From michel.menou at Wed Jun 1 04:23:16 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 10:23:16 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [Eurchap] Call for proposals - AIB CILW 2016 Conference, Rome, October 21, 2016 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Eurchap] Call for proposals - AIB CILW 2016 Conference, Rome, October 21, 2016 Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 21:52:40 +0200 From: Elena Corradini To: eurchap at Dear colleagues, On behalf of the coordinator of the AIB CILW Study Group (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, Gruppo di studio su catalogazione, indicizzazione, linked data, semantic web = Italian Library Association, Study Group on Cataloguing, Indexing, Linked Data, and Semantic Web) I invite you to read the following call for proposals and to participate with your contributions. Kind regards, Elena Corradini AIB CILW Study Group --- Apologies for cross-postings --- Call for proposals ? AIB CILW 2016 Conference The AIB Study Group on Cataloguing, Indexing, Linked Open Data and Semantic Web (CILW), part of the Italian Library Association (AIB), is launching a call for proposals for the "AIB CILW 2016 Conference", to be held in Rome, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, October 21, 2016. The Conference is organized in collaboration with AIB Sezione Lazio and Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma. The Conference aims at presenting research and experiences relating theoretical, methodological and technological innovation in the areas of LAM (Libraries, Archives, and Museums) and LAMMS (Libraries, Archives, Museums, Monuments, and Sites), with particular regard to Linked Data technologies and the Semantic Web project. The title of the Conferenceis: ?Revamping Information Resources: Granularity, Interoperability, and Data Integration?. The second Session will be organized through a call for proposals. Main purpose is to allow any scholar, even if very young, to participate in the conference with a theoretical or practical 'flash' report, 'lightening talk' style, in Italian or English. The call for proposals expires June 20, 2016 (very probably the deadline will be extended). The dedicated Session is entitled ?The universe of cultural resources: between smart ideas and concrete actions?. Any information at: The launch of the Conferenceis expected in June, and it is not possible to register yet. See the draftweb page at: AIB-CILW Study Group home page is at: We would be pleased if you could also forward the call to colleagues, co-workers or students interested. We apologize for the inevitable ?cross-posting?. Best regards, Roberto Raieli and the AIB-CILW Study Group --------------------------------------------------------- AIB Study Group on Cataloguing, Indexing, Linked Open Data and Semantic Web (CILW) *** Elena Corradini, bibliotecaria. Professione disciplinata dalla L. 4/2013 Via Tre Chiodi 14 38061 ALA TN Italy mobile: +39 346 2763 103 / +39 347 1403 296 skype: elena.corradini67 Twitter: ElenaBIB Facebook: Elena Corradini LinkedIn: Elena Corradini Iscritta all'Elenco Associati AIB (delibera Commissione E/2014/0719) ISCRIVITI ANCHE TU E RICHIEDI L'ATTESTAZIONE Dona il 5 x 1000 all'AIB : CF 02903570584 From jmartin at Wed Jun 1 15:31:07 2016 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 19:31:07 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NEDCC's Preservation 101 - Additional Course Scheduled - Sept-Nov 2016 Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF994C6504C@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> NEWS! PRESERVATION 101 - ADDITIONAL COURSE SCHEDULED ******************************************** NEDCC's Preservation 101 Spring 2016 course SOLD OUT this time and we had a waiting list of over 15 people! So we have added an additional Preservation 101 course this fall, from September 8 - November 17. (Next course - June-August 2017) The Preservation 101 course is an interactive online course. A series of 10 webinars builds on self-paced study between sessions, using assigned readings and other resources to supplement the "classroom" discussions. The course is designed to provide a foundation for effective collections stewardship by guiding participants through preservation topics such as environmental management, deterioration of materials, and emergency preparedness. The new course features expanded coverage of audiovisual and digital formats. Certificate of Completion / 20 ARCs. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? - Staff and volunteers at cultural heritage institutions who are responsible for preservation and access projects - Town clerks, county commissioners, and other municipal records holders - Corporate archivists and records managers in need of preservation training - Students or graduates of library and information science Register Early - Don't Miss this Opportunity Seats are limited to 30 for optimum interaction with instructor. Certificate of completion and 20 ARCs for qualified archivists. COMPLETE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION: ***************************************************** NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER Digital Directions Denver, Sept 26-28 - JOIN our E-News List for all the latest Updates: From hmiller at Wed Jun 1 16:13:58 2016 From: hmiller at (Holly Miller) Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 20:13:58 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Engineering & Liaison Services Librarian Message-ID: Please excuse the cross posting: Engineering & Liaison Services Librarian Florida Institute of Technology seeks an Engineering & Liaison Services Librarian who is innovative, curious, adaptive, and collaborative. The successful candidate will engage proactively with engineering faculty and students in several engineering departments such as mechanical and aerospace, electrical and computer, civil, chemical or biomolecular engineering. The Engineering & Liaison Services Librarian will oversee the library liaison program, mentor and train other liaisons, and perform assessments on the program. A key aspect of this position involves maintaining a strong presence in the university's engineering community, building close relationships with faculty and students, and collaborating with them to meet their teaching, learning, research, and publication needs. The successful candidate will play a critical role in library initiatives, including scholarly communication, research data management consultation, and emerging technologies featured in our new Digital Scholarship Laboratory. This is a full-time 12-month faculty position. The detailed job description is available: Send a cover letter referencing this position, resume/CV and names of three references to: Angela Taylor Director, Enabling Infrastructure Evans Library (321) 674-7725 libadmin at From junus at Wed Jun 1 18:20:42 2016 From: junus at (Junus, Ranti) Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 22:20:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: full-time Lecturer position, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies University of British Columbia Message-ID: <> [forwarded by request. -ranti] UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF LIBRARY, ARCHIVAL AND INFORMATION STUDIES 1-Year Term Appointment: Lecturer The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS the iSchool at ubc) at the University of British Columbia invites applications for a full-time Lecturer position for a 1-year term appointment commencing as early as August 1, 2016. The successful candidate will have a teaching and research interest/experience in the area of Library, Archival and Information Studies. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. (or expect to have successfully defended prior to the start date of the appointment). Applicants must provide strong evidence of their teaching ability and effectiveness. Applicants with the knowledge and experience necessary to teach in one or more of the following areas are invited to reply (those able to teach across multiple areas will be given preference): Information Policy, Scholarly Publishing, Knowledge Organization, Digital Preservation, Management of Information Organizations, Cultural Informatics, Information Services, Public Libraries. A full-time 12-month Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts is responsible for the equivalent of 24 teaching credits (i.e., eight 3-credit courses) and related service duties. Due to the substantial responsibilities for curriculum development, student advising, and learning outcomes assessment required as part of this graduate-level teaching position, it comes with a teaching load of six 3-credit courses over the 12-month appointment period in the first year. This position is subject to final budgetary approval. The School offers a Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS), Master of Archival Studies (MAS), a joint MAS/MLIS, a multidisciplinary Master of Arts in Children's Literature (MACL), and a doctorate in library, archival and information studies leading to the awarding of a Ph.D. The School also offers courses at the undergraduate level in the Bachelor of Media Studies Program. Further information about the School can be found on its Web site at The deadline for receipt of applications is Monday, June 27, 2016. Application materials must include: a cover letter stating the candidate's qualifications for the position; a current curriculum vitae; and a teaching portfolio of no more than 5 pages, including a statement of teaching philosophy and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Applications should be addressed to Dr. Luanne Freund, Chair, Faculty Search Committee and documents should be sent as separate files (in .pdf or Word format) via email to: ischool.recruit at Applicants should arrange to have at least 3 referees send confidential letters of reference to the Faculty Search Committee at ischool.recruit at prior to the closing date. Enquiries may be addressed to Dr. Luanne Freund: luanne.freund at The University of British Columbia hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity and diversity within its community. We especially welcome applications from members of visible minority groups, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientations or gender identities, and others with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. From hiris at Wed Jun 1 19:48:10 2016 From: hiris at (Iris Xie) Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 23:48:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T Featuring Doctoral Student Research (Submission Deadline: July 1, 2016) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Are you a doctoral student in the writing stage or close to defending? We would like to showcase your research! ASIS&T invites you to submit a short video (5 mins or less) that introduces the world to the exciting and engaging research you are doing. We are extending an invitation to those doctoral students who have: a) completed their coursework, qualifying examinations (or equivalent) and defended their proposals, and b) are in the process of analyzing/writing, or ready to defend their dissertations. In addition to the great visibility that your research receives, the best 20 submissions will win a free one-year ASIS&T membership (or free renewal). All vetted submissions will be featured on the ASIS&T website . SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 1, 2016 TOPIC: Produce a short video (5 mins or less) that is the equivalent of an elevator speech about your dissertation research (related to the information field broadly construed). Please include the following elements in your video: * Your Name and affiliation * Your dissertation title, and the name of your advisor(s) * What your research is about? How you went about it? What your findings indicate; and why it matters... (or any variant of these questions). While we encourage the elevator speech format (concise and well articulated), feel free to be as creative as you want to be! Please consult with your advisor(s) when preparing for the video. And remember to practice, practice, practice. FORMAT: Format the video using PowerPoint, Prezi, Camtasia, Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, VoiceThread, or Brainshark. Include a statement that your video is created for "Doctoral Research @ ASIS&T". If an updated video file is needed, we will contact you with additional instructions. VIDEO LENGTH: 5 minutes or less. Any videos longer than 5:59 mins will be automatically disqualified. Video Language: We are an international society, so we welcome a variety of languages. For more information, please contact Dr. Iris Xie - hiris at SUBMISSION: Upload the video to your YouTube account and submit the information below to: social at * Subject line: "Doctoral Research @ ASIS&T" * your full name and affiliation * Email address * Video Title * URL to your video file * You grant ASIS&T the right to feature your video on the ASIST website. PRIZES: All submitted videos will be reviewed by a committee. All approved videos will be featured on the ASIS&T website for a determined period of time. 20 videos featured on the website will receive a free one-year ASIS&T membership (for new members) or a free one-year renewal (for current members) based on a selection process spearheaded by the committee. This initiative is co-sponsored by the ASIS&T membership committee, ASIS&T Education and Professional Advancement committee, and ASIS&T Outreach and Engagement task force. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Dr. Iris Xie - hiris at Good luck, everyone! Iris Xie, Ph.D. Professor School of Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Phone:(414)229-6835 Fax:(414)229-6699 ************************************************* From tibbo at Thu Jun 2 05:22:10 2016 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 09:22:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] DigCCurr Professional Institute - Slots Remaining Message-ID: <> Please excuse cross postings************************************ Slots remaining! DigCCurr Professional Institute: Curation Practices for the Digital Object Lifecycle July 17-22, 2016 & March 14-15, 2017 (One price for two sessions) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Visit for more information. REGISTRATION LINK: The Institute consists of one five-day session in July 2016 and a two-day follow-up session in March 2017. The summer event begins at 6 PM on Sunday, July 17 with a welcome and opening event. Each day of the summer session will include lectures, discussion and hands-on "lab" components. A course pack and a private, online discussion space will be provided to supplement learning and application of the material. An opening reception dinner on Sunday, Continental breakfast, break time snacks and coffee, and a dinner on Tuesday will also be included. This institute is designed to foster skills, knowledge and community-building among professionals responsible for the curation of digital materials. Registration: * Regular registration : $1,150 * Late registration (after June 15, 2016): $1,300 If you are a grant recipient working on a digital project, we recommend that you check with your program officer to request approval to use available grant funds to attend the institute. Institute Instructors Include: * From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Drs. Helen Tibbo, Cal Lee, and Kam Woods. * Dr. Nancy McGovern, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * Dr. Carolyn Hank, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. * Dr. Lorraine Richards, Drexel University. July 2017 Institute Components include (order and session titles may vary somewhat from those listed): *Overview of digital curation definition, scope and main functions *Where you see yourself in the digital curation landscape *Digital curation program development *Digital curation stakeholders and digital curation landscape *Case Study on developing a digital repository *Procedural accountability - policies, submission agreements, rules *LAB -Transforming policy statements into rules *Overview of digital preservation challenges and opportunities *Roles and responsibilities for curation *LAB - Matching skills and roles *Characterization of digital objects *Overview and Characterization of Existing Tools: Placing the Tools in a Larger Industry Context *File formats *LAB - File format robustness *Managing in response to technological change *Digital forensics *Ethical issues *LAB - Media and content *Workflows, humans, and tools *Lab - Workflows *Evaluating curation programs requirements and assessment *LAB - Evaluating curation programs: TRAC/ISO 16363 Review * Characterizing, analyzing and evaluating the producer information environment *Economics of digital curation - costs and resource commitments *LAB - Economics of digital curation *Cloud computing *Web archiving * Formulating your six-month action plan - task for each individual, with instructors available to provide guidance * Summary of action plans * Clarifying roles and expectations for the next six months March 14-15, 2017 Participants in the July event will return to Chapel Hill in March 2017 to discuss their experiences in implementing what they have learned in their own work environments. Participants will compare experiences, lessons learned and strategies for continuing progress. Accommodations for January will be the responsibility of the attendee. For more information, contact Dr. Helen Tibbo (tibbo at for Institute questions or Michelle Taylor (michele at for payment or registration questions. The Digital Professional Institute was initiated as part of the DigCCurr II project, supported by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (Grant Award #RE-05-08-0060-08) and is partially supported by the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LODGING: Participants are responsible for their own lodging. A DigCCurr 2016-17 room block has been reserved at the Hampton Inn Hotel in Downtown Carrboro at $119/night. Please indicate "DigCCurr2016" when making reservations. You may reserve your hotel room by calling the hotel at +1-919-969-6988 or by clicking on this link: Reservations must be received by 06/15/2016. See the Accommodations page for more information ( We look forward to seeing you there! -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor & Society of American Archivists, President 2010-2011 and Fellow School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 1+ 919 418 4557 Fax: 1+ 91 962 8071 tibbo at From fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at Thu Jun 2 08:34:54 2016 From: fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at (IBEKWE-SANJUAN Fidelia) Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 14:34:54 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] PhD funding opportunity at Aix-Marseille University, France Message-ID: <> -------------- PhD FUNDING OPPORTUNITY at AIX-MArseille University, FRANCE-------------- We are seeking PhD candidates for a thesis proposal entitled "Healthcare Associated Infections Prevention and Reduction: Info-communication tools and processes for hand hygiene" (Project ID: 2016-21) which has passed the first selection phase in the context of a