From rhill at Mon Feb 1 10:41:04 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 10:41:04 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: First Monday February 2016 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <04e901d15d06$f69a9d90$e3cfd8b0$> Richard B. Hill Executive Director ASIS&T 8555 16th Street, Suite 850 Silver Spring, MD 20910 v. (301) 495-0900 f. (301) 495-0810 -----Original Message----- From: Readership of First Monday [mailto:FIRSTMONDAY at LISTSERV.UIC.EDU] On Behalf Of Edward Valauskas Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:39 PM To: FIRSTMONDAY at LISTSERV.UIC.EDU Subject: First Monday February 2016 Readers: First Monday has just published the February 2016 (volume 21, number 2) issue at The following papers are included in this month's issue: First Monday Volume 21, Number 2 - 1 February 2016 #FailedRevolutions: Using Twitter to study the antecedents of ISIS support by Walid Magdy, Kareem Darwish, and Ingmar Weber News trustworthiness and verification in China: The tension of dual media channels by Yiran Wang and Gloria Mark Media futures: Premediation and the politics of performative prototypes by Jorgen Skageby #digitalactivism: New media and political protest by Jake Wallis and Lisa M. Given The impact of academic sponsorship on Web survey dropout and item non-response by Peter James Allen and Lynne D. Roberts Locative mobile media and time: Foursquare and technological memory by Michael Saker and Leighton Evans Working beyond the confines of academic discipline to resolve a real-world problem: A community of scientists discussing long-tail data in the cloud by Catherine F. Brooks, P. Bryan Heidorn, Gretchen R. Stahlman, and Steven S. Chong Television use in the 21st century: An exploration of television and social television use in a multiplatform environment by Jiyoung Cha ------- With the contents of the February 2016 issue, First Monday has published, since May 1996, 1,539 papers in 237 issues, written by 2,133 different authors. Thanks for your continuing interest in our work, Edward J Valauskas Chief Editor and Founder, First Monday From junus at Mon Feb 1 11:25:10 2016 From: junus at (Junus, Ranti) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 16:25:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: Pre iSchools Workshop: Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies (DATIS) Message-ID: <> [forwarded by request -ranti] Pre iSchools Workshop: Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies (DATIS) Sunday March 20, 2016 9:00am-5:30pm Location: Loew's Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA Details on the iSchools conference: Workshop organizing committee: D.K.Allen: University of Leeds (UK) Emma Forsgren: University of Bor?s (Sweden) Stan Karanasios: University of Leeds (UK)/RMIT University (Australia) Alistair Norman: University of Leeds (UK) Boyka Simeonova: Loughborough University (UK) Jyoti Mishra: Bradford University (UK) Tom Wilson: University of Bor?s (Sweden) Overview of the workshop: Over the last two decades the use of Activity Theory has developed within the field of information studies (Allen et al., 2011; Spasser, 1999; Wilson, 2008), as well as related fields such as Human Computer Interaction (Kaptelinin & Nardi, 2006; Kuutti, 1996; Nardi, 1996), information systems (Allen et al., 2013; Karanasios & Allen, 2013) and communications (Spinuzzi, 2012). However, while there is a growing community, the use and development of Activity Theory in information studies remains underdeveloped and fragmented. The purpose of the workshop is to strengthen and develop the community of information scholars using Activity Theory as an analytic and explanatory framework to understand the relationship between information, people and technology. While there is significant interest in this topic many of the researchers deploying Activity Theory are working as lone scholars within iSchools and related departments. The workshop will provide a unique opportunity to bring together early career researchers and more established researchers to discuss issues of interest and share research work. Therefore, this community building workshop provides an opportunity to: (1) introduce information scholars to the basic conceptual premises of Activity Theory focusing on the use, development and contribution of Activity Theory; (2) provide a forum to extend the development of Activity Theory; and (3) It will also provide a networking opportunity for scholars already utilizing Activity Theory and an opportunity to discuss the contributions iSchool scholars can make to the wider Activity Theory community. We hope that the outcome of the workshop will be threefold: 1. Strengthen and build the community of scholars within iSchools and related departments using Activity Theory to understand the relationship between information, people and technology. 2. Provide an opportunity for scholars to reflect and gain feedback on work in progress or gain fresh perspectives. 3. Provide support for researchers that are starting to explore Activity Theory. Workshop format: The workshop will take place over a full day. The first half of the day will focus on providing participants with a basic overview of the conceptual premises of Activity Theory and on exploring the ways in which it has been used by information scholars. The second half of the day will focus on making connections between information scholars deploying Activity Theory, stimulate discourse and advance the use of the theory. Detailed workshop timetable: 09.00: Welcome, participant introductions, and overview of the workshop. 09:15: Key note presentation: Professor Bonnie Nardi, University of California Irvine 10.00: Working Panel: Experiences from the field: Three scholars present short papers on a current research project that they are working on identifying key challenges in the use of Activity Theory. 10.30: Working Panel: Methodological challenges: Three scholars present short papers (five minute overviews) of key theoretical 'challenges' related to the use of Activity Theory and explore how they have resolved them within their research. 11:00: Break. 11.30: Short paper presentations. 12.30: Concluding discussion: Insights on opportunities, open issues, and next steps. Some of these can be considered in the afternoon. 12.45: Lunch break. Afternoon session: 13.45: Welcome and introduction to afternoon sessions. 14.00: Short paper presentations. 15:30: Breakout group work (organized by shared interests and themes): Tackling the challenges and opportunities of Activity Theory. 16:15 Break. 16.45: Breakout group reports and discussion. 17:15: Planning follow-on opportunities/outcomes and closing remarks. 17.30: Workshop end. Evening: Optional Dinner/social event to follow Submission details and dates: * Submission of short paper (500 words): March 4th 2016 o Short papers should be e-mailed to research.lubs at for the attention of Hannah Preston with the words 'iSchool Workshop' in the title. o Short papers will be circulated prior to the workshop. Short paper submission is not required for attendance at the workshop. Extended versions of the best contributions will be considered for a special edition of Information Research ( and proceedings will be published on the AIMTech Research Centre website at the University of Leeds. If you have any questions about the workshop please contact David Allen (da2 at or Stan Karanasios (s.karanasios at References Allen, D., Karanasios, S., & Slavova, M. (2011). Working with activity theory: Context, technology, and information behavior. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(4), 776-788. doi: 10.1002/asi.21441 Allen, D. K., Brown, A., Karanasios, S., & Norman, A. (2013). How should technology-mediated organizational change be explained? A comparison of the contributions of critical realism and activity theory. MIS Quarterly, 37(3), 835-854. Kaptelinin, V., & Nardi, B. (2006). Acting with technology: Activity theory and interaction design: The MIT Press. Karanasios, S., & Allen, D. (2013). ICT for development in the context of the closure of Chernobyl nuclear power plant: an activity theory perspective. Information Systems Journal, 23(4), 287-306. doi: 10.1111/isj.12011 Kuutti, K. (1996). Activity Theory as a Potential Framework for Human-Computer Interaction Research. In B. A. Nardi (Ed.), Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 17-44). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Nardi, B. A. (1996). Activity theory and human computer interaction In B. A. Nardi (Ed.), Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 1-8). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Spasser, M. A. (1999). Informing information science: The case for activity theory. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 50(12), 1136-1138. Spinuzzi, C. (2012). Working Alone Together: Coworking as Emergent Collaborative Activity. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 26(4), 399-441. doi: 10.1177/1050651912444070 Wilson, T. D. (2008). Activity theory and information seeking. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 42, 119-161. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mcunha at Tue Feb 2 15:09:27 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 12:09:27 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] ProjMAN 2016 - International Conference Project MANagement *** call for papers Message-ID: <> ProjMAN 2016 ? Call for papers An AIS affiliated conference Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- It is our great pleasure to invite you to ProjMAN- International Conference Project MANagement, an AIS Affiliated Conference, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site). ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From mcunha at Tue Feb 2 15:10:23 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 12:10:23 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2016 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | Call for papers Message-ID: <> CENTERIS 2016 ? Call for papers An AIS affiliated conference Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- It is our great pleasure to invite you to CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, an AIS Affiliated Conference, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site). ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From aninditapaul at Tue Feb 2 06:48:28 2016 From: aninditapaul at (Anindita Paul) Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 17:18:28 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for nominations for the Infoshare membership award Message-ID: *** Please excuse cross posting *** Dear Colleagues, The ASIS&T International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III) is pleased to announce that for 2016 we will be able to sponsor another group of deserving information professionals from developing countries for complimentary ASIS&T memberships (the financial burden of which would otherwise be prohibitive). We are soliciting nominations of candidates for the InfoShare Membership Award. The award will be given to LIS professionals. Please include a one-page curriculum vitae and a one-page description of why this person is deserving of membership, including their willingness to promote ASIS&T within their networks and build relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations. Awardees will be decided by a vote of the SIG-III officers. All curricula vitae will be kept private, accessible only to SIG-III officers. Each membership award will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year if the new member proves to be a strong advocate for ASIS&T in their home country during the course of the year. Awardees will be asked to submit a report on their activities by next year's Annual Meeting, which may include, but are not limited to: a. sharing ASIS&T publications that they receive (the Bulletin of ASIS&T and JASIS&T) with other colleagues b. promoting the SIG-III paper contest among their colleagues c. serving as a contact/coordinator for ASIS&T members traveling to their area who may be able to speak about ASIS&T and information science d. having the ability to strengthen the relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations, and e. sponsoring lectures on information science topics in their area on behalf of ASIS&T Nominators can mentor the award recipients for the above activities. We look forward to welcoming new members to ASIS&T from across the globe, especially from countries that have never been ASIS&T members or have limited ASIS&T membership. Women, minority, and candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Please feel free to circulate the Call in your professional networks (e.g., your alma mater listservs, professional contacts at IFLA, OCLC, international organizations, practitioner groups, academic institutions, etc.). Please send your nominations of deserving candidates to Anindita Paul (aninditapaul at or Krystyna Matusiak (krystyna.matusiak at . The deadline for submitting nominations is - March 1, 2016. Thank you! Anindita Paul Krystyna Matusiak ------------------------------------------ Anindita Paul, Ph.D. Assistant Professor IT & Systems Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Kozhikode, India - 673570 Tel: +91 495 2809122 website : -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bhow at Mon Feb 1 16:13:31 2016 From: bhow at (Howard, Barrie) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 16:13:31 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for proposals to participate in NDSR DC 2016-2017 cohort Message-ID: <7CC4AB09C979C242B5E468C64182DD44433FA07672@LCXCLMB01.LCDS.LOC.GOV> Good afternoon all, I wanted to ensure you received word that the National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) Program is currently accepting host applications for the upcoming District of Columbia cohort. If you are interested in hosting a resident in the DC-MD-VA area as part of the 2016-2017 cohort, please consider applying. If you are not familiar with the program, please visit our website at or search the web for the term NDSR and you'll discover numerous articles, blog posts, interviews, and presentations about and by current and past NDSR residents. I have attached the application form and other documents, including instructions, an overview of the program, and a checklist to help potential hosts organize and submit their application materials. Please send your application materials to ndsr at by close of business on Friday, February 12th. If you have any questions, please contact George Coulbourne via email, gcou at, or by phone, 202-707-7856. I am also available for further assistance, and my contact info is located below. All the best, Barrie Howard Intern and Fellowship Programs National and International Outreach Library of Congress (LM 330) 101 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20540 bhow at +1-202-707-1830 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 1 DC Host Application and Project Proposal form.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 204464 bytes Desc: 1 DC Host Application and Project Proposal form.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 2 Host Commitment Checklist.doc Type: application/msword Size: 35328 bytes Desc: 2 Host Commitment Checklist.doc URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 3 Host Institution Overview.doc Type: application/msword Size: 41984 bytes Desc: 3 Host Institution Overview.doc URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 4 NDSR Significant Dates.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 17607 bytes Desc: 4 NDSR Significant Dates.docx URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 5 NDSR Matching Process 2016.doc Type: application/msword Size: 25600 bytes Desc: 5 NDSR Matching Process 2016.doc URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 6 NDSR Host Applicant Instructions.doc Type: application/msword Size: 33280 bytes Desc: 6 NDSR Host Applicant Instructions.doc URL: From ecorrado at Fri Feb 5 10:03:38 2016 From: ecorrado at (Edward M. Corrado) Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 09:03:38 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: LIDA Conference: Deadline Extended to February 15th In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Excuse Duplicate Postings - Please Distribute Widely CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Biennial International Conference LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2016 Conference Theme: Digital Library Curation and Collections Zadar, Croatia, 13-17 June 2016 University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia Full CFP can be found here: ***a**/* Email: *lida at* Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) addresses the changing and challenging environment for libraries and information systems and services in the digital world. This year?s theme ?Digital Library Curation and Collections? is divided into two parts. The first part covers research and development, and the second part addresses advances in applications and practice. LIDA is an international biennial conference that brings together researchers, educators, practitioners, and developers from all over the world in a forum for personal exchanges, discussions, and learning, made easier by being held in memorable environs. The LIDA conference is held at the University of Zadar (Croatia) and the conference?s Guest of Honour is Professor Tefko Saracevic, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, USA. *Themes and Invited Speakers* *Part I: Digital Curation and Preservation- Current Trends and Research.* Program chair: *Heather Lea Moulaison, iSchool, University of Missouri, US* *Invited Speakers* Aram Sinnreich, Ph.D. School of Communication American University,Washington DC, USA Tim Gollins, Head of Digital Archiving National Records of Scotland, Scotland, UK *Part II: Use Studies, Education & Training for Digital Library Collections.* Program chair: *Michael Seadle, Institute of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin, Germany* *Invited Speakers* Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D., OCLC, Office of Research, Dublin, OH, USA Tatjana Aparac-Jelu?i?, Ph.D. Department of Library and Information Science University of Zadar, Croatia (Emeritus) *Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2016* (for all types of contributions) Types of Contributions Invited: 1. Papers: scholarly studies and reports on practices and advances that will be presented at the conference. Both completed research and early work/preliminary results are invited. Papers will be refereed in a double-blind process. Submit 1,500 word abstract, plus references. 2. Posters: short graphic presentations on research, studies, advances, examples, practices, preliminary work and educational projects that will be presented in a special poster session. Posters will undergo a double-blind review. Awards will be given for Best Poster and Best Student Poster. Submit 750 word abstract, plus references. 3. Panels: up to 90 minute sessions that will be interactive and offer different perspectives and approaches to a specific topic. Organizers propose the format and invite up to five panelists (including the moderator). Submit 750 word abstract, plus references. 4. Demonstrations: live examples of working projects, services, interfaces, commercial products, or developments-in-progress that will be presented during the conference in specialized facilities or presented in special demonstration sessions. Submit 750 word description. 5. Workshops: two to four-hour sessions that will be tutorial and educational in nature, and are intended to foster interactive discussions for attendees who share common interest. Submit 750 word description, plus references. 6. PhD Forum: short presentations by doctoral students, particularly as related to their dissertation, in a session organized by the European Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology ( ***/**europe/* ). The PhD Forum provides doctoral students the opportunity to present their work to senior faculty in relatively informal setting and to receive feedback on their dissertation by a panel of international educators. Submit 750 word description. In addition: 7. Undergraduate/Graduate Student Showcase: short presentations by undergraduate and graduate student, related to their research, practical projects, etc. The showcase will provide students with opportunity to get feedback on their work in informal setting and advice on how to develop their work further and get published. Submit 750 word description, plus references. Deadlines for showcase submissions: *April 1, 201**6**.* All proposals should follow formal LIDA guidelines available at LIDA 2016 website (***/**submissions/* ). All work should be in English, original and not previously published. Submission of proposals/extended abstracts should be made using the EasyChair submission system ( ***/**conferences/?conf=lida2016* Following the double blind review process all accepted submissions will be published in the scholarly journal Libellarium: Journal for the research of writing, books and cultural heritage institutions. Libellarium is indexed by EBSCO and Erich II and has applied for inclusion into Scopus. *Conference co-directors:* *Martina Dragija Ivanovi?, Ph.D.* Department of Library and Information Science University of Zadar, Croatia *mdragija at* ; *S**a**njica Faletar Tanackovic, Ph.D.* Department of Information Sciences University of Osijek, Croatia*sfaletar at ffos.h* r ; *Ross J. Todd, Ph.D.* *rtodd at* ; *Ma**r**ie L. Radford, Ph.D.* School of Communication and Information Rutgers University, USA The entire conference, including all presentations and keynotes are in English. Zadar is one of the enchanting cities on the Adriatic coast, rich in history. It still preserves a very old network of narrow and charming city streets, as well as a Roman forum dating back to the first century AD. In addition, Zadar region encompasses many natural beauties covering two national parks nearby: Kornati Islands National Park and National Park Paklenica. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Heather.Ranieri at Thu Feb 4 14:05:33 2016 From: Heather.Ranieri at (Heather Ranieri) Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 19:05:33 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Ph.D. in Information Students- Information Session on February 6th Message-ID: [][] Please join us on February 6. LIU Post in Brookville is holding an information session on Saturday, February 6 for students interested in expanding their career options with a Ph.D. in Information Studies. LIU Post offers the only degree program of its kind in the New York metropolitan area. This information session will take place from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. in room 362 of the B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library. Faculty and advisors will be on hand to explain degree requirements, research activities and course schedules. Taught by faculty of the prestigious Palmer School of Library and Information Science, the doctorate in Information Studies trains scholars to conduct research in today's critical areas of information organization, retrieval, management and policy and to assume leadership positions in research, teaching and in practice. Graduates of the program are equipped to fill a documented need for researchers and faculty members in the broad field of information studies. The program utilizes a strong interdisciplinary approach because solutions to the problems of organizing, storing and retrieving vast amounts of information require the combined knowledge of computer scientists, management specialists, educators, psychologists, librarians and others. The Ph.D. offers two main areas of study - knowledge organization and access, and information studies and services - and is structured to accommodate part-time students who are already working in the information field or in related professions. Applications for the fall 2016 class will be accepted through March 15, 2016. You can apply online or learn more about the Ph.D. by visiting RSVP for this event online or by calling 516-299-2900. In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified of a snow date. We look forward to seeing you at the Ph.D. Information Session on February 6! LIU Post Graduate Admissions Team **Students please remember to email me from your MyLIU email account.** Heather Ranieri Director of Program Effectiveness, Marketing & Recruitment Palmer School Of Library and Information Science LIU Post 720 Northern Boulevard Brookville, New York 11548 Tel.: 516.299.4110 Fax: 516.299.4168 E-mail: heather.ranieri at [palmer logo1] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 100842 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 115989 bytes Desc: image002.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image003.