From sanghee.oh at Tue Aug 1 04:13:22 2017 From: sanghee.oh at (Sanghee Oh) Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2017 17:13:22 +0900 Subject: [Asis-l] DUE EXTENDED for ASIS&T SIG USE Best Poster Award: Aug. 5th Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, This is a FINAL CALL for the PARTICIPATION: We hope you will consider applying for the slate of SIG USE awards available for research; award winners will be formally recognized at the SIGUSE symposium, to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. *Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award *in recognition of the best information behavior paper accepted for presentation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Value $200, *Due AUGUST 5, 2017* use-best-information-behavior-conference-poster-award/ Please note the application requirements and procedures for the various awards, which can be found through the URLs provided above. Please encourage your faculty and student colleagues to apply. Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs -- Sanghee Oh, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Chungnam National University 042-821-6357 sanghee.oh at From kpearl at Tue Aug 1 08:59:41 2017 From: kpearl at (Perales, Katherine Pearl) Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2017 12:59:41 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] UNC health informatics program awarded $3.1 million NIH-NLM T15 training grant Message-ID: UNC health informatics program awarded $3.1 million NIH-NLM T15 training grant The Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) has received a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-National Library of Medicine (NLM) T15 Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Training grant. Only a handful of U.S. organizations were selected for this highly-competitive and prestigious award, which will provide approximately $3.1 million for doctoral student support, post-doctoral appointments, and short-term summer training for undergraduate students. The grant will serve as a significant resource for CHIP's recently established PhD in health informatics. "CHIP has already made great strides in improving health data analytics and analytics systems usability through our master's degree and certificate programs," said CHIP Director and UNC Professor Javed Mostafa. "Research by doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, guided by CHIP's world-class, interdisciplinary faculty, will advance this success even further, helping to improve the quality of health care for North Carolina citizens and the world." The UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS) is a lead partner in the CHIP program, which draws faculty and expertise from units across campus, including the UNC School of Medicine, Gillings School of Global Pubic Health, UNC School of Nursing, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, UNC School of Dentistry, and Computer Science Department. For more information, visit or From ajmillion at Tue Aug 1 23:00:50 2017 From: ajmillion at (A.J. Million) Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2017 22:00:50 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] 2nd Call, ASIS&T '17, SIG IEP Workshop Call for Participation Message-ID: *Call for Participation*: The New Information State: How Information Ethics and Policy Affects Everyone, sponsored by SIG-IEP, ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Crystal City, Virginia *Date*: October 28, 2017 *Abstract*: In today?s milieu of fake news, misinformation, and generalized distrust of institutions, information ethics and policy affects everyone, across different information science research areas. In this workshop, we will analyze these changes to the informational state and discuss how we can address them through three themes: *pedagogy for information ethics and policy*, *engagement with policymakers*, and *information ethics and policy across information science*. Workshop participants are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways and will leave the workshop with tangible products that can be used in research and teaching. *Contributions*: For the workshop, we seek several different types of contributions: - Panel: A panel should incorporate two of the themes (see below, under workshop organization) and each panel is encouraged to include at least one person outside academia. Panels should be explicit about which themes are addressed and include a brief biography of each contributor. - Paper: A paper should address one of the themes (see below) in detail, tying it back to the broader discussion of the changed information state. Papers should be 3500-5000 words. - Speaker: We seek volunteers to synthesize these themes (see below) and address potential big-picture implications of these trends. Those interested in being a featured speaker should submit a c.v. and a brief essay (under 5000 words) on these themes. *The deadline for all contributions is 8/18*. Contributions should be emailed to Shannon Oltmann at shannon.oltmann at Contact Shannon Oltmann with any questions. Read the full workshop proposal here . -- *?A.J. Million?, Ph.D.* Media Center Director, Drury University Review my professional portfolio: * * From sanghee.oh at Wed Aug 2 17:35:48 2017 From: sanghee.oh at (Sanghee Oh) Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 06:35:48 +0900 Subject: [Asis-l] DUE DATE EXTENDED for ASIS&T SIG USE Innovation Award: Aug. 5th Message-ID: Dear all, This is a FINAL CALL for PARTICIPATION; we hope you apply for the SIG USE Innovation Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize innovative human information behavior work of any formats including papers, videos, demos, and other works that are accepted by the ASIS&T conference. The award winners will receive a Certificate and a check for $200 at the SIG USE symposium to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. The application package should include a cover letter and a copy of the work to be considered. Detailed information for application can be found from Applications for the SIG USE Innovation Award is due *August 5, 2017*. Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at and Sanghee Oh (sangee.oh at Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs -- Sanghee Oh, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Chungnam National University 042-821-6357 sanghee.oh at From sanghee.oh at Wed Aug 2 17:36:13 2017 From: sanghee.oh at (Sanghee Oh) Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 06:36:13 +0900 Subject: [Asis-l] DUE DATE EXTENDED for ASIS&T SIG USE Best Poster Award: Aug. 5th Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, This is a FINAL CALL for the PARTICIPATION: We hope you will consider applying for the slate of SIG USE awards available for research; award winners will be formally recognized at the SIGUSE symposium, to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. *Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award *in recognition of the best information behavior paper accepted for presentation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Value $200, *Due AUGUST 5, 2017* use-best-information-behavior-conference-poster-award/ Please note the application requirements and procedures for the various awards, which can be found through the URLs provided above. Please encourage your faculty and student colleagues to apply. Sincerely, Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh SIG USE Awards Co-chairs -- Sanghee Oh, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Chungnam National University 042-821-6357 sanghee.oh at From bstjean at Thu Aug 3 11:41:30 2017 From: bstjean at (Beth L St Jean) Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 11:41:30 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG-USE 2017 Symposium Call for Participation Message-ID: 2017 ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium Call for Participation: Framing Inclusion and Exclusion in Information Behavior Research and Practice Date: October 28, 2017 (Saturday) Time: 1:30 pm ? 6:30 pm Location: Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington, D.C. (Arlington, VA), USA Keynote: Dr. Paul T. Jaeger, College of Information Studies and the Information Policy and Access Center (iPAC), University of Maryland ABOUT THE 2017 SIG-USE SYMPOSIUM The 17th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium focuses on the theme of inclusion and exclusion. This theme acknowledges that advances in information and communication technology, such as the Internet, social media, and mobile devices have afforded individuals and communities new ways of connecting with one another and of accessing vast quantities of information, but that many individuals and groups still remain at the periphery of the information society. These groups include, but are not limited to: older persons, geographically or socially isolated persons, migrant persons, disabled persons, economically disadvantaged and displaced persons, global youth, and others who are often considered at-risk and vulnerable. While some scholars have considered these populations and their information behavior and practices, the aims of this Symposium are to strengthen and build the community of scholars and information professionals who critically consider issues related to inclusion and exclusion in their work. It also aims to provide an opportunity for scholars and professionals to reflect and gain feedback on their ongoing studies, to take in new perspectives, and to engage in theoretical debates. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION SIG-USE Symposium organizers invite poster (~500-word abstract) and short paper (<2000-word abstract) contributions that describe completed research and research-in-progress, and that showcase empirical, conceptual, theoretical, and methodological findings or rich practice cases and demonstrations, from researchers, graduate students, and practitioners. To read the SIG-USE Symposium's full Call For Participation, please visit: Poster and short paper abstracts should adhere to the following guidelines: - Be submitted as two versions: the first should include (a) name(s), title, and institutional affiliation(s) at the top; the second should be blinded to facilitate review, and not include name(s), titles, or affiliation(s). - Be submitted as two .pdf files, named according to the following conventions: '2017_SIGUSESym_####_Lastname.pdf' and '2017_SIGUSESym_####_Blinded.pdf' (where '####' is a 4- or 5-digit number of your choosing, to avoid multiple files with identical names). - Be e-mailed to Leslie Thomson (lethomso at by midnight EST on September 5, 2017. Accepted documents will be circulated prior to and following the Symposium, when possible. Please indicate in the text of the submission e-mail whether or not we may post the abstract to the public SIG-USE website before and after the Symposium is held. To register for the 2017 ASIS&T Annual Meeting and the SIG-USE Symposium, visit: (early bird deadline September 15, 2017). For more information about SIG-USE or this event, visit: Neither submission nor acceptance of an abstract are requirements for registration at the SIG-USE Symposium. We hope to see you there! Leslie Thomson lethomso at Chi Young Oh jcoh at Stan Karanasios stan.karanasios at 2017 ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium Co-chairs From tibbo at Thu Aug 3 12:26:42 2017 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 16:26:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Applications now open for 1st cohort for online Master's in Digital Curation from UNC-Chapel Hill Message-ID: Please excuse cross postings. Become a leader in the emerging field of digital asset management with the new Professional Science Master's (PSM) degree in Digital Curation from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This 31-credit, 100% online program is the first master's degree in the nation focused on digital curation. Students will have the opportunity to work with world-renowned faculty members from UNC's top-ranked information school, including Dr. Helen Tibbo, Dr. Christopher (Cal) Lee, and Dr. Arcot Rajasekar. Graduates of this program will benefit from UNC's longstanding reputation as an international leader in digital curation and data management. Applications for spring enrollment is now open. Learn more at Hope to see you online! Please forward to anyone you think might be interested. -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor & Society of American Archivists, President 2010-2011 and Fellow School of Information and Library Science 211 Manning Hall, CB# 3360 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 1+ 919 418 4557 Fax: 1+ 919 962 8071 tibbo at From kberlack at Thu Aug 3 13:23:32 2017 From: kberlack at (Ken Berlack) Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 17:23:32 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NFAIS Call for Presenters Deadline 2017-2018 Lunch & Learn Series' August 7 deadline approaches Message-ID: Building on another successful year, NFAIS is seeking a new set of knowledgeable and articulate experts to share their insights and expertise. Lunch & Learn with NFAIS webinar sessions are given by a single presenter and take place on the last Tuesday of every month. They last no more than 45 minutes and are free for NFAIS members to attend as well as being accessible to non-members for a nominal fee. Under the guidelines, presentation submissions should focus on: * a new innovation or emerging technology in scholarly publishing and research; * new or emerging practices for greater efficiency, user engagement, and/or improved quality; * case studies that demonstrate successful partnerships or business models; * industry research or studies that highlight or illuminate new thinking, analysis, and innovation on the future of information services; and, * creative solutions to existing challenges within the information services community. All presentation submissions will be reviewed by the NFAIS Workshop and Webinar Planning Committee and final selections are based on: relevance to the information services community; overall quality; timeliness of the topic; speaker qualifications; and a well-defined focus within a selected content area. Please note the presentation submissions deadline for our next series cycle is Monday, August 7, 2017. (If you need a bit more time, please send a note to nblairdeleon at To submit a presentation online, visit: From lmiddleton at Fri Aug 4 12:30:01 2017 From: lmiddleton at (Lydia Middleton) Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2017 16:30:01 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Social Event at IFLA, Please Join Us Message-ID: We're very excited that IFLA is meeting in Wroclaw (Poland), 19-25 August 2017, and hope that many of you are attending. More information about the Congress is at The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) and the iSchools Organization invite you to a joint Meet & Greet Dinner on Sunday, 20 August, at 6:30 EDT (18:30), after the IFLA Exhibition Opening Party. We are in the process of selecting the restaurant and determining the cost to attend. We will provide that information once it is available. In order to plan for numbers and in case there is a capacity limit, please indicate that you will be attending by filling out the RSVP form by 8 August, 2017 at: Form will close on August 8th or when capacity is reached. We look forward to seeing you in Wroclaw! Clara M. Chu, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Krystyna K. Matusiak, Michael Seadle and Dietmar Wolfram ALISE, ASIS&T, CALA and iSchools Joint IFLA 2017 Social Planning Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lydia S. Middleton, MBA, CAE Executive Director Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 | Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.495.0900 From ARAVIND002 at Mon Aug 7 01:27:23 2017 From: ARAVIND002 at (#SESAGIRI RAAMKUMAR ARAVIND#) Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 05:27:23 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2nd CFP: Springer CCIS Series Workshop - Altmetrics for Research Outputs Measurement and Scholarly Information Management (AROSIM 2018) Message-ID: [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP] 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS 2018 Workshop on Altmetrics for Research Outputs Measurement and Scholarly Information Management (AROSIM 2018) AROSIM 2018 is a full day workshop taking place on Friday January 26, 2018 in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Workshop website: Paper submission link: Important Dates: * Submissions Due - August 25, 2017 * Notification - October 24, 2017 * Camera Ready Version of Papers Due - November 17, 2017 * AROSIM 2018 Full Day Workshop - January 26, 2018 The main objective of the AROSIM 2018 workshop is to create a forum to disseminate the latest works on altmetrics for measuring research impact and scholarly information management. The workshop will investigate how social media based metrics along with traditional and non-traditional metrics can advance the state-of-the-art in measuring research outputs. The goals of the workshop are: * To promote the exchange of ideas and encourage potential collaborations amongst scholars from both computer science and information science disciplines, as well as with librarians and industry * To investigate challenges and explore solutions for cross-metric exploration and validation, while considering disciplinary differences related to measuring research outputs * To showcase innovative altmetric tools, methods, and datasets * To provide a discussion platform for the academic communities, librarians, policy makers, publishers, as well as grant funding agencies We hope this workshop will help to inspire new research ideas as well as encourage future collaborations amongst the different disciplines and industry stakeholders. A Best Paper Award, sponsored by Altmetric, will be given to the author(s) of the most outstanding work. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Altmetrics, informetrics, scientometrics, webometrics * Non-traditional metrics * Article-level metrics * Traditional bibliometric approaches and metrics * Scholarly information management * Design of Altmetrics systems and tools * Tools and methods for cross-metric validation and visualization * Altmetrics data modelling and datasets * Bibliometrics/Altmetrics-based information retrieval and recommender systems * Altmetrics-related information analysis * Models and theories of scholarly communication * Social network analysis of scholarly communication * Impact metrics for diverse research outputs, e.g., source code, research datasets * Altmetrics for university/school libraries * Advances in digital repositories * Altmetrics and digital libraries * Altmetrics and big scholarly data * Critical discussions on (alt)metrics and research evaluation * Perspectives from policy makers, grant funding agencies, libraries, and publishers Keynote Speakers: 1) Mike Thelwall, Professor of Information Science, University of Wolverhampton, UK 2) TBC Submission Instructions: We invite submission of ten pages (including references), representing original research, preliminary findings, new research proposals, position papers and also opinion papers. Student papers are also invited. All papers will be peer reviewed (double-blind) by the program committee and judged by their relevance to the workshop, especially to the main themes identified above, and their potential to generate discussion. All submissions must be formatted according to the latest Springer CCIS template available at Please submit your paper(s) in PDF format. Submissions must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions must be in English. The submissions can be made at this link Please note that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and present the paper in-person. Organizers: * Yin-Leng Theng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Edie Rasmussen, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada * Yonggang Wen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Robert J?schke, The University of Sheffield, UK * Isabella Peters, ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics and Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany * Yew Boon Chia, Humanities and Social Sciences Library, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Samantha Ang, Lee Wee Nam Library, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Mojisola Erdt, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Aravind Sesagiri Raamkumar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Workshop Program Committee: * Anup Kumar Das, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India * Aparna Basu, South Asian University, India * Ehsan Mohammadi, Northwestern University, USA * Hamed Alhoori, Northern Illinois University, USA * Joanna Sin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Juan Gorraiz, University of Vienna, Austria * Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University, Israel * Kazunari Sugiyama, National University of Singapore, Singapore * Kim Holmberg, University of Turku, Finland * Kuang-hua Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan * Li Xuemei, York University, Canada * Lutz Bornmann, Max Planck Society, Germany * Michael Khor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Mike Taylor, Digital Science, UK * Mike Thelwall, University of Wolverhampton, UK * Paul Groth, Elsevier Labs, USA * Philipp Mayr-Schlegel, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany * Schubert Foo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Stefanie Haustein, University of Montreal, Canada * Sun Aixin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Sybille Hinze, DZHW GmbH, Germany * Victoria Uren , Aston University, UK * Vincent Larivi?re , Universit? de Montr?al * Winson Peng, Michigan State University, USA * Xiao Xiaokui, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore` * Xin Shuai, Indiana University Bloomington, USA * Ying-Hsang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Contact: Please direct all your queries to Moji (Mojisola.Erdt at and Aravind (aravind002 at for help. Workshop website: From pr-aksw at Mon Aug 7 03:10:35 2017 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 09:10:35 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Contribute to the SEMANTiCS Workshops and the DBpedia Day Message-ID: <> SEMANTiCS 2017 - The Linked Data Conference 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems Amsterdam, Netherlands September 11 -14, 2017 _http://2017.semantics.cc_ *# Workshops & Tutorials* This year's SEMANTiCS includes two days of exciting and interesting satellite events on the 11th and 14th of September. Scheduled in several _parallel tracks_ , workshops and tutorials will provide a forum for groups of researchers and practitioners to discuss and learn about hot topics in Semantic Web research. If you did not purchased a ticket for the main conference, day passes for the SEMANTiCS workshops and tutorials are at ?40 (excl. registration fee and VAT). Day passes include lunch and coffee and can be purchased _here_ . *Have a closer look at the *_*programme*_ *and do not forget to register in advance for the workshops and tutorials you are planning to attend!*To register, select your workshop of choice _here_ and once in the workshop page click on the registration link at the bottom. *# DBpedia Day - Call for Participation* During the SEMANTiCS 2017 the DBpedia Community will get together on the**14th of September for the DBpedia Day. * Highlights * - Keynote session - DBpedia Association hour & Dutch DBpedia hour - A _session on DBpedia ontology_ by members of the DBpedia ontology committee. - Tell us what cool things you do with DBpedia: _ - As always, there will be tutorials to learn about DBpedia and a DBpedia showcase session * Quick Facts * - Web URL & Tickets: _ - When: September 14th, 2017 - Where: Meervaart Theatre, Meer en Vaart 300, 1068 LE Amsterdam, Netherlands - Call for Contribution: _ - Attending the DBpedia Community Meeting costs ?40 (excl. registration fee and VAT). DBpedia members get free admission, please contact your nearest DBpedia chapter or the _DBpedia Association_ for a promotion code. /We are looking forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the SEMANTiCS in Amsterdam! / From marialemos72 at Mon Aug 7 12:46:31 2017 From: marialemos72 at (Marle) Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 17:46:31 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Papers --- ICITS'18 --- Ecuador Message-ID: <> *** Proceedings published by Springer and indexed by ISI, Scopus, EI-Compendex, DBLP, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICITS'18 - The 2018 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems Peninsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador, 10 - 12 January 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE ICITS'18 - The 2018 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (, to be held at Pen?nsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador, 10 - 12 January 2018, is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Information Technology & Systems. We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to ICITS'18. They can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity. TOPICS Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes proposed for the Conference: A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM); B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS); C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM); D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT); E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA); F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS); G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS); H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA); I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS) K) Health Informatics (HIS); L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE); SUBMISSION AND DECISION Submitted papers (until 10-page limit) must comply with the format of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website or download a DOC example) be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, must not have been published before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the authors? identification. Therefore, the authors? names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publication form filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system. All papers will be subjected to a ?double-blind review? by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. Based on Scientific Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as paper or poster. The authors of papers accepted as posters must build and print a poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference can includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 7 minute limit per poster. The authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. PUBLICATION AND INDEXING To ensure that an accepted paper is published, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by the 20th of October 2017, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit (until 10 pages). Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the camera-ready version. No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration. One registration permits only the participation of one author in the conference. Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in a book of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series, will be submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS and DBLP, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library. Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese and accepted and registered will be published in Proceedings by AISTI and will be submitted for evaluation and possible indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex and SCOPUS. The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them for publication in international journals indexed by ISI, SCOPUS, EI-Compendex and DBLP, among others. IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: September 6, 2017 Notification of Acceptance: October 13, 2017 Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: October 20, 2017. Camera-ready Submission: October 20, 2017 --------- ICITS'18 website: --------- ---------------------------------------------- --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. From awasom.afuh at Mon Aug 7 15:31:21 2017 From: awasom.afuh at (Afuh, Awasom) Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 19:31:21 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Winners of the SIG - III 2017 International Paper Contest Announced Message-ID: The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Special Interest Group on International Information Issues (SIG III) is pleased to announce the winners of its 2017 International Paper Contest for Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals in developing countries. First Place winner is Saira Hanif Soroya of the Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore - Pakistan with paper titled "Subject -Based Reading Behavior Differences of Young Adults under Emerging Digital Paradigms". Second Place winner is Masimba Clyde Muziringa, Medical Librarian at the College of Health Sciences Library, University of Zimbabwe, Harare - Zimbabwe with a paper titled "Impact of Research Evidence in Clinical Practice". Third Place winner is Nosheen Fatima Warraich of the Department of information Management at the University of Punjab, Lahore - Pakistan with a paper titled "Attitudes and perceptions about Linked Data technologies: A survey of information professionals in Pakistan" The first-place winners will be awarded a minimum of $1,000 to attend the 2017 ASIS&T Annual Meeting taking place in the Washington DC area at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Crystal City VA, USA. In addition, the principal authors of each of the selected winning papers will be awarded a two-year individual membership to ASIS&T. We wish to thank all those who participated in the paper contest from across the globe, extend our hearty congratulations to the above winners and looking forward to a wonderful 2017 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C, USA. Sincerely, International Paper Contest Review Team Innocent Awasom Shimelis Assefa Premila Gamage Devendra Potnis Fatih Oguz From awasom.afuh at Mon Aug 7 17:37:37 2017 From: awasom.afuh at (Afuh, Awasom) Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2017 21:37:37 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Winners of the SIG - III 2017 International Paper Contest Announced Message-ID: The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Special Interest Group on International Information Issues (SIG III) is pleased to announce the winners of its 2017 International Paper Contest for Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals in developing countries. First Place winner is Saira Hanif Soroya of the Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore - Pakistan with paper titled "Subject -Based Reading Behavior Differences of Young Adults under Emerging Digital Paradigms". Second Place winner is Masimba Clyde Muziringa, Medical Librarian at the College of Health Sciences Library, University of Zimbabwe, Harare - Zimbabwe with a paper titled "Impact of Research Evidence in Clinical Practice". Third Place winner is Nosheen Fatima Warraich of the Department of information Management at the University of Punjab, Lahore - Pakistan with a paper titled "Attitudes and perceptions about Linked Data technologies: A survey of information professionals in Pakistan" The first-place winner will be awarded a minimum of $1,000 to attend the 2017 ASIS&T Annual Meeting taking place in the Washington DC area at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Crystal City VA, USA. In addition, the principal authors of each of the selected winning papers will be awarded a two-year individual membership to ASIS&T. We wish to thank all those who participated in the paper contest from across the globe, extend our hearty congratulations to the above winners and looking forward to a wonderful 2017 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C, USA. Congratulations and please spread the word! Sincerely, International Paper Contest Review Team Innocent Awasom Shimelis Assefa Premila Gamage Devendra Potnis Fatih Oguz From aida.slavic at Tue Aug 8 05:30:55 2017 From: aida.slavic at (Aida Slavic) Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 10:30:55 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Invitation: Faceted Classification Today, London 14-15 September In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> ===== Invitation to delegates ===== The International UDC Seminar 2017 FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: theory, technology and end users DATE: 14-15 September 2017 VENUE: Wellcome Collection 183 Euston Road London, United Kingdom WEBSITE: CONTACT: seminar2017 at UDC Seminar 2017 revisits faceted analytical theory as one of the most influential methodologies in the development of knowledge organization systems. We invite information professionals, researchers, lecturers in library and information science and computer science as well as controlled vocabulary developers and designers to join us in discussing important issues related to 'facets' and their application in information organization and discovery. Various aspects of facet analysis will be discussed by the most eminent authors in the field of knowledge organization and classification: Richard Smiraglia, Vanda Broughton, Birger Hjorland, Claudio Gnoli, Joseph Tennis, Martin Fricke, Dagobert Soergel, Rebecca Green, Rick Szostak, A.R.D. Prasad, et al. The conference proceeding (published by Ergon Verlag), will be distributed to delegates at the conference ( To learn more about the conference programme and to register, go to the conference website Registration fee: ?290 regular fee (students ?250) About the organizer: "Faceted Classification Today" is the sixth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDC Consortium). UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the UDC and to support its use and development ( UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain. --- UDC Consortium PO Box 90407 2509 LK The Hague The Netherlands --- Web: Email: mail at ______________________ * International UDC Seminar 2017 - London, 14-15 September - * UDC Online Hub (6 languages): * UDC Summary (56 languages): The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool ______________________ From alisa.libby at Tue Aug 8 11:37:31 2017 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 11:37:31 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Welcome to New Simmons SLIS Faculty Message-ID: *Dean Eileen Abels is pleased to announce two additions to the Simmons SLIS faculty as of July 1, 2017.