competitive DOC2AMU, a H2020 COFUND MSCA project financed by the European Commission under Grant Agreement 713750 and the Provence-Alpes-C?te d?Azur Regional Council, with a financial support from A*MIDEX Foundation. DOC2AMU is an innovative doctoral programme with the aim of financing30 3-year doctoral contracts from 2016 to 2021at Aix-Marseille Universit? (AMU) in Marseille, France. The PhD proposal (topic) can be found here: PhD candidates should hold a Masters' degree in one of these fields: Anthropology, psychology, sociology, communication science or Information Science. The Master's degree must be completed at the time of commencement of the PhD (Dec. 2016). Candidates with prior experience of field work in the health care sector and with a knowledge of mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) are particularly sought. Eligible candidates must have excellent communication skills as s/he will have to interact with health care workers. More information on the the funding framework can be found here: Eligibility criteria and selection process are specified here: If awarded, the candidate will receive financial support and training. More details can be found here: The complete application package should be submitted by *24th june* on the call's website. Interested candidates, please get in touch with "fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at" as an introduction letter is required from the PhD supervisor for every application. -- ----------------------------------------------------- Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Ph.D.) Full Professor (Professeur des Universit?s) School of Journalism & Communication (EJCAM) Aix-Marseille University - France. Homepage: IRSIC research team: ----------------------------------------------------- From h.obrien at Thu Jun 2 12:30:38 2016 From: h.obrien at (O'Brien, Heather) Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 16:30:38 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ALISE Methodology Paper Competition Message-ID: <> The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) is now accepting proposals for its 2017 Methodology Paper Competition, sponsored by ProQuest. The purpose of this award is to stimulate communication on research methodologies at ALISE annual conferences. The competition is open to all types of methodology. Papers must be limited to description and discussion of a research method or a technique associated with a particular research method. (For example, papers may address such areas as sampling, grounded theory, historical methods, or statistical methods.) Papers must explain the particular method/technique, including methodological implications for library and information science. Examples to illustrate its value can come from LIS-related published studies, proposed studies, and works in progress. Papers that stress findings are not eligible for this competition. More information is available at: Submissions can be made using the ?ALISE Award and Grant Nomination Form? link at: Deadline for submissions: September 22, 2016 Please consider applying and distribute widely. Sincerely, Heather O'Brien Chair, ALISE/ProQuest Methodology Paper Competition Committee Members John Bertot, Maryland Yunseon Choi, Southern Connecticut State Fatih Oguz, North Carolina-Greensboro Cecilia Salvatore, Dominican Ying-Hsang Liu, Charles Sturt From brad.eden at Thu Jun 2 14:32:46 2016 From: brad.eden at (Brad Eden) Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 13:32:46 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for editorial board members: Digital Library Perspectives Message-ID: Please excuse duplication. I am looking for new editorial board members for the journal *Digital Library Perspectives* (a description of the journal is provided below). The editorial board serves as the peer reviewers for the journal, and I am looking to expand the number as well as add international board members. If you are interested, please send me a short 100 word statement of your interest and background, and a CV to the email below (not the listserv). If you have any questions, please contact me directly via email. Thanks. Brad Bradford Lee Eden, Ph.D. Editor Dean of Library Services Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources Valparaiso University Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 brad.eden at 219-464-5099 _______________________________________________ *Digital Library Perspectives (DLP)* Journal history: Previously published as *OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives* *Aims & Scope* *Digital Library Perspectives (DLP) *is a peer-reviewed journal concerned with digital content collections. It publishes research related to the curation and web-based delivery of digital objects collected for the advancement of scholarship, teaching and learning. And which advance the digital information environment as it relates to global knowledge, communication and world memory. The journal aims to keep readers informed about current trends, initiatives, and developments. Including those in digital libraries and digital repositories, along with their standards and technologies. The editor invites contributions on the following, as well as other related topics: - ? Digitization - ? Data as information - ? Archives and manuscripts - ? Digital preservation and digital archiving - ? Digital cultural memory initiatives - ? Usability studies - ? K-12 and higher education uses of digital collections From srichards at Thu Jun 2 17:43:12 2016 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 21:43:12 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Library Technicians / Washington, D.C. Message-ID: <> Apologies for the cross postings . . . . . LAC Group is seeking experienced Library Technicians to work at a major library in the Washington, DC area. The Technicians will assist with shifting and integrating a collection of rare library materials and ensuring that all items are in proper call number order. Qualifications: * High School Diploma or equivalent * At least 1-2 years experience working with processing, filing, and/or retrieving books or other library materials * Basic knowledge of Excel or similar spreadsheet software * Ability to follow instructions with exactness and work unsupervised * Strong attention to detail For immediate consideration, please apply online at; LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies. From hsuanwei.chen at Fri Jun 3 02:33:07 2016 From: hsuanwei.chen at (H. Michelle Chen) Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 23:33:07 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] How are you staying current with Data Science? Message-ID: It's been dubbed the "sexiest job of the 21st century," and if you're working in the data science field, you've experienced the thrill of discovery firsthand. You've also probably noticed that new tools, technologies, and practices are being developed all the time. As the field advances, it's vital to keep your skills current with the market. I invite you to learn more about the Certificate in Big Data program offered fully online by the San Jose State University School of Information. This program provides tools to data scientists and data engineers, as well as helps analytics managers, to formulate business strategies based on data analysis. Guided by a Program Advisory Committee with representatives from Kaggle, IBM, and Splunk, the nine-unit curriculum focuses on Big Data Technologies, Web and Data Mining, and Information Visualization. There's still time to apply for fall admission, with classes starting in late August. Please visit our website for admission requirements . You may also contact me with any questions. Best regards, Michelle ___________________ *H. Michelle Chen, Ph.D.* Assistant Professor, School of Information Program Coordinator, Certificate in Big Data San Jos? State University One Washington Square, San Jos?, CA 95192-0029 SJSU iSchool: Certificate in Big Data: From digitalscholarshippress at Sun Jun 5 18:37:44 2016 From: digitalscholarshippress at (Digital Scholarship) Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2016 17:37:44 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Research Data Curation Bibliography, Version 6 Message-ID: <> Digital Scholarship has released Version 6 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography. This selective bibliography includes over 560 English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding the curation of digital research data in academic and other research institutions. Over 200 new works have been added to the bibliography since version five. The Research Data Curation Bibliography covers topics such as research data creation, acquisition, metadata, repositories, provenance, management, policies, support services, funding agency requirements, peer review, publication, citation, sharing, reuse, and preservation. Most sources have been published from January 2009 through May 2016; however, a limited number of earlier key sources are also included. The bibliography includes links to freely available versions of included works. If such versions are unavailable, links to the publishers' descriptions are provided. Abstracts are included in this bibliography if a work is under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY and national/international variations), a Creative Commons public domain dedication (CC0), or a Creative Commons Public Domain Mark and this is clearly indicated in the work. The Research Data Curation Bibliography is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Translate (oversatta, oversette, prelozit, traducir, traduire, tradurre, traduzir, or ubersetzen) this message: -- Best Regards, Charles Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Publisher, Digital Scholarship From skroe at Mon Jun 6 10:29:32 2016 From: skroe at (Roe, Sandy) Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 14:29:32 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] IFLA Satellite Meeting--Subject Access: Unlimited Opportunities, Aug 11-12, Columbus, Ohio Message-ID: Please join us for the IFLA Classification & Indexing Section's Satellite Meeting, Subject Access: Unlimited Opportunities, in Columbus, Ohio, the afternoon of August 11 through August 12, 2016. Dr. Marcia Lei Zeng, our first keynote speaker, will begin the meeting on Thursday afternoon with Subject Access, Smart Data, and Digital Humanities -- Finding Unlimited Opportunities through Their Intersections. Following Dr. Zeng's presentation will be 15 presentations from around the globe that explore new services, new roles, and new partners to support subject searching. Dr. Karen Markey, our final keynote speaker, will wrap up the meeting on Friday afternoon with her synthesis and reaction to what we've learned and what's next with Subject Access: Possibilities, Progress, and Priorities. Registration is free thanks to the generosity of the Kent State University College of Communication & Information and the School of Library & Information Science but all interested participants must register in advance. The meeting will be held at the State Library of Ohio in Columbus. For more information and to register follow this link: Sandy Roe, on behalf of the satellite conference organizing committee Secretary, IFLA Classification & Indexing Section Standing Committee Editor, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services Unit Milner Library | Illinois State University | Normal, IL 61790-8900 phone: 309-438-5039 | email: skroe at From ischoolumd at Fri Jun 3 22:21:37 2016 From: ischoolumd at (Ischool UMD) Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2016 22:21:37 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Don=E2=80=99t_Forget_to_Register!_UMD_iSchool?= =?utf-8?q?=E2=80=99s_An_Educated_Eye?= Message-ID: *Don?t forget to sign up for **An Educated Eye* *, a workshop on June 11th* *10am - 4pm @ Hornbake Library, South Wing (UMD College Park campus)* Participants in this one-day, in-person workshop will gain a better understanding of how illustration and other visual images convey meaning. Maria Salvadore, leading expert in children?s literature, will walk participants through interactive, hands-on activities aimed at showcasing the power of illustration and image in children?s literature. Register *now* for this great opportunity for librarians, educators, and all bookies! From richard.chbeir at Wed Jun 8 04:14:59 2016 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2016 10:14:59 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: The 8th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems, Hendaye, France (ACM MEDES 2016) Message-ID: * Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * The 8th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'16) In-Cooperation with ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 November 1-4, 2016 Hendaye, France Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rapid growth and exponential use of digital components leads to the emergence of intelligent environments namely "digital ecosystems" connected to the web and composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. With the help of the computational intelligence, these digital ecosystems can exhibit new self-* properties (such as self-management, self-healing and self-configuration) environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying web-based resources mainly comprehend big data management, innovative services, smart and self-* properties platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative, intelligent and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as big data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES),previously named "The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems", aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. MEDES 2016 calls for full papers presenting interesting recent results or novel ideas in all areas of Emergent Digital EcoSystems. At the same time, the conference calls for short papers presenting interesting and exciting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready, and preferably include a system demonstration. Topics ------- MEDES 2016 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure - Data & Knowledge Management - Computational and Collective Intelligence - Semantic Computing - Big Data - Services - Trust, Security & Privacy - Software Engineering - Internet of Things and Intelligent Web - Internet of People - Cyber Physical Systems - Systems of Systems - Social and Collaborative Platforms - Human-Computer Interaction - Open Source - Applications (Logistics, Energy, Healthcare, Environment, Smart Cities, Digital Humanities, Robotics, etc.) - Complex Systems and Networks Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline (extended): July 20th, 2016 - Notification of Acceptance: September 5th, 2016 - Camera Ready: September 15th, 2016 - Paper Registration: September 15th, 2016 - Conference Dates: 1-4 November 2016 Advisory Chairs ---------------- Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy Conference Chair ---------------- Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France Program Chairs ---------------- Ismail Biskri, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Trois-Rivi?res, Canada Rajeev Agrawal, North Carolina A&T State University, USA Local Organizing Committee --------------------------- Philippe Aniorte, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Philippe Arnould, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Haritza Camblong, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain Ionel Vechiu, ESTIA, France Laurent Gallon, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Sebstian Laborie, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Philippe Lopisteguy, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Manuel Munier, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Khouloud Salameh, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Nathalie Charbel, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Lara Kallas, NOBATEK, France Irvin Dongo, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Chinnapong Angsuchotmetee, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Regina Ticona, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France Solomon Asres, University of Pau and Adour Countries (UPPA), France International Program Committee -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From heidijul at Thu Jun 9 14:24:04 2016 From: heidijul at (Julien, Heidi) Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 18:24:04 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Fw: Vacancies - Principals' Research Fellowships, Edinburgh Napier University - apply by 1st July In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Edinburgh Napier is currently advertising a great opportunity for anyone keen to focus on their research over the next five years with the ambition of promotion to Associate Professor. The University's Principal's Research Fellowships offer a five-year contract with a salary in the range of ?37,768 to ?46,414, and include an attractive support package. The posts correspond with the three broad areas that comprise the University's Academic Themes: 1. Information Society 2. Sustainable communities 3. Wellbeing Professor Hazel Hall ( and her colleagues within the Centre for Social Informatics ( are keen to see applications that fit to the Information Society theme, and especially those that align with, or extend, current research interests and expertise in: . Democratic digital engagement . Digital culture . Digital economy . e-Government . Information policy . Information seeking behaviour and use . The Information Society . Information systems for organisational effectiveness . Knowledge management . Online communities . Open data and open government The focus of the work of successful applicants to the Principal's Research Fellowship posts will be research, and will include developing grant proposals, undertaking projects to develop new knowledge in the domain, disseminating research results, and contributing to the University's submission to the Research Excellence Framework (REF). There will also be opportunities to mentor and coach others (e.g. line management of research assistants, research student supervision), and provide supervisory support to research teams. In carrying out this work, the Principal's Research Fellows will actively work towards meeting the criteria for promotion to Associate Professor. The University is interested in hearing from candidates who offer the following interests, expertise, and qualifications: . PhD in a relevant discipline . Knowledge and expertise to underpin the further development of research in the domain . A research profile that already demonstrates national recognition . Experience of successfully leading and developing research projects, including the writing of research proposals and disseminating research findings in high quality journals and at international conferences . Ability to work independently, combined with prior experience of collaborating on research projects . Excellent communication skills, including the ability to use a range of delivery techniques to enthuse and engage others in research . Willingness to play an active part in the life of the research group in