[Asis-l] Information Ethics Roundtable at UW-Madison: Deadline January 5

Alan Rubel arubel at wisc.edu
Fri Jan 2 13:23:09 EST 2015

This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting abstracts to the 2015 Information Ethics Roundtable at the University of Wisconsin, Madison is January 5, 2015. The theme of the conference is Transparency and Secrecy, and the goal of the conference is to bring together scholars and professionals to examine issues related to that theme (broadly construed) from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. 

The keynote speakers for the IER are Louise Amoore, Professor of Geography, Durham University (UK) and Christopher Kutz, C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor of Law and Director, Kadish Center for Morality, Law and Public Affairs, University of California, Berkeley. 

Other confirmed speakers include Kay Mathiesen (SIRLS, University of Arizona), Don Fallis (SIRLS, University of Arizona), and Lucas Graves (Journalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison). 

Please submit an abstract of about 500 words to ier at slis.wisc.edu by January 5, 2015. Abstracts will be peer reviewed, and notification of acceptance status will be sent by January 20, 2015. 

For more information, please see the attached flier or visit the conference website at http://ier2015.org. For specific questions and inquiries, please contact organizer Alan Rubel at arubel at wisc.edu. 

-- Alan Rubel
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
Program in Legal Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison
arubel at wisc.edu
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