* Rebecca Davis, Senior Lecturer Rebecca Davis?s areas of research include undergraduate women in the STEM fields and their use of academic library services and resources and diversity in academic libraries. Before joining the faculty at Simmons College, she worked as an Information Services Librarian in the Jennifer Ann Wilson Dental Library at the University of Southern California. Rebecca received a BA in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, an MS in library science from the University of Kentucky and a PhD in communication and information from the University of Tennessee. Rachel Williams, Senior Lecturer Rachel Williams earned her doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison?s School of Library and Information Studies. Her teaching areas are technology for information professionals, database design, reference and user services, and research methods. Williams? research areas are rooted in issues of social justice, professionalization, and librarianship. Most recently, her work looks at how public library workers navigate issues of professionalization and work boundaries when providing consumer health and social services information to people experiencing homelessness. Before completing the doctoral program at UW-Madison, Dr. Williams worked in public and corporate libraries in Washington State. -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From alisa.libby at Thu Aug 10 10:02:00 2017 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 10:02:00 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Simmons SLIS Community News, July 2017 Message-ID: *Simmons SLIS is proud to announce the most recent accomplishments of our faculty, staff, and alumni. * *Faculty* Dean *Eileen Abels* co-presented ?Library and Information Experts Succeeding in the 21st Century: A Town Hall Dialogue on Competencies, Careers, and Successful Practice,? a panel discussion facilitated by ALA President Julie Todoro, at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago, IL on June 24. Associate Professor *Melanie Kimball *co-edited Engaging Teens with Story: How to Inspire and Educate Youth with Storytelling (Libraries Unlimited, 2017). Kimball also authored the chapter, ?Folk and Fairy Tales and Popular Media: Strong Females, Rehabilitated Witches, and Villains We Love to Hate.? Senior Lecturer *Megan Dowd Lambert* presented a panel discussion, ?Words and Pictures: Picture Book Author/Illustrators Discuss the Whole Book,? with picture book illustrators David Hyde Costello, Don Tate, and Duncan Tonatiuh at ALA on June 24. Associate Professor *Laura Saunders* co-presented ?Going with (and Growing with) the Framework: Teaching Information Literacy with a Social Justice Lens,? at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL on June 23. Saunders also presented ?Re-Framing Information Literacy for Social Justice,? at ALA, and was elected to a second term as Director of Beta Phi Mu at the Annual Business Meeting, both on June 24. Senior Lecturer *Rebecka Sheffield* presented her paper, ?Teaching Justice in Archival Education? at the Association of Canadian Archivists Conference in Ottawa on June 8. Associate Professor *Rong Tang* spoke at the School of Information Management at Nanjing University and two other universities in early June. Her topic for Nanjing University's presentation is "Information Behavior Research: Past, Present, and Future." Tang also represented the SLIS doctoral program at ?Leaders Wanted: LIS Doctoral Options Fair? on June 24 at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. *Alumni* *Mary E. Helms* ?81LS, associate professor in the McGoogan Library of Medicine, received the Medical Library Association?s (MLA) President's Award as part of a committee updating the association?s governance documents. The award, which is one of the highest honors offered by the MLA, was given to the group at the 2017 MLA annual meeting in May. *Mary Piorun* ?14LS has been named director of the Lamar Soutter Library at UMass-Medical. *Staff* Research Services Librarian* Dawn Stahura* has written a chapter for The Feminist Reference Desk: Concepts, Critiques, and Conversations (Library Juice Press, Summer 2017). Her chapter is titled ?Filling in the Gaps: Using Zines to Amplify the Voices of People Who Are Silenced in Academic Research.? -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From eric.meyer at Thu Aug 10 10:05:34 2017 From: eric.meyer at (Eric Meyer) Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 14:05:34 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: 15 Aug for SIG-SI pre-con workshop "The Social Informatics of Knowledge" Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting, but please forward as appropriate: This is a reminder to submit your 750 word abstracts by 15 August (this coming Tuesday!) for the ASIS&T Social Informatics SIG (SIG-SI) pre-conference workshop on the social informatics of knowledge to eric.meyer at and kalpana.shankar at for full consideration. In particular, we seek submissions that extend our understanding of how we can better explain knowledge practices (broadly conceived) by looking at the connections between people and technologies. The workshop will be held in Washington, DC, USA on Saturday 28 October 2017. Full details, including suggested topics, can be found at: This workshop is being held in conjunction with the ASIS&T Annual meeting: Also note: a special issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology on the same topic has a 15 January 2018 deadline, and workshop submissions will receive feedback from the special issue editors to strengthen their submission for the special issue. For details of the special issue, visit and select the Call for Papers for the Special Issue on "The Social Informatics of Knowledge". We look forward to reading your submissions! Prof Eric T Meyer, University of Oxford Professor of Social Informatics & Director of Graduate Studies, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford Turing Fellow, The Alan Turing Institute, London Email: eric.meyer at | Web: | Twitter: @etmeyer From jmartin at Thu Aug 10 11:57:11 2017 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 15:57:11 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Deadline Extended to Mon Aug 14 - Digital Directions Seattle, Aug 21-23 Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF9018D173322@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> A Few Seats Left - Join Us in Seattle Registration Deadline Extended to Monday, August 14! ******************************************* DIGITAL DIRECTIONS: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections --- August 21-23, 2017 --- Seattle, Washington TOPICS WILL INCLUDE: Concepts in Digital Preservation; Assessing Risks to Digital Collections; Understanding Rights and Responsibilities; Digital Project Planning; Managing Digital Collections; Selection for Digitization; Metadata Basics; Digitizing Audiovisual Collections; Metadata for Digital Preservation; Information Security; Funding Your Digital Project; and Managing Digital Preservation for Access. MAKE LONG-LASTING CONNECTIONS WITH COLLEAGUES Registered attendees to date come from 27 states and Canada, and represent colleges and universities, public libraries, museums, federal and state agencies, tribal libraries, national parks, business libraries and archives, historical societies, law and medical libraries, foundations, and county and city records offices. MEET OUR FACULTY: FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER: **************************************** NEDCC| Northeast Document Conservation Center Sign Up for News: From lmiddleton at Thu Aug 10 14:06:09 2017 From: lmiddleton at (Lydia Middleton) Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 18:06:09 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder, Election Closes at 9 am ET Tomorrow Message-ID: Have you voted in the ASIS&T 2017 Election yet? If you are a member and you have not yet voted, it's not too late. Please either check your email for a message from with your unique ballot or email me, lmiddleton at, and I will send you your voter code. Don't miss this chance to have a voice in the future of your association. From unmil at Thu Aug 10 18:56:21 2017 From: unmil at (Unmil Karadkar) Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 17:56:21 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Final CfP - iPRES2017 workshop - Preservation and Access to Privacy-sensitive Collections Message-ID: This Call for Proposals is available on the workshop web page at: ------------------------------------------------- Submit proposals via EasyChair by August 15 (early) or August 24 (final): Overview Recent developments in digitization and dissemination technologies present the possibility of making archival collections broadly available to a global audience. In addition, new collections of born-digital documents will be readily available to support a multitude of objectives of their diverse, worldwide stakeholders. Demographics such as family members, journalists, social services providers, and policy makers can all benefit from access to these historical collections. While these advances are broadly welcomed in most circumstances, some archival collections include restricted or privacy-sensitive collections. Examples of such privacy-sensitive records include mental health institutional records, prison records, records of the Truth and reconciliation commissions, Nazi archives, and the Guatemalan national police archives. While access to paper documents is protected by distance, physical barriers, and varying state and national policies and laws, digital access may exacerbate threats to the privacy of individuals named in these records. The online availability of such records has a potential to stigmatize or embarrass the families or descendants of those named in the records when they bear no responsibility for the acts or health conditions of the named individuals, raising ethical issues in providing broad, open access to these records. In some cases, the legal frameworks for digital records are substantially less clear than those for physical records. Topics We invite broad participation from scholars and practitioners who work with or are interested in issues surrounding the preservation of and providing access to digital, privacy-sensitive collections. A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest include: * Digitization, curation, and preservation of privacy-sensitive collections * Theoretical and metadata models * Policies, workflows, and protections for accessing materials * Issues in using cloud services for privacy-sensitive materials storage and scholarship * Scholarly information behavior and needs * Models that recognize diverse user needs (for example, aggregate data, individual information) * Institutional and political negotiations surrounding access to privacy-sensitive collections * Mechanisms and models for data retrieval from handwritten documents * Privacy-aware digital repository architectures * Privacy-aware crowdsourcing and transcription methods * Privacy issues in designing user interfaces and data visualizations * Privacy mitigation in data analytics and presentation * Evaluation of existing software, infrastructure, and techniques * Social justice issues and non-scholarly outcomes of work with restricted collections Proposals: formats and submission All contributions must be written in English. We encourage you to submit proposals for: * *mature work (up to 500 words exclusive of references, 20-25 minute presentation)*: submissions that report on mature work or stake out a position in an area of interest * *work-in-progess (up to 250 words exclusive of references, 10-15 minute presentation)*: submissions that present early results or a nascent project Please submit papers via the workshop's*EasyChair submission page*: Important dates (revised): * *August 15*: early due date for proposals * *August 19*: early notification of acceptance * *August 21*: Early registration date for iPRES 2017 * *August 24*: due date for all proposals (the only difference is that registration costs for iPRES will be at the regular rate) * *August 31*: Notification of acceptance * *September 29*: PAPC2017 Workshop Organizers Please contact us in case of questions. Unmil Karadkar (unmil at ) Pat Galloway (galloway at ) King Davis(king.davis at ) School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin Acknowledgement The organizers are funded by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (grant number: 11500653) under the scholarly communications program. From jemai at Fri Aug 11 05:59:45 2017 From: jemai at (Jens-Erik Mai) Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 09:59:45 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] IER 2018: Surveillance, Algorithms, and Digital Culture Message-ID: Information Ethics Roundtable 2018 Surveillance, Algorithms, and Digital Culture University of Copenhagen, Denmark May 17-18, 2018 Proposals Due: February 5, 2018 Notification of Acceptance: March 5, 2018 Full papers due: April 23, 2018 The 16th annual Information Ethics Roundtable (IER) will explore the interconnections and interdependencies between Surveillance, Algorithms, and Digital Culture that exist in the contemporary information society. Our daily lives and activities take place in digital media; information provision is highly personalized; decision-making is guided (automated) by the use of algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence; personal information is traded on the information market by platforms and data brokers; and surveillance, in many forms, is increasingly pervading both the public-facing and more intimate aspects of our daily lives. In the 2018 edition of IER, we seek proposals that approach these interconnections and interdependencies through the lens of information ethics (writ large, to include those working in multiple fields and with differing methods). The Information Ethics Roundtable (held annually since 2003) is a yearly conference that brings together researchers from disciplines such as philosophy, information science, communications, public administration, anthropology, and law to discuss ethical issues such as information privacy, intellectual property, intellectual freedom, and censorship. Proposals for IER 2018 should be situated within the general field of information ethics (although participants are expected to come from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds) and, ideally, should connect two or more of the following areas of inquiry: - Surveillance, privacy, and/or data protection - Algorithms, machine learning, and/or artificial intelligence (AI) - Digital culture, digital media, social media, and/or other forms of digital media (non-)use *Proposal requirements* We invite two types of proposals: (1) Papers: please submit a 500-word abstract of your paper. If accepted, you are expected to submit a full paper prior to the Roundtable, and you will be presenting the paper at the conference. The paper will not be stored in a public repository or published in proceedings. (2) Panels: please submit a 1500-word description of your panel. The description should include: i) description of the topic, ii) biographies of the panel members, ii) organization of the panel. It is a requirement that panels focus tightly on a specific emergent topic, technology, phenomena, policy, or the like, with clear connections between the presentations. Proposals should be sent to: sille.obelitz at Please include the subject line: ?IER 2018 proposal? We are also interested in receiving expressions of interest to serve as a commenter/discussant for another person?s paper, as each author with an accepted paper will be paired with a commenter who will provide formal feedback and comments during the conference (after the initial paper presentation; discussants will be included in the official conference program). Expressions of interest should be sent to: sille.obelitz at by April 16, 2018, although decisions will be made on a rolling basis after March 5, 2018 (the paper notification deadline). Please include the subject line: ?IER 2018 commenter.? *Deadlines* Submission of Proposals (papers and panels): Monday