[Asis-l] CfP for CHI 2016 Workshop: For Richer, for Poorer, in Sickness or in Health... The Long-Term Management of Personal Information (PIM 2016)

Capra, Robert G rcapra at unc.edu
Wed Dec 16 15:51:09 EST 2015

******************CALL FOR PARTICIPATION********************************

CHI 2016 Workshop on Personal Information Management (PIM 2016):
For Richer, for Poorer, in Sickness or in Health...The Long-Term Management of Personal Information

A two-day workshop at CHI 2016, San Jose, CA, USA  the 7th and 8th of May 2016

  William Jones, Catherine Marshall, Victoria Bellotti, Robert Capra,
  Jesse David Dinneen, Gloria Mark, Karyn Moffatt, Jaime Teevan, Max Van Kleek.

   * William Jones (williamj at uw.edu)
   * Catherine Marshall (nomiddleinitial at gmail.com)

****************** IMPORTANT DATES********************************

17 December 2015: *Early* submission date (optional; for authors dependent on 2015 budgets); notification 21 December

8 January 2016: Deadline for normal position statement submission

15 January 2016: Acceptance notification for normal submissions

7 and 8 May 2016: Workshop date

9-12 May 2016: Main CHI Conference (Workshop participants must register for at least 1 day of the main conference)

****************** WORKSHOP THEMES********************************
In this 7th in a series of workshops on personal information management (PIM), focus is on the long-term management of personal information. (For links to past PIM workshops see http://pimworkshop.org/2016/).

People are amassing large stores of personal information (PI). Others are amassing large stores of information about people as well. (For the several senses in which information can be personal, see the full workshop proposal: http://pimworkshop.org/2016/). These stores present rich opportunities for analysis and use in matters of wealth, health, living and legacy. But these stores also bring with them new challenges for managing information across long periods of time. We expect the workshop to attract a range of people doing research related to PIM, HCI, personal digital archiving, personal informatics, aging, and the design of informational spaces for later life.

We invite 2 to 4 page position statements relating to any or all of the following workshop themes:

  1.  Managing personal information (PI) for longer periods of time. What happens to PI including data logs, complex profiles, and preferences, as it accumulates over time? How can we help people anticipate the future value of PI in order to preserve and use PI to best effect? How can massively distributed PI (across diverse personal devices and throughout the cloud) be stored and managed (without unduly taxing its owner) to ensure its long-term accessibility and continued utility? How should privacy and security be supported over heterogeneous forms of information-e.g. personal photos, biosensor data, financial statements, musical playlists, and medical information? How best to  evaluate the scalability and long-term consequences of different schemes for maintaining and organizing personal information? Can these "flex" to meet a person's changing needs and circumstances? To what extent can curatorial chores can be automated? How might emerging, decentralized information architectures help? Relating to personal informatics, how might various "quantified self" measures be combined with more conventional forms of information (photos, emails, financial transactions, etc.) to provide an understanding of long-term trends relating health, wealth and overall well-being?
  2.  Managing for later life.  In what novel ways can a lifetime of accumulating PI support the lives we wish to lead? How can uses of PI and 'digital memories' be informed and guided by cognitive science research? How, in particular, can we support prospective memory and planning? Can personal information help compensate for age-related declines in cognitive ability, while leveraging the strengths (e.g., increased crystalized intelligence) that accompany the normal aging process? How can PI (and information tools and channels) help to preserve a healthy engagement with the world as people grow older?
  3.  Managing for legacy. How can legacy PI be passed on to family and friends or to cultural heritage institutions? Can PI be targeted to those it is intended for? What can be done to ensure its continued intelligibility and preserve its meaning? How can people  control what happens to their information after they are no longer around?

****************** PARTICIPATION********************************

*  8 January 2016 (or 17 Dec. 2015 if early notification is needed) submit a 2-4 page position statement in CHI ACM Extended Abstract Format relating to any or all of the workshop themes listed above. Statements can include references to research done by the prospective participant or others. Include also in this submission, a brief (200 word) personal biography. Submissions should be made through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pim2016).

Those invited to participate in the workshop are then asked to do the following:

*  12 February (2016), provide a mini-poster (e.g., as a single MS PowerPoint  side) summarizing and illustrating their position paper. Please also include a photograph of the participant. Posters will be printed for display along the walls of the workshop room as a conversation starter and a way for participants to learn more about each other's work (e.g., during breaks).

*  (Optional, but also by 12 February), participants are invited to submit a longer paper of up to 10 pages (in CHI Proceedings Format with 150 word abstract) relating to their research and their position statement. Accepted papers will be featured on the workshop web site (http://pimworkshop.org/2016/). Papers may also be included in a special journal issue or edited book.

*  In March and April, invest at least 1 hour on-line (at the participant's convenience) in a structured conversation to identify points of consensus and controversy. This dialog and the participant's position paper will be used to help identify the participant's breakout group.

*  7th and 8th May 2016, attend the workshop. Exactly one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference. Additional authors of accepted position papers may be invited to attend the workshop on a case-by-case  basis according to room capacity.

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