[Asis-l] Call for Papers--Journal of Visual Literacy

Yan Ma yanmauri at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 08:56:19 EDT 2015





The *Journal of Visual Literacy*
<http://www.ivla.org/drupal2/content/journal-visual-literacy>* (JVL)*
invites manuscripts for an analysis of the 2011 ACRL Visual Literacy
Competency Standards for Higher Education (
http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/visualliteracy). The Association of
College and Research Libraries is a division of the American Library
Association. We recognize there are other visual literacy standards
developed by different organizations in higher education. We seek
manuscripts that explore empirical, theoretical, research, practical, or
applied aspects of visual literacy for library and information science and
services and visual literacy standards developed by other disciplines. With
the proliferation of visual information, research has indicated that the
need to incorporate visual literacy into the curriculum of higher education
is one of the most pressing tasks. ACRL Visual Literacy Competency
Standards for Higher Education recognizes this need and invites educators,
scholars, researchers, information professionals, and students to engage
visual literacy in higher education. Scholarly research contribution
to the *JVL
*enhances the implementation of visual literacy standards in the
curriculum, research, and learning for a lifelong learning journey
*. *

 JVL reflects the eclectic nature of the membership of the International
Visual Literacy Association <http://www.ivla.org/> (IVLA) and publishes
articles on a wide variety of topics on visual literacy. JVL is a refereed,
scholarly journal that provides an open forum in which researchers and
practitioners can explore the evolving field of visual literacy.

*Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts  *
1. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced for 8.5 x 11 inch, A4, or
equivalent paper, and be 10-25 pages long. MS Word or RTF with formatting
are preferred. Manuscripts must be submitted digitally via email
attachment. Please include:
• 1 digital copy (MSWord or RTF file with separate graphic files)
• list of 4 or 5 keywords
• 100-word abstract
• names and contact information for all authors (include name, highest
degree, mailing address, phone, fax, e-mail, and institutional affiliation
as appropriate.)

2. Headings, tables, figures, and references should be formatted according
to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Improperly formatted or incompletely documented articles (especially for
citations and reference lists) will be delayed until the author makes
corrections. Please be precise in matching citations within the text and
reference list.

3. Please send graphics as stand alone files (e.g., not embedded in a word
file). An electronic version or camera-ready version of each figure, table,
or graphic should be submitted in the highest resolution and quality
available, and in an appropriate aspect ratio to fit the journal (maximum
4.25 inches wide by 7.25 inches tall print area including legible labels).
We can reduce / resize original photographs, slides, or electronic versions
as appropriate. (Be aware that graphics that are suitable for web
publication are generally not suitable for print journals.)

4. Manuscripts will be sent to at least three referees for critical review,
comment, and recommendation. Referees will be asked to make a judgment
regarding the quality and appropriateness of the manuscript for publication
in JVL. Based on the referees’ recommendations, the Guest Editor will
decide to publish the manuscript as submitted, publish the manuscript with
suggested revisions, or reject the manuscript for publication. In all cases
the author will be notified of the decision, and in the event the
manuscript is rejected, a summary of the reasons for that decision will be

Send Special Issue Manuscripts by the extended deadline May 20, 2015 to:
Dr. Yan Ma, JVL Guest Editor

Graduate School of Library and Information Studies

Harrington School of Communication and Media

94 West Alumni Ave.

Kingston, RI 02881

Kingston, RI 02881 USA
Email: yanma at uri.edu <yanma at uril.edu>
Tel: 401-874-2819
Fax: 401-874-4964
For more information regarding the *Journal of Visual Literacy*, including
regular issue submissions, visit

Yan Ma, Ph.D.
Professor of Graduate School of Library & Information Studies and
Film/Media Program
Harrington School of Communications and Media
Special Assistant to URI President on China Affairs
Founding Director of the URI Confucius Institute, 2007-2011
University of Rhode Island
94 West Alumni Ave.
Kingston, RI 02881 USA
Email: yanma at uri.edu <yanma at uril.edu>
Tel: 401-874-2819
Fax: 401-874-4964
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