February 5, 2018 Notification of Acceptance: Monday March 5, 2018 Full Paper Deadline: Monday April 23, 2018 Registration Deadline: Friday May 4, 2018 Conference Dates: Thursday & Friday May 17-18, 2018 More information on conference website: ------------------------------------- Jens-Erik Mai Professor University of Copenhagen Information Studies jemai at From ARAVIND002 at Fri Aug 11 01:12:09 2017 From: ARAVIND002 at (#SESAGIRI RAAMKUMAR ARAVIND#) Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 05:12:09 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP & CFT: 11th Australasian Conference on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM) In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP] CALL FOR PAPERS 11th Australasian Conference on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM) Brisbane, 29 January - 2 February 2018 Held in conjunction with the Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW) is the premier event for Computer Science researchers across Australasia that comprises several conferences covering a wide range Computer Science topics. ACSW is attended by many national and international delegates comprising academics, industry representatives and HDR students. HIKM has been a leading forum for academic research in the area of computing in support of healthcare in the Pacific Australasian region for over a decade. Submission of papers presenting original unpublished work is now open. Accepted papers will be published with ACM Press. Papers should address current research topics in the field of computational intelligence, big data analytics, health analytics and systems, information and knowledge management applied to healthcare. Topics include, but are not limited to: Data science and analytics for healthcare: ? big data analytics, health analytics, knowledge discovery, data mining and visualization ? health information management ? health workflow management ? interoperability protocols, terminologies, and ontologies ? standards for healthcare computing and health data ? collections and registries, data linkage and integration ? modelling spatial biological data ? privacy / security issues on healthcare ? public and population large and big dataset predictive analytics and surveillance Use and integration of computing in healthcare: ? biomedical devices and systems ? biotechnology and bioinformatics ? clinical and healthcare decision support systems ? conceptual models and architectures health information systems ? consumer information systems ? design and implementation for new models of care ? use and quality of health data ? electronic health records and systems ? health informatics education ? mobile platforms and BYOD in healthcare ? online and web interventions in healthcare ? telemedicine and remote healthcare services Submission and Publication HIKM calls for four types of submissions: ? Abstract Alone. 200 word (excluding references) abstracts will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers for originality, significance, and relevance to the workshop. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present a 3-5 minute talk at HIKM ? Doctoral Consortium Extended Abstract. 700 word (excluding references) abstracts will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers for originality, significance, and relevance to the workshop. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present a 3-5 minute talk at HIKM and attend a half day Doctoral Consortium event for specific feedback on their doctoral proposals ? Full papers. Each full paper will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two expert reviewers. Papers will be assessed on the basis of originality, significance, technical quality, relevance to the workshop, and presentation of the content. There is no need to submit an Abstract Alone prior to the Full Paper submission. o Accepted full papers will be included in the Proceedings of ACSW 2018, to be published by ACM, the proceedings will be indexed by SCOPUS, SCI (ISI) and SemanticScholar. o Papers should be no more than 10 pages in length, and must conform to formatting instructions for all ACSW submissions as detailed at o Submission of a paper will be regarded as an undertaking that it will not be under consideration simultaneously elsewhere, and that should the paper be accepted, at least one author will register and attend the conference to present the work. o Authors are encouraged to submit more than one paper, however registration will entitle authors to present only one paper. In the event of multiple papers accepted from the same author, a co-author will be required to register and present. o No-show papers are defined as papers submitted by authors who subsequently do not present the paper in-person at HIKM. No-shows will normally not be available on ACM Digital Library or other public access ACM forums. ? Tutorials/Workshop. Submissions are called for half/full day tutorials on a topic of interest to HIKM delegates. Submit a max 300 word synopsis of the tutorial, intended audience and brief biographical description of presenter(s) to a.stranieri at the template at Tutorial submissions will be assessed on the expertise of presenters and the relevance to a HIKM audience. Please note, all tutorial presenters will be required to register for HIKM HIKM 2018 Timeline Abstract Only: 10 September 2017. Author notification for Abstract Only 17 September 2017 Full Paper Submission: 10 September 2017 Author Notification: 23 October 2017 Camera-ready/Registration: 6 November 2017 Tutorial/Workshop Proposals: 10 September 2017 Notification: 23 September 2017 ACSW Conference: 29 January to 2 February 2018 More details about the HIKM conference can be got from the attached CFP and CFT documents. From ipe at Sat Aug 12 04:19:42 2017 From: ipe at (Isabella Peters) Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 10:19:42 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Impact School: Science Transfer in the 21st century, 29 November - 1 December, Berlin Message-ID: <005e01d31343$c14c0e40$43e42ac0$> ***please apologize cross-posting*** Dear colleagues, the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0 invites you to apply for our ?Impact School: Science Transfer in the 21st century?. The impact school is a three-days training programme tailored to up-and-coming researchers that want to learn the skills to maximize their research impact. It responds to the development that in times of digitization, ever-shorter innovation cycles, and increasing doubt in the scientific authority, the question appears what scientist can do to foster knowledge transfer und thus to increase the impact of their research. The sessions will be held by experts in their respective fields and cover the three dimensions societal impact, economic impact, and political impact. The impact school takes place from 29 November to 1 December 2017 at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin. It is organised by mStats DS GmbH, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), and the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics. Further information for application can be found in the attached PDF or on our website: The deadline for the application is 30 September 2017. Please share this in your network. Best regards , Isabella Peters *** Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters Professor of Web Science Kiel University (CAU Kiel) Institute for Computer Science Department Web Science (R. 506) Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3 D-24118 Kiel T: +49 431 880-7286 E: ipe at Web: ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics D?sternbrooker Weg 120 D-24105 Kiel T: +49-431-8814-623 E: i.peters at Web: From ipe at Sat Aug 12 05:29:37 2017 From: ipe at (Isabella Peters) Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 11:29:37 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Project Presentations: Open Science Conference 2018 (March 13-14, 2018 in Berlin, Germany) Message-ID: <019201d3134d$85020cf0$8f0626d0$> ***apologies for crossposting*** Call for Project Presentations Open Science Conference 2018 (March 13-14, 2018 in Berlin, Germany) The Open Science Conference 2018 is the 5th international conference organized by the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0. It is dedicated to the Open Science movement and provides a unique forum for researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure provider, policy makers, and other important stakeholders to discuss and exchange their ideas and experiences. The Open Science movement focusses on research data management in general and since most recently on FAIR data principles, i.e. findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable research data. Within this context the thematic focus of this year?s conference will be on FAIR principles of research data and supporting research data infrastructures. Invited as well as carefully selected talks, hands-on reports and panel discussions will cover both the view of research data infrastructures and the view of the scientific communities. Within this context, this call invites providers and users of research data infrastructures, librarians, and scientists to submit project descriptions covering topics including (but not limited to): ? Innovations and experiences with open research data infrastructures and repositories. ? Innovative tools and methods for managing, storing, and sharing of research data. ? Best practices and case studies dealing with FAIR research data principles and secondary data use. ? Contributions on current data initiatives such as, for example, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and others. ? Experiences and empirical studies on the use of open research data by the academic community and on the requirements of the individual researchers. Please submit your English abstract which describes the main idea and the practical relevance, its innovative impact, the pursued strategy for sustainability and openness. The abstracts may not be longer than 500 words. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the programme committee and a review board based on the criteria practical and innovative relevance, sustainability, and openness. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present a poster and a lightning talk at the conference. The abstract, the poster and the lightning talk must be submitted and presented in English. To also contribute to the open science movement, the programme committee will publish the scientific justification for acceptance on the conference website. All accepted posters (including the abstract) will be displayed on the conference website in advance. Additionally, the posters will be listed in the conference brochure. Please send your submission as PDF document via EasyChair (requires free EasyChair account): Important dates ? Abstract submission deadline: September 29, 2017 ? Notification of acceptance / rejection: November 13, 2017 ? Final abstract and poster submission: February, 05, 2018 ? Conference dates: Berlin (Germany), March 13?14, 2018 Programme Committee Thomas K?hler, Technical University Dresden Stephanie Linek, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) Peter Mutschke, GESIS ? Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Marc Rittberger, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) Klaus Tochtermann, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) Andreas Witt, Institute for the German Language (IDS) ****Save the date***** Barcamp Open Science 2018, March 12, 2018, Berlin #oscibar *** Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters Professor of Web Science Kiel University (CAU Kiel) Institute for Computer Science Department Web Science (R. 506) Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3 D-24118 Kiel T: +49 431 880-7286 E: ipe at Web: ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics D?sternbrooker Weg 120 D-24105 Kiel T: +49-431-8814-623 E: i.peters at Web: From fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at Tue Aug 15 04:17:01 2017 From: fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at (IBEKWE-SANJUAN Fidelia) Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 10:17:01 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Education for Information: July 2017 issue available online Message-ID: <> The July issue of Education for Information, vol. 33, n? 2, 2017 is now published and available online - Table of Contents 1. Eastwood, Terry - A personal reflection on the development of archival education DOI: 10.3233/EFI-170990 2. Douglas, Jennifer - Getting personal: Personal archives in archival programs and curricula DOI: 10.3233/EFI-170991 3. Lowry, James - A report on education and training in the International Council on Archives? Africa Programme DOI: 10.3233/EFI-170992 4. Gauld, Craig | Whatley, Patricia - Distance learning for information professionals: A practical, reality-driven model for postgraduate education DOI: 10.3233/EFI-170993 Please consider submitting your future unpublished manuscripts to Education for Information. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Ph.D.) Full Professor (Professeur des Universit?s) School of Journalism & Communication (EJCAM) Aix-Marseille University - France. Homepage: Editor in chief Education for Information, IOS Press ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From rbreynol at Sun Aug 13 15:24:42 2017 From: rbreynol at (Rebecca Reynolds) Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 19:24:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers Univ. iSchool is hiring In-Reply-To: References: , , Message-ID: Hi all, The Rutgers University LIS department is pleased to announce our hiring search for new faculty, leading into the 2018/2019 school year. Below is our announcement. I have also attached the PDF for printing/posting on bulletin boards. Link: We look forward to reviewing applications; please circulate the ad as relevant to interested colleagues and doctoral students. Many thanks. best, Rebecca Reynolds Associate Professor, LIS, Rutgers Co-Chair, 2017/18 Search Committee (with Dr. Nick Belkin) ------------------------ Multiple Faculty Positions, Open Rank (Tenure-Track or Tenured) Department of Library and Information Science Rutgers University??s School of Communication and Information Position information We welcome applications from scholars whose work intersects with, enhances, and extends the existing focus areas within the Department of Library and Information Science. We encourage applicants whose agendas will develop connections with other units in the school and university and we will give particular consideration to candidates who are conducting interdisciplinary research and teaching in data and computational social science, which are points of growth within the school. Specifically, we are looking to hire assistant, associate, full, or distinguished professors whose research and teaching interests address one or more of the following areas: Interaction and design, which may include: * human-computer interaction, mobile and ubiquitous computing, interactive information retrieval * universal design, information architecture, UI design; * data visualization and representation Health and wellness informatics, which may include: * design of socio-technical systems for health; * health data science; * health social informatics Information cultures and spaces, heritage, and access, which may include: * cultural heritage, curation, preservation, and archives * architecture, metadata, linked data, and building dynamic solutions for object preservation and access; * information cultures, policies and social justice Data and computational social science, which may include: * human-centered data science; * data mining and machine learning * social media analytics For queries regarding the position, please contact Nicholas Belkin (belkin at or Rebecca Reynolds (rbreynol at Qualifications A Ph.D. or equivalent degree in a relevant field is expected as of June 2018. Applicants should have a demonstrated record or strong likelihood of top?\tier peer?\reviewed publication and evidence of or preparation for effective teaching. Senior?\level applicants should provide evidence of leadership in research, instruction, and service, with a strong record of external funding a plus. Requirements/responsibilities Responsibilities of the successful applicants include undergraduate and graduate teaching assignments in library and information science, an active program of research in the candidate??s area of scholarly expertise, and service contributions in accordance with the university policy for tenure?\track and tenured appointments. How to Apply Applications should address the points above and clearly articulate the candidate??s fit to specific departmental and school?