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 2601 bytes Desc: image003.jpg URL: From huatongs at Mon Feb 1 17:09:37 2016 From: huatongs at (Huatong Sun) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 14:09:37 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Special Issue of Technical Communication on "Globalizing User Experience" Message-ID: (Apologies for cross-posting) Questions on the special issue? Please contact us at tc.special.issue at Thanks, Huatong ------------------- *Globalizing User Experience: Strategies, Practices, and Techniques for Culturally Sensitive Design* *Technical Communication*, the journal of the Society for Technical Communication (STC), is soliciting article proposals for an upcoming special issue that will examine how technical communicators can design for new kinds of user experiences in international, cross-cultural, and multicultural contexts. This special issue will be published in February of 2017, and the guest editors are Guiseppe Getto and Huatong Sun. *SPECIAL ISSUE DESCRIPTION* Cultural diversity has been embraced as a core value by many companies in today?s increasingly globalized and multicultural workplace. Meanwhile, the design, implementation, evaluation, distribution, and consumption of information products now happen more often on a global level. While a majority of companies are not designing global-ready products from the beginning, the most successful products usually traverse the local in favor of a global user base. Thus, global UX design is a common part of the work lives of many technical communicators (Quesenbery & Szuc, 2012; Schumacher, 2010; Sun, 2012). At a time when the roles of technical communicator and user experience designer have begun to blur in productive ways (Redish, 2010; Redish & Barnum, 2011), technical communicators have been making valuable contributions to the development of the UX field by bringing theory, research, and design techniques. At the same time, UX is becoming an essential skill set for technical communicators in a variety of industries. Indeed, today?s technical communicators are designers who employ information and communication technologies (ICTs) to transform our workplaces, our communities, and our society. As technology design moves towards more socially- and ethically-oriented approaches, technical communicators are playing an important role in cultivating cultural humility (Tervalon & Murray-Garcia, 1998). This includes accounting for cultural differences and building a more inclusive and diverse workplace in an increasingly global society with our rhetorical expertise and empathy toward users. The trends described above are increasingly affecting the work we do as industry practitioners, academic researchers, university and college educators, and independent entrepreneurs in technical communication. It is time for us to reflect on our endeavors so far, to examine our surrounding cultures and structures at a new stage of globalization, and to develop better strategies, practices, and techniques to design more culturally appropriate information products in order to empower our users globally and locally. *POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR THIS SPECIAL ISSUE* The guest editors invite proposals for papers on applied research or theory, case histories/studies, tutorials, and/or annotated bibliographies that address issues such as the following: - How should technical communicators attend to issues related to user experience within the organizations they work in, and around the products they help deploy, in terms of collaboration, communication, complexity, and change (Redish, 2010)? - What can technical communicators teach their UX colleagues about cross-cultural and international communication and product deployment? - How should technical communicators work as user advocates to develop more culturally sensitive design and research methods to address the digital divide between the global north and south? - What expertise do technical communicators bring to informing innovative practices of work and design to develop a more diverse workplace and a more heterogeneous society? - How do political, legal, economic, and/or technological issues affect the ways that information products are deployed within local cultures? - How do cultural differences relating to intellectual property and copyright affect technical communication practices ? particularly practices involving globally distributed teams? *SUBMISSION GUIDELINES* Proposals should be no more than 400 words in length. All proposals should include submitter name, affiliation, and email address as well as a working title for the proposed article. *PRODUCTION SCHEDULE* The schedule for the special issue is as follows: - April 15, 2016 ? 400-word proposals due - May 15, 2016 ? Guest editors return proposal decisions to submitters - August 15, 2016 ? Draft manuscripts of accepted proposals due - November 15, 2016 ? Final manuscripts due - February 1, 2017 ? Publication date of special issue *CONTACT INFORMATION* Completed proposals or questions about either proposal topics or this special issue should be sent to Guiseppe Getto and Huatong Sun at tc.special.issue at *References* Quesenbery, W. & Szuc, D. (2012) Global UX: Design & research in a connected world. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann. Redish, J. (2010). Technical communication & usability: Intertwined strands and mutual influences. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 53(3), 191-201. Redish, J. & Barnum, C. (2011). Overlap, influence, intertwining: The interplay of UX and technical communication. Journal of Usability Studies, 6(3), 90-101. Schumacher, R. (ed). (2010). Handbook of global user research. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann. Sun, H. (2012). Cross-cultural technology design: Creating culture-sensitive technology for local users. New York: Oxford University Press. Tervalon, M., & Murray-Garcia, J. (1998). Cultural humility versus cultural competence: A critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved*, *9(2), 117-125. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jdownie at Wed Feb 3 21:43:45 2016 From: jdownie at (Downie, J Stephen) Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 02:43:45 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] MIREX Grand Challenge '16 User Experience (GC16UX): Volunteer graders sought Message-ID: <> Dear Colleagues: The Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) Grand Challenge '16 User Experience (GC16UX) task requires volunteer graders to evaluate system outputs. The goals of this grand challenge are to inspire the development of complete MIR systems and to promote the notion of user experience as a first-class research objective in the MIR community. Your assistance will help future researchers and developers build better and more useful music retrieval systems that better meet the needs of real users. We expect each grader to spend approximately 20 - 30 minutes exploring each submitted system. There are three systems this year to be evaluated. Please note that "Moody", one of the submissions, only works with the Chrome web browser. Your participation as an evaluator is completely voluntary. For more information about MIREX, please see: For more information about GC16UX and its task instructions: We are opening evaluations today, 3 February 2015, and will close evaluations Wednesday, 24 February 2016. So, if you are kind enough to sign up to be a grader, PLEASE understand that we REALLY need you complete your assigned grading by 24 February. If you are a GC16UX participant, we ask that you do what you can to encourage adults over 18 years of age to be graders. To register as a grader, please go to: If you have any questions, please contact or Thank you very much everybody. Cheers, Stephen **********EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS**************************** To evaluate the assigned MIR system we ask you to imagine you need to put together a playlist for a particular event (e.g., dinner party at your house, workout session, etc.). Please try to use the assigned system to make playlists for at least a couple of different events. In performing this task, please focus on evaluating the interaction and experience with the system as a whole, and not just the results you get. Please be aware that these systems are using an open-source test dataset (Jamendo) that is a collection of Creative Commons licensed music, and therefore the results may not include popular music that many of us are familiar with. After signing up as an evaluator for GC16UX you will be assigned a number of MIR systems to evaluate (by clicking the "Get Assignment" button). The six questions we ask you to consider are: Overall satisfaction: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the system? Aesthetics: How would you rate the visual attractiveness of the system? Ease of use: How easy was it to figure out how to use the system? Clarity: How well does the system communicate what is going on? Affordances: How well does the system allow you to perform what you want to do? Performance: Does the system work efficiently and without bugs/glitches? There will also be the opportunity to enter general comments in a free-form text box. Once you have completed all the questions for a given MIR system there is the opportunity to return to it and alter any of the ratings you have given it. In our analysis of the results we will take the final set of ratings that were saved. In addition to simply rating the systems, we highly encourage evaluators to provide their feedback in free text. Your comments will not only help us understand important factors affecting user experience, but also help the participants to improve the design of their systems. ********************************************************** "Research funding makes the world a better place" ********************************************************** J. Stephen Downie, PhD Associate Dean for Research Professor Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [Vox/Voicemail] (217) 649-3839 From srichards at Mon Feb 1 12:46:43 2016 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 17:46:43 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Senior Manager / Los Angeles, CA Message-ID: <> Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group seeks a Senior Manager for the Corporate Research Services division of a large investment management and research company in their Los Angeles office. The division is responsible for delivery of research and reference services and to departments with information and data needs touching on a wide variety of investment and related topics. RESPONSIBILITIES * Oversees the Corporate Research Services business functions, department staff (including project leads and group managers), and special projects. * Assesses information needs of client groups and designs and implements services to meet those needs and build and maintain strong relationships with key internal clients and project stakeholders and users of services. * Oversees workflow and group capacity to ensure optimum use of resources across locations and specialties. * Ensures team access to appropriate information resources and tools by collaborating with external information providers, purchasing units and other departments as necessary * Collaborates with management team to develop department goals and objectives, prioritize efforts and coordinate communications. * Maintains up-to-date knowledge of financial information resources and best practices within the information retrieval profession * Communicate with other internal managers and senior managers on operational, business processes, risks and controls and overall business planning. * Develop, recommend, manage and review processes, procedures and practices within a function. QUALIFICATIONS: * BA degree in associated field is required. A master's degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited institution is a plus. * 5 years of management experience in a reference and research services department within a consulting/financial environment. For immediate consideration, please apply online at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action Employer who values diversity in the workplace. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aninditapaul at Tue Feb 2 12:52:58 2016 From: aninditapaul at (Anindita Paul) Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 23:22:58 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for nominations for the Infoshare membership award Message-ID: <> *** Please excuse cross posting *** Dear Colleagues, The ASIS&T International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III) is pleased to announce that for 2016 we will be able to sponsor another group of deserving information professionals from developing countries for complimentary ASIS&T memberships (the financial burden of which would otherwise be prohibitive). We are soliciting nominations of candidates for the InfoShare Membership Award. The award will be given to LIS professionals. Please include a one-page curriculum vitae and a one-page description of why this person is deserving of membership, including their willingness to promote ASIS&T within their networks and build relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations. Awardees will be decided by a vote of the SIG-III officers. All curricula vitae will be kept private, accessible only to SIG-III officers. Each membership award will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year if the new member proves to be a strong advocate for ASIS&T in their home country during the course of the year. Awardees will be asked to submit a report on their activities by next year's Annual Meeting, which may include, but are not limited to: a. sharing ASIS&T publications that they receive (the Bulletin of ASIS&T and JASIS&T) with other colleagues b. promoting the SIG-III paper contest among their colleagues c. serving as a contact/coordinator for ASIS&T members traveling to their area who may be able to speak about ASIS&T and information science d. having the ability to strengthen the relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations, and e. sponsoring lectures on information science topics in their area on behalf of ASIS&T Nominators can mentor the award recipients for the above activities. We look forward to welcoming new members to ASIS&T from across the globe, especially from countries that have never been ASIS&T members or have limited ASIS&T membership. Women, minority, and candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Please feel free to circulate the Call in your professional networks (e.g., your alma mater listservs, professional contacts at IFLA, OCLC, international organizations, practitioner groups, academic institutions, etc.). Please send your nominations of deserving candidates to Anindita Paul (aninditapaul at or Krystyna Matusiak (krystyna.matusiak at . The deadline for submitting nominations is - March 1, 2016. Thank you! Anindita Paul Krystyna Matusiak ------------------------------------------ Anindita Paul, Ph.D. Assistant Professor IT & Systems Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Kozhikode, India - 673570 Tel: +91 495 2809122 website : Sent from my iPad -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tara at Tue Feb 2 09:49:34 2016 From: tara at (Cataldo,Tara Tobin) Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 14:49:34 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Informatics Librarian, University of Florida Message-ID: <> Please excuse duplication. POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT George A. Smathers Libraries University of Florida Informatics Librarian Assistant or Associate University Librarian The Marston Science Library at the University of Florida seeks a creative and service-oriented informatics professional to develop a campus-wide library-based informatics service initiative of data-driven discovery and analytics. The Informatics Librarian is a tenure track library faculty position with responsibilities that include assisting faculty, staff and students with appropriate data mining tools, collaborating on analytic aspects related to data design, and supporting the communication of results and predictive analysis through visualization tools. Additional responsibilities include finding and accessing data upon request; assisting in data organization for improved reuse and sharing; and providing programming consultation services. As a member of a dynamic team, responsibilities also include providing research assistance, instruction, training, and collection management to support initiatives dependent upon informatics and data science. Provides data and network analysis support services for faculty, staff and students in assigned departments and serves as liaison to the UF Informatics Institute. Provides interdisciplinary information consultation services in a variety of modes, designs workshops to promote data literacy, performs course-integrated instruction and participates in the department's teaching program. The position is responsible for special projects as assigned, such as new service development and evaluation, and development of web-based resources. The librarian works collaboratively in group efforts and maintains professional relationships with faculty, students and colleagues. The librarian will work collaboratively with the bioinformatics librarian, Data Management Librarian and Digital Scholarship Librarian, and Data Management/Curation Task Force to develop campus-wide support. The library encourages staff participation in reaching management decisions and consequently the Informatics Librarian will serve on various committees and teams. To support all students and faculty and foster excellence in a diverse and global society, the Informatics Librarian will be expected to include individuals of diverse backgrounds, experiences, races, ethnicities, genders, and perspectives in work activities. The Informatics Librarian will pursue professional development opportunities, including research, publication, and professional service activities in order to meet library-wide criteria for tenure and promotion. The search will remain open until February 29, 2016 and applications will be reviewed as received. Interested candidates should follow the application procedures outlined on the Position Vacancy Announcement at: The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to the diversity of our faculty and staff. Applicants from a broad spectrum of people, including members of ethnic minorities and disabled persons, are especially encouraged to apply. Address inquiries to Bonnie J. Smith, Smathers Libraries Human Resources Office, at: bonniesmith at Tara Tobin Cataldo, MLS Biological/Life Sciences Librarian Marston Science Library P.O. Box 117011 University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-7011 352.273.2868 ttobin at Profile Follow Marston! Twitter | Facebook | Instagram -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From xh.gslis at Thu Feb 4 19:14:52 2016 From: xh.gslis at (Xiao Hu) Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 08:14:52 +0800 Subject: [Asis-l] Nominations for ASIS&T SIG-III InfoShare Membership Award Message-ID: On behalf of the ASIS&T International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III) *** Please excuse cross posting *** Dear Colleagues, The ASIS&T International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III) is pleased to announce that for 2016 we will be able to sponsor another group of deserving information professionals from developing countries for complimentary ASIS&T memberships (the financial burden of which would otherwise be prohibitive). We are soliciting nominations of candidates for the InfoShare Membership Award. The award will be given to LIS professionals. Please include a one-page curriculum vitae and a one-page description of why this person is deserving of membership, including their willingness to promote ASIS&T within their networks and build relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations. Awardees will be decided by a vote of the SIG-III officers. All curricula vitae will be kept private, accessible only to SIG-III officers. Each membership award will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year if the new member proves to be a strong advocate for ASIS&T in their home country during the course of the year. Awardees will be asked to submit a report on their activities by next year's Annual Meeting, which may include, but are not limited to: a. sharing ASIS&T publications that they receive (the Bulletin of ASIS&T and JASIS&T) with other colleagues b. promoting the SIG-III paper contest among their colleagues c. serving as a contact/coordinator for ASIS&T members traveling to their area who may be able to speak about ASIS&T and information science d. having the ability to strengthen the relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations, and e. sponsoring lectures on information science topics in their area on behalf of ASIS&T Nominators can mentor the award recipients for the above activities. We look forward to welcoming new members to ASIS&T from across the globe, especially from countries that have never been ASIS&T members or have limited ASIS&T membership. Women, minority, and candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Please feel free to circulate the Call in your professional networks (e.g., your alma mater listservs, professional contacts at IFLA, OCLC, international organizations, practitioner groups, academic institutions, etc.). Please send your nominations of deserving candidates to Anindita Paul (aninditapaul at The deadline for submitting nominations is - March 1, 2016. Thank you! Anindita Paul Xiao Hu, PhD Faculty of Education The University of Hong Kong Tel: 22194722 Email: xiaoxhu at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mcunha at Mon Feb 8 02:32:34 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 23:32:34 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2016 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | Call for papers Message-ID: <> CENTERIS 2016 ? Call for papers An AIS affiliated conference Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- It is our great pleasure to invite you to CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, an AIS Affiliated Conference, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site). ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From mcunha at Mon Feb 8 02:33:10 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 23:33:10 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] HCist 2016 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> HCist 2016 ? Call for papers An AIS affiliated conference Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- Dear CENTERIS / HCist / ProjMAN participant, Professor/Dr. , It is our great pleasure to invite you to HCist ? International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, an AIS Affiliated Conference, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site). ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From ferro at Wed Feb 10 10:07:35 2016 From: ferro at (Nicola Ferro) Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:07:35 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Bids to Host CLEF 2018 Message-ID: <> INTRODUCTION The CLEF Initiative (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum) is a self-organized body whose main mission is to promote research, innovation, and development of information access systems with an emphasis on multilingual and multimodal information with various levels of structure. The CLEF Initiative is structured in two main parts: - a series of Evaluation Labs, i.e. laboratories to conduct evaluation of information access systems and workshops to discuss and pilot innovative evaluation activities; - a peer-reviewed Conference on a broad range of issues, including - investigation continuing the activities of the Evaluation Labs; - experiments using multilingual and multimodal data; in particular, but not only, data resulting from CLEF activities; - research in evaluation methodologies and challenges. Since 2000 CLEF has played a leading role in stimulating investigation and research in a wide range of key areas in the information retrieval domain. It has promoted the study and implementation of appropriate evaluation methodologies for diverse types of tasks and media. Over the years, a wide, strong, and multidisciplinary research community has been built, which covers and spans the different areas of expertise needed to deal with the breadth of CLEF activities. CALL FOR BIDS The CLEF Steering Committee solicits proposals from groups interested in organizing the CLEF conference and labs in September 2018. Groups submitting a bid for CLEF 2018 also commit themselves to collect membership fees on behalf of the CLEF Association and to pass them to the CLEF Association. Guidelines on submitting a bid can be found in the Template for Bids available at: Bids must be submitted by *Tuesday, May 31st 2016* by email to the Steering Commitee Chair Nicola Ferro (chair at ). The Steering Committee will review and select the proposals. The Steering Committee can ask for modifications and changes to the proposals, if deemed necessary. Interested parties can contact the Steering Committee Chair Nicola Ferro (chair at ) to receive further details. IMPORTANT DATES - Bid submission deadline: May 31st, 2016 - Feedback to bidders and discussion: June - July 2016 - Bid selection: July 2016 STEERING COMMITTEE - Martin Braschler, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland - Khalid Choukri, Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA), France - Paul Clough, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom - Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy - Julio Gonzalo, National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain - Donna Harman, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), USA - Djoerd Hiemstra, University of Twente, The Netherlands - Evangelos Kanoulas, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Mihai Lupu, Vienna University of Technology, Austria - Josiane Mothe, IRIT, Universit? de Toulouse, France - Henning M?ller, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland - Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Paolo Rosso, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain - Giuseppe Santucci, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy - Jacques Savoy, University of Neuch?tel, Switzerland - Christa Womser-Hacker, University of Hildesheim, Germany From ajapzon at Wed Feb 10 16:34:01 2016 From: ajapzon at (Copeland, Andrea) Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 21:34:01 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Volume on Participation in Local Heritage Preservation In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Seeking chapters to present a variety of different angles on this topic, including but not limited to case-based essays on: * Heritage institutions, organisations and amateur/community groups involved in heritage preservation * Particular challenges for heritage preservation (e.g. copyright and licensing, digital and physical preservation, authority and expertise, diversity and conflicting histories, local vs. global) * Current methods for participatory heritage preservation (e.g. crowdsourcing, open access and APIs, co-creation and remixing, community-based partnerships, social media We are asking for 200-word abstract by March 1. For more information please see: Andrea J. Copeland, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Library & Information Science School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University 535 W Michigan Street, IT565 Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317) 274-0114 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aninditapaul at Fri Feb 5 12:35:31 2016 From: aninditapaul at (Anindita Paul) Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 23:05:31 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: Call for nominations for the Infoshare membership award References: <> Message-ID: <> > *** Please excuse cross posting *** > Dear Colleagues, > > The ASIS&T International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III) is pleased to announce that for 2016 we will be able to sponsor another group of deserving information professionals from developing countries for complimentary ASIS&T memberships (the financial burden of which would otherwise be prohibitive). We are soliciting nominations of candidates for the InfoShare Membership Award. The award will be given to LIS professionals. > > Please include a one-page curriculum vitae and a one-page description of why this person is deserving of membership, including their willingness to promote ASIS&T within their networks and build relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations. Awardees will be decided by a vote of the SIG-III officers. All curricula vitae will be kept private, accessible only to SIG-III officers. > > Each membership award will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a second year if the new member proves to be a strong advocate for ASIS&T in their home country during the course of the year. Awardees will be asked to submit a report on their activities by next year's Annual Meeting, which may include, but are not limited to: > > a. sharing ASIS&T publications that they receive (the Bulletin of ASIS&T and JASIS&T) with other colleagues > > b. promoting the SIG-III paper contest among their colleagues > > c. serving as a contact/coordinator for ASIS&T members traveling to their area who may be able to speak about ASIS&T and information science > > d. having the ability to strengthen the relationships between ASIS&T and the national/regional organizations, and > > e. sponsoring lectures on information science topics in their area on behalf of ASIS&T > > Nominators can mentor the award recipients for the above activities. > > We look forward to welcoming new members to ASIS&T from across the globe, especially from countries that have never been ASIS&T members or have limited ASIS&T membership. Women, minority, and candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. > > Please feel free to circulate the Call in your professional networks (e.g., your alma mater listservs, professional contacts at IFLA, OCLC, international organizations, practitioner groups, academic institutions, etc.). Please send your nominations of deserving candidates to Anindita Paul (aninditapaul at or Krystyna Matusiak (krystyna.matusiak at . > > The deadline for submitting nominations is - March 1, 2016. > > > > Thank you! > > Anindita Paul > > Krystyna Matusiak > > > > ------------------------------------------ > > Anindita Paul, Ph.D. > > Assistant Professor > IT & Systems > Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode > Kozhikode, India - 673570 > Tel: +91 495 2809122 > website : > > > Sent from my iPad -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rsandusky at Mon Feb 8 15:09:03 2016 From: rsandusky at (Robert Sandusky) Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 14:09:03 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Save The Date and Call for Abstracts: 2016 DataONE Users Group Meeting Message-ID: Please save the date for our upcoming DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting to be held July 17th-18th, 2016 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. As in previous years, we will be co-locating with the ESIP Summer Meeting. There is no cost to register. *Meeting Theme and Objectives* The 2016 meeting theme, ?Expanding Data Networks,? will focus on the new challenges and efforts in making data accessible, discoverable, and deliverable while promoting open data policies, standards, and compliance with funders? emerging data management requirements. A strong emphasis is on data synthesis and technological progress made in data network infrastructure. In a departure from previous years, the scientific program of the 2016 meeting invites both talks and posters from the community on the following topics: - Leveraging research data level metrics for large data repositories and data networks - Integrating the needs and inputs of data users to advance and improve data discoverability - Assessing the progress, impact, and success in promoting open data policies DataONE encourages DataONE Member Nodes, data scientists, researchers, scientists, students and others to submit abstracts for posters and talks. *Abstract Submission for Posters and Talks* Please submit an abstract (250 words maximum) and indicate whether you prefer to give a talk or present a poster to dugchairs at Talks will be approximately 10-20 minutes in duration, to be confirmed with development of the agenda. The poster session will be held the evening of Sunday evening July 17th during the reception events. Submissions will be reviewed by the DataONE Users Group Steering Committee. Accepted abstracts will be published on the DataONE website. *Important Dates* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 15, 2016 Author Notification: May 15, 2016 Preliminary meeting information for the DUG Annual Meeting can be found here: Preliminary information for the ESIP Summer Meeting can be found here: Best regards, DUG Steering Committee Felimon Gayanilo (co-chair) Plato Smith (co-chair) Steven Aulenbach, Amber Budden, Debora Drucker, Rebecca Koskela, Myrica McCune, Laura Moyers, Shannon Rauch, Robert J. Sandusky, Stephanie Simms, Heather Soyka -- Robert J. Sandusky, Ph.D. Associate University Librarian for Information Technology Associate Professor and Associate Dean UIC University Library 312-413-9822 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wilsontd at Tue Feb 9 06:47:27 2016 From: wilsontd at (Prof. T.D. Wilson) Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 11:47:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Information Research: Call for papers Message-ID: Call for papers: The management of personal information: an interdisciplinary approach More information at: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor T.D. Wilson, PhD, PhD (h.c.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Publisher and Editor in Chief: Information Research: an international electronic journal Website - Photoblog - ----------------------------------------------------------------------| E-mail: wilsontd at ----------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Sat Feb 6 12:20:55 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 18:20:55 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [ICTs-and-Society] 0.5 FTE Postdoc Research Fellow: Political Economy of the Internet In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [ICTs-and-Society] 0.5 FTE Postdoc Research Fellow: Political Economy of the Internet Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 14:24:57 +0000 From: Christian Fuchs Reply-To: christian.fuchs at To: discussion-icts-and-society-net at 0.5 FTE Postdoc Research Fellow: Political Economy of the Internet University of Westminster, London The EU project netCommons (2016-2018) studies the sociological, technical and legal aspects of the Internet infrastructure in Europe. The University of Westminster team is a co-operation of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) and the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies. It is led by Christian Fuchs and studies the political economy of Internet infrastructure. We are looking to hire as soon as possible and until the end of 2018 a London-based 50% (fixed-term) postdoc research fellow specialising in the political economy of the Internet. Distance-work is not an option for this position. It is a 50% position with a total salary of ?19,536.5 - ?21,696 p.a. (incl. L.W.A.) [i.e. ?20-?21k for 17.5 hours of work per week]. The appointee will hold a social science PhD (in sociology or a related field) and will be familiar with the approach of critical political economy of communication as well as foundations of social science-oriented Internet research. A key aspect is that the person will possess excellent skills in both quantitative and qualitative empirical social science research methods. S/he will also have skills in ethical impact assessment of information technologies. The appointee will have a track record of academic publications and be able to leverage contacts and networks in order to organise workshops, events and a survey for this project. The postoc research fellow will help conducting a both quantitatively and qualitatively focused survey; analyse and interpret the survey results both statistically and qualitatively; conduct interviews; conduct ethical and societal impact assessment of Internet infrastructure?s political economy especially in the context of un/sustainability, ownership and commodification, democracy and civil rights, privacy and surveillance, net neutrality, the digital divide and ideologies; help organising workshops that engage academics as well as non-academics in the wider public and relevant communities of interest; produce and publish research reports and articles in open access journals; present research results; and create accessible materials for the public. If you are interested to apply, then please submit one sample publication (a published article, a chapter from a collected volume, monograph chapter; unpublished or forthcoming works, works in a language other than English, and unpublished dissertations are not eligible) characteristic for your work together with your application (CV, application form). It is best to combine the CV and the sample publication into one pdf file Further information: Christian Fuchs, c.fuchs at Application and job details: Application deadline: 18 February 2018 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From morianagarcia at Mon Feb 8 13:05:43 2016 From: morianagarcia at (Moriana Garcia) Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 13:05:43 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [collib-l] Call for chapter proposals/abstract for forthcoming book _Organization, Representation and Description in the Digital Age_ In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Caroline Fuchs Date: Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 11:28 AM Subject: [collib-l] Call for chapter proposals/abstract for forthcoming book _Organization, Representation and Description in the Digital Age_ To: collib-l at Apologies for cross-postings Call for Chapter Proposals/Abstracts: Organization, Representation, and Description through the Digital Age Call for chapter abstracts for the forthcoming De Gruyter Saur book Organization, Representation, and Description through the Digital Age: Information in Libraries, Archives and Museums to be edited by Caroline Fuchs and Christine Angel. The editors invite a submission of 500-word abstracts proposing a chapter for this edited volume. Abstract due by April 3, 2015. Submission Dates and Timeline: - April 4, 2016: 500-word chapter abstract due - April 18, 2016: Notification of proposal acceptance from editors - June 6, 2016: Full chapter manuscripts submitted to editors. Chapter drafts should be approximately nine pages (4,500 ? 5,000 words) - July 18, 2016: Chapter authors receive feedback from editors - August 15, 2016: Final revised chapters submitted to editors The editors seek original scholarship on the metadata practices including the organization, representation, and/or description of information objects within the library, archive, and museum (LAM) environments. The frame of inquiry includes all types of libraries, archives, museums, and other information settings. Special consideration will be given to case studies that highlight successes, challenges, best practices, and lessons learned. Chapter topics and case studies of interest include (but are not limited to): - The influence of technological developments on the way in which your institution organizes, describes and represents information objects - The ways in which your institution?s catalog/finding aid/inventory practices have or have not changed in response to changes in technology - The standards and data content used within your institution that govern the way in which your institution organizes, describes, and represents information objects - The ways in which your institution?s internal structure has influenced the organization, representation, and description of information objects - The ways in which different/new media types have influenced your institution?s metadata practices (i.e. still images, moving images, PDFs, gaming systems, etc.) - The ways in which financial constraints have influenced cataloging practices at your institution - The changing requirements for professional qualifications and skill sets at your institution for the organization, representation, and description of information objects - Case studies of shared cataloging or other collaborative, consortial endeavors within the shared online cataloging environment (a.k.a. the Web), such as social networking - Challenges, obstacles, and opportunities encountered at your institution during the migration of cataloging (organizing, describing, and representing information) from the analog to the digital environment - Current or ongoing developments/projects concerning information representation and retrieval of objects within the Web 3.0 environment Please direct submissions and inquires to Caroline Fuchs, Associate Professor at St. John?s University Libraries, New York (fuchs at and Christine Angel, Assistant Professor, Division of Library and Information Science at St. John?s University, New York (angelc at -- Caroline Fuchs *The Possible?s slow fuse is litBy the Imagination* Emily Dickinson -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From marialemos72 at Tue Feb 9 12:40:58 2016 From: marialemos72 at (Maria Lemos) Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 17:40:58 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: CISTI'2016 - 11th Iberian Conference on IST; Deadline: February 21 Message-ID: <> -- -------------------------------- CISTI'2016 - 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies June 15 - 18, 2016, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are pleased to invite the academic and business community to submit their papers to CISTI'2016 - 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, between the 15th and 18th of June 2016. Authors are encouraged to submit original scientific contributions such as state-of-art reviews and new research perspectives, groundbreaking ideas and/or architectures, solutions and/or applications for real problems, empirical and/or evaluation works, case studies, etc., in conformity with the themes of this Conference. Four types of papers can be submitted: Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 6-page limit. Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, opened to discussion. These papers are assigned a 4-page limit. Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, opened to discussion. These papers are assigned a 2-page limit. Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D, tools, etc., focused in some topics of the conference. These articles are abstracts with a maximum of 2 pages. Papers submitted for the Scientific Committee?s evaluation must not include any information leading to the authors? identification. Therefore, the authors? names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in the early version. This information should only be included in the final version. Submitted papers must not have been published and must not be under review for any other conference and national or international publication. Papers must comply with the format standard and be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. All papers will be subjected to a ?blind review? by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. Full papers can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only. Similarly, short papers can be accepted as poster papers only. In these two cases, the authors will be allowed to maintain the original number of pages in the proceedings publication. The authors of accepted poster papers must also build and print a poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 5-minute limit per poster. The authors of accepted full papers will dispose of a 15-minute presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted short papers and company papers will dispose of an 11-minute presentation in the Conference Work Session, and approximately 4 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. THEMES Submitted papers must follow the main themes proposed for the Conference (the topics proposed in each theme constitute a mere framework reference; they are not intended as restrictive): A) OMIS - Organizational Models and Information Systems B) KMDSS - Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems C) SSAAT - Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools D) CNMPS - Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems E) HCC - Human Centered Computing F) HIS - Health Informatics G) ITE - Information Technologies in Education H) AEC ? Architecture and Engineering of Construction PUBLICATION & INDEXING To ensure that the contribution (full paper, short paper, poster paper or company paper) is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by the 11th of April, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all recommended modifications must be addressed by the authors before they submit the final version. No more than one paper per registration will be published in the Conference Proceedings. An extra fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration. Published full and short papers will be sent to EI, IEEE XPlore, INSPEC, ISI, SCOPUS and Google Scholar. IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission: February 21, 2016 Notification of acceptance: March 27, 2016 Submission of accepted papers: April 10, 2016 Payment of registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: April 8, 2016 Best regards, CISTI'2016 Team From jessicairenetieman at Mon Feb 8 08:20:59 2016 From: jessicairenetieman at (Jessica Tieman) Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 08:20:59 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Save_the_Date_=E2=80=94_2016_National_Digital_?= =?utf-8?q?Stewardship_Residency_Symposium?= Message-ID: Save the Date! May 5, 2016 2016 NDSR Washington, DC Symposium: ?*Digital Frenemies?Closing the Gap between Born-Digital and Made-Digital Curation*? This symposium will showcase thought leaders from academic and cultural heritage institutions, who are at the vanguard of tackling the biggest challenges to digital stewardship. Come join us at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland for a day of compelling talks that address the relationship between digitized and born-digital material. Why ?*Digital Frenemies*?? The current cohort began their residencies in DC Metro Area libraries, federal agencies, and professional organizations in June 2015. Since then, the group has observed trends in digital stewardship that bifurcate field expertise into born-digital asset management and expertise in digitization. We believe the future will be largely be defined by the symbiotic relationships between content creation, format migration, and where user communities intersect, rather than focusing on challenges specific to each area of the field. To stay informed about event details and registration info, please visit the 2016 NDSR DC Symposium website, available from To read more about the NDSR DC program, please visit -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kalev.leetaru5 at Mon Feb 8 14:56:48 2016 From: kalev.leetaru5 at (kalev leetaru) Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 14:56:48 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] using deep learning to characterize campaign television ads Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting. Thought many of you would find of great interest this latest experiment, which took the Internet Archive's TV Political Ad Archive of 267 campaign ads airing on monitored television stations over the last several months, split them into a sequence of images, one per second, and ran them through Google's neural network Cloud Vision API to catalog the visual contents of each frame including major objects, activities, and themes it depicts, extract any recognizable text, estimate the geographic location it captures, and identify the presence and emotional expression of any human faces. Coupled with the live airing data compiled by the Archive ( and the fact that ads were analyzed in sequence every 1 second, you can do all kinds of analyses, from which themes were aired the most and where to trends in the sequencing of themes in ads. A few high-level trends are summarized here: The full JSON output capturing the data output by the Cloud Vision API for each frame is here: You can download the image frames here: ~Kalev -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fichman at Wed Feb 10 14:45:04 2016 From: fichman at (Fichman, Pnina) Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 19:45:04 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP > International Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Access (AMCIS'16 mini track) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Call for Papers: 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems August 11 - 13, 2016, San Diego, CA, USA Dear Colleagues, We welcome submissions for the mini track entitled ?International Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Access?, for AMCIS 2016 Track: Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS (SIGCCRIS) Mini Track: International Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Access Description: Networks and systems within the contemporary information society are in many ways constrained by access to ICT, including availability, awareness, ability or literacy, and infrastructural support for ICT use and ICT-mediated processes. All dimensions of ICT access are highly unequal globally. Current efforts to improve infrastructure and availability?including broadband speeds, reliability of connectivity, stability and maintenance of systems, and interoperability?often span geographic boundaries and include both the public and private sectors. Furthermore, efforts to impact awareness and literacy are highly culturally context dependent. Outcomes associated with ICT access initiatives vary significantly, both between countries and within them, and differences in outcomes are often associated with contextual differences in policy interpretation and adoption strategies. This mini-track will focus on all stages of collaborative and independent access initiatives?including policy, planning, implementation, and evaluation?supporting the improvement and sustainability of ICT access and infrastructure across local, national, and regional borders. Call for Papers: Why is ICT access so unequal globally? Why do plans for ICT improvement lead to different outcomes in different contexts? Global variation