From heidijul at Mon Aug 3 08:52:14 2015 From: heidijul at (Julien, Heidi) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 12:52:14 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Seeking New Editor for Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: Call for Editor Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science = Revue canadienne des sciences de l'information et de biblioth?conomie (CJILS/RCSIB) Applications are invited for the editorship of CJILS/RCSIB. The Canadian Association for Information Science is requesting applications from individuals seeking consideration to become the next editor of CJILS/RCSIB. The official term of the position is open and will be negotiated between the candidate and the CAIS Board. It is hoped that the editor will be able to serve for at least three years. The position will commence in October 2015 with the production of volume 40 (2016). Scope of CJILS/RCSIB CJILS/RCSIB was launched in 1976 and is dedicated to publishing articles on all aspects of information and library science with the purpose of contributing to the advancement of information and library science in Canada. The journal is concerned with research findings, understanding the issues in the field, and understanding the history, economics, and technology of information systems and services, and human information behaviour. The journal publishes research papers, scholarly opinion papers, reviews of research, brief communications, information about significant library and information science research activities within Canada, and reviews of books and other media. Papers are selected by a process of peer review, with usually two independent, double-blind reviews of each paper. Submissions in both English and French are accepted. Each volume of CJILS/RCSIB is usually comprised of four issues, with, on occasion, a thematic special issue. CJILS/RCSIB is published online since volume 34 (2010), and is archived on ProjectMUSE. Editorial Role The Editor is responsible for all aspects of publication associated with maintaining CJILS/RCSIB as the premier journal of its kind presenting perspectives on all aspects of Library and Information Science. The Editor is committed to making sure that the journal maintains its reputation to publish the best manuscripts in these areas. The Editor is responsible for determining editorial direction including the selection and substantive editing of journal contents, for four issues per year. The Editor is also responsible for developing an editorial board and editorial team and may choose to nominate an Associate editor to handle manuscripts submitted in French if required. Editorial Duties ? Serve as Chair of the Journal's Editorial Board ("the Board") ? Liaise with the University of Toronto Press ("the Press") ? In partnership with the Board, define the overall strategic direction for the journal ? Provide leadership to achieve the goals determined by that strategic direction ? Actively solicit manuscripts for the journal ? Serve as the primary liaison to authors ? Conduct initial screening of all manuscripts and forward those that meet criteria to selected reviewers ? Optional: Write an Editorial for an issue ? Optional: Solicit a themed issue or annual monograph ? Optional: Secure a Guest Editor(s) for an issue ? Work with Board to recruit and select editorial reviewers ? Work with Board to recruit book review editors (English and French) ? Work with authors to revise manuscripts based on reviewers' comments and Editor's own recommendations for improvement (e.g., clarity, development of ideas, scholarly accuracy, overall quality, and compliance with publication guidelines) ? Return rejected manuscripts with a constructive form letter to authors ? Address problems that arise from time to time, such as resolving charges of plagiarism ? Edit accepted manuscripts, send the materials to the publisher for copyediting, and proofread each issue prior to publication ? Stay current on the progress of submissions and coordinate journal production with the Press to ensure four full issues per year on a regular production schedule ? Develop ancillary materials such as style guidelines for authors, solicitation requests from authors, and use of journal articles in online open access repositories ? Actively seek funding to sustain the journal activities ? Find a permanent solution for the retrospective digitization and archiving of back issues (volumes 1 to 33, 1976-2009) ? Report annually to the Canadian Association for Information Science at the Annual General Meeting (during the CAIS conference) Qualification and Requirements of Candidates ? The Editor of CJILS/RCSIB must possess the following attributes: ? Hold a faculty position and be active in the scholarly community ? Have published regularly in comparable scholarly journals ? Be willing to dedicate regular time each week to this role ? Be able to develop and articulate a sustainable vision for the future of the journal ? Have (or be able to secure) support staff able to dedicate one or two hours per week to supporting this role ? Possess excellent communication skills, preferably in both official languages (English and French) Term The Editor will serve for the term as negotiated with the CAIS Board which will be renewable for a second term at the discretion of