\wide research foci. Active review of applications will begin on October 2, 2017, and the positions will remain open until filled. Please include a letter of application, CV, up to three representative publications, and names and contact information for three referees (no letters at this time). Submit applications to: Overview of the School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is a leading national research university and the state of New Jersey??s preeminent, comprehensive public institution of higher education. Established in 1766, the university is the eighth oldest higher education institution in the United States. More than 68,000 students and 22,000 faculty and staff learn, work, and serve the public at Rutgers locations across New Jersey and around the world. Rutgers University??s School of Communication and Information houses a dynamic and engaged community of scholars studying real world problems related to information, knowledge, interaction, technology, culture, media, creativity, and their interrelations. Our commitment to solutions is stimulated by intersecting research challenges: health and wellness; social media interaction and collaborative design; global media, community, and democracy; and organizations, policy, and leadership. We value our culture of collegiality and provide generous support for our scholars?? varied research enterprises. Geographically adjacent and closely connected to the world??s largest media and information hubs and supported by Rutgers?? vibrant scholarly community, we embrace the university goals of promoting diversity throughout our networks and programs. For more about the school, please see Rutgers University is an AA/EEO employer - M/F/Veteran/Disability. For additional information please see our Non-Discrimination Statement. < > ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Rebecca B. Reynolds Associate Professor Dept. of Library & Information Science Rutgers University ------------------------------------------------ From p.morgan at Wed Aug 23 10:27:43 2017 From: p.morgan at (Morgan, Paige) Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 14:27:43 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Digital Humanities + Data Journalism Symposium - next month! Message-ID: Next month (September 14-16), the University of Miami Libraries, School of Communication, Center for Computational Science, and College of Arts and Sciences will host the second annual Digital Humanities + Data Journalism Symposium (DH+DJ). This year we have an incredible line-up of speakers, including Deb Verhoeven, Alberto Cairo, Mona Chalabi, Thomas Padilla, Safiya Noble, and more. As we get closer to the date of the conference, we want to highlight its potential for interdisciplinary conversations across traditional boundaries. Creating that potential with our speaker program has always been an important goal for us as the organizers. This year, we are also excited at the range of affiliations among our attendees, who are coming from private and public universities and university libraries, The World Bank, Bloomberg News, the Pew Research Center, Univision, and the Wall Street Journal. They include graduate students, writers, editors, designers, computer scientists, researchers, analysts, and developers. We think that this mixture of speakers and attendees will lead to especially good conversations for librarians, academics, and digital humanists (or mixtures of all three!) who want to discuss practices outside of their home institution, or learn about the approaches, questions, and challenges that are driving work in other industries. Registration is now open ($99 inclusive for the full conference) -- please join us! If you're curious about what the Symposium is like, check out this write-up of last year's DH+DJ -- or feel free to email the organizers with questions at at Why a DH+DJ Symposium? Digital humanists and data journalists face common challenges, opportunities, and goals, such as how to communicate effectively with the public. They use similar software tools, programming languages, and techniques, and they can learn from each other. Join us for lectures and tutorials about shared data types, visualization methods, and data communication ? including text visualization, network diagrams, maps, databases and data wrangling. In addition to the scheduled content, there will be opportunities for casual conversation and networking. University of Miami Newman Alumni Center 6200 San Amaro Dr Coral Gables, FL 33146 September 14-16, 2017 Dr. Paige Morgan Digital Humanities Librarian Otto G. Richter Library, 307-K 305.284.1524 Appointments available at From rdubnic2 at Thu Aug 17 16:11:44 2017 From: rdubnic2 at (Dubnicek, Ryan C) Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 20:11:44 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] HathiTrust Research Center Awards Six ACS Projects Message-ID: HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) is pleased to announce the award of its third round of Advanced Collaborative Support (ACS) projects. This round?s request for proposals focused on projects that engage with in-copyright worksets using HTRC?s Data Capsule service. Submitted proposals addressed a diverse set of topics and research areas and were submitted from a varied pool of institutions from around the world. Out of a large body of quality submissions, only six projects were awarded. Awardees will be provided dedicated HTRC staff time to support their research using texts in the HathiTrust Digital Library for a period of up to six months. New this round, each ACS project team will release its workset (research collections of data, or metadata, for analysis) publicly, allowing for other researchers to engage with the same workset. The six awarded projects are: Computational Support for Reading Chicago Reading Project team: Robin Burke, John Shanahan, Ana Lucic (DePaul University) Modeling the History of Book Design Project team: David Bamman, Bjorn Hartmann (University of California, Berkeley) The Power of Place: Structure, Culture, and Continuities in U.S. Women?s Movements Project team: Laura Nelson (Northeastern University) A Computational History of the U.S. Novel, 1950-2000 Project team: Richard Jean So (McGill University) Measuring Literary Novelty Project team: Laura McGrath, Devin Higgins, Arend Hintze (Michigan State University) A Writer?s Workshop Workset with the Program Era Project (PEP) Project team: Nicholas Kelly, Loren Glass, Nikki White (University of Iowa) For project details, please see the full announcement here: HTRC releases ACS program requests for proposal annually, and is funded in part by HathiTrust, Indiana University, and University of Illinois. For more information about ACS, contact acs at For general inquiries, contact htrc-help at From marialemos72 at Fri Aug 18 15:14:40 2017 From: marialemos72 at (ML) Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 20:14:40 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] WorldCIST'18, Naples, Italy --- Call for Workshops Proposals Message-ID: <> - --------------------- CALL FOR WORKSHOPS PROPOSALS --------------------------------------- WorldCIST'18 - 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 27th-29th of March 2018, Naples, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOP FORMAT The Information Systems and Technologies research and industrial community is invited to submit proposals of Workshops for WorldCist'18 ? 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies to be held at Naples, Italy, 27th - 29th of March 2018. Workshops should focus on a specific scientific subject on the scope of WorldCist'18 but not directly included on the main conference areas. Each workshop will be coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed of, at least, two researchers in the field, preferably from different institutions and different countries. The organizers should create an international Program Committee for the Workshop, with recognized researchers within the specific Workshop scientific area. Each workshop should have at least 10 submissions and 5 accepted papers in order to be conducted at WorldCist'18. The selection of Workshops will be performed by WorldCist'18 Conference/Workshop Chairs. Workshops full and short papers will be published in the conference main proceedings in specific Workshop chapters published by Springer in a book of the AISC series. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by ISI Thomson, SCOPUS, DBLP, EI-Compendex among several other scientific databases. Extended versions of best selected papers will be published in journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP. Detailed and up-to-date information may be found at WorldCist'18 website: WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION The Organizing Committee of each Workshop will be responsible for: - Producing and distributing the Workshop Call for Papers (CFP); - Coordinating the review and selection process for the papers submitted to the Workshop, as Workshop chairs (on the paper submission system to be installed); - Delivering the final versions of the papers accepted for the Workshop in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by WorldCist'18 organizers; - Coordinating and chairing the Workshop sessions at the conference. WorldCist'18 organizers reserve the right to cancel any Workshop if deadlines are missed or if the number of registered attendees is too low to support the costs associated with the Workshop. PROPOSAL CONTENT Workshop proposals should contain the following information: - Workshop title; - Brief description of the specific scientific scope of the Workshop; - List of topics of interest (max 15 topics); - Reasons the Workshop should be held within WorldCist?18; - Name, postal address, phone and email of all the members of the Workshop Organizing Committee; - Proposal for the Workshop Program Committee (Names and affiliations). Proposals should be submitted at, in PDF (in English), by September 6, 2017. IMPORTANT DATES - Deadline for Workshop proposals: September 6, 2017 - Notification of Workshop acceptance: September 10, 2017 - Deadline for paper submission: November 26, 2017 - Notification of paper acceptance: December 26, 2017 - Deadline for final versions and conference registration: January 7, 2018 - Conference dates: March 27-29, 2018 CHAIR Luis Paulo Reis, AISTI, IEEE & University of Minho, Portugal WorldCIST'18 Website: ------------------ --- --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. From lmiddleton at Tue Aug 29 15:02:34 2017 From: lmiddleton at (Lydia Middleton) Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 19:02:34 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Join your colleagues at the Berlin Regional Meeting at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany on Oct. 4, 2017 Message-ID: ASIS&T is pleased to announce an upcoming Regional Meeting hosted by Humboldt University. 4 October, 2017, 10:00 ? 16:00 Humboldt University Berlin, Germany TENTATIVE PROGRAMME ? The History of Library and Information Science in Europe Fidelia Ibekwe SanJuan, IRSIC ? Aix-Marseille University ? European Library & Information Science Map Christine Meschede, Universit?t D?sseldorf Virginia Ortiz-Repiso, Chair, ASIS&T European Chapter ? Digital Libraries and Their Websites in a Small Country: Case Study of Croacia Marica Sapro-Ficovic, Dubrovnic Libraries ? Exploring Digital Data; Intelligence, Forensics, and Preservation Yunhyong Kim, University of Glasgow ? ASIS&T Strategic Directions Lynn Sillipigni Connaway, ASIS&T President Lydia Middleton, ASIS&T Executive Director Virginia Ortiz-Repiso, Chair, ASIS&T European Chapter This meeting is sponsored by the European Chapter of ASIS&T. REGISTRATION Fees: ASIS&T Members ? 0.00 Non-members ? 25.00 For more information and to register please visit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lydia S. Middleton, MBA, CAE Executive Director Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 | Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.495.0900 [ASIS&T-2017-Conference-Home-Page-Banner1] -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image003.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 34761 bytes Desc: image003.jpg URL: From rong.tang at Thu Aug 24 12:47:40 2017 From: rong.tang at (Rong Tang) Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:47:40 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] ALISE Board of Directors Statement on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Message-ID: Dear All, In light of events in several countries that were instigated by values that are contrary to the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), the ALISE Board of Directors reaffirms its commitment to, and promotion of, diversity, equality, and inclusion in the library and information science (LIS) education and professional community, and condemns racism, hate, bigotry, and violence. Diversity and inclusion are core elements of the LIS curriculum. To help LIS instructors teach and promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in their curriculum, we have compiled a list of recent works. This list is intended to serve as a living document. We encourage LIS educators, professionals, and students to use these resources in relevant learning settings to further promote these values within the communities we serve. Access the list of the resources via the link below: ality--and-inclusion ALISE Board of Directors -- Rong Tang, PhD. Associate Professor School of Library and Information Science Director, Simmons Usability Lab Director, SLIS PhD Program Simmons College Director for External Relations, Association for Library and Information Science Education rong.tang at 1-617-521-2880 <(617)%20521-2880> From chirags at Thu Aug 24 20:51:27 2017 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 00:51:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Third CFP: ACM CHIIR 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ, USA Message-ID: <> ACM CHIIR 2018 Call for Papers and Proposals ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) (pronounced ?cheer?) which will take place during March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. Conference Scope and Topics Users are central to the design, evaluation, and use of information retrieval systems. ACM CHIIR 2018 invites submissions on user-centered approaches to information access, retrieval, and use, including studies of interactive systems, novel interaction paradigms, new evaluation methods, and a range of related areas. Alongside with detailed studies on specific information retrieval systems and situations, we welcome longitudinal, real-life, and ethnographic research of contextually embedded search tasks. Due to the rapidly increasing use of online and social media-oriented information interaction in all areas of human life - including work, leisure, and education - there has never been a more important time to consider, both empirically and theoretically, the consequences that search options, search strategies, recommendation systems, visualization, social media groups and other aspects of information interaction can have on the development of both individuals and society as a whole. Submissions focusing on user-centered work in the area of information interaction and retrieval are welcome, for example: * Information seeking, including task-based and exploratory studies * Interaction techniques for information retrieval and discovery * Online information seeking, including log analysis of search and browsing * Modeling and simulation of information interaction * Search user interfaces, including those for specialized tasks, populations and domains * Information use, including measures of use as well as broader sense-making * Field and case studies relevant to understanding prerequisites for information searching, design and access * User-centered evaluation methods and measures, including measures of user experience and performance, experiment and search task design, eye-tracking and physiological approaches, data analysis methods, and usability * Human interaction and experience with mobile searching and services * User-Centered Design approaches to humans interacting with information and systems * Context-aware and personalized search and design, contextual features and analysis for information interaction * Information visualization and visual analytics, including search result presentation * Collaborative information seeking and social search, including social utility and network analysis for information interaction Contribution Types Full papers: High quality, original research of relevance to CHIIR may be submitted as a full paper (10 pages). Submissions are expected to contain a rigorous evaluation of any proposed findings, using techniques such as laboratory studies, field experiments, in situ observational studies, crowdsourcing, simulations of search behavior, or log analysis. Authors should describe their methods and techniques in enough detail to allow for replication and reuse. Accepted full papers will be published in the proceedings, and presented as paper presentations at the conference. Perspective papers: A special category of full papers (10 pages), perspective papers should present novel ideas or insights concerning approaches, key challenges, or theoretical or methodological issues that have the potential to inspire substantive discussion