in ICT access, particularly availability and infrastructure, is extreme, which has serious implications for global communications, relationships, business, and other processes. Efforts to address both imbalances and insufficiencies lead to highly divergent outcomes, despite efforts to replicate successful projects. It is important to understand the status of access from a comparative international perspective, so as to understand the roles of social, political, and cultural factors in shaping outcomes. How successful are international efforts to improve ICT access? Given the increasing interdependence of ICT access internationally, as multinational corporations and global travel and migration, leads people and systems to depend on different infrastructural systems to support their connectivity needs, there has been increased attention toward collaboration, interoperability, and common regulation of ICT access worldwide. Research needs to address international ICT access improvement, so as to better support the reliability and sustainability of global systems and to better design future initiatives. What is the role of culture in shaping the policy process surrounding ICT access improvement? Given the variation in infrastructure, even in instances of collaborative efforts, contextual variation, including the influences of culture, seemingly plays an important role in how initiatives relating to ICT are implemented. Further exploration of how aspects of context shape all stages of initiatives, including planning, implementation, and evaluation, is significant to understanding differences in outcomes. This mini-track invites submissions that address collaborations relating to ICT access, as well as comparative analyses on ICT infrastructure status and initiatives and case studies. Submissions addressing infrastructure and governance of infrastructure at city, state, regional, geographical, national, and international levels are welcome. Potential Topics: Integrated cross-border infrastructure Standardization of ICT access and ICT access regulation Initiative failures associated with internationalization or comparative cultural differences Case studies addressing culture Cross-country, cross-state, or cross-regional ICT infrastructure analysis Impact of supra-national governance on ICT access Interoperability across contexts Comparative evaluation of ICT access initiative outcomes Inequality in access or reliability across contexts, as impacts multinational business SUBMISSION SITE Submissions may be of two types: ? Completed research papers (< 5000 words, excluding references, tables, and figures) ? Research-in-progress papers (< 3500 words, excluding references, tables, and figures) All conference submissions will be double-blind, peer reviewed, and must be submitted using the online submission system at For complete instructions for authors and information about the conference, visit the AMCIS 2016 website at IMPORTANT DATES January 4, 2016: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2016 begin March 2, 2016: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors at 10:00am PST CHAIR CONTACT INFORMATION Madelyn Sanfilippo, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University mhomuth at Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University fichman at ------------------------ Pnina Fichman Chair, Department of Information and Library Science Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ferro at Mon Feb 15 03:27:34 2016 From: ferro at (Nicola Ferro) Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 09:27:34 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation ECIR 2016 - Early Bird Registration Deadline: 19 February 2016 Message-ID: <> * Call for Participation (ECIR 2016) * The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval 20-23 March 2016 Padua, Italy Early Bird Registration Deadline: 19 February 2016 ########################################################## The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2016) will take place in Padua, Italy from 20-23 March 2016. ECIR is the main European forum for the presentation of new research results in the field of Information Retrieval (IR). Registration at Deadlines --------- * Early Bird Registration: 07.01.2016 - 19.02.2016 (AoE) * Normal Registration: 20.02.2016 - 19.03.2016 (AoE) * Late / On Site Registration: 20.03.2016 - 23.03.2016 (AoE) Fees (in euros) ---------------- Student BCS/ACM/CLEF Regular Early Bird Registration: 250.00 430.00 480.00 Normal Registration: 280.00 480.00 530.00 Late / On-Site Registration: 310.00 530.00 580.00 One Day Only: 180.00 180.00 180.00 Industry Day Only: 180.00 180.00 180.00 Reception, workshops, tutorials, industry day, banquet, coffee, lunches and proceedings are included in the price when registering for the full conference. Only coffee and lunches will be included when registering for One Day only and Industry Day. Additional banquet tickets can be purchased for ?80 each and additional welcome reception or additional poster session reception for ?40 each. Workshops, tutorials and additional banquet dinner tickets ALL require that you have purchased a conference ticket (full or single day) in your name. Visa ----- If you need a travel visa to Italy, we can issue a visa support letter once you registered and payed the conference fee. Requested information and more details on VISA letter at: Programme --------- Keynotes -------- Workshops --------- Tutorials --------- Industry Day ------------ =========== ORGANIZERS =========== General Chair: - Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy Programme Chairs: - Fabio Crestani, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland - Marie-Francine Moens, KU Leuven, Belgium Short Paper Chairs: - Josiane Mothe, ESPE, IRIT, Universit? de Toulouse, France - Fabrizio Silvestri, Yahoo! Labs, London Student Mentor Chairs: - Jaana Kek?l?inen, University of Tampere, Finland - Paolo Rosso, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain Workshop Chairs: - Paul Clough, University of Sheffield, UK - Gabriella Pasi, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy Demo Chairs: - Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, University of Padua, Italy - Claudia Hauff, TU Delft, The Netherlands Industry Day Chairs: - Omar Alonso, Microsoft Bing, USA - Pavel Serdyukov, Yandex, Russia Tutorial Chairs: - Christina Lioma, University of Copenhagen, Denmark - Stefano Mizzaro, University of Udine, Italy Local Organization Chair: - Gianmaria Silvello, University of Padua, Italy Sponsorship Chair: - Emanuele Di Buccio, University of Padua, Italy Full program committee: ==================== VISIT AND FOLLOW US! ==================== For more information, please contact: ecir2016-secretariat at ###################### SEE YOU SOON IN PADUA! ###################### From alisa.libby at Tue Feb 16 09:58:14 2016 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 09:58:14 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Two events at Simmons SLIS with Visiting Scholar Dr. Wayne Wiegand Message-ID: Thinking Differently About Libraries: Part of Our Lives as a Test Case Dr. Wayne Wiegand Welcome Reception and Opening Lecture Monday, February 22, 2016, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Please join SLIS in welcoming Dr. Wayne Wiegand to SLIS on Monday, February 22 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM, in the Special Functions Room (first floor, Main College Building). Dr. Wiegand will deliver his lecture from 5 PM - 6 PM. those of you who cannot attend the full lecture may come before and/or after to greet him and grab a bite to eat. This event may be open to the public based on available space, so we are encouraging both the SLIS and non-SLIS community to please RSVP. Research for Wiegand's latest book, *??Part of Our Lives: A People's History of the American Public Library* shows people have loved these ubiquitous civic institutions ? ? for three reasons: for (1) access to practical information; (2) the spaces public libraries make available; and (3) the transformative potential of commonplace stories they provide. ? ? Over the generations librarianship has largely concentrated on the first. This presentation focuses attention on the latter two to argue in librarianship they have been overlooked and undervalued for their contributions to the daily lives of public library users. It will be an excellent introductory precursor to our panel discussion on Wednesday, February 24 . *About Wayne Wiegand* ? Often referred to as the "Dean of American library historians," Wiegand's prolific research and publication has focused on many areas of public libraries. His work has direct implications for the present and future of all fields of library studies: diversity, innovation, advocacy, collection development, etc. He looks forward to sharing his lifetime of work in this field with you. Reading / Place / Makerspace The Future of the American Public Library A panel discussion on the role of public libraries in 21st-century American lives 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, Wed. February 24 SLIS is pleased to announce a public discussion among three experts in the LIS field: Wayne Wiegand, Amy Ryan and Jeffrey Schnapp. In a conversation moderated by SLIS professor Melanie Kimball, the three panelists will discuss the present and future role of American public libraries as physical space, information repository and beloved-yet-threatened community institution. Without overstating their credentials, our three panelists are heavy hitters and big thinkers in the library world. SLIS is honored to host them together on the same stage. Please see just a few of their credentials in the flyer below. This event is open to the public; feel free to forward this invitation to your non-SLIS LIS colleagues and friends! *We ask that everyone who plans to attend RSVP to ensure proper seating and refreshments.* This event is part of the program of Dr. Wayne Wiegand, SLIS 2016 Allen Smith Visiting Scholar. The *Allen Smith Visiting Scholars Program*, which honors the memory of distinguished teacher and scholar Allen Smith, was established in 2009 by his family. Allen Smith Visiting Scholars are expected to be distinguished practitioners, educators, or researchers renowned for their work in reference, oral history, or the study of librarianship and information service in the humanities. -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* Buy the Kindle edition of *The Blood Confession* ! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Panel.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 71260 bytes Desc: not available URL: From bhow at Wed Feb 10 17:41:26 2016 From: bhow at (Howard, Barrie) Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 17:41:26 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Save the Date for the 2016 NDSR DC Symposium, 5/5/2016 Message-ID: <7CC4AB09C979C242B5E468C64182DD44010E1E471505@LCXCLMB01.LCDS.LOC.GOV> May 5, 2016 2016 NDSR Washington, DC Symposium: "Digital Frenemies-Closing the Gap between Born-Digital and Made-Digital Curation" This symposium will showcase thought leaders from academic and cultural heritage institutions, who are at the vanguard of tackling the biggest challenges to digital stewardship. Come join us at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland for a day of compelling talks that address the relationship between digitized and born-digital material. Why "Digital Frenemies"? The current cohort began their residencies in DC Metro Area libraries, federal agencies, and professional organizations in June 2015. Since then, the group has observed trends in digital stewardship that bifurcate field expertise into born-digital asset management and expertise in digitization. We believe the future will be largely be defined by the symbiotic relationships between content creation, format migration, and where user communities intersect, rather than focusing on challenges specific to each area of the field. To stay informed about event details and registration info, please visit the 2016 NDSR DC Symposium website, available from To read more about the NDSR DC program, please visit -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 2016SymposiumNewsRelease.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 21107 bytes Desc: 2016SymposiumNewsRelease.docx URL: From dpotnis at Thu Feb 11 02:02:00 2016 From: dpotnis at (Potnis, Devendra Dilip) Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 07:02:00 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] "Managing ICT4D Field Research in the Developing World" Minitrack - AMCIS 2016 Message-ID: ***Apologies for Cross-Postings*** CALL FOR PAPERS - 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems "Managing ICT4D Field Research in the Developing World: Challenges, Opportunities, & Innovative Solutions" Minitrack - ICTs in Global Development (SIGGlobDev) Track NOTE: Authors of best papers in the ICTs in Global Development track will be invited to submit revised versions for fast-track review and possible publication in the journal Information Technology for Development (ITD) - DESCRIPTION A large number of ICT for development (ICT4D) projects cannot meet their objectives. One cause of the failures of ICT4D projects is related to the shortcomings in field research, an integral part of ICT4D projects. Field research primarily involves data collection, and often attempts to understand someone else's experience. The high failure rates of ICT4D projects call for fundamentally new ways to tackle the challenges experienced by researchers and practitioners when planning and conducting ICT4D field research. This mini-track invites researchers and practitioners to share and analyze their success stories, failures, mistakes, and advice, which would gather momentum for a global discussion on better managing ICT4D field research, furthering the larger goal of socioeconomic and human development of marginalized communities across the developing world. SUGGESTED TOPICS Topics include but are not limited to: * Factors influencing the planning, implementation, and reporting of ICT4D field research * Data collection challenges in the developing world: A multi-stakeholder perspective * Innovative process-based and technology-driven solutions to capture, store, and process different types of textual, numeric, audiovisual, and tactile data * Open data, big data, and real-time data for conducting ICT4D field research * Issues related to data security, privacy, ethics, copyrights, and intellectual property * What can ICT4D field research in the developing and developed world learn from each other? * Applications of established theoretical frameworks and perspectives from multiple disciplines like anthropology, HCI, computer science, information science, MIS, etc. for managing ICT4D field research * Managing the scope, time, cost, quality, HR, communication, and risks related to ICT4D field research * Ways to develop the skills and knowledge needed to conduct ICT4D field research * Dynamic inter-relationship between contextual factors (e.g., policy frameworks, environmental conditions, culture, etc.), research methods, and local assistants in ICT4D field research * Applications of emerging technologies like NFC, M&E tools, SMAC, etc. to manage ICT4D field research IMPORTANT DATE March 2, 2016 (10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time): Deadline for paper submissions INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS The entire paper should be no more than 5,000 words, including all materials and sections such as figures, tables, and references. All conference submissions will be double-blind, peer reviewed, and must be submitted using the online submission system at For complete instructions for authors and information about the conference, visit the AMCIS 2016 website at MINITRACK CHAIR Devendra Potnis, University of Tennessee at Knoxville Email: dpotnis at _____________________________________ Devendra Potnis, M.S., M.P.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Information Sciences University of Tennessee 1345 Circle Park Dr., Suite 451 Knoxville, TN 37996 +1-865-974-2148; Twitter: DPotnis -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From EBreen at Mon Feb 8 06:27:03 2016 From: EBreen at (Eileen Breen) Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 11:27:03 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Opportunity to develop some editorship experience Message-ID: <76958DF0FA73564693CF1D3FEE5D614DC3DDD6@em-appl013.Emerald.Net> Dear all An opportunity has arisen for digital information researchers who have experience of peer reviewing. This includes educators, knowledge professionals in education and cultural organisations, knowledge managers in media, health care and in government, as well as librarians. It is guest editorship of at least one issue of a journal which is changing, and so provides the opportunity to: * Help shape the direction of a leading international journal * Chart new cross-disciplinary directions * Gain advance knowledge of work in the field, and * Have an influence on what becomes part of the body of knowledge. Please contact the Publisher Eileen Breen on ebreen at to find out what's involved in guest editorship. There is also an opening for a columnist, to write a biannual literature review. I look forward to hearing from you! Eileen Breen Publisher | Emerald Group Publishing Limited Tel: +44 (0) 1274 785172 | Fax: +44 (0)1274 785200 ebreen at | [Description: twitter-bird-white-on-blue-png]Follow @EmeraldLibrary P Please consider the environment before printing this email Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Registered Office: Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley, BD16 1WA United Kingdom. Registered in England No. 3080506, VAT No. GB 665 3593 06 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 844 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: From ischoolumd at Wed Feb 10 19:07:50 2016 From: ischoolumd at (Ischool UMD) Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 19:07:50 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Director of Academic Programs Position, University of Maryland's iSchool Message-ID: *University of Maryland, College ParkMaryland?s iSchool, College of Information StudiesDirector of Academic Programs, Exempt Position* The Director of Academic Programs will be responsible for providing oversight, support, and operational leadership for the Academic Programs (Undergraduate, Graduate, and non-degree) offered by the UMD iSchool. The Director will also work with the Senior Associate Dean to identify and implement incremental innovation and new programs that advance the iSchool?s educational mission. *Minimum Qualifications:* - Minimum of a Master?s degree in information, library science (MLS, MIM, MS-MIS, etc.) or a related field - Experience working with administration of academic programs - Excellent organizational skills - Experience with both day-to-day operations and implementation of longer-term, programmatic improvement projects. *Preferences:* - Familiarity with UMD, iSchools, and/or the UMD College of Information Studies (iSchool) - Masters degree in information or library science (MLS, MIM, MS-MIS, etc.) - Excellent interpersonal skills - Strong oral, written, and communication skills - Experience working in a research university setting The University of Maryland, College Park, an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action; all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment. The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, creed, marital status, political affiliation, personal appearance, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment, in all aspects of employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions. To apply please use this link: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From marijn.koolen at Mon Feb 15 16:52:53 2016 From: marijn.koolen at (Marijn Koolen) Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 22:52:53 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP: Social Book Search Lab @ CLEF 2016 Message-ID: <> Apologies for cross-posting. ################################################### CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Social Book Search Lab @ CLEF 2016 Please visit the Social Book Search Lab website: CLEF conference: 5-8 september 2016, ?vora, Portugal CLEF website: ################################################### ### OVERVIEW ### The Social Book Search (SBS) Lab investigates book search and linking in online forums. Online book discussions provide challenging realistic scenarios for both book search, with complex information needs that go well beyond keyword query and objective metadata, and book linking, to identify which books are discussed and link these discussions to other book information. The goal is to research and develop techniques to support users in complex book search tasks. The Social Book Search Lab consists of three tracks: Interactive Track : a user-oriented interactive task investigating systems that support users in each of multiple stages of a complex search tasks. The track offers participants a complete experimental interactive IR setup and an exciting new multistage search interface to investigate how users move through search stages. Suggestion Track : a system-oriented task to suggest books based on rich search requests combining several topical and contextual relevance signals with query-by-example, as well as user profiles and real-world relevance judgements. Mining Track : an NLP/Text Mining track focussing on detecting and linking book titles in online book discussion forums, as well as detecting book search research in forum posts for automatic book recommendation. For more information on the SBS Lab, visit the SBS Lab homepage . Please also consider joining the SBS mailing list . To participate in the SBS Lab, please register at the CLEF 2016 Labs . ### SCHEDULE ### Interactive Track: - Data gathering period: 15 February 2016 - 15 April 2016 - Shared data pool distributed: 25 April 2016 Suggestion Track: - Topics and collection available: 1 February 2016 - Run submission: 20 April 2016 - Evaluation results released: 25 April 2016 Mining Track: - Training data released: 15 January 2016 - Test data released: 1 April 2016 - Result submission: 5 April 2016 - Evaluation results released: 25 April 2016 CLEF Labs working notes deadline: 25 May 2016 CLEF conference and SBS Lab: 5-8 September 2016 CLEF website: ### HOW TO PARTICIPATE ### Register at CLEF 2016: Amazon/LibraryThing corpus licence agreement: For registered participants, the document collections, topics, user profiles and training material are available here: ### ORGANISERS ### Marijn Koolen (University of Amsterdam) Toine Bogers (Aalborg University Copenhagen) Antal van den Bosch (Radboud University Nijmegen) Antoine Doucet (University of Caen) Maria G?de (Humboldt University Berlin) Preben Hansen (Stockholm University) Mark Hall (Edge Hill University) Iris Hendrickx (Radboud University Nijmegen) Hugo Huurdeman (University of Amsterdam) Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam) Birger Larsen (Aalborg University Copenhagen) Vivien Petras (Humboldt University Berlin) Michael Preminger (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences) Mette Skov (Aalborg University Copenhagen) Suzan Verberne (Radboud University Nijmegen) David Walsh (Edge Hill University) ### CONTACT ### For questions, please contact Marijn Koolen at marijn.koolen at -- Marijn Koolen Assistant professor of Digital Humanities University of Amsterdam Institute for Logic, Language & Computation Department of Media Studies Turfdraagsterpad 9 Room BG1 1.03 1012 XT Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: 020 525 2096 E-mail: marijn.koolen at Web: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From otmorey at Fri Feb 12 13:28:42 2016 From: otmorey at (Morey, Ophelia) Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 18:28:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: Special International Health Literacy Award In-Reply-To: <0DB898DABAF5844AB663E8354FDDCE34040AE2B0@IHAEX2010.iha4health.pri> References: <0DB898DABAF5844AB663E8354FDDCE34040AE2B0@IHAEX2010.iha4health.pri> Message-ID: From: Health Literacy Discussion List [mailto:HLDL at LISTSERV.IHAHEALTHLITERACY.ORG] On Behalf Of Michael Villaire Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 8:09 PM To: HLDL at LISTSERV.IHAHEALTHLITERACY.ORG Subject: [HealthLit] Special International Health Literacy Award IHA is pleased to announce its first-ever IHA International Health Literacy Award, designed specifically to recognize exceptional work done by our health literacy friends and colleagues practicing outside the United States. Please visit our website, starting next week to access the nomination form. Over the years, I've been asked whether people from outside the United States are eligible to submit an entry for the IHA Health Literacy Awards, which are given out at our conference in May in Southern California. And though my answer has always been "Yes," we've noticed that very few people from outside the U.S. actually submit a nomination. We have also noticed that much excellent work is being done around the world to study and improve health literacy. And so, we've decided to initiate this award. The Call for International Health Literacy Award nominations is opening up a little sooner than the regular award call for nominations (that call will go out on March 1). This is so the eventual winner can make travel arrangements to come to the conference on May 5. We understand that, in some cases, making international travel arrangements can take some additional time. Look for the application to be up on our website by Tuesday, Feb. 16 at the latest. Questions? Email me at mvillaire at Please share this announcement with your international health literacy friends and colleagues. Thank you. Michael Michael Villaire, MSLM CEO Institute for Healthcare Advancement (562) 690-4001 ext. 202 (562) 690-8988 fax (714) 318-7237 mobile [Register-Today-12.15] [cid:image002.gif at 01CF57B8.47E961F0][cid:image001.jpg at 01CF57B8.47E961F0] ________________________________ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image005.