the CAIS Board. The term may be terminated by the CAIS Board at any time should the Editor fail to fulfill the responsibilities outlined above. Search Procedure Applications will be reviewed by the CAIS Board immediately after the deadline submission date. Application Interested individuals should submit an application to CAIS by September 1, 2015. The application should include: 1. A Vision Statement: Set forth your goals and plans for the content of CJILS/RCSIB. This may include an assessment of the current strengths, weaknesses, or gaps that you plan to address and how you will implement your plan. 2. Editor Background Information: Your name, affiliation, and other relevant information. Describe your qualifications for the job. Give evidence of your ability to provide sound judgment and guidance to potential authors. Please include a vita or resume. 3. Institutional Support: It is important that you consider and address the feasibility of serving as editor in light of the resources likely to be available to you. University of Toronto Press Journals does not pay for office space or release time. Since the support offered by different institutions varies widely, you are encouraged to discuss your application with your University as necessary in order to ensure the feasibility of your application. Applications (as described above) should be no more than five pages (excluding vitae) and should be sent by September 1, 2015 to: Heidi Julien President, Canadian Association for Information Science heidijul at ****************************************************** Heidi Julien, Ph.D. Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo 534 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1020 USA Ph: 716.645.2412 Email: heidijul at ****************************************************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From negaresma at Sun Aug 2 01:59:01 2015 From: negaresma at (Negar Esma) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 09:29:01 +0330 Subject: [Asis-l] One question about thesauri Message-ID: Dear All, I have a question about thesauri. How can be a thesaurus made? Especially bilingual? I have access to keywords of Persian scientific articles both in Persian and English. I guess these are good resources to make a bilingual thesaurus. Also it can be made automatically. Thanks in advance -- Negar (Razieh) Esmaeilpour Shiraz University RICeST -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From silvello at Sun Aug 2 15:41:19 2015 From: silvello at (Gianmaria Silvello) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 21:41:19 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] ECIR 2016: 2nd Call for Contributions Message-ID: * 2nd Call for Contributions * * Papers, Demos, Workshops and Tutorials * The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) 20 - 23 March, 2016 Padua, Italy ########################################################### The 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2016) will take place in Padua, Italy, 20-23 March 2016. ECIR is the main European forum for the presentation of new research results in the field of Information Retrieval (IR). ECIR encourages the submission of high quality research papers reporting original, previously unpublished results. With the rapidly increasing amount of data produced in the world and the increasing adoption of IR techniques beyond the traditional search for documents, papers on IR applied to eScience and to the Internet of Things are particularly encouraged. ECIR has a strong student focus, hence papers whose sole or main author is a postgraduate student are especially welcome. Through the student mentoring programme, PhD students can request the assistance of a mentor, who can give advice and suggest improvements to an almost complete paper. More details on the student mentoring programme are on the website. Full Papers and Short Papers ---------------------------- We are seeking the submission of high-quality and original full papers, short papers and demos. Submissions will be reviewed by experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field of IR. Short Paper submissions addressing any of the areas identified in the conference topics are also invited. Authors are encouraged to describe work in progress and late-breaking research results. Demonstrations -------------- Demonstrations present research prototypes or operational systems. They provide opportunities to exchange ideas gained from implementing IR systems and to obtain feedback from expert users. Demonstration submissions are welcome in any of the areas related to aspects of Information Retrieval (IR), as identified in the call for papers on the ECIR website. The demonstration submission should address clear research questions like: What problem does my system solve? Who is my target user? Demonstrations that make their source code freely available are especially encouraged. We ask all authors to either provide a URL to a live online version of their demo or, alternatively, provide a URL to a video showcasing the main features of their demo. Tutorials --------- Tutorials inform the community on recent advances in core IR research, related research, or on novel application areas related to IR. They may focus on specific problems or specific domains in which IR research may be applied. Tutorials can be of either a half-day (3 hours plus breaks) or a full day (6 hours plus breaks) duration. Tutorials are encouraged to be as interactive as possible. The information required for a tutorial proposal is on the conference website. Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial committee. A summary of the tutorial will be published in the conference proceedings. Workshops --------- The purpose of workshops is to provide a platform for presenting novel ideas and research results in a focused and more interactive way. Workshops can be of either a half-day (3 hours plus breaks) or a full day (6 hours plus breaks) duration. Workshops are encouraged to be as dynamic and interactive as possible and should lead to a concrete outcome, such as the publication of a summary paper and/or workshop proceedings. The information required for a workshop proposal is on the conference website. Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the workshop committee. A summary of the workshop will be published in the conference proceedings. Reproducible IR Research Track ------------------------------ We are happy to announce the Reproducible IR Research Track introduced at ECIR 2015 will continue for ECIR 2016. Reproducibility is key for establishing research to be reliable, referenceable and extensible for the future. Experimental papers are therefore most useful when their results can be tested and generalised by peers. This track specifically invites submission of papers reproducing a single or a group of papers, from a third-party where you have *not* been directly involved (e.g., *not* been an author or a collaborator). Emphasise your motivation for selecting the paper/papers, the process of how results have been attempted to be reproduced (successful or not), the communication that was necessary to gather all information, the potential difficulties encountered and the result of the process. A successful reproduction of the work is not a requirement, but it is important to provide a clear and rigid evaluation of the process to allow lessons to be learned for the future. Submission guidelines --------------------- All submissions must be written in English following the ECIR guidelines ( and the LNCS author guidelines ( and submitted electronically through the conference submission system selecting the proper track. Full papers must not exceed 12 pages, short papers must not exceed 6 pages, demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages, reproducible IR track papers must not exceed 12 pages, including references and figures. Full paper, short paper and reproducible IR track paper submissions will be refereed through double-blind peer review. Demonstration papers will undergo single-blind review. Accepted full papers, short papers, demos and reproducible IR track papers will be published in the conference proceedings published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the Conference. Accepted full papers, short papers, demos and reproducible IR track papers will have to be presented at the conference. Short papers and reproducible IR track papers will either be presented as a poster or as an oral presentation. Accepted workshops and tutorials will have a 4 pages summary published in the conference proceedings. ================ IMPORTANT DATES ================ Papers ------ 09 October 2015 - Full/Short Paper submission deadline 09 October 2015 - Reproducible IR Track submission deadline 23 October 2015 - Demo submission deadline 04 December 2015 - Notification on Full Papers, Short Papers, Demos, Reproducible IR Track Papers 11 January 2016 - Camera-ready Mentoring --------- 07 August 2015 - Request for mentoring deadline 21 August 2015 - Mentor assignment deadline Workshops / Tutorials --------------------- 11 September 2015 - Workshops / Tutorials submission deadline 19 October 2015 - Notification on Workshops / Tutorials ======= TOPICS ======= Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * IR Theory and Practice - Searching, browsing, meta-searching - Data fusion, filtering and indexing - Language models, probabilistic IR, neural network based models - Learning to rank - Content classification, categorisation, clustering - Relevance feedback, query expansion, faceted retrieval - Topic detection and tracking, novelty detection - Recommender systems - Content-based filtering, collaborative filtering - Spam detection and filtering - Personalised, collaborative or user-adaptive IR - Adversarial IR - Privacy in IR - Contextual IR - Mobile, Geo and local search - Temporal IR, time-based modelling - Entity IR * Web and Social Media IR - Link analysis - Query log analysis - Advertising and ad targeting - Spam detection - Trust, authority, reputation, ranking - Blog and online-community search, microblogs - Social search - Social tagging - Social networking and Web based communities - Trend identification and tracking - Time series and forecasting * User aspects - User modelling, user studies, user interaction and history - Interactive IR - Task-based IR - Click models - Novel user interfaces for IR systems - Visualisation of queries, search results or content - Multimodal aspects, multimodal querying * IR system architectures - Distributed and peer to peer IR - Cloud IR - Federated IR - Aggregated Search - Fusion/Combination - Open, interoperable and flexible systems - Performance, scalability, efficiency - Architectures and platforms - Crawling and indexing - Compression, optimisation - Map/Reduce for IR * Content representation and processing - IR for semi-structured documents - IR for semantically annotated collections, semantic search - Reasoning for IR - Meta information and structures, metadata - Query representation, query reformulation - Text categorisation and clustering - Text data mining - Opinion mining, sentiment analysis, argumentation mining - Cross-language retrieval, multilingual retrieval - Machine translation for IR - Question answering - Natural language processing - Summarization for IR * Evaluation - Evaluation methods and metrics - Building test collections - Experimental design - Crowdsourcing for evaluation, human computing - User-oriented and user-centred test and evaluation - Metric comparison and evaluation - Offline vs online evaluation * Multimedia and cross-media IR - Speech retrieval - Image and video retrieval - Entity retrieval - Digital music, radio and broadcast retrieval - Virtual reality and information access - Cross-modal processing and search * Applications - Digital libraries - Enterprise and intranet search - Desktop search - Mobile IR - Genomic IR, IR for chemical structures - Medical IR - Legal IR, patent search - eScience - The Internet of Things =========== ORGANIZERS =========== General Chair: - Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy Programme Chairs: - Fabio Crestani, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland - Marie-Francine Moens, KU Leuven, Belgium Short Paper Chairs: - Josiane Mothe, ESPE, IRIT, Universit? de Toulouse, France - Fabrizio Silvestri, Yahoo! Labs, London Student Mentor Chairs: - Jaana Kek?l?inen, University of Tampere, Finland - Paolo Rosso, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain Workshop Chairs: - Paul Clough, University of Sheffield, UK - Gabriella Pasi, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy Demo Chairs: - Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, University of Padua, Italy - Claudia Hauff, TU Delft, The Netherlands Industry Day Chairs: - Omar Alonso, Microsoft Bing, USA - Pavel Serdyukov, Yandex, Russia Tutorial Chairs: - Christina Lioma, University of Copenhagen, Denmark - Stefano Mizzaro, University of Udine, Italy Local Organization Chair: - Gianmaria Silvello, University of Padua, Italy Sponsorship Chair: - Emanuele Di Buccio, University of Padua, Italy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nhara at Mon Aug 3 11:26:13 2015 From: nhara at (Hara, Noriko) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 15:26:13 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Faculty Position in Information and Library Science, Indiana University Bloomington Message-ID: <> Title: Asst/ Assoc/ Full Professor Department: Information and Library Science Expected start date: 08/01/2016 Position summary: The School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for a position beginning in Fall 2016 in the Department of Information and Library Science (all subareas solicited with preference for data curation, CSCW, digital libraries, information policy, digital youth, documentation, metadata, and the social web). This position is open at all levels (assistant, associate, or full professor). Duties include teaching, research, and service. The Department of Information and Library Science (ILS), formerly the School of Library and Information Science, has a long, successful history, having graduated over 8,000 students since it opened its doors in 1946. U.S. News & World Report ranked the Bloomington Information and Library Science program eighth nationally in its most recent rankings. The School of Informatics and Computing is the first of its kind and among the largest in the country, with unsurpassed breadth. Its mission is to excel and lead in education, research, and outreach spanning and integrating computing and information technologies. In addition to ILS, the School includes the Department of Computer Science and Informatics and has a total of more than 100 faculty, 900 graduate students, and 1,500 undergraduate majors on the Bloomington campus. Faculty research areas in ILS include bibliometrics; big data; computer-mediated communication; data science; data curation; digital libraries; information organization, retrieval, and visualization; human computer interaction; science studies; semantic web; social informatics; CSCW; text mining; web science; and more. Graduate degrees offered in the School include Master?s degrees in Information Science, Library Science, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Data Science, Human Computer Interaction Design, and Security Informatics, and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, Informatics, and Information Science. The School is also known for its strong undergraduate programs. Indiana University Bloomington is a major public research university with over 2,000 faculty and over 45,000 students. The beautiful campus hosts 110 research centers and institutes, as well as a wide array of distinguished academic departments and schools. IU is renowned for its high-performance computing and networking facilities, top-ranked music school, and performing and