[Asis-l] Evidence-Based Library & Information Practice - Call for Papers

Wildemuth, Barbara M wildemuth at unc.edu
Mon Nov 7 07:58:50 EST 2016

EBLIP9 Call for Papers and Posters

EBLIP9, the 9th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice conference is taking place June 18-21, 2017 in Philadelphia, USA.

The theme of EBLIP9 is embedding and embracing evidence. Evidence based library and information practice is a way of working – of incorporating various types of evidence into the work we do. Embedding evidence is the act of integrating the best available research evidence, professional knowledge and expertise, and user preference into daily work. Embracing evidence means the willingness to explore various sources of evidence with curiosity and enthusiasm in order to enhance personal practice and advance the profession.

The program committee is particularly interested in research about and illustrations of how librarians and information professionals can encourage community building within EBLIP and the populations we serve. We are also interested in the consideration of data as a foundational source of evidence, how it can be leveraged for building knowledge, and the possibilities that exist for innovation with open data.

You can find all the details here: http://eblip9.org/ The call closes on November 15.​

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