[Asis-l] CFP: Archives, libraries and museums in the era of the participatory social Web

IBEKWE-SANJUAN Fidelia fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at univ-amu.fr
Wed Jan 7 10:17:15 EST 2015

Final call.

*Call for Papers*

*NEW DEADLINE: 31^st JAN 2015*

*Archives, libraries and museums in the era of the participatory social Web*

Special issue of the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/

*Guest editors*

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, School of Journalism and Communication, 
Aix-Marseille University, France

Elaine Ménard, School of Information Studies, McGill University, Québec, 


The term “Web 2.0” refers to a set of Web tools that enhance and support 
user-generated content. Web 2.0 has made possible – and intensified – 
global collaborative mechanisms for the production of content. For 
nearly fifteen years, it has been gradually transforming the traditional 
Web, based on a dissemination model mainly structured by service 
providers and content providers.

This participatory and collaborative capacity of the Web 2.0 may, in 
some cases, erase old boundaries and hierarchies between professionals 
and amateurs in various areas, whether in the private or public domains 
(e.g., Journalism 2.0, citizen journalism, etc.). Professions related to 
the creation and dissemination of content and knowledge seem to be 
particularly affected (e.g., publishers, artists, graphic designers, 
journalists, librarians, competitive intelligence specialists, 
librarians, archivists, information managers, etc.). The participatory 
Web’s massive implementation of technology by the public has led to a 
reconfiguration and repositioning of the stakeholders in these sectors.

This special issue aims to investigate mutations or changes under way 
within the institutions and among the stakeholders of libraries, 
archives, museums and online media due to the spread of Web 2.0 digital 
practices. The guest editors of this special issue of the /Canadian 
Journal of Information and Library Science/ invite researchers from 
different disciplines to submit original unpublished work in connection 
with the changes brought about by Web 2.0 in these sectors.

Contributions may cover different aspects: epistemological, 
technological, sociological, economic and political impact of Web 2.0 in 
the context of libraries, archives, museums and new media. More 
specifically, contributions should address the following questions:

1.How can institutional repositories (nomenclatures, classification 
languages, catalogues, thesauri, controlled vocabulary indexing) 
produced by professionals (librarians, archivists, journalists, 
curators) accommodate the participatory culture of the social Web and 
content generated by users?

2.How do Web 2.0 digital devices transform (or not) the relationship 
that libraries, museums and archives have with the public and vice 
versa? To what extent are the concepts/phenomena of participatory 
libraries or museums becoming a reality? Are we moving away from 
non-participatory past practices toward new practices that are rather 

3.How does the public receive the innovative applications of Web 2.0 
technology in libraries, archives and museums?

4.Do technical participatory tools (such as mashups, podcasts, blogs, 
social tagging/folksonomies, social bookmarking, use of social networks 
including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn or museum informatics, etc.) 
create new gateways or new modes of interaction with documentary, 
archival or museum artifacts?

5.How do physical institutions (museums, libraries, archives) coexist 
alongside their virtual platforms? Will this coexistence continue (e.g., 
the threatened closure of libraries in some countries) or will the 
multiplication of virtual forms of libraries, museums and archives not 
result in the disappearance or deterritorializationof these institutions 
as physical places?

6.Is the institutional and historical distinction between archives, 
libraries and museums challenged by digital phenomena? Are the 
boundaries between them becoming porous due to new needs generated by 
the public social Web (e.g., “museo-libraries”)?

7.What socio-professional changes or epistemological repositioning under 
way among stakeholders of libraries, archives, museums and media are 
caused by these new digital devices?

8.What is the impact of opening up public data for these institutions?

Proposals will be evaluated by two blind reviewers according to the 
standard practice of the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library 

The journal*

Established in 1976, the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library 
Science/ is the official journal of the Canadian Association for 
Information Science. Its objective is to promote the advancement of 
information science in Canada.


Submissions are accepted in either English or French.


§March 2014: Call for submissions

§November 30, 2014*31^st JAN 2015*: Deadline for submission of the first 
draft of the article

§March 15, 2015: Decision of the review committee sent to authors

§June 1, 2015: Submission of the final version of the article

§Fall 2015: Publication of the special issue


For questions about this special issue, please contact the guest 
editors. Send your manuscripts in electronic format (Word or RTF) to:

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan

Full Professor

School of Journalism and Communication

Aix-Marseille University


fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at univ-amu.fr 
<mailto:fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at univ-amu.fr>


Elaine Ménard

Associate Professor

School of Information Studies

McGill University

Montreal, Canada

elaine.menard at mcgill.ca <mailto:elaine.menard at mcgill.ca>

Guidelines for authors are available online on the journal’s website at 
http://www.cais-acsi.ca/journal/guidelines.htm. Please indicate at the 
beginning of your submission which point(s) or theme(s) your paper will 

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Ph.D.)
Full Professor (Professeur des Universités)
School of Journalism & Communication (EJCAM)
Aix-Marseille University - France.
IRSIC research team:http://irsic.univ-amu.fr/

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Ph.D.)
Full Professor (Professeur des Universités)
School of Journalism & Communication (EJCAM)
Aix-Marseille University - France.
Homepage: http://fidelia1.free.fr/
IRSIC research team: http://irsic.univ-amu.fr/

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