which they are based, and in the wider community (e.g. through broadening their external research networks, and through public engagement activities) . A commitment to continuous professional development The closing date for applications is 1st July 2016. Interviews will take place during the week commencing 15 August 2016. For further information about this opportunity, please see Hazel Hall's blog post about the vacancies at From here there are links to the advertisement, role description, and details of how to make an application. Professor Hazel Hall PhD MA BA FCLIP FHEA Director - Centre for Social Informatics School of Computing/Institute for Informatics and Digital Innovation Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh EH10 5DT UK +44 (0)131 455 2760 h.hall at @hazelh The best things in life aren't things From bhow at Thu Jun 9 13:42:55 2016 From: bhow at (Howard, Barrie) Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 13:42:55 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] 2016-2017 National Digital Stewardship Residency application period is now open Message-ID: <7CC4AB09C979C242B5E468C64182DD44010E1FB63F39@LCXCLMB01.LCDS.LOC.GOV> Greetings! I am delighted to announce that the National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) program is now accepting applications through July 20, 2016. Applicants can apply through the USAJOBs vacancy announcement available from If you aren't familiar, the NDSR program is a field experience opportunity developed by the Library of Congress and the Institute of Museum and Library Services open to recent masters and doctoral graduates interested in digital stewardship, who have graduated from an accredited degree-granting program between summer 2014 and summer 2016. Doctoral candidates with graduation beyond summer 2016 are also encouraged to apply. You can read more about the NDSR program from the website, available from The Library and five host institutions will select five residents to begin a one-year full-time paid residency to develop, apply, and advance their digital stewardship knowledge and skills in real-world settings. We ask you to please share the word about this exclusive opportunity. Also, if you personally know of someone who would be a good candidate please pass this message along. I have attached an application factsheet, which is available from in the event the document is removed in transit. Thank you for your interest in the program, and your assistance in distributing the announcement. Below I have provided some sample text to share via social media channels. Thank you, George George Coulbourne Chief, Internship and Fellowship Programs National and International Outreach Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue Washington, DC 20540-3000 (o) 202-707-7856 (iP) 202-258-2969 gcou at| facebook post: The 2016-2017 National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) application period for the Washington, DC cohort is now open! The one-year residency is a paid position from September 2016 through September 2017, and is open to recent masters and doctoral graduates with an interest in digital stewardship. Developed by the Institute for Museum and Library Services and the Library of Congress, the program prepares recent graduates for the professional world of digital stewardship through field work at one of five host institutions in the Baltimore-Washington area. To learn more about the program and how to apply for this exciting opportunity, visit the website available from the link below. Tweet: @librarycongress @US_IMLS #ndsrdc application period is open! 1-yr PAID residency w/dig pres focus in Balto-DC area, From brenda.sheridan at Wed Jun 8 07:55:25 2016 From: brenda.sheridan at (BRENDA SHERIDAN) Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2016 07:55:25 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers, School of Communication and Information, Master of Information ONLINE Info Session, June 15 Message-ID: *Rutgers, School of Communication and Information, Master of Information ONLINE Info Session, June 15* The School of Communication and Information, (SC&I) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, invites prospective students to join us on June 15 at our *Online* Information Session for our Master of Information program. Ranked #6 nationwide by U.S. News & World Report and the only Top 10 ranked LIS program within one hour of NYC, our MI program offers five concentrations within a flexible structure to fit your scheduling needs. RSVP today. -- Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications Office of the Dean School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 f: 732-932-6916 c: 856-261-0089 brenda.sheridan at From brenda.sheridan at Fri Jun 10 12:56:07 2016 From: brenda.sheridan at (BRENDA SHERIDAN) Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 12:56:07 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers, School of Communication and Information, (SC&I) Celebrates Paper of the Year Award at SLA 2016 Message-ID: Rutgers, School of Communication and Information, (SC&I) Celebrates Paper of the Year Award at SLA 2016 The School of Communication and Information is proud to announce that SC&I alumni Kelly Bergman and Angela Pagliaro, co-authors of ?Levels of Engagement Framework: Meeting Users at the Intersection of Need and Know-How,? have won Paper of the Year and will present at this year?s annual Special Libraries Association (SLA) Conference in Philadelphia on June 12-14, 2016. In their paper, the Rutgers alumni develop a framework to demonstrate the services of librarians in specialized settings. The levels of the framework include acquire, search, organize and embed, and each level works together so users can engage with library services. Bergman earned a Masters of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree and Mini-MBA from Rutgers University in 2009 and 2014, respectively. Pagliaro received her MLIS degree from the University in 2014. For more information on SLA conference, please visit their website at For more information on SC&I's Master of Information program, please visit our website at -- Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications Office of the Dean School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 f: 732-932-6916 c: 856-261-0089 brenda.sheridan at From hong1.cui at Thu Jun 9 12:13:09 2016 From: hong1.cui at (Hong cui) Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 09:13:09 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] Last Call: ASIST ProQuest Doctoral Dissertation Award Nominations Message-ID: Dear Deans, Directors, school leaders, and asis-lers: We have received a good number of nominations. Thanks to the advisors and the new Ph.Ds. This is just a reminder that the deadline for nomination is June 15, 2016 and there will not be an extension, so submit yours in the next 6 days if you are planning to submit your work. -------------------------------------------------------- ASIST ProQuest Doctoral Dissertation Award is currently calling for nominations (last call). Please encourage your recent Ph.D graduates to enter the competition. There is NO limit on the number of entries from a particular school. Participation is limited to those who have completed their doctorates since May of 2015 and it is NOT restricted to ASIS&T members. Dissertations submitted shall fall within the scope of information science, including, but not limited to, the scope of JASIST: ?the production, discovery, recording, storage, representation, retrieval, presentation, manipulation, dissemination, use, and evaluation of information and on the tools and techniques associated with these processes?. The nomination package shall consist of the entire dissertation, and a letter of endorsement from the nominee's dissertation advisor. *Details at:* *The deadline for nominations:* June 15, 2016. *Submit nominations:* We greatly appreciate your participation. Please direct any questions to hongcui at Best wishes, ASIST Proquest Doctoral Dissertation Award Jury --- Hong Cui, Ph.D Associate Professor, Information Technology Director of Graduate Studies School of Information (NOW on the 4th floor of the Harvill Building) University of Arizona ETC Bi-Weekly Hangout Member of Sustaining Member of NPR KUAZ Radio From syn at Fri Jun 10 10:55:48 2016 From: syn at (Sue Yeon Syn) Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 10:55:48 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T SIGUSE Annual Awards 2016 Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, We hope you will consider applying for the slate of SIGUSE awards available for travel and research; award winners will be formerly recognized at the SIGUSE symposium, to be held at the upcoming ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Copenhagen. Applications for all awards are due *JULY 15, 2016* and can be forwarded to both of the SIG USE Awards Co-Chairs: Wade Bishop bbisho13 at and Sue Yeon Syn syn at The following awards are open for competition: *The Elfreda A. Chatman Research Award* for ?best research proposal that falls within the scope of information behavior.? Value: $1000 *The Innovation Award* for ?innovative work that falls within the scope of information behavior.? Value: $200 *The Student Conference Travel Award* to ?assist student in a Master?s or doctoral program in attending the ASIST annual conference by defraying travel expenses.? Value: $500 *The Interdisciplinary Conference Travel Award* to ?provide financial support for members to attend non-LIS specific conference.? Value: 3 awards of $200 *Best Information Behavior Conference Paper Award* in recognition of the best information behavior paper accepted for presentation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Value $200 *Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award* in recognition of the best information behavior paper accepted for presentation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Value $200 Please note the application requirements and procedures for the various awards, which can be found though the URLs provided above. Please encourage your faculty and student colleagues to apply. Sincerely, Wade Bishop and Sue Yeon Syn SIGUSE Awards Co-Chairs *Sue Yeon Syn, Ph.D.* *Assistant Professor* *Department of Library and Information Science* *Catholic University of America* *620 Michigan Ave. N.E.* *Washington, D.C. 20064* *Phone: 202-319-6277* *Email: syn at * *Web: * From ku26 at Sun Jun 12 17:28:59 2016 From: ku26 at (Unsworth,Kristene) Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2016 21:28:59 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG Cabinet needs you! Message-ID: Hello! SIG Cabinet needs you! We?re looking for someone who knows a number of communication support tools. Our goal is to have a web page that lists the many varieties of tools available with brief annotations and additional links to training info. The purpose is to give the ever-changing roster of SIG officers and committee chairs a cheat sheet on time-saving communication tools. Some tools are already in common use, like Doodle, but many will have more dynamic services such as YouTube live streaming and JoinMe. If you know and/or could identify several such items, then we need your help. Please email me directly if you?re interested ? we?d love to get this pulled together in the next 6-7 weeks. Thanks, Kris Unsworth ku26 at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristene Unsworth, PhD. Assistant Professor ASIS&T SIG Deputy Director The College of Computing & Informatics Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 215.895.6016 | Fax: 215.895.2494 From rhill at Mon Jun 13 13:23:58 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 13:23:58 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: First Monday June 2016 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <06f601d1c598$5f7ec760$1e7c5620$> From: Readership of First Monday [mailto:FIRSTMONDAY at LISTSERV.UIC.EDU] On Behalf Of Valauskas, Edward J. Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 9:33 AM To: FIRSTMONDAY at LISTSERV.UIC.EDU Subject: First Monday June 2016 Readers: First Monday has just published the June 2016 (volume 21, number 6) issue at The following papers are included in this month's special issue, A decade of Web 2.0 - Reflections, critical perspectives, and beyond: First Monday Volume 21, Number 6 - 6 June 2016 Preface: A decade of Web 2.0 - Reflections, critical perspectives, and beyond by Michael Zimmer and Anna Lauren Hoffmann Web 2.0 user knowledge and the limits of individual and collective power by Nicholas Proferes Many (to platform) to many: Web 2.0 application infrastructures by Jack Jamieson Constructing and enforcing "authentic" identity online: Facebook, real names, and non-normative identities by Oliver L. Haimson and Anna Lauren Hoffmann Rethinking social change: The promises of Web 2.0 for the marginalized by David Nemer The domestication of online activism by Mathias Klang and Nora Madison The rise of speculative devices: Hooking up with the bots of Ashley Madison by Ben Light Read only: The persistence of lurking in Web 2.0 by Scott Kushner DIY videos on YouTube: Identity and possibility in the age of algorithms by Christine T. Wolf Share wars: Sharing, theft, and the everyday production of Web 2.0 on DeviantArt by Dan Perkel The blogosphere and its problems: Web 2.0 undermining civic Webspaces by Alexander Halavais ------- With the contents of the June 2016 issue, First Monday has published 1,572 papers in 241 issues, written by 2,181 different authors. This issue is the eighteenth special issue of First Monday, bringing together a number of focused papers on a definitive topic, as in this case, Web 2.0. Thanks for your continuing interest in our work, Edward J Valauskas Chief Editor and Founder, First Monday From gunn at Tue Jun 14 11:01:08 2016 From: gunn at (Kevin B Gunn) Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:01:08 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Proposals Message-ID: *THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES: IMPLICATIONS FOR LIBRARIANS,* *LIBRARIES, AND LIBRARIANSHIP* The redefinition of humanities scholarship has received major attention in higher education over the past few years. The advent of digital humanities has challenged many aspects of academic librarianship. With the acknowledgement that librarians must be a necessary part of this scholarly conversation, the challenges facing subject/liaison librarians, technical service librarians, and library administrators are many. Developing the knowledge base of digital tools, establishing best procedures and practices, understanding humanities scholarship, managing data through the research lifecycle, teaching literacies (information, data, visual) beyond the one-shot class, renegotiating the traditional librarian/faculty relationship as ?service orientated,? and the willingness of library and institutional administrators to allocate scarce resources to digital humanities projects while balancing the mission and priorities of their institutions are just some of the issues facing librarians as they reinvent themselves in the digital humanities sphere. *A CALL FOR PROPOSALS* *College & Undergraduate Libraries, a peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis, invites proposals for articles to be published in the fall of 2017. The issue will be co-edited by Kevin Gunn (**gunn at* *) of the Catholic University of America and Jason Paul (* *pauljn at* *) of St. Olaf College.* The issue will deal with the digital humanities in a very broad sense, with a major focus on their implications for the roles of academic librarians and libraries as well as on librarianship in general. Possible article topics include, but are not limited to, the following themes, issues, challenges, and criticism: ? Developing the project development mindset in librarians ? Creating new positions and/or cross-training issues for librarians ? Librarian as: point-of-service agent, an ongoing consultant, or as an embedded project librarian ? Developing managerial and technological competencies in librarians ? Administration support (or not) for DH endeavors in libraries ? Teaching DH with faculty to students (undergraduate and graduate) and faculty ? Helping students working with data ? Managing the DH products of the data life cycle ? Issues surrounding humanities data collection development and management ? Relationships of data curation and digital libraries in DH ? Issues in curation, preservation, sustainability, and access of DH data, projects, and products ? Linked data, open access, and libraries ? Librarian and staff development for non-traditional roles ? Teaching DH in academic libraries ? Project collaboration efforts with undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty ? Data literacy for librarians ? The lack of diversity of librarians and how it impacts DH development ? Advocating and supporting DH across the institution ? Developing institutional repositories for DH ? Creating DH scholarship from the birth of digital objects ? Consortial collaborations on DH projects ? Establishing best practices for DH labs, networks, and services ? Assessing, evaluating, and peer reviewing DH projects and librarians. Articles may be theoretical or ideological discussions, case studies, best practices, research studies, and opinion pieces or position papers. Proposals should consist of an abstract of up to 500 words and up to six keywords describing the article, together with complete author contact information. Articles should be in the range of 20 double-spaced pages in length. Please consult the following link that contains instructions for authors: Please submit proposals to Kevin Gunn (gunn at by *August 17, 2016*; please do not use Scholar One for submitting proposals. First drafts of accepted proposals will be due by *February 1, 2017* with the issue being published in the fall of 2017. Feel free to contact the editors with any questions that you may have. Kevin Gunn, Catholic University of America Jason Paul, St. Olaf College From chirags at Wed Jun 15 03:12:46 2016 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 09:12:46 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] [Chapters-l] ASIS&T Chapter Annual Report - due by August 15 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Two months reminder - if you are an officer for your regional chapter, your annual report is due by August 15. Please see the full detail below. Note that the student chapter reports have a different deadline. > On May 14, 2016, at 5:10 AM, Chirag Shah wrote: > > Hello, > > This is a three-month reminder that the regional chapters are expected to submit an annual report to the Chapter Assembly, highlighting efforts the chapter made to recruit new members, foster member participation in the chapter, and mechanisms to retain current members and to follow-up with members who did not renew their ASIS&T memberships. The report also contains the meetings, projects and services organized by the chapter and the efforts made by the chapter to communicate with its members. > > The annual report can be submitted via this web form: > > The Chapter Annual Report must be submitted by August 15. This report will also serve as the nomination for the Chapter of the Year awards (i.e. Chapter of the Year, Chapter Member of the Year, Chapter Publication of the Year, Chapter Event of the Year, Chapter Innovation of the Year). These awards are decided by a jury. > > If you are an officer for your local chapter, you may want to take a look at the above form soon. An awareness of the annual report and judging criteria can be very helpful in planning and reporting chapter?s activities for the year. > > Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. > > Sincerely, > Chirag Shah, Director of Chapter Assembly (chirags at ) > Daniel Alemneh, Deputy Director of Chapter Assembly (Daniel.Alemneh at ) > > _______________________________________________ > Chapters-l mailing list > Chapters-l at > From rossjd at Tue Jun 14 18:04:03 2016 From: rossjd at (J.D. Ross) Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016 22:04:03 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Syracuse iSchool Welcomes 5 New Faculty Members Message-ID: The School of Information Studies at Syracuse University is pleased to announce the addition of five new professors to the tenure-track faculty ranks. Each are exceptional scholars and will continue to burnish the top-ranked programs and award-winning research of the Syracuse iSchool. Joining the Syracuse faculty are: Daniel E. Acuna - Ph.D., University of Minnesota Rachel Ivy Clarke - Ph.D., University of Washington Ingrid Erickson - Ph.D., Stanford University Caroline Haythornthwaite - Ph.D., University of Toronto Lu Xiao - Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University More details on the new faculty members: ?????????????????? J.D. Ross - Communications Director School of Information Studies, Syracuse rossjd at - (315) 443-3094 From pr-aksw at Thu Jun 16 02:36:15 2016 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 08:36:15 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Sep 12-15, Extended Submission Deadline July 1, 2016 Message-ID: <> ?