[Asis-l] [ECIR 2016] Full/Short Papers DEADLINE EXTENSION to October 15, 2015

Gianmaria Silvello silvello at dei.unipd.it
Tue Oct 6 05:27:31 EDT 2015

ECIR 2016: 

The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval
Padua, Italy
March 20-23, 2016

http://ecir2016.dei.unipd.it/ <http://ecir2016.dei.unipd.it/>
 https://twitter.com/ecir2016 <https://twitter.com/ecir2016> 

*** The deadline for submission of short and full papers is extended to 15 October 2015 (AoE time zone) ***

The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2016) will take place in Padua, Italy from 20-23 March 2016. ECIR is the main European forum for the presentation of new research results in the field of Information Retrieval (IR).
ECIR encourages the submission of high quality research papers reporting original, previously unpublished results. With the rapidly increasing amount of data produced in the world and the increasing adoption of IR techniques beyond the traditional search for documents, papers on IR applied to eScience and to the Internet of Things are particularly encouraged.
ECIR has a strong student focus, hence papers whose sole or main author is a postgraduate student are especially welcome. 

We are seeking the submission of high-quality and original full papers, short papers and demos. Submissions will be reviewed by experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field of IR.
Short Paper submissions addressing any of the areas identified in the conference topics are also invited. Authors are encouraged to describe work in progress and late-breaking research results.

We are happy to announce the Reproducible IR Research Track introduced at ECIR 2015 will continue for ECIR 2016. Reproducibility is key for establishing research to be reliable, referenceable and extensible for the future. Experimental papers are therefore most useful when their results can be tested and generalised by peers. This track specifically invites submission of papers reproducing a single or a group of papers, from a third-party where you have *not* been directly involved (e.g., *not* been an author or a collaborator). Emphasise your motivation for selecting the paper/papers, the process of how results have been attempted to be reproduced (successful or not), the communication that was necessary to gather all information, the potential difficulties encountered and the result of the process. A successful reproduction of the work is not a requirement, but it is important to provide a clear and rigid evaluation of the process to allow lessons to be learned for the future. 

Demonstrations present research prototypes or operational systems. They provide opportunities to exchange ideas gained from implementing IR systems and to obtain feedback from expert users. Demonstration submissions are welcome in any of the areas related to aspects of Information Retrieval (IR), as identified in the call for papers on the ECIR website.
The demonstration submission should address clear research questions like: What problem does my system solve? Who is my target user?
Demonstrations that make their source code freely available are especially encouraged. We ask all authors to either provide a URL to a live online version of their demo or, alternatively, provide a URL to a video showcasing the main features of their demo.

All submissions must be written in English following the ECIR guidelines (http://irsg.bcs.org/proceedings/ECIR_Draft_Guidelines.pdf <http://irsg.bcs.org/proceedings/ECIR_Draft_Guidelines.pdf>) and the LNCS author guidelines (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 <http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0>) and submitted electronically through the conference submission system available at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecir2016 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecir2016> selecting the proper track.

Full papers must not exceed 12 pages, short papers must not exceed 6 pages, demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages, reproducible IR track papers must not exceed 12 pages, including references and figures. 
Full paper, short paper and reproducible IR track paper submissions will be refereed through double-blind peer review. Demonstration papers will undergo single-blind review. 

Accepted full papers, short papers, demos and reproducible IR track papers will be published in the conference proceedings published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the Conference. Accepted full papers, short papers, demos and reproducible IR track papers will have to be presented at the conference. Short papers and reproducible IR track papers will either be presented as a poster or as an oral presentation.


* Papers:
   * 09 October 2015 15 October 2015 (AoE time zone) - Full/Short Paper submission deadline 
   * 09 October 2015 15 October 2015 (AoE time zone) - Reproducible IR Track submission deadline    
   * 23 October 2015 - Demo submission deadline
   * 04 December 2015 - Notification 

AoE deadline “means that the deadline has not passed if, anywhere on earth, the deadline date has not yet passed” [http://www.ieee802.org/16/aoe.html <http://www.ieee802.org/16/aoe.html>]


* IR Theory and Practice
   * Searching, browsing, meta-searching
   * Data fusion, filtering and indexing
   * Language models, probabilistic IR, neural network based models
   * Learning to rank
   * Content classification, categorisation, clustering
   * Relevance feedback, query expansion, faceted retrieval
   * Topic detection and tracking, novelty detection
   * Recommender systems
   * Content-based filtering, collaborative filtering
   * Spam detection and filtering
   * Personalised, collaborative or user-adaptive IR
   * Adversarial IR
   * Privacy in IR
   * Contextual IR
   * Mobile, Geo and local search
   * Temporal IR, time-based modelling
   * Entity IR

* Web and Social Media IR
   * Link analysis
   * Query log analysis
   * Advertising and ad targeting
   * Spam detection
   * Trust, authority, reputation, ranking
   * Blog and online-community search, microblogs
   * Social search
   * Social tagging
   * Social networking and Web based communities
   * Trend identification and tracking
   * Time series and forecasting

* User aspects
   * User modelling, user studies, user interaction and history
   * Interactive IR
   * Task-based IR
   * Click models
   * Novel user interfaces for IR systems
   * Visualisation of queries, search results or content
   * Multimodal aspects, multimodal querying

* IR system architectures
   * Distributed and peer to peer IR
   * Cloud IR
   * Federated IR
   * Aggregated Search
   * Fusion/Combination
   * Open, interoperable and flexible systems
   * Performance, scalability, efficiency
   * Architectures and platforms
   * Crawling and indexing
   * Compression, optimisation
   * Map/Reduce for IR

* Content representation and processing
   * IR for semi-structured documents
   * IR for semantically annotated collections, semantic search
   * Reasoning for IR
   * Meta information and structures, metadata
   * Query representation, query reformulation
   * Text categorisation and clustering
   * Text data mining
   * Opinion mining, sentiment analysis, argumentation mining
   * Cross-language retrieval, multilingual retrieval
   * Machine translation for IR
   * Question answering
   * Natural language processing
   * Summarization for IR

* Evaluation
   * Evaluation methods and metrics
   * Building test collections
   * Experimental design
   * Crowdsourcing for evaluation, human computing
   * User-oriented and user-centred test and evaluation
   * Metric comparison and evaluation
   * Offline vs online evaluation

* Multimedia and cross-media IR
   * Speech retrieval
   * Image and video retrieval
   * Entity retrieval
   * Digital music, radio and broadcast retrieval
   * Virtual reality and information access
   * Cross-modal processing and search

* Applications
   * Digital libraries
   * Enterprise and intranet search
   * Desktop search
   * Mobile IR
   * Genomic IR, IR for chemical structures
   * Medical IR
   * Legal IR, patent search
   * eScience
   * The Internet of Things

* General Chair:
   * Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy

* Programme Chairs:
   * Fabio Crestani, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland
   * Marie-Francine Moens, KU Leuven, Belgium

* Short Paper Chairs:
   * Josiane Mothe, ESPE, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France 
   * Fabrizio Silvestri, Yahoo! Labs, London

* Student Mentor Chairs:
   * Jaana Kekäläinen, University of Tampere, Finland
   * Paolo Rosso, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

* Workshop Chairs:
   * Paul Clough, University of Sheffield, UK
   * Gabriella Pasi, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy

* Demo Chairs:
   * Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, University of Padua, Italy
   * Claudia Hauff, TU Delft, The Netherlands 

* Industry Day Chairs:
   * Omar Alonso, Microsoft Bing, USA
   * Pavel Serdyukov, Yandex, Russia

* Tutorial Chairs:
   * Christina Lioma, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
   * Stefano Mizzaro, University of Udine, Italy

* Local Organization Chair:
   * Gianmaria Silvello, University of Padua, Italy 
* Sponsorship Chair:
   * Emanuele Di Buccio, University of Padua, Italy
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