calendar year. 2. Articles may be nominated by any member of LRRT or by the editors of research journals in the field of library and information studies. No one may nominate more than two articles. 3. All nominated articles must relate in at least a general way to library and information studies. Any research method is acceptable. 4. Authors of nominated articles need not be LRRT members. 5. Articles by joint investigators are eligible, as are articles generated as a result of a research grant or other source of funding. 6. Research articles will be judged on the following points: * Definition of the research problem; * Application of research methods; * Clarity of the reporting of the research; * Significance of the conclusions, as judged by the Committee. 7. The author(s) of the winning article will receive a Certificate. To nominate or submit an article (or articles) for the 2017 competition, e-mail an electronic copy of each article along with a cover letter, both in PDF format to: ors at with the subject line: Shera Award, Published Research Susan Rathbun-Grubb, MSLS, PhD - Chair, Shera Award Committee, LRRT Assistant Professor School of Library and Information Science University of South Carolina 1501 Greene St. Columbia, SC 29208 803.777.0485 srathbun at From srichards at Mon Jan 9 19:05:07 2017 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 00:05:07 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Research Associate / New York City, NY Message-ID: <> LibGig, on behalf of our client, a prestigious international consulting firm, has an immediate opening for a full-time Research Associate in our New York City office. This is an exciting opportunity for a creative individual who has vision and enthusiasm to join a global Information Resource team with an established and expanding firm. This role offers a competitive salary, including an excellent benefits package. Responsibilities: * Work with global consulting staff on a wide range of research projects using information tools and proprietary databases to provide information for client projects and business development initiatives; * Provide quick solutions and in-depth research, current awareness services, competitive intelligence and special research to support staff; * Work with information resources team members from other regions to continue to build a global research function through sharing work and experiences; * Help educate consulting staff on research issues and train them on end-user products; * Assist in marketing and developing information services to staff globally; * Work on special projects as assigned. Requirements: * Advanced degree in one of the following is required: Masters of Information/Library Science (MLS/MLIS) from an accredited program or Masters (MBA) in business or economics or law; * Minimum of 2 years' experience working in a research environment providing business, legal or financial information; * Understanding/knowledge and experience with database services such as: Bloomberg, CapIQ, Factset, ThomsonOne, Datastream, SNL Financial, SNL Energy, BvD Orbis, Factiva, legal databases (Lexis Nexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law); * Ability to prioritize, problem solve, respond quickly to requests and handle a workload requiring creative, analytical, evaluative, and interpretive thought processes; * Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills as well as strong oral and written communication skills; * Fluency in English is required and proficiency in one or more European languages is a plus; * Proficiency in Microsoft Office and Sharepoint. Apply online: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions and prominent government agencies. From asis at Tue Jan 10 16:08:22 2017 From: asis at (Jacek Gwizdka) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 15:08:22 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] 2nd CFP: NeuroIIR'2017: CHIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in Human-Information Interaction Message-ID: 2nd CFP: NeuroIIR'2017: CHIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in Human-Information Interaction ====================================================== ** Please forward to anyone who might be interested ** -------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS - NeuroIIR'2017 2nd International NeuroIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in Human-Information Interaction in conjunction with the 2nd Annual ACM CHIIR Conference (CHIIR'2017) to be held in Oslo, Norway Workshop date: March 11th, 2017 (afternoon) Website: -------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates: ================ * Paper submission deadline: January 12, 2017 * Notification of acceptance: February 12, 2017 * Camera-ready deadline: February 27, 2017 * Workshop date: March 11, 2017 (half-day: afternoon) Workshop Organizers: ==================== Jacek Gwizdka, NeuroIIR2017 at (School of Information, University of Texas at Austin) Javed Mostafa, jm at (Biomedical Research & Imaging Center, School of Medicine & the iSchool, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Objectives: ============= NeuroIIR'2017 will build upon a successful workshop held at the SIGIR'2015. One critical take-away from the last workshop was that application of neuro-physiological (NP) experimental methodologies in IIR research studies is promising but highly challenging. The 2017 workshop has three broad aims: 1) Develop a foundational knowledge of appropriate methods or adapting experimental methods in IIR that permit execution of a large range of information seeking tasks, while wearing specialized devices or being inside scanning equipment. 2) Gain a deeper and clearer understanding of the wide variety of parameters that are essential to operating the NP equipment and tuning them for particular types of information interaction events. 3) A related aim is to gain insights regarding a set of well-known NP modalities/devices and related parameters, so that they could be potentially combined to study complex information seeking phenomena. Submissions: ============== We invite submissions that may include the following topics: * findings from completed IR/IIR research that utilized neuro-physiological tools; * research questions in IR/IIR that are likely to benefit from NP methods; * comparative analysis of NP tools and techniques with their applications in IR/IIR; * data fusion methods that support combination of NP data with traditional IR/IIR data; In all types of submissions we ask the authors to describe some of the following: * how IIR research protocols were (or will be) modified to allow for use of NP tools; * why NP modalities (one or more) were selected for use in IIR research; * what lessons were learned from using NP tools in IIR research; We invite submissions in two categories: 1. papers describing completed research or methodological contributions (up to 4 pages) 2. work-in-progress - short report papers (up to 2 pages). ). The accepted WIPs would need to be submitted in poster format for poster-session presentation during the workshop. The neuro-cognitive and physiological tools of interest include, but are not limited to, fMRI, fNIRS, EEG, MEG, eye-tracking. Submission guidelines: ====================== All submitted papers must be written in English; * contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses; * be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings template ( with a font size no smaller than 9pt; * be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform), and formatted for US Letter size. * papers should be submitted in EasyChair to * paper submission deadline: January 12, 2017 * Accepted papers will be published in workshop proceedings at * Workshop attendees will be encouraged to submit manuscripts to a special issue on Neuro-Information Science to be published by Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). Workshop Location: ==================== NeuroIR 2017 will take place in Oslo, Norway and will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Annual ACM CHIIR Conference. Program Committee (preliminary): ============================== Ioannis Arapakis, Yahoo Labs, Spain Ofer Bergman, Bar-Ilan University, Isreael Vincent N. Carrasco, Info. Science, UNC at Chapel Hill, USA Kelly Giovanello, Neuroscience, UNC at Chapel Hill, USA Yasher Moshfeghi, CS, U Glasgow, UK Henning Muller, Medical Imaging & Informatics, Switzerland Frank Pollick, Psychology, Univeristy of Glasgow, UK Tuukka Ruotsalo, HIIT, Finland Erin Treacy Solovey, iSchool, Drexel, USA Max Wilson, University of Nottingham, UK Sampath Jayarathna, Computer Science, California Polytechnic University Follow us on: ============= Facebook: Jacek Gwizdka, PhD(Toronto) MASc(Toronto) MEng(TULodz) 'Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate' - William of Ockham (1285-1349) Research Talk on NeuroIR | Assistant Professor at School of Information, University of Texas at Austin 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA | Office 5.532 (5th floor) Information eXperience (IX) lab Co-Director | ACM Senior Member Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists From at Wed Jan 11 00:56:58 2017 From: at (Dr. S K Niranjan Aradhya) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 11:26:58 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] *******IEEE ICBDACI 2017 - CALL FOR PAPERS******** Message-ID: Dear Researchers, ********IEEE ICBDACI 2017 - CALL FOR PAPERS********* *----- Apologies for cross-postings----* *Please forward to anyone who might be interested *** *Greetings from ICBDACI 2017 ??* I am happy to inform you that *International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence (ICBDACI ? 2017)* is being conducted at Chirala Engineering College (CEC), Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India from *23rd to 25th March 2017* technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), USA. Last date of submission of paper: *31st January, 2017*. CEC offers FREE accommodation in beach resorts for foreign delegates, First-come-first-serve basis. CEC extends hostel facility for 100 male and 30 female delegates per day, First-come-first-serve basis on nominal charges for Indian delegates. All accepted and presented papers will be published in IEEE - Xplorer online. All are informed to submit the papers. Details are available at: Or for any quires contact: chair at Thanks. With Regards, General Chairs ICBDACI - 2017 From h.obrien at Wed Jan 11 07:30:10 2017 From: h.obrien at (O'Brien, Heather) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 12:30:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] SIGUSE Survey - Final Call for Participation Message-ID: <> Dear SIGUSE Members: We are seeking your input on a number of issues in relation to SIG USE (Special Interest Group on Information Seeking and Use): continuing education; the SIG USE Symposium; Communications; Awards; and Involvement with SIG USE. Prior to the winter holidays, many of you responded to our survey, and we sincerely appreciate your time. We are doing a "final call" in an attempt to make sure we hear from a representative sample of members. If you have not had a chance to provide input, please consider doing so. The survey, which should take approximately 20 minutes can be located here: You will not be asked to provide your name and your responses will be used to inform the SIG USE Executive Committee about how they can communicate more effectively with SIG USE members and better meet your needs. Your ideas and perspectives are incredibly valuable to us. Thank you in advance for your input. Heather O'Brien (Chair) and Kayla Hammond Larkin (ASIS&T New Leader) On behalf of the SIG USE Exec Dr. Heather O'Brien Associate Professor The iSchool, University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC h.obrien at From srichards at Wed Jan 11 18:52:54 2017 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 23:52:54 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Research Analyst / Los Angeles, CA Message-ID: <> Apologies for the cross postings . . . . . LibGig, an LAC Group company, is looking for a Research Analyst for a large national law firm with offices in Los Angeles. The Research Analyst is primarily responsible for responding to reference and research requests from firm-wide and also assists with current awareness monitoring, collection development and other department activities. RESPONSIBILITIES * Performing legal, business and scientific reference and research using a variety of free and fee-based databases and web sites. * Handling document delivery and interlibrary loans. * Helping patrons use the resources. * Assisting with current awareness services by developing requests and monitoring results. * Participating in collection development activities, reviewing products and recommending changes to the collection. * Contributing to the development of content for the intranet. QUALIFICATIONS * MLS or equivalent from an ALA accredited school. * 2 years of legal and business research experience, preferably in a law firm or other similar environment. * Demonstrated ability to use a wide range of print and online resources, including Westlaw, LexisAdvance, Law 360, Wolters Kluwer, Bloomberg BNA, and other digital tools in a cost-effective manner. * Comfortable using Microsoft Office applications, especially Word, Outlook and Excel. For immediate consideration, please apply on our website at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions and prominent government agencies. From tibbo at Wed Jan 11 16:05:22 2017 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:05:22 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] IDCC17 Workshop on Educating Information Professionals and Researchers in Research Data Management Message-ID: Please excuse cross postings. I am excited to announce a half-day workshop at IDCC17 on Educating Information Professionals and Researchers in Research Data Management. * When: Thursday afternoon, February 23, 2017 * Workshop organisers: Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Robin Rice, Data Librarian (Mantra Service), University of Edinburgh; William Kilbride, Executive Director, DPC. * Description: This workshop aims to present brief overviews of key international RDM education efforts with a synthesizing overview of research progress in this area. Helen Tibbo will report on "Research Data Management and Sharing." the MOOC (Massively Open Online Course), produced by the CRADLE project-- ( - and the University of Edinburgh's MANTRA ( program. CRADLE is an IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services)-funded project undertaken by the School of Information and Library Science and the Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. CRADLE partnered with MANTRA to produce a MOOC that is relevant to librarians, archivists, and other information professionals tasked with research data management and preservation as well as to researchers themselves. This is the first international MOOC on data management, curation, and preservation and can be found at: Tibbo will also report on a project to provide disciplinary data profiles to support the MOOC and make it more relevant to researchers in a number of fields. Robin Rice will provide an update on MANTRA and RDM efforts at the University of Edinburgh, reflect on her experience with the Coursera MOOC, and discuss how this tool might be enhanced for librarians and especially researchers. William Kilbride will talk about the DPC's "Getting Started" and "Making Progress" workshop series and discuss how fundamental preservation concepts are essential to RDM plans and training and lead the panel in a discussion of where RDM education is, how far it has come, and where it needs to go. These presentations will provide the audience with a starting point for breakout sessions. Breakout groups will discuss questions that may include but are not limited to: * How do you handle data training at your institution? * How do (or could) you mix online and face to face resources? * How do (or could) you collaborate across your institution to deliver training? * What are your professional needs in RDM (education for librarians/archivists)? * What tools would make your researcher support for RDM easier and more effective? * What lessons have you learned from working with research on their RDM needs? * The Target Audiences for this workshop are individuals who are 1) librarians/archivists supporting researchers in RDM; 2) RDM educators; and 3) researchers interested in learning about RDM training opportunities. Hope to see you in Edinburgh! -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor & Society of American Archivists, President 2010-2011 and Fellow School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 1+ 919 418 4557 Fax: 1+ 91 962 8071 tibbo at From brya at Fri Jan 13 11:13:04 2017 From: brya at (Brya, Cynthia Ann) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 16:13:04 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Join the iSchool at Illinois at ALISE'17 Message-ID: <> The School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will be well represented at the annual conference for the Association for Library and Information Science Education, which will take place from January 17-20 in Atlanta. Meetings & Workshops Associate Professor Carol Tilley will participate in the Board of Directors Meeting at 3:00 p.m. on January 16, concluding her three-year term as director of external relations, an elected position to the ALISE Board. Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Programs Linda C. Smith is a co-organizer for the pre-conference workshop, ?Pedagogical (Re)-vision: from Concept to Course,? at 9:00 a.m. on January 17. Professor and Dean Allen Renear will serve on a panel addressing how programs are meeting enrollment challenges during the ALISE Council of Deans, Directors, and Program Chairs Meeting at 12:15 p.m. on January 18. Presentations and Panels Assistant Professor Nicole A. Cooke will participate in three presentations on January 18: ?Communities in Crisis: What Everyday Acts of Terrorism Tell Us About Social Responsibility in LIS? at 8:30 a.m.; ?Bringing Critical Librarianship to Your Classroom: Practical Approaches to Tough Concepts? at 2:00 p.m.; and ?Engaging Diverse Local Communities: Lessons from the Archives? at 4:00 p.m. On January 18, Assistant Professor Elizabeth Hoiem and Assistant Professor Daniel Tracy (MS ?12), University Library, will present their paper, ?Engaging the Public through Digital Publishing,? at 8:30 a.m. Rhiannon Bettivia, postdoctoral research associate, will present her paper, ?Colleagues and Communities: Engaging Labor Across Intra-Institutional Digital Divides,? at 8:30 a.m. on January 18. Nicole Miller (MS ?89), adjunct faculty member, will participate in the panel, ?Connecting to Community: Curriculum and Projects for Family History Collaborative Services,? at 8:30 a.m. on January 19. Ellen Knutson (MS ?02, PhD ?08), adjunct faculty member, will present her paper, ?Teaching Community Engagement,? at 10:30 a.m. on January 19. Associate Professor Terry L. Weech will participate in the panel, ?Making International Connections: Expanding Awareness of Non-North American LIS Education,? at 10:30 a.m. on January 19. Assistant Professor Emily Knox will be the moderator for the panel, ?Trends in the Ethics of Community Engagement,? at 2:00 p.m. on January 19. On January 20, Assistant Professor Nicole A. Cooke will co-present ?Sustaining Community Engagement and Fostering Social Responsibility: Teaching and Learning about Diversity in LIS Programs? at 8:30 a.m. and participate in the President?s Program, ?Best Practices for Incorporating Community Engagement and Outreach in Curricula? at 10:30 a.m. Posters At the Works in Progress Poster Session at 6:30 p.m. January 17, Kristina Williams, master?s student, will present two posters, ?Digital Space and Place: How LIS Students Connect and Collaborate on Critical Issues? and ?Leadership Through Action: Student-initiated Program Development;? Julia Petrella, doctoral student, will present her poster, ?Tumblr and Gender Pronouns;? DeAnza Williams, doctoral student, will present her poster, ?Kids Create Apps - Lessons Learned from Creating a Curriculum for Elementary Students in a School and Public Library;? and LaTesha Velez, doctoral candidate, and Melissa Villa-Nicholas (PhD ?16) will present their poster, ?The evolution of critical theories in Library History, 1997-2015.? At the Jean Tague?Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition at 7:00 p.m. on January 19, doctoral candidate Cheryl Thompson will present her poster, ?Cultivating Data Expertise: Comparison of Approaches in Geoscience Data Centers and Academic Libraries.? Associate Professor Kate McDowell will serve as a judge for this year?s doctoral poster competition. Cindy Brya Assistant Director for Communications School of Information Sciences 207 LIS Building, MC-493 501 E Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-8312 From SHASTING at Sun Jan 15 18:59:24 2017 From: SHASTING at (HASTINGS, SAM) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2017 23:59:24 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: Dr. Robert V. Williams References: <> Message-ID: Dr. Robert V. Williams, or Dr. Bob as so many of us called him with affection, passed Saturday night, January 14, 2017. Dr. Bob created the archival studies program, was an architect of the library school/history joint degree, and designed the undergraduate program in Information Science for the School of Library and Information Science and was most proud when our first students matriculated. He supported the program with funds for research awards and scholarships. He was always available for students and faculty. He received the prestigious Watson Davis award from the Association of Information Science and Technology and was the primary supporter for the History of Information Science project. His students adored him. His friends and colleagues called him true blue and all of us will miss this one of a kind ?Gentleman Scholar.? The details of any memorial service plans have not yet been released by the family, but we will post them as soon as we know. Dr. S.K. Hastings, and Dr. R. David Lankes From rhill at Tue Jan 17 09:39:25 2017 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 09:39:25 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Executive Director -Dick Hill Message-ID: <0d1601d270cf$80a4a260$81ede720$> Message for ASIS&T listserv and ASIS&T News. Our Executive Director, Dick Hill, had a stroke in January 2017. He is recovering and undergoing physical therapy at the time of this publication. We do not have a date for his return to the office and he is greatly missed. Based on this information and after consulting with Dick, the Executive Committee asked Jan Hatzakos, ASIS&T Director of Finance and Administration, Webmaster, to serve as Acting Executive Director until Dick returns to the office or a new Executive Director is hired, whichever occurs first, and Jan has graciously agreed. If you would like to send well wishes to Dick, please send them to the ASIS&T Headquarters and the staff will be sure that Dick receives them. Richard B. Hill Executive Director ASIS&T 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 v. (301) 495-0900 f. (301) 495-0810 From alisa.libby at Tue Jan 17 08:49:27 2017 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 08:49:27 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Simmons SLIS at ALISE 2017 Message-ID: Simmons SLIS will be represented by our accomplished faculty at the annual conference for the Association for Library and Information Science Educators (ALISE), taking place in Atlanta, Georgia, January 17-20, 2017. Simmons SLIS Dean *Eileen Abels* is co-presenting the pre-conference workshop, "Pedagogical (Re)-vision: from Concept to Course ," on Tuesday, January 17, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Assoc. Prof. and Director of the School Library Teacher Program *Melanie Kimball* will co-present "Community Engagement & Social Responsibilities: Frameworks for Pedagogy and Praxis " on Wednesday, January 18, 2 - 3:30 p.m. Asst. Prof. *Monica Colon-Aguirre* is presenting a juried paper, "Identifying the Key Stakeholders in LIS School's Mission Statements: Who do we serve? " on Wednesday, January 18, 4 - 5:30 p.m. Assoc. Prof. and Director of the SLIS PhD Program *Rong Tang* will co-present "Making International Connections: Expanding Awareness of Non-North American LIS Education ," on Thursday, January 19, 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Asst. Prof. *Colin Rhinesmith* will co-present "Trends in the Ethics of Community Engagement " on Thursday, January 19, 2 - 3:30 p.m. Asst. Prof. *Janet Ceja* is presenting a paper, "Developing a Community Engaged Model of Scholarship in Archival Studies ," on Friday, January 20, 8:30 - 10 a.m. Between ALA and ALISE there will be a *SLIS Alumni Reception* at Pittypat's Porch in Atlanta, GA, January 21 at 5:30 p.m. RSVP Today! -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From asis at Sun Jan 15 16:29:49 2017 From: asis at (Jacek Gwizdka) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2017 15:29:49 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Extended deadline! NeuroIIR'2017: CHIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in HII Message-ID: *** Extended submission deadline: Jan 20, 2017 *** NeuroIIR'2017: CHIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in Human-Information Interaction ===================================================== ** Please forward to anyone who might be interested ** -------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS - NeuroIIR'2017 2nd International NeuroIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in Human-Information Interaction in conjunction with the 2nd Annual ACM CHIIR Conference (CHIIR'2017) to be held in Oslo, Norway Workshop date: March 11th, 2017 (afternoon) Website: -------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates: ================ * Paper submission deadline: *** January 20, 2017 *** Note: it coincides with CHIIR'2017 early registration deadline * Notification of acceptance: February 12, 2017 * Camera-ready deadline: February 27, 2017 * Workshop date: March 11, 2017 (half-day: afternoon) Workshop Organizers: ==================== Jacek Gwizdka, NeuroIIR2017 at (School of Information, University of Texas at Austin) Javed Mostafa, jm at (Biomedical Research & Imaging Center, School of Medicine & the iSchool, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Objectives: ============= NeuroIIR'2017 will build upon a successful workshop held at the SIGIR'2015. One critical take-away from the last workshop was that application of neuro-physiological (NP) experimental methodologies in IIR research studies is promising but highly challenging. The 2017 workshop has three broad aims: 1) Develop a foundational knowledge of appropriate methods or adapting experimental methods in IIR that permit execution of a large range of information seeking tasks, while wearing specialized devices or being inside scanning equipment. 2) Gain a deeper and clearer understanding of the wide variety of parameters that are essential to operating the NP equipment and tuning them for particular types of information interaction events. 3) A related aim is to gain insights regarding a set of well-known NP modalities/devices and related parameters, so that they could be potentially combined to study complex information seeking phenomena. Submissions: ============== We invite submissions that may include the following topics: * findings from completed IR/IIR research that utilized neuro-physiological tools; * research questions in IR/IIR that are likely to benefit from NP methods; * comparative analysis of NP tools and techniques with their applications in IR/IIR; * data fusion methods that support combination of NP data with traditional IR/IIR data; In all types of submissions we ask the authors to describe some of the following: * how IIR research protocols were (or will be) modified to allow for use of NP tools; * why NP modalities (one or more) were selected for use in IIR research; * what lessons were learned from using NP tools in IIR research; We invite submissions in two categories: 1. papers describing completed research or methodological contributions (up to 4 pages) 2. work-in-progress - short report papers (up to 2 pages). ). The accepted WIPs would need to be submitted in poster format for poster-session presentation during the workshop. The neuro-cognitive and physiological tools of interest include, but are not limited to, fMRI, fNIRS, EEG, MEG, eye-tracking. Submission guidelines: ====================== All submitted papers must be written in English; * contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses; * be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings template ( with a font size no smaller than 9pt; * be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform), and formatted for US Letter size. * papers should be submitted in EasyChair to rences/?conf=neuroiir2017 * paper submission deadline: January 20, 2017 * Accepted papers will be published in workshop proceedings at * Workshop attendees will be encouraged to submit manuscripts to a special issue on Neuro-Information Science to be published by Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). Workshop Location: ==================== NeuroIR 2017 will take place in Oslo, Norway and will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Annual ACM CHIIR Conference. Program Committee: ============================== Ioannis Arapakis, Yahoo Labs, Spain Ofer Bergman, Bar-Ilan University, Isreael Vincent N. Carrasco, Info. Science, UNC at Chapel Hill, USA Kelly Giovanello, Neuroscience, UNC at Chapel Hill, USA Yasher Moshfeghi, CS, U Glasgow, UK Henning Muller, Medical Imaging & Informatics, Switzerland Frank Pollick, Psychology, Univeristy of Glasgow, UK Tuukka Ruotsalo, HIIT, Finland Erin Treacy Solovey, iSchool, Drexel, USA Max Wilson, University of Nottingham, UK Sampath Jayarathna, Computer Science, California Polytechnic University Follow us on: ============= Facebook: Jacek Gwizdka, PhD(Toronto) MASc(Toronto) MEng(TULodz) 'Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate' - William of Ockham (1285-1349) Research Talk on NeuroIR | Assistant Professor at School of Information, University of Texas at Austin 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA | Office 5.532 (5th floor) Information eXperience (IX) lab Co-Director | ACM Senior Member Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists Jacek Gwizdka, PhD(Toronto) MASc(Toronto) MEng(TULodz) 'Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate' - William of Ockham (1285-1349) Research Talk on NeuroIR | Assistant Professor at School of Information, University of Texas at Austin 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA | Office 5.532 (5th floor) Information eXperience (IX) lab Co-Director | ACM Senior Member Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists From chirags at Mon Jan 16 20:16:52 2017 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 20:16:52 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Collaborative information seeking lab experiments dataset Message-ID: Hello, We are pleased to announce the availability of Collaborative Information Seeking Lab Experiments Dataset. The data is from a set of lab experiments conducted by Chirag Shah and Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez at Rutgers University in 2010-2011. It contains interaction logs (queries, page visits, relevance judgments, and snippets collected) by a total of 160 participants in 80 teams, with each team working on an exploratory search task for about 30 minutes in a controlled lab setting. The data was collected using Coagmento ( ). The dataset can be downloaded from Following is a small selection of papers that use this data that one can cite. Shah, C., and Gonzalez-Ibanez, R. (2011). Evaluating the synergic effect of collaboration in information seeking. Proceedings of ACM SIGIR, pp. 913-922. Beijing, China. Shah, C., Gonzalez-Ibanez, R. (2012). Spatial context in collaborative information seeking. Journal of Information Science (JIS). 38(4), 333-349. Gonzalez-Ibanez, R., Haseki, M., and Shah, C. (2013). Let's search together, but not too close! An analysis of communication and performance in collaborative information seeking. Information Processing & Management, 49(5), 1165-1179. Note that this dataset is also being used for the Second International Workshop on the Evaluation on Collaborative Information Seeking and Retrieval (ECol) to be held at the ACM CHIIR 2017 conference in Oslo, Norway on March 11, 2017. More details are here: . We hope this data, which took months to collect, would be a useful resource to researchers working in the fields of interactive IR, as well as social/collaborative search. Best, Chirag Shah, PhD Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science, Rutgers University Director, InfoSeeking Lab ( From Frank.Guerino at Mon Jan 16 11:54:23 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 11:54:23 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Implementation Patterns for RM Command, Control, and Communications In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hello All, For those of you interested in Records Management as an important subset of Library Management, the article ?Implementation Patterns for RM Command, Control, and Communications ? covers the most common patterns with related pros and cons for each. (The full HTML address is: ontrol-communications/ ) I hope you find it interesting and useful. My Very Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From jmartin at Fri Jan 13 15:27:59 2017 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 20:27:59 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Opportunity: Audio Preservation Engineer at NEDCC Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF90111A58771@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> POSITION OPENING: Audio Preservation Engineer at NEDCC ************************************************ The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) seeks an experienced audio preservation professional to serve on its expanded Audio Preservation Services team. NEDCC's expanded audio preservation service builds upon the Center's successful implementation of "IRENE," the IMLS-funded optical scanning technology developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Library of Congress for digitizing grooved audio carriers. NEDCC is investing in the additional facilities, equipment, and staffing to offer reformatting of audio content on magnetic and other obsolete media using more traditional approaches. NEDCC acknowledges the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the expanded audio services. NEDCC's service will help fill a much-needed niche of providing 1:1 transfers with 100% quality control, particularly for those highly significant collections that deserve a specialized (rather than high-throughput) workflow. In addition to digitization, NEDCC will offer collection- and item-level surveys, cleaning, treatment, and re-housing using vetted and transparent (i.e., non-proprietary) approaches. FOR COMPLETE POSITION DESCRIPTION, qualifications, and application information, visit: LEARN MORE about NEDCC's Audio Preservation Services: ***************************************************************** NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER (NEDCC) Andover, MA - TO LEARN MORE about the Center's work, follow 'NEDCC Stories': From sevans01 at Tue Jan 17 11:09:53 2017 From: sevans01 at (=?UTF-8?Q?Si=C3=A2n_Evans?=) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:09:53 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation: 4th Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, March, 2017 Message-ID: *DON?T AGONIZE, ORGANIZE! *The award winning, record breaking Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon is happening this March. Join us again or organize for the first time to improve Wikipedia and affirm the importance of the arts and intersectional feminisms. It matters more than ever as we face a post-fact world, and what may follow. Email us at info at to learn more about organizing an event. *WHY? *Wikimedia Foundation found that less than 10% of its contributors identify as female. While the reasons for the gender gap are up for debate, the practical effect of the disparity is not: content is skewed by the lack of female participation. Established in 2014, Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon is a response to the gender gap in content and participation on Wikipedia. As the lead co-organizers of Art+Feminism, we?ve been deeply disturbed by the sheer amount of fake news on social media, and its influence on the recent US election. We believe this makes our work even more pressing. Now more than ever we must gather together to improve Wikipedia and affirm work of women, people of color, immigrants, the LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalized peoples. *HOW? *Hold an Edit-a-thon at your local university, artist run center, museum, community center, etc! Art+Feminism Edit-a-thons address content and participation gaps by inviting people of all gender identities and expressions to gather for communal updating of Wikipedia entries related to art and feminism. The leadership collective supports Edit-a-thon organizers by: providing an organizer?s kit with suggested workflow, promotional and training materials, and more; funding to defray the costs of refreshments and childcare; and training and support. *WHEN? *The 2017 Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon at The Museum of Modern Art, New York will take place on Saturday, March 11, 2017. Node events are welcome to hold their event on this day or any other date in March, 2017 that makes sense for your community. To learn more and get involved, contact the lead co-organizers via email: info at In solidarity, Si?n Evans + Jacqueline Mabey + Michael Mandiberg e. info at w. -- Si?n Evans, MA, MLS Instruction Librarian, Decker Library Maryland Institute College of Art 1300 West Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217 tel: 410-225-2715 email: sevans01 at http: From pr-aksw at Wed Jan 18 03:48:57 2017 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 09:48:57 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTiCS 2017, Amsterdam, Sep 11-14, 2nd Call for Research & Innovation Papers Message-ID: <> Apologies for cross-posting 2nd Call for Research & Innovation Papers SEMANTiCS 2017 - The Linked Data Conference 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems Amsterdam, Netherlands September 11 -14, 2017 The Research & Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes the submission of papers on novel scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting ( and must not exceed 8 pages in lenght for full papers and 4 pages for short papers, including references and optional appendices. Research & Innovation Papers are published within ACM ICP Series. Important Dates (Research & Innovation) Abstract Submission Deadline: May 17, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Paper Submission Deadline: May 24, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Notification of Acceptance: July 3, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Camera-Ready Paper: August 14, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) For details please go to: or contact the Research and Innovation Chairs: Catherine Faron Zucker, faron [@], Universit? Nice Sophia Antipolis Rinke Hoekstra, rinke.hoekstra [@], Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/University of Amsterdam As in the previous years, SEMANTiCS?17 proceedings will be published by ACM ICP (pending). SEMANTiCS 2017 will especially welcome submissions for the following hot topics: *Data Science (special track, see below) *Web Semantics, Linked (Open) Data & *Corporate Knowledge Graphs *Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies *Data Quality Management *Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems Following the success of previous years, the ?horizontals? (research) and ?verticals? (industries) below are of interest for the conference: Horizontals *Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration *Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search *Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies *Semantics in Big Data *Text Analytics *Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization *Semantic Information Management *Document Management & Content Management *Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management *Smart Connectivity, Networking & Interlinking *Smart Data & Semantics in IoT *Semantics for IT Safety & Security *Semantic Rules, Policies & Licensing *Community, Social & Societal Aspects Data Science Special Track Horizontals *arge-Scale Data Processing (stream processing, handling large-scale graphs) *Data Analytics (Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Network Analytics) *Communicating Data (Data Visualization, UX & Interaction Design, Crowdsourcing) *Cross-cutting Issues (Ethics, Privacy, Security, Provenance) Verticals *Industry & Engineering *Life Sciences & Health Care *Public Administration *e-Science *Digital Humanities *Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) *Education & eLearning *Media & Data Journalism *Publishing, Marketing & Advertising *Tourism & Recreation *Financial & Insurance Industry *Telecommunication & Mobile Services *Sustainable Development: Climate, Water, Air, Ecology *Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids *Food, Agriculture & Farming *Safety, Security & Privacy *Transport, Environment & Geospatial For details please go to: From yolande at Wed Jan 18 09:50:28 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 09:50:28 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T Executive Director Position Announcement Message-ID: <00d801d2719a$364d65f0$a2e831d0$> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Silver Spring, MD, January 18, 2017 ASIS&T Executive Director Position Now Open The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) seeks an energetic, innovative, experienced and enthusiastic leader to be the association's next executive director and to help the association achieve increased impact and stature. Given the rapidly evolving nature of information science and technology, this leadership position presents a rare opportunity for a collaborative, strategic and visionary leader to help ASIS&T leverage its global membership for meaningful impact. Throughout its 80-year history, ASIS&T has been distinguished by its multidisciplinary and global nature and its ability to bridge the gap between information science research and practice. The association offers a wide variety of professional development and information resources to its members. The international headquarters is located in Silver Spring, MD; a short distance from Washington, DC. The board has approved an ambitious and multi-faceted strategic plan which, when fully implemented, will significantly strengthen and expand the association's global impact and reach. The next executive director will have the opportunity to execute the strategic plan, make its vision a reality and partner with the board to develop and implement ongoing strategies to ensure the vitality of the association. Implementation of the strategic plan will involve a wide range of initiatives focused on membership, programs, publications and communication, outreach and advocacy, and institutional knowledge. The ideal candidate will have a global perspective and appreciation for multicultural interaction, a record of accomplishment of bringing diverse individuals together toward a common goal; superb judgment and focus; the ability to set and implement an organizational vision; and exceptional communications skills, diplomacy and creativity. A background in information science and technology is an asset, not a requirement, but the ED must share a passion for the mission of ASIS&T. The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) has retained the services of Isaacson, Miller, a national executive search firm, to assist in conducting this search. For more information, to make a nomination, or to apply for this role, please visit: Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer ASIS&T The Association for the Information Age W: 301.495.0900 8555 16th Street; Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA From hicks1 at Tue Jan 17 13:56:32 2017 From: hicks1 at (Deborah Hicks) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 13:56:32 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] CAIS/ACSI 2017 Conference: Call for Proposals (May 31- June 2, 2017) Message-ID: Final Call for Proposals: CAIS/ACSI 2017 Conference Conference Theme: The Warp & Weft of Knowledge: Information Threads Connecting Disciplines, Identities and Perspectives Location: Toronto, Ontario (May 31 ? June 2, 2017) Deadline for Submission: January 27, 2017 (The French and English CFPs are available here: ) ------- The Warp & Weft of Knowledge: Information Threads Connecting Disciplines, Identities, and Perspectives The conference theme The Warp & Weft of Knowledge: Information Threads Connecting Disciplines, Identities and Perspectives reflects the broad cross-disciplinary nature of information science. Information science research focuses on how information is structured, represented, organized, disseminated, and accessed. More than this, it examines how information is embedded in our communities, institutions, and social lives. Information itself is all pervasive. It touches a myriad of disciplines, identities, and perspectives. As such, those of us who trace the ?red thread of information? within and across disciplinary boundaries are uniquely situated to observe how disciplinary and methodological terrains connect, overlap, contradict, and diverge as well as how various perspectives and paradigms are shaped and formed by information. Indeed, as noted by Marcia Bates in her well known 1999 article, The Invisible Substrate of Information, ?we always follow the information?. This year we are picking up on the Congress theme ?From Far and Wide: The Next 150? to emphasize not only the length and breadth of information studies throughout the years but also the places, far and wide, across which information science has travelled and from which we draw. The weaving metaphor relates to the red threads of information that not only connect various disciplines, identities, and perspectives but brings to light new ideas and approaches. Along with Canada?s 150th anniversary we also celebrate our past accomplishments and our hopes for the future. We want CAIS/ASCI 2017 to explore the interdisciplinarity of information studies, build on past research, and forge new paths for the future. We invite papers and proposals representing diverse themes and methods related (but not limited) to the above theme. Consider the following ideas: Collaboration and independence: Within IS contexts and beyond Differentiation and integration: Among groups, professionals, or on personal levels Papers representing methods drawn from other disciplines or mixed methods approaches New and innovative approaches to IS research Papers reflecting on the development and future of IS research Papers from a variety of perspectives: Institutional, social, and ethical Historical examinations of IS as a discipline We are also pleased to announce that Marcia Bates will give the opening keynote presentation on May 31, 2016. Dr. Bates has published widely in the areas of information system search strategy, user-centered design of information retrieval systems, organization of knowledge, information seeking behavior, and the nature of the information professions. We welcome proposals that explore or are directly influenced by Dr. Bates?s work. Call for proposals Proposals may be submitted in English or French. The conference committee strongly encourages submissions from professional and academic researchers. Types of submissions include: CAIS Papers: 20-minute oral presentations of completed or well-developed projects on topics suitable for publication in scholarly journals. Proposals that report on completed or ongoing research will be given preference. Diverse perspectives (theoretical and applied) and methodologies are welcomed. Proposals should be in the form of an extended abstract (approximately 1000-1500 words excluding references), reporting on research projects, theoretical developments or innovative practical applications. CAIS Posters: Visual presentations of completed or well-developed projects on topics suitable for publication in scholarly journals. Proposals that report on completed or ongoing research will be given preference. Diverse perspectives (theoretical and applied) and methodologies are welcomed. Proposals should be in the form of a short abstract (with a limit of 750 words excluding references), reporting on research projects, theoretical developments or innovative practical applications. Student- to-CAIS/ACSI and Practitioner Awards: Paper submissions by graduate students and practitioners will be considered for these awards. The Student-to-CAIS/ACSI award includes a monetary prize, and both awardees will have the opportunity to publish the full manuscript in the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science / La Revue Canadienne des Sciences de L?information et de Biblioth?conomie. If you would like to be considered for the award please indicate if you are a student or practitioner in your CAIS/ACSI abstract submission. Winners will be selected based on the submission of their abstract to the conference. Details of the award, including previous winners, can be found at the CAIS/ACSI website at? . Doctoral Forum We are pleased to invite students to this year?s inaugural Doctoral Forum. The goal is to provide students with an opportunity to present and discuss their research project, get feedback, and to meet with other researchers. Feel free to join us, regardless of the current stage of your doctoral project. Format: 10 minute presentations followed by 10 minutes of discussion Submission: 250 to 500 words abstract describing your research project To participate, please fill the following?submission form . Doctoral students interested in attending the Doctoral Forum are also encouraged to submit completed or ongoing research projects for consideration as part of the CAIS conference. Please note that you have to register to the CAIS conference to attend the Doctoral Forum. Submission Deadline for all proposals is January 27, 2017. Submissions will be reviewed using the online EasyChair system: . Authors will be notified of the decision no later than February 27th, 2017. All presenters must register for the conference. Abstracts will be published on the CAIS/ACSI Website once registration has taken place. Final versions must be submitted no later than April 28th, 2017. Participants are also encouraged to submit full papers to the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science / La revue canadienne des sciences de l?information et de biblioth?conomie. Registration: The conference will take place as part of the 2017 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario (May 31-June 2, 2017). Registration will be available online through the Congress website ( ). For further information, please contact the CAIS/ACSI 2017 Conference Co-chairs. Danielle Allard Postdoctoral Research Fellow Women?s and Gender Studies Program/ Master?s of Archival Studies Program University of Manitoba danielle.allard at Deborah Hicks Lecturer The iSchool @ UBC University of British Columbia deborah.hicks at Catherine Johnson Associate Professor Faculty of Information & Media Studies University of Western Ontario cjohn24 at --- Deborah Hicks Lecturer SLAIS, the iSchool @ UBC The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada Email: deborah.hicks at From aida.slavic at Thu Jan 19 07:29:48 2017 From: aida.slavic at (Aida Slavic) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 12:29:48 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP (2): FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: Theory, Technology and End Users (London, 14-15 September 2017 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> ==== CALL FOR PAPERS (2) ==== International UDC Seminar 2017 FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: Theory, Technology and End Users DATE: 14-15 September 2017 VENUE: London WEBSITE: CONTACT: seminar2017 at International UDC Seminar 2017 marks the anniversaries of two conferences devoted to faceted classification research: sixty years since the First International Study Conference on Classification Research (Dorking, 1957) and twenty years since the the Sixth International Study Conference (London, 1997). The objective of the conference is to revisit faceted analytical theory as a method for (re)constructing modern classifications and indexing languages and the role analytico-synthetic classifications have had in resource discovery and retrieval, from their introduction at the beginning of the 20th century to date. The conference will examine the challenges analytico-synthetic classifications represent for data modelling and interface design in the Web environment. Most importantly, it will explore potential fields of application for faceted classifications in information organization, visualization and presentation of large datasets, social networks and in the open linked data environment. High quality and innovative contributions are invited for the following topics: - The impact of faceted analytical theory and research on modern classification and indexing languages; - Data modelling, data management and data sharing of faceted and analytico-synthetic classifications; - Vocabulary mapping, semantic linking and natural language interfacing of analytico-synthetic systems; - Applications of faceted analytical theory on (re)constructing knowledge classifications and indexing languages; - End user interface design and user-friendly knowledge presentation for faceted systems; - Novel applications of faceted systems outside the bibliographic domain. CONTRIBUTIONS: Two kinds of contributions are invited: conference papers and posters. Authors should submit a paper proposal in the form of an extended abstract (1000-1200 words, including references, for papers; and 500-600 words for posters). The submission form is provided on the conference website. Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee consisting of an international panel of experts. Each submission will undergo a blind review by at least three reviewers. The Conference proceedings will be published by Ergon Verlag and will be distributed at the conference. Best papers will be proposed for publishing in the Knowledge Organization journal IMPORTANT DATES: 29 Jan 2017 Submission deadline 1 Mar 2017 Notification of acceptance & paper submission instruction 15 May 2017 Papers submission (camera ready copy) ORGANIZER: The International UDC Seminar 2017 "Faceted Classification Today: Theory, Technology and End Users" is the sixth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the UDC Consortium (UDCC). UDC Seminars are devoted to advances in documentary classification research and their application in a networked environment. UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the Universal Decimal Classification and to support its use and development. UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain. ---- UDC Consortium PO Box 90407 2509 LK The Hague The Netherlands Web: Email: mail at From niso-announce at Wed Jan 18 17:18:13 2017 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 17:18:13 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO Publishes "Understanding Metadata" Primer Message-ID: Baltimore, MD - January 18, 2017 - The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) continues its Primer Series with the publication of *Understanding Metadata *. This comprehensive overview of information about an item's creation, name, topic, features, and more updates NISO's 2004 advice on the subject and follows on the *Research Data Management * Primer published in 2015. An additional such work, *Linked Data for Cultural Institutions*, is forthcoming, and more guides will be published periodically. "It's crucial for NISO to build understanding of technical issues at various levels and for various audiences," says NISO Executive Director Todd Carpenter. "Our Primers are therefore written to provide guidance for expert information managers who are already working with metadata as well as for professionals who are less familiar with information exchange issues. NISO values the opportunity to offer this guidance," Carpenter continues, "because in a digital world, information about content can often be more important than the content itself. Without good metadata, information effectively disappears." The Primer, authored by Jenn Riley, Associate Dean, Digital Initiatives, McGill University Library, demystifies a type of information that is ubiquitous in our lives but that can be challenging to produce, store, and understand. Coverage includes topics such as metadata types, standardization, and use in the cultural heritage sector and in the broader world. The Primer is accompanied by plentiful examples of metadata at work. "I am honored to have been asked to update *Understanding Metadata*, a NISO resource that has been helpful to me throughout my career, when learning about metadata and teaching others about it," says Riley. "Much has changed in the area of cultural heritage metadata since the original publication of this resource in 2004. I hope that the introduction of some new concepts into the Primer, such as Linked Data, is useful to our community for many years to come." The NISO Primer *Understanding Metadata*, like its series companions, is licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons-BY-NC 4.0 license. It is available as a free download from the NISO website at: publications/press/understanding_metadata. *About NISO* NISO fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of an information standard. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). More information about NISO is available on its website: From niso-announce at Wed Jan 18 19:41:07 2017 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 19:41:07 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO Update, ALA MW Atlanta / Jan 21 10:30 GWCC B207 Message-ID: Join the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) for our update at ALA Midwinter in Atlanta! *The NISO Update will take place on Saturday, January 21 (10:30 - noon in Georgia World Congress Center, Room B207)*, where you can hear the latest news about NISO's current efforts, including standards, recommended practices and community meetings covering many areas of interest to the library community. [Link to ALA Scheduler ] Working group/Standing committee members and staff will provide updates on projects, some newly under way: *** NISO Strategy and Directions (Todd Carpenter) *** Open Discovery Initiative (ODI) (Laura Morse, Harvard University) *** NISO Vocabularies (Sherle Abramson-Bluhm, University of Michigan) *** Knowledge Base and Related Tools (KBART) (Noah Levin, Springer) *** Flexible API Framework for E-Content in Libraries (FASTEN) (Nettie Lagace, NISO) *** NISO Altmetrics Initiative (Nettie Lagace, NISO) Visit NISO at Booth #1706 in the Exhibits area, too! Looking forward to seeing you.... --------------------- Nettie Lagace Associate Director for Programs National Information Standards Organization (NISO) 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302 Baltimore, MD 21211 Mobile: 617-863-0501 Fax: 410-685-5278 E-mail: nlagace at From Krystyna.Matusiak at Wed Jan 18 19:55:34 2017 From: Krystyna.Matusiak at (Krystyna Matusiak) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 00:55:34 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?Call_for_Papers_-_IFLA_Satellite_Meetin?= =?windows-1252?q?g_on_Data_Curator=92s_Roles_and_Responsibilities?= Message-ID: Please excuse cross-postings The IFLA Library Theory and Research Section (LTR), IFLA- Preservation and Conservation, IFLA- Information Technology, Warsaw University - Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies are pleased to invite submissions for the IFLA Satellite Conference to be held in Warsaw, Poland 16 and 17 August 2017. Topic: Data Curator?s Roles and Responsibilities: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives Dates: August 16-17, 2017 Location: Warsaw University - Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, Warsaw, Poland Deadline for submission of paper abstracts: February 18, 2017 Deadline for submission of poster abstracts: April 8, 2017 For more information about the conference theme and topics, please check: Krystyna K. Matusiak Conference co-chair Krystyna K. Matusiak | Assistant Professor Library and Information Science Program Research Methods and Information Science Department Morgridge College of Education | University of Denver 1999 East Evans Avenue | Denver, CO 80208-1700 303.871.6163 | krystyna.matusiak at From susheel_chhabra at Thu Jan 19 04:14:41 2017 From: susheel_chhabra at (Dr. Susheel Chhabra) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 09:14:41 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Abstract Announcement for International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC) 3(3) Message-ID: The contents of the latest issue of: International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC) Volume 3, Issue 3, July - September 2016 Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically ISSN: 2328-5494; EISSN: 2328-5508; Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA Editor-in-Chief: Susheel Chhabra (Periyar Management and Computer College, India) Note: The International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC) has an Open Access option, which allows individuals and institutions unrestricted access to its published content. Unlike traditional subscription-based publishing models, open access content is available without having to purchase or subscribe to the journal in which the content is published. All IGI Global manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process. ARTICLE 1 Integrated Model of Affordable Housing Delivery for the City of Windhoek Isaac Okoth Randa (Namibia University of Science and Technology, Windhoek, Namibia) Limited access to affordable and decent housing for the low-medium income households of Namibia, especially in Windhoek, is a major concern. This is evident as nearly 70 percent of the population are unable to access affordable housing. This situation is exacerbated by lack of an integrated framework for affordable housing delivery strategy. Adopting an interpretivist perspective, in depth literature review of published records, and using hybrid value chain model; this paper aims to identify an effective and efficient strategy for the delivery of affordable housing in Windhoek through the application of the stakeholder approach. Also, the paper intends to determine the appropriate division of roles between public, private and community institutions, and to suggest possible policy interventions necessary for a viable affordable housing delivery strategy. Though several non-integrated initiatives are operational in Windhoek, the joint Public-Private-Social-Sector Partnership model represents a new business model in the affordable housing sector. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below. ARTICLE 2 A Computational Perspective of Knowledge Empowerment for Healthcare Decision Making: Computational Perspective of Knowledge Empowerment Timothy Jay Carney (University of North Carolina, School of Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC, USA) People in a variety of settings can be heard uttering the phrase that ?knowledge is power? or the relatively equivalent concept that ?information is power.? However, the research literature in particular lacks a simple and standardized way to examine the relationship between knowledge and power. There is a lack operational quantitative definitions of this relationship to adequately support the building of complex computational models used in addressing some longstanding public health and healthcare delivery issues like differential access to care, inequitable care and treatment, institutional bias, disparities in health outcomes, and eliminating barriers to patient-centered care. The objective of this discussion is to present a relational algorithm that can be used in both conceptual discussions on knowledge empowerment modeling, as well as in the building of computational models that want to explore the variable of knowledge empowerment within computer simulation experiments. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below. ARTICLE 3 Urban Development Through Smart Cities in India Neeta Baporikar (Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia and University of Pune, India) India is on the path of developing its smart cities at a faster pace in near future. But what constitutes a smart city and what is purpose of this focus remains to be explored. Through in depth literature review and grounded approach this paper, appraises the genesis of smart city to develop a better understanding of urban problems. It explores how smart cities intend to relate the infrastructure, operational functioning, planning through management, control and optimization to ensure equity, fairness for realizing better quality of city life. The paper also attempts to review how informed participation creates shared knowledge for democratic governance. Anticipated paradigm shifts that will occur in this area of research and the expected impacts in developing and planning smart cities in general and in particular the steps being taken in India in development of smart cities is delved into. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below. ________________________________ For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC) in your institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: ________________________________ CALL FOR PAPERS Mission of IJCESC: The mission of the International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC) is to discuss and explore value driven civic engagement practices, processes, and frameworks to bring social change for effectively managing socioeconomic resources for individuals and society. The journal promotes cutting edge research on various issues of civic engagement as an integrated platform for researchers, scholars, academic institutions, and civic society. IJCESC achieves its mission through research, exemplary cases, smart processes and competencies, development of frameworks, and collaborations, suggesting standards and benchmarks worldwide. Indices of IJCESC: * Cabell's Directories * Google Scholar * Ulrich's Periodicals Directory Coverage of IJCESC: Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following: * Civic engagement and political reforms for development * Civic engagement and rural development * Civic engagement and urban development * Civic engagement for development and social change * Civic engagement for organization development * Civic engagement reforms and capacity building * ICTs engagement and social change * Leadership cases for civic engagement * Preservation of natural resources * Public policy and social change * Role of administrative competencies for civic engagement * Smart governance practices * Smart regulatory frameworks for civic engagement * Social accountability for individuals, government, and corporate sectors * Social networks and collaborations for bringing social change * Standards and benchmarks for civic engagement * Value-driven civic engagement * Women and child development Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines From niso-announce at Thu Jan 19 14:44:23 2017 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 14:44:23 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO Announces Strong Series of Educational Programs for 2017 Message-ID: Baltimore, MD - January 19, 2017 - The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces a strong series of educational programs for 2017 , encompassing fourteen 90-minute webinars and six virtual conferences. All of these rich offerings are tailored to allow live viewing as well as archive use and viewing by individuals as well as groups, making them suitable for a wide variety of organizations. The 2017 programs focus on information-workforce training needs and on current and emerging issues of concern to the academic, library, and tech communities. "Education is a critical component of NISO's work," says NISO Executive Director Todd Carpenter. "Our mission involves not only creating standards and best practices, but also informing our community about technological change and other issues facing them." Webinar topics include: - What can I do with this? Making it easy for scholars and researchers to utilize content - Providing Access: Making Sure What Libraries Have Licensed is What Users Can Reach - Two Part Webinar: Understanding the Marketplace - Trends in Presentation and Delivery: Publishing Experts Speak - Spotlight on Mobile: Devices, Interface, and Content - Enabling Discovery and Retrieval of Nontraditional and Granular Output - Spotlight: Supporting Access to the Internet in Underserved Communities - Two Part Webinar: Digital and Data Literacy - Strategic Directions: Strategic Thinking, Five Years Ahead - Two Part Webinar: Engineering Access Under the Hood - Tracing Discovery and Subsequent Use: Harvesting and Analyzing the Data Virtual conferences, each a six-hour event, address: - Institutional Repositories - Opening Up Education: Textbooks, Resources, Courseware, and More - Images: Digitization and Preservation of Special Collections in Libraries - Convergence: The Web and Publishing onto the Web - Research Networks: The Connections Enabling Collaboration - Advancing Altmetrics: Best Practices and Emerging Ideas *About NISO* NISO, based in Baltimore, Maryland, fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of information standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, visit the NISO website . From marialemos72 at Fri Jan 20 10:27:18 2017 From: marialemos72 at (ML) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 15:27:18 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CISTI'2017 - Doctoral Symposium Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------ Doctoral Symposium of CISTI'2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 21th and 24th of June 2017, ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of CISTI'2017?s Doctoral Symposium ( is to provide graduate students a setting where they can, informally, expose and discuss their work, collecting valuable expert opinions and sharing new ideas, methods and applications. The Doctoral Symposium is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present and discuss their work in a Workshop format. Each presentation will be evaluated by a panel composed by at least three Information Systems and Technologies experts. CONTRIBUTIONS SUBMISSION The Doctoral Symposium is opened to PhD students whose research area includes the themes proposed for this Conference. Submissions must include an extended abstract (maximum 4 pages), following the Conference style guide. All selected contributions will be handed out along with the Conference Proceedings, in CD with an ISBN. These contributions will be available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be sent for indexing in ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex, INSPEC and Google Scholar. Submissions must include the field, the PhD institution and the number of months devoted to the development of the work. Additionally, they should include in a clear and succinct manner: ? The problem approached and its significance or relevance ? The research objectives and related investigation topics ? A brief display of what is already known ? A proposed solution methodology for the problem ? Expected results IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission: February 12, 2017 Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2017 Submission of accepted papers: April 9, 2017 Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: April 9, 2017 OGANIZING COMMITTEE ?lvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra Manuel P?rez Cota, Universidad de Vigo SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Manuel P?rez Cota, Universidad de Vigo (Presidente) Adolfo Lozano Tello, Universidad de Extremadura Alma Mar?a G?mez-Rodr?guez, Universidade de Vigo Alvaro Arenas, IE Business School ?lvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra Ana Maria Ramalho Correia, NOVA IMS Ant?nio Lucas Soares, Universidade do Porto, FEUP Antonio Fern?ndez-Caballero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Antonio Garcia Loureiro, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Arnaldo Martins, Universidade de Aveiro Arturo Jos? M?ndez Pen?n, Universidad de Vigo Augusto Sousa, Universidade do Porto, FEUP Br?ulio Alturas, Instituto Universit?rio de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) Carlos Ferr?s Sexto, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela David Fonseca, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull Ernest Redondo, Universidad Polit?cnica de Catalunya Evelio Gonzalez, Universidad de La Laguna Feliz Gouveia, Universidade Fernando Pessoa Fernando Moreira, Universidade Portucalense Fernando S?enz-P?rez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Francisco Martinez-Gil, Unversitat de Valencia Francisco Restivo, Universidade Cat?lica Portuguesa Gon?alo Paiva Dias, Universidade de Aveiro Gonzalo Cuevas, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Guilhermima Miranda, Universidade Lisboa Jo?o Barroso, Universidade de Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro Jo?o Costa, Universidade Coimbra J?rg Thomaschewski, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer Jose Antonio Calvo-Manzano Villal?n, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Jos? Borbinha, Universidade de Lisboa, IST Jos? Enrique Armend?riz-??igo, Universidad P?blica de Navarra Luciano Boquete, Universidad de Alcal? Lu?s Paulo Reis, Universidade do Minho Manuel I. Capel, Universidad de Granada Marco Painho, NOVA IMS Mar?a J Lado, Universidade de Vigo Mar?a Pilar Mareca, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Miguel Ramon Gonzalez Castro, ENCE, Energ?a y Celulosa Nelson Rocha, Universidade de Aveiro Nuno Lau, Universidade de Aveiro Paulo Pinto, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Paulo Rupino, Universidade de Coimbra Pedro Garc?a Teodoro, Universidad de Granada Ramiro Gon?alves, Universidade de Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro Robert Joan-Arinyo, Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya Ruben Gonz?lez Crespo, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Vicente Alcober, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Vitor Santos, NOVA IMS Doctoral Symposium webpage: Regards, CISTI'2017 ----------------------- --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. From tjg68 at Mon Jan 23 14:12:00 2017 From: tjg68 at (Gorichanaz,Timothy) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 19:12:00 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2017 Virtual Symposium on Info & Tech in the Arts & Humanities (April 18 and 19) Message-ID: <> ASIS&T SIG-AH and SIG-VIS have announced the confirmed speakers for the 2017 Virtual Symposium on Information and Technology in the Arts and Humanities: We have 10 speakers in 9 sessions, representing music performance, art history, digital humanities, U.S. history, linguistics, and information science, covering topics ranging from zombie discourse analysis and speculative code theory to bibliometrics and OER?from folks at UCLA to the University of Bor?s in Sweden?. plus, a student research award competition! Please join us on April 18 and 19 to discuss open science in the humanities Thanks, Tim -- Tim Gorichanaz Communications Officer, Sig-AH PhD Candidate, Information Studies College of Computing & Informatics Drexel University From digitalscholarshippress at Tue Jan 24 13:51:42 2017 From: digitalscholarshippress at (Digital Scholarship) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 12:51:42 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Version 7 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography Message-ID: <> Digital Scholarship has released Version 7 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography. This selective bibliography includes over 620 English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding the curation of digital research data in academic and other research institutions. The Research Data Curation Bibliography covers topics such as research data creation, acquisition, metadata, provenance, repositories, management, policies, support services, funding agency requirements, peer review, publication, citation, sharing, reuse, and preservation. Most sources have been published from January 2009 through December 2016; however, a limited number of earlier key sources are also included. The bibliography includes links to freely available versions of included works. If such versions are unavailable, links to the publishers' descriptions are provided. Abstracts are included in this bibliography if a work is under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY and national/international variations), a Creative Commons public domain dedication (CC0), or a Creative Commons Public Domain Mark and this is clearly indicated in the work. The Research Data Curation Bibliography is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Translate (oversatta, oversette, prelozit, traducir, traduire, tradurre, traduzir, or ubersetzen) this message: -- Best Regards, Charles Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Publisher, Digital Scholarship From Frank.Guerino at Tue Jan 24 10:33:29 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 10:33:29 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Article: Semantic Wikis - Pros and Cons In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hello All, Semantic Wikis are an evolution of the more traditional content-only Wiki that facilitate the embedding of Semantic Tags. For those interested in using Semantic Wikis to build Digital Libraries, the article ?Semantic Wikis ? Pros and Cons ? helps explain them and their traits. (The full address is: I hope you find it interesting and useful. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From unmil at Tue Jan 24 15:47:56 2017 From: unmil at (Unmil Karadkar) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 14:47:56 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Physical Samples and Digital Collections Workshop at iConference 2017, March 22, Wuhan China In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> This Call for Proposals is available on the workshop web page at: ------------------------------------------ The Second International Physical Samples and Digital Collections (PSDC 2017) workshop will be held on March 22 in Wuhan, China in conjunction with iConference 2017. We solicit participation from information studies as well as communities that work with physical samples--for example, earth sciences, biology, paleontology, hydrology, archeology--to make this workshop a success. The goal of this workshop is to bring together the community of researchers, curators, and practitioners who are interested in studying the issues involved in the management of samples, sample collections, and sample-based data in the field, in the lab, in repositories, in data systems and scholarly publications. The intention is to assemble the existing community of scholars and practitioners from both coasts of the Atlantic as well as invite those with emerging interests in this area. A secondary goal is to focus the attention of the information science community on the tremendous opportunities for research in this space and for collaborating with researchers in the Earth Sciences, broadly construed. Research in the Earth Science disciplines depends on the availability of representative samples collected above, at, and beneath Earth's surface, on the moon and in space, or those generated in experiments. These physical samples serve as fundamental references for generating new knowledge about the earth and contribute to a deeper understanding of the processes that created and shaped it, assess the availability of natural resources, and measure the risk of natural hazards. Many samples have been collected at great cost and with substantial difficulty, are rare or unique, and irreplaceable. TheEarthCube ( Research Coordination Network (RCN)iSamplES (Internet of Samples in the Earth Sciences) aims to advance the use of innovative cyberinfrastructure to connect physical samples and sample collections across the Earth Sciences with digital data infrastructures to revolutionize their utility in the support of science. Important dates --------------- * February 10: paper submissions due * February 12: Notification of acceptance * March 15: Submission of final, camera-ready papers * March 22: PSDC 2017 Workshop Topics ------ Presentations will address a broad range of issues and challenges at the intersection of Earth Science physical samples and information science that facilitate the data collection, management, and use of earth samples. Topics include but are not limited to: * physical sample collection curation * information behavior and needs, user modeling * evaluation of existing environments models * theoretical models * system architectures * social-technical perspectives on digital methods for sample management * policies and workflows * data analytics and visualization * user interfaces * cyberinfrastructure architectures, applications, and deployments * distributed data management information systems * impact of digital libraries on earth sciences * linked data and its applications * personal information management of physical samples * retrieval and browsing of sampels * scientific data curation, citation, and scholarly publication * social networks, virtual organizations, and networked information * sample collection archiving and preservation Proposal Formats ----------------- All contributions must be written in English. We encourage you to submit proposals for: *full papers*: 6-8 page submissions that report on mature work or stake out a position on an issue of significance to the community *work-in-progess and position papers*: 3-4 page submissions that discuss early results on nascent projects *posters or demonstrations*: 1-2 page description Submission ---------- Please submit papers by February 10th via the workshop's EasyChair submission page: Organizers ---------- Please contact us with your questions. Unmil Karadkar (unmil at ) School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin Kerstin Lehnert(lehnert at ) Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University Chris Lehhardt(clenhardt at ) Renaissance Computing Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sarah Ramdeen(ramdeen at ) School of Information, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill From toine at Wed Jan 25 04:59:28 2017 From: toine at (Toine Bogers) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:59:28 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP: 2nd Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks (SCST 2017) Message-ID: <> ===================================================================================== THIRD CALL FOR PAPERS SCST 2017: 2nd Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks (co-located with CHIIR 2017) Oslo, Norway March 11, 2017 ===================================================================================== ------------------------ Description & Objectives ------------------------ One of the current challenges in information access is supporting complex search tasks. A user's understanding of the information need and the overall task develops as he or she interacts with the system. Supporting the various stages of this task involves many aspects of the system, e.g. interface features, presentation of information, retrieving and ranking. The Supporting Complex Search Tasks workshop (SCST 2017) aims at creating and fostering an interdisciplinary forum where researchers can exchange ideas about alternative experiments and prototypes, and contribute to the development of a research agenda in supporting complex search tasks. ------------------ Topics of interest ------------------ We invite position papers addressing open research questions related to: * Context: What are the obvious use cases and applications of complex search? * Tasks: What are essential features of work tasks and search tasks to take into account? * Heterogeneous sources: With a multitude of information, varying from introductory to specialized, and from authoritative to speculative or opinionated, when to show what sources of information? * Search process: How does the information seeking process evolve and what are relevant differences between different stages? * UI/UX: What affordances are required and in what stage of the search process? How can we make the search process transparent to the user? How and when does the initiative shift between system and user? * Evaluation: How do we evaluate and compare approaches? Which measures should be taken into account? ------ Format ------ This is a workshop proper where discussion is central, and all attendees are active participants. We will start the workshop with a full round of introductions of all participants, making everyone feel welcome and part of the workshop. Then, the workshop continues with two short keynotes by keynote from academia to be confirmed and keynote from industry to be confirmed to set the stage and ensure all attendees are on the same page. Next, we will have presentations of contributed papers, with each paper getting a 1-minute boaster and a poster presentation in an interactive poster session. There will be 3-4 breakout groups seeded from the open research questions (see Goals) and the contributed papers, each group thoroughly prepared by a chair who guides the discussion, with examples from relevant IR evaluation campaigns such as the TREC Session and Tasks Tracks and the SBS Interactive and Suggestion Tracks, and from concrete examples of complex support systems with their UX and UI challenges. The breakout groups will report to the audience and a panel of experts, with continued discussion on what we learned, concrete plans for the next year, and a roadmap for the longer term. The discussion will continue during a social event, where the discussion will continue in a more informal way over food and drinks, deep into the Oslo night. The organizers have gained a proud reputation for their open and inclusive workshops, leading to new research collaborations, other workshops, and new evaluation tracks. The results will be disseminated in various ways: * A high quality, peer reviewed workshop proceedings, published in the CEUR workshop proceedings series ( * A report on the results of the workshop in the ACM SIGIR Forum of June 2017. * Depending on the outcome, we will consider a special issue in an appropriate journal. * Last, but not least, the results can be fed into the running tracks at TREC, CLEF, and other evaluation campaigns. -------- Audience -------- The workshop will bring together a varied group of researchers?bridging CHI and IR in a natural way?with experience covering both user- and system-centered approaches, to work together on the problem and potential solutions, and identify the barriers to success and work on ways of addressing them. Authors can submit both research and position papers. Papers can be 2+1 pages max., with 2 pages of narrative text and an additional page for tables/figures/notes/references. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind review process. --------------- Important dates --------------- * Paper submission deadline: February 1, 2017 * Notification of acceptance: February 20, 2017 * Camera-ready deadline: March 1, 2017 * SCST 2017 Workshop: March 11, 2017 ---------- Organizers ---------- * Nick Belkin (Rutgers University) * Toine Bogers (Aalborg University Copenhagen) * Diane Kelly (University of Tennessee) * Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam) * Marijn Koolen (Huygens ING) * Emine Yilmaz (University College London) For further questions, please contact a member of the organizing committee. From jo.bates at Thu Jan 26 04:27:27 2017 From: jo.bates at (Jo Bates) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 09:27:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for abstracts - Data Power Conference 2017 (Ottawa, Canada, 22-23rd June 2017) Message-ID: Dear all, The following call for abstracts may be of interest to list members. Call for abstracts for *Data Power 2017* - Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), June 22, 2017 ? June 23, 2017 - Please submit a 250 word abstract by *Friday 3rd February*: Following the successful Data Power 2015 Conference held in Sheffield, Data Power 2017 will take forward critical debates relating to data?s ever more ubiquitous power. The following keynote speakers have been confirmed: - Helen Nissenbaum , New York University, co-author of Obfuscation: A User?s Guide to Privacy and Protest with Finn Brunton (2015), and PI of the Values in Design project; - Paul N.Edwards , University of Michigan, author of A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming (2010); - Stefania Milan , University of Amsterdam, author of *Social Movements and Their Technologies: Wiring Social Change* (2016), and PI of the DATACTIVE project; - Frank Pasquale , University of Maryland, author of *The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms that Control Money and Information *(2015). Increasingly pervasive in our daily lives, data are constituted through converging technologies and practices such as the internet of things, smart cities, drones and precision agriculture; global finance, credit scoring and data brokerage firms; surveillance, predictive policing and customer relation management systems, to name a few. Data are also generated by and flow through applications, software, platforms, and infrastructures that reshape how we play, work, eat, socialise, see ourselves, and know the world. In an era of data power, data have become agentic, especially when input into black-boxed algorithms and systems whose outputs are used to profile and sort us, influence the political economy, and for purposes for which no consent was given. Is this a 'fait accompli'? To answer this question, the Data Power 2017 conference asks: How can we reclaim some form of data-based power and autonomy, and advance data-based technological citizenship, while living in regimes of data power? Is it possible to regain agency and mobilize data for the common good? To do so, which theories help to interrogate and make sense of the operations of data power? What kind of design frameworks are needed to build and deploy data-based technologies with values and ethics that are equitable and fair? How can big data be mobilized to improve how we live, beyond notions of efficiency and innovation? This conference creates a space to reflect on these and other critical issues relating to data?s ever more ubiquitous power. Papers and panel topics are invited on the following - and other relevant - topics: - The political economy of data - Data and journalism - Theorising data - The politics of data visualisation - Data labour - The social life of data and data-driven methods - The politics of open and linked data - Data-driven governance, surveillance and control - Data, discrimination and inequality - Social, ethical and legal issues - Data citizens - Data activism, citizen engagement and advocacy - Data, genealogy and power - Data power and violence - Critical, cultural and feminist approaches to data - Resistance, agency and appropriation If you wish to submit an abstract, please visit the following website: Best wishes, The Data Power Conference team *Tracey, Helen, Jo, Ganaele, Ysabel *& * Merlyna Tracey P. Lauriault and Merlyna Lim, Carletion University Helen Kennedy and Jo Bates, Sheffield University Ganaele Langlois, York University Ysabel Gerrard, Leeds University * DataPower2017 at -- Dr Jo Bates Lecturer in Information Politics and Policy Co-Editor of Online Information Review Digital Societies Research Group Information School, The University of Sheffield, Room 236, Regent Court, 211 Portobello, Sheffield, S1 4DP +44 (0)114 222 2648 Find us on Facebook , follow us on Twitter , read our latest news on our Blog and join our community on LinkedIn From samchu at Thu Jan 26 05:32:19 2017 From: samchu at (samchu) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:32:19 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Symposium on Research Design, Paper Writing & Publishing in Information Science References: <> Message-ID: <> Symposium: Research Design, Paper Writing & Publishing in Information Science Have you published in a high quality conference proceeding in Information Science and Technology (InformationScienceResearchTopics) before? * Have you found the process of getting published in a reputable journal intimidating? * Would you like to learn from experts in Information Science and Technology about the process of designing an excellent research and the intricacies of getting published in a reputable, or even top journal in the field? The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) is providing a platform which will ease this arduous process and facilitate the publication of your research. This symposium provides doctoral candidates and junior researchers an opportunity to learn from experts, to receive comments from them on their research, and to work with them in developing a conference paper for ASIS&T. The captioned symposium tries to equip research students and junior researchers to develop knowledge and ability in 1) designing and conducting a sound research, 2) writing a paper and submitting it to the ASIS&T 2017 conference ( and 3) upgrading the conference paper into a Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology (JASIST) journal article. Date: Mar 27-28, Mon-Tue (right after iConference 2017 from March 22 -25). Submission of an abstract (300-500 words) or an extended abstract (1000-2000 words) is highly recommended. Venue: The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Host: Faculty of Education, HKU Target participants: Research students and junior researchers Target group size: 30-50 Registration: * $250 USD for each participant (student and junior researchers). * $100 USD for each mentor, who serve as commenters on the participants' work and are invited to serve as co-authors for ASIS paper with the participants. * ASIS&T members can enjoy a 30% discount. Register on or before 15 January 2017 can enjoy another 10% early-bird discount. Deadline for registration is on or before 25 February 2017. * To register, CLICK: or Programme: Participants are expected to be in one of the 3 stages outlined below & come prepared: (1). Design: research proposal, ethical concerns, etc.; (2). Conduct: executing the research plan, collect & analyse data with proper research methods; (3). Write-up: communicate research process & findings. When registering for the symposium, the registrant is highly encouraged to submit an abstract to form the basis for a fruitful discussion. Each participant will present the progress of his/her research at the symposium and experienced researchers will give feedback. The symposium will facilitate a close mentor and mentee relationship for all participants. Mentors and mentees are also encouraged to co-author papers for ASIS 2017 conference. Event organizers/supporters: Asia Pacific Chapter and Taipei Chapter of ASIS&T Khoo Soo Guan, Christopher, Chair of Asia Pacific Chapter of ASIS&T & Associate Professor at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University. Ming-Hsin Phoebe Chiu, Chair of Taipei Chapter of ASIS&T & Associate Professor at Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University. Sam Chu, Associate Professor & Deputy Director at Centre for Information Technology in Education, HKU. Speakers' Biographies Dr Sam Chu - Dr Samuel Kai Wah Chu, is an Associate Professor and the Deputy Director (Centre for Information Technology in Education) in the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He was the Head of Division of Information and Technology Studies (2013-2016) at HKU. He is ranked as the top 66th author in the world regarding his publications in library and information science (DOI 10.1007/s11192-014-1519-9). Dr Lynn Silipigni Connaway is a Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Her research investigates how and why individuals engage with technology and get their information. She is the current President of ASIS&T. Prof. Javed Mostafa - Prof. Mostafa is the Director of the Carolina Health Informatics Program and the Director of the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research. His research concentrates on information retrieval problems, particularly related to search and user-system interactions in large-scale document/data repositories. He currently serves as editor-in-chief of JASIST. Prof. Lam Wai - Prof. Lam received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. He is currently a professor at CUHK. His research interests include intelligent information retrieval, text mining, digital library, machine learning, and knowledge-based systems. He is the current senior associate editor of JASIST. Dr Xiao HU, Assistant Professor - Dr Hu is in the Division of Information and Technology Studies in the Faculty of Education of HKU. Her research interests include learning analytics, applied data/text mining, and information retrieval. Dr Hu has 4 articles published or accepted in JASIS&T, as well as several papers in ASIS&T annual meetings. Dr Natalie Pang - Dr Pang is an Assistant Professor with the Division of Information Studies, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, and Principal Investigator at the Centre of Social Media Innovations for Communities (COSMIC) at Nanyang Technological University. Her research interests are: social informatics, collective action and information behaviour on the Internet, qualitative and mixed methods research, end-user interactions in heritage sites, and social media innovations for marginalised communities. Dr. Tien-I Tsai - Dr Tsai is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science at National Taiwan University and is the chair of ASIS&T Taipei Chapter for 2017. Her research focuses on information behavior, especially how individuals with diverse backgrounds seek information and how individuals collaboratively seek, use, and exchange information to fulfill their learning objectives. Please visit for further information on the event. Sam -------------------------------------------------- Samuel Kai Wah Chu, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Division of Information and Technology Studies Deputy Director, Centre for Information Technology in Education Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (Ranked 6th best in the world - QS 2015, 2016) Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Paper Co-Chairs for ASIS&T 2017 Conference Managing Editor, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Tel: (852) 2241-5894 | Fax: (852) 2517-7194 E-mail: samchu at Skype Name - chukaiwahsamuel Homepage: -------------------------------------------------- Latest publications: Chu, S.K.W., Reynolds, R.B., Tavares, N.J., Notari, M. & Lee., C.W.Y. (2017). 21st Century Skills Development through Inquiry-based Learning: From Theory to Practice. New York: Springer Science. (eBook - Huang, H., Chu, S.K.W., & Chen, D. (2015). Interactions between English-Speaking and Chinese-Speaking users and librarians on Social Networking Sites. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 66(6), 1150-1166. ( Ranked 13/85 in ISI's Information & Library Science category - top 15%; Impact Factor: 1.9 (JCR 2014) Cheng, E.W.L., Chu, S.K.W., & Ma, C.S.M. (2015). Tertiary students' intention to e-collaborate for group projects: Exploring the missing link from an extended theory of planned behaviour model. British Journal of Educational Technology. Ranked 61/262 in ISI's Education category - top 23%; Impact Factor: 1.3 (JCR 2014) From michel.menou at Thu Jan 26 11:10:34 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:10:34 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [ICTs-and-Society] Call for Open Access Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies (Univ of Westminster Press) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [ICTs-and-Society] Call for Open Access Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies (Univ of Westminster Press) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 14:00:10 +0000 From: Christian Fuchs Reply-To: Andrew Lockett To: discussion-icts-and-society-net at DEADLINE APPROACHING SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday 30 January 2017 23:00 BST by e-mail to Andrew Lockett (University of Westminster Press Manager), A.Lockett at For full details and proposal guidelines see; Critical Digital and Social Media Studies is a new book series edited by Professor Christian Fuchs on behalf of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies and published by the University of Westminster Press (UWP). We invite submissions of book proposals that fall into the scope of the series. CALL DETAILS After the publication of the first title in the series we invite submission of book proposals (adhering to the guidelines set out below) accompanied by one full chapter for books in the range of 35,000-80,000 words. The books in the series are published online in an open access format available online without payment using a Creative Commons licence (CC-BY-NC-ND) and simultaneously as affordable paperbacks. We are able to publish a number of books in the call without any book processing charges thanks to generous support by the University of Westminster Library that covers these fees. Potential authors are welcome to contact the series editor outside of the initial time frame of this call for book proposals but should note that priority for funding support for suitable projects will be given to those proposals meeting the deadline. We welcome submissions of a book outline proposal with (exactly one) sample chapter but only accept suggestions for books written in English. Example topics that the book series is interested in include: the political economy of digital and social media; Brexit and digital media; authoritarianism and digital media; the EU and digital media; digital and informational capitalism; digital labour; ideology critique in the age of digital/social media; new developments of critical theory in the age of digital and social media; critical studies of advertising and consumer culture online; critical social media research methods; critical digital and social media ethics; working class struggles in the age of social media; the relationship of class, gender and race in the context of digital and social media; the critical analysis of the implications of big data, cloud computing, digital positivism, the Internet of things, predictive online analytics, the sharing economy, location- based data and mobile media, etc.; the role of classical critical theories for studying digital and social media; alternative social media and Internet platforms; the public sphere in the age of digital media; the critical study of the Internet economy; critical perspectives on digital democracy; critical case studies of online prosumption; public service digital and social media; commons-based digital and social media; subjectivity, consciousness, affects, worldviews and moral values in the age of digital and social media; digital art and culture in the context of critical theory; environmental and ecological aspects of digital capitalism and digital consumer culture. ----- Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.7998 / Base de donn?es virale: 4749/13838 - Date: 26/01/2017 From nicole.purviance at Thu Jan 26 15:09:01 2017 From: nicole.purviance at (Nicole Purviance) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 12:09:01 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] Library 2.017 Web Conference with ALA on Expertise, Competencies and Careers Message-ID: <229e01d27810$09f55a90$1de00fb0$@SJSU.Edu> The San Jose State University School of Information excitedly announces the Library 2.017 Worldwide Virtual Conference . There will be three topic-specific conferences held throughout the year, with each three-hour event featuring an opening and closing keynote session and crowd-sourced presentations. Registration is free. The first date is set for March 29, 2017, and will cover expertise, competencies and careers. The other two web conferences will be held in June and October and cover the topics of digital literacy and makerspaces. Library 2.017: Expertise, Competencies and Careers All library professionals, employers, LIS students, and educators from around the world are invited to attend and participate in the March web conference sponsored by the American Library Association's "Libraries Transform: The Expert in the Library" campaign. What: Library and Information Experts Succeeding in the 21st Century: A Town Hall Dialogue on Competencies, Careers, and Successful Practice Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Time: 12 - 3 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (Opening Keynote from 12 - 1 p.m.) Location: Online Cost: Free Moderated by Dr. Julie Todaro, ALA president, the opening keynote panel of thought leaders will explore competencies, careers and successful practices for 21st century information professionals. The keynote panel dialogue will be followed by 10-15 crowd-sourced 30-minute presentations. The online and participatory conference presents a unique opportunity to showcase the research, work, or thinking on the skills and knowledge needed to support libraries of the future. The call for proposals is now open. Held entirely online, the Library 2.017 web events are free to attend. The global conference was co-founded in 2011 by Dr. Sandra Hirsh of the San Jose State University School of Information and Steve Hargadon of The Learning Revolution. Recorded sessions from past conferences are archived and freely available. Please visit the conference website at for more information, including speaker biographies, proposal guidelines and registration. Library 2.0 conferences are open to everyone. Forward this email to your friends and colleagues and share your excitement using #library2017. Contact: Nicole Purviance Director of Marketing and Communications School of Information San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0029 nicole.purviance at From chinnant at Sat Jan 28 14:22:27 2017 From: chinnant at (C. Hinnant) Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2017 14:22:27 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] dg.o 2017: 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research - Extended Submissions Deadline - Feb. 3, 2017 Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS dg.o 2017: 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research Theme: Innovations and Transformations in Government City University of New York College of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY June 7-9, 2017 Twitter handle: #dgo2017 ***Submission Deadline is Feb 3, 2017 (extended and firm deadline)**** ***** Special Joint Event with Intelligent Community Forum ***** The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research - dg.o 2017, with the theme "Innovations and Transformations in Government." The dg.o 2017 conference will be hosted by the City University of New York, College of Staten Island Campus, NY, June 7--9, 2017. The dg.o conference is an established forum for presentation, discussion, and demonstration of interdisciplinary research on digital government, political participation, civic engagement, and the impact of technology and innovation on government and governance. Each year the conference brings together scholars recognized for the interdisciplinary and innovative nature of their work, their contributions to theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), and their focus on important and timely topics. The conference program combines: *Keynote and track presentations and discussions on new research on digital government at the intersections of information technology research, social and behavioral science research, and the challenges and missions of government. *Presentations of effective partnerships and collaborations among government professionals and agencies, university researchers, relevant businesses, and NGOs, as well as grassroots citizen groups, to advance the practice of digital government. *A showcase of digital government projects, implementations, and initiatives that bring together the research and practitioner communities, demonstrate the effectiveness and/or challenges of digital government and offer best practices. ************************Special Event ************************************************ JOINT EVENT WITH INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY FORUM *Two global communities, the Digital Government Society (DGS) and the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), will partner in June 2017 to build new bridges between research and practice, with a shared goal of creating new interdisciplinary, multi-sector partnerships within the world's communities focused on innovation. Both DGS and the ICF have convened respective communities in cities all around the world. This year they are bringing their communities together in New York to share knowledge, allow each group to network at a deeper level and explore new partnerships to advance urban and rural innovation. *On June 7, 2017, the DGS and ICF's representatives will host the joint program at the City University of New York Staten Island campus for the ICF's annual Summit and the dg.o conference. For one day, members of both communities will present a set of joint and complementary sessions that provide attendees with a chance to hear from global leaders from across the world's leading regions, cities and towns. Attendees will participate in master classes and workshops, and seek to build collaborations focused on advancing the scholarship, policy and practice of urban and rural innovation. The capstone of the collaboration of these two communities will be the announcement of the world's Top7 intelligent communities at a joint reception in Manhattan on the evening of June 7th. *********************************************************************** THEMES AND TRACK TOPICS The 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research will feature the main theme of Innovations and Transformations in Government. Technological advances, such as big data and collective intelligence, together with policy innovations including open government, open data, and the creation of new public data labs have been a catalyst for disruptive innovations in government, causing radical re-thinking of the traditional assumptions and expectations regarding how governments should function. Public goods and services once considered exclusively the responsibility of government agencies are now often initiated and produced through collaborations with citizens, non-profits, and/or private sector partners. The conference theme will highlight challenges and solutions in harnessing innovations and transformations in government. Innovative designs in all aspects of government, including people, services, data, policy, governance, collaboration, and democracy, require leadership talent, creative ideas and implementation strategies, and clear success criteria for evaluating solutions. We welcome research and practice contributions from around the world on the topics including but not limited to innovation strategies, policy innovations, citizen services, engagement innovations, and data-driven decision innovations that address various current societal, environmental and economic challenges, across all the eight tracks below. Each track will accept full research papers as well as research in progress, management case studies and policy papers. Panel, tutorial, workshop, poster and demonstration proposals are also invited. Each conference element has co-chairs who are responsible for managing the submission and review process for their track. Feel free to contact track chairs for guidance as necessary. Track 1. Social Media and Government Track Chairs: Andrea Kavanaugh (kavan at and Rodrigo Sandoval The use of social media has been growing rapidly and globally. Governments at all levels have been using microblogs, such as Twitter, and social network sites, such as Facebook, among other platforms and tools for public administration and outreach to citizens. Citizens, businesses and voluntary associations have been using these tools and affordances to share information, ask questions, and compete or collaborate on problem solving within and among neighborhoods, industries, states, and nations. The growing use of social media has created new challenges and opportunities for many users, e.g., changes in regulations and policies, marketing, and more diverse perspectives and feedback. Analysis of communication behavior, messages, and systems and institutions, should contribute to our knowledge of the ways these media are affecting collective problem solving and public policy development. Future trends in social media and government point to new synergies, as well as disruptions, among public agencies and users. This track welcomes research and practice papers addressing a range of similar or related topics on social media analysis on content, metrics, case studies or theoretical models to advance this area of research. Track 2. Organizational Factors, Adoption Issues and Digital Government Impacts Track chairs: Jing Zhang (jizhang at, Yu-Che Chen, and Lei Zheng Public organizations employ information and communication technologies (ICT) to facilitate communication and transactions with many stakeholders in public and private sectors. The adoption and implementation of new ICT by public organizations is influenced by organizational factors such as the availability of resources (i.e. funding, technological knowledge, and personnel), leadership, trust, organization's technological culture, as well as inter- organizational dynamics. Similarly, the adoption of ICT in government and society has generated important impacts on the organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and innovativeness of public organizations. This track solicits research that examines the organizational factors that influence the adoption and implementation of new ICT as well as the impact of new ICT. Research papers in this track examine the adoption, use, and organizational impacts of a variety of innovative technologies and policies or practices that include but are not limited to social media, citizen-centric technologies, virtual collaboration, open data, big data, and modeling tools. Track 3. Opening Government: From Open Data Infrastructures to Collaboration Track chairs: Marijn Janssen (m.f.w.h.a.janssen at, Vishanth Weerakkody, and Adegboyega Ojo Governments are utilizing the Internet to achieve an open, transparent and accountable government while providing responsive services. This extensive transformation is required both within the government and in the way governments engage with the public. The opening and sharing of data, the deployment of tools and instruments to engage the public, collaboration amongst public organizations and between governments and the public are important drivers for realizing these goals. Governments initiate open data portals, develop apps, and open more data to engage with the public to create more value. To successfully achieve this vision, fundamental changes in practice and new research on governments as open systems are needed. Successful cases, measurement instruments, information sharing, adoption, stakeholder analysis and theoretical models and frameworks are necessary to advance this field. In particular, this track solicits papers addressing the issue of public sector transformation achieved through open government, collaboration amongst actors and information sharing within and between public and private organizations. Track 4. Smart Cities, Smart Citizens, Smart Governments Chairs: Sehl Mellouli (sehl.mellouli at, Yigal Arens The slogan "Smart Cities, Smart Citizens, Smart Governments" refers to the promise of using linked and intertwined technologies to create innovative and intelligent solutions to life in a city that will result not only in operational efficiency, but also in government transformation through co-creative governance. Topics for this track include but are not limited to: Applications and collaborations based on the "internet of things"; Smart sensors; Big data analytics; The Civic Technology Movement, and Intercity and intergovernmental collaborations; Intelligent solutions for cities and governments. Descriptions of research and development efforts that demonstrate advances in technology and/or policy innovations in the areas of energy, transportation, health, education, public safety, structures, natural environment, and business, are all welcome, as are related issues of cybersecurity and privacy, community-based infrastructure resilience, urban informatics and governance. Track 5. Cybersecurity and Government Track Chairs: Loni Hagen (lonihagen at, Hun-Yeong Kwon, Wookjoon Sung and Soon Ae Chun Increasing threats of domestic and international cyber-attacks, and growing dependencies on inter-connected cyberspace, require a need for national and global collaborations to develop secure and resilient cyber infrastructure. This track focuses on technical, policy and social dimensions of cyber security research, including theoretical and empirical models and frameworks, to address ever-expanding cyber security challenges. Topics include but not limited to: information security in e-government, cybercrimes, cyber incident response, critical infrastructure protection, national and global information sharing, surveillance and privacy, cryptography policy governance, security governance and strategies, civil engagement and public awareness. We also invite domain-specific cases and innovative approaches on security challenges, cybernational defence, private/public joint efforts, and education, such as workforce training and retention. Track 6. Beyond Bureaucracy, Co-Producing Governance & New Models of Governance Track Chairs: Alois Paulin (alois at and Leonidas Anthopoulos The Beyond Bureaucracy track aims to outline and discuss challenges along the boundaries of society, technology, and governance, which reach beyond established e-governance research paths and priorities. Where well-established e-government / e-governance research ambitions focus on providing and/or studying technology that supports the work and mission of government agencies and governmental agents (incremental innovation), Beyond Bureaucracy addresses the question how radical technological innovation transforms the power of citizens and the conceptual sovereign body to actively control (rather than passively observe and follow) government agencies and governmental agents. The Beyond Bureaucracy track invites contributions that discuss pending technological (design science) challenges, promotes the economic potentials of disruptive new technological ecosystems, and serves as a platform for pro/con deliberations on Beyond Bureaucracy thought and knowledge. Research keywords includes but not limited to: Liquid Democracy, Informating Governance, e-Anarchy, Participatory Budgeting & Bottom-Up Excise, Non-Bureaucratic Government, etc. Track 7. Participatory Democracy Track Chairs: Claudia Cappelli (claudia.cappelli at, Cristiano Maciel, Jose Viterbo Filho E-participation comprises the use of information and communication technologies to broaden and deepen political participation by enabling citizens to connect with one another and with their elected representatives. It can lead to new methods of producing public policies and services that contrast with transaction-based methods of service delivery, in which citizens consume public services solely conceived and provided by governments. In the novel co- production-based approaches, citizens are not only consulted but are part of the conception, design, steering, and management of public policies and services, instrumenting Participatory Democracy. Major topics in this track will discuss methods, techniques and tools that can support or contribute to the coproduction of public services through different processes of e- participation. Track 8. Open Government Data Policies & Politics Track chairs: Boyi Li ( at and Kyung Ryul Park A growing body of literature has been focused on the benefits, motivations, as well as best practices to adopt open data in government sectors. Many theorizing efforts regard institutional structures as critical barriers to promote open innovation paradigm in public sector. In this track, we discuss the impact and change of these institutional structures by inviting research papers that examine open data initiatives as either government policies or politics. The policy lens critically analyses the policy documents and reveals how open data policies are drafted, interpreted and implemented in a specific context. The politics lens is mainly concerned with the power relations between the state, civil society, and business. It leads to a critical reflection on the agenda of open data movement in the context of power structures of informational capitalism. Therefore, we particularly welcome the content and discourse analysis of open data documents, and the storytelling of government-business collaboration in open data innovations. Panels Chair: Teresa Harrison Panel proposals may address themes or topics related to any of the tracks for the conference. Additionally, we welcome panel proposals that put a spotlight on practice and application. Proposals from practitioners at all levels of government featuring experiences with, perspectives on, and evaluations of digital government practice are encouraged. Individuals interested in submitting panel proposals are invited to consult the panel co-chairs about their ideas prior to developing their submissions. Please send expressions of interest for panel development to Teresa Harrison (tharrison at Poster and Demonstration Poster and Demo Chairs: Kellyton dos Santos Brito and Murray Scott The poster session, held in conjunction with the system demonstrations, allows presenters to discuss research in progress, application projects, or government policies and program initiatives in one-to-one conversations with other participants at the conference. Tutorials and Workshops Workshop/Tutorial Chairs: Rony Medaglia and Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar Pre-conference tutorials are half- or full-day presentations that offer deeper insight into e- government research, practice, research methodologies, technologies or field experience. Pre- conference workshop proposals may cover any e-government research or management topic. Workshops are half- or full-day events intended to offer interactive sessions, in which the workshop host and participants discuss and engage in activities designed to facilitate joint learning and further exploration of a particular subject. PUBLICATIONS All accepted management or policy papers, research papers, student papers, panels, posters, and system demonstrations will be published in the printed proceedings and included in the ACM digital library and the DBLP bibliography system. Selected papers will be invited for different journals, such as Government Information Quarterly, Information Polity, Journal Informatics, Int. Journal of E-Planning Research, . Int, Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA). BEST PAPER AWARDS Outstanding achievement awards will be presented in the categories Research papers, Management, Case Study and Policy papers, Posters, and System demonstrations. Papers that reflect the main theme of the conference, Innovations and Transformations in Government, will be preferred. Other selection criteria include the interdisciplinary and innovative nature of the work, its contribution to and balance between theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), the importance and reach of the topic, and the quality of the writing for communicating to a broad audience. IMPORTANT DATES Feb 3, 2017: Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due (Firm deadline) March 1, 2017: Application deadline for 2017 doctoral colloquium March 1, 2017: Author notifications March 15, 2017: Posters and demo proposals due April 1, 2017: Poster/demo author notifications April 5, 2017: Camera-ready manuscripts due May 5, 2017: Early registration closes! SUBMISSION TYPES AND FORMATS *Research papers (maximum of 10 pages) *Management, Case Study, or Policy papers (maximum of 6 pages) *Panel descriptions (maximum of 4 pages) *Posters (maximum of 2 pages) *System demonstrations (maximum of 2 pages) *Pre-Conference tutorial proposals (maximum of 2 pages) *Pre-Conference workshop proposals (maximum of 2 pages) *Doctoral colloquium application (maximum of 10 pages) Submission Site: Submissions must not exceed the maximum number of pages specified for each type of submission in camera-ready ACM Proceedings format (double column, single spaced pages). Please do not use page numbers. Paper titles should be on the first page of text, rather than on a separate cover page. - Research, Management, Case Study, and Policy papers will be reviewed through a double- blind review process. Therefore, author names and contact information must be omitted from all submissions. Authors must identify the topic(s) being addressed in the paper to assist the program committee in the review process. - All other submissions should follow the same ACM proceedings camera-ready format, but include author names. - All accepted submissions require at least one author to be registered for the conference before the camera-ready copy is due for it to be included in the conference proceedings. - At least one author is expected to attend the conference to present the work. Research papers (8 - 10 pages) - blind review These submissions report innovative digital government research results in the form of a formal scholarly paper. Papers on any digital government topic and all research methodologies are welcome. Relevance to digital government problems, goals, or policies must be explicit. Management, case study, or policy papers (4 - 6 pages) - blind review These submissions describe and evaluate practical digital government projects or initiatives, discuss major policy themes, or present and evaluate management approaches to digital government initiatives and programs. Panels (2 - 4 pages) - Proposals should include information about the theme and goals of the panel, a summary of the digital government issues or questions that the panel will address, statements about the value of the discussion to conference attendees and how well suited the topic is to a panel discussion. In addition, the proposal should include information about the expertise of the moderator and panelists in the selected issues. Please include names, institutional affiliations, addresses, email, and phone contact numbers of the contact person, moderator, and presenter(s). Posters (1 - 2 pages) - Two-page summaries should outline the nature of the research, policy, or project and describe why the work will be of interest to dg.o attendees. Posters prepared for the conference should measure approximately 36" x 48." Each poster station is provided with a table and an easel. Selected poster submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions. System Demonstrations (1 - 2 pages) - System demonstrations are held concurrently with the poster session to the accompaniment of good food and professional fellowship. The 2-page summaries should outline the nature of the system and describe why the demonstration is likely to be of interest to dg.o attendees. Demonstrations of interest include systems under development or in active use in research or practice domains. Submissions should include authors' names and contact information according to that format. Each station is provided with a table, an easel, and Internet access. Monitors will be available for rent. Selected demo submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions. Pre-conference Tutorials (1 - 2 pages) - dg.o tutorials are half- or full-day presentations that offer deeper insight into e-government research, practice, research methodologies, technologies or field experience. In particular, tutorials provide insights into good practices, research strategies, uses of particular technologies such as social media, and other insights into e-government that would benefit researchers and practitioners. Pre-conference Workshops (1 - 2 pages) - We invite workshop proposals on any e-government research or management topic. Workshops are half- or full-day events intended to offer interactive sessions, in which the workshop host and participants discuss and engage in activities designed to facilitate joint learning and further exploration of a particular subject. Individuals proposing workshops will assume the responsibility of identifying and selecting participants for the workshop and for conducting workshop activities. Doctoral Colloquium (7 - 10 pages, not including references, tables and figures) - The doctoral colloquium is a highly interactive full-day forum in which Ph.D. students meet and discuss their work with each other and with senior faculty from a variety of disciplines associated with digital government research. Ph.D. students can submit papers describing their planned or in-progress doctoral dissertation covering any research areas relevant to digital government. Ideally, student participants will have completed one or two years of doctoral study or progressed far enough in their research to have a structured proposal idea and preliminary findings, but have not reached the stage of defending their dissertations. We expect students at this stage of study will gain the most value from feedback on their work and the more general discussions of doctoral programs and scholarly careers. See the detailed announcement for complete information on the colloquium and how to submit an application. Material provided in applications to the doctoral colloquium will not be published in the proceedings. However, we encourage students to submit finished research to one of the paper tracks or as a poster or demo. CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Conference Chairs Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York (CUNY), US Beth Simon Noveck, New York University and Yale Law School, US Nabil R. Adam, Rutgers University, US Organizing Chairs Paolo Cappellari, CUNY College of Staten Island, US Rob Domanski, CUNY College of Staten Island, US Program Chairs Chris Hinnant, Florida State University, US Adegboyega, Ojo, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Track Chairs Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech, US Jing Zhang, Clark University, US Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Rodrigo Sandoval, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Mexico Sehl Mellouli, Laval University, Canada Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York, US Vishanth Weerakkody, Brunel University, UK Adegboyega Ojo, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Yigal Arens, University of Southern California, US Loni Hagen, South Florida University, US Hun-Yeong Kwon, Korea University, S. Korea Wookjoon Sung, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, S. Korea Kyung Ryul Park, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK Boyi Li, University of Exeter, UK Alois Paulin, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Leonidas Anthopoulos, University of Applied Sciences (TEI) of Thessaly, Greece Yu-Che Chen, University of Nebraska Omaha, US Lei Zheng, Fudan University, China Claudia Cappelli, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Cristiano Maciel, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Brazil Jose Viterbo Filho, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil Panel Chairs Teresa Harrison, University at Albany, SUNY, US Richard Flanagan, CUNY College of Staten Island, US Workshop and Tutorial Chair Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar, University of Granada, Spain Poster and Demo Chair Kellyton dos Santos Brito, Pernambuco Rural Federal University, Brazil Murray Scott, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Doctoral Colloquium Chairs Sharon Dawes, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, SUNY, US J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, SUNY, US Publicity and Web Chairs Yoo Jung An, Essex County College, US Chulwoo Kim, Pace University, US Liaison and Outreach Chairs Theresa Pardo, University at Albany, USA Norman Jacknis, Intelligent Community Forum, USA Registration Chairs Lukasz Porwol, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Catherine Dumas, University at Albany, US Finance Chair Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech, US PROGRAM COMMITTEE From Frank.Guerino at Fri Jan 27 10:10:07 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 10:10:07 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Understanding Legal Hold Message-ID: Hi All, (Sorry if you?re getting this twice. The original distribution seems to have had an issue with the header.) This article covers the basics for Understanding Legal Hold . Given the close relationship between Library Management and Records Management, I though it might be of interest to the community. I hope you find the material interesting and useful. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From chirags at Sun Jan 29 13:52:19 2017 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 13:52:19 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Deadline Extension---> CFP 2nd Workshop on the Evaluation of Collaborative Information Retrieval and Seeking ECol@CHIIR'2017 Message-ID: ========================================================== Deadline extension to February 12 2017 ========================================================== The 2nd International Workshop on the Evaluation of Collaborative Information Retrieval and Seeking (ECol 2017) In conjunction with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval (CHIIR 2017) Oslo, Norway, March 11, 2017 DEADLINE EXTENSION : February 12 2017 PROVIDED DATASETS (Social and Collaborative) : You are invited to submit: - Abstract papers (1 page): position papers, open perspectives, or interesting discussion topics in the field are welcome. Feel free to let us know you what you would like to talk during the workshop! - Research papers (no longer than 4pages): both theoretical and practical research papers are welcome from both research and industrial communities addressing the main conference topic (evaluation framework), but will also consider related aspects including models, methods, techniques and, examples of CIS/CIR in theory and in practice. - Collection papers (no longer than 4 pages): We are also seeking papers describing test collections usable for the experimental evaluation of contributions related to CIS/CIR. The collection should be publicly available and different from previously available collections and data sets and allowing to investigate a variety of research questions that could rise from CIS/CIR challenges. ========================================================= SCOPE AND TOPICS (non exhaustive list) * Evaluation - Studies on collective relevance judging. - Studies of collaborative behavior applicable to evaluation. - Simulation vs. log-studies vs. user-studies for collaborative search. - Evaluation of single vs. collaborative search session. - Novel or extended traditional evaluation measures, test collections, methodologies of operational evaluation. - Evaluation Concerns and Issues: Reliability, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Replicability. * Tasks - Exploratory search (knowledge acquisition, multi-faceted search) - Recommending social collaborators (experts, answerers, sympathizers) - Collaborative ranking on social platforms - Collaborative intent understanding * Application - Medical CIS/CIR - Legal CIS/CIR - E-science and digital libraries ========================================================= PAPER SUBMISSION AND GUIDELINES The submissions will be peer reviewed (double blind) and should be in the ACM format ( ). The papers should be submitted online through the EasyChair workshop submission system at: . All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the workshop program committee. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the paper. All accepted papers will be required to be published on ArXiv, and might be submitted elsewhere. The ECol 2017 website will however refer to the published ArXiv papers. ========================================================= IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: (January 27 2017) extended to February 12 2017 Notification of Acceptance: February 30, 2017 Camera-Ready papers due: March 3, 2017 Workshop: March 11, 2017 ========================================================= ORGANIZERS Leif Azzopardi, School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow - UK (Leif.Azzopardi at ) Jeremy Pickens, Catalyst Repository Systems - USA (jpickens at ) Chirag Shah, Rutgers University - USA (chirags at ) Laure Soulier, LIP6 - Pierre and Marie Curie University, France (laure.soulier at ) Lynda Tamine-Lechani, Paul Sabatier University - IRIT, France (Lynda.Tamine-Lechani at ) For any question, send an e-mail to ecol2017 at **** Chirag Shah, PhD Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science, Rutgers University Director, InfoSeeking Lab ( **** From Katrin.Weller at Mon Jan 30 04:23:59 2017 From: Katrin.Weller at (Weller, Katrin) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 09:23:59 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?_IC2S2_2017=3A_3rd_International_Confer?= =?windows-1252?q?ence_on_Computational_Social_Science_=96_Call_for_Papers?= =?windows-1252?q?_until_01_March_2017=3B_Call_for_Tutorials_until_10_Marc?= =?windows-1252?q?h_2017?= Message-ID: <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D101831FF46E@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> < Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement, please kindly forward this email to other interested parties. > ================================================ IC2S2 2017 ? 3rd International Conference on Computational Social Science July 10-13, 2017 Cologne, Germany #IC2S2 ================================================ CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (more to be announced) Ulrik Brandes (University of Koblenz) Kathleen Carley (Carnegie Mellon University) Ciro Cattuto (ISI Foundation) Emily Falk (University of Pennsylvania) Justin Grimmer (Stanford University) Jeff Hancock (Stanford University ?gnes Horv?t (Northwestern University) Daniel Romero (University of Michigan) Matt Taddy (Microsoft Research) Dashun Wang (Northwestern University) More to be announced! ================================================= This international conference (now in its third edition) aims to bring together scientists from different disciplines and research areas to meet and discuss computational problems in the study of social systems and dynamics, as well as research questions motivated by large datasets, either extracted from real applications (e.g. social media, communication systems), or created via controlled experiments or computational models The goal of the conference is to create a broad and interdisciplinary community of researchers, including academics, tech industry workers, open data activists, government agency workers, and think tank analysts, who are committed to advancing social science knowledge through computational methods. In addition to keynote speakers and paper sessions, the conference will also include a series of training opportunities and tutorials. Please see the call for tutorials below. =================================================== SUBMIT YOUR RESEARCH! (CALL FOR PAPERS / ABSTRACTS) ==================================================== We welcome submissions on any topic in the intersection of the social sciences and the computer sciences, including (a) new approaches for understanding social phenomena, (b) improving methods for computational social science, (c) and improving conditions for computational social science research. But we are especially interested in: ? Methods and analyses of integrated human-machine decision-making ? Text analysis and natural language processing of social phenomena ? Network analysis of social systems ? Large-scale social experiments and/or phenomena ? Causal inference and computational methods for social science ? Methods and analyses of algorithmic accountability ? Building and evaluating socio-technical systems ? Novel digital data and/or computational analyses for addressing societal challenges ? Methods and analyses of biased, selective, or incomplete observational social data ? Methodological integration and triangulation of social data ? Social news curation and collaborative filtering ? Methods and analyses for social information / digital communication dynamics ? Ethics of computational research on human behavior ? Reproducibility in computational social science research ? Infrastructure to facilitate industry/academic cooperation in computational social science ? Computational social science research in industry ? Science and technology studies approaches to computational science work ? Practical problems in computational social science ? Issues of inclusivity in computational social science ? All other topics in computational social science Researchers across disciplines, faculty, graduate students, industry researchers, policy makers, and non-profit workers are all encouraged to submit computational data-driven research and innovative computational methodological or theoretical contributions on social phenomena for consideration. ----------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES (PAPERS) ----------------------------- Deadline for abstract submission: 01 March 2017 Notification of acceptance: 13 April 2017 Conference dates: 10-13 July 2016 ------------------------------------ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (PAPERS) ------------------------------------ Contributions to the conference should be submitted via EasyChair at The submission should include a list of authors and their affiliations, with a minimum of one designated corresponding author, a title, an abstract summary paragraph, a list of 5 keywords, and an extended abstract with at least one figure, formatted as a PDF file no larger than 20MB. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work and your methods so we can adequately assess its relevance. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by a Program Committee composed of experts in computational social science. Please follow the abstract template guidelines for formatting and note that abstracts longer than 3 pages will be automatically rejected. For additional information, see the conference website which also includes the Extended Abstract Template (.docx). The deadline for submission is 01 March 2017. Notice of acceptance will be 13 April 2017. We will do our best to have mostly oral presentations of the selected contributions, both plenary and in parallel sessions. However, since we cannot estimate the number of submissions we may accept some abstracts for a poster session. ============================================================== CALL FOR TUTORIALS ============================================================== We welcome proposals for tutorials on topics at the intersection of the social sciences, computer science and/or statistics. We will consider any topic; provided that the proposal makes a strong argument that the tutorial is important for the IC2S2 community. Tutorials should be of interest to a substantial portion the community and should represent a sufficiently mature area of research or practice. Tutorials should be comprehensive and should not focus only on the presenter?s previous work. We anticipate that each accepted tutorial will be 3 hours long. However, we are also accepting half-tutorials (1.5 hours) and full-day tutorials (6 hours). ----------------------------- PROPOSAL FORMAT ----------------------------- Proposals should provide the following information: ? Title ? Abstract (up to 250 words) ? Description and outline: What material will the tutorial cover? In what depth? Please provide a detailed outline. If available, please include URLs for slides and video recordings of the presenters' previous tutorials. ? Presenters: Who are the presenters? Please provide names, affiliations, email addresses, and short bios (up to 200 words) for each presenter. Bios should cover the presenters' expertise related to the topic of the tutorial. If there are multiple presenters, please describe how the time will be divided between them. ? Rationale: What are the objectives of the tutorial? What is the benefit for the attendees? Why is this tutorial important for IC2S2 community? ? Target audience: What is the target audience? From which areas do you expect potential participants to come? What prior knowledge, if any, do you expect from the audience? How many attendees do you expect? ? A list of the most important references that will be covered. ? Previous tutorials: Has the tutorial (or a similar/highly related tutorial) been presented at another venue previously? If so, please list the dates and venues, and describe the similarities and differences between the previous tutorials and proposed tutorial. ? Proposed length of the tutorial: please choose from 1.5 hours (half session), 3 hours (full session), and 6 hours (full day). If you are flexible, please indicate in the outline the content that will not be included if a short/long version of the tutorial is given. If you would like to give a 6 hour tutorial please justify why a full day is necessary. ----------------------------- SUBMISSION (TUTORIALS) ----------------------------- Please send your proposals to: ic2s2tutorialchairs at ----------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES (TUTORIALS) ----------------------------- Tutorial proposals due: 10 March 2017 Notifications: 17 March 2017 ================================================ ORGANIZERS ================================================ ------------------------------ CONFERENCE CHAIRS ------------------------------ Markus Strohmaier, GESIS & University of Koblenz-Landau Dirk Brockmann, Humboldt University Berlin Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University ------------------------------ PROGRAM CHAIRS ------------------------------ Aaron Clauset, University of Colorado Boulder Sandra Gonz?lez-Bail?n, University of Pennsylvania Brian Keegan, University of Colorado Boulder Katrin Weller, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences ------------------------------ TUTORIAL CHAIRS ------------------------------ Ceren Budak, University of Michigan J?rgen Pfeffer, Technical University of Munich Derek Ruths, McGill University ------------------------------ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ------------------------------ Markus Strohmaier, GESIS & University of Koblenz-Landau Dirk Brockmann, Humboldt University Berlin Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University Matthew O. Jackson, Stanford University Helen Margetts, University of Oxford Duncan Watts, Microsoft Research From toine at Tue Jan 31 06:38:52 2017 From: toine at (Toine Bogers) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 11:38:52 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Extended deadline: 2nd Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks (SCST 2017) Message-ID: Due to numerous requests we have extended the original workshop deadline for: ===================================================================================== FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (EXTENDED DEADLINE) SCST 2017: 2nd Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks (co-located with CHIIR 2017) Oslo, Norway March 11, 2017 ===================================================================================== ------------------------ Description & Objectives ------------------------ One of the current challenges in information access is supporting complex search tasks. A user's understanding of the information need and the overall task develops as he or she interacts with the system. Supporting the various stages of this task involves many aspects of the system, e.g. interface features, presentation of information, retrieving and ranking. The Supporting Complex Search Tasks workshop (SCST 2017) aims at creating and fostering an interdisciplinary forum where researchers can exchange ideas about alternative experiments and prototypes, and contribute to the development of a research agenda in supporting complex search tasks. ------------------ Topics of interest ------------------ We invite position papers addressing open research questions related to: * Context: What are the obvious use cases and applications of complex search? * Tasks: What are essential features of work tasks and search tasks to take into account? * Heterogeneous sources: With a multitude of information, varying from introductory to specialized, and from authoritative to speculative or opinionated, when to show what sources of information? * Search process: How does the information seeking process evolve and what are relevant differences between different stages? * UI/UX: What affordances are required and in what stage of the search process? How can we make the search process transparent to the user? How and when does the initiative shift between system and user? * Evaluation: How do we evaluate and compare approaches? Which measures should be taken into account? ------ Format ------ This is a workshop proper where discussion is central, and all attendees are active participants. We will start the workshop with a full round of introductions of all participants, making everyone feel welcome and part of the workshop. Then, the workshop continues with two short keynotes by keynote from academia to be confirmed and keynote from industry to be confirmed to set the stage and ensure all attendees are on the same page. Next, we will have presentations of contributed papers, with each paper getting a 1-minute boaster and a poster presentation in an interactive poster session. There will be 3-4 breakout groups seeded from the open research questions (see Goals) and the contributed papers, each group thoroughly prepared by a chair who guides the discussion, with examples from relevant IR evaluation campaigns such as the TREC Session and Tasks Tracks and the SBS Interactive and Suggestion Tracks, and from concrete examples of complex support systems with their UX and UI challenges. The breakout groups will report to the audience and a panel of experts, with continued discussion on what we learned, concrete plans for the next year, and a roadmap for the longer term. The discussion will continue during a social event, where the discussion will continue in a more informal way over food and drinks, deep into the Oslo night. The organizers have gained a proud reputation for their open and inclusive workshops, leading to new research collaborations, other workshops, and new evaluation tracks. The results will be disseminated in various ways: * A high quality, peer reviewed workshop proceedings, published in the CEUR workshop proceedings series ( * A report on the results of the workshop in the ACM SIGIR Forum of June 2017. * Depending on the outcome, we will consider a special issue in an appropriate journal. * Last, but not least, the results can be fed into the running tracks at TREC, CLEF, and other evaluation campaigns. -------- Audience -------- The workshop will bring together a varied group of researchers?bridging CHI and IR in a natural way?with experience covering both user- and system-centered approaches, to work together on the problem and potential solutions, and identify the barriers to success and work on ways of addressing them. Authors can submit both research and position papers. Papers can be 2+1 pages max., with 2 pages of narrative text and an additional page for tables/figures/notes/references. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind review process. --------------- Important dates --------------- * Paper submission deadline: February 6, 2017 * Notification of acceptance: February 20, 2017 * Camera-ready deadline: March 1, 2017 * SCST 2017 Workshop: March 11, 2017 ---------- Organizers ---------- * Nick Belkin (Rutgers University) * Toine Bogers (Aalborg University Copenhagen) * Diane Kelly (University of Tennessee) * Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam) * Marijn Koolen (Huygens ING) * Emine Yilmaz (University College London) For further questions, please contact a member of the organizing committee. From bhow at Mon Jan 30 17:15:31 2017 From: bhow at (Howard, Barrie) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 17:15:31 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Have you been too busy to think about the preservation of your organization's digital assets? Message-ID: <7CC4AB09C979C242B5E468C64182DD440135DB26A502@LCXCLMB01.LCDS.LOC.GOV> Greetings! The Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program,, is conducting a survey designed to capture the digital preservation continuing education, professional development, and training needs of your organization. We hope this message will inspire you to think deeply about providing long-term, durable access to your organization's mission-critical digital content, and what skills and experience you and other staff need to address the digital preservation needs of your organization. The Library invites any organization in the United States and territories engaged in the preservation of digital content to complete the survey through close of business on Friday, March 3, 2017. The survey is available from Thank you for your participation. Barrie Howard Internship and Fellowship Programs Library of Congress bhow at +1-202-707-1830 facebook How prepared is your organization to provide long-term, durable access to its mission-critical digital content? What skills and experience do staff need to address the digital preservation needs of your organization? The Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program is conducting a survey to discover the answers to these questions. Please contribute your answers to the survey by Friday, March 3, 2017, available from the link below. Twitter How ready r u 2 provide long-term access 2 ur org's digital content? Complete @librarycongress survey by 3/3/17 From alisa.libby at Tue Jan 31 13:30:22 2017 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 13:30:22 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] News from Simmons SLIS Message-ID: *InfoLink, A SLIS Community Newsletter * *Award-winning Author Visits Simmons SLIS* In March 2017, SLIS welcomes author Jack Gantos as our Allen Smith Visiting Scholar . Gantos is the acclaimed author of young adult and middle grade novels, and picturebooks. His novel, Dead End in Norvelt, was the 2012 Newbery Award Winner, and the Scott O?Dell Award Winner for Best Historic Fiction. His memoir, Hole in My Life, won the Michael L. Printz and Robert F. Sibert honors. His other award-winning novels include Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key, a National Book Award Finalist; and Joey Pigza Loses Control, a Newbery Honor book. A vibrant and engaging speaker, Gantos has taught courses in children?s book writing and children?s literature. He is also a regular patron and supporter of the Boston Athen?um. During his time as Visiting Scholar, Gantos will offer lectures for SLIS students and one-to-one consultations with students in the Writing for Children MFA program. There will also be a public lecture on March 21 , followed by a reception and book signing. *New Faces at Simmons SLIS* *Dane Groves* ?04, ?09 and a current student in the IS&T program, became SLIS Technology Coordinator in Fall 2016. Dane came to Simmons as a Computer Science undergrad and has been a fixture in the Communications Department since 2004. He has held a number of roles which include oversight of the Communications Computer Labs and as adjunct instructor for courses in web design, visual communications and a core technology course. *Eric Poulin*, Lecturer at SLIS, was hired as Coordinator of SLIS West in Spring 2017. Poulin holds a bachelor's in communication studies from the University of Massachusetts and a master's in library and information science from the University of Rhode Island. His professional interests include information literacy instruction, planning, and assessment, as well as advocating on behalf of small rural libraries. He has been very active in many statewide and regional organizations, having served as president of the Massachusetts Library Association, Western Massachusetts Regional Library System and the Western Massachusetts Library Advocates. He was also an original member of the executive board of the Massachusetts Library System and is a current executive board member of the Public Library Association of Easthampton. *Out and About* Simmons SLIS was well-represented by our accomplished faculty at the annual conference for the Association for Library and Information Science Educators (ALISE) in Atlanta, Georgia, January 17-20, 2017. Dean *Eileen Abels* co-presented the pre-conference workshop, "Pedagogical (Re)-vision: from Concept to Course," on Tuesday, January 17. Other presenters included Asst. Prof. *Janet Ceja*, Asst. Prof. *Monica Colon-Aguirre*, Assoc. Prof. and Director of the School Library Teacher Program *Melanie Kimball*, Asst. Prof. *Colin Rhinesmith*, and Assoc. Prof. and Director of the SLIS PhD Program *Rong Tang*. Visit our latest SLIS Community News post for more news from SLIS students, faculty, and alumni. *Alumni Reception in Atlanta, GA* Students, alums, faculty and staff attended the Simmons College Alumni Reception between the ALA and ALISE conferences in Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday, January 21. Dean Eileen Abels and Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs Em Claire Knowles joined the crowd at Pittypat's Porch for networking and celebrating. *Save the Date: Upcoming Events this Spring* *LIS Career and Networking Fair , Wednesday, April 12, 4-6 p.m. * The 2017 Library and Information Science Career and Networking Fair will bring together employers who are seeking interns, employees, and networking opportunities with students, these employers are from the Greater Boston area, New England, and beyond. We expect employers from a range of fields including public, school, and academic libraries, government agencies, corporate libraries, museums and archives, information and knowledge management firms, digital publishers and information services, and more. *Upcoming Events: * Tuesday, April 4 - Beta Phi Mu Induction and Business Meeting Thursday, April 20 - SLIS After Dark Alumni Event Sunday, June 18 - SLIS Alumni Reception at SLA Saturday, June 24 - SLIS Alumni Reception at ALA Annual Meeting Do you have news to share? Want to continue to receive InfoLink emails? Please send your items and email address toinfolink at -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From openings at Tue Jan 31 12:19:40 2017 From: openings at (Higher Ed Listserv) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 12:19:40 -0500 (EST) Subject: [Asis-l] Position Openings Message-ID: <> The following positions were recently posted to HigherEdJobs: We hope this is helpful! Library Technician Senior University of Kentucky Lexington, KY Libraries Posted 01/31/17 Reference and Technology Law Librarian University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, WI Libraries Posted 01/30/17 Libraries and Information Technology - Science Librarian St. Lawrence University Canton, NY Libraries Posted 01/30/17 Library Technical Assistant I Saint Anselm College Manchester, NH Libraries Posted 01/28/17 Regional Loan Library Technology Specialists University of South Florida Tampa, FL Libraries Posted 01/27/17 Library Technician I, William J. Jameson Law Library University of Montana Missoula, MT Libraries Posted 01/27/17 Multimedia and Emerging Technologies Coordinator [17411] University of Nevada Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV Multimedia Posted 01/26/17 Librarian -- Web Services & Emerging Technologies 2017 MiraCosta College Oceanside, CA Libraries Posted 01/25/17 Library Technician II Nevada State College Henderson, NV Libraries Posted 01/12/17 Library Technician 2 University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV Libraries Posted 01/10/17 HigherEdJobs (814) 861-3080 [ | ] [ ] makes no representations about the suitability of the information on this email for any purpose and disclaims all warranties with regard to this information. shall not be liable to any party for any special, indirect, or consequential damages that arises in any form from the use of this email.