***DEADLINE EXTENSION*** 2nd Call for Posters & Demos SEMANTiCS 2016 - The Linked Data Conference Transfer // Engineering // Community 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems Leipzig, Germany September 12 -15, 2016 Important Dates (Posters & Demos) * Submission Deadline: extended: July 1, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Notification of Acceptance: extended: August 2, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Camera-Ready Paper: extended: August 10, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Submissions via Easychair: The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, who understand its benefits and encounter its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers and researchers from organisations ranging from NPOs, through public administrations to the largest companies in the world. Attendees learn from industry experts and top researchers about emerging trends and topics in the fields of semantic software, enterprise data, linked data & open data strategies, methodologies in knowledge modelling and text & data analytics. The SEMANTiCS community is highly diverse; attendees have responsibilities in interlinking areas like knowledge management, technical documentation, e-commerce, big data analytics, enterprise search, document management, business intelligence and enterprise vocabulary management. The success of last year?s conference in Vienna with more than 280 attendees from 22 countries proves that SEMANTiCS 2016 will continue a long tradition of bringing together colleagues from around the world. There will be presentations on industry implementations, use case prototypes, best practices, panels, papers and posters to discuss semantic systems in birds-of-a-feather sessions as well as informal settings. SEMANTICS addresses problems common among information managers, software engineers, IT-architects and various specialist departments working to develop, implement and/or evaluate semantic software systems. The SEMANTiCS program is a rich mix of technical talks, panel discussions of important topics and presentations by people who make things work - just like you. In addition, attendees can network with experts in a variety of fields. These relationships provide great value to organisations as they encounter subtle technical issues in any stage of implementation. The expertise gained by SEMANTiCS attendees has a long-term impact on their careers and organisations. These factors make SEMANTiCS for our community the major industry related event across Europe. SEMANTiCS 2016 will especially welcome submissions for the following hot topics: * Data Quality Management * Data Science (Data Mining, Machine Learning, Network Analytics) * Semantics on the Web, Linked (Open) Data & * Corporate Knowledge Graphs * Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies * Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems Following the success of previous years, the ?horizontals? (research) and ?verticals? (industries) below are of interest for the conference: Horizontals: * Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration * Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search * Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies * Big Data & Text Analytics * Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization * Semantic Information Management * Document Management & Content Management * Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management * Smart Connectivity, Networking & Interlinking * Smart Data & Semantics in IoT * Semantics for IT Safety & Security * Semantic Rules, Policies & Licensing * Community, Social & Societal Aspects Verticals: * Industry & Engineering * Life Sciences & Health Care * Public Administration * Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) * Education & eLearning * Media & Data Journalism * Publishing, Marketing & Advertising * Tourism & Recreation * Financial & Insurance Industry * Telecommunication & Mobile Services * Sustainable Development: Climate, Water, Air, Ecology * Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids * Food, Agriculture & Farming * Safety & Security * Transport, Environment & Geospatial Posters & Demos Track The Posters & Demonstrations Track invites innovative work in progress, late-breaking research and innovation results, and smaller contributions in all fields related to the broadly understood Semantic Web. These include submissions on innovative applications with impact on end users such as demos of solutions that users may test or that are yet in the conceptual phase, but are worth discussing, and also applications or pieces of code that may attract developers and potential research or business partners. This also concerns new data sets made publicly available. The informal setting of the Posters & Demonstrations Track encourages participants to present innovations to the research community, business users and find new partners or clients and engage in discussions about the presented work. Such discussions can be invaluable inputs for the future work of the presenters, while offering conference participants an effective way to broaden their knowledge of the emerging research trends and to network with other researchers. Poster and demo submissions should consist of a paper of 1-4 pages that describe the work, its contribution to the field or novelty aspects. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. All submissions should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting. The layout templates can be found here: The best posters (5-6 papers) will be published in the digital library of the ACM ICP Series. The other papers will be published in the Papers should be submitted through EasyChair ( Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format. Other formats will not be accepted. For the camera-ready version, the source files (Latex, Word) will also be needed. Submissions will be reviewed by experienced and knowledgeable researchers and practitioners; each submission will receive a detailed feedback. For demos, it would be beneficial to include also links enabling the reviewers testing the application or reviewing the component. Important Dates (Posters & Demos) * Submission Deadline: extended: July 1, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Notification of Acceptance: extended: August 2, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Camera-Ready Paper: extended: August 10, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Poster and Demo Chairs: * Michael Martin, University of Leipzig * Mart? Cuquet, Semantic Technology Institute, University of Innsbruck * Erwin Folmer, University of Twente, Kadaster and Geonovum Contact email address: semantics2016postersdemos at Conference Chairs: * Sebastian Hellmann, AKSW/KILT, InfAI, Leipzig University * Tassilo Pellegrini, UAS St. P?lten From amyk at Thu Jun 16 16:51:13 2016 From: amyk at (HigherEd Listserv) Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 16:51:13 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Asis-l] Position Openings Message-ID: <> The following positions were recently posted to HigherEdJobs: We hope this is helpful! Applied Information Technology Specialist - Library Clackamas Community College Oregon City, OR Posted 06/09/16 Library Technology Assistant State University of New York at New Paltz New Paltz, NY Posted 06/02/16 Director of Library Technology and Special Collections Binghamton University Binghamton, NY Posted 05/31/16 Technology Integration and Web Services Librarian (12 Mos. Tenure Track) Ferris State University Big Rapids, MI Posted 05/27/16 Information Literacy and Technology Librarian - Job # F16008 Centralia College Centralia, WA Posted 05/11/16 HigherEdJobs (814) 861-3080 makes no representations about the suitability of the information on this email for any purpose and disclaims all warranties with regard to this information. shall not be liable to any party for any special, indirect, or consequential damages that arises in any form from the use of this email. From cglaze at Fri Jun 17 14:48:44 2016 From: cglaze at (Glaze, Christy Grant) Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 18:48:44 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Whole Tale enables new discovery by bringing 'life' to research articles Message-ID: Whole Tale enables new discovery by bringing 'life' to research articles The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $5M to the "Whole Tale? project at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, led by iSchool Professor Bertram Lud?scher (PI) along with CIRSS- affiliate Matthew Turk (co-PI, National Center for Supercomputing Applications) and iSchool Associate Professor Victoria Stodden (co-PI). The five-year NSF Data Infrastructure Building Blocks (DIBBs) project will create methods and tools for scientists to link executable code, data, and other information directly to online scholarly publications, with the aim of helping to ensure reproducibility and pave the way for new discoveries. Project partners include co-PIs at the University of Chicago, the Texas Advanced Computing Center, the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Notre Dame. Further details follow below from the official press release. ________________________________ Directions for a new piece of "some assembly required" furniture are only useful if the user has the parts listed in the instruction manual. That makes putting those coffee tables and bookcases relatively easy to put together, compared to designing and constructing your own from scratch. Scientists at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the iSchool at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are hoping to do the same thing with computer code. "Whole Tale," a new, five-year, $5 million National Science Foundation-funded Data Infrastructure Building Blocks' (DIBBs) project, aims to give researchers the same instructions and ingredients to help ensure reproducibility and pave the way for new discoveries. Whole Tale will enable researchers to examine, transform, and then seamlessly republish research data, creating "living articles" that will enable new discovery by allowing researchers to construct representations and syntheses of data. "It's almost expected nowadays that when you publish the paper you link the paper to data," explains co-PI Matthew Turk, a research scientist at NCSA. "Linking papers to code as well as data is becoming more common. Whole Tale will take that a step further and let other researchers to replicate the experience of doing the research but in their own way." "Whole Tale" alludes to both the "whole publication story" and the "long tail of science." The project will create methods and tools for scientists to link executable code, data, and other information directly to online scholarly publications, whether the resources used are small-scale computation or state-of-the-art high-performance computing. "Whole Tale will support the full lifecycle of computational science, from writing code to conducting the experiment to publishing the results, by creating new methods that bring together existing tools and make them easier to use," says PI Bertram Lud?scher, a professor in the iSchool at Illinois where he is director of the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS), and also an NCSA researcher. How will Whole Tale work? Through a web-browser, a scientist will be able to seamlessly access research data and carry out analyses in the Whole Tale environment. Digital research objects, such as code, scripts, or data produced during the research, can be shared between collaborators. These will be bundled with the paper to produce a "living article," accessible by reviewers and the scientific community for in-depth pre- and post-publication peer review. Augmenting the traditional research publication with the full computational environment will enable discovery of underlying data and code, facilitating reproducibility and reuse. Whole Tale will provide an environment of multiple, independently developed frontends (e.g., Jupyter, RStudio, or Shiny) where data can be explored in myriad ways to yield better opportunities for understanding, use, and reuse of the data. Researchers envision a three-part process: 1. Prepublication and the Research Environment: The Jupyter project provides a powerful and popular frontend for research, storing real-time information about the research pipeline during the research process. A federation of data repositories will be accessible uniformly through DataONE, and tools such as Globus data publication services will allow a group of researchers to share in the creation of datasets and metadata. Providing a personal, federated storage system for intermediate products using ownCloud and iRODS enables collaboration to take place nearest the data itself. Integrated tools such as BrownDog provide support in creating the appropriate metadata. 2. Publication Process, Peer Review, and Embedded Articles: Whole Tale will allow scientists to organize data, software, and workflows into curatable collections with assigned digital object identifiers (DOIs) as the paper is written and these collections will be ready for publication with the paper. The PIs are working with key publishers, including BioOne?s Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, on the tools and services needed to realize the project. 3. Postpublication Access, Persistence, Reproducibility, and Reuse: Whole Tale will collaborate with initiatives developing new data-literature linking services. In this way, users can independently verify the published findings, as well as have the option to execute the codes on a different system. Whole Tale is a highly collaborative project led by Illinois PI Bertram Lud?scher and co-PIs Mattnew Turk of NCSA and Victoria Stodden, also a member of the GSLIS faculty and an NCSA researcher. Additional co-PIs include Kyle Chard, senior researcher and fellow in the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory; Niall Gaffney, director of data intensive computing at the Texas Advanced Computing Center; Matt Jones, director of informatics research and development at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at University of California, Santa Barbara; and Jarek Nabrzyski, director of the Center for Research Computing at the University of Notre Dame. Follow the development of this five-year project at: ????????????? Christy Glaze, MLS Communications Coordinator The iSchool at Illinois From niso-announce at Mon Jun 20 10:14:33 2016 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 10:14:33 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO-ICSTI Webinar, June 30, Text and Data Mining Message-ID: Text and Data Mining: The Way Forward as Seen by the Library, Publisher and Researcher Communities, June 30, 2016, 10:00am (EDT) Webinar Event, jointly sponsored by ICSTI and NISO June is always such a busy month for those of us in the information community! Many industry conferences, many highly-relevant sessions, and so many demands on our time! That said, perhaps you gad overlooked this forthcoming NISO/ICSTI Joint Webinar on the topic of text and data mining? Such activities represent a critically important means of uncovering patterns of intellectual practice and usage that have the potential for illuminating facets and perspectives in research and scholarship that might otherwise not be noted. At the same time, challenges exist in terms of project management and support, licensing and other necessary protections. Listen in on June 30 to hear an international roster of stakeholders discuss the best path forward while ensuring the needs of the broadest spectrum of the information community are successfully met. Confirmed speakers include: Audrey McCulloch, Executive Director, ALPSP; Michael Levine-Clark, Dean of Libraries, University of Denver; Ellen Finnie, Head, Scholarly Communications and Collections Strategies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Jeremy Frey, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Head of Computational Systems Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK. Date: Thursday, June 30, 2016 Time: 10am-11:30am (EDT) Broadcast Platform: WebEx For more information about this event and to register, please visit the NISO event page. Please note that this event is not part of the regularly scheduled NISO webinar series included in NISO?s Library Standards Alliance (LSA) membership and does require a separate registration fee. Questions for NISO? Get in touch at: NISO 3600 Clipper Mill Road Suite 302 Baltimore, MD 21211-1948 Phone: +1.301.654.2512 Email: nisohq at From KENDRAA at Mon Jun 20 09:44:36 2016 From: KENDRAA at (ALBRIGHT, KENDRA) Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 13:44:36 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Libri - Best Student Paper Award Message-ID: <> Best Student Paper Award 2016 Since 1950, through 65 volumes, Libri: International Journal of Libraries and Information Services (ISSN: 0024-2667) has been a leader among scholarly journals in the international library world. As part of its strategy to remain one of the premier library journals, Libri is issuing a call for "Best Student Paper of 2016." This annual competition supports Libri's goal of publishing the best articles from the next generation of library and information science professionals. We are proud once again to recognize the very best article with this special award. Students at all levels* are invited to submit articles with clarity and authority. There is no stated theme. Research papers should address one of the significant issues facing today's librarians and information professionals. Case studies, best practices, and pure research papers are all welcome. * Length: approx. 