and lead to significant advances in the field. These papers should not consist primarily of literature reviews or the presentation of stand-alone studies, but may take the form of: * Reflections upon the body of research, considering how the field, the theories, the models, and the methods have developed; * Discussion of the implications of research findings on users in the real world; * Proposals for and discussions of theories or models of information-interaction; or * Critical, provocative, and creative contributions to stir debate and discussion. Short papers: Short Papers (4 pages) should report on original, significant, high-quality research. A short paper is likely to present a more focused study, and tends to make a smaller scope of contribution to the research program than full papers. For example, reporting on work in progress, preliminary research analysis, or late-breaking results may be suitable for Short Papers. This might be a good venue for those researchers who are new to the CHIIR community to become familiar with the field. Accepted short papers will be published in the proceedings, and presented as posters at the conference. Demonstrations: Demonstrations (4 pages) should enable presenters to give participants first-hand experience of novel research prototypes, operational systems, or in-progress concepts in development. The submission should both describe and show the proposed solution, addressing questions such as: What problem does the prototype/system/concept seek to address? How does it do so? Who are the users? How will you demonstrate this work? How does the work compare with those that exist already? Finally, how, where and when will your technology have a technical or commercial impact? The authors will have an opportunity of submitting a short video to show how their demo works. Wireless network access, along with a table and poster mount backdrop, will be provided for all accepted demonstrations. A paper describing each accepted demonstration will be included in the conference proceedings. Doctoral Consortium: Doctoral Consortium proposals (3 pages) should include the abstract, motivation, research questions, (planned or ongoing) methodology, progress made, and future plans. The CHIIR Doctoral consortium, held in conjunction with the main conference, provides an opportunity for doctoral students to present and discuss their research with senior researchers and other doctoral students in a seminar format. The Doctoral Consortium focuses on 1) advising students regarding current critical issues in their research, and 2) making students aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their research as viewed from different perspectives. Accepted proposals are eligible for publication in the proceedings. Workshops: Original Workshop Proposals (4 pages) should be highly interactive and could be either full-day or half-day. We welcome workshops that address important issues, discuss potential solutions, integrate various approaches, and offer innovative perspectives within the themes of the conference and have strong potential to contribute to the evolution of research and development of human computer interaction and information retrieval. Tutorials: Proposals for Tutorials (4 pages) should address topics relevant to the themes of the conference and could be either full-day or half-day. Each proposal is expected to cover the selected topic in depth by providing the audience with different perspectives, approaches, and recent developments and advances in the community. The accepted Workshops and Tutorials will be included in the conference proceedings. Deadlines 1 October 2017 - Full papers and Perspectives papers due 22 October 2017 - Short papers, Demos, Workshops and Tutorials proposals due 1 November 2017 ? Doctoral Consortium applications due 15 December 2017 - Notification of acceptance Submission Guidelines * CHIIR submissions should be original, high quality research that has not been published previously and are not under review for another conference or journal. * An international program committee will review all submissions. * All reviews will be double-blind, so submissions must be fully anonymized when submitted. * The page limits for each type of submission includes references. * All submissions should be formatted using the ACM Conference style (for LaTeX or Word). Submissions should be made in PDF. * All accepted submissions will be made available in the ACM Digital Library as part of the CHIIR series. * Submissions should not contain any author identification and should be submitted electronically via the conference submission system. **** Chirag Shah, PhD Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science, Rutgers University Director, InfoSeeking Lab,, @chirag_shah **** From rieh at Fri Aug 25 13:57:38 2017 From: rieh at (Soo Young Rieh) Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 13:57:38 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG InfoLearn Workshop - Call for Participation Message-ID: ?Position Paper Submission Deadline: September 10 Early Registration Deadline: September 15 ? ------------------- *Call for Participation, * *ASIS&T 2017 SIG InfoLearn Workshop: **?Information and Learning Sciences Research as an Integral Scholarly Nexus?* Sat. October 28, 2017, 8:30am ? 12:30pm, Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, VA, close to DC. Researchers in both information and learning sciences aim to understand the processes that facilitate searching, learning, and knowledge co-construction, in order to advance theory and system design. Recent special volumes of the *Journal of Information Science* and *The Information Society* discuss the intersections in human information and learning research. ASIST?s new Special Interest Group, *SIG Information and Learning Sciences* * (InfoLearn, ) *was initiated and launched in Spring of 2017. To mark this occasion, we will offer this half-day pre-conference workshop at the ASIST annual meeting. A primary goal is to present several cross-disciplinary scholars? perspectives on key research occurring within both of these connected disciplines, offer analysis and discernment on scholarly boundaries and convergences, and identify productive ongoing and future areas of theory building, methodology and system design praxis, spanning these 2 inter-disciplinary fields. We seek researchers from all backgrounds to join us in a scholarly nexus to pursue research opportunities in this emerging area. Workshop themes include: ? Information behavior during both formal and informal learning, and by the full diversity of youth, adults, elders and specialized populations: at work; at school; at play ? Design and use of learning systems and information systems ? Computer supported collaborative learning ? Ethnographic, emancipatory, critical-race theory and post-structural research involving information and learning ? Digital divide, literacies, access, and engagement ? Learning analytics and/or data science perspectives on inquiry and learning activity across systems ? E-learning systems research on policies and practices in data sharing, information architecture, knowledge ecosystems management ? Social and ethical issues, privacy and security concerns in online and cyber-learning Check here for more information: *Organizers*: Rebecca Reynolds, Rutgers University (rbreynol at ) Soo Young Rieh, University of Michigan (rieh at *Interactive Panelists*: Denise Agosto, Drexel University June Ahn, New York University Sam Chu, University of Hong Kong Eric Meyers, University of British Columbia *Interested in attending?* We strongly recommend interested people to email a brief 1-page research narrative describing the author?s experience of engaging a workshop theme, research interests, proposed / in-progress work. There is no review/selection process. Breakout groups will be based on position paper themes. *Deadline for position papers*: 9/10/17 *Email your paper to*: rbreynol at; rieh at Register for workshop / conference here : ??Soo Young Rieh, Associate Professor School of Information, University of Michigan Personal Website: ? From samchu at Sat Aug 26 05:11:51 2017 From: samchu at (samchu) Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2017 09:11:51 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T workshop: Conducting Successful Research- From Problem Identification to Research & From Outcome to Translation in the Field of Information Message-ID: <> Workshop: Conducting Successful Research - From Problem Identification to Research and From Outcome to Translation in the Field of Information Have you had an experience of publishing in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)? If not, the following workshop is for you. Lead by experienced researchers and journal article authors, this workshop, through commenting on your work and the subsequent mentorship, will show and guide you through the process of turning your ASIS&T (and other) conference papers into JASIST articles. The workshop will be led by Professor Javed Mostafa, the Editor-in-Chief of the JASIST; Professor Caroline Haythornthwaite, the Senior Associate Editor of the JASIST; Dr Sam Chu, the top 66th author in the world for his publications of library & information science; and Dr. Hong Huang, a member of the Editorial Boards for Library & Information Science Research, Online Information Review and Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. Universities worldwide are now emphasizing on the societal impact of academic researches. Therefore, besides showing you how you may transform a conference paper into a journal article, presenters in this workshop will also share their secrets of success and help you to prepare for designing a research that is more likely to result in significant societal impact, including how to propose important research questions, be creative and innovative in seeking research grants, carry out research strategically, write up research results rigorously, and, most importantly, translate research outcomes into real-world solutions. For details, see Best, Sam -------------------------------------------------- Samuel Kai Wah Chu PhD in Education (e-Learning, UCL [Ranked 1st in the world - QS 2017]) PhD in Education (Information & Library Science, HKU) Associate Professor, Division of Information and Technology Studies Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (Ranked 7th in the world - QS 2017) Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Managing Editor, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (Ranked 5th among KM/IC journals) Tel: (852) 2241-5894 | Fax: (852) 2517-7194 E-mail: samchu at | Skype Name - chukaiwahsamuel Homepage: ------------------------------------------------- Latest publications: Chu, S.K.W., Reynolds, R.B., Tavares, N.J., Notari, M. & Lee., C.W.Y. (2017). 21st Century Skills Development through Inquiry-based Learning: From Theory to Practice. New York: Springer Science. (eBook - Chu, S.K.W., Capio, C.M., Van Aalst, J., Cheng, E.W.L. (In press). Evaluating the use of a social media tool for collaborative group writing of secondary school students in Hong Kong. Computer & Education. Ranked 9/269 in ISI's Education category - top 3.35%; Impact Factor: 2.88 (JCR 2015) Chu, S.K.W., Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Chan, C.K., Lee, C.W.Y., Zou, E., & Lau, W. (in press). The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education. Ranked 13/269 in ISI's Education category - top 4.83%; Impact Factor: 2.72 (JCR 2015) From ferro at Mon Aug 28 13:07:17 2017 From: ferro at (Nicola Ferro) Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 19:07:17 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP EVIA 2017 - 8th Int. Workshop on Evaluating Information Access co-located with the NTCIR-13 Conference Message-ID: ########################################################### Call for Papers Eighth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2017) 5 December, 2017, Tokyo, Japan co-located with the NTCIR-13 Conference ########################################################### SCOPE AND TOPICS ================ We invite submissions for the Eighth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2017) which will be held in conjunction with NTCIR 13 in Tokyo, Japan, on December 5, 2017. Information Access technologies provide the interface between human information needs and digital information resources. The reliable evaluation of these technologies has been recognized for decades as central to the advancement of the field. As information retrieval technologies become more pervasive, the forms of retrieval more diverse, and retrieval tools richer, the importance of effective, efficient, and innovative evaluation grows as well. We invite both short papers (2-4 pages) and long papers (8-10 pages) addressing one or more of the following topics, as well as any other topic related to the evaluation of information access: - Test collection formation, evaluation metrics, and evaluation environments - Statistical issues in information retrieval evaluation - User studies and the evaluation of human-computer interaction in information retrieval (HCIR) - Evaluation methods for multilingual, multimedia, or mobile information access - Novel information access tasks and their evaluation - Evaluation and assessment using implicit user feedback, crowdsourcing, living labs, or inferential methods - Evaluation issues in industrial and enterprise retrieval systems - Reproducibility issues in information retrieval evaluation Accepted papers will be included in the EVIA 2017 proceedings in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( series, indexed by DBLP, Google Scholar, Scopus and others. All the accepted papers will be given a presentation slot during EVIA. EVIA is open to all attendees at NTCIR. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ===================== We invite submissions of regular papers (up to 8-10 pages) and short papers (up to 4 pages). Submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and must use standard ACM SIGIR templates, available at, for both LaTeX and Word. Papers must report work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. Submissions will be subject to double-blind reviewing and should not contain any author identification. Papers should be submitted electronically conference submission system at IMPORTANT DATES =============== Deadline time is 11:59 p.m. (anywhere in the world) - Submission deadline: September 29, 2017 - Notifications to authors: October 27, 2017 - Camera ready due: November 10, 2017 - EVIA 2017 @NII, Tokyo, Japan: December 5, 2017 - NTCIR-13 @NII, Tokyo, Japan: December 6-8, 2017 EVIA 2017 CHAIRS ================ Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy Ian Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA From aida.slavic at Tue Aug 29 04:47:34 2017 From: aida.slavic at (Aida Slavic) Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 09:47:34 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: Faceted Classification Today, London 14-15 September In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ===== Registration closes 10 September ===== The International UDC Seminar 2017 FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: theory, technology and end users DATE: 14-15 September 2017 VENUE: Wellcome Collection 183 Euston Road London, United Kingdom WEBSITE: CONTACT: seminar2017 at UDC Seminar 2017 revisits faceted analytical theory as one of the most influential methodologies in the development of knowledge organization systems. We invite information professionals, researchers, lecturers in library and information science and computer science as well as controlled vocabulary developers and designers to join us in discussing important issues related to 'facets' and their application in information organization and discovery. Various aspects of facet analysis will be discussed by the most eminent authors in the field of knowledge organization and classification: Richard Smiraglia, Vanda Broughton, Birger Hjorland, Claudio Gnoli, Joseph Tennis, Martin Fricke, Dagobert Soergel, Rebecca Green, Rick Szostak, A.R.D. Prasad, et al. The conference proceeding (published by Ergon Verlag), will be distributed to delegates at the conference ( To learn more about the conference programme and to register, go to the conference website Registration fee: ?290 regular fee (students ?250) About the organizer: "Faceted Classification Today" is the sixth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDC Consortium). UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the UDC and to support its use and development ( UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain. --- UDC Consortium PO Box 90407 2509 LK The Hague The Netherlands --- Web: Email: mail at ______________________ * International UDC Seminar 2017 - London, 14-15 September - * UDC Online Hub (6 languages): * UDC Summary (56 languages): The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool ______________________ From brya at Tue Aug 29 09:07:03 2017 From: brya at (Brya, Cynthia Ann) Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 