[Asis-l] $10,000 Human Factors Prize

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Mar 16 09:11:04 EDT 2016

From: Lois Smith [mailto:lois at hfes.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 5:23 PM
To: saddo at asist.org <mailto:saddo at asist.org> 
Subject: inquiry from Human Factors and Ergonomics Society


I'm writing to ask help in reaching researchers who might be interested in
submitting their work for the $10,000 Human Factors Prize. Our topic this
year is Big Data/Analytics related to human factors/ergonomics issues. The
details about our prize may be found here:




Lois Smith, Communications Director

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

P.O. Box 1369, Santa Monica, CA 90406-1369 USA

310/394-1811, Fax 310/394-2410, lois at hfes.org <mailto:lois at hfes.org> ,

"Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: People-Friendly Design Through
Science and Engineering"


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