5000 words * Language: English * Deadline: June 30, 2016 The best paper will be selected by an independent panel consisting of selected members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and other international experts. Submissions will be judged on the basis of: * originality of thought and observation * depth of research and scholarship * topicality of problems addressed * the international readership of the journal The article will be published in the 2016:4 issue. The author of the winning article will be honoured with an award of 500.00 ? and with a complimentary subscription to Libri for 2017. If the quality of competition warrants, some papers may be designated as honourable mention, and the authors will receive complementary subscriptions to Libri for 2017. The normal provision to the author of e-prints applies to all winners. Manuscripts should be submitted, preferably in MS Word or a compatible format, to When submitting a paper for the Best Student Paper Award, please choose "Library Student Award" at the drop down menu "Manuscript Type". Author instructions and further indications of the scope of papers suitable for publication in Libri are available at the Libri site at All submissions should include a cover sheet confirming: * the name of the institution where the student is or was enrolled * the dates when the student is or was enrolled * the date when the paper was written and the course for which it was prepared if no longer a student * Exception: Senior information scholars returning to school for additional degrees outside the field of library and information science are not eligible for this award. From wilsontd at Sun Jun 19 11:45:23 2016 From: wilsontd at (Prof. T.D. Wilson) Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 16:45:23 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] New issue of Information Research Message-ID: Volume 21 No. 2 is now available -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor T.D. Wilson, PhD, PhD (h.c.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Publisher and Editor in Chief: Information Research: an international electronic journal Website - Photoblog - ----------------------------------------------------------------------| E-mail: wilsontd at ----------------------------------------------------------------------| From pr-aksw at Tue Jun 21 09:22:36 2016 From: pr-aksw at (Axel Ngonga) Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 15:22:36 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] ISWC 2016 Benchmarking Linked Data Workshop Message-ID: <> Metadata ====== Call for Papers Submission deadline: July 7th 2016 EasyChair submission page: Accepted papers: Short (8 pages) and long (16 pages) Workshop page: Conference: ISWC - Kobe, Japan - October, 17th or 18th, 2016 Description ======= BLINK will provide a forum where topics related to the evaluation (included, but not limited to the performance, accuracy, expressive power and usability) of Linked Data Technologies for different steps of the Linked Data lifecycle can be discussed and elaborated upon. Linked Data now part of the new data economy and Big Linked Data is gaining in use and traction. Systems are constantly being developed in order to support the booming exchange of data (existing in numerous formats) in the Web and the Enterprise. Linked Data benchmarks can function as valuable tools to objectively depict and illustrate the level of adequacy and thus performance provided by the existing Linked Data systems. This workshop aims to bring together a broad range of attendants interested in benchmarking Linked Data and aims at identifying the specific needs and challenges of the domain in order to foster interdisciplinary collaborations towards attaining these challenges. More specifically the objectives of this workshop are to: create a discussion forum where researchers and industrials can meet and discuss topics related to the performance of Linked Data systems and expose and initiate discussions on best practices, different application needs and scenarios related to Linked Data management. Topics of Interest =============== We welcome contributions presenting experiences with benchmarking Linked Data technologies as well as technical contributions regarding the development of benchmarks for all aspects of the Linked Data/Big Data lifecycle. All domains (e.g., life science, social networks, smart cities, news, digital forensics, e-science and geo-spatial data management) are welcome. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Linked Data benchmarks * Novel benchmarking results * Analysis of existing benchmarks * Novel measures for benchmarking Linked Data * Linked Data benchmark evaluation * Complex benchmarking pipelines * Application of benchmarks in academic/industrial settings * Tools and methodologies for the linked data generation and acquisition, analytics and processing, storage and curation, visualization and data access. This series of workshops are supported by H2020 European Project HOBBIT (Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data), see Paper Submission =========== The workshop will accept two types of submissions: short papers (8 pages) will be either position papers or describe early works in the area of benchmarking. Long papers (up to 16 pages) will describe benchmarks, benchmarking techniques or benchmarking results along the linked data lifecycle. Details on the submission process can be found at Important Dates: July 7th, 2016: paper submission deadline July 31st 2016: Notifications send to authors August 25th 2016: Camera-ready papers for workshops October 17th or 18th: Workshop Submission Details ============ The workshop is now accepting paper submissions. Long papers (up to 16 pages) and short papers (up to 8 pages) describing approaches or ideas / challenges on the topics of the workshop are invited. Submissions must be in PDF, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS style, see Springer?s Author Instructions. Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair system no later than midnight Hawaii time July 7th, 2016. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the workshop program committee. Accepted papers will be included in the ISWC 2016 Workshop on Benchmarking Linked Data (BLINK) proceedings. From michel.menou at Tue Jun 21 10:38:21 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 16:38:21 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Digital review of librarianship and information science (Brazil) Message-ID: The Digital review of librarianship and information science (Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ci?ncia da Informa??o) published by the Libaries system of the State University of Campinas, Brazil, announces that from its V.3, n.1 - 2016 all articles will be bilingual, Portuguese and English. A move towrds expanded internationalization in our field worth praise. This should not however prevent "English only" readers & speakers to try and learn other languages ... From nadia.caidi at Mon Jun 20 13:30:11 2016 From: nadia.caidi at (Nadia Caidi) Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 13:30:11 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Congratulations to the 2016 Board of Directors members Message-ID: Dear All, Please join me in congratulating the new elected members of the 2016 Board of Directors: our new President-Elect, Lisa Given, our new Treasurer, June Abbas and our new two Directors-at-Large: Dania Bilal and Heather O'Brien. Congratulations to everyone, and to all the candidates who run for the various positions. We look forward to working with you all. Best, Nadia Prof. Nadia Caidi Faculty of Information, University of Toronto President (2016) of the Association for Information Science & Technology ------------------------- This email and any attachments may contain confidential material and is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this email. From bean.lists at Mon Jun 20 18:50:24 2016 From: bean.lists at (Carol Bean) Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 17:50:24 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Code4Lib Journal: Call For Papers, Issue 34 Message-ID: Call for Papers (and apologies for cross-posting): The Code4Lib Journal (C4LJ) exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future. We are now accepting proposals for publication in our 34th issue. Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your ideas and experiences. To be included in the 34th issue, which is scheduled for publication in mid October 2016, please submit articles, abstracts, or proposals at or tojournal at by Friday, July 22, 2016. When submitting, please include the title or subject of the proposal in the subject line of the email message. C4LJ encourages creativity and flexibility, and the editors welcome submissions across a broad variety of topics that support the mission of the journal. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: * Practical applications of library technology (both actual and hypothetical) * Technology projects (failed, successful, or proposed), including how they were done and challenges faced * Case studies * Best practices * Reviews * Comparisons of third party software or libraries * Analyses of library metadata for use with technology * Project management and communication within the library environment * Assessment and user studies C4LJ strives to promote professional communication by minimizing the barriers to publication. While articles should be of a high quality, they need not follow any formal structure. Writers should aim for the middle ground between blog posts and articles in traditional refereed journals. Where appropriate, we encourage authors to submit code samples, algorithms, and pseudo-code. For more information, visit C4LJ's Article Guidelines or browse articles from the first 32 issues published on our website: . Remember, for consideration for the 34 issue, please send proposals, abstracts, or draft articles tojournal at no later than Friday, July 22, 2016. Send in a submission. Your peers would like to hear what you are doing. Code4Lib Journal Editorial Committee From kb633 at Mon Jun 20 13:06:31 2016 From: kb633 at (Boland,Kerry) Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 17:06:31 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Drexel Names Yi Deng Dean of College of Computing & Informatics Message-ID: <> Drexel Names Yi Deng Dean of College of Computing & Informatics Drexel University has named Yi Deng, PhD, dean of its College of Computing & Informatics. Deng comes to Drexel after a seven-year tenure as dean of the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina - Charlotte where his leadership contributed to dramatic growth in enrollment and research funding. Deng takes the helm of one of the nation's oldest recognized institutions of computing and informatics studies, whose programs have consistently ranked among the best in preparing students for jobs in these rapidly expanding fields. "In welcoming Dr. Deng to this leadership role in the College of Computing & Informatics, we are ensuring that a College, already on a rising trajectory, continues on its path of success with a shared vision to address the nation's fastest growing job sector," said Drexel Provost M. Brian Blake, PhD. "His record of commitment to building innovative programs, growing the research enterprise and fostering collaboration aligns him perfectly to guide our College forward on all of these fronts." During Deng's tenure at UNC Charlotte, the College of Computing and Informatics launched seven new interdisciplinary bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs and established an international educational partnership with China. The College saw its undergraduate enrollment double to 1,480 and its graduate enrollment increase by 140 percent to 870 students - making UNC Charlotte's one of the largest computing and informatics programs in the nation. Research funding at UNC Charlotte also increased under Deng's leadership with extramural and partnership programs nearly tripling from $5 million when he started in 2009 to $14.8 million most recently. This was accompanied by improvements in research quality, productivity and a sustained increase in the doctoral graduation rate. He brings with him an accomplished background in higher education, building on experience as a professor and dean at both Florida International University and his most recent post at UNC Charlotte. Part of Deng's success as a leader comes from his time as a researcher and teacher. While serving in his academic posts at the University of Ottawa, FIU, the University of Texas at Dallas and UNC Charlotte, he authored or co-authored more than 100 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings and was awarded more than $21 million in research grants as a principal or co-principal investigator. Deng's vision has led to the creation of the Latin American (LA Grid) Consortium, the Consortium of Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE) - whose partners include leading institutions and research centers in the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, France, China, India and Japan - and UNC Charlotte's Women-in-Computing Initiative. He currently serves on the board of directors of the North Carolina Technology Association. "Dr. Deng's ability to build partnerships across the university, in the community and around the world will continue to establish Drexel's College of Computing & Informatics as a leader in inclusive education, interdisciplinary collaboration, translational research and experiential learning," Blake said. Deng will assume his new role in September, becoming just the 11th person to lead the esteemed College - whose roots date back to the founding of Drexel University. ### Kerry Boland, MS Writer/Editor The College of Computing & Informatics Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 215.895.6271 | Fax: 215.895.2494 From kberlack at Wed Jun 22 08:25:43 2016 From: kberlack at (Ken Berlack) Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 12:25:43 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?NFAIS_Hybrid_Workshop_6/29_=96_Discover?= =?windows-1252?q?y_for_Scholarly_Research=2C_Alexandria=2C_VA?= Message-ID: ==================================================================== NFAIS Hybrid Workshop ? Discovery for Scholarly Research: Evolving Needs and Services ? Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 am EDT Location: Embassy Suites Old Town, 1900 Diagonal Road, Alexandria, VA 22314 (& VIRTUAL) Registration: ?? ? ==================================================================== What's Covered: The Internet and scholarly research certainly go well together. With the ubiquity of the Internet across most of the globe, accessing the wide range of scholarly content and data is easier than ever. This range includes content provider platforms, discovery service tools enabled on library web pages, search engines such as Google and Google Scholar, social networks and unique identifier tools that enable links to many different points of discovery. Adding to this surfeit of discovery capabilities, leveraging the cloud, is the continued introduction of new discovery services. Drawing on the recently released report by Tracy Gardner and Simon Inger, "How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications: Trends in reader behaviour from 2005 to 2015," NFAIS presents a full-day, in-person and virtual Workshop, Wednesday, June 29, on the topic of discovery in the context of scholarly research. This NFAIS Hybrid Workshop, to be held in-person at the Embassy Suites Old Town Hotel in Alexandria, VA, will examine the diverse ways content is made available today and how key stakeholders ? including publishers, scholars and researchers ? are responding to these sometimes connected, and often, separate roads to the discovery of high-quality, credible information. Presenters (listed per presenter order): Richard Huffine (moderator), Librarian, U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Simon Inger, Founder, Simon Inger Consulting? Mike Showalter, Executive Director, End-User Services, OCLC Dan Driscoll, Senior Director of Discovery & Metadata Solutions, Vice President, Database Partnerships, EBSCO Christine Stohn, Senior Product Manager, ProQuest/Ex Libris Joelle Masciulli, Head of Research Discovery, Thomson Reuters Jessica Kowalski, Director of Market Development, Scopus David Sommer, Product Director and Co-founder, Kudos Dominic Mitchell, Community Manager, DOAJ Dan Valen, Product Specialist, figshare Sara Rouhi, Director of Business Development, Altmetric North America Bill Mischo, Head, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Stephanie Garrett, Associate Director, Online Products, SAGE Publications To register for this event, go to: _________________________________________________________________________________ Please note: you can register to attend onsite or virtual! For Early Bird individual registrations (deadline is Friday, June 17), the costs for attending this One-Day Hybrid Workshop onsite are: $395 for NFAIS members; $415 for Allied Societies*; and $445 for non-members. Group rates for three or more attendees are available plus special rates for virtual attendance. Save up to 13% with Early Bird registration rates by June 17! *Allied Societies: LYRASIS, CENDI, ICSTI, Society for Scholarly Publishing, the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of AAP, Association of American University Presses, NISO and ASIS&T For Federal employees, contact Elinda Deans (ehar at regarding use of your FEDLINK training account for this NFAIS Hybrid Workshop. ? Contact: For more information on this event or any of those shown below, please contact Nancy Blair-DeLeon, NFAIS Director of Professional Development, at 443-221-2980 ext. 102 or nblairdeleon at ? Upcoming NFAIS Events: July 26, 2016 ? New Technology in Manuscript Authoring, Submission, and Peer Review August 1, 2016 ? Call for Presentations: NFAIS 2016-2017 Lunch & Learn Series September 23, 2016 ? NFAIS 2016 Humanities Roundtable, Atlanta, GA February 26-28, 2016 ? 