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 2919 bytes Desc: image005.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 3601 bytes Desc: image002.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image004.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 2902 bytes Desc: image004.jpg URL: From skroe at Fri Feb 12 17:46:55 2016 From: skroe at (Roe, Sandy) Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 22:46:55 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: Call for Proposals, IFLA Classification & Indexing Section Satellite Meeting, Feb. 15 deadline Message-ID: IFLA Classification & Indexing Section Satellite Meeting Theme: Subject Access: Unlimited Opportunities August 11-August 12, 2016 Location: State Library of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio Join colleagues from around the world in the exchange of new ideas for providing subject access. This one and one-half day Satellite Conference will explore new services, new roles, and new partners that support subject searching. Investigate implementations, use, and reuse of traditional methods, such as classification, controlled vocabularies, and mapping; newer methods; and the connections between them. Discuss how we can take advantage of new opportunities and how we can meet the challenges. The deadline for proposals is 15 February 2016. Email proposals in .docx or .pdf format to Sandy Roe, Program Chair, skroe at For more information, please visit: Sandy Roe Secretary, Classification & Indexing Section Standing Committee Editor, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services Milner Library, Illinois State University Normal, IL 61790-8900 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tjtucker at Fri Feb 12 15:32:26 2016 From: tjtucker at (Tucker, Theresa Jo) Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 20:32:26 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Deadline extended: IFLA Satellite Meeting on "International Quality Assessment of LIS Education Programs Message-ID: Call for Papers: Satellite Meeting Education and Training & Library Theory and Research Sections Theme: "International Quality Assessment of LIS Education Programs" Date: 10 August, 2016; 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Venue The Conference Center at OCLC, 6600 Kilgour Pl, Dublin, OH 43017, USA - Close to Columbus, reachable by taxi Description of Theme The Section on Education and Training (SET) and the Section on Library Theory and Research (LTR) are organizing a satellite meeting prior to the 2016 World Library and Information Congress in Columbus, Ohio, with the support of OCLC, the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), and the Unversity Library and the Graduate School of Library and Informaiotn Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The aim of the meeting is to explore the feasibility of establishing an international means of assessing the quality of Higher Education programs for initial and continuing professional development of library and other information professionals. The goal of such an international assessment protocol would be to support opportunities for cooperation and collaboration among higher education institutions worldwide, and to ensure the equivalency of degrees and certificates granted as well as learning experiences. This would result in a system that would permit reciprocity in educational programs internationally for both initial professional positions and continuing professional development of library and information professionals. Proposals are welcome for papers (research, case studies, etc.) as well as panel presentations representing innovative and original perspectives on current and future issues in the assessment of LIS education and similar programs. For information on submission, please visit Important Dates: * 29 February 2016: Deadline to submit paper and panel proposal abstracts * 18 March 2016: Notification of paper and panel abstract acceptance * 25 April 2016: Deadline for authors to submit the completed paper and any revisions to panel proposals * 10 August 2016: Satellite Meeting ====== Satellite Planning Chairs: Clara M. Chu and Terry Weech Call for Papers Subcommittee Chair: Beth Sandore Namachchivaya Contact information: IFLA-SET-LTR-2016 at Website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From silvello at Mon Feb 15 09:16:02 2016 From: silvello at (Gianmaria Silvello) Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 09:16:02 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] [ECIR 2016] Student Travel Grants, application deadline: 19 Feb. 2016 Message-ID: <> * ECIR 2016 Student Travel Grants * The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval 20-23 March 2016 Padua, Italy Student Travel Grant Deadline: 19 February 2016 ########################################################## The ECIR 2016 conference is pleased to announce the availability of 10 student grants made available by BCS ( ) in addition to the 15 student travel grants made available by ELIAS ( ). Grant Scope --------------- The ECIR 2016 student travel grant program provides up to 500 euros to cover travel, accommodation, and subsistence expenses for full-time students who wish to attend ECIR 2016 in Padua. Due to administrative reasons the grant cannot be used to refund registration fees, which has to be paid separately. Application Procedure -------------------------- Grant applications should be submitted to by selecting the track Student Grant Applications (SGA) by *19 February 2016*. Results will be given to applicants on *29 February 2016*. Only complete applications of students will be considered. Late applications will not be considered. The required documents have to be submitted in a zip file containing: - a grant application document (pdf) - a copy of your current student I.D. - a short letter of support from your supervisor The grant application 1 to 3 pages (pdf file) should contain the following elements: - Full name, address, university - Date when you started your PhD - Topic of the PhD ; supervisor(s) - Current research, studies, publications, CV related to the conference topics - Why attending the event will be beneficial to you Criteria for selection are: relevance of the research topic to ECIR; PhD year and track record (Preference will be given to students at an earlier stage of their career and with evidence of an exceptionally strong track record); presentation of a full/short/demo paper; strong letter of support. Preference will be given to full-time students studying/working in developing countries ( ) and presenting their work (nevertheless, those not presenting at the conference are eligible to apply). Preference will also be given to those who have no alternative travel support. All applicants must be full-time students at the time of the conference. Reimbursement -------------------- Reimbursement will be made after the end of the conference upon presentation of the original supporting documents of expenses incurred during the event, in accordance with the spending limits specified in the guidelines available at: Grant Committee --------------------- John Tait (Chair), , UK Pavel Braslavski, Ural Federal University / Kontur Labs, Russian Federation Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina, USA Mihai Lupu, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Nils Pharo, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heidijul at Tue Feb 16 10:35:27 2016 From: heidijul at (Julien, Heidi) Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 15:35:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Submission Deadline Extended - Digital dE-BiAsing Techniques for an Engaged Society (Debates) Message-ID: <> Digital dE-BiAsing Techniques for an Engaged Society (Debates) 18th May 2016 Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK The call for papers for the first Debates conference now closes on 11th March 2016. The overall topic for the Debates conference is the issue of negative behaviours in online social media and how these can be analysed and addressed by the research community. Keynote speakers are: Professor Annemaree Lloyd - Professor Swedish School of Library and Information Sciences, University of Boras, Sweden Professor Stephan Lewandowsky - Chair in Cognitive Psychology, University of Bristol Professor Heidi Julien - Professor of Library and Information Studies, University at Buffalo, USA Carl Miller - Research Director, Centre for the Analysis of Social Media (CASM) at Demos Debates is a one-day conference with a difference: * Each keynote will set out their theme based around their main theoretical lenses which are then carried through into the strand * The invited speakers pick up the theme and then the pecha kucha's further articulate this (selected from the call for papers) * In the morning plenary the keynotes with invited speakers will lead a themed plenary with presenters and audience to identify possible research ideas and collaborations * The most promising ideas and collaborations are to be developed in outline and displayed on the unconference boards with a named lead * These then form the basis for the Unconference sessions in the afternoon * Conference committee members will have a roving brief to capture the highlights for the final plenary * The plenary will identify the research themes and collaborations that have emerged. We are accepting abstracts for pecha kucha papers on the following themes: The analysis and/or addressing the issue of negative online social media behaviours through the main theoretical lenses of: * Psychology - we would especially welcome papers on the use of mis-information theory * Information behaviour - abstracts on everyday information seeking will be particularly welcome * Information literacy - especially those papers that have an information practice focus * Policy studies - in particular papers focusing on where interventions need to be (policing, legislation or the social media companies) and/or how to influence decision-makers Creative and educational approaches to this issue are also welcomed. We are interested in hearing from early career as well as more established researchers. Abstracts format Guidance for contributors to prepare your submission: Structured abstracts of 500 words with a title of no more than 15 words and references in Harvard style (references and keywords will not be included in the word count). Headings for structured abstract as follows: * Purpose * Design/methodology/approach * Findings * Research limitations/implications * Practical implications * Originality/value * Keywords - up to 5 * References These will be double blind refereed. Those authors who have their papers accepted will be invited to submit a full article to a special edition of Online Information Review (2014 Impact Factor: 0.918). Authors who's papers are accepted for the conference will be given full instructions on how to create a pecha kucha presentation. Authors will be notified of decisions by 24th March 2016. Send your completed abstracts to: bc.debates.conference at by 11th March 2016 For more information about the conference and to book your place, visit the conference page. We look forward to hearing from you. Conference Website: ****************************************************** Heidi Julien, Ph.D. Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo 526 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 Ph: 716-645-1474 Fax: 716-645-3775 Email: heidijul at ****************************************************** "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Leon Megginson -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mcunha at Wed Feb 17 14:43:45 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 11:43:45 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2016 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | Call for papers Message-ID: <> CENTERIS 2016 ? Call for papers An AIS affiliated conference Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- It is our great pleasure to invite you to CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, an AIS Affiliated Conference, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site). ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From mcunha at Wed Feb 17 14:44:41 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 11:44:41 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] ProjMAN 2016 - International Conference Project MANagement *** call for papers Message-ID: <> ProjMAN 2016 ? Call for papers An AIS affiliated conference Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- Dear CENTERIS / HCist / ProjMAN participant, Professor It is our great pleasure to invite you to ProjMAN- International Conference Project MANagement, an AIS Affiliated Conference, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site). ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From mcunha at Wed Feb 17 14:45:18 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 11:45:18 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] HCist 2016 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> HCist 2016 ? Call for papers An AIS affiliated conference Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- Dear CENTERIS / HCist / ProjMAN participant, Professor/Dr. , It is our great pleasure to invite you to HCist ? International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, an AIS Affiliated Conference, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site). ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From laura_c_anderson at Tue Feb 16 14:15:25 2016 From: laura_c_anderson at (Laura Challman Anderson) Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:15:25 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [Asis-l] Opportunity: 2016 Summer Internship at IBM Research - Almaden References: <> Message-ID: <> We are looking for talented students who are interested in applying for this competitive position to join our project for the summer. ?We are studying science teams through the lens of interaction and activity to better understand the pace and cadence of scientific projects. ?(More specifically, we've been using trace data in the forms of email, meeting transcripts, and wiki/team room artifacts to examine social interaction and conversational topics and themes for patterns over time.) Full posting: ? Description: ?The Accelerated Discovery Lab at IBM Research - Almaden has an opening for a Summer Intern. ?The focus of the research is the use of qualitative and quantitative data to gain insight into team interaction and project patterns to then proactively support individual and team work. ?We apply in-depth analysis of structured and unstructured digital trace data, information sharing, and work practices to explore the temporal and interactional evolution of research and discovery practices.?Candidates must possess in-depth problem solving skills with an ability to analyze work and business practices from both micro and macro perspectives, as well as the ability to identify and prototype new solutions. ?Preference will be given to those with experience researching and analyzing scientific communication, collaboration, and information sharing. ?Highly desirable skills include network analysis, basic programming, rapid prototyping, ethnographic methods, and experience with one or more aspects of data handling (curation, wrangling, mining, analysis, or visualization). ?One or more publications is expected from the internship work. Required:Programming: basic knowledgeStatistical analysis (e.g., ?using R, SPSS): 1 yearNetwork analysis (e.g., using Gephi): 1 yearLexical analysis (e.g., using Leximancer, System T): 1 yearAltmetrics (e.g., citation impact metrics, scientometrics): 6 monthsPreferred:?Python: applied knowledgeSocial phenomena analysis: applied Regards, Laura Laura Challman Anderson PhDTeam Science ResearcherAccelerated Discovery Lab, IBM Research - Almaden -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From niso-announce at Wed Feb 17 10:40:07 2016 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:40:07 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO Launches New Project to Develop Recommended Practice for Tracking Link Origins Message-ID: *Baltimore, MD - February 17, 2016 - *Members of the National Standards Organization (NISO) have approved a new project: the development of a Recommended Practice for Tracking Link Origins in a Networked Information Environment. As libraries strive to improve the ways in which users access their collections, gaining a definitive understanding of where a user began his or her library search before ultimately arriving at library-licensed content is an important factor for library staff in determining the value of a platform and how to allocate resources. Additionally, publishers may turn to web log analysis to track where users are coming from. In many access scenarios, the use of link resolvers-a crucial technology tool-may unintentionally obscure the original citation source. This new NISO initiative will create effective and scalable options to allow content hosts and individual libraries to determine original sources of links, and provide information on how to obtain and process more accurate statistics for this data. "The project will address a disconnect between academic institutions' mission to provide their students and faculty with convenient, secure, and private access to high-quality licensed resources and libraries' and vendors' needs to collect metadata about how those resources are being used," states Scott Bernier, Senior Vice President at EBSCO Information Services and one of the project proposers. "While statistics are generally available that depict the level of usage of content, this initiative will help provide a means for assessing how that usage occurs. By having an accurate, consistent view of the origin of each request for a piece of content, libraries will have more information on which to base decisions, and content providers will gain a greater sense of the resources that create visibility and usage of their content. These points of data will undoubtedly have an impact on the collective goals to enhance the value of library services overall." "Publishers, which supply metadata to various discovery and abstracting and indexing vendors in hopes of increasing discoverability and use of the content they create, will often use web log analysis to track where their users are coming from," adds Oliver Pesch, Chief Product Strategist at EBSCO Information Services and a project proposer. "However, where publishers use HTTP referrer analysis on incoming links to determine sites where users start their research, links sent from link resolvers will represent the domain of the link resolver and not the platform where the user originated the search. We hope that by focusing on the full pathway of the request from user to destination, including options for making use of DOI handle servers, this initiative will provide more accurate statistics describing the heterogeneous information environment that many patrons enjoy from their libraries." Participation in the NISO initiative is encouraged from libraries, publishers, discovery providers, providers of abstracting and indexing databases, content aggregators, link resolver vendors, and associated technology providers, such as administrators of DOI handle servers. Committee members should be drawn from the communities that will benefit from these new features and who have the skill set to produce a specification that is effective in using current approaches to web services. The full work item approved by NISO Voting Members is available on the NISO web site . Individuals interested in participating in this working group should contact Nettie Lagace, NISO Associate Director for Programs (nlagace at . *About NISO* NISO, based in Baltimore, Maryland, fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of information standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, visit the NISO website. For More Information, Contact: Nettie Lagace NISO Phone: 301-654-2512 Email Nettie Lagace -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ischoolumd at Wed Feb 17 11:31:44 2016 From: ischoolumd at (Ischool UMD) Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 11:31:44 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Online_Privacy_Literacy=E2=80=94An_Online_Shor?= =?utf-8?q?t_Course_Offered_by_Maryland=E2=80=99s_iSchool?= Message-ID: Have you ever thought about what you?re agreeing to when you click ?I Accept? on your social media accounts? Register now for *Online Privacy Literacy*?a fully online, 6-week short course! Offered through the Professional Education program at the University of Maryland?s iSchool, this short course will introduce participants to the fundamental issues of online privacy literacy. This non-credit course will cover privacy settings on social media, show what information apps can access when you install them, demonstrate how to find the most important elements buried in complex privacy policies, discuss encryption and online tracking, and show what's coming in the near future. The course is designed for the general public, but is specifically focused on librarians who want to offer privacy training and advice to patrons. After completing the short course, participants will receive 1.8 CEUs and a Certificate of Completion from the University of Maryland?s Office of Extended Studies. *About the instructor: *Dr. Jen Golbeck is a world leader in social media research and science communication. She began studying social media from the moment it emerged on the web a decade ago, and is one of the world?s foremost experts in the field. Her research has influenced industry, government, and the military. She is a pioneer in the field of social data analytics, discovering people?s hidden attributes from their online behavior, and a leader in creating human-friendly security and privacy systems. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland. *Short Course Details* - Dates: March 14, 2016?April 30, 2016 - Delivery: A fully online, asynchronous course that will utilize the University's Canvas learning management system. - Price and Refunds - $379.00 (payable by debit or credit only) - Refunds will only be given under extreme circumstances at the discretion of the Professional Education Committee *Registration Details* To register for this short course, visit ** . Registration will close March 11, 2016, and participation will be capped at 50 students. For more information, visit If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Donovan (donovant at, Coordinator of Professional Education at Maryland?s iSchool. *The Professional Education program at Maryland?s iSchool is committed to providing quality professional and continuing education opportunities to library and information professionals. These opportunities include short courses, webcasts, workshops, and other experiences, both in-person and virtually. For more information, visit .* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From plato.smith at Wed Feb 17 12:29:25 2016 From: plato.smith at (Smith, Plato) Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 17:29:25 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job opening: Bioinformationist Message-ID: <> POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries Bioinformationist The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida seeks a creative and service-oriented Bioinformationist to enhance the Health Science Center Library's (HSCL) existing bioinformatics support program, and to provide liaison services (consultations, instruction, outreach, and collection management) for selected basic sciences departments and graduate programs in the UF Academic Health Center(AHC). In this tenure-track faculty position, the Bioinformationist will expand and lead the HSCL's bioinformatics support efforts through the development and teaching of courses and workshops, and individual and group consultations. As a member of the Biomedical and Health Information Services (BHIS) team, the Bioinformationist provides information services in a variety of modes (in person, email, house calls), performs course-integrated instruction, and participates in the department's teaching program. The position is responsible for special projects as assigned, such as development of web-based resources, new service development and current service evaluation. The library encourages staff participation in decision-making and consequently, the Bioinformationist serves on various committees and teams. The Bioinformationist works collaboratively with members of BHIS, the Informatics Librarian, the Data Management Librarian, and clients, and will be responsive to campus bioinformatics support needs that arise. The Bioinformationist performs scholarly research and provides service at the institutional and professional levels as related to assignment, and in accordance with the library's tenure and promotion criteria. The search will remain open until March 21, 2016, and review of applications will begin on March 7, 2016. Submit all application materials through the Jobs at UF online application system at Incomplete applications will not be considered. If you have any questions or concerns about this process please contact Bonnie Smith, Smathers Libraries Human Resources Office, at bonniesmith at The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer and is strongly committed to the diversity of our faculty and staff. Applicants from a broad spectrum of people, including members of ethnic minorities and disabled persons, are especially encouraged to apply. __________________________________________________ Plato L. Smith II, Ph.D. Data Management Librarian Health Science Center Libraries, University of Florida Office 352-273-8399 | Cell 850-319-7924 | plato.smith at ORCiD: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nicole.purviance at Thu Feb 18 13:02:03 2016 From: nicole.purviance at (Nicole Purviance) Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:02:03 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] =?iso-8859-1?q?Let=27s_Talk_about_Privacy=3A_Register_To?= =?iso-8859-1?q?day_for_the_Free_Library_2=2E016_Online_Conference?= Message-ID: <33c901d16a76$79451230$6bcf3690$@SJSU.Edu> How do we strike a balance between our right to know, and what is known about us in regards to privacy? How are libraries responding to the increasing complexities of data tracking and desires for data-informed services and marketing? According to Jonathan Hern?ndez, associate researcher in the Library and Information Institute at National Autonomous University of Mexico, ?The library must remain as a neutral and diverse place in which our freedoms are protected.? The very important and timely topic of privacy is the focus of the Library 2.016 Worldwide Virtual Conference , co-founded by the School of Information at San Jose State University (SJSU). During the online event, scheduled for Wednesday, March 16, 2016, from 12 ? 3 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, you?ll hear from five exceptional keynote speakers: Hern?ndez; Jamie Larue, director of the American Library Association?s (ALA) Office of Intellectual Freedom; Deborah Caldwell-Stone, deputy director of the ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom; Alison Macrina, director of the Library Freedom Project; and Lee Rainie, director of Internet, science, and technology research at Pew Research Center. In addition, information professionals and encouraged to share their expertise and present at the conference. Presentation proposals are now being accepted. Presentations should be at least 15 minutes in length, and all sessions must be completed (including Q&A) within 25 minutes. Slots are limited, and may fill before the final March 11, 2016 deadline for proposals. The Library 2.016 online conference will take place via Blackboard Collaborate and is free to attend. Advanced registration is required. Everyone is invited to participate in this global conversation on privacy. Kindly forward this email to your colleagues and friends. The Library 2.0 Worldwide Virtual Conference series was co-founded in 2011 by the SJSU School of Information, and this year the school, in partnership with Steve Hargadon of Web 2.0 Labs, is planning three mini-conferences for the spring, summer and fall. Please visit the conference website for more information: About the SJSU School of Information The San Jose State University (SJSU) School of Information (iSchool) prepares individuals for careers as information professionals. Graduates work in diverse areas of the information profession, such as user experience design, digital asset management, information architecture, electronic records management, information governance, digital preservation, and librarianship. The SJSU School of Information is a recognized leader in online education and received the Online Learning Consortium?s Outstanding Online Program award . Find out more about the SJSU iSchool?s award-winning online educational programs at . Contact: Nicole Purviance Director of Marketing and Communications School of Information San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0029 nicole.purviance at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From birger at Sun Feb 21 15:31:35 2016 From: birger at (Birger Larsen) Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 20:31:35 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CLEF'16: 2nd Call for papers on Information Access, deadlines April 8 (long) April 15 (short) Message-ID: <> CLEF 2016: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Information Access Evaluation meets Multilinguality, Multimodality and Interaction 5-8 September 2016, ?vora - Portugal Submission Deadlines: - Friday April 8, 2016 (long papers), - Friday April 15 (short papers) CALL FOR PAPERS The CLEF Conference addresses all aspects of Information Access in any modality and language. The conference is teamed up with a series of workshops presenting the results of lab-based comparative evaluation. CLEF 2016 is the 7th year of the CLEF Conference and the 17th year of the CLEF initiative as a forum for IR Evaluation. The CLEF conference has a clear focus on experimental IR as done at the evaluation forums (CLEF Labs, TREC, NTCIR, FIRE, MediaEval, RomIP, SemEval, TAC, ...) with special attention to the challenges of multimodality, multilinguality, and interactive search. We invite submissions on significant new insights demonstrated on the resulting IR test collections, on analysis of IR test collections and evaluation measures, as well as on concrete proposals to push the boundaries of the Cranfield/TREC/CLEF paradigm. All submissions to the CLEF main conference will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance, and clarity. CLEF welcomes papers that describe rigorous hypothesis testing regardless of whether the results are positive or negative. Methods are expected to be written so that they are reproducible by others, and the logic of the research design is clearly described in the paper. The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). TOPICS Relevant topics for the CLEF 2016 Conference include but are not limited to: - Information Access in any language or modality: Information retrieval, image retrieval, question answering, search interfaces and design, infrastructures, etc. - Analytics for Information Retrieval: theoretical and practical results in the analytics field that are specifically targeted for information access data analysis. - Evaluation Initiatives: Conclusions, lessons learned, impact and projection of any evaluation initiative after completing their cycle. - Evaluation: methodologies, metrics, statistical and analytical tools, component based, user groups and use cases, ground-truth creation, impact of multilingual/multicultural/multimodal differences, etc. - Technology Transfer: Economic impact/sustainability of information access approaches, deployment and exploitation of systems, use cases, etc. - Interactive Information Retrieval Evaluation: the interactive evaluation of IR systems using user-centered methods, evaluation of novel search interfaces, novel interactive evaluation methods, simulation of interaction, etc. - Specific Application Domains: Information access and its evaluation in application domains such as cultural heritage, digital libraries, social media, expert search, health information, legal documents, patents, news, books, plants, etc. FORMAT Authors are invited to submit electronically original papers, which have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere, using the LNCS proceedings format: Two types of papers are solicited: - Long papers: 12 pages max. Aimed to report complete research works. - Short papers: 6 pages max. Position papers, new evaluation proposals, developments and applications, etc. Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. Selection will be based on originality, clarity, and technical quality. Papers should be submitted in PDF format to the following address: - DATES - Submission of Long Papers: April 8, 2016 - Submission of Short Papers: April 15, 2016 - Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2016 - Camera Ready Copy due: June 17, 2016 - Conference: September 5-8, 2016 ORGANIZATION Conference Chairs - Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany - Paulo Quaresma, University of ?vora, Portugal Program Chairs - Birger Larsen, University of Aalborg, Denmark - Teresa Gon?alves, University of ?vora, Portugal Lab Chairs - Craig Macdonald, University of Glasgow, UK - Krisztian Balog, Uinversity of Stavenger, Norway Proceedings Chairs - Linda Cappellato, University of Padua, Italy - Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ischoolumd at Fri Feb 19 15:44:07 2016 From: ischoolumd at (Ischool UMD) Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 15:44:07 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Deadline Approaching for the University of Maryland Certificate in Digital Curation! Message-ID: Are you ready to further your career with a one-year professional certificate? Applications for the Curation and Management of Digital Assets (CMDA) Certificate at Maryland?s iSchool are due on March 4, 2016! The CMDA certificate is a four-course, fully online post-master's certificate. It provides training in next-generation cloud computing technologies, tools, and resources to help professionals evaluate, select, and implement digital curation solutions. The curriculum is flexible enough to accommodate students working full or part time, and it is designed for professionals from a wide variety of information management backgrounds who have responsibilities for digital assets. For more information on the CMDA Certificate program and future information sessions, please visit Don?t miss out on this valuable opportunity! Visit to complete your application today! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kalev.leetaru5 at Sun Feb 21 15:44:46 2016 From: kalev.leetaru5 at (kalev leetaru) Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 15:44:46 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] deep learning global news imagery annotations dataset Message-ID: Apologies for cross posting. Given the tremendous interest we've been receiving about our work applying Google's Cloud Vision API deep learning algorithms to an ever-growing fraction of global news imagery over the last two months, we've decided to box up the computed tags for all 14.6 million images that we've processed to date (of which the most recent 3.9 million include the raw JSON output of the Cloud Vision API that adds a wealth of additional characteristics about each image including facial landmarks and the color profile of the image) and make them available as a single download file totaling 7.1GB compressed / 31GB uncompressed. This dataset does not contain the images themselves, only the output of Google's deep learning algorithms applied to each image and the URL of the image and the URL of the article the image was found in. All of the Cloud Vision API features ( are requested for each image, including object/activity descriptive labels, logo detection, content-based georeferencing, face detection/landmarks and facial sentiment, SafeSearch, and OCR text recognition (the most recent 3.9 million images pass language hints to the OCR engine for maximal accuracy - we've even seen some handwriting recognized to date). This is a snapshot dataset containing all metadata for images processed through noon EST today, though the GDELT Visual Global Knowledge Graph is a live feed and updates every 15 minutes, allowing you to access the same data for global news imagery on an ongoing basis every 15 minutes going forward. The full snapshot dataset is available below: The live feed this dataset was snapshotted from, which updates every 15 minutes, is available: Remember that you can combine this with the main Global Knowledge Graph feed to study patterns in images versus the text of the articles containing them: Email me directly if you have any questions! ~Kalev -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Perla.Innocenti at Mon Feb 22 08:09:00 2016 From: Perla.Innocenti at (Perla Innocenti) Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 13:09:00 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Fully-funded_PhD=3A_Migrants=E2=80=99_heritage?= =?utf-8?q?_and_its_management_in_local_cultural_institutions_=28deadline_?= =?utf-8?q?18_March_2016=29?= Message-ID: Fully-funded PhD: Migrants? heritage and its management in local cultural institutions (deadline 18 March 2016) This interdisciplinary project will explore how local cultural institutions (museums, libraries, and archives) can better prepare themselves to embed and manage migrants' cultural heritage in the digital age. Migrating heritage is a feature of our globalised world, characterized by emerging challenges of social inclusion and new roles for cultural institutions (Innocenti, 2015). Communication and information technologies are changing the dynamics and scope of memory construction, display and understanding in a networked society (Castells, 2010). In this context a number of issues associated with cultural heritage information systems and services are yet to be adequately addressed, for example in relation to content organization and access, users outreach and sustainability (Ruthven and Chowdhury 2015). This opens the possibility for local cultural institutions to gain a greater understanding of migrants? individual and community needs in relation to their services, address shortfalls in collections, and contribute to cultural citizenship (Delanty 2007). Project objectives includes: * Exploring novel methods and tools to embed, manage, access and re?use migrant?s tangible and intangible heritage in local cultural institutions collections and services; * Investigating information seeking behaviours, perceptions and attitudes of migrants and minority groups in relation to local cultural institutions; * Enhancing current social inclusion practices in local cultural institutions. The PGR student will work with local institutions so that impact measures can be developed. The PGR student will join the vibrant research environment of the iSchool at University of Northumbria, Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences, ( ), part of the iSchools organization worldwide ( dedicated to advancing the information field. Northumbria iSchool explores innovative ways and contexts in which digital information is used, created, managed, preserved. The PGR student will also have access to the new cutting-edge iLab for Web and mobile usability studies, data analytics, and internet of things. Funding Notes The studentship includes a full stipend, paid for three years at RCUK rates (in 2016/17 this is ?14,296 pa) and fees (Home/EU ?4,350 / International ?13,000). Eligibility and How to Apply Please note eligibility requirement: ? academic excellence i.e. 2:1 (or equivalent GPA from non-UK universities [preference for 1st class honours]); or a Masters with distinction. ? Appropriate IELTS score, if required. For further details of how to apply, entry requirements and the application form, see Please ensure you quote the advert reference RDF16/MIS/INNOCENTI on your application form. For a full text of some of the references listed in this advert: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Perla Innocenti Senior Lecturer in Information Science Department of Mathematics & Information Sciences Northumbria University Room 020, Pandon Building Camden Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1XE, UK E: perla.innocenti at T: +44 (0)191 349 5933 W: From alisa.libby at Thu Feb 25 15:50:37 2016 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:50:37 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Simmons SLIS Discusses the Future of American Public Libraries Message-ID: Simmons SLIS thanks Dr. Wayne Wiegand, the SLIS 2016 Allen Smith Visiting Scholar, for bringing the future of the American Public Library to SLIS. Wiegand presented ?Thinking Differently About Libraries: Part of Our Lives as a Test Case,? which included research for his book, *Part of Our Lives: A People's History of the American Public Library* to show major functions of public libraries that have been overlooked and undervalued, for centuries, for their contributions to the daily lives of public library users. In addition to informal discussions with SLIS students, Wiegand participated in a panel discussion, ?Reading/Place/Makerspace: The Future of the American Public Library? with Amy Ryan, Chair of the Digital Public Library of America and former director of the Boston Public Library, and Jeffrey Schnapp, Director of metaLAB at Harvard and author of *The Library Beyond the Book*. In a conversation moderated by SLIS professor Melanie Kimball, the three panelists discussed the present and future role of American public libraries as physical space, information repository and beloved-yet-threatened community institution. Wiegand visited SLIS from February 22-25, 2016, as part of the Allen Smith Visiting Scholars Program, established in 2009 by Allen Smith?s family to honor the memory of this illustrious teacher and scholar. Allen Smith Visiting Scholars are distinguished practitioners, educators, or researchers renowned for their work in reference, oral history, or the study of librarianship and information service in the humanities. An interview with Dr. Wiegand will be posted to the SLIS News page within the coming weeks. In the meantime, check out the conversation on Twitter via Storify . -- *Follow SLIS on tumblr and twitter !* Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Author, *The King's Rose* and *The Blood Confession* Buy the Kindle edition of *The Blood Confession* ! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From chriskhoo at Thu Feb 25 00:33:20 2016 From: chriskhoo at (Khoo Soo Guan, Christopher (Assoc Prof)) Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:33:20 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP -- "Ontology Development and Application: Issues and Lessons Learnt" -- for special issue of LIBRES e-journal Message-ID: <> CALL-FOR-PAPERS for a special issue of LIBRES e-journal ( TOPIC: Ontology Development and Application: Issues and Lessons Learnt Recent technological developments have enabled ready access to more information and data than can be comprehended and managed effectively. Ontology is an important knowledge organization tool and has a crucial role to play in capturing, organizing, representing and assigning meaning to information, data and knowledge. However, even after three decades of research, ontology development remains within the realm of research and has not entered the daily professional activity of librarians and information professionals. Ontology promises to enable intelligent Web applications, but such intelligent applications do not seem to have invaded the public and business domains. Many papers on ontology are merely descriptive - describing an ontology, ontology construction process, or a prototype application; there has been insufficient effort to draw out lessons and derive fundamental principles. This special issue of LIBRES seeks to identify such lessons and principles related to ontology development and application, and to suggest a direction for ontology research in the field of Information Studies. Papers that focus on issues and challenges in building large-scale ontologies, representing complex semantic constructs in languages like OWL, merging ontologies as well as successful designs for systems and experiments in the use of ontologies in knowledge management, information retrieval and knowledge discovery are sought. The special issue will also seek to bridge the gap between perceptions of the LIS community and ontology engineers to suggest a way forward. Critical papers on ontology editors - both commercial and open source software - will also be considered for publication. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Deadlines: - Submission of title & abstract for preliminary review: May 15, 2016 - Submission of full paper for review: June 30, 2016 Please email submissions to the guest editors listed below, with the header "LIBRES special issue on Ontology Development & Application". Author guidelines can be found at: LIBRES is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, published by Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information. It was previously published by Curtin University (Australia), Department of Information Studies. LIBRES is indexed by ISA, LISA, EBSCO, Scopus and Cabells. Guest editors for the special issue of LIBRES: Dr. Kavi Mahesh (mailto:drkavimahesh at Dr K. S. Raghavan (mailto: ksragav at Centre for Knowledge Analytics & Ontological Engineering (KAnOE), PES University, Bangalore, India ________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named and may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its contents. Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you. From dirk.lewandowski at Thu Feb 25 11:41:18 2016 From: dirk.lewandowski at (Dirk Lewandowski) Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:41:18 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] SAUCE: 1st International Workshop on System And User Centered Evaluation Approaches in Interactive Information Retrieval Message-ID: The 1st International Workshop on System And User Centered Evaluation Approaches in Interactive Information Retrieval, co-located with 1st ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2006), will be held 17 March 2016, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. We have a terrific line up of keynote speakers, position papers, and panelists participating in the workshop. Our two keynotes are Eric Wiebe, Department of STEM Education, North Caroline State University, who will speak on "Goals and Engagement: Learners in Information Environments"; and Ioannis Arapakis, Eurecat (Barcelona), whose talk is entitled "User Behaviour Modelling - Online and Offline Methods, Metrics, and Challenges." The day will conclude with an expert panel with Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA, Jacek Gwizdka, University of Texas at Austin, USA, and Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Please see the website for full program and keynote talk details: -- Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski Hochschule f?r Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences) Fakult?t Design Medien Information Department Information Finkenau 35 D - 22081 Hamburg Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 40-42875 3621 Fax: + 49 (0) 3222-1445 301 Skype: dirk.lewandowski Twitter: @Dirk_Lew ********* Editor, Aslib Journal of Information Management (previously: ASLIB Proceedings) ********* Neue B?cher: Barrierefreie Informationssystme Suchmaschinen verstehen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ischoolumd at Wed Feb 24 16:59:25 2016 From: ischoolumd at (Ischool UMD) Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:59:25 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] UMD's iSchool to Offer Undergraduate Program Beginning Fall 2016 Message-ID: *?UMD?s School of Information Studies (iSchool) Announces Its Inaugural Undergraduate Program* *Bachelor of Science program available Fall 2016* *College Park, Md.* ? The College of Information Studies, Maryland?s iSchool, announces a new Bachelor of Science in Information Science (BSIS) degree. Building on the iSchool?s tradition of preparing high-impact information professionals, the BSIS degree will fill a growing demand for students skilled at working with information in a variety of fields including government, healthcare, education, technology, and policy. Dean Brian Butler described the new program as integral to the iSchool?s continued efforts: ?This is our entry into undergraduate education, which is central to the mission of the University and an important part of its contribution to the state of Maryland. We are excited to join this worthwhile endeavor.? The undergraduate program joins the three existing graduate degree programs in Human Computer Interaction, Information Management, and Library Science, as well as the PhD in Information Studies. The BSIS degree will build upon the strengths of these existing programs, bringing additional accolade to the iSchool in the wake of its recent *U.S. News & World Report* ranking as a top-ten information school in the country among all public universities. Dean Butler continues, ?Information science is an interdisciplinary field, drawing from other areas of study such as computer science, management, education and the humanities, but with a focus on individual and institutional users of information and their information needs. This degree provides an opportunity for students to develop a unique combination of skills in information management, technology, and user-centered design that prepares students for careers in a wide variety of industries and public sector jobs, ranging from financial services to libraries and museums. This program also provides the basis for increased collaboration with other departments around campus.? Students from a wide range of backgrounds will find the new program relevant and useful in building and launching their professional careers. A full suite of courses will be offered beginning Fall 2016, drawing from the iSchool?s strengths in strength in human-computer interaction, digital libraries, cloud computing, information access, e-government and social media. For more information about the upcoming BSIS curriculum, see *Contact*: Johnna Percell 301-405-1260 Graham Binder 301-405-4076 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: logo.