fine arts. Located in the wooded rolling hills of southern Indiana, Bloomington is a culturally thriving college town with a moderate cost of living and the amenities for an active lifestyle. Basic qualifications: Applicants should have an established record (for senior level) or demonstrable potential for excellence (for junior level) in research and teaching, and a Ph.D. in Information Science or a related field or (for junior level) expected before 8/2016. Interested candidates should submit their application at: Application should include curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching, and names of three references (junior level), or six references (senior level). Questions regarding the position or application process can be directed to: Prof. Noriko Hara, nhara at or to Faculty Search, Department of Information and Library Science, School of Informatics and Computing, Herman B. Wells Library LI011, Bloomington, IN 47408. For full consideration, completed applications must be received by December 1st, 2015. Informal and confidential inquiries may be sent to the ILS Chair, Pnina Fichman, (fichman at or to members of the search committee: Noriko Hara (nhara at, Stasa Milojevic (smilojev at, Howard Rosenbaum (hrosenba at, John Walsh (jawalsh at Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status. IU Bloomington is vitally interested in the needs of Dual Career couples. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Noriko Hara, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Information & Library Science School of Informatics & Computing | Indiana University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alisa.libby at Thu Aug 6 11:50:24 2015 From: alisa.libby at (Alisa Libby) Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 11:50:24 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Simmons SLIS welcomes new faculty member, Janet Ceja Message-ID: Simmons College School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) is thrilled to welcome new assistant professor Janet Ceja, joining our faculty this Fall 2015 semester. Janet Ceja researches in the fields of moving image preservation, archival pedagogy, and cultural archives, specifically Latino and Indigenous cultural communities. Her most recent work examines how amateur videos interplay with community identity, memory, and acts of devotional labor to preserve a religious fiesta in rural Mexico. She received her Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh, where she was a member of the American Library Association?s first cohort of Spectrum Doctoral Fellows. She earned a BA in film studies from UC, Santa Barbara and an MA in film and media preservation from the University of Rochester; she is also a graduate of the L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation at the George Eastman House in Rochester, NY. Before joining the faculty at Simmons College, she taught at the University of Arizona?s School of Information. -- Alisa M. Libby Communications Assistant Simmons College, SLIS 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 t 617-521-2816 f 617-521-3192 Follow me on tumblr! Buy the Kindle edition of *The Blood Confession* ! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cglaze at Mon Aug 3 14:00:23 2015 From: cglaze at (Glaze, Christy Grant) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 18:00:23 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Mak named senior fellow at Center for Humanities and Information Message-ID: Mak named senior fellow at Center for Humanities and Information Bonnie Mak has been named visiting senior fellow at the Center for Humanities and Information (CHI), a newly-formed collaboration at Pennsylvania State University between the university?s College of the Liberal Arts and the University Libraries. Mak joins faculty and graduate students from Penn State as well as two visiting postdoctoral fellows to form CHI?s inaugural class of scholars for the academic year 2015-2016. While in residence, she will work on her own research projects and contribute to the intellectual community of the Center. ?I am thrilled to join the Center for Humanities and Information and help showcase how it is through humanistic inquiry that we may come to grips with the most pressing questions regarding data, information, and the future of a civil society,? said Mak. ?Penn State is offering a tremendous opportunity to change the way that we think and talk about information, and I look forward to sharing my research with national, international, and cross-disciplinary audiences.? At CHI, Mak will continue her work employing the techniques of the humanities?medieval studies in particular?to explore questions of knowledge-production, information transfer, and their technologies. Expanding upon her earlier work on the archaeology of digitizations, she will develop a second book-length project, Confessions of a 21st-Century Memsahib, which examines the social processes and dynamics that underpin the manufacture of data. Mak will also pursue her collaboration with graphic designers and librarians in, Designing an Argument: A Collaboration in Scholarly Publication, which tests the boundaries of scholarly publication by articulating a complex humanistic argument in the language of scientific diagrams. Mak is an associate