59th NFAIS 2017 Annual Conference, Alexandria, VA Subscribe to NFAIS Advances e-newsletter! NFAIS nfais at @NFAISForum Ken Berlack Director of Marketing and Communications NFAIS 801 Compass Way, Suite 201 Annapolis, MD 21401 443-221-2980, x103 kberlack at From brenda.sheridan at Tue Jun 21 10:15:13 2016 From: brenda.sheridan at (BRENDA SHERIDAN) Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 10:15:13 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers, the School of Communication and Information, is well represented at ALA 2016 Message-ID: Rutgers, the School of Communication and Information, is well represented at ALA 2016 The School of Communication and Information, (SC&I) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, will be in attendance at ALA 2016 in Orlando, FL from June 23-28. SC&I faculty will be supporting the ALISE cooperative booth and invite all SC&I students, alumni and friends to stop by during exhibit hours. Additionally, Marc Aronson , Assistant Teacher Professor, will participate in a panel titled ?Conversation Starter: Other People's Voices: Using Global Literature in Translation to Reimagine Diversity in Libraries? on Sunday, June 26 at 10:30-11:15 AM in the Orange County Convention Center, Room W414CD. Assistant Teaching Professor, Joyce Valenza will participate in a panel titled ?2016 AASL Best Websites and Apps Revealed? on Saturday, June 25 at 1:00 - 2:30 PM in the Orange Ballroom D. Valenza will also contribute to the panel ?AASL Best Apps for Teaching & Learning? later that day at 3:00 - 4:00 PM in Room S320 G-H. SC&I congratulates librarian Nancy Kranich for being named one of the recipients of the 2016 Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) Roll of Honor Award. Kranich is a part-time lecturer at SC&I and Rutgers' special projects librarian. The Roll of Honor award will be presented at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference during its Opening General Session from 4:00?5:15 p.m. on Friday, June 24, at the Orange County (Florida) Convention Center. SC&I is proud to support our community at ALA 2016. For more information on our Master of Information program, please visit our website. -- Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications Office of the Dean School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 f: 732-932-6916 c: 856-261-0089 brenda.sheridan at From kberlack at Tue Jun 21 15:09:11 2016 From: kberlack at (Ken Berlack) Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 19:09:11 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?NFAIS_Hybrid_Workshop_6/29_=96_Discover?= =?windows-1252?q?y_for_Scholarly_Research=2C_Alexandria=2C_VA?= Message-ID: ==================================================================== NFAIS Hybrid Workshop ? Discovery for Scholarly Research: Evolving Needs and Services Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 am EDT Location: Embassy Suites Old Town, 1900 Diagonal Road, Alexandria, VA 22314 (& VIRTUAL) Registration: ==================================================================== What's Covered: The Internet and scholarly research certainly go well together. With the ubiquity of the Internet across most of the globe, accessing the wide range of scholarly content and data is easier than ever. This range includes content provider platforms, discovery service tools enabled on library web pages, search engines such as Google and Google Scholar, social networks and unique identifier tools that enable links to many different points of discovery. Adding to this surfeit of discovery capabilities, leveraging the cloud, is the continued introduction of new discovery services. Drawing on the recently released report by Tracy Gardner and Simon Inger, "How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications: Trends in reader behaviour from 2005 to 2015," NFAIS presents a full-day, in-person and virtual Workshop, Wednesday, June 29, on the topic of discovery in the context of scholarly research. This NFAIS Hybrid Workshop, to be held in-person at the Embassy Suites Old Town Hotel in Alexandria, VA, will examine the diverse ways content is made available today and how key stakeholders ? including publishers, scholars and researchers ? are responding to these sometimes connected, and often, separate roads to the discovery of high-quality, credible information. Presenters (listed per presenter order): Richard Huffine (moderator), Librarian, U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Simon Inger, Founder, Simon Inger Consulting Mike Showalter, Executive Director, End-User Services, OCLC Dan Driscoll, Senior Director of Discovery & Metadata Solutions, Vice President, Database Partnerships, EBSCO Christine Stohn, Senior Product Manager, ProQuest/Ex Libris Joelle Masciulli, Head of Research Discovery, Thomson Reuters Jessica Kowalski, Director of Market Development, Scopus David Sommer, Product Director and Co-founder, Kudos Dominic Mitchell, Community Manager, DOAJ Dan Valen, Product Specialist, figshare Sara Rouhi, Director of Business Development, Altmetric North America Bill Mischo, Head, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Stephanie Garrett, Associate Director, Online Products, SAGE Publications To register for this event, go to: _________________________________________________________________________________ Please note: you can register to attend onsite or virtual! For Early Bird individual registrations (deadline is Friday, June 17), the costs for attending this One-Day Hybrid Workshop onsite are: $395 for NFAIS members; $415 for Allied Societies*; and $445 for non-members. Group rates for three or more attendees are available plus special rates for virtual attendance. Save up to 13% with Early Bird registration rates by June 17! *Allied Societies: LYRASIS, CENDI, ICSTI, Society for Scholarly Publishing, the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of AAP, Association of American University Presses, NISO and ASIS&T For Federal employees, contact Elinda Deans (ehar at regarding use of your FEDLINK training account for this NFAIS Hybrid Workshop. Contact: For more information on this event or any of those shown below, please contact Nancy Blair-DeLeon, NFAIS Director of Professional Development, at 443-221-2980 ext. 102 or nblairdeleon at Upcoming NFAIS Events: July 26, 2016 ? New Technology in Manuscript Authoring, Submission, and Peer Review August 1, 2016 ? Call for Presentations: NFAIS 2016-2017 Lunch & Learn Series September 23, 2016 ? NFAIS 2016 Humanities Roundtable, Atlanta, GA February 26-28, 2016 ? 59th NFAIS 2017 Annual Conference, Alexandria, VA Subscribe to NFAIS Advances e-newsletter! NFAIS nfais at @NFAISForum Ken Berlack Director of Marketing and Communications NFAIS 801 Compass Way, Suite 201 Annapolis, MD 21401 443-221-2980, x103 kberlack at From cglaze at Tue Jun 21 16:06:35 2016 From: cglaze at (Glaze, Christy Grant) Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 20:06:35 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] iSchool at Illinois invites nominations for Downs Intellectual Freedom Award Message-ID: The iSchool at Illinois seeks nominations for the Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award. The deadline for nominations is October 1, 2016. Given annually, the award acknowledges individuals or groups who have furthered the cause of intellectual freedom, particularly as it impacts libraries and information centers and the dissemination of ideas. Granted to those who have resisted censorship or efforts to abridge the freedom of individuals to read or view materials of their choice, the award may be in recognition of a particular action or a long-term interest in and dedication to the cause of intellectual freedom. The Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award was established in 1969 by the faculty to honor Dean Emeritus Downs, a champion of intellectual freedom, on the occasion of his twenty-fifth anniversary as director of the School. Previous winners have included HP Kids Read (2015) for their work in support of freedom to read at Highland Park (TX) High School; the staff and board of trustees of the Orland Park (IL) Public Library (2014) for the defense of their policy to not filter adult Internet access in the library; DaNae Leu (2013) for her efforts to keep a controversial picture book on the shelves of her elementary school library; Librotraficante (2012) for its efforts to oppose the censorship of ethnic and cultural studies materials in Arizona; and Marianna Tax Choldin (2011) for her international work in educating librarians about intellectual freedom. Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO Publishing Company, provides an honorarium to the recipient and co-hosts the reception in honor of the recipient. The reception and award ceremony for the 2016 Downs Intellectual Freedom Award will take place in January 2017 during the American Library Association?s Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. Letters of nomination and documentation about the nominee should be sent by October 1, 2016 to Associate Professor Terry Weech, either by email at weech at with a copy to ischool-dean at, or in paper form to Associate Professor Terry Weech, School of Information Sciences, 501 East Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820. Questions should be directed to Associate Professor Terry Weech. ????????????????? Christy Glaze, MLS Communications Coordinator The iSchool at Illinois From jmartin at Wed Jun 22 11:47:29 2016 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 15:47:29 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Shadow Catching: Rare Edward Curtis Volumes Conserved for the Denver Museum of Nature & Science Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF9CA7FE146@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> **************************** SHADOW CATCHING: Rare Copies of Edward Curtis' "The North American Indian" Conserved for the Denver Museum of Nature & Science - A New NEDCC Story At the turn of the 20th century, American photographer Edward S. Curtis set out to produce a monumental study of the native peoples of North America. Known by some tribes as "Shadow Catcher," Curtis personally visited eighty tribes and captured a unique photographic record of the tribes' traditional way of life. The Bailey Library and Archives staff at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science recently discovered two rare copies of Curtis' work in their collections and prioritized the volumes for conservation treatment. READ MORE and View the Slideshow: *************************** NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER - Preserving Cultural Heritage Collections Since 1973 JOIN THE NEDCC E-News list for all the latest updates: From sallard at Wed Jun 22 13:03:09 2016 From: sallard at (Allard, Suzanne Lorraine (Suzie)) Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 17:03:09 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences Welcomes Kelly as New Director In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Diane Kelly, an internationally known information sciences scholar, is the new director of the University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences (SIS). She begins on August 8. Kelly comes from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was a professor in the School of Information and Library Science. Her research and teaching interests focus on interactive information search and retrieval, information search behavior, and research methods. ?Diane Kelly, one of the world?s leading experts with respect to user evaluation of information retrieval systems, is an outstanding scholar/teacher, and we are excited to have her join us as the new director of our School of Information Sciences,? said Mike Wirth, dean of the College of Communication and Information. ?Her world-wide connections and extensive grasp of the evolving and expanding fields encompassed by information sciences will provide SIS with the innovative leadership required to expand its interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teaching and research mission and to confront the challenges and opportunities associated with the world?s high-paced and fast growing knowledge economy.? Kelly is active in academic/industry interest groups and has received numerous awards. She is the current treasurer and chair-elect of the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (ACM SIGIR) and served as conference program committee co-chair in 2013. She serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals including ACM Transaction on Information Systems, Information Processing & Management, and Information Retrieval Journal. Kelly?s awards include the 2014 Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Research Award, the 2013 British Computer Society?s Information Retrieval Specialist Group (IRSG) Karen Sp?rck Jones Award, the 2009 ASIS&T/Thomson Reuters Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award and the 2007 UNC School of Information and Library Science Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award. Kelly has a doctorate, a Master of Library Science degree and a graduate certificate in cognitive science from Rutgers University and a bachelor?s degree in psychology and English from the University of Alabama. She will be the sixth director of the School of Information Sciences since its founding, taking over for Ed Cortez who served as the fifth director of SIS from 2005-2015 and for Dania Bilal who served as the School?s interim director during the past year. For more information contact: Donna Silvey Communication Specialist dsilvey at From niso-announce at Wed Jun 22 15:22:50 2016 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 15:22:50 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO Members Elect New Leadership for 2016-2017 Term Message-ID: Members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) have selected their board's leadership for the 2016-2017 term, which will begin on July 1, 2016. B. Tommie Usdin, President of Mulberry Technologies, Inc., becomes Chair; and Chris Shillum, Vice President Product Management, Platform and Data Integration at Reed Elsevier, has been elected Vice Chair. Three other board members have also been confirmed: Gerry Grenier (IEEE); Marian Hollingsworth (Thomson Reuters); and Evan Owens (Cenveo Publisher Services). Continuity is a welcome hallmark of this election's result: Usdin, Shillum, Grenier, Hollingsworth, and Owens are all continuing another term of service to NISO's board, continuity that helps the organization smoothly advance its ongoing projects and goals. NISO Executive Director Todd Carpenter welcomes the new board, commenting that, "Tommie, Chris, and the whole board are deeply involved in work that impacts information sharing technology and its users for decades to come. NISO is fortunate to have our ideas and work guided by such a talented group." Usdin and Shillum below describe their views of NISO's work and their goals for the coming term; their professional biographies are also listed. *B. Tommie Usdin, Chair* I'm happy to help lead NISO in its important work supporting the library, publisher, and information-interchange communities, says Usdin. "My work on content markup has shown me how important it is to users and consumers of information technology for standards to get it right. Involvement in conferences and educational events, too, has brought home that collaboration is essential, and collaboration among developers and users of new resources is central to NISO's work. The stability in NISO's current board facilitates continued teamwork; the tasks ahead are challenging, but I foresee our working groups producing groundbreaking results that are essential to our audience." *B. Tommie Usdin, President of Mulberry Technologies, Inc., a consultancy specializing in XML systems for textual documents, has long been a leader in the technology around content markup and the publishing production process. She has organized a number of community efforts and conferences on the subject, such as the Markup Technologies and Extreme Markup Languages events, and is involved in the, Balisage conference series. She has served as an active member of NISO's Board of Directors since 2013 and has been a member of the NISO Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) and the NISO Standards Tag Set (STS) working groups.* *Chris Shillum, Vice Chair* "I am gratified to continue my leadership at NISO, an organization whose ability to bring together stakeholders with different, and sometimes opposing, goals makes it a vital part of scholarly infrastructure. I look forward to working on upcoming projects on, for example, data privacy, that impact a diverse set of users and that urgently need addressing." Shillum also commented that, "as a veteran board member, I've seen how NISO has achieved consensus on contentious issues in the past. Such problems are interesting and vital to tackle, and many face us going forward. In addition, standards and other documents issued by NISO are regularly reassessed, and the coming years will see familiar standards getting a fresh look, a process in which it's rewarding to participate." *Chris Shillum is Vice President Product Management, Platform and Data Integration at Reed Elsevier, a position he has held since 2014. He has worked for Elsevier since 1996, starting as Product Manager, Content, and then held positions as Director, Product Development (1999-2001); Publishing Technology Director (2001-2004); and Vice President Product Management, Platform and Content (2004-2014).* *He has served a variety of community organizations and served as a member of the NISO Board and as a member of the NISO Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee.* *Additional Board Members* Gerry Grenier is Senior Director, Publishing Technology at IEEE Marian Hollingsworth is Director of Publisher Relations at Thomson Reuters Evan Owens is Vice President, Publishing Technologies at Cenveo Publisher Services *About NISO* NISO, based in Baltimore, Maryland, fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of information standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, visit the NISO website . From dirk.lewandowski at Thu Jun 23 04:52:04 2016 From: dirk.lewandowski at (Dirk Lewandowski) Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 10:52:04 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Papers Datenbank Spektrum: "Vertical search" References: <> Message-ID: <> ========= Call for Papers ========================= Popular web search engines are dominating the public perception of search engines. The fact that there is a large spectrum of specialized search solutions for broad application fields sometimes fades into the background although these solutions are frequently used. The term vertical search solution should be interpreted in a wide sense. Specialized target groups as well as special domains and search items are only some examples. Also aspects such as web mining, enterprise search, or shop search are relevant. The same holds for searching other media types (images, videos ?). However, the focus should not lie on the description of new image analysis techniques, etc. Of particular interest is the goal-oriented developed and customized search solution motivated from an application context. The presented systems should run live and be outlined in the issue as a holistic system. The issue wants to give an overview on the variety of vertical search solutions and to show how search solutions for concrete tasks can be designed and implemented. For the presented search solution the following aspects should be addressed: ? Description of the concrete problem to solve ? Concept of the applied search solution ? Differences to other search solutions in the same domain ? Experiences with the search solution / evaluation Possible topics for the issue are for example: ? Search solutions for special target groups (children, the elderly ...) ? Search engines for special domains (the arts, medicines ...) ? Hybrid search engines combining web content with database content ? Product search, shop search, expert search, ? Of course, the search systems can use existing frameworks which are innovatively used in the concrete task. Format: 8 pages, two-column; a pure text page has approx. 