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 27249 bytes Desc: not available URL: From jmartin at Tue Feb 23 13:28:38 2016 From: jmartin at (Julie Martin) Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 18:28:38 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Grant Reminder from NEDCC: NEH Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Grants Message-ID: <0FDFE2805DFBE2488C179AF8947DCEF994B34309@NEDCC-Ex2010.NEDCC.local> GRANT REMINDER FROM NEDCC ************************** National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Grants (HCRR) DEADLINE: July 19, 2016 NEH HCRR grants strengthen efforts to extend the life of collections materials and make their intellectual content widely accessible. HCRR offers two kinds of awards: 1) Implementation (up to $350,000) 2) Planning, assessment, and pilot efforts (HCRR Foundations grants - up to $40,000) Applicants may request support for implementing preservation measures, such as arrangement and description; cataloging; digitization; preserving and improving access to born-digital sources; rehousing; and conservation treatment for collections, leading to enhanced access. Eligible collections materials include: books and manuscripts, photographs, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, art and material culture, digital objects, and AV collections. LEARN MORE: *********************************************** NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER - JOIN the NEDCC E-List for grant reminders, updates on the Center's educational programs, and other preservation news: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From niso-announce at Thu Feb 25 16:37:13 2016 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:37:13 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO Releases Draft Recommended Practice on Altmetrics Data Quality for Public Comment Message-ID: Baltimore, MD - February 25, 2016 - The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) seeks comments on the draft Altmetrics Data Quality Code of Conduct, NISO RP-25-201X-3, one output of a multi-pronged, multi-phase project that aims to build trust in and adoption of new methods of assessing impact. Further draft outputs from two other working groups, addressing altmetrics definitions, use cases, specific output types, and use of persistent identifiers, are expected to be released for public comment in the coming weeks. Altmetrics are increasingly being used and discussed as an expansion of the tools available for measuring the impact of research in the knowledge environment. The NISO Alternative Assessment Metrics (Altmetrics) Initiative was begun in July 2013 with funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to address several areas of limitations and gaps that hinder the broader adoption of altmetrics. This document is one output from this initiative's Phase 2, and is intended to help organizations that wish to use altmetrics to ensure the consistent generation and aggregation of altmetric data across the community. This Altmetrics Data Quality Working Group studied and discussed issues of data quality in the altmetrics realm, an essential aspect of heterogeneous data before metrics can be used for research and practical purposes. "The Code of Conduct aims to improve the quality of altmetric data by increasing the transparency of data provision and aggregation as well as ensuring replicability and accuracy of online events used to generate altmetrics," explains Stefanie Haustein, post-doctoral researcher at the Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of Scholarly Communication, Universit? de Montr?al, and co-chair of Working Group C (Data Quality), the group that developed these recommendations. "The recommendations themselves are rather brief in length," comments Greg Tananbaum, Consultant at SPARC and co-chair of Working Group C (Data Quality). "However, appendixes to the document include a standard form of report that data providers and aggregators can use to publicly detail their adherence to the recommendations, and several sample reports that are intended to help an entity understand how they might demonstrate their approach to transparency, as recommended by the Code of Conduct." "NISO is soliciting feedback on this draft Recommended Practice from any organization that creates, uses, or is affected by altmetric data," states Nettie Lagace, NISO Associate Director for Programs. "This feedback will be used to make any revisions to the document before final publication of all recommendations from the Altmetrics Initiative later this spring. We also plan to make additional documents from other working groups participating in this initiative available for public comment and invite additional parties to keep in touch for these announcements." The draft Code of Conduct Recommended Practice is open for public comments through March 31, 2016. To download the draft or submit online comments, visit the NISO Altmetrics Initiative webpage at *About NISO* NISO, based in Baltimore, Maryland, fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of information standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, visit the NISO website. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pr-aksw at Wed Feb 24 08:02:20 2016 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:02:20 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Sep 12-15, Call for Scientific Workshops Message-ID: <> ?Call for Scientific Workshops SEMANTiCS 2016 - The Linked Data Conference Transfer // Engineering // Community 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems Leipzig, Germany September 12 - 15, 2016 Important Dates (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: April 3, 2016 * Workshop Proposal Notification of Acceptance: April 10, 2016 * Workshop Website/Call for Papers Online: April 15, 2016 * Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: June 9, 2016 * Workshop Paper Camera-Ready Deadline: July 26, 2016 * SEMANTiCS 2016 Workshop Day: September 12, 2016 Submissions via Easychair: See also the Call for Industry & Transfer Tutorials and Workshops: #SEMANTiCS 2016 Scientific Workshops Scope & Goals SEMANTiCS 2016 scientific workshops provide a forum for groups of researchers and practitioners to discuss topics in semantic web research and industrial applications. They provide opportunities for researchers and practitioners to exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas before these ideas have matured to warrant conference or journal publication. SEMANTiCS 2016 scientific workshops also serve as incubators for scientific communities that form and share a particular research agenda. The workshops may be either half or full day long and will be held on the day before the main SEMANTiCS 2016 conference (September 12th, 2016). Participation in SEMANTiCS 2016 scientific workshops is typically free. The workshops can produce workshop proceedings to be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( The best accepted workshop papers will be considered for publication in the SEMANTiCS 2016 conference proceedings, furthermore, a selection of workshop papers will be invited to present a poster at the SEMANTiCS 2016 conference. #Scientific Workshop Proposal Submissions Submissions via Easychair: Workshop proposals must include the following information (please be brief and concise, max. 5 pages): * full contact information of all organizers of the workshop and main contact person * desired length of the workshop (i.e., half or full day) * outline of the themes and goals of the workshop, including a brief abstract (less than 200 words) intended for the SEMANTiCS 2016 website * concise motivation of the workshop's relevance to the field of semantic web * participant solicitation and selection process * desired minimum and maximum number of workshop participants, expected number of participants, and (in case of previously held workshops) number of registered attendees and web site for previous editions of the workshop * structure of the workshop and plans for generating and stimulating discussion * any equipment, room capacity, or other logistic constraints * a brief description of each organizer's background, including relevant past experience in organizing conferences and workshops * if applicable, a draft version of the call for papers #Review and Evaluation Criteria Scientific workshop proposals will be reviewed by the SEMANTiCS 2016 Workshop Chairs, as well as by the SEMANTiCS 2016 organizing committee, according to the following criteria: * The potential to advance the state of semantic web research and practice * The organizers' commitment to stimulate discussion at the workshop * The organizers' experience and ability to lead a successful workshop timeliness and expected interest in the workshop topics * The balance and synergy between all SEMANTiCS 2016 events The following ?horizontals? (topics) and ?verticals? (industries) are of interest: Horizontals * Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration * Corporate Knowledge Graphs * Semantics on the Web & * Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies * Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search * Smart Connectivity & Interlinking * Data Quality Management * Big Data & Text Analytics * Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization * Semantic Information Management * Document Management & Content Management * Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management * Language Technologies * Data Science (Data Mining, Machine Learning, Network Analytics) * Economics of data, data services and data ecosystems * Community, Social & Societal Aspects Verticals * Industry & Engineering * Life Sciences & Health Care * Public Administration * Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) * Education & eLearning * Media & Data Journalism * Publishing, Marketing & Advertising * Tourism & Recreation * Financial & Insurance Industry * Telecommunication & Mobile Services * Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids * Transport, Environment & Geospatial * Agriculture & Farming In case you have additional questions concerning the submission process, please do not hesitate to contact us at semantics2016workshopchairs at We are looking forward to your contribution! Workshop & Tutorial Chair: Thomas Moser (St. P?lten University of Applied Sciences) Deputy Workshop & Tutorial Chair: Kay M?ller (AKSW/KILT, Leipzig University) #About SEMANTiCS The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for researchers and professionals who push the boundaries of semantic computing and who understand its benefits and encounter its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts professionals and researchers alike ranging from NPOs, through public administrations to the largest companies in the world. SEMANTiCS workshop attendees learn from industry experts and top researchers about emerging trends and hot topics in the fields of semantic software, enterprise data, linked data & open data strategies, methodologies in knowledge modelling and text & data analytics. Since the SEMANTiCS community is highly diverse, both workshops participants and organisers will benefit from the experience. The success of last year?s conference in Vienna with more than 280 attendees from 22 countries proves that SEMANTiCS 2016 will continue a long tradition of bringing together colleagues from around the world. There will be presentations on industry implementations, use case prototypes, best practices, panels, papers and posters to discuss semantic systems in birds-of-a-feather sessions as well as informal settings. SEMANTiCS addresses problems common among information managers, software engineers, IT-architects and various specialist departments working to develop, implement and/or evaluate semantic software systems. The SEMANTiCS program is a rich mix of technical talks, panel discussions of important topics and presentations by people who make things work - just like you. In addition, attendees can network with experts in a variety of fields. These relationships provide great value to organisations as they encounter subtle technical issues in any stage of implementation. The expertise gained by SEMANTiCS attendees has a long-term impact on their careers and organisations. These factors make SEMANTiCS the major industry related event across Europe for our community. From rdubnic2 at Thu Feb 25 14:26:29 2016 From: rdubnic2 at (Dubnicek, Ryan C) Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:26:29 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Mellon awards $1,170,000 to HTRC for "WCSA+DC" project Message-ID: For full article: The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) is excited to announce a newly-funded research project. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois) has been awarded a two-year, $1,170,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the ?Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis + Data Capsules: Laying the Foundation for Secure Copyrighted Data in the HathiTrust Research Center, Phase I (WCSA+DC),? project. WCSA+DC will see an overhaul and rebuild of the HTRC Workset Builder and improvement and scale-up of the HTRC Data Capsule. Both systems will also be extended to allow computational access to the in-copyright portion of the HathiTrust Digital Library. HTRC Co-Directors J. Stephen Downie, (Illinois) and Beth Plale, (Indiana University Bloomington), along with Timothy Cole (Illinois) will be leading the efforts as principal investigators. Ted Underwood (Illinois), Kevin Page (Oxford e-Research Centre), James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University) and Annika Hinze (University of Waikato) will also be participating as project partners. In addition to working on overhaul and improvement of Workset Builder and Data Capsule, partners will also be working with the PIs on metadata improvement, construction, vetting and integration of computational tools and pilot use cases. HTRC is a collaboration between the University of Illinois and Indiana University, with a primary goal of allowing research access to the HathiTrust corpus while still respecting copyright limitations. For more about HTRC: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From richard.chbeir at Thu Feb 25 01:03:41 2016 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 07:03:41 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: ACM MEDES 2016 (Biarritz, France) Message-ID: * Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * The 8th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'16) In-Cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 November 1-4, 2016 Biarritz, France Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rapid growth and exponential use of digital components leads to the emergence of intelligent environments namely "digital ecosystems" connected to the web and composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. With the help of the computational intelligence, these digital ecosystems can exhibit new self-* properties (such as self-management, self-healing and self-configuration) environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying web-based resources mainly comprehend big data management, innovative services, smart and self-* properties platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative, intelligent and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as big data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES),previously named "The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems", aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. MEDES 2016 calls for full papers presenting interesting recent results or novel ideas in all areas of Emergent Digital EcoSystems. At the same time, the conference calls for short papers presenting interesting and exciting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready, and preferably include a system demonstration. Topics ------- MEDES 2016 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure - Data & Knowledge Management - Computational and Collective Intelligence - Semantic Computing - Big Data - Services - Trust, Security & Privacy - Software Engineering - Internet of Things and Intelligent Web - Cyber Physical Systems - Systems of Systems - Social and Collaborative Platforms - Human-Computer Interaction - Open Source - Applications (Logistics, Energy, Healthcare, Environment, Smart Cities, Digital Humanities, Robotics, etc.) - Complex Systems and Networks Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: May 20th, 2016 - Notification of Acceptance: July 25th, 2016 - Camera Ready: August 25th, 2016 - Paper Registration: August 25th, 2016 - Conference Dates: 1-4 November 2016 Advisory Chairs ---------------- Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy Conference Chairs ---------------- Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France Youakim Badr, INSA de Lyon, France Program Chairs ---------------- Ismail Biskri, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Trois-Rivi?res, Canada Rajeev Agrawal, North Carolina A&T State University, USA International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From tibbo at Tue Feb 23 13:00:53 2016 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 18:00:53 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Announcing the Coursera Data Management and Sharing MOOC - Opening March 1st Message-ID: <> Please excuse cross-postings. The School of Information and Library Science and the Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and the MANTRA team at the University of Edinburgh are pleased to announce the forthcoming Coursera MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), Research Data Management and Sharing. This is a collaboration of the UNC-CH CRADLE team (Curating Research Assets and Data Using Lifecycle Education) and MANTRA. CRADLE has been funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services to develop training for both researchers and library professionals. MANTRA was designed as a prime resource for postgraduate training in research data management skills and is used by learners worldwide. The MOOC uses the Coursera on-demand format to provide short, video-based lessons and assessments across a five-week period, but learners can proceed at their own pace. Although no formal credit is assigned for the MOOC, Statements of Accomplishment will be available to any learner who completes a course for a small fee. The Research Data Management and Sharing MOOC will launch 1st March, 2016. Subjects covered in the 5-week course follow the stages of any research project. They are: * Understanding Research Data * Data Management Planning * Working with Data * Sharing Data * Archiving Data Dr. Helen Tibbo from the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill delivers four of the five sets of lessons, and Sarah Jones, Digital Curation Centre, delivers the University of Edinburgh-developed content in Week 3, Working with Data. Quizzes and supplementary videos add to the learning experience, and assignments are peer reviewed by fellow learners, with questions and answers handled by peers and team teachers in the forum. Staff from both organizations will monitor the learning forums and the peer-reviewed assignments to make sure learners are on the right track, and to watch for adjustments needed in course content. The course is open to enrolment now, and will 'go live' on 1st March. Hashtag: #RDMSmooc A preview of one of the supplementary videos is now available on Youtube: Please join us in this data adventure. -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor President, 2010-2011 & Fellow, Society of American Archivists School of Information and Library Science 201 Manning Hall, CB#3360 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 919-962-8063 Fax: 919-962-8071 tibbo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mcunha at Sat Feb 27 05:37:52 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2016 02:37:52 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2016 * HCist 2016 * ProjMAN 2016 *** call for papers Message-ID: <> --- CENTERIS 216 International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems~ --- HCist 2016 Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies --- ProjMAN 2016 International Conference Project MANagement --- --- AIS affiliated conferences --- Porto, Portugal --- October 5-7, 2016 --- --- Important dates Submission deadline: April 4, 2016 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 22, 2016 Final Submission due date: June 11, 2016 --- --- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). --- --- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From mcunha at Sun Feb 28 19:43:28 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 16:43:28 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for papers | Workshops to be held in CENTERIS, ProjMAN, HCist 2016 | Submission deadline April 4 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS ---------- ---------- Workshops to be held in: - CENTERIS 2016 -? International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems - ProjMAN 2016 - International Conference on Project MANagement - HCist 2016 - Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies ---------- Porto, Portugal October 5-7, 2016 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 4, 2016 ---------- AIS affiliated conferences ---------- ---------- It is our great pleasure to invite you to consider submitting your work to the CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist 2016 workshops, to be held in Porto, Portugal, next October 5-7. ---------- ---------- Workshops IWoSMSO - International Workshop on Systems Modeling, Simulation and Optimization ---------- UCMAD2016 - Usefulness and Creativity in Mobile Application Development ---------- ACAI - Applied Computational and Artificial Intelligence ---------- TQLDM - Trends in promoting quality of life through digital media ---------- IERP - Intelligent ERP systems and networks ---------- SARWatch - Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry ---------- MCDM&EIS - International Workshop on Multicriteria Decision Making & Applications in Enterprise Information Systems ---------- Industry-Academia - Industry-Academia Projects and Partnerships ---------- HSP - Healthy and Secure People ---------- IoT - Improving the Quality of Human Life - Applications Showcase ---------- CKRR - Clinical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conferences webpage until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the respective webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit the workshops webpage. ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From mcunha at Sun Feb 28 19:52:17 2016 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 16:52:17 -0800 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for papers Message-ID: <> It is our great pleasure to invite you to consider submitting your work to the CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist 2016 workshops, which will be held in Porto, one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal and Europe (Porto's historical centre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site) next October 5-7. ---------- ---------- Workshops IWoSMSO - International Workshop on Systems Modeling, Simulation and Optimization ---------- UCMAD2016 - Usefulness and Creativity in Mobile Application Development ---------- ACAI - Applied Computational and Artificial Intelligence ---------- TQLDM - Trends in promoting quality of life through digital media ---------- IERP - Intelligent ERP systems and networks ---------- SARWatch - Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry ---------- MCDM&EIS - International Workshop on Multicriteria Decision Making & Applications in Enterprise Information Systems ---------- Industry-Academia - Industry-Academia Projects and Partnerships ---------- HSP - Healthy and Secure People ---------- IoT - Improving the Quality of Human Life - Applications Showcase ---------- CKRR - Clinical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ---------- ---------- Workshops to be held in: CENTERIS 2016 -? International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems ProjMAN 2016 - International Conference on Project MANagement HCist 2016 - Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 4, 2016 ---------- AIS affiliated conferences ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conferences webpage until April 4, 2016. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the respective webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All papers accepted as full or short papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science volume (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Poster papers and industry papers will be published in a conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit the workshops webpage. ---------- ---------- Venue Porto is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe and benefits from a privileged geographic location, complemented by a modern transport and communications network. The richness of its monumental and artistic heritage, Port Wine, numerous leisure facilities and its cultural attractions invite you to visit this contemporary and inspired city well-known for its hospitality. Learn more Promotional webpages about Porto and the North of Portugal provided by the ?Porto and the North of Portugal Promotion Bureau?. Oportonity City / Porto / Norte Portugal Porto - European Best Destination 2014 From liadh.kelly at Fri Feb 26 09:04:42 2016 From: liadh.kelly at (Liadh Kelly) Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 14:04:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation: CLEF Living Labs for IR Evaluation Lab (LL4IR) Message-ID: ? ================================================================================ The Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation (LL4IR) CLEF Lab Product Search Task & New Ideas Track September, 2016, ?vora, Portugal Register at: ================================================================================ Product Search Task: This task provides a benchmarking platform for researchers to evaluate their product search ranking systems in a live setting (the REGIO J?T?K online toy store) with real users in their natural task environments. The lab acts as a proxy between commercial organizations (live environments) and lab participants (experimental systems). New Ideas Track: This year?s lab also invites submissions of position statements (max. 2 pages) describing new use-case and design ideas related to living labs. These ideas can be speculative, opening up new challenges in the space or more concrete task proposals for future editions of the CLEF Living Labs series which the authors would like to run. Accepted submissions will be presented and discussed at the LL4IR workshop at CLEF'16 and will be published in the CEUR-WS Lab proceedings. ----------------------- Current Important dates ----------------------- 22 Apr, 2016 CLEF lab registration closes Lab Task: 15 Mar, 2016 Training period begins 14 Apr, 2016 Training period ends 15 Apr, 2016 Testing period begins 30 Apr, 2016 Testing period ends 15 May, 2016 Additional Testing period begins 25 May, 2016 CLEF Working notes papers due 17 Jun, 2016 Notification of paper acceptance New Ideas Track: 25 May, 2016 New Ideas Track paper submission deadline 17 Jun, 2016 Notification of paper acceptance ------------------- Further Information ------------------- Further information is available on the lab website (, on the mailing list (!forum/living-labs) or by emailing the lab organisers. -------------- Lab Organisers -------------- Krisztian Balog ? University of Stavanger, Norway (krisztian.balog (at) Liadh Kelly ? Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (liadh.kelly (at) Anne Schuth ? University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (anne.schuth (at) ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dwolfram at Sat Feb 27 15:30:03 2016 From: dwolfram at (Dietmar Wolfram) Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2016 20:30:03 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Joint workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced IR and NLP for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL) @JCDL2016 In-Reply-To: References: , , Message-ID: (Please excuse and cross-postings) == Call for Papers == You are invited to participate in the upcoming Joint workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced IR and NLP for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL), to be held as part of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2016 (JCDL 2016) in Newark, New Jersey, USA. We are happy to announce that the past BIR and NLPIR4DL organizers are proposing this workshop at JCDL together. In conjunction with the workshop, we will hold the 2nd CL-SciSumm Shared Task in Scientific Document Summarization. Reports from the shared task systems will be featured as part of a session at the workshop. === Important Dates === - Submissions: 15 April 2016 - Notification: 06 May 2016 - Camera Ready Contributions: 03 June 2016 - Workshop: 23 June 2016 in Newark, New Jersey, USA === Aim of the Workshop === Current digital libraries collect and allow access to digital papers and their metadata (including citations), but mostly do not analyze the items they index. The large scale of scholarly publications poses a challenge for scholars in their search for relevant literature. Searchers of digital libraries, citation indices and journal databases are inundated with thousands of results. The community needs to develop techniques to better support both basic as well as higher-order information seeking and scholarly sensemaking activities. The BIRNDL 2016 workshop is a joint scientific event gathering scholars from the BIR (Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval) and the NLPIR4DL (Text and citation analysis for scholarly digital libraries) communities. The scope of BIRNDL is on scholarly publications and data - the explosion in the production of scientific literature and the growth of scientific enterprise; its consistent exponential growth approaches an empirical law. The workshop will investigate how natural language processing, information retrieval, scientometric and recommendation techniques can advance the state-of-the-art in scholarly document understanding, analysis and retrieval at scale. Researchers are in need of assistive technologies to track developments in an area, identify the approaches used to solve a research problem over time and summarize research trends. Digital libraries require semantic search, question-answering and automated recommendation and reviewing systems to manage and retrieve answers from scholarly databases. Full document text analysis can help to design semantic search, translation and summarization systems; citation and social network analyses can help digital libraries to visualize scientific trends, bibliometrics and relationships and influences of works and authors. All these approaches can be supplemented with the metadata supplied by digital libraries, inclusive of usage data, such as download counts. This workshop will be relevant to scholars in the cross-disciplinary field of Computer Science and Digital Libraries, in particular in the research areas of Natural Language Processing and in Information Retrieval; it will also be important for all stakeholders in the publication pipeline: implementers, publishers and policymakers. Even when only considering the scholarly sites within Computer Science, we find that the field is well-represented - ACM Portal, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, PSU's CiteSeerX, MSR's Academic Search, Elsevier?s Mendeley, Tsinghua's ArnetMiner, Trier's DBLP, Hiroshima's PRESRI; with this workshop we hope to bring a number of these contributors together. Today's publishers continue to seek new ways to be relevant to their consumers, in disseminating the right published works to their audience. The fact that formal citation metrics have become an increasingly large factor in decision-making by universities and funding bodies worldwide makes the need for research in such topics and for better methods for measuring the impact of work more pressing. This workshop is also informed by an ongoing COST Action TD1210 KnowEscape. === Workshop Topics === To support the previously described goals the workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following: - Information retrieval (IR) for digital libraries and scientific information portals - IR for scholarly text, e.g. citation-based IR - IR for scientific domains, e.g. social sciences, life sciences etc. - Information Seeking Behaviour - Navigation, searching and browsing in scholarly DLs; Niche search in scholarly DLs; New information access methods for scientific papers - Query expansion and relevance feedback approaches - Question-answering for scholarly DLs - Recommendations based on explicit and implicit user feedback - Recommendation for scholarly papers, reviewers, citations and publication venues - (Social) Book Search - Summarisation of scientific articles; Automatic creation of reviews and automatic qualitative assessment of submissions; - Bibliometrics, citation analysis and network analysis for IR; Citation function/motivation analysis; Novel bibliographic metrics; Topical modeling analysis - Knowledge discovery and analysis of the ancestry of ideas - Metadata and controlled vocabularies for resource description and discovery; Automatic metadata discovery, such as language identification - Translation, multilingual and multimedia analysis and alignment of scholarly works - Analyses of writing style in scholarly publications - Science Modelling (both formal and empirical) - Task based user modelling, interaction, and personalisation - (Long-term) Evaluation methods and test collection design - Collaborative information handling and information sharing - Disambiguation issues in scholarly DLs using NLP or IR techniques; Data cleaning and data quality - Classification, categorisation and clustering approaches - Information extraction (including topic detection, entity and relation extraction) For the paper sessions we invite descriptions of running projects and ongoing work as well as contributions from industry. Papers that investigate multiple themes directly are especially welcome. === Submission Details === All submissions must be written in English following Springer LNCS author guidelines (max. 6 pages for short and 12 pages for full papers, Springer LNCS: ; exclusive of unlimited pages for references) and should be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair. All submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Please be aware of the fact that at least one author per paper needs to register for the workshop and attend the workshop to present the work. In case of no-show the paper (even if accepted) will be deleted from the proceedings and from the program. EasyChair: Workshop proceedings will be deposited online in the CEUR workshop proceedings publication service (ISSN 1613-0073) and in the ACL Anthology. This way the proceedings will be permanently available and citable (digital persistent identifiers and long term preservation). === Organizers === Guillaume Cabanac, University of Toulouse, France Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore Ingo Frommholz, University of Bedfordshire in Luton, UK Kokil Jaidka, Big Data Experience Lab, Adobe Research, India Min-Yen Kan, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore Philipp Mayr, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany Dietmar Wolfram, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA === Program Committee (TBC) === The below lists the committee members who have stated their support to review submissions to the workshop. A few have yet to be confirmed. Akiko Aizawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Iana Atanassova, Universit? de Franche-Comt?, France Marc Bertin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Canada Jos? Borbinha, INESC-ID/IST, Portugal Colin Batchelor, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK Cornelia Caragea, University of North Texas, USA Jason S Chang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan John Conroy, IDA Center for Computing Sciences Martine De Cock, Ghent University, Belgium Ed A. Fox, Virginia Tech, USA Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany C Lee Giles, Penn State University, USA Bela Gipp, University of Konstanz, Germany Nazli Goharian, Georgetown University Sujatha Das Gollapalli, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore Pawan Goyal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Bj?rn Hammarfelt, University of Bor?s, Sweden Peter Ingwersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Kris Jack, Mendeley, UK Rahul Jha, Microsoft Noriko Kando, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Dain Kaplan, Tokyo Institute of Technology Roman Kern, Graz University of Technology, Austria Claus-Peter Klas, GESIS, Germany Marijn Koolen, University of Amsterdam, NL Anna Korhonen, University of Cambridge, UK Birger Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark John Lawrence, University of Dundee Elizabeth Liddy, Syracuse University Chin-Yew Lin, Microsoft Research Xiaozhong Liu, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA Kathy McKeown, Columbia University, USA Stasa Milojevic, Indiana University, USA Prasenjit Mitra, Penn State University / Qatar Computing Research Institute Marie-Francine Moens, KU Leuven Peter Mutschke, GESIS, Germany Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute Doug Oard, University of Maryland, College Park Manabu Okumura, Tokyo Institute of Technology Byung-won On, Kunsan National University Arzucan Ozgur, Bogazici University Cecile Paris, The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Philipp Schaer, GESIS, Germany Andrea Scharnhorst, DANS, NL Henry Small, SciTech Strategies, USA Kazunari Sugiyama, National University of Singapore Lynda Tamine-Lechani, University Paul Sabatier, France Simone Teufel, University of Cambridge, UK Mike Thelwall, University of Wolverhampton, UK Lucy Vanderwende, Microsoft Research Vasudeva Varma, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India Andre Vellino, University of Toronto Anita de Waard, Elsevier Labs Alex Wade, Microsoft Research Ludo Waltman, CWTS, NL Stephen Wan, CSIRO ICT Centre Howard D. White, Drexel University, USA ******************************************************************************** Dietmar Wolfram, Professor School of Information Studies, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201 U.S.A Vice-president/President-elect, Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Associate Editor for Book Reviews, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) Phone: 414 229-6836 Fax: 414 229-6699 Web: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From marialemos72 at Sun Feb 28 08:38:23 2016 From: marialemos72 at (Maria Lemos) Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 13:38:23 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call For Papers - CISTI 2016 Workshops - Deadline March 15 Message-ID: <> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CISTI'2016 Workshops Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain June 15 - 18, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ We are pleased to invite the academic and business community to submit their papers to the CISTI'2016 Workshops (11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies), to be held in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, between the 15th and 18th of June 2016. Authors are encouraged to submit original scientific contributions such as state-of-art reviews and new research perspectives, groundbreaking ideas and/or architectures, solutions and/or applications for real problems, empirical and/or evaluation works, case studies, etc., in conformity with the themes and specific call-for paper of each Workshop ( -------------------- CISTI 2016 Workshops -------------------- CISTI will feature the following Workshops: - 3rd Workshop on Applied Statistics and Data Analysis using Computer Science (ASDACS) - 8th Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications (WISA) - 2nd Workshop on Gaming, Simulation and Play (WGSP) - 3rd Workshop on ICT for Auditing (WICTA) - 3rd Workshop on Computational Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis (WCBIPA) - Workshop on Quality Assessment and Systems in Health, Education and Services (QAS) - Workshop on Internet, Businesses, Societies and Social Web (INSWS) - Workshop on New Pedagogical Approaches with Technologies (NPAT) - Workshop on Judicial Informatics/Inform?tica J?ridica (InJu) - Workshop on Software Engineering for Scientific Applications / Ingenier?a de Software para Aplicaciones Cient?ficas (ISAC) - Workshop on Software Product Families/Familia de Productos de Software (FaProS) - Workshop on Business Management, Communication and Digital Social Network/Gesti?n de Empresa, Comunicaci?n y Redes Sociales Digitales (WGECRSD) ---------------- Paper Submission ---------------- We invite prospective authors to submit their contributions, not yet published, reporting on either work under development or concluded projects about theoretical aspects or practical applications related to the topics of the workshop. Contributions can be submitted in one of two formats: ? Full papers - original, relevant and previously unpublished research results, related to any of the topics of the conference, with a maximum of 6 pages. ? Short papers - project reports, research in progress, with no more than 4 pages. Papers will be presented and discussed in time slots of 20 (full papers) or 15 minutes (short papers). The contributions can be written either in English, Portuguese or Spanish, and should be submitted in PDF format, through the conference webpage ( All papers must follow the formatting rules of the Conference ( with templates at: Please note that, the contributions to be evaluated by the Scientific Committee should not include authors? identification, e-mail or affiliation (blinded submission). ----------- Publication ----------- To ensure that the contribution (full paper or short paper) is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the authors must be fully registered, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all recommended modifications must be addressed by the authors before they submit the final version. No more than one paper per registration will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Full papers will be published in both book and CD formats, with an ISBN. Short papers will be published in CD only, with an ISBN. Published full and short papers will be sent to EI, IEEE XPlore, INSPEC, ISI, SCOPUS and Google Scholar. Detailed and up-to-date information may be found at CISTI 2016 website: --------------- Important Dates --------------- (please note that some Workshops have different deadlines) - Paper submission: March 15, 2016 - Author Notification: March 29, 2016 - Camera Ready: April 10, 2016 - Conference: June 15-18, 2016 We are counting on you. Please submit your contribution. CISTI 2016 Chairs From unmil at Sun Feb 28 14:00:28 2016 From: unmil at (Unmil Karadkar) Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 13:00:28 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] First CfP: Physical Samples and Digital Libraries, JCDL 2016, June 22-23, Newark, NJ In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> This Call for Proposals is available on the workshop web page at: ------------------------------------------ The First International Physical Samples and Digital Libraries (PSDL 2016) workshop will be held on June 22nd and 23rd in Newark, NJ in conjunction with theJCDL 2016--ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. We solicit participation from both the earth sciences (and related sciences that collect and manage samples such as hydrology, archeology, etc.) and digital library scholarly communities to make this workshop a success. The goal of this workshop is to bring together the community of researchers, curators, and practitioners who are interested in studying the issues involved in the management of samples, sample collections, and sample-based data in the field, in the lab, in repositories, in data systems and scientific publications. The intention is both to assemble the existing community as well as invite those with emerging interests in this area. A secondary goal is to focus the attention of the digital libraries community on the tremendous opportunities for research in this space and for collaborating with researchers in the Earth Sciences. Research in the Earth Science disciplines depends on the availability of representative samples collected above, at, and beneath Earth's surface, on the moon and in space, or those generated in experiments. These physical samples serve as fundamental references for generating new knowledge about the earth and the entire universe, contribute to and a deeper understanding of the processes that created and shaped it, assess the the availability of natural resources, and measure the risk of natural hazards. Many samples have been collected at great cost and with substantial difficulty, are rare or unique, and irreplaceable. TheEarthCube ( Research Coordination Network (RCN)iSamplES (Internet of Samples in the Earth Sciences) aims to advance the use of innovative cyberinfrastructure to connect physical samples and sample collections across the Earth Sciences with digital data infrastructures to revolutionize their utility in the support of science. Important dates: * May 1: paper submissions due * May 8: Notification of acceptance * June 1: Submission of final, camera-ready papers * June 22-23: PSDL 2016 Workshop Participation: Presentations will address a broad range of issues and challenges at the intersection of Earth Science physical samples and digital libraries that facilitate the data collection, management, and use of earth samples. Topics include but are not limited to: * physical sample collection curation * information behavior and needs, user modeling * evaluation of existing environments models * theoretical models * system architectures * social-technical perspectives on digital methods for sample management * policies and workflows * data analytics and visualization * user interfaces * cyberinfrastructure architectures, applications, and deployments * distributed data management information systems * impact of digital libraries on earth sciences * linked data and its applications * personal information management of physical samples * retrieval and browsing of sampels * scientific data curation, citation, and scholarly publication * social networks, virtual organizations, and networked information * sample collection archiving and preservation Proposal Formats We encourage you to submit proposals for: * *full papers*: up to 8 page submissions that report on mature work or in an area of interest * *work-in-progess and position papers*: upto 4 page submissions that discuss early results or explore a significant issue related to the workshop topic * *posters or demonstrations*: 1-2 page description All contributions must be written in English and use the ACM submission templates, which are available at: Submission Process Please submit papers by May 1st via the workshop's EasyChair submission page: Organizers Please contact us in case of questions. Unmil Karadkar ((unmil at School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin Kerstin Lehnert((lehnert at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University Chris Lehhardt((clenhardt at Renaissance Computing Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rhill at Mon Feb 29 10:08:09 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 10:08:09 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Corrected Survey - Perceptions and experiences w/ ASIS&T Publications Message-ID: <385-2201621291589114@LEN-dick-2011> [Please excuse duplication. Apologies for earlier typo] Dear all, The ASIS&T Publications Committee would like to collect information about your perceptions of, and experiences with, ASIS&T publications, specifically The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIS&T), The Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology (The Bulletin), and The Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting Proceedings (The ASIS&T Proceedings). As an ASIS&T Publications user (author, reader, and/or reviewer), your responses are extremely important to us. We depend on your input to improve the format, content scope, publication process, and delivery mechanisms of ASIS&T publications to better serve your needs. Those who complete this survey can be entered into a random drawing. Ten randomly chosen respondents will be given a free book of his/her choice from the ASIS&T Online Bookstore! Your name and contact information will not be collected from this questionnaire. If you would like to be involved in the random drawing, and/or are willing to participate in the follow-up interview, there is a separate survey for you to provide your availability and contact information. Any contact information collected for interviewing purposes will not be linked to your responses in this survey. There are a total of 37 questions (8 questions are open-ended). It took an average of 24 minutes for our pilot testers to complete this survey. Below is the link to the survey. Please complete the survey no later than March 18, 2016. We deeply thank you for your valuable input! ASIS&T Publications Committee Rong Tang (Co-Chair) Lorraine Mon (Co-Chair) Jamshid Beheshti (Board Liaison) Julia Caffrey Samuel Chu Yuelin Li Chaoqun Ni Danielle Pollock Lu Xiao Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900