professor at the University of Illinois, and holds a joint appointment in the Graduate School for Library and Information Science and the Program in Medieval Studies. Her research interests include manuscript, print, and digital cultures; the cultural production and circulation of knowledge; manuscript studies; book history; medieval and early modern collecting; and the history of archives and libraries. Her first book, How the Page Matters, was published in 2011. Mak currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP), the organizing committee of the International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA), and is coeditor of the online project for book history, Architectures of the Book. ________________________________ Christy Glaze, MLS Visiting Communications Coordinator GSLIS: The iSchool at Illinois [socialicon-fb.gif][socialicon-tw.gif][GSLIS on LinkedIn][GSLIS on Youtube] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: E4B2DB40-5C5A-4604-947A-0AB71ACCB083[3].png Type: image/png Size: 475 bytes Desc: E4B2DB40-5C5A-4604-947A-0AB71ACCB083[3].png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: A7289944-D791-4515-AD26-3748559DD3EB[3].png Type: image/png Size: 752 bytes Desc: A7289944-D791-4515-AD26-3748559DD3EB[3].png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 4B3285A8-DDD5-44EF-A2B0-AD1038BBBA88[3].png Type: image/png Size: 574 bytes Desc: 4B3285A8-DDD5-44EF-A2B0-AD1038BBBA88[3].png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 2C1A261D-D2FE-4FBC-81BD-C274F8C43BC3[3].png Type: image/png Size: 1430 bytes Desc: 2C1A261D-D2FE-4FBC-81BD-C274F8C43BC3[3].png URL: From D.Allen at Thu Aug 6 07:45:24 2015 From: D.Allen at (David Allen [LUBS]) Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 11:45:24 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] PhD Studentship: Evaluation of Mobile Systems and Mobile Analytics Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, I would be grateful if you could circulate this PhD Studentship opportunity: PhD Studentship: Evaluation of Mobile Systems and Mobile Analytics Applications are invited for an N8 Policing Research Partnership (N8 PRP) Collaborative PhD Scholarship in the University of Leeds. The studentship is available for students from the United Kingdom and European Union and commences 1 October 2015. Information systems evaluation remains a 'thorny problem' for both scholarship and practice. The current generation of mobile systems in use in organisations provide particular challenges for evaluation but also provide new forms of data which can be used in the evaluation process. The research will address the evaluation of mobile information systems and the use of new forms of data in a particularly challenging context: policing in the UK. It will be based on action research cycles and located within one UK police service. The successful applicant will be located in the AIMTech Research Centre in Leeds University Business School and associated with the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies (CCJS) in the School of Law. For more information, please see the scholarship guidance notes. To apply, please complete the scholarship application form. Application deadline: Friday 21 August 2015 (12:00 noon UK time) More information about the project is available by contacting Professor David Allen at d.allen at or Dr Stuart Lister at S.C.Lister at Professor David Allen Leeds University Business School Maurice Keyworth Building, University of Leeds, Moorland Rd, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 1AN -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dabbish at Mon Aug 3 19:06:59 2015 From: dabbish at (Laura Dabbish) Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2015 19:06:59 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: HCOMP 2015 - Doctoral Consortium - CFP In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> *Call For Participation* *Human Computation 2015* *Doctoral Consortium* *San Diego, CA* *November 8, 2015 * ** ****SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 21, 2015**** The Third AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP-2015) will be held November 8-11, 2015 at the Kona Kai Resort and Marina in San Diego, CA, USA. The HCOMP conference is cross-disciplinary, with submissions across a broad spectrum of crowdsourcing and human computation research. The HCOMP 2015 Doctoral Consortium will provide doctoral students researching crowdsourcing and human computation with a unique professional development opportunity. Students will be mentored by a group of faculty who are leaders in the diverse specialties that make up the HCOMP field. The objectives of the Doctoral Consortium are: * *To provide a forum where doctoral students can present and discuss their research with experienced researchers: the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee.* * *To provide students with an opportunity to establish a supportive community, including other doctoral students at a similar stage of their dissertation research.