800 words; (shorter submissions with 4 or 6 pages are also welcome), submissions are welcome in German or English. Announcement of a submission to the editors with a short abstract: 15th July 2016 Submission deadline: 1st October 2016 Issue online: March 2017 Guest editors: Andreas Henrich, University of Bamberg andreas.henrich at Daniel Blank, University of Bamberg daniel.blank at Dirk Lewandowski, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences dirk.lewandowski at -- Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski Hochschule f?r Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences) Fakult?t Design Medien Information Department Information Finkenau 35 D - 22081 Hamburg Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 40-42875 3621 Fax: + 49 (0) 3222-1445 301 Skype: dirk.lewandowski Twitter: @Dirk_Lew ********* Editor, Aslib Journal of Information Management (previously: ASLIB Proceedings) ********* Aktuelle B?cher: Barrierefreie Informationssystme Suchmaschinen verstehen ********* Termin vereinbaren? From rhill at Thu Jun 23 09:01:04 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 09:01:04 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Education & Professional Development needs 2-3 volunteers - data analysis and interpretation Message-ID: <197d01d1cd4f$4d6489c0$e82d9d40$> Dear Ph.D. Students/ ASIS&T members, The Education & Professional Development Committee (EPAC) is looking for two-three volunteers/Ph.D. students interested in helping us process the results of the webinar evaluation survey administered this spring. If you're interested in this engagement and experience, please email the EPAC Chair Keren Dali at keren.dali at by July 8, 2016. Thank you, and looking forward to working with you. EPAC, ASIS&T. please email the EPAC Chair Keren Dali at keren.dali at by July 8, 2016. Richard B. Hill Executive Director ASIS&T 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 v. (301) 495-0900 f. (301) 495-0810 From rhill at Thu Jun 23 12:55:37 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 12:55:37 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Who do Google and FB want you to vote for? Message-ID: <1a9d01d1cd70$1f02bf40$5d083dc0$> What do you think Google thinks about Brexit? What about the upcoming U.S. elections? Who do Google and Facebook want you to vote for? Join us for ASIS&T's first "Meet the Author" event with: Dr. Robert Epstein, Senior Research Psychologist American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology July 21, 2016, 2PM EST. FREE for ASIS&T members; $15 for non-members More details coming up soon. Dr Robert Epstein will discuss the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (or SEME, pronounced seem), which has been replicated in multiple studies with more than 10,000 people in 39 countries. Recent research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows, for example, that search rankings favoring one political candidate can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more - by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups. Because many elections are very close, SEME has probably been determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of national elections worldwide for years, and its impact is increasing as Internet penetration continues to grow. Even without deliberate planning by search engine executives, search algorithms are affecting both votes and opinions because of the way they are programmed to favor some search results over others - a process that currently lacks even minimal transparency. Mark your calendars for an exciting conversation on July 21, 2016, 2PM EST. FREE for ASIS&T members; $15 for non-members More details coming up soon. Richard B. Hill Executive Director ASIS&T 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 v. (301) 495-0900 f. (301) 495-0810 From hcomp16 at Thu Jun 23 00:20:43 2016 From: hcomp16 at (Human Computation Conference) Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 22:20:43 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] HCOMP: Workshops & Doctoral Consortium Deadlines Message-ID: The 2016 AAAI Conference on Crowdsourcing and Human Computation (HCOMP) will be held October 30 - November 3, 2016 in Austin, TX, USA. In addition to the main conference tracks, HCOMP will offer several workshops, a doctoral consortium, and a tutorial (details below). A forthcoming announcement email will share details on an Industry & Practice Track and an Encore Track. PhD Students interested in the doctoral consortium should apply by August 19. Two HCOMP workshops have calls for papers, due August 1, while CrowdCamp and the tutorial have open enrollment. Want to receive future updates on crowdsourcing and human computation? Follow @hcomp_conf on Twitter, or join our new ?crowd-hcomp? listserv for posting and receiving announcements (e.g., CFPs, job openings, etc.). You can subscribe online at*.* *# Workshops and Tutorials* Information and links to individual calls at * Workshop: Human Computation for Image and Video Analysis (GroupSight) Papers due: Aug 1, 2016 * Workshop: Mathematical Foundations of Human Computation Papers due: Aug 1, 2016 * Workshop: CrowdCamp (a one day hackathon) Open for sign-up * Tutorial: Crowdsourced Data Processing: Industry & Academic Perspectives Sign-up when registration opens *# Doctoral Consortium* * Financial Support provided, applications due August 19th The doctoral consortium is a full-day event that connects doctoral students to colleagues and experienced researchers in the field. Thanks to generous support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ), we expect to be able to support most expenses associated with attendance for all accepted students. Students must apply with an overview of their research directions in the fields of human computation and crowdsourcing. Accepted students will be matched to a mentor for more detailed feedback, and will present their work in the doctoral consortium and at the conference?s main poster session. Please forward this information to your students! # About HCOMP HCOMP is the premier venue for disseminating the latest research findings on crowdsourcing and human computation. While artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interaction (HCI) represent traditional mainstays of the conference, HCOMP believes strongly in inviting, fostering, and promoting broad, interdisciplinary research. This field is particularly unique in the diversity of disciplines it draws upon, and contributes to, ranging from human-centered qualitative studies and HCI design, to computer science and artificial intelligence, economics and the social sciences, all the way to cultural heritage, digital humanities, ethics, and policy. The HCOMP conference is aimed at promoting the exchange of advances in human computation and crowdsourcing among not only researchers, but also engineers and practitioners, to encourage dialogue across a spectrum of disciplines and communities of practice. Learn more at From kalbers at Thu Jun 23 13:35:14 2016 From: kalbers at (Elizabeth Kalbers) Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 10:35:14 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] UCLA Information Studies at ALA Orlando! Message-ID: The UCLA Information Studies department is happy to be participating in ALA this year in Orlando! Here are some of the things our faculty, students, and alums will be up to... Dr. Safiya Noble, Assistant Professor, will give the LITA keynote "Toward an Ethic of Social Justice in Information" at 3pm on Saturday, June 25 in Room W109B Emily Meehan, MLIS '16, will be attending as part of the Student-to-Staff Program and will work with the Public Library Association. Joanna Chen Cham, MLIS '15, will present Saturday, June 25 from 1-2:30pm on the panel "Serving up the Subversive" in Room W103A. Christine Curley, current MLIS student, will be volunteering at the UCLA Information Studies booth along with fellow students and staff from the department. Dr. Beverly Lynch will host the Senior Fellows Luncheon Saturday, June 25 from 12-1:30 and the UCLA Information Studies Alumni Reception that night at 5pm at Jack's Lounge at Rosen Plaza. -- Elizabeth Kalbers Administrative Assistant UCLA Department of Information Studies 310-206-9393 kalbers at From jornalistamarcio at Wed Jun 22 21:41:37 2016 From: jornalistamarcio at (=?UTF-8?Q?Marcio_Gon=C3=A7alves?=) Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 22:41:37 -0300 Subject: [Asis-l] Journals in Librarianship and Information Science Message-ID: <> Hello, folks. As I write from Brazil and don't know well how international journals work abroad, If you could indicate the best ones in librarianship and information science which would them be? I apprecite your attention, -- Marcio Gon?alves From hiris at Fri Jun 24 09:03:41 2016 From: hiris at (Iris Xie) Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 13:03:41 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIS&T Featuring Doctoral Student Research (Submission Deadline: July 1, 2016) In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: This is the final call for doctoral student research video submission. Are you a doctoral student in the writing stage or close to defending? We would like to showcase your research! ASIS&T invites you to submit a short video (5 mins or less) that introduces the world to the exciting and engaging research you are doing. We are extending an invitation to those doctoral students who have: a) completed their coursework, qualifying examinations (or equivalent) and defended their proposals, and b) are in the process of analyzing/writing, or ready to defend their dissertations. In addition to the great visibility that your research receives, the best 20 submissions will win a free one-year ASIS&T membership (or free renewal). All vetted submissions will be featured on the ASIS&T website . SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 1, 2016 TOPIC: Produce a short video (5 mins or less) that is the equivalent of an elevator speech about your dissertation research (related to the information field broadly construed). Please include the following elements in your video: * Your Name and affiliation * Your dissertation title, and the name of your advisor(s) * What your research is about? How you went about it? What your findings indicate; and why it matters... (or any variant of these questions). While we encourage the elevator speech format (concise and well articulated), feel free to be as creative as you want to be! Please consult with your advisor(s) when preparing for the video. And remember to practice, practice, practice. FORMAT: Format the video using PowerPoint, Prezi, Camtasia, Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, VoiceThread, or Brainshark. Include a statement that your video is created for "Doctoral Research @ ASIS&T". If an updated video file is needed, we will contact you with additional instructions. VIDEO LENGTH: 5 minutes or less. Any videos longer than 5:59 mins will be automatically disqualified. Video Language: We are an international society, so we welcome a variety of languages. For more information, please contact Dr. Iris Xie - hiris at SUBMISSION: Upload the video to your YouTube account and submit the information below to: social at * Subject line: "Doctoral Research @ ASIS&T" * your full name and affiliation * Email address * Video Title * URL to your video file * You grant ASIS&T the right to feature your video on the ASIST website. PRIZES: All submitted videos will be reviewed by a committee. All approved videos will be featured on the ASIS&T website for a determined period of time. 20 videos featured on the website will receive a free one-year ASIS&T membership (for new members) or a free one-year renewal (for current members) based on a selection process spearheaded by the committee. This initiative is co-sponsored by the ASIS&T membership committee, ASIS&T Education and Professional Advancement committee, and ASIS&T Outreach and Engagement task force. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Dr. Iris Xie - hiris at Good luck, everyone! Iris Xie, Ph.D. Professor School of Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Phone:(414)229-6835 Fax:(414)229-6699 ************************************************* From rhill at Fri Jun 24 15:30:12 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 15:30:12 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] More Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award Opportunities in Information Sciences Message-ID: <012e01d1ce4e$e09a8910$a1cf9b30$> Fulbright grant opportunities in Communications and Information science described below. Dick Richard B. Hill Executive Director ASIS&T 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 v. (301) 495-0900 f. (301) 495-0810 From: Yang, Sophia [mailto:SYang at] Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 2:06 PM Subject: More Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award Opportunities in Information Sciences I am writing to highlight additional Fulbright awards that your members may find of interest: * Finland: Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies * Mozambique: All Disciplines * Mexico: Science and Technology * Oman: Multiple Disciplines - Sultan Qaboos University For 2017-18, the Fulbright Scholar Program is offering over 85 awards in the discipline of information sciences. For additional awards in the field of information sciences, please visit: There you will find award highlights and examples of successful projects in the discipline, and scholar testimonials which highlight the outcomes and benefits associated with completing a Fulbright Scholar grant. For eligibility factors, detailed application guidelines and review criteria, please follow this link: You may also wish to register for one of our webinars or join My Fulbright, a resource center for applicants interested in the program. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and the current competition will close on August 1, 2016. I am happy to answer any questions you may have regarding any of the opportunities listed above or the Fulbright Scholar Program in general. Please contact Sophia Yang at syang at The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is the U.S. government's flagship international exchange program and is supported by the people of the United States and partner countries around the world. From mandl68 at Sat Jun 25 16:35:12 2016 From: mandl68 at (Thomas Mandl) Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2016 22:35:12 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] Reserach Assistant - University of Hildesheim - PhD position In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> The Stiftung Universit?t Hildesheim, Dept. for Information Science and Natural Language Processing offers a position as Research Assistant (TV-L E 13, 100%) for three years to develop a PhD thesis within ongoing projects and research fields of the Dept. for Information Science and Natural Language Processing. The teaching load of the position is 4 hours per week. Starting date: October 1st, 2016 Job Requirements: ? a degree in Information Science or a related field (Master, Magister or Diplom) ? ability to work independently and to work in a small team environment ? willingness to engage in interdisciplinary research work ? excellent knowledge of English (good knowledge of German is also desired) ? programming skills (e.g. JAVA, C++, XML, GUI development) ? Knowledge in some of the following areas: ? (Multimedia) Information Retrieval ? Digital Humanities (especially Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis) ? Patent information systems ? Information Behaviour and analysis of information needs ? Usability, User Experience and Visualisation of Information Processes The Endowment University of Hildesheim is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Members of the underrepresented gender are encouraged to apply. Applications from applicants with a disability will be given preference if equally qualified. For further enquiries please contact: Prof. Dr. Christa Womser-Hacker, E-Mail: womser at The application should include the typical material (Cover Letter, CV, transcripts, publications). Closing Date: July 17, 2016 Reference: Kennziffer 2016/63 Please send your application by mail to: An den Pr?sidenten der Universit?t Hildesheim, Dezernat f?r Personal- und Rechtsangelegenheiten, Universit?tsplatz 1, 31141 Hildesheim, Germany We will send application documents back to you, if you attach a stamped, self-addressed return envelope. Acknowledgments of receipt / intermediate messages are not sent. From kules at Mon Jun 27 13:15:28 2016 From: kules at (William Kules) Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 13:15:28 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Final Call: Nominations for ASIS&T Outstanding Teacher Award due July 1 Message-ID: FINAL CALL for Nominations TThomson Reuters Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award Deadline: 11:59pm EDT July 1, 2016 Please help us honor the best teaching in information science! The Thomson Reuters Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award recognizes the unique teaching contribution of a teacher of information science. The award is presented at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting, and consists of a check for $1,000 and a certificate. It also covers up to $500 in travel expenses for the recipient to attend the meeting. Nomination packages must be submitted electronically by July 1, 2016, to For more information and detailed nomination guidelines, see or contact Bill Kules, wmk at The award jury looks forward to reviewing your nominations. Bill -- Bill Kules, Ph.D. Visiting Associate Professor, University of Maryland at College Park wmk at / @billkules (301) 755-7982 "Decide, do, reflect, repeat..." From hsuanwei.chen at Mon Jun 27 13:41:40 2016 From: hsuanwei.chen at (H. Michelle Chen) Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 10:41:40 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] Big Data is Complex. Don't Get Left Behind. Message-ID: In the May/June issue of Information Outlook, Peter Mulford of BTS points to the three W's framework as a tool to manage big data and turn it into insights. By asking who, what, and why, "the team will dramatically improve the odds of success by ensuring it is working on a problem the customer actually cares about." There's no doubt that big data is complex. Stay current in this rapidly growing field by earning a Certificate in Big Data from the San Jose State University School of Information. As a student in this *fully online program*, you will learn how to: - Apply data mining techniques and applications to web mining utilizing open source data mining and Hadoop based tools; - Visualize and present abstract information in order to formulate data-driven business strategies; - Translate big data into insights that are essential to gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Gain these skills and more in just two semesters, with courses starting in August. *This is the last