[Asis-l] NISO/ICSTI Joint Webinar: A Pathway from Open Access and Data Sharing to Open Science in Practice

NISO Announce niso-announce at niso.org
Fri Oct 30 10:25:32 EDT 2015

*NISO/ICSTI Joint Webinar:  A Pathway from Open Access and Data Sharing to
Open Science in Practice*

*Date: *Tuesday, November 10, 2015

*Time:* 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Eastern time

*Event webpage:*


The progressive acceptance and implementation of open access has paved the
way for new possibilities in the creation, authentication, organization,
manipulation and preservation of data and information, and its broader
access, sharing and communication. Momentum towards the achievement of the
vision of the International Council for Science of a ‘world where
excellence in science is reality’ is gathering pace.

>From their respective standpoints as practicing scientist and policy maker
and research funder, Geoffrey Boulton and Jose Cotta will present their
current thinking on the behavioral and technical issues to address, and the
barriers to confront, in order to convert the vision of open science in

Confirmed topics and speakers are:

   - *Pathways to Open Science **– Geoffrey Boulton, University of
   Edinburgh, Royal Society, and President of CODATA – UK *
   - *From Open Access to Open Science: A Vision –* *José Cotta  Head of
   Unit Digital Science, DG CONNECT, European Commission – Belgium*


Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm
Eastern on Monday, November 9, 2015 (the day before the webinar). Discounts
are available for NISO and NASIG members and students. Library Standards
Alliance (LSA) members will need to register at the member rates. Joint
NISO/NASIG webinars, as well as other partner events, are not included in
the free webinar package (just NISO-only webinars).

Members are listed here:
http://www.niso.org/about/roster/#library_standards_alliance. If you would
like to become an LSA member and receive the entire year’s webinars as part
of membership, information on joining is listed here:
http://www.niso.org/about/join/alliance/.) All webinar registrants receive
access to the recorded version for one year.

Visit the event webpage to register and for more information:

Be sure to check out NISO’s discounted subscription packages for webinars (
http://www.niso.org/news/events/2015/webinars/) and virtual conferences (
http://www.niso.org/news/events/2015/virtual_conferences/) for 2015.

# # #
DeVonne Parks, Member Services & Engagement Manager
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
E: dparks at niso.org <jwood at niso.org>
P: 301.654.2512
F: 410.685.5278
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