13:07:03 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Twidale named Outstanding Information Science Teacher by ASIS&T Message-ID: <> View this online Professor Michael Twidale, program director for the MS in information management in the School of Information Sciences (iSchool) at the University of Illinois, is the 2017 recipient of the Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award from the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). The award recognizes Twidale's unique teaching contributions through his methods of explaining highly technical material to students in various learning environments. According to nominator Linda C. Smith, professor and executive associate dean at the iSchool, Twidale "has been an outstanding information science teacher throughout his twenty years at Illinois, with his impact extending literally around the world. In courses such as Interfaces to Information Systems, Entrepreneurial IT Design, and Museum Informatics, whether face to face, online, or hybrid, he consistently performs as a master teacher with a strong commitment to students." Twidale regularly appears on the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent issued by the Urbana campus each semester. In addition, for his accomplishments in teaching online, he was recognized in 2009 with the Campus Award for Excellence in Off-Campus Teaching. "While mentored by him, I've seen Professor Twidale teach in various contexts-instructing in class, leading workshops, and one-on-one advising," said Peter Organisciak (PhD '15), assistant professor in the Department of Research Methods and Information Science at the University of Denver. "Throughout this time, he's demonstrated creativity, engagement, and inclusiveness with remarkable consistency." Twidale is an expert in computer-supported cooperative work, collaborative technologies in digital libraries and museums, user interface design and evaluation, information visualization, and museum informatics. In her letter of nomination, Smith notes that Twidale considers his role as a teacher as designing learning experiences, an activity similar to the design of user experiences that he studies and undertakes in his own research. "There is no better way to learn a new technology than through experimentation, and Mike has an amazing ability to provide his students with the kind of 'sandbox' they need to play around with new technologies safely, without the fear that something will go wrong. His students experience a kind of 'learning by doing' that provides them with the confidence to master new skills while also producing an end product or outcome that they can proudly show off to their friends, family, and colleagues. I find myself using these same techniques in my own courses to help my own students develop new skills and engage with new concepts," said Paul Marty (PhD '02), professor in the School of Information at Florida State University. Likewise, Andrea Thomer (PhD '17), assistant professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan, confirmed the far-reaching impact of Twidale's efforts. "Mike is one of the finest educators I have ever had the honor of learning from and collaborating with. His teaching style informs my teaching, and my research, every single day. He has helped shape scores of library and information scientists into the creative information professionals they are today." Twidale will be presented with the award at the 2017 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, which will be held from October 27 to November 1 in Washington D.C. "I am thrilled to receive this award from my professional association. It is an honor to be recognized for my efforts in developing innovative methods to engage and inspire students," Twidale said. Cindy Brya Assistant Director for Communications School of Information Sciences 207 LIS Building, MC-493 501 E Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-8312 From ferro at Wed Aug 30 04:43:27 2017 From: ferro at (Nicola Ferro) Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 10:43:27 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP ACM JDIQ Special Issue on Reproducibility in Information Retrieval - Deadline Extended to October 6, 2017 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS Special issue on Reproducibility in Information Retrieval Extended Submission Deadline: October 6, 2017 ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (ACM JDIQ) ** Guest editors ** Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy, ferro at Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, norbert.fuhr at Andreas Rauber, Technical University of Vienna, Austria, rauber at ** Aim ** Information Retrieval is a discipline that has been strongly rooted in experimentation since its inception. Experimental evaluation has always been a strong driver for IR research and innovation, and these activities have been shaped by large scale evaluation campaigns such as TREC, CLEF, NTCIR and FIRE. IR systems are getting more and more complex. They need to cross language and media barriers; they span from unstructured, to semi-structured to highly structured data; and they are faced with diverse and complex user information needs, search tasks, and societal challenges. As a consequence, evaluation and experimentation, which has remained a fundamental element, has in turn become increasingly sophisticated and challenging. In this context, repeatability, reproducibility, and generalizability of experiments and results cannot be taken for granted. Indeed we need to emphasize these aspects as key requirements, if we wish to continue to reliably and durably advance research and technology in the field. In turn, we need to actively pursue them as a core part of our experimental methodology and practice. In this special issue of JDIQ, we aspire to provide an overview of innovative research at the intersection of information retrieval and data quality, from theory to practice, with a focus on challenges, solutions, and experiences in reproducibility of IR experimental results. ** Topics ** Specific topics within the scope of the call include, but are not limited to, the following: - Analysis of reproducibility challenges in system-oriented evaluation. - Analysis of reproducibility challenges in user-oriented evaluation. - General reproducibility frameworks for IR. - Lessons learned in reproducing third-party experiments. - Reproducibility of query results. - Reproducibility challenges on private or proprietary data. - Reproducibility challenges on ephemeral data, like streaming data, tweets, etc. - Reproducibility challenges on online experiments, e.g., A/B testing. - Reproducibility in evaluation campaigns. - Evaluation infrastructures and Evaluation as a Service (EaaS). - Experiment data management, data curation, and data quality. - Data models, semantic or not, for IR experimental data. - Reproducible experimental workflows: tools and experiences. - Quality of IR experimental data. - Data Citation: citing experimental data, dynamic data sets, samples, and statistical analyses. ** Expected contributions ** We welcome the following two types of contributions: - Research manuscripts reporting mature results [25+ pages]. - Experience papers that report on lessons learned from addressing specific issues towards improved quality and reproducibility of experimental results [12+ pages plus an optional appendix]. If this is an extension of prior published work, then submitted manuscripts must contain at least 30% new material, and the significant new contributions must be clearly identified in the introduction. Submission guidelines with Latex (preferred) or Word templates are available here: ** Important dates ** - Initial submission: Friday October 6, 2017 - First review: Thursday December 7, 2017 - Revised manuscripts: Friday March 9, 2018 - Second review: Friday May 11, 2018 - Camera-ready manuscripts: Friday July 13, 2018 - Publication: Late October 2018 From lmiddleton at Thu Aug 31 20:03:45 2017 From: lmiddleton at (Lydia Middleton) Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 00:03:45 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T Position Statement on Recent Events in Charlottesville Message-ID: The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) is committed to equity, diversity, understanding and inclusion, in the information fields as well as in society at large. ASIS&T condemns any form of discrimination. We hope the people of Charlottesville, and all global communities affected adversely by hate and racism, will stand in protest of these events and eradicate the values and beliefs that cause these deadly events to occur. The event in Charlottesville, and other world events in which people are harmed due to racism, discrimination or intimidation, are against the core values of ASIS&T, of our curricula, and that of the information professions. ASIS&T expresses our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those who were lost or injured. From PilskS at Thu Aug 31 16:55:55 2017 From: PilskS at (Pilsk, Suzanne) Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:55:55 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Come early: Learn lots TWO workshops before ASIS&T Message-ID: <4908E52AD1FBEF49830FDDA4CE2D12C13CFA1E17@SI-MSEDAG01.US.SINET.SI.EDU> Right before the ASIS&T meeting ? You should really plan on coming to D.C. early for the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) workshops ICSTI?s 2017 General Assembly & Workshops to take place at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC on 26th October. ICSTI meeting will precede the 80th Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) giving ICSTI and ASIS&T delegates the opportunity to attend both events. ITOC Workshop: Next generation metrics for open science As science shifts towards collaborative endeavour, transparency of process and increasing significance of data driven research, new modes of work and expertise are emerging in academia. However, common metrics, which aim to benchmark the impact and value of research mostly, emphasize traditional scientific outputs (publications in high impact journals). Novel bases and methods of research and forms of scholarly communication are not included, e.g. data curation, data publication, new modes of scientific output including video abstracts, blogs, micro publications and the sharing of scientific tools and software. To develop new modes of scholarly communication and activity that ensure transparency, reproducibility and reusability, additional systems are necessary to recognize and value new scientific roles (e.g. data experts) and new incentive/accreditation processes for science researchers. This workshop presents thoughts on how to address these imperatives for change. The Presenters: Julia Klebanov, Moore Foundation - Presentation title: Funding basic science: balancing elusive impacts and rigorous measurement Julia Lane, NYU Wagner School, Center for Urban Science and Progress - Presentation title: Measurement matters Vincent Larivi?re, ?cole de biblioth?conomie et des sciences de l'information, Universit? de Montr?al Daniella Lowenberg, California Digital Library - Presentation title: Make Data Count Paul Wouters, Director Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University - Presentation title: Next generation indicators for open science TACC Workshop: Machine Learning and Its Applications to Scientific and Technical Information Machine learning may be the next great innovation in knowledge search and discovery. Machine learning describes what happens in machines that get trained to perform a task by exposure to examples of what they?re supposed to learn. It?s already happening all around us in the development of facial and object recognition; self-driving cars; instant language translation; and speech recognition. This workshop will explore machine learning and its applications relevant to science and, more specifically, to various forms of scientific and technical information, including images, data, and text. The Presenters: Andrew Fast, Elder Research - Andrew will give an overview of machine learning, its history, and applications. Andrew Mc Callum, University of Massachusetts - Andrew will speak about machine learning for information extraction from the scientific literature, building knowledge bases of science, and various efforts in AI to build tools to aid scientists. Ruth Pickering, Yewno - Ruth will speak about Yewno Life Sciences which uses machine-learning to create a research tool modeling the behaviour of complex biosystems. Thomas Potok, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Presentation title: Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery Georgia Tourassi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Presentation title: Deep Learning Enabled National Cancer Surveillance Watch often the dedicated page of the ICSTI website for updates. Follow us #icstiGA2017 Please feel to contact the Secretariat for any questions: icstioffice at Suzanne C. Pilsk Head, Metadata Department v. 202-633-1646 pilsks at Digital Programs and Initiatives Division Smithsonian Libraries | 10th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW MRC 154, NH-37G Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 [EmailSignature_option1_noTag_RGB] From brenda.sheridan at Tue Aug 15 14:10:44 2017 From: brenda.sheridan at (Brenda Sheridan) Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 18:10:44 -0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers University, Chirag Shah Awarded $500, 000 NSF Grant to Start a New Line of Research Called Information Fostering Message-ID: Rutgers University, Chirag Shah Awarded $500,000 NSF Grant to Start a New Line of Research Called Information Fostering Rutgers University School of Communication and Information Associate Professor of Library and Information Science Chirag Shah has proposed a solution to help information seekers, a system he has named ?Information Fostering.? Shah?s new system will be, according to Shah, ?integrated into a user?s Web browser to provide real-time assessment of the information seeking process, as well as recommendations for queries, documents, strategies, and people. The outcomes of this project will make it possible and easier for a user with even low information literacy to be able to leverage the power of information.? In support of this new system, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Shah with a grant in the amount of $500,000 to fund his research proposal titled "III: Small: Information Fostering - Being Proactive in Information Seeking." The three-year grant begins September 1, 2017, and ends August 31, 2020. Shah is the sole principal investigator (PI) on the grant, and the grant will also support a post-doctoral fellow and a Ph.D. student to work with Shah. Shah explained, ?Current systems face challenges in understanding the problems that information seekers face due to their inability to express their information needs, recognizing a potential problem during a search episode, and identifying support needed that goes beyond what a typical search system could provide.? ?Most recommender systems try to mitigate these problems by suggesting information objects (queries, documents), disregarding a deeper understanding of the task at hand or the possibility of recommendations that involve process/strategy, people, and other forms.? ?The project will advance our understanding of these information-seeking problems at the task level, and of when and how help could be offered to information seekers. The offered help would go beyond recommending alternative queries and documents and would include recommending search strategies.? Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 c: 856-261-0089 From brenda.sheridan at Thu Aug 24 14:56:13 2017 From: brenda.sheridan at (Brenda Sheridan) Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 18:56:13 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers University, Chirag Shah Awarded $500, 000 NSF Grant to Start a New Line of Research Called Information Fostering In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: Rutgers University, Chirag Shah Awarded $500,000 NSF Grant to Start a New Line of Research Called Information Fostering Rutgers University School of Communication and Information Associate Professor of Library and Information Science Chirag Shah has proposed a solution to help information seekers, a system he has named ?Information Fostering.? Shah?s new system will be, according to Shah, ?integrated into a user?s Web browser to provide real-time assessment of the information seeking process, as well as recommendations for queries, documents, strategies, and people. The outcomes of this project will make it possible and easier for a user with even low information literacy to be able to leverage the power of information.? In support of this new system, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Shah with a grant in the amount of $500,000 to fund his research proposal titled "III: Small: Information Fostering - Being Proactive in Information Seeking." The three-year grant begins September 1, 2017, and ends August 31, 2020. Shah is the sole principal investigator (PI) on the grant, and the grant will also support a post-doctoral fellow and a Ph.D. student to work with Shah. Shah explained, ?Current systems face challenges in understanding the problems that information seekers face due to their inability to express their information needs, recognizing a potential problem during a search episode, and identifying support needed that goes beyond what a typical search system could provide.? ?Most recommender systems try to mitigate these problems by suggesting information objects (queries, documents), disregarding a deeper understanding of the task at hand or the possibility of recommendations that involve process/strategy, people, and other forms.? ?The project will advance our understanding of these information-seeking problems at the task level, and of when and how help could be offered to information seekers. The offered help would go beyond recommending alternative queries and documents and would include recommending search strategies.? Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 c: 856-261-0089 From alisa.libby at Tue Aug 29 10:51:13 2017 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 10:51:13 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Applicants: Simmons SLIS Technology Coordinator Message-ID: The SLIS Technology Coordinator provides curricular technology support for the College of Organizational, Computational, and Information Sciences, including all discipline-specific components required by the online and face-to-face SLIS Division, Math, Statistics, and Computer Science division and the Business Division. The curricular technology support includes collaborating with faculty on their pedagogical needs and assisting with the development of experiential teaching and learning activities. Responsibilities Include: - Provide access to, training in, and support for a range of technologies ? including enterprise technologies and social media platforms ? and spaces needed by the College faculty, staff and students. - Support development of experiential online teaching and learning activities for classes and labs. - Support students in all aspects of online domain specific applications. Activities include: installation and support of new open source web applications/tools, and support students working on specialized advanced library and information science projects, such as the creation of digital libraries and databases using a variety of content management system solutions. - Coordinate with Simmons Technology to ensure system security, maintenance, backup, and administration for the server and cloud environments and lab spaces. - Coordinates technology purchases following established College procurement policies and procedures. - Supervise part-time student workers and Dean?s Fellow to provide support and services. Requirements: The Technology Coordinator must demonstrate the following competencies and meet the following expectations for performance: - Master?s degree required. Field of study: Library and Information Science, Information Technology/Systems, Computer Science, Instructional Design/Technology, or Archives highly preferred. - Minimum of 3 years? experience. - Installation of open source software and packages on a variety of operating systems. - Use of Drupal as a web building framework. - Web application development and support using Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Java, JavaScript and version control systems. - Support for web applications, including Drupal, WordPress, Omeka, ArchivesSpace and others. - Server administration with a clear understanding and preferable usage within a client-server architecture. - Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. - Excellent customer service skills, exceptional creativity and problem-solving skills. - Comfortable taking initiative on assigned and new projects, and demonstrated ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Highly Preferred: - Experience using virtual systems and cloud computing with services like AWS or Microsoft Azure or VMware Workstation. - Familiarity with LIS and archives digital asset management systems, the LIS and archives educational environment, or the LIS and archives faculty and students who are primary clients. Instructions to Applicants: Please submit a resume and cover letter in the Resume/CV section of the application. Visit full application to apply: Campus---Boston-MA/SLIS-Technology-Coordinator_R03277-1 *As a College committed to diversity, Simmons encourages applications broadly. Simmons is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to continuing to develop a more diverse faculty, staff, student body and curriculum.* -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* From wbuntinuk at Thu Aug 24 09:39:48 2017 From: wbuntinuk at (Will Buntin) Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 09:39:48 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] University of Kentucky SIS Hires Four New Faculty Message-ID: University of Kentucky School of Information Science Hires Four New Professors *By Harlie Collins* *August 23,2017 (Lexington, KY): *The School of Information Science at the University of Kentucky is pleased to announce the addition of four new faculty members for the 2017-2018 academic year. The new hires include three tenure-track faculty based primarily in the Information Communication Technology Program - Bryce Newell, Nicholas Proferes, and Fatima Espinoza Vasquez, and one new visiting faculty member in the Library and Information Science program, Robert Shapiro. "The School is pleased to welcome our new additions to its faculty. Each new faculty member brings expertise that compliments existing strengths of the School,? said Jeff Huber, director and professor of the UK School of Information Science. *Information Communication Technology Program* *Bryce Newell* *, Assistant Professor, *will teach a new course in cybercrime and digital law enforcement this semester, focused on types of current cybercrimes, how the justice system responds to these crimes, constitutional protections afforded to computer users, and law and policies that govern cybercrime detection and prosecution. Newell comes to the Kentucky from the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), at Tilburg University Law School in The Netherlands where he taught courses in technology policy and regulation. His scholarly interests include ICT law and policy, technology regulation, surveillance, privacy, access to information, policing, immigration, and information ethics. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Information Science from the University of Washington, his J.D. from the University of California, Davis School of Law, and is a former Google Policy Fellow. *Nicholas Proferes* *, Assistant Professor, *will teach a course on issues in information communication technology policy, emphasizing the legal, political, and ethical issues confronting today?s information professionals, in addition to the subsequent impact of these issues on ICT policy and law development. He previously taught information policy courses at the University of Maryland iSchool where he was also a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Ethics and Values in Design (EViD) Lab. Proferes? research focuses on how users understand information platforms like social media, and the policy and ethics issues that stem from them. He received his Ph.D. in Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, and he received his M.A. in Communication, Culture, and Technology from Georgetown University. *Fatima Espinoza Vasquez* *, Assistant Professor, *will teach a social sciences course that demonstrates how emerging technologies have led to the development of ICT as a discipline, and its applications in the workplace and personal contexts. Vasquez joins the School from Syracuse University where she taught courses on information based organizations. She is a former visiting scholar at the University of Connecticut?s El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies. Her core research agenda focuses on ICT?s, social movements, and Latin American political participation. Vasquez earned her Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology from the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University and a M.S. in Information Management with a specialization in Project Management. *Library Science Program* *Robert Shapiro* *, Visiting Assistant Professor, *will teach a required course on information organization where students learn fundamental principles and practices that facilitate access and retrieval. Shapiro is a graduate of the School of Information Science at the University of Kentucky where he received his M.A. in Library Science. Shapiro previously served as Assistant Director for Research, Education, and Clinical Services at the Chandler Medical Center Library at the university. He is formerly a public health librarian and academic liaison to the College of Public Health for the medical center as well. His research interests include health literacy, health information seeking, and information access. *About the School of Information Science* The School of Library and Information Science in the College of Communication and Information at the University of Kentucky became the School of Information Science on July 1, 2015. The name change follows the expansion of programs at the School (both at the graduate and undergraduate level) and the increasing diversity of professions in the information field. The Instructional Communication and Research program became a part of the school in 2013, and the Information Communication Technology program debuted in 2014. The School offers a M.S. in Library Science , School Library Certification , M.S. in Information Communication Technology, B.A./B.S. in Information Communication Technology with a new online track option in information studies , and an undergraduate minor in Information Studies . *Will Buntin* Assistant Director School of Information Science University of Kentucky * Follow UK Information Science: Facebook * Twitter * YouTube * From plato.smith at Tue Aug 29 09:40:53 2017 From: plato.smith at (Smith, Plato) Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 13:40:53 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Tenure-track Metadata Librarian, University of Florida, USA Message-ID: <> Pardon cross-postings. POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Assistant University Librarian or Associate University Librarian The University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries seek a Metadata Librarian for a 12-month, tenure track Library faculty position in the Digital Production Services Department, a user focused, data enhancing, hands-on, collegial team, that strives for efficiencies and streamlined procedures to maximize findability. The Metadata Librarian creates and revises all types of metadata, contributes to local policy and procedure decisions, develops and assesses workflows, creates and delivers trainings, collaborates on large and small projects, and promotes creative approaches for managing metadata. We seek a colleague who understands metadata and the importance of the work of data curation, and who sees the big picture while working with the details on a daily basis. We work in an environment that encourages participation in decision making and values continual learning and creative thinking. Gainesville is a welcoming city offering unique outdoor activities, excellent museums, historical sites, a strong music scene, quality breweries, eclectic dining and local food choices, and a great variety of sporting events. The search will remain open until October 9, 2017, applications reviewed as received. For a full description of the position and instructions on how to apply, please refer to the George A. Smathers Libraries faculty recruitment webpage at Failure to submit the required documents may result in the application not being considered. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please contact: Bonnie Smith, George A. Smathers Libraries Human Resources Office, at bonniesmith at The George A. Smathers Libraries are strong advocates for inclusion and intellectual freedom. The Libraries' commitment to both is articulated in the Inclusion Statement and Intellectual Freedom Statement, both of which are posted at The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to the diversity of our faculty and staff. Applicants from a broad spectrum of people, including members of ethnic minorities and disabled persons, are especially encouraged to apply. Address inquiries to Bonnie J. Smith, Smathers Libraries Human Resources Office, at bonniesmith at ________________________________________________________ Plato L. Smith II, Ph.D. Data Management Librarian University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries, USA Office: + 1 352-294-1077 | Cell: + 1 850-319-7924 | Email: plato.smith at ORCiD: From katy.davis at Wed Aug 30 15:08:37 2017 From: katy.davis at (Katy Davis) Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 19:08:37 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Library Technician in Denver, CO Message-ID: Please excuse the cross posting... LAC Federal is seeking a Library Technician for a government contract working with a prestigious federal agency located in Denver, CO. This is a full-time, 40-hour per week position which includes a full benefits package. Responsibilities: * Search uncatalogued publications in the local EOS.Web catalog and OCLC WorldCat to determine library holdings, duplication, digitization status, and other information required prior to cataloging. * Search selected items in the Access database used as an inventory of digitized publications. * Update records in EOS.Web catalog to correct or add to records, such as adding digitization information, including all #856 fields with URL information for links to documents in Internet Archive and other sources. * Coordinate as needed and update status with library staff regarding cataloging and digitization support. * Document recommendations for any new or revised procedures as well as decisions regarding the approval or rejection of each. * Edit/add, produce, and export OCLC-MARC records to import into the local catalog (EOS.Web). * Produce spine labels and process cataloged print and publications by attaching the labels and property stamping. Qualifications: * At least some experience with cataloging and metadata. * Experience working with AARC2, OCLC-MARC and LC Classification standards and with Dublin Core is required. * Strong analytical skills, and experience with Library of Congress Subject Headings and Library of Congress Classification * Familiarity with quality control standards and keen attention to detail. * Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work well with others. * Excellent written and oral communication skills. * Experience with EOS.Web, CONTENTdm, Microsoft Access strongly preferred. * Masters of Library Science or equivalent degree preferred To apply, please visit: From katy.davis at Thu Aug 31 14:15:02 2017 From: katy.davis at (Katy Davis) Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:15:02 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Announcement: Part-Time Media Cataloger in Manhattan, NY Message-ID: Please excuse the cross-posting... LAC Group is seeking, for a Part-Time Media Cataloger for our client, a prestigious media and entertainment company, located in New York City (Manhattan). This project will be supporting the client's group charged with the long-term archiving and preservation of program assets. This group operates the materials/media archives, which includes an active storage of film, video, audio, and digital elements. The Media Cataloger will properly identify film, video, audio, removable digital media, and paperwork elements then create and populate records in the client's Xytech database system. Titles of elements will be assigned to the Media Catalogers based on workflow needs of production and preservation projects. This project should run through the end of the year (possibly longer). RESPONSIBILITIES: * Extensively utilizing the Xytech Database System by inputting and creating records accurately from physical assets; * Unpack each carton and identify elements against the production inventory sheet before entering records into the database; * Print barcode labels from the entered records and affix them to the elements; * Return elements to its original carton after data entry and prepare carton for permanent storage. QUALIFICATIONS: * Minimum 1-2 years of experience working with a database; Knowledge of the Xytech database system is a plus. * A general understanding of post-production and archive workflow practices with an ability to identify and retain knowledge of film, video and audio formats; * Must be a detail-oriented team player with strong organizational, analytical and interpersonal skills; * Must be able to lift and handle 10 - 20 lbs or less. To apply, please visit: