From rhill at Wed Feb 1 09:08:44 2017 From: rhill at (=?utf-8?Q?Richard=20Hill?=) Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 14:08:44 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?=22Spotlighting_Research_Data=22_webinar_today?= =?utf-8?q?_at_noon!?= Message-ID: ** ------------------------------------------------------------ SPOTLIGHTING RESEARCH DATA: STRATEGIES FOR MAKING INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH DATA MORE DISCOVERABLE February 1, 2017; 12:00 PM ? 1:00 PM EST, USA ASIS&T offers another free webinar! A discussion of the metadata, curation, outreach and implementation strategies for an institutional data catalog used to make research datasets discoverable. This presentation will include case studies of these strategies in action. Outcomes: * Evaluate metadata standards for describing research data * Identify and evaluate methods for curating research datasets * Establish outreach strategies for acquiring research datasets from institutional stakeholders * Identify methods and resources for implementing a data catalog in your own environment Presenters Kevin Read ( at ( at ): Kevin Read is a Knowledge Management Librarian and serves on the NYU Health Sciences Library?s Data Services Team. Kevin provides training and research support for faculty, residents and staff on topics including: research data management, REDCap, systematic reviews, grant support and citation management. His areas of expertise include research data management, data sharing, literature searching, metadata, and education. Kevin is also the lead of the NYU Data Catalog ( project that makes datasets created by, and of interest to NYU researchers more discoverable. Nicole Contaxis (nicole.contaxis at (mailto:nicole.contaxis at ): Nicole Contaxis is the Data Catalog Coordinator at the New York University Health Sciences Library. She is responsible for the growth and maintenance of the Data Catalog and handles all outreach efforts. Prior to joining the team at NYUHSL, she was a National Digital Stewardship Resident at the National Library of Medicine, creating a pilot workflow for software preservation. REGISTER NOW! ( ============================================================ Copyright ? 2017 ASIST, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences ( or ** unsubscribe from this list ( From michel.menou at Wed Feb 1 09:41:13 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 15:41:13 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] Open Call for Submissions (in Spanish and Portuguese): Latin American Collective Book on Youth and Digital Inclusion In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [ciresearchers] Open Call for Submissions (in Spanish and Portuguese): Latin American Collective Book on Youth and Digital Inclusion Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 13:12:20 -0500 From: andres lombana-bermudez Reply-To: ciresearchers at, andres lombana-bermudez To: ciresearchers at Dear CI researchers, Digitally Connected (a global initiative co-hosted by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and UNICEF), the Fundaci?n Ceibal Research Center (Uruguay), the Institute of Communication and Image of the University of Chile, the College of Communication and Information from the University of the Republic (Uruguay), and the GECTI (Grupo de Estudios Internet, Comercio Electr?nico, Telecomunicaciones & Inform?tica) from the College of Law from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) invite the academic community, professionals, youth, civil society, activists, philanthropists, government officials and representatives of companies to submit proposals for articles or creative pieces (photo essays, drawings, illustrations, comics, infographics, etc.) on digital practices and processes of social inclusion that youth are developing in diverse Latin American contexts. We ask that all submissions be written in either Spanish or Portuguese. For more detailed information, please visit: Collectively, the contributors are invited to address a series of big questions related to youth and digital media by exploring key topics such as civic participation and digital platforms, learning and new literacies, emergent cultures and new identities, rights and responsibilities, privacy, and the digital economy. The selected articles and creative pieces will be part of an open access book to be published in the second semester of 2017. *Deadlines*: Proposals for articles (500 words max.): February 28th, 2017. Creative pieces submission: May 30th, 2017 Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Best, Andres Lombana-Bermudez, PhD Fellow - Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society , Harvard University Research Associate - Connected Learning Research Network From michel.menou at Thu Feb 2 09:14:00 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 15:14:00 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?b?RndkOiBbaWNpZV0gRndkOiBbQ09NUE9TXSBQRVRJw4c=?= =?utf-8?q?=C3=83O_INTERNACIONAL_DE_APOIO_=C3=80_UERJ_EM_5_IDIOMAS?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [icie] Fwd: [COMPOS] PETI??O INTERNACIONAL DE APOIO ? UERJ EM 5 IDIOMAS Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 16:42:50 -0200 From: Marco Schneider To: icie at , air-l at INTERNATIONAL PETITION TO SUPPORT THE UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO. SIGN AND SHARE! Send your name ans institution to save.uerj at . The Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), founded in 1950, is one of the most important public academic institutions for higher education and research in Brasil. The current bankruptcy of the State of Rio de Janeiro is now threatening the university with closure. In 2016 the UERJ obtained less than two thirds of its usual budget, and is now unable to pay staff wages and student grants or to ensure minimal maintenance on campus. The start of the next term has been postponed indefinitely. We the undersigned, academics and researchers from all over the world, wish to express our deepest concern for the future of the UERJ, show solidarity for all the students and staff and draw the attention of Brazilian authorities to the scientific, social and cultural disaster that would result from the destruction or weakening of the UERJ. La Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro, fundada en 1950, es una de las principales instituciones p?blicas y gratuitas de investigaci?n y de formaci?n de Brasil. Se encuentra, actualmente, en peligro de cierre a causa de la bancarrota del estado de Rio de Janeiro, del que depende. En 2016, la Uerj recibi? menos de dos tercios de su presupuesto y ya no est? en condiciones de pagar a sus trabajadores, de abonar las becas a 9.000 alumnos humildes ni de garantizar una manutenci?n m?nima de sus campus. La vuelta a clase en 2017 ha sido aplazada sin estar prevista una fecha de inicio concreta. Nosotros, universitarios e investigadores extranjeros, manifestamos nuestra preocupaci?n sobre el futuro de la Uerj, y manifestamos nuestra solidaridad con sus estudiantes y con sus trabajadores. Alertamos a las autoridades brasile?as sobre el desastre cient?fico, social y cultural que significar?a el cierre o el debilitamiento de la Uerj. L?Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), fond?e en 1950, est une des principales institutions, publique et gratuite, de recherche et de formation du Br?sil. Elle est actuellement menac?e de fermeture en raison de la faillite de l??tat de Rio de Janeiro dont elle d?pend. En 2016, l?UERJ a re?u moins des deux tiers de son budget et n?est plus en mesure de payer ses fonctionnaires ni de verser des bourses ? 9 000 ?tudiants modestes ni d?assurer une maintenance minimale sur son campus. La rentr?e 2017 est repouss?e sine die. Nous, universitaires et chercheurs ?trangers, exprimons notre inqui?tude sur l?avenir de l?UERJ et t?moignons notre solidarit? ? ses ?tudiants et ? l?ensemble de ses personnels. Nous attirons l?attention des autorit?s br?siliennes sur le d?sastre scientifique, social et culturel que constituerait la disparition ou l?affaiblissement de l?UERJ. L?Universit? statale di Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), fondata nel 1950, ? una delle principali istituzioni, pubbliche e gratuite, di ricerca e di formazione del Brasile. Al momento rischia la chiusura a causa del fallimento dello Stato di Rio de Janeiro da cui essa dipende. Nel 2016 l?UERJ ha ricevuto meno di due terzi del suo badget e non ? pi? in condizione di pagare i suoi impiegati, di assegnare borse ai 9000 studenti bisognosi o di assicurare una manutenzione minima nel suo campus. La riapertura del 2017 ? rinviata a data da destinarsi. Noi, universitari e ricercatori stranieri, manifestiamo la nostra preoccupazione per il futuro dell? UERJ ed esprimiamo la nostra solidariet? nei confronti dei suoi studenti e di tutto il suo personale. Noi richiamiamo l?attenzione delle autorit? brasiliane sul disastro scientifico, sociale e culturale che potrebbe rappresentare la scomparsa o l?indebolimento dell?UERJ. __._,_.___ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by: "Denilson Lopes" > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reply via web post ? Reply to sender ? Reply to group ? Start a New Topic ? Messages in this topic (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you tried the highest rated email app? With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Visit Your Group * New Members 1 Yahoo! Groups ? Privacy ? Unsubscribe ? Terms of Use . __,_._,___ Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.7998 / Base de donn?es virale: 4756/13880 - Date: 02/02/2017 From hsuanwei.chen at Wed Feb 1 18:21:50 2017 From: hsuanwei.chen at (H. Michelle Chen) Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 15:21:50 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] Online Certificate Program Targets Data Scientists Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, We're going to be hearing a lot about data agility, big data governance, and machine learning this year. Those are three of the top six trends for big data identified by Information Management. As the field evolves, organizations are quickly adopting new models and processes, creating a strong demand for data scientists. The #1 job in America had 4,184 active job listings on Glassdoor as of January 1. With a Certificate in Big Data from the San Jose State University School of Information, aspiring or advancing data scientists will be ready for this fast-growing job market. Courses focus on data processing, retrieval and management technology tools, data visualization and analysis, and large-scale data mining. The nine-unit program is *100% online* with no mandatory in-person meeting times. Its flexibility affords working professionals the convenience to fit course work around their busy schedules. Plus, it can be completed in as quickly as two semesters! Please email me for more information and visit the program website . I provided a few helpful links below. Feel free to forward this email to your friends and coworkers. *Quick Links:* Course Descriptions Admission Requirements Fees Sincerely, H. Michelle Chen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Information Program Coordinator, Certificate in Big Data San Jose State University One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0029 SJSU iSchool: Certificate in Big Data: From fichman at Fri Feb 3 14:45:28 2017 From: fichman at (Fichman, Pnina) Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 19:45:28 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?CFP=3A_Social_Theory_in_Information_Systems_?= =?utf-8?b?KFNUSVIg4oCZMTcpIGZvciBBTUNJUyAyMDE3?= Message-ID: Call for Papers: 23nd Americas Conference on Information Systems August 10 - 12, 2017, Boston, MA, USA Howard Rosenbaum, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University hrosenba at From marialemos72 at Sun Feb 5 08:04:19 2017 From: marialemos72 at (ML) Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2017 13:04:19 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CISTI'2017 - Doctoral Symposium Message-ID: <> ------------------------------------------------------------------ Doctoral Symposium of CISTI'2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 21th and 24th of June 2017, ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of CISTI'2017?s Doctoral Symposium ( is to provide graduate students a setting where they can, informally, expose and discuss their work, collecting valuable expert opinions and sharing new ideas, methods and applications. The Doctoral Symposium is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present and discuss their work in a Workshop format. Each presentation will be evaluated by a panel composed by at least three Information Systems and Technologies experts. CONTRIBUTIONS SUBMISSION The Doctoral Symposium is opened to PhD students whose research area includes the themes proposed for this Conference. Submissions must include an extended abstract (maximum 4 pages), following the Conference style guide. All selected contributions will be handed out along with the Conference Proceedings, in CD with an ISBN. These contributions will be available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be sent for indexing in ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex, INSPEC and Google Scholar. Submissions must include the field, the PhD institution and the number of months devoted to the development of the work. Additionally, they should include in a clear and succinct manner: ? The problem approached and its significance or relevance ? The research objectives and related investigation topics ? A brief display of what is already known ? A proposed solution methodology for the problem ? Expected results IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission: February 19, 2017 Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2017 Submission of accepted papers: April 9, 2017 Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: April 9, 2017 OGANIZING COMMITTEE ?lvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra Manuel P?rez Cota, Universidad de Vigo SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Manuel P?rez Cota, Universidad de Vigo (Presidente) Adolfo Lozano Tello, Universidad de Extremadura Alma Mar?a G?mez-Rodr?guez, Universidade de Vigo Alvaro Arenas, IE Business School ?lvaro Rocha, Universidade de Coimbra Ana Maria Ramalho Correia, NOVA IMS Ant?nio Lucas Soares, Universidade do Porto, FEUP Antonio Fern?ndez-Caballero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Antonio Garcia Loureiro, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Arnaldo Martins, Universidade de Aveiro Arturo Jos? M?ndez Pen?n, Universidad de Vigo Augusto Sousa, Universidade do Porto, FEUP Br?ulio Alturas, Instituto Universit?rio de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) Carlos Ferr?s Sexto, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela David Fonseca, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull Ernest Redondo, Universidad Polit?cnica de Catalunya Evelio Gonzalez, Universidad de La Laguna Feliz Gouveia, Universidade Fernando Pessoa Fernando Moreira, Universidade Portucalense Fernando S?enz-P?rez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Francisco Martinez-Gil, Unversitat de Valencia Francisco Restivo, Universidade Cat?lica Portuguesa Gon?alo Paiva Dias, Universidade de Aveiro Gonzalo Cuevas, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Guilhermima Miranda, Universidade Lisboa Jo?o Barroso, Universidade de Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro Jo?o Costa, Universidade Coimbra J?rg Thomaschewski, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer Jose Antonio Calvo-Manzano Villal?n, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Jos? Borbinha, Universidade de Lisboa, IST Jos? Enrique Armend?riz-??igo, Universidad P?blica de Navarra Luciano Boquete, Universidad de Alcal? Lu?s Paulo Reis, Universidade do Minho Manuel I. Capel, Universidad de Granada Marco Painho, NOVA IMS Mar?a J Lado, Universidade de Vigo Mar?a Pilar Mareca, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Miguel Ramon Gonzalez Castro, ENCE, Energ?a y Celulosa Nelson Rocha, Universidade de Aveiro Nuno Lau, Universidade de Aveiro Paulo Pinto, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Paulo Rupino, Universidade de Coimbra Pedro Garc?a Teodoro, Universidad de Granada Ramiro Gon?alves, Universidade de Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro Robert Joan-Arinyo, Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya Ruben Gonz?lez Crespo, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja Vicente Alcober, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid Vitor Santos, NOVA IMS Doctoral Symposium webpage: Regards, CISTI'2017 ----------------------- --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. From kamps at Mon Feb 6 09:16:52 2017 From: kamps at (Jaap Kamps) Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2017 14:16:52 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Last Call for SIGIR Workshop proposals (deadline Feb 7)! Message-ID: <> The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Tokyo, Japan August 7-11, 2017 This is the Final Call for SIGIR Workshop Proposals: - On any topic, in particular novel ideas and emerging areas in IR and beyond - In a *workshop* format (not just presenting papers) - Deadline Tuesday 7 February 2014 (any time-zone) - Proposals in pdf, ACM style max. 4 pages - Submit at - Full details: For those who submitted already a proposal: thanks! For those finishing a proposal right now: we look forward to seeing your proposal soon! For those who had a vague idea but didn?t really get started yet: feel encouraged to write a last minute proposal, and make sure you make an initial submission in time (we?ll allow you to update the PDF a little longer). For anyone else: feel very welcome to attend a set of great workshops on August 11 in Tokyo! SIGIR Workshop Co-Chairs, Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam, Email: Grace Hui Yang, Georgetown University, Email: From jan at Tue Feb 7 14:23:34 2017 From: jan at (Jan Hatzakos) Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 14:23:34 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG VIS Website Update Message-ID: <1b2001d28177$ad3775b0$07a66110$> Hello all, To help us engage with our members and lovers of visualization, images, and sound across the community, we are happy to announce that we've migrated and updated the SIG VIS website and we designed a new logo for the group. Check out the new website here: The new site is all about the SIG VIS mission "to promote the exchange, development, communication, and dissemination of information and research related to visual and graphic information among ASIS&T members and to the larger community of practitioners and scholars." Special thanks to all of the 2016-17 VIS Officers who helped with the re-design, especially our Webmaster, Arjun Sabharwal, and Communications Officer, Gerald Benoit. If you have any suggestions for an event or webinar, if you would like to contribute content to the website or an upcoming Newsletter, or if you would like to share feedback, please get in touch with SIG VIS at sigvis.asist at And follow us on Twitter @sigvis! We look forward to hearing from you. Sarah -- Sarah Barriage SIG VIS Membership Officer PhD Candidate, Department of Library & Information Science School of Communication & Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Janice A. Hatzakos ASIS&T Acting Executive Director 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 495-0900 Ph (301) 495-0810 Fax From jan at Tue Feb 7 14:52:29 2017 From: jan at (Jan Hatzakos) Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 14:52:29 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Bulletin February/March 2017 Message-ID: <1b7001d2817b$b7cece70$276c6b50$> The ASIS&T February/March 2017 Bulletin is now online! February/March 2017 INSIDE ASIS&T 2016 ANNUAL MEETING COVERAGE Photo Montage 2016 ASIS&T Award Winners Report from Copenhagen: First ASIS&T miniBARcamp by Agnes Mainka Report from Copenhagen: A European Student?s View of ASIS&T in Europe by Christine Meschede SPECIAL SECTION 2016 ANNUAL MEETING COVERAGE Introduction by Irene Travis, Bulletin editor ASIS&T Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Activities Joint SIG/USE-SIG/SI Research Symposium: Information Behavior in Workplaces by Katriina Bystr?m METRICS 2016: Workshop on Informetric and Scientometric Research by Ad?le Paul-Hus and Antoine Archambault Workshop: Theory Development Within the Information Sciences by Sam Chu, Diane H. Sonnenwald, Mei-Mei Wu and ShanJu Lin Chang ASIS&T Annual Meeting Plenary Speakers Bridging the Telepresence Valley: Greg Welch Speaks by Steve Hardin Text and Data Mining Meets the Pharmaceutical Industry: Markus Bundschus Speaks by Steve Hardin European Perspectives Tomato Tomahto: European Perspectives on Information Science by Julian Warner, Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Isabella Peters, Niels Windfeld Lund and Michael Buckland Some European Contributions to Information Science by Michael K. Buckland Research in Information Science Award: Everyday Life Information Seeking by Reijo Savolainen James M. Cretsos Leadership Award: Start Small and Keep Building: Experiences in and Advice for Serving ASIS&T by Adam Worrall Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award: Teaching, Writing and Reflective Practice by Lisa P. Nathan Doctoral Student Research Video Competition: Information Behavior of Refugees: Viewing Refugee Interaction Through an Information Science Lens by Olubukola Oduntan IA COLUMN Designing a Metaphor for Your Model by Laura Creekmore Editor?s Desktop by Irene Travis President?s Page by Lynn Silipigni Connaway Inside ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting Coverage Photo Montage Chapter News Meeting the ASIS&T President at Nankai University by Yuelin Li ASIS&T Taipei Chapter Reception by Tien-I and ing-Hsin Phoebe Chiu Janice A. Hatzakos ASIS&T Acting Executive Director 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 495-0900 Ph (301) 495-0810 Fax From Krystyna.Matusiak at Wed Feb 8 00:47:08 2017 From: Krystyna.Matusiak at (Krystyna Matusiak) Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 05:47:08 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?Final_Call_for_Papers_-_IFLA_Satellite_?= =?windows-1252?q?Meeting_on_Data_Curator=92s_Roles_and_Responsibilities_?= =?windows-1252?q?=96_submission_of_paper_abstracts=3A_Feb=2E_18?= Message-ID: Please excuse cross-postings The IFLA Library Theory and Research Section (LTR), IFLA- Preservation and Conservation, IFLA- Information Technology, Warsaw University - Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies are pleased to invite submissions for the IFLA Satellite Conference to be held in Warsaw, Poland 16 and 17 August 2017. Topic: Data Curator?s Roles and Responsibilities: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives Dates: August 16-17, 2017 Location: Warsaw University - Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, Warsaw, Poland Deadline for submission of paper abstracts: February 18, 2017 Deadline for submission of poster abstracts: April 8, 2017 For more information about the conference theme and topics, please check: Library Theory and Research Section joint with ... Call for Papers: Satellite Meetings Library Theory and Research Section joint with Preservation and Conservation Section and Information Technology Section Krystyna K. Matusiak Conference co-chair Krystyna K. Matusiak | Assistant Professor Library and Information Science Program Research Methods and Information Science Department Morgridge College of Education | University of Denver 1999 East Evans Avenue | Denver, CO 80208-1700 303.871.6163 | krystyna.matusiak at From mulindwa2 at Wed Feb 8 02:43:52 2017 From: mulindwa2 at (mulindwa henry) Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 07:43:52 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [Asis-l] 24TH SENIOR MANAGERS ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, MOMBASA KENYA References: <> Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues, Onbehalf of Records Management Foundation for Africa, we are pleased to invite you to attend the SeniorManagers? Electronic Records Conference 2017. This conference is the largest regional electronic records managementconference to be held on 27-30 March2017 at NyaliInternational Beach Hotel and Spa, Mombasa Kenya. Please refer to our Executive Assistant, Ms. Esther Otieno should youhave any further queries about the Conference Tel: ?+254 72590 54 77 Email: register at oreconference2011 at website: ?Welook forward to welcoming you in Mombasa, Kenya?s coastal city.Yoursfaithfully, Henry Mulindwa From kunlu at Thu Feb 9 10:17:25 2017 From: kunlu at (Lu, Kun) Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2017 15:17:25 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] School of Library and Information Studies Colloquium, University of Oklahoma Message-ID: OU SLIS is pleased to announce the colloquium event on Feb 13th, 2017: Location: Bizzell Library room 100 Time: Monday, Feb 13, 2017, 11 AM Speaker: Dr. Robert (Bob) Allen Department of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University Topic: Toward a Structured Applied Epistemology Ontologies are now widely used for organizing knowledge. Indeed, we have been developing ontologies with rich semantics to provide direct representation digital libraries. However, most ontologies do not readily support the development and organization of new knowledge. By comparison to ontology, epistemology includes the acquisition of knowledge and justifications for it. Because we aim to develop frameworks for capturing knowledge across several scholarly domains, we address a structured applied epistemology that is closely integrated with ontologies. We consider the use of applied epistemology for highly-structured scientific research reports based on direct representation and for highly-structured descriptions of historical events. We welcome anyone interested to join us at the historical Bizzell library room 100 at 11 AM on Feb 13th, 2017. Dr. Kun Lu Assistant Professor School of Library and Information Studies University of Oklahoma Bizzell Library, Room 120 401 West Brooks Norman, OK 73019-6032 Web: From julien.meyer at Fri Feb 10 15:17:44 2017 From: julien.meyer at (Julien Meyer) Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:17:44 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Mailing list submission Message-ID: Hello, I would like to add the following job offer to the mailing list: *Invitation to apply for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Telemonitoring, Health Information Management.* Here is the content . Thank you in advance, Julien Meyer, PhD Assistant Professor School of Health Services Management Office: 416-979-5000 ext 6296 j <416-979-5000%20%C2%A0%20ext%20%C2%A0%206409>ulien.meyer at, `Skype: julienmmeyer Street address: 55 Dundas Street West. Office: TRS 2-095 Mail address: 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON Canada M5B 2K3 From centralplainsnetworkcpndam at Wed Feb 8 17:16:20 2017 From: centralplainsnetworkcpndam at (Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management) Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 16:16:20 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Volunteers - Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management Standing Committees Message-ID: *** Excuse the cross postings *** Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management (CPN-DAM) invites volunteers to serve on one of our standing committees for a one-year term. We are seeking members for the following three standing committees: Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee shall review the bylaws annually and make suggestions for revisions to the Executive Committee. Amendments must be made by vote of the membership. Conference Committee: The Conference Committee shall be responsible for the annual CPN-DAM conference. Outreach/Publicity Committee: The Outreach/Publicity Committee shall promote, inform, and build awareness of CPN-DAM activities within the membership and for identified communities and partners. CPN-DAM plans and considers future priorities and initiatives for the network that serves a five-state region of Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Kansas. Members of the standing committees are required to be from an institution located in one of these five states. CPN-DAM would value your participation. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please contact the network?s Executive Committee at centralplainsnetworkcpndam at The deadline to notify the committee of your interest is Friday, March 3, 2017. --------------------------- Nicole Sump-Crethar CPN-DAM Executive Committee sumpcre at From kamps at Sun Feb 12 16:51:46 2017 From: kamps at (Jaap Kamps) Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 22:51:46 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?RuSSIR=E2=80=9917=3A_Call_for_Course_Proposals?= =?utf-8?q?=2C_deadline_April_1=2C_2017=2E?= Message-ID: <> The 11th Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR 2017) is held from August 21?25, 2017 in Yekaterinburg, Russia. *CALL FOR COURSE PROPOSAL* RuSSIR 2017 welcomes course proposals: - On any aspect of information retrieval, with particular emphasis on machine learning methods. - Courses may include lectures and/or practical exercises. - Course typically last four or five 90 minute-long sessions. - Submitted on or before April 1st (no joke!) through easychair. *ABOUT RuSSIR 2017* The school is co-organized by Ural Federal University ( and Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar (ROMIP, The missions of the RuSSIR school series are to enable students to learn about modern problems and methods in information retrieval and related disciplines; to stimulate scientific research and collaboration in the field; and to create an environment for informal contacts between scientists, students and industry professionals. RuSSIR 2017 will broadly cover information retrieval with an special focus on machine learning methods in information retrieval. RuSSIR 2017 will offer up to 8 courses and host approximately 100 participants. The target audience of the school is advanced graduate students, young scientists, academic and industrial researchers, and developers. The working language of the school is English. Summer school organizers will cover travel and accommodation expenses for one lecturer per course; no additional honorarium will be paid to lecturer(s). The school organizers would highly appreciate if, whenever possible, lecturers could find alternative funding to cover the travel and accommodation expenses, and indicate this possibility in their proposals. *IMPORTANT DATES* Submission: April 1, 2017 Notification: May 1, 2017 School dates: August 21-25, 2017 *SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS* Course proposals should contain the following: 1. Title and keywords. 