[Asis-l] New Issue of Information & Culture

Scoville, Sheila L sscoville at utpress.utexas.edu
Wed Jul 15 10:41:04 EDT 2015

Edited at the School of Information at UT Austin, Information & Culture publishes historical studies of topics that fall under information studies as it is practiced by the interdisciplinary information schools.

Information & Culture
Volume 50, Issue 3, 2015


History with an Impact: The Most-Cited Articles in the Journal of Library History and Its Successors over the Past Fifty Years
Edward A. Goedeken

What Happens When You Push This? Toward a History of the Not-So-Easy Button
Rachel Plotnick

Information in the Novel and the Novel as Information System: Charles Dickens's Little Dorrit and Margaret Drabble's Radiant Way Trilogy
Carol Colatrella

The Djogdja Documenten: The Dutch-Indonesian Relationship Following Independence through an Archival Lens
Michael Karabinos

Paper, Information, and Identity in 1920s America
Craig Robertson

Perspectives on Information History: A Perspective on the Larger World: Newspaper Coverage of National and International Events in Three Small US Cities, 1870-1920
Melissa G. Ocepek, Unmil Karadkar, and William Aspray

Ordering and more information: http://utpress.utexas.edu/index.php/journals/information-culture#sthash.ZIoZpLbX.dpuf

Sheila Scoville
Journals Promotion Coordinator
University of Texas Press
Tel: (512) 232-7618
sscoville at utpress.utexas.edu

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