[Asis-l] OCLC Research 2015 Summer Intern Position

Connaway,Lynn connawal at oclc.org
Tue Mar 3 10:13:54 EST 2015

OCLC Research 2015 Summer Intern

Background: The OCLC Research<http://www.oclc.org/research/about.html> mission is to expand knowledge that advances OCLC's public purposes of furthering access to the worlds' information and reducing library costs. In coordination with the Council on Library and Information Resources/Digital Library Federation (CLIR/DLF), a new study examining academic libraries' strategic approaches to e-research support is currently underway.
We plan to compare the goals, activities, resource needs, issues, and organizational and policy implications across institutions. We also plan to categorize the different strategic approaches to e-research support across institutions and to develop a common set of shared strategic agenda items regardless of the strategic approach taken.  The broad intent of the study is to offer a synthesis which will help the wider library community:

*         Draw from the varied models of e-research support and engagement libraries are offering,

*         Develop strategic approaches to e-research support given their institutional context, assumptions, goals, and priorities, and

*         Anticipate the range of resources needed for their intended levels of e-research support.
Work package: The intern will work closely with the study lead and participate in all aspects of the ongoing research project including data preparation and analysis, formulating and running queries on the data, searching for and summarizing relevant literature, and writing up results. The aim is for the internship to culminate in a co-authored conference submission that describes the study and preliminary results.

*         Prepare strategic agendas (e.g. text documents) for qualitative analysis

*         Read strategic agendas and help develop a list of salient words/phrases that capture common ideas, themes, and patterns found in them

*         Use the list of words/phrases to analyze the strategic agendas and refine it over time

*         Run queries to identify common and contrasting themes and patterns found across strategic agendas, write short memos to describe findings, and develop ideas for additional queries

*         Search  and summarize existing literature related to the strategic agenda study and maintain a bibliography of the work

*         Prior undergraduate or graduate research experience or a strong interest in learning to conduct research

*         Strong analytical and oral and written communication skills

*         Ability to work independently and meet deadlines

*         Experience with Microsoft office programs and ability to quickly learn new software applications (e.g. NVivo, Zotero)
Project Links:
E-Research and Data: Opportunities for Library Engagement<http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/e-research.html> Project.
The major objectives of the study are to collect and analyze a sample of strategic agendas developed during the DLF/Duraspace E-Science Institute<http://www.duraspace.org/esi-course-description>.

CONTACT: Ixchel Faniel, OCLC Research Scientist, fanieli at oclc.org<mailto:fanieli at oclc.org>

Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
OCLC Research
connawal at oclc.org<mailto:connawal at oclc.org>
Cell: 303-246-3623
Fax: 614-718-7378

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