[Asis-l] Call for papers / revue française des sciences de l'information et de la communication

CHARTRON Ghislaine ghislaine.chartron at lecnam.net
Mon Oct 17 07:25:42 EDT 2016

Apologies for cross-posting

Call for papers

Revue Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (RFSIC)
N°11 - Open access and open science - a debate

Edited by G. Chartron (CNAM) and J. Schöpfel (Lille 3)

https://rfsic.revues.org/2504 (français)
https://rfsic.revues.org/2505  (anglais)

The objective of this special issue of the Revue Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (RFSIC) is to investigate the opportunities and risks of the transition of the academic publishing model and more globally, of open science. We solicit original contributions to inform and enrich the discussion on the following topics:

Business models
Editorial mediation
Societal and economic mediation
Innovation in scientific work

The submitted contributions (in French or English) should enhance the understanding of the actual transformation with empirical data, case studies, significant states of the art, historical perspectives, modelling or theoretical debates. A comparative approach will be particularly appreciated, of different scientific fields, countries or geopolitical regions.

Important dates:

1th November: reception of proposals (abstracts)
1th December: feedback to authors about acceptation
30th March: reception of full papers
30th March-15th June: evaluation of full papers and final decision
30th August: reception of final versions for publication
Contacts: Ghislaine Chartron (ghislaine.chartron at lecnam.net<mailto:ghislaine.chartron at lecnam.net>) and Joachim Schöpfel (joachim.schopfel at univ-lille3.fr<mailto:joachim.schopfel at univ-lille3.fr>)

Abstracts in french or in english are limited to 1200 words and must specify the issue, together with a brief overview of the literature, methodology and key findings. They will be sent in Word or .rtf format to the two editors of this issue.
The journal RFSIC is 100% open access on the public French OpenEdition platform, without APCs.

Ghislaine CHARTRON
Professeur du CNAM
2 rue Conté, Case 1D6000, 75003 Paris
T : (33) 01 40 27 25 35
ghislaine.chartron at lecnam.net<mailto:ghislaine.chartron at lecnam.net>

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