2. Description of teaching and research experience, and contact information of the lecturer(s). 3. Relevance of the course to the school's scope and objectives. 4. Brief description of the course (up to 300 words) suitable for inclusion in school materials. 5. Full description (1-2 pages ? to be used for evaluation). 6. Target audience and expected prerequisite knowledge of the audience. 7. Relevant references to support proposal evaluation. 8. Preferred schedule and necessary equipment. Course proposals must be submitted in PDF format to the submission web site, by April 1, 2017. All proposals will be evaluated by the program committee according to the school's goals, the clarity of presentation, and the lecturers' qualifications and experience. All applicants will be notified of the committee?s decision by May 1, 2017. Early informal inquiries about the school or the proposal evaluation process are encouraged (please send an email to school at *ABOUT RUSSIR* The first RuSSIR summer school took place in 2007 and since then has evolved into a popular academic event with solid international participation. Previous schools took place in Yekaterinburg (2007), Taganrog (2008), Petrozavodsk (2009), Voronezh (2010), Saint Petersburg (2011),Yaroslavl (2012), Kazan (2013), Nizhny Novgorod (2014), St. Petersburg (2015), and Saratov (2016). Courses in previous editions of RuSSIR were taught by many prominent researchers in information retrieval and related disciplines. *ABOUT THE VENUE* Yekaterinburg is a large modern city, located in the Ural mountains, on the border between Europe and Asia. Yekaterinburg is known for its vibrant music scene and thriving contemporary art. Many IT companies are located here. Yekaterinburg is the home city of Boris Yeltsin, the first president of Russia; the Yeltsin Presidential Center opened in 2015 became a new highlight of the city. See: . Ural Federal University (UrFU) is one of the top-ranked and largest universities in Russia. UrFU has an old tradition of education and research in computer science; the university's team has a good record in the ACM ICPC series. *ORGANIZERS* ? Pavel Braslavski (Ural Federal University, Russia), general chair ? Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam), PC chair ? Julia Kiseleva (University of Amsterdam), PC chair *CONTACT* Email: school at Homepage: Twitter: @RuSSIR Facebook: @RuSSIR.timeline From agruzd at Sun Feb 12 12:52:13 2017 From: agruzd at (Anatoliy Gruzd) Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 12:52:13 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Come Work with Us! Postdoctoral Fellow in Social Media Data Privacy & Ethics (Toronto, Canada) Message-ID: ***Postdoctoral Fellow in Social Media Data Privacy & Ethics*** The Ryerson University Social Media Lab at the Ted Rogers School of Management in Toronto, Canada ( is seeking a highly motivated and creative postdoctoral candidate to help conduct research in Social Media Data Privacy & Ethics. The broad aim of this position is to better understand how privacy and data use are perceived by social media users in relation to their own data being collected by third parties such as governments, journalists, and marketers. This postdoctoral fellowship position is part of the Lab?s Social Media Data Stewardship research stream (, and is funded in part by the Ted Rogers School of Management and Canada Research Chair Program. Applicants must have a demonstrable expertise and interest in privacy/ethics/internet policy research, a history of working with survey data. In addition, applicants must also have strong research writing, technical, and communication skills and a passion for data analysis (both qualitative and quantitative). DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2017 and continue until the position is filled. See more details at -- Anatoliy Gruzd, PhD Canada Research Chair in Social Media Data Stewardship Associate Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management Director, Social Media Lab Ryerson University Mailing Address: 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2K3 Office: TRS 2-071 (8th floor) Email: mailto:gruzd at Twitter: @gruzd Tel: 416-979-5000 ext. 7937 Lab: Homepage: From yolande at Tue Feb 14 10:23:53 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:23:53 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] ARIST Short Survey Request Message-ID: <003401d286d6$5a5021d0$0ef06570$> Posting for the ASIS&T Publications Committee: Dear all, In Spring 2016, ASIST Publications Committee surveyed ASIS&T Publications' users concerning their needs of ASIS&T current publications. Numerous comments focused on the former Annual Review of Information Science & Technology (ARIST), which ceased to be published in 2011. Given that volume of feedback, this survey focuses specifically on ARIST. Please follow the link below to complete short survey not later than March 10, 2017. Thanks very much for your valuable input! ASIS&T Publications Committee Jamshid Beheshti (Board Liaison) John Budd Samuel Chu Alyson Gamble Yuelin Li (Co-Chair) Lorraine Mon Chaoqun Ni Danielle Pollock Rong Tang (Co-Chair) Deborah Turner Lu Xiao Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer ASIS&T The Association for the Information Age W: 301.495.0900 8555 16th Street; Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA From brya at Tue Feb 14 11:10:45 2017 From: brya at (Brya, Cynthia Ann) Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 16:10:45 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Robert J. Brunner joins the iSchool at Illinois Message-ID: <> Brunner joins iSchool faculty The School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is pleased to announce that Robert J. Brunner has joined the faculty, effective January 1. Professor Brunner holds a joint appointment with the Department of Accountancy in the College of Business. He has affiliate appointments in the Astronomy, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Informatics, Physics, and Statistics Departments; at the Beckman Institute, in the Computational Science and Engineering program; and at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). He is also the Data Science Expert in Residence at the Research Park at the University of Illinois. >From 2003-2016, Brunner served as a member of the faculty in the Department of Astronomy. During this time, his research interests started to shift into the area of data science. "Around seven years ago, I realized new graduate students did not have sufficient skills to work in my group. As a result, I began adding informatics to the curricula in astronomy to bring them up to speed, eventually creating a new course in which graduate students from a variety of scientific and engineering departments enrolled. This experience led to the eventual creation of two new courses under the informatics rubric, to teach data science more broadly," said Brunner. "With the explosive growth in the interest in data science across campus, I feel a natural home in the iSchool, and I am looking forward to strengthening my existing collaborations while also building new ones." Brunner earned his PhD in astrophysics at Johns Hopkins University, working on the development of the science archive for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. He spent five years as a postdoctoral scholar at the California Institute of Technology before coming to the University of Illinois. "A highly accomplished scientist, Robert is a leading figure in data science at the University. In this area, he teaches some of the largest courses on campus, conducts critical research, and provides leadership for major initiatives. His contributions will ensure that the iSchool remains at the forefront of developments in this important emerging area. We are delighted that he has joined us," said iSchool Dean and Professor Allen Renear. Cindy Brya Assistant Director for Communications School of Information Sciences 207 LIS Building, MC-493 501 E Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-8312 From Heather.Ranieri at Tue Feb 14 11:15:31 2017 From: Heather.Ranieri at (Heather Ranieri) Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 16:15:31 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?Long_Island_University_=96_Palmer_Schoo?= =?windows-1252?q?l-Tenure-Track_Faculty_Position=3A_Assistant=2C_Associat?= =?windows-1252?q?e=2C_or_Full_Professor?= Message-ID: <> Long Island University ? Palmer School Tenure-Track Faculty Position: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Opening Date: 01/01/2017; Closing Date: open until filled The Palmer School of Library and Information Science at Long Island University, one of the nation?s largest independent universities, invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position. A member of the iSchool consortium, the Palmer School offers an ALA-accredited MSLIS, certificate programs in school libraries, public libraries, and archives/records management, and a Ph.D. program. Based on the former Gold Coast estate of Merriweather Post, the Palmer School offers courses in two locations on Long Island and in the Manhattan center at Bobst Library of NYU, where it offers dual master?s degrees with dozens of graduate programs from NYU?s Graduate School of Arts and Science and the Steinhardt School. The Palmer school is the largest LIS institution in Metro New York City and has the largest MSLIS degree program in New York State. The MSLIS program is available in classroom settings and completely online. Candidates for this position should have a background in digitization services and knowledge organization and would be expected to assist with the MSLIS and Ph.D. programs. The teaching load will be three graduate classes per semester including at least one core course; in semesters in which a Ph.D. course is taught, the course load is two courses per semester. Candidates should demonstrate the ability to contribute to the school?s mission to provide knowledge and skills to prepare students for a role as a 21st century information professional. A significant role of this faculty member would be as mentor for PhD and MSLIS students participating in a large external digitization grant. The starting date for this position is September 1, 2017. Candidates with multiple strengths in digitization and knowledge organization and one or more additional areas will be most competitive. Some of the areas of developing interest include: ? Digitization ? Digital collections ? Metadata standards ? Knowledge Organization ? Cataloging and Classification ? Information management and systems ? Data science Principal Responsibilities: ? Teaching 3 courses per semester, including core classes ? Mentoring students involved in a large-scale digitization grant program ? Teaching and advising in the Ph.D. program ? Original research ? Curriculum development ? Teaching face-to-face and on-line ? Being able to teach traditional and non-traditional age students; and ? Demonstrating the ability to use discipline-related instructional technology Educational Requirements: ? Required: An earned doctorate in the Library and Information Science or related discipline. ? Preferred: An MLIS or equivalent degree. Training, Skills, Knowledge, Experience: ? Practice with digitization processes, metadata standards, or cataloging ? Strong research skills ? Robust research agenda ? Knowledge of librarianship, information science, information technology, differentiation of education delivery modalities and current teaching principles and practices ? Experience in the application of technology for course delivery ? Demonstrated excellence in teaching ? Experience in course/curriculum development ? Experience mentoring students ? Candidates should be acquainted with the Blackboard Platform for online courses and should be comfortable with hardware and software associated with digitization, metadata standards, knowledge organization, and information technology, depending on areas of expertise. The search committee will screen all candidates; application review will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. LIU is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to extending equal opportunity in employment to all qualified candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our academic community. LIU encourages applications from all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital or parental status, national origin, ethnicity, citizenship status, veteran or military status, age, disability or any other basis protected by applicable local, state or federal laws. Hiring is contingent on eligibility to work in the United States. Salary is based on a Collective Bargaining Agreement. Please submit a cover letter, CV, and information about references at the following site: #### Heather Ranieri From jan at Tue Feb 14 18:30:19 2017 From: jan at (Jan Hatzakos) Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 18:30:19 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] OCLC Research Assistant Position in San Mateo, CA or Seattle WA Available Now Message-ID: <020901d2871a$4ec99960$ec5ccc20$> OCLC Research is recruiting to fill a one-year, grant-funded research assistant position based in our San Mateo, California, office. A brief description of the position follows. Applications should be submitted through the OCLC Careers site: rch-Assistant_R0000388 The closing date for applications is 26 February 2017. Research Assistant OCLC, a worldwide library services organization headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, is a leader in information technologies and innovative online services. With office locations around the globe, OCLC employees are dedicated to offering premier services and software to help libraries cut costs while keeping pace with the demands of our information-driven society. This position is responsible for conducting a literature review and supporting a year-long project for OCLC Research, exploring the ongoing redefinition of academic library services in the context of rapid evolution in the global higher education system. Responsibilities: * Search for and summarize existing project-related literature (with a particular focus on taxonomies of higher education, institutional classification schemes and evolving academic library service portfolios) * Collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data on higher education institutions and the libraries that serve them * Contribute to the design of survey instruments and interview/focus group question sets * Assist in organizing and facilitating focus group sessions and site visits with selected university libraries * Assist in writing reports, presentations, and publications * Maintain current knowledge of higher education and library landscape as applicable to project * Perform project-related administrative tasks to ensure compliance with funder-required reporting Qualifications: * Graduate training (Master's degree preferred) in library and information science, education, sociology, public policy or related program * Prior undergraduate or graduate research experience and familiarity with social science research methods * General knowledge of and an interest in the structure and evolution of higher education systems in the US, with broader global awareness preferred * Ability to work effectively in a distributed team environment with all levels of internal staff and external colleagues * Ability to analyze and interpret data and solve problems * Excellent written and oral communications skills * Self-directed and able to meet deadlines, manage projects and time, and prioritize assignments * Ability to respond to changing priorities and meet project deadlines * Willingness to learn new skills and to extend expertise * Proficiency with Microsoft Office 365 is desirable Janice A. Hatzakos ASIS&T Acting Executive Director 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 495-0900 Ph (301) 495-0810 Fax From sevans01 at Tue Feb 14 11:23:08 2017 From: sevans01 at (=?UTF-8?Q?Si=C3=A2n_Evans?=) Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 11:23:08 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Final Call for Events: 4th Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, March, 2017 Message-ID: ~*Apologies for cross-posting*~ As the lead co-organizers of Art+Feminism, we believe the current political climate makes our work even more pressing: now more than ever we must gather together to improve Wikipedia and affirm work of women, people of color, immigrants, the LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalized peoples. DON?T AGONIZE, ORGANIZE! The award winning, record breaking Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon is happening this March. Join us again or organize for the first time to improve Wikipedia and affirm the importance of the arts and intersectional feminisms. There?s still time to hold an Edit-a-thon at your local university, artist run center, museum, community center, etc in the month of March! Art+Feminism Edit-a-thons address content and participation gaps by inviting people of all gender identities and expressions to gather for communal updating of Wikipedia entries related to art and feminism. The leadership collective supports Edit-a-thon organizers by: providing an organizer?s kit with suggested workflow, promotional and training materials, and more; funding to defray the costs of refreshments and childcare; and training and support. To learn more and get involved, contact the lead co-organizers via email: info at Find out more at In solidarity, Si?n Evans + Jacqueline Mabey + McKensie Mack + Michael Mandiberg e. info at w. -- Si?n Evans, MA, MLS Instruction Librarian, Decker Library Maryland Institute College of Art 1300 West Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217 tel: 410-225-2715 email: sevans01 at http: From tjg68 at Wed Feb 15 09:09:06 2017 From: tjg68 at (Gorichanaz,Timothy) Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 14:09:06 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG-AH Winter 2017 Newsletter Message-ID: <> For the latest on SIG-AH, check out our newsletter! Inside: A recap of 2016, the latest on our upcoming virtual symposium and student awards, a digital humanities update? and more! -- Tim Gorichanaz Communications Officer, ASIS&T SIG-AH PhD Candidate, Information Studies College of Computing & Informatics Drexel University From rong.tang at Wed Feb 15 14:06:42 2017 From: rong.tang at (Rong Tang) Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 14:06:42 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] ALISE Community conn@CT Mini-Grants - Call for Proposals Message-ID: *ALISE Community conn at CT Mini-Grants - Call for Prop**osals* Deadline: February 28, 2017 *Background* The ALISE Community conn at CT began as a space at the 2015 ALISE Conference and centennial celebration, for ALISE members to connect with social justice organizations and each other to create and innovate solutions to advance their mission. The idea arose out of brainstorming and initial development by Kendra Albright, Clara M. Chu, Nicole Cooke, Bharat Mehra, Gwendolyn Prellwitz, and Tonyia J. Tidline. Rae-Anne Montague, then, organized and moderated the ALISE Community conn at CT conference session that included the participation of the following four Chicago community organizations: ? Gerber/Hart Library and Archives ? Inspiration Corporation ? South Side Community Art Center ? Teen Living Programs A competitive micro-grant program was designed to advance the ALISE Community conn at CT initiative, and funding has been provided by H.W. Wilson. The ALISE Community conn at CT micro-grants ($750) support ALISE members to address a library and information need of a social justice organization through community engagement (in a collaborative manner). *Micro-Grant Scope and Application Process* ALISE members are invited to submit a proposal that will use a community-engaged approach to address a library and information need of a social justice organization. The proposed project may be focused on research, teaching (service learning), and/or practice/application (e.g., resource development, training, program, etc.). Each application should be submitted as a PDF document to Kendra Albright [ kalbrig7 at]??]? with the following information: 1. Applicant(s): Name(s), title(s), affiliation(s), email(s), phone(s) 2. Project Narrative (no more than 2 pages): a. Topic, objective(s), description, method, implications, and impact 3. Budget and budget justification (1 page) 4. Social Justice Organization Collaboration Letter *Timeline:* Proposals due: February 28, 2017 Winners notified: March 31, 2017 Progress update: August 31, 2017 2018 ALISE Conference Presentation, February 2018 *Selection Process* The ALISE Community conn at CT Committee members (Kendra Albright, Clara M. Chu (Chair) and Bharat Mehra) will review applications and select winners, for approval by the ALISE Board using the following criteria: 1. Relevance of project to micro-grant program 2. Significance of project to social justice organization?s library and information needs 3. Scope and extent of community engagement 4. Impact on research, teaching, and/or practice 5. Potential for serving as a model for progressive community action in LIS 6. Appropriateness of method 7. Appropriateness of budget 8. Clearly written *Grant Recipient Requirement* Grant recipients are expected to present their work at a session during the 2018 ALISE Conference. All costs of conference travel will be the responsibility of the grant recipients. Each grant recipient will be awarded complimentary conference registration. -- Rong Tang, PhD. Associate Professor School of Library and Information Science Director, Simmons Usability Lab Simmons College Director for External Relations, Association for Library and Information Science Education rong.tang at 1-617-521-2880 From rba at Thu Feb 16 23:57:42 2017 From: rba at (Bob Allen) Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 22:57:42 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] 2017 Rich Semantics and Direct Representation Workshop at JCDL 2017 Message-ID: Rich Semantics and Direct Representation for Digital Collections Workshop at JCDL 2017 ( Toronto, Ontario Rich semantics supports detailed information organization for the contents of documents, across documents, and even across resources in different modalities. In its strongest form, rich semantics provides highly-structured direct representations. This workshop welcomes papers on new directions for frameworks using such rich information organization. Rich semantics goes beyond simple models for linked data such as those using RDF-based triples and beyond ad hoc ontologies. Rather, rich semantic frameworks may include complex entities, dynamic models, schemas, systems, and descriptive programs. Interdisciplinary work which combines approaches from areas such as LIS, linguistics, programming languages, philosophy, jurisprudence, sociology, discourse, and system analysis, and intelligent agents is particularly welcome. Examples of services based on these high-level structures are also welcome. In addition, the workshop will consider descriptions of rich semantic information organization in specific areas including biology, law, medicine, history, and biography. Work on upper ontologies should go beyond existing frameworks or show how they can be applied to especially complex scenarios. Work on text mining should emphasize significant, novel, and general semantic structures. *Topics Include (*but are not limited to)*:* ? Highly-Structured Research Reports ? Structuring Linked Data ? Knowledge Graphs ? Structured Big Data ? Semantic Community and Societal Models ? Epistemology and Argumentation ? Digital History and Structured Biographies ? Descriptive Programs ? Referent Tracking ? Event Ontologies ? Development and Management of Collections with Rich Semantics *Submission Deadline*: May 10 *Program Co-Chairs:* Robert B. ALLEN Yonsei University Chris (Soo Guan) KHOO Nanyang Technological University Karin VERSPOOR University of Melbourne From brya at Fri Feb 17 11:34:31 2017 From: brya at (Brya, Cynthia Ann) Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 16:34:31 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] iSchool at Illinois names program directors Message-ID: <> iSchool at Illinois names program directors The School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is pleased to announce the appointment of program directors for its master's and doctoral degree programs. Assistant Professor Nicole A. Cooke is program director for the MS in library and information science (MS/LIS), and Assistant Professor Jana Diesner is program director for the PhD in library and information science. Cooke and Diesner join Professor Michael Twidale, program director for the MS degree in information management (MS/IM), in providing leadership for the iSchool's highly regarded degree programs. "Program directors play a critical role in the overall coordination of our academic programs, working with other faculty and staff in such areas as curriculum development, recruitment, academic advising, and career services. The iSchool is fortunate to have such talented faculty in these new positions, and I look forward to working with them to further enhance each of our degree programs," said Linda Smith, associate dean for academic programs. Cooke holds a PhD in communication, information, and library studies from Rutgers University. She is an expert in human information behavior, particularly in the online context; critical cultural information studies; and diversity and social justice in librarianship with an emphasis on LIS education and pedagogy. Cooke is the 2017 recipient of the American Library Association (ALA) Achievement in Library Diversity Research Award as well as 2016 recipient of the ALA Equality Award. She is the author of Information Services to Diverse Populations: Developing Culturally Competent Library Professionals (Libraries Unlimited, 2016) and co-editor with Miriam E. Sweeney of Teaching for Justice: Implementing Social Justice in the LIS Classroom (Litwin Books/Library Juice Press, 2017). Diesner holds a PhD from the Computation, Organizations and Society (COS) program at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science. She is an expert in network science, natural language processing, machine learning, and human-centered data science. A 2015-16 faculty fellow in the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at Illinois, Diesner is a research fellow in the Dori J. Maynard Senior Research Fellows program, which is a collaboration of The Center for Investigative Reporting and The Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education. Her research has been published in academic journals, including the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology; Scientometrics; Big Data & Society; and Journal of Informetrics. Twidale holds a PhD in computing from Lancaster University. He is an expert in computer-supported cooperative work, collaborative technologies in digital libraries and museums, user interface design and evaluation, information visualization, and museum informatics. He holds joint appointments at Illinois in the Department of Computer Science, Information Trust Institute, and Academy of Entrepreneurial Leadership. Twidale is a frequent speaker at scholarly conferences, and his research has been published in books and academic journals, including the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology and International Journal on Digital Libraries. Cindy Brya Assistant Director for Communications School of Information Sciences 207 LIS Building, MC-493 501 E Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-8312 From nadia.caidi at Tue Feb 21 06:22:02 2017 From: nadia.caidi at (Nadia Caidi) Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 06:22:02 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Two-Day Diversity Symposium in Toronto, Canada - CFP Message-ID: Please excuse cross-postings. Attached is the CFP for a two-day international symposium in Toronto, Canada (September 2017) on ?Diversity by Design?. Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2017. See below. *** CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS DIVERSITY BY DESIGN: REFRAMING DIVERSITY DISCOURSE IN CANADA TWO-DAY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM September 13-14, 2017 (Toronto, ON, Canada) We will hold a two-day Symposium in Toronto in September 2017 on the state of diversity in Canada?s informational and cultural sectors. The symposium will invite an open multi-sided dialog at the time when Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary, with the field of Library & Information Science (LIS) strategically positioned to initiate and lead this conversation. The conversation will transcend the boundaries of a single discipline and profession and serve as a springboard for engaging a wider community in reconsidering and expanding diversity discourse and practices. The 150th Anniversary of Canada is an opportune time to look back, take stock, re-assess the present, and plan for the future. The goal of the Diversity by Design Symposium is to reframe the diversity debate by expanding the definition of diversity and bringing together institutions of higher education, information and cultural institutions, community partners, and governmental organizations. CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ? Clara Chu, U of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, ?Diversity on the Library and Information Agenda: The Local-Global Nexus? ? Samra Habib, Artist, Toronto ?Just Me and Allah?: Witnessing Queer Muslims? Lived Experiences ? Kayla Lar-Son, U of Alberta, ?All We Need Is Some Diverse Students? Thinking Differently about Inclusive Programs? ? Lisa Nathan, UBC, Vancouver, ?Humility, Discomfort & Awe: Developing Our Capacity for Engaging with Diversity? ? Ali Shiri, U of Alberta, ?Digital Library North: Access to Digital Cultural Heritage in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) in Canada?s North? ? Charles Smith, Artist, Toronto ?Pluralism in the Arts in Canada: A Change is Yet to Come? SUBMISSIONS In addition to keynote speeches, we seek submissions in the following categories: ? Papers (includes completed research papers and research-in-progress papers) ? Posters ? Sessions for Interactive Engagement (including interactive, hands-on workshops developed around case studies and/or real-life scenarios) ? Alternative formats All submissions will be refereed and subsequently considered for publication in a web-based free-access symposium proceedings, which will evolve into a ?living document?, continuously curated by several symposium collaborators. Online proceedings will be enriched by multimedia, such as video- or audio-recorded presentations and workshops. TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO): ? Engagement of diverse populations by cultural institutions. ? Incorporating traditional knowledge and heritage knowledge of immigrant communities into Canadian information literacy policy. ? Developing cultural competency through interdisciplinary art. ? Combining LIS and Social Work practices for community empowerment and partnership. ? Beyond employment equity (affirmative action) programs: Creating collegial and supportive workplaces to ensure the retention of diverse staff. ? Decolonizing descriptions in archives, libraries and museums. ? A semblance of the ?accessible?? Making cultural and learning experiences in museums and entertainment venues inclusive of people with disabilities. ? Declaring the ?global? but teaching the ?local,? or How to make our graduate curriculum truly international. Submissions will be accepted through March 31, 2017, 10:00pm EST. All submissions must be in English or French. All submissions must include the author?s name and position; full affiliation including email and telephone; a brief bio; presentation title, up to five keywords, and an extended abstract of no longer than 1000 words. Email your submissions to: diversitybydesign2017 at We specifically encourage submissions that propose interactive engagement sessions as well as papers and posters involving community-oriented research, community engagement projects, and practical applications of theory. We welcome submissions from outside of Canada. TIMELINE ? March 31, 2017 (10pm EST): Proposal submission deadline (extended abstracts). ? April 30, 2017: Refereeing/peer-review completed; acceptance/rejection decisions. ? September 13-14, 2017: Diversity by Design Symposium ORGANIZERS AND SPONSORS This symposium is organized by Dr. Nadia Caidi (Faculty of Information, U of Toronto) and Dr. Keren Dali (School of Library and Information Studies, U of Alberta) and supported by a SSHRC Connection ? Connecting for Canada?s 150 grant, and by the following partners: ? The Faculty of Information, U of Toronto ? The McLuhan Centre for Culture & Technology ? The Ontario Trillium Foundation ? The Toronto City Archives ? The Art Gallery of Ontario ? The Ontario Library Association For information, contact Dr. Caidi (nadia.caidi at and Dr. Dali ( kdali at For general inquiries, email us at diversitybydesign2017 at *** Keren Dali, Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Library & Information Studies University of Alberta 3-05 Rutherford South Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2J4 **************************************************** The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail. The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent. **************************************************** ________________________________ ALISE ? 2150 N 107th Street, Suite 205, Seattle, Washington 98133, United States Unsubscribe ? Privacy Policy From Uwe.Aickelin at Tue Feb 21 03:58:51 2017 From: Uwe.Aickelin at (Uwe Aickelin) Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 08:58:51 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Li Dak Sum Chair Professor in Computer Science Message-ID: <> Hello, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China is currently recruiting Li Dak Sum Chair Professor in Computer Science. It will be much appreciated if you can help forward this email to suitable candidates. Li Dak Sum Chair Professor in Computer Science Reference: UNNC475 Closing Date: Open till filled Job Type: Research & Teaching Location: Ningbo China Salary & Benefits: Salary is negotiable depending on skills and experience. In addition, an attractive package including accommodation allowance, travel allowance and insurance will be provided for international appointments Informal enquires and applications shall be addressed to Professor Guoping Qiu, Head of School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. Email: Guoping.Qiu at The ideal application will include a cover letter, resume, a full list of research outcomes and a brief working plan with output for the next five years. Interviews will take place in Ningbo, China. Please quote ref. UNNC475 The closing date for an initial review of applicants will be Thursday 23 February 2017. The post will remain open until filled. For more details please access: This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your computer system: you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with The University of Nottingham Ningbo China may be monitored as permitted by UK and Chinese legislation. From asis at Sun Feb 19 23:22:50 2017 From: asis at (Jacek Gwizdka) Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 22:22:50 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] CFPosters: NeuroIIR'2017: A CHIIR Workshop Message-ID: CFPosters: NeuroIIR'2017: CHIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in Human-Information Interaction ====================================================== ** Please forward to anyone who might be interested ** -------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR *POSTERS* - NeuroIIR'2017 2nd International NeuroIIR Workshop on Challenges in Bringing Neuroscience to Research in Human-Information Interaction in conjunction with the 2nd Annual ACM CHIIR Conference (CHIIR'2017) to be held in Oslo, Norway Workshop date: March 11th, 2017 (afternoon) Website: -------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates: ================ * Poster submission deadline: *** February 27th, 2017 *** * Notification of acceptance: March 2nd, 2017 * Workshop date: March 11, 2017 (half-day: afternoon) Workshop Organizers: ==================== Jacek Gwizdka, NeuroIIR2017 at (School of Information, University of Texas at Austin) Javed Mostafa, jm at (Biomedical Research & Imaging Center, School of Medicine & the iSchool, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Objectives: ============= NeuroIIR'2017 will build upon a successful workshop held at the SIGIR'2015. One critical take-away from the last workshop was that application of neuro-physiological (NP) experimental methodologies in IIR research studies is promising but highly challenging. The 2017 workshop has three broad aims: 1) Develop a foundational knowledge of appropriate methods or adapting experimental methods in IIR that permit execution of a large range of information seeking tasks, while wearing specialized devices or being inside scanning equipment. 2) Gain a deeper and clearer understanding of the wide variety of parameters that are essential to operating the NP equipment and tuning them for particular types of information interaction events. 3) A related aim is to gain insights regarding a set of well-known NP modalities/devices and related parameters, so that they could be potentially combined to study complex information seeking phenomena. Submissions: ============== We invite submissions in the following category only: A single-page poster abstract submissions that may include the following topics: * findings from completed or in progress IR/IIR research that utilized NP tools; * comparative analysis of NP tools and techniques with their applications in IR/IIR; * data fusion methods that support combination of NP data with traditional IR/IIR data; * description of how IIR research protocols were (or will be) modified to allow for use of NP tools; * lessons were learned from using NP tools in IIR research; One-page poster abstracts will be reviewed by workshops co-chairs only. The accepted poster abstracts would need to be prepared in a visual poster format for the poster-session presentation during the workshop. The neuro-cognitive and physiological tools of interest include, but are not limited to, fMRI, fNIRS, EEG, MEG, eye-tracking. Submission guidelines: ====================== All submitted poster abstracts must be written in English; * contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses; * be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings template ( with a font size no smaller than 9pt; * be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform), and formatted for US Letter size. * poster abstracts should be submitted in EasyChair to * Workshop attendees will be encouraged to submit manuscripts to a special issue on Neuro-Information Science to be published by Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). Workshop Location: ==================== NeuroIR 2017 will take place in Oslo, Norway and will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Annual ACM CHIIR Conference. Follow us on: ============= Facebook: Best - Jacek Jacek Gwizdka, PhD(Toronto) MASc(Toronto) MEng(TULodz) 'Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate' - William of Ockham (1285-1349) Research Talk on NeuroIR | Assistant Professor at School of Information, University of Texas at Austin 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701, USA | Office 5.532 (5th floor) Information eXperience (IX) lab Co-Director | ACM Senior Member Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists From yolande at Tue Feb 21 07:30:49 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 07:30:49 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] CSU Bakersfiled Library Position Annoucement Message-ID: <006101d28c3e$55c91c30$015b5490$> The California State University, Bakersfield Library has a position available for Library Electronic Resource Management Coordinator. Detailed vacancy announcement and application procedures are available at: Position: Library Electronic Resource Management Coordinator Type: 12-month, Tenure-Track and Probationary Rank: Senior Assistant Librarian Available: July or August 2017 Location: Walter W. Stiern Library Contact: Eileen Montoya, Administrative Support Coordinator II Search and Screening Committee California State University, Bakersfield Walter W. Stiern Library (Mail Stop: 60 LIB) 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, California 93311-1022 Phone: (661) 654-3042 Email: emontoya at Description: California State University, Bakersfield seeks a productive and effective librarian for Electronic Resource Management Coordinator (ERM). The successful candidate will make significant professional contributions to the Walter W. Stiern Library, a teaching-learning facility fully integrated with technology to support the overall mission of the University. The library, with 150,000 square feet on five levels, opened in 1994, and contains more than half a million physical and wide-ranging digital resources. The library is a major campus technology center that is actively involved in student learning and is a hub for public and campus engagement. Responsibilities: Reporting directly to the Dean of the Library, the ERM Coordinator will work collaboratively with users, library colleagues, vendors, and CSU Chancellor?s Office personnel to provide, manage, and maintain timely access to all the library?s electronic resources including subscription databases, full-text article links, e-books, and other e-resources; implement and provide easy access to all e-resource usage data and analysis. Examples of ERM responsibilities include: ? Monitor, update, and maintain searchable indices in the system public interface and link resolver (currently SFX, Primo Central, Alma) ? Initiate, configure, and troubleshoot link resolver and proxy server issues with the assistance of the Systems Analyst ? Create and implement ERM workflows and technical access issue reporting ? Configure and monitor COUNTER and SUSHI statistics reporting monthly in Alma ? Manage, import/export, backup, and support the digital institutional repository content ? Provide assistance with cataloging duties as needed ? Be responsible for the Library?s print and electronic government documents collection Application Process: This position will remain open until filled. Preference will be given to applications submitted by Monday, March 20, 2017. To apply, please send your letter of application, curriculum vitae, unofficial transcript(s) for all graduate work, and names and contact information of three professional references to emontoya at Prior to hiring, official transcripts will be required. California State University, Bakersfield is committed to Equal Opportunity. Applicants will be considered without regard to gender, race, age, color, religion, national origin, genetic information, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or covered veterans? status. Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer ASIS&T The Association for the Information Age W: 301.495.0900 8555 16th Street; Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA From kpearl at Tue Feb 21 09:31:25 2017 From: kpearl at (Perales, Katherine Pearl) Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:31:25 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Register now for SILS summer seminars in Dublin/Berlin and Prague Message-ID: UNC SILS summer seminars open to ALL students and professionals UNC Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) welcomes participation from non-UNC students or professionals on our international summer seminars to Dublin and Berlin or to Prague. Our program in Dublin/Berlin might be of interest to individuals studying business, information science, project management, technology, or startups. Our program in Prague focuses on international librarianship. The deadline for enrollment is mid-March. For those of you who work with students in any capacity, please share these opportunities with both undergraduates and graduates. Because we also welcome professionals, feel free to distribute to alumni, or perhaps you'd consider attending yourself! Dublin/Berlin (May 22 - June 6, 2017) The seminar will focus on the ways information gathering, dissemination, privacy, and security affect business. In both cities students will participate in business visits and will have the opportunity to network. Possibilities include Facebook, Red Hat, Google, and others, including startups. The program is also in partnership with University College Dublin and Humboldt University of Berlin, and is also comprised of academic lectures and cultural excursions. Offered for 3 hours of academic credit. To learn more or register: Registration deadline: March 10, 2017. Prague (May 21 - June 3, 2017) Participants on this program will enjoy lectures and tours related to librarianship in a country that deals with a history of monarchy, empire, Communism, and the meeting of east and west. Participants experience firsthand how the democratization of the Czech Republic, formerly a communist state, has affected the accessibility of information, in both print and electronic forms. Offered for 3 hours of academic credit. To learn more or register: Registration deadline: March 15, 2017. Any questions can be directed to me at kmurphy at Thank you for sharing these opportunities with your community. From Katrin.Weller at Tue Feb 21 09:31:20 2017 From: Katrin.Weller at (Weller, Katrin) Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:31:20 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] One week left to submit to IC2S2 2017: 3rd International Conference on Computational Social Science (submission deadline 01 March 2017) In-Reply-To: <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D10183218909@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> References: <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D1018321881B@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D1018321887A@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D10183218909@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> Message-ID: <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D101832189D2@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> < Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement, please kindly forward this email to other interested parties. > ================================================ IC2S2 2017 - 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE July 10-13, 2017 Cologne, Germany Web: Twitter: #IC2S2 / @IC2S2 Facebook: ================================================ CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (more to be announced) Ulrik Brandes (University of Konstanz) Kathleen Carley (Carnegie Mellon University) Ciro Cattuto (ISI Foundation) Emily Falk (University of Pennsylvania) Justin Grimmer (Stanford University) Jeff Hancock (Stanford University ?gnes Horv?t (Northwestern University) Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge) Mar?a Pereda (Charles III University of Madrid) Daniel Romero (University of Michigan) Matt Taddy (Microsoft Research) Milena Tsvetkova (London School of Economics and Political Science) Dashun Wang (Northwestern University) ================================================= This international conference (now in its third edition) aims to bring together scientists from different disciplines and research areas to meet and discuss computational problems in the study of social systems and dynamics, as well as research questions motivated by large datasets, either extracted from real applications (e.g. social media, communication systems), or created via controlled experiments or computational models The goal of the conference is to create a broad and interdisciplinary community of researchers, including academics, tech industry workers, open data activists, government agency workers, and think tank analysts, who are committed to advancing social science knowledge through computational methods. In addition to keynote speakers and paper sessions, the conference will also include a series of training opportunities and tutorials. Please see the call for tutorials below. =================================================== SUBMIT YOUR RESEARCH! (ABSTRACTS) ==================================================== We welcome submissions on any topic in the intersection of the social sciences and the computer sciences, including (a) new approaches for understanding social phenomena, (b) improving methods for computational social science, (c) and improving conditions for computational social science research. But we are especially interested in: * Methods and analyses of integrated human-machine decision-making * Text analysis and natural language processing of social phenomena * Network analysis of social systems * Large-scale social experiments and/or phenomena * Causal inference and computational methods for social science * Methods and analyses of algorithmic accountability * Building and evaluating socio-technical systems * Novel digital data and/or computational analyses for addressing societal challenges * Methods and analyses of biased, selective, or incomplete observational social data * Methodological integration and triangulation of social data * Social news curation and collaborative filtering * Methods and analyses for social information / digital communication dynamics * Ethics of computational research on human behavior * Reproducibility in computational social science research * Infrastructure to facilitate industry/academic cooperation in computational social science * Computational social science research in industry * Science and technology studies approaches to computational science work * Practical problems in computational social science * Issues of inclusivity in computational social science * All other topics in computational social science Researchers across disciplines, faculty, graduate students, industry researchers, policy makers, and non-profit workers are all encouraged to submit computational data-driven research and innovative computational methodological or theoretical contributions on social phenomena for consideration. ----------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES (PAPERS) ----------------------------- Deadline for abstract submission: 01 March 2017 (23:59 Hawaii time) Notification of acceptance: 13 April 2017 Conference dates: 10-13 July 2016 --------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (PAPERS) --------------------------------------------------- Contributions to the conference should be submitted via EasyChair at The submission should include a title, a list of 5 keywords, and an extended abstract (= main text of the submission) with at least one figure, formatted as a PDF file no larger than 20MB. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work and your methods so we can adequately assess its relevance. Please do not include authors' names and affiliations in the submitted document as peer review will be double blind. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by a Program Committee composed of experts in computational social science. Please follow the abstract template guidelines for formatting and note that abstracts longer than 3 pages will be automatically rejected. For additional information, see the conference website which also includes the Extended Abstract Template (.docx and LaTeX, available at The deadline for submission is 01 March 2017 (23:59 Hawaii time). Notice of acceptance will be 13 April 2017. We will do our best to have mostly oral presentations of the selected contributions, both plenary and in parallel sessions. However, since we cannot estimate the number of submissions we may accept some abstracts for a poster session. Submissions are non-archival. ============================================================== CALL FOR TUTORIALS ============================================================== We also welcome proposals for tutorials on topics at the intersection of the social sciences, computer science and/or statistics. We will consider any topic; provided that the proposal makes a strong argument that the tutorial is important for the IC2S2 community. Tutorials should be of interest to a substantial portion the community and should represent a sufficiently mature area of research or practice. Tutorials should be comprehensive and should not focus only on the presenter's previous work. We anticipate that each accepted tutorial will be 3 hours long. However, we are also accepting half-tutorials (1.5 hours) and full-day tutorials (6 hours). ----------------------------- PROPOSAL FORMAT ----------------------------- Proposals for tutorials should provide the following information: * Title * Abstract (up to 250 words) * Description and outline: What material will the tutorial cover? In what depth? Please provide a detailed outline. If available, please include URLs for slides and video recordings of the presenters' previous tutorials. * Presenters: Who are the presenters? Please provide names, affiliations, email addresses, and short bios (up to 200 words) for each presenter. Bios should cover the presenters' expertise related to the topic of the tutorial. If there are multiple presenters, please describe how the time will be divided between them. * Rationale: What are the objectives of the tutorial? What is the benefit for the attendees? Why is this tutorial important for IC2S2 community? * Target audience: What is the target audience? From which areas do you expect potential participants to come? What prior knowledge, if any, do you expect from the audience? How many attendees do you expect? * A list of the most important references that will be covered. * Previous tutorials: Has the tutorial (or a similar/highly related tutorial) been presented at another venue previously? If so, please list the dates and venues, and describe the similarities and differences between the previous tutorials and proposed tutorial. * Proposed length of the tutorial: please choose from 1.5 hours (half session), 3 hours (full session), and 6 hours (full day). If you are flexible, please indicate in the outline the content that will not be included if a short/long version of the tutorial is given. If you would like to give a 6 hour tutorial please justify why a full day is necessary. ----------------------------- SUBMISSION (TUTORIALS) ----------------------------- Please send your proposals for tutorials to: ic2s2tutorialchairs at ----------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES (TUTORIALS) ----------------------------- Tutorial proposals due: 10 March 2017 Notifications: 17 March 2017 ================================================ ORGANIZERS ================================================ ------------------------------ CONFERENCE CHAIRS ------------------------------ Markus Strohmaier, GESIS & University of Koblenz-Landau Dirk Brockmann, Humboldt University Berlin Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University ------------------------------ PROGRAM CHAIRS ------------------------------ Aaron Clauset, University of Colorado Boulder Sandra Gonz?lez-Bail?n, University of Pennsylvania Brian Keegan, University of Colorado Boulder Katrin Weller, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences ------------------------------ TUTORIAL CHAIRS ------------------------------ Ceren Budak, University of Michigan J?rgen Pfeffer, Technical University of Munich Derek Ruths, McGill University ------------------------------ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ------------------------------ Markus Strohmaier, GESIS & University of Koblenz-Landau Dirk Brockmann, Humboldt University Berlin Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University Matthew O. Jackson, Stanford University Helen Margetts, University of Oxford Duncan Watts, Microsoft Research From Frank.Guerino at Tue Feb 21 09:08:20 2017 From: Frank.Guerino at (Frank Guerino) Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 09:08:20 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Article - The Importance of Library Management for Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) Message-ID: Hi All, The article: "The Importance of Library Management for Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) ? covers how Library Management represents a key capability for successful GRC, which is an important and rapidly growing concern for industry. [Full address: nt-compliance-grc/ ] I hope you find the materials interesting and worth sharing. My Best, Frank ? Frank Guerino, Managing Partner The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) 1.908.294.5191 (M) From yolande at Wed Feb 22 08:47:48 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 08:47:48 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] guerilla archiving events Message-ID: <004201d28d12$419865c0$c4c93140$> ASIS&T members, If you know of any upcoming archiving events, please let me know! You can reach me at yolande at . Thanks much! Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer ASIS&T The Association for the Information Age W: 301.495.0900 8555 16th Street; Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA From songphan at Wed Feb 22 05:05:07 2017 From: songphan at (Songphan Choemprayong) Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 17:05:07 +0700 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP - ICADL 2017 Bangkok, Thailand Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2017) November 13 ? 15, 2017 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand THEME: Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives IMPORTANT DATES June 20, 2017 - Paper Submission Deadline - Full research papers (oral presentation) - Short practitioner papers (poster presentation) - Short work-in-progress papers (poster presentation) July 31, 2017 ? Workshop Proposal Deadline August 30, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance September 15, 2017 - Camera Ready Copy Deadline November 13-15, 2017 - Conference Date AIMS While the number of digital collections have been increased constantly and in diverse practices, there are some concerns regarding the relevancy and value of the efforts to expand, enhance, and sustain these collections to society at large. These concerns call for discussions and exemplifications of how research efforts and practices on digital libraries improve the quality of human life in all dimensions, such as education, business, socialization, public administration, culture, and humanities. In addition, these questions initiate quest to discover novel methodologies of producing, managing, analyzing, and storing digital collections as well as deliver state-of-the-art services in a complex, connected, and ever-changing environment that matter to our daily lives. Therefore, the theme of ICADL 2017 is ?Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives? which is open to all opportunities that illustrate how digital libraries, digital collections, and corresponding methods would lead to better lives. The 19th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2017) will be co-located with The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP) Conference at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand under a collective title ?International Forum on Data, Information, and Knowledge for Digital Lives?. Hosting these conferences together in a heart of Bangkok would bring a diverse group of academic and professional community members from all parts of the world to exchange their cutting-edge knowledge, experience and practices in various relevant issues in digital libraries, and other related fields. TOPICS We welcome research and practitioner papers in all aspects of digital libraries, for instance, - collection development and discovery - data mining and extraction - risk management and quality assurance - digital curation - digital preservation - applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning - performance evaluation - metadata creation and aggregation - semantic web and linked data - non-textual collection management - recommendation system - research data management - digital humanities and digital cultural heritage - service design for digital libraries - user experience design - user interface design - human-computer interaction - information visualization - information retrieval - applications of digital libraries in contexts such as learning, virtual organizations, collaborative task - personal information management and personal digital libraries - user generated content - digital library management and administration - digital library education - digital cultures and digital literacy - intellectual freedom, censorship, misinformation - privacy - intellectual property issues - policy, legal, and ethical concerns for digital libraries - socio-technical aspects of digital libraries - sustainability of digital libraries In addition to high-quality, original research papers, practitioner and work-in-progress papers discussing issues and future directions of digital libraries and digital collections are also welcome. Submissions that resonate with the conference?s theme are especially welcome. Nonetheless, all topics in digital libraries will be given equal consideration. SUBMISSIONS All paper submission should follow Springer Computer Science Proceedings guideline ( and are to be submitted via the conference?s EasyChair submission page ( Full Papers A Full Research Paper reports significant milestone and provides original results relevant to the scope of ICADL 2017. The maximum length of a full paper is 12 pages. Short Practitioner Papers A Practitioner Paper is a concise report of findings or other types of work by practitioners relevant to the scope of ICADL 2017. We welcome papers identifying research problems and future directions in the digital library research. The maximum length of a short paper is 6 pages. Short Work-in-Progress Papers A Work-in-Progress paper is a concise report of preliminary findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work that does not necessarily reach a level of completion but relevant to the scope of ICADL 2017. The maximum length of a short paper is 6 pages. All accepted papers will be published by Springer as conference proceedings, included in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) and indexed by SCOPUS. Electronic copies will be available on Springer website. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Program Committee Co-Chairs Fabio Crestani, Universita? della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland Sally Jo Cunningham, Waikato University, New Zealand Songphan Choemprayong, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Steering Committee Chair Shigeo Sugimoto, University of Tsukuba, Japan General Conference Chair Pimrumpai Premsmit, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Workshop Chair Marut Buranarach, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand HOST Department of Library Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand -- Songphan Choemprayong, Ph.D. Lecturer Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel. +66 2 218 4817 Fax. +66 2 218 4818 songphan at From rong.tang at Wed Feb 22 09:40:18 2017 From: rong.tang at (Rong Tang) Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 09:40:18 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Adjunct Faculty Positions: Simmons School of Library & Information Science Message-ID: Simmons College School of Library and Information Science Adjunct Faculty in the area of Information Science and Technology Simmons College invites applicants for adjunct faculty to teach in the information science & technology area. We are specifically interested in candidates who have expertise in one or more of the following areas: technology for information professionals, introduction to programming, database management, and other related areas, either in online and/or face-to-face formats. For more information on the courses offered, see ?program requirements? under Requirements: The minimum criteria for candidates wishing to teach are: a master?s degree in LIS, CS or a related field, a minimum of three years of experience working in an LIS program, library, archives, museum, or other information institution and, for those candidates wishing to teach in a blended or online learning environment, completion of the Simmons Online training program. Preference will be given to candidates with formal teaching or instructional experience and who have demonstrated excellence communication skills. For further information, please contact the Director of the IS&T concentration Nanette Veilleux (veilleux at Send your CV and cover letter to the same email address. Consideration of applications by the IS&T faculty and the Panel on Adjunct Review and Recommendation (PARR) will be ongoing for upcoming semesters. -- Rong Tang, PhD. Associate Professor School of Library and Information Science Director, Simmons Usability Lab Director, SLIS PhD Program Simmons College Director for External Relations, Association for Library and Information Science Education rong.tang at 1-617-521-2880 From jan at Wed Feb 22 10:36:15 2017 From: jan at (Jan Hatzakos) Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 10:36:15 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] guerilla archiving events In-Reply-To: <004201d28d12$419865c0$c4c93140$> References: <004201d28d12$419865c0$c4c93140$> Message-ID: <07c001d28d21$683b7550$38b25ff0$> Here's one coming up in Oxford. Janice A. Hatzakos ASIS&T Acting Executive Director 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 495-0900 Ph (301) 495-0810 Fax -----Original Message----- From: Asis-l [mailto:asis-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Yolande Nanayakkara Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:48 AM To: asis-l at Subject: [Asis-l] guerilla archiving events ASIS&T members, If you know of any upcoming archiving events, please let me know! You can reach me at yolande at . Thanks much! Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer ASIS&T The Association for the Information Age W: 301.495.0900 8555 16th Street; Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA ________________________________________ ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark | Oct. 14-18, 2016 Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology ________________________________________ Asis-l mailing list Asis-l at From pr-aksw at Wed Feb 22 12:30:49 2017 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 18:30:49 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTiCS 2017, Amsterdam, Sep 11-14, Open Calls Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting Call for Papers, Posters & Workshops SEMANTiCS 2017 - The Linked Data Conference 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems Amsterdam, Netherlands September 11 -14, 2017 For details please go to: Important Dates (Research & Innovation): *Abstract Submission Deadline: May 17, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) *Paper Submission Deadline: May 24, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) *Notification of Acceptance: July 3, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) *Camera-Ready Paper: August 14, 2017 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Important Dates (Workshops & Tutorials): *Submission of Proposals for Workshops with Call for Papers: March 31, 2017 (23:59 Hawaii Time) *Submission of Proposals for Tutorials and Workshops without Call for Papers: June 30, 2017 (23:59 Hawaii Time) *Workshop Proposals Notification of Acceptance: April 13, 2017 (23:59 Hawaii Time) *Workshop Website/Call for Papers Online: April 30, 2017 (23:59 Hawaii Time) *Workshop Camera-Ready Proceedings: September 4, 2017 (23:59 Hawaii Time) *SEMANTiCS 2017 Workshop & Tutorial Days: September 11 and 14, 2017 As in the previous years, SEMANTiCS?17 proceedings will be published by ACM ICPS (pending) and CEUR WS proceedings. SEMANTiCS 2017 will especially welcome submissions for the following hot topics: *Data Science (special track, see below) *Web Semantics, Linked (Open) Data & *Corporate Knowledge Graphs *Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies *Data Quality Management *Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems Following the success of previous years, the ?horizontals? (research) and ?verticals? (industries) below are of interest for the conference: Horizontals: *Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration *Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search *Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies *Semantics in Big Data *Text Analytics *Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization *Semantic Information Management *Document Management & Content Management *Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management *Smart Connectivity, Networking & Interlinking *Smart Data & Semantics in IoT *Semantics for IT Safety & Security *Semantic Rules, Policies & Licensing *Community, Social & Societal Aspects Data Science Special Track Horizontals: *Large-Scale Data Processing (stream processing, handling large-scale graphs) *Data Analytics (Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Network Analytics) *Communicating Data (Data Visualization, UX & Interaction Design, Crowdsourcing) *Cross-cutting Issues (Ethics, Privacy, Security, Provenance) Verticals: *Industry & Engineering *Life Sciences & Health Care *Public Administration *e-Science *Digital Humanities *Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) *Education & eLearning *Media & Data Journalism *Publishing, Marketing & Advertising *Tourism & Recreation *Financial & Insurance Industry *Telecommunication & Mobile Services *Sustainable Development: Climate, Water, Air, Ecology *Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids *Food, Agriculture & Farming *Safety, Security & Privacy *Transport, Environment & Geospatial For call details please go to: From openings at Fri Feb 24 16:28:32 2017 From: openings at (Higher Ed Listserv) Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 16:28:32 -0500 (EST) Subject: [Asis-l] Position Openings Message-ID: <> The following positions were recently posted to HigherEdJobs: We hope this is helpful! Library Technician Los Rios Community College District Sacramento, CA Libraries Posted 02/24/17 Librarian-Technical Services Chadron State College Chadron, NE Libraries Posted 02/24/17 Senior Library Associate, Digital Services George Washington University Washington, DC Libraries Posted 02/24/17 Data Services Librarian - 520101 Aa Library Services East Carolina University Greenville, NC Libraries Posted 02/24/17 Library Technician Southern State Community College Hillsboro, OH Libraries Posted 02/22/17 Library Technician III University of Alaska Fairbanks Kotzebue, AK Libraries Posted 02/22/17 Technical Services/Electronic Resources Librarian Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth City, NC Libraries Posted 02/21/17 Department Head, Technical Services Georgia State University Atlanta, GA Libraries Posted 02/20/17 Data & Visualization Librarian Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA Libraries Posted 02/22/17 Information Services Specialist (1103-215) Berklee College of Music Boston, MA Libraries Posted 02/22/17 HigherEdJobs (814) 861-3080 [ | ] [ ] makes no representations about the suitability of the information on this email for any purpose and disclaims all warranties with regard to this information. shall not be liable to any party for any special, indirect, or consequential damages that arises in any form from the use of this email. From centralplainsnetworkcpndam at Wed Feb 22 18:40:07 2017 From: centralplainsnetworkcpndam at (Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management) Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 17:40:07 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] 2nd Call for Volunteers - Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management Standing Committees Message-ID: *** Excuse the cross postings *** Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management (CPN-DAM) invites volunteers to serve on one of our standing committees for a one-year term. We are seeking members for the following three standing committees: Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee shall review the bylaws annually and make suggestions for revisions to the Executive Committee. Amendments must be made by vote of the membership. Conference Committee: The Conference Committee shall be responsible for the annual CPN-DAM conference. Outreach/Publicity Committee: The Outreach/Publicity Committee shall promote, inform, and build awareness of CPN-DAM activities within the membership and for identified communities and partners. CPN-DAM plans and considers future priorities and initiatives for the network that serves a five-state region of Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Kansas. Members of the standing committees are required to be from an institution located in this five-state. CPN-DAM would value your participation. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please contact the network?s Executive Committee at centralplainsnetworkcpndam at The deadline to notify the committee of your interest is Friday, March 3, 2017. From pr-aksw at Mon Feb 27 07:58:08 2017 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 13:58:08 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] DBpedia Newsletter Message-ID: <> Dear all, please find below the first edition of the DBpedia Newsletter, which will be sent to all subscribers in a three month interval. Of course, we would welcome any people who are interested to sign up (_ We decided to use the newsletter as the major outlet for updates on DBpedia, so no further Newsletter edition will be sent to this list. Smaller and concise announcements will be posted on our _blog_ . Also we would welcome anyone to contribute to the Newsletter with DBpedia (and Linked Open Data) related announcements by sending an email to _dbpedia at infai.org_ . Announcement/News can include links and should be less than 100 words and are subject to moderation and editorial editing (mostly shortening). Newsletter sign up form:_ Thank you very much, Sebastian *(Belated) Happy New Year to all DBpedians!* We are a proud to look retrospectively at a successful year 2016 and would like to welcome 2017 with our new newsletter (~4 times per year), which will allow you to stay up to date and provide feedback, e.g. via the included survey and the planned events in 2017. *New members *- We kickstarted the_DBpedia Association_ with a first wave of new members: OpenLink Software, Semantic Web Company, Ontotext, FIZ Karlsruhe, Mannheim University, Pozna? University of Economics and Business, the Business Information Systems Institute Ltd and the Open Knowledge Foundation Greece joined the DBpedia Association in 2016. We created two web pages that summarize reasons to_support DBpedia via donations_ and_become a member_ . *DBpedia in Dutch* (_http://nl.dbpedia.org_ ) is the first chapter which formalized an official DBpedia Chapter consortium. The cooperation was initiated by Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands) and Huygens ING (research institute of History and Culture). Other partners like imec/Ghent University, the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision and the Network Institute (Vrije Universiteit) joined as well. This cooperation will strengthen the DBpedia Dutch chapter and community of contributors as well improve the cooperation with the Dutch research infrastructure and the Dutch Digital Heritage. We are in intensive contact with the Japanese, the German and the Italian chapters to form official chapters and gain institutional support for DBpedia. You would like to know how to start a DBpedia chapter? Please check here:_ *DBpedia Releases *- Since 2015 we provide bi-annual DBpedia releases. The latest one,_2016-04_ , featured a new Wikipedia references & citation dataset for the English Wikipedia. In addition, we separated the data which we received from heuristic-based infobox extractors from the already mapped and quality-controlled data to remove low quality data and avoid duplicates & low quality information. We improved on our_Wikidata extraction_ and mapped all our data to Wikidata-based DBpedia IRIs. Wikidata will become more and more the core of future extractions. *Consortium partners for EU and national projects - *Since its conception DBpedia has never been funded directly, but was supported only by individual tasks in different projects and by the spirit of volunteers. With the establishment of the DBpedia Association, we are now in a position to receive direct funding and are eligible as a full consortium partner for EU and International projects. Furthermore, we are able to mediate trusted partners - who have worked with us in the past and contributed greatly to DBpedia - for national proposals in over 30 countries worldwide (contact via reply to this email.) *Events - *In addition to our participation in the 12th edition of the SEMANTiCS, in the 19th International Conference on Business Information Systems and in the Google Summer of Code project, we arranged three DBpedia community meetings, in The Hague, Leipzig and Sunnyvale, California. In order to get updates on our events and projects, stay tuned and check the_DBpedia blog_ . Please check out the dates to the two new DBpedia meetings below. *Links - *We have revived the portal, that allows the LOD community to contribute their links, so we can include them in DBpedia Releases. If your database links to DBpedia, you can submit your links here:_ . We provide additional support for this and also provide a service, that - once you have contributed your links - will tell you which data is linking to your knowledge base via DBpedia_, available only for Association members. /We would like to thank again all people who were involved to enable this!/ *2017 - New Year - New Opportunities* To make 2017 as great as 2016 we have already reviewed community feedback and worked out some plans to bring the DBpedia community closer together whereas we attain our goals and follow our visions. Below are the most important points for 2017. *User Survey - *S?ren Auer and the DBpedia Board prepared a survey to assess the direction of DBpedia and the DBpedia Association. We would like to know what you think should be our priorities. Please take a minute and vote here:_ *User support *- We set up a new portal to streamline support requests for DBpedia. We would encourage you to submit all questions to_ And ? if you are already an experienced DBpedia user, you can sign up and answer questions and get kudos. Upon request, we can issue a certificate for your CV. During the course of 2017 we will also provide a priority support channel for members and Chapters. *Save the Date* *- Galway 21 Jun and Amsterdam 14 Sep*. DBpedia will be part of the_Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) conference_ in Galway, Ireland (*Submission open until Feb 16th*). This new biennial conference series aims at bringing together researchers from across disciplines. The DBpedia community will have a full day event on 21th of June 2017. Also during the_SEMANTiCS 2017 in Amsterdam_ , Sep 11-14 (*Submission open until May 17th or June 23rd*), the DBpedia community will get together on the 14th of September for a DBpedia community meeting. Updates will be posted in the respective_events section_ and the_blog_ . *TextExt: DBpedia?s Open Text Extraction Challenge -* (_ As DBpedia and Wikidata currently focus primarily on representing factual knowledge as contained in Wikipedia infoboxes, we created the DBpedia Open Text Extraction Challenge. Participants are asked to submit their engines that extract facts and knowledge from Wikipedia article texts to dramatically broaden and deepen the amount of structured DBpedia/Wikipedia data. *Community coordination* - *You'd like to get involved in DBpedia? *We set up a new Get Involved section. If you are interested in details or would like to get in touch with the DBpedia community, please read here:_ *Community chairs *- The active community of developers and engineers comes together in the DBpedia community committee. We will build up this committee with the help of Pablo Mendes and Magnus Knuth who will serve as provisional chairs. The committee can be joined by recommendation only based on merit. If you would like to get in contact with the community committee please check here:_ Two delegates from the community committee are elected chairs and will take seats at the Board of Trustees. This board is the main decision-making body of the DBpedia Association and oversees the association and its work, as its ultimate corporate authority. There are four board meetings per year, please have a look at the public minutes here:_ *Technical development I: Wikidata - *Many DBpedians are excited about the progress_Wikidata_ is making and we are planning to use Wikidata?s data as the new core for our extraction and fusion. This means that in future releases we will fuse data from Wikidata with the usual data we extract from over 100 Wikipedia language editions with additional data from other high quality LOD sources and do the usual refinement, typing and quality-control. We hope that this will provide an unprecedented knowledge graph with superior coverage, completeness and correctness. *Technical development II: UnifiedViews - *our plan to achieve the above mentioned fusion will be realized by an active collaboration with the_Semantic Web Company (SWC)_ , where DBpedia developers work side by side with the_PoolParty Semantic Suite_ technical team to add scalability, provenance tracking and linking/fusion capabilities into the Data Processing Units of the_UnifiedViews_ workflows. *Technical development III - *For 2017, we hope to establish further hands-on collaboration with companies and organisations to push all aspects of DBpedia, in particular: search and visualisation, ontology maintenance, querying and indexing crawling data from web and social media. We also work together with our members to prioritize on integrating data that they think useful. *Membership* - If you would like to become a member of the DBpedia Association, please check all benefits here:_ If you require any further information, feel free to contact us by replying to this email. We are already very excited to spend time with you on further community meetings and to publish new DBpedia releases. All the best, Julia, Dimitris & Sebastian DBpedia Association From michel.menou at Mon Feb 27 12:05:25 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 18:05:25 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [Sigmetrics] Eugene Garfield In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Such sad news are of concern for all segments of ASIS&T community. Gene many talents and impressive achievements need no comments. Except perhaps his sense of humor which may be overlooked. Michel Menou -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Sigmetrics] Eugene Garfield Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 11:13:35 -0500 From: Cassidy R. Sugimoto To: sigmetrics at Dear members of the metrics community: It is with great regret that I inform you that Eugene Garfield passed away on February 26, 2017. A memorial and other means of honoring Gene?s legacy are forthcoming. Best, Cassidy R. Sugimoto President, International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics -- Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD Associate Professor School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University Bloomington From virginia at Mon Feb 27 12:16:22 2017 From: virginia at (VIRGINIA ORTIZ-REPISO JIMENEZ) Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 18:16:22 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] [Eurchap] Fwd: [Sigmetrics] Eugene Garfield In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Thank you, Michel. I was writing to the Chapter just now. He was named Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Barcelona last year. We will miss him and his tireless work but we lucky to still enjoy all their valuable contributions. In memoriam, Virginia 2017-02-27 18:05 GMT+01:00 Michel Menou : > Such sad news are of concern for all segments of ASIS&T community. > > Gene many talents and impressive achievements need no comments. > > Except perhaps his sense of humor which may be overlooked. > > Michel Menou > > > > > -------- Forwarded Message -------- > Subject: [Sigmetrics] Eugene Garfield > Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 11:13:35 -0500 > From: Cassidy R. Sugimoto > > To: sigmetrics at > > Dear members of the metrics community: > > > It is with great regret that I inform you that Eugene Garfield passed away > on February 26, 2017. > > > A memorial and other means of honoring Gene?s legacy are forthcoming. > > > Best, > > Cassidy R. Sugimoto > > President, International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics > > -- > Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD > Associate Professor > School of Informatics and Computing > Indiana University Bloomington > > > _______________________________________________ > Eurchap mailing list > Eurchap at > > > -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virginia Ortiz-Repiso Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 28903 Getafe Tel?fono: 916248661 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From sallard at Mon Feb 27 13:17:33 2017 From: sallard at (Allard, Suzanne Lorraine (Suzie)) Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 18:17:33 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] [Eurchap] Fwd: [Sigmetrics] Eugene Garfield In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> In addition to his remarkable, foundational contributions to the field and his wonderful sense of humor, Gene was a remarkable diplomat for our discipline who generously provided his time, insight and support to those just entering the field. Simply put, an amazing man. Suzie Suzie Allard, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Research, College of Communication & Information Professor, School of Information Sciences Director, Center for Information & Communication Studies University of Tennessee 1345 Circle Park Drive | 423 Communications Building| Knoxville, TN | 37996-0341 | USA T 865.974.1369 | F 865.974.7878 | E sallard at | W / On 2/27/17, 12:16 PM, "Asis-l on behalf of VIRGINIA ORTIZ-REPISO JIMENEZ" wrote: Thank you, Michel. I was writing to the Chapter just now. He was named Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Barcelona last year. We will miss him and his tireless work but we lucky to still enjoy all their valuable contributions. In memoriam, Virginia 2017-02-27 18:05 GMT+01:00 Michel Menou : > Such sad news are of concern for all segments of ASIS&T community. > > Gene many talents and impressive achievements need no comments. > > Except perhaps his sense of humor which may be overlooked. > > Michel Menou > > > > > -------- Forwarded Message -------- > Subject: [Sigmetrics] Eugene Garfield > Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 11:13:35 -0500 > From: Cassidy R. Sugimoto > > To: sigmetrics at > > Dear members of the metrics community: > > > It is with great regret that I inform you that Eugene Garfield passed away > on February 26, 2017. > > > A memorial and other means of honoring Gene?s legacy are forthcoming. > > > Best, > > Cassidy R. Sugimoto > > President, International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics > > -- > Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD > Associate Professor > School of Informatics and Computing > Indiana University Bloomington > > > _______________________________________________ > Eurchap mailing list > Eurchap at > > > -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virginia Ortiz-Repiso Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 28903 Getafe Tel?fono: 916248661 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________ ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark | Oct. 14-18, 2016 Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology ________________________________________ Asis-l mailing list Asis-l at From yolande at Tue Feb 28 07:24:28 2017 From: yolande at (Yolande Nanayakkara) Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 07:24:28 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T Events Calendar Message-ID: <008c01d291bd$9bb65530$d322ff90$> The ASIS&T Events Calendar provides website visitors with all ASIS&T activities happening around the world. This includes SIG and Chapter events. Members can find out what's happening locally as well as in their areas of interest. Make sure to check in often as the calendar is updated on a regular basis! Members and visitors can go to to see what's going on around ASIS&T. Yolande Nanayakkara Communications Officer ASIS&T The Association for the Information Age W: 301.495.0900 8555 16th Street; Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA From kalev.leetaru5 at Mon Feb 27 12:47:31 2017 From: kalev.leetaru5 at (kalev leetaru) Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 12:47:31 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] four visualizations (and open data) from data mining online news at massive scale Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting - I thought many of you would find of interest four of my latest pieces on what we can learn about the global structure of the news media landscape through massive mining of online news, and given that the underlying datasets are all open, that these might offer great starting points for many other research questions. In particular, two of the analyses rely on applying deep learning image cataloging to more than a quarter billion global news photographs from last year, one examining visual geocoding and the other looking at semantic visual clustering using the assigned labels. One explores what it looks like to combine multilingual textual geocoding and sentiment analysis (both covering 65 languages) to process a quarter billion news articles and 2.2 billion location mentions to map "global happiness" as seen through the eyes of the world's online news media. The final leverages visual document extraction to compile three quarters of a billion outlinks from 121 million articles over the last 10 months and uses that link graph to explore how global media outlets link to each other. What makes this particular analysis distinct is both the global scope (crossing all countries and 65 languages) and the use of the article link graph rather than the page link graph as is traditionally done (ie looking at only the links in the article text itself, rather than the myriad links found in the rest of the surrounding page, such as headers/footers/advertisements/etc). Thought these might be of interest re what it looks like to apply these techniques at scale and with a globalized scope and the open availability of the underlying computed datasets to enable all kinds of other research on online news. ~K From bhow at Tue Feb 28 10:46:37 2017 From: bhow at (Howard, Barrie) Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 10:46:37 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] 3 days remaining to share your training needs regarding long-term access to your organization's digital content! Message-ID: <7CC4AB09C979C242B5E468C64182DD440135DB26A6A5@LCXCLMB01.LCDS.LOC.GOV> Greetings! The Library of Congress is interested in what skills and experience your staff require to address the digital preservation needs of your organization. The Library's DPOE Program,, is conducting a survey designed to capture the digital preservation continuing education, professional development, and training needs of your organization through midnight this Friday, March 3, 2017. The Library will use your responses to assist with the further development and/or refinement of its digital preservation educational programs and initiatives. Any organization in the United States and territories engaged in the preservation of digital content is invited to complete the survey. Again the survey is open through midnight this Friday, March 3, and is available from Thank you for your participation. Barrie Howard Internship and Fellowship Programs Library of Congress bhow at +1-202-707-1830 facebook How prepared is your organization to provide long-term, durable access to its mission-critical digital content? What skills and experience do staff need to address the digital preservation needs of your organization? The Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program is conducting a survey to discover the answers to these questions. Please contribute your answers to the survey by Friday, March 3, 2017, available from the link below. Twitter How ready r u 2 provide long-term access 2 ur org's digital content? Complete @librarycongress survey by 3/3/17