week to get your application in before the deadline of July 1, 2016*. Please visit our website for admissions requirements and link to the online application. If you have any questions, please email me at hsuanwei.chen at Best regards, Michelle Chen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Information Program Coordinator, Certificate in Big Data San Jos? State University One Washington Square, San Jos?, CA 95192-0029 SJSU iSchool: Certificate in Big Data: From chriskhoo at Wed Jun 29 06:24:15 2016 From: chriskhoo at (Khoo Soo Guan, Christopher (Assoc Prof)) Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 10:24:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] A-LIEP 2016 conference, Nov 3-4, at Nanjing University -- paper submission deadline extended to Aug 10 Message-ID: <> Paper submission deadline is extended to Aug 10. ******************************************************************************** The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2016) November 3-4, 2016 Nanjing, China ******************************************************************************** Organized by: Nanjing University, China Hosted by: School of Information Management, Nanjing University, China In collaboration with - College of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, China - School of Economics & Management, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China The Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP) is an international conference series which has been held in the Asia-Pacific region every one or two years since 2006. The aim of the conference is to bring together LIS educators, researchers and practitioners to share their research, experiences and innovations in Library & Information Science, and stimulate greater collaboration and cooperation regionally and globally. The 7th A-LIEP (A-LIEP 2016) will be held in Nanjing, China on 3-4 November 2016. Nanjing is a famous historical and cultural city with a history of 2500 years and regarded as one of the "top four ancient cultural capitals of China". This conference will continue the tradition of examining new challenges and developments in LIS, in particular potential paradigm shifts in the age of big data. ***************************************************************************************** Call for Papers The theme of A-LIEP 2016 is: Innovation in Library & Information Science in the Age of Big Data We invite submissions on LIS education, practice and research in the context of the recent global interest in big data, taken in a broad sense. *** CONFERENCE TOPICS *** There are three conference tracks: LIS Education, LIS Practice and LIS Research. The following list of topics for the 3 conference tracks is suggestive, but not exhaustive. LIS EDUCATION Challenges in LIS education nationality or internationality Collaboration and resource sharing among LIS schools/departments Cultivation of scientific data specialists MOOCs and LIS education Impact of big data on LIS education Preparing LIS graduates for the new market Quality assurance and accreditation of LIS programs Impact of LIS education on the work and career of LIS graduates Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development in LIS Developing Competencies of LIS Professionals Impact of new ICTs on LIS curriculum LIS PRACTICE Collaboration among Libraries and with other professions Competency standards for library and information services Customer-focused services Efficiency vs. Effectiveness of Libraries Impact of Mobile Technologies on Libraries Integrating teaching, research and practice Leadership development and strategic management in libraries Digital Preservation Outsourcing of Information Services User education and information literacy for life-long learning Libraries as learning organizations Libraries' role in curating and exposing big data Future libraries, future librarians, future skills LIS RESEARCH Digital Libraries, Digital Archives Information Behavior Information Literacy Information Organization, Knowledge Organization Knowledge Management and Knowledge Services Semantic Web and Linked Data Text and Social Media Mining Digital Humanities Big Data and Data Science Information Visualization Scientometrics and scientific evaluation *** SUBMISSION INFORMATION *** Full Papers: length 8 to 12 pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman 11 pt. font Short Papers: length 4 to 7 pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman 11 pt. font Poster: abstract of 1 to 2 pages A paper template is given for your reference on the conference website. The official language of this conference is English. All submitted papers and posters must be written in English. The conference proceedings will be provided in digital format. High quality papers will be considered for publication by the LIBRES e-journal (Singapore) and Journal of Data and Information Science (China), after required revisions. *** IMPORTANT DATES *** Long/short paper submission deadline: 10 August 2016 Notification of long/short paper acceptance: 31 August 2016 Camera-ready paper submission deadline: 20 September 2016 Poster submission deadline: 10 August 2016 Notification of poster acceptance: 31 August 2016 If you have any question, please contact the conference organizer by the email: aliep2016 at ________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named and may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its contents. Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you. From brenda.sheridan at Tue Jun 28 08:38:52 2016 From: brenda.sheridan at (BRENDA SHERIDAN) Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 08:38:52 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Rutgers, School of Communication and Information announces a NEW concentration, Archives and Preservation Message-ID: The Rutgers School of Communication and Information (SC&I) will offer ?Archives and Preservation ,? a new concentration within its Master of Information (MI) degree program, starting fall, 2016. Available on campus and for the first time during the fall 2016 semester, this new concentration will prepare master?s students for careers in these areas: Librarian/Archivist, Digital Asset Manager/Digital Archivist, Museum Librarian/Archivist, Digital Curation and Special Collections Librarian. By taking the courses in the Archives and Preservation concentration, students will be prepared to assume the responsibilities and roles in identifying and preserving analog and digital records created by individuals, families and organizations as trustworthy evidence, they will be able to develop strategies for preserving cultural and scientific knowledge for current and future generations, learn about the tensions around privacy, access, and memorial contestation, and consider the role of records, documents, and archival institutions in upholding human rights and social justice. *Lilia Pavlovsky, * director of the MI program, said, ?We are very excited to have this concentration in our program. The concentration is currently available in on campus and hybrid formats and projected to be fully online within a year. This initiative is led by Associate Professor *Marija Dalbello *whose expertise and scholarship have been the driving force in this development. The MI program enables students to dig deep into traditional forms of archives and preservation as well as learn to apply digital tools and technologies to a variety of contexts.? ?At Rutgers, we are developing an archival studies program that balances a strong technological with critical humanistic and cultural heritage focus, at the intersection of archives, libraries and museums, and balancing research with more practical components in our comprehensive curriculum,? said Associate Professor *Marija Dalbello*, who, as faculty coordinator of the new concentration, is spearheading it on behalf of the Library and Information Science Department faculty. ?This approach benefits from our strengths as faculty and our tradition as a highly ranked Library and Information Studies program.? Ranked #6 nationally by U.S. News and World Report, and #2 for school library media across the country, the Rutgers Master of Information program enables students to provide professional expertise, leadership and innovation across diverse information and technological landscapes. People-focused, information technology-intensive, data-driven and career-oriented, our Master of Information is your gateway to making a significant contribution to organizational leadership, information management, community and social development in 21st century societies. For more information about the new Archives and Preservation MI concentration, contact Associate Professor Marija Dalbello at dalbello at*.* -- Brenda Sheridan, EdD Director of Strategic Communications Office of the Dean School of Communication and Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 p: 848-932-7078 f: 732-932-6916 c: 856-261-0089 brenda.sheridan at From ischoolumd at Tue Jun 28 18:25:02 2016 From: ischoolumd at (iSchool UMD) Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 18:25:02 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Registration open for UMD iSchool's 2016 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science Message-ID: Registration for the 2016 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library and Information Science (CIDLIS) is now open at: CIDLIS 2016 will be at the University of Maryland on October 20 and 21. The pre-conference workshops will be the evening of October 20, and the full day conference will be October 21. As always, attendance of CIDLIS is *free* and so is the food. Along with the ability to register, on the site you can also submit a proposal to present a paper or a poster at the conference. CIDLIS is the one annual event at which practitioners, educators, and scholars interested in issues of diversity, inclusion, rights, and justice in LIS can gather to learn, share, and network, CIDLIS has grown in five years to now draw attendees from across the United States and Canada, as well as from Europe and Asia. Last year?s conference had more 220 attendees and it was actively followed on Twitter using #CIDLIS2015. We anticipate the attendance at this year?s event will be even larger. *Workshops* Learn together through discussion and activities at this year?s pre-conference workshops on October 20: - Making Diversity and Inclusion a Central Aspect of your Research Agenda, led by Paul T. Jaeger of the University of Maryland (from 3pm ? 5pm) - LIS Professionals as Change Agents: Tapping into Our True Potential through Collaboration with Social Work, led by Keren Dali of the University of Alberta (from 6pm ? 8pm) - Rural Libraries in the 21st century: Places that Serve Diverse community Needs, led by Bharat Mehra of the University of Tennessee (from 6pm ? 8pm) Please note that two of the workshops will be occurring simultaneously, but you will be able to sign up for up to two of the three workshops if you are interested. *Papers and Posters* Share our research, programing and educational innovations, and best practices at your institutions by submitting a paper or poster abstract. We welcome any submissions at the intersection information, diversity, and inclusion in the areas of education, professions, practice, or research. Topics can include, but are not limited to: - Information professionals and institutions as change agents; - Methods for increasing diversity in LIS; - Cultural competence and LIS; - Information professionals? roles in promoting human rights and social justice; - Programming and services to special populations, such as people with disabilities or veterans. Presenting at CIDLIS is a great chance to share your ideas and innovations with professionals, academics, students, and government representatives who genuinely want to promote change in the field. Submissions are due July 22 by 6 pm. *Sponsors* CIDLIS is a free conference (with free food) as a result of the support from these amazing sponsors of the event: - Anne Arundel County (MD) Public Library - Carroll County (MD) Public Library - Cecil County (MD) Public Library - Hartford County (MD) Public Library - Simmona Simmons - Office of Diversity & Inclusion at the University of Maryland - University of Maryland Libraries - College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland - Information Policy and Access Center at the University of Maryland Without these individuals and organizations, CIDLIS would not exist. If you would like to join as a co-sponsor of CIDLIS, please let us know! *Questions* If you have any questions, please contact us at lisdiversity at From rhill at Thu Jun 30 12:38:07 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 12:38:07 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: assistant professorship in bibliometrics In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <0b0701d1d2ed$c8ba9c10$5a2fd430$> Begin forwarded message: From: Jens-Erik Mai > Subject: assistant professorship in bibliometrics Date: 30 June 2016 at 18:14:58 GMT+2 To: "asis-l at " > The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in bibliometrics to be filled by 1 January 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter. A successful candidate must have a strong research record in bibliometrics (e.g. the theoretical foundation of bibliometrics, citation theory, citation indexing, bibliometric mapping, bibliometric indicators, publication and citation analysis). In addition it must be emphasized that RSLIS is dedicated to developing the field of Information Science in new ways that will integrate the study of information with the study of contextual, social, philosophical or cultural issues. A successful applicant must be capable of and interested in putting teaching and research in bibliometrics into interplay with such issues. Please see the full advertisement at: More about the University of Copenhagen: More about the Royal School of Library and Information Science: For further information about the position, please contact Director Per Hasle: E-mail: per.hasle at . WWW: From alisa.libby at Thu Jun 30 12:37:18 2016 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 12:37:18 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] News from Simmons SLIS Message-ID: *Recent News at Simmons SLIS* *Faculty* SLIS Associate Professor Daniel Joudrey has collaborated with Janis Young, a senior cataloging policy specialist in the Library of Congress? Policy and Standards Division, to develop a free online training in Library of Congress Subject Headings. The training will be available through the Cataloger's Learning Workshop (CLW). Instructor Megan Dowd Lambert?s essay, ?Real Sisters and Brothers,? was published on Assistant Professor Laura Saunders was interviewed by *The Boston Globe*, ?Lawmakers want Library of Congress to use ?illegal aliens?? May 28, 2016. *Students* LIS Student Desiree Alaniz received the Josephine Forman Scholarship from Society of American Archivists. Five SLIS Students have been awarded Spectrum Scholarships: Marcela Aristizabal, Meia Geddes, Nancy Loi, Arielle Petrovich, and Ayoola White (ProQuest Scholar). LIS Student Corinne Bernstein chosen for Library of Congress 2016 Junior Fellows Summer Intern Program: LIS Student Katie Glasoe awarded BRASS SimplyMap Student Travel Award at the ALA/RUSA Achievement Awards & Reception on June 26, 2016. SLIS PhD Candidate David Leonard was appointed President of the Boston Public Library in June, 2016. Leonard has been acting as interim President for nearly a year. LIS Student Amy Wilson received the Special Libraries Association (SLA) Student Stipend award to attend #SLA2016. Wilson also received a stipend to attend the Law Libraries of New England/Association of Boston Law Librarians joint conference in April 2016. *Alumni* Dr. Em Claire Knowles ?88DA, Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs of Simmons SLIS, has been appointed to the board of Beta Phi Mu at a meeting on Saturday, June 25 at the American Library Association Annual Conference 2016 in Orlando, FL. Knowles has served as advisor to the Beta Beta Chapter of Beta Phi Mu for 19 years. Her areas of interest include diversity, social justice, library outreach, and employment trends in the LIS field. *Staff* Kate Benson has joined Simmons as the new Director of Graduate Admission in SLIS. Kate comes to Simmons after three years at Northeastern as the Director of Student Enrollment within the College of Arts, Media and Design. -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* Buy the Kindle edition of *The Blood Confession* ! From faculty-recruit at Thu Jun 30 02:30:50 2016 From: faculty-recruit at (Faculty Recruit) Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 06:30:50 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Application: Assistant Professor in Knowledge Management Message-ID: Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is ranked 13th globally. It is also placed 1st amongst the world's best young universities. NTU's Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information seeks new faculty colleagues with a strong record of high-quality research and a commitment to mentoring the next generation of communication and information scholars. Assistant Professor: Knowledge Management We are looking for a scholar-teacher working in the area of knowledge management with an interest in its application to marketing, customer management, big data analytics or equivalent. The candidate is expected to possess a doctorate in an appropriate field from a reputable university. The Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information is a vibrant global leader in communication and information research and education. Recent hires and a high level of support reaffirm the School's pre-eminence in the disciplines under its aegis. Singapore is a vibrant cosmopolitan city/state with good weather, low crime, rich cultural attractions, exceptional food, and proximity to numerous points of interest in Southeast Asia. Emoluments and General Terms and Conditions of Service Salary will be competitive and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package. Information on emoluments and general terms and conditions of service is available in the section on Terms and Conditions for Academic Appointments. Application Procedures To apply, please refer to the Guidelines for submitting an Application for Faculty Appointment and send your application package [consisting of cover letter, curriculum vitae, personal particulars form, a statement of current and future research interest, teaching statement, effectiveness of teaching (If any), selected publications, and the names of 5 referees] by 11 August 2016 to: The Search Committee Nanyang Technological University Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information 31 Nanyang Link, WKWSCI Building Singapore 637718 Email: faculty-recruit at Applications sent via email should include the reference "Application for Assistant Professor in Knowledge Management" in the subject line. Enquiries about the position can be addressed to the above email. Review of the applications will begin on 12 August 2016 and continue until the position is filled. The candidate is expected to start in July/August 2017. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.