* * * *Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs* Brent Hecht (University of Minnesota) Laura Dabbish (Carnegie Mellon University) * * *Program committee members include:* Jeff Bigham, Carnegie Mellon University Lilly Irani, University of California at San Diego Matt Lease, University of Texas at Austin Haoqi Zhang, Northwestern University ... *Date/Location* The Consortium will take place on November 8, 2015 in San Diego, CA, immediately before the main HCOMP 2015 conference. *Eligibility* *Prospective*: attendees should have written, or be close to completing, a thesis proposal (or equivalent). We will give preference to students who have proposed or are about to propose but are far enough from completing their thesis that the feedback they receive at the event can impact their work. Before submitting, students should discuss this criterion with their advisor or supervisor. Those accepted are required to attend the event in person. Selection *Criteria:* Selection will be based upon the expected potential of both the student and their proposed work, as well as the expected benefit to the student from participation. Priority will be given to students whose research goes beyond locally available expertise at their home institutions. *Required Materials*: Applicants must submit: 1) a solely-authored overview of their doctoral research, and 2) a supplementary paragraph describing their motivation for attending and proposal status. *Doctoral Research Overview*: You should submit a paper that describes your doctoral research. Your paper submission will be distributed to mentors and other attendees of the doctoral consortium. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium will NOT be archived. As such, students may freely submit their research contributions for official publication in other venues. Abstracts will be publicized on the conference website. Sections of the submitted paper should include: * *Motivation for the proposed research* * *Background and related work (including key references)* * *Description of proposed research, including key research questions and planned methodology to be used for investigating these research questions* * *Proposed experiments if appropriate; Any preliminary evaluation and findings are welcomed, but this is not required.* * *Specific research issues and/or challenges (don't skip these; the consortium is about helping you solve issues!)* * * *Format Requirements*: Submitted papers must be written in English, formatted according to AAAI Format guidelines, and submitted as a single PDF file (embedding all required fonts). The paper should be no more than 3 pages in length including all figures and references, but not including the one page appendix. The first page must contain the title of the paper, full author name, affiliation and contact details, an abstract of up to 250 words, and up to 3 keywords describing the research topic areas. Supplementary Paragraph (Paper appendix). The paper should also include an appendix (placed after the references) containing a short paragraph written by the student explaining 1) why she/he wants to participate in the consortium at this point in their doctoral studies and how she/he expects to benefit from the consortium, 2) the student's proposal status (writing proposal or recently proposed), and 3) expected defense date (approximately). *Submission Guidelines:* Papers must be submitted via the CMT online submission system ( to the "Doctoral Consortium" track. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their submissions use no unusual formatting and are printable on a standard printer. Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee. *Schedule:* 21 August 2015: Submissions due 15 September 2015: Acceptance notifications 8 November 2015: Doctoral Consortium More information about the HCOMP Conference is available here: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ecorrado at Wed Aug 5 19:04:12 2015 From: ecorrado at (Edward M. Corrado) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2015 18:04:12 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: Survey on embedded metadata in digital objects In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, You are invited to participate in a survey designed to collect information on the practice of embedding metadata into digital objects. The purpose of the survey is to explore the cost and benefit of embedding additional (i.e. LAM-generated) metadata into digital objects, to the end of evaluating current practice and defining best practices. The survey consists of a mix of closed and open ended questions. Participation should take between 15-20 minutes. *Please follow this link to complete the survey: * Rachel Jaffe, Metadata Librarian, UC Santa Cruz and Edward Corrado, Associate Dean, Library Technology Planning and Policy, University of Alabama are conducting this survey. *Participation is voluntary; participants will have the right to discontinue the survey at any point without penalty.* Information obtained from the online survey will be collected in a manner that human subjects cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subject. Data will be made available to the profession; along with analysis of current practice and possibilities for future research. The University of California, Santa Cruz Institutional Review Board has determined that this survey qualifies as exempt from full IRB oversight. No human subjects harm is expected to occur during the online survey. *Deadline for completing the survey is September 15, 2015.* Contact Rachel Jaffe at 831-502-7291 or jaffer at, or Edward Corrado at 205-348-0266 or emcorrado at with questions or concerns about this study. If you have questions about your rights as a participant in this research, please contact the University of California, Santa Cruz Office of Research Compliance Administration, at 831-459-1473 or orca at Regards, Rachel Jaffe Metadata Librarian Metadata Services, University Library University of California, Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (831) 502-7291 jaffer at Edward M. Corrado Associate Dean Library Technology Planning and Policy, University Libraries University of Alabama Box 870266 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266 (205) 348-0266 emcorrado at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From melissa.adler at Wed Aug 5 09:20:47 2015 From: melissa.adler at (Adler, Melissa A) Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2015 13:20:47 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder--Classification Workshop, CFP Message-ID: Conceptual Crowbars and Classification at the Crossroads: The Impact and Future of Classification Research Workshop sponsored by ASIS&T SIG/Classification Research ASIS&T 2015 Annual Meeting Saturday, November 7, 2015, 8:30 AM ? 12:30 PM Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch, USA This year?s Classification Research workshop consciously and critically engages the general conference theme, ?Information Science with Impact,? in order to frame conversations about the results and significance of classification research. With the increasing emphasis on impact in and around information science, the theme provides us with an opportunity to consider some of the ways in which we define ourselves as a Classification Research group and how we understand our research to affect and influence theory and practice. Classification matters not only in the functioning of information systems and technologies, but also in the lived experiences of individuals, and in society, organizations, and all information contexts. The spate of violent events in the U.S., together with the resistance and response, quickens a crucial set of questions about the nature of our work. This workshop aims to cast such violence as a knowledge organization problem. We also aim to consider whether and how classificatory acts and systems can be reparative, or even transformative: What bearing does the structuring of knowledge have upon the seeking, reception, circulation, and use of knowledge and information? Do classifications tell us something about agendas, political contexts, or authority? What role do our classification systems play in constituting, and challenging categories of difference? In what ways have communities used and/or challenged classifications in civic action and protest? We welcome papers that address positive or negative and intended or unintended consequences of classification, as well as papers and projects that explore potential and possibilities for classification systems and research. Doctoral students are encouraged to submit paper/presentation proposals, and two scholarships covering workshop fees will be awarded to student authors. We also invite presentations and posters of classification design projects in any stage of development, as well as nontraditional presentation formats. We are interested in work that addresses questions and issues such as the following: ? Encounters with classification in daily life, on- and off-line ? Material effects of classifications, e.g., how do classifications bar or grant access to information, and in what ways does this matter? ? Structures and hierarchies and their effects and consequences ? Design and aesthetics in classifications ? Consequences of specific systems or types of systems, e.g., thesauri, universal classifications, folksonomies ? Reparative/transformative classifications ? Classification research as it relates to diversity initiatives ? Limitations and possibilities for assessing impact of classifications ? The role of classifications in constituting and ordering value in information science, i.e., how measurements of impact rely upon the classification and ranking of what counts as research, users, and knowledge ? Critical / theoretical discussions of classifications, e.g., critical race studies, queer theory, disability studies ? Classificatory mechanisms as tools for building or dividing communities ? Classifications as reflections of agencies, nations, individuals, or organizations ? Classifications in particular contexts, e.g., health information, libraries, archives, the Semantic Web, Linked Open Data, social media, etc. ? Knowledge organization in scientific and political debates, e.g. climate change ? The construction of users (user types, user communities, user identities) through classification Deadlines: August 20, 2015: Submit abstracts of no more than 500 words for a paper, poster, or alternative format presentation to Melissa Adler: melissa.adler at Include your name, title, and institutional affiliation with your submission. September 10, 2015: Tentative author notification date, to be determined so that authors will be notified ahead of the early bird registration date. Fees: $100, SIG/CR members $110, non-SIG/CR members (Fees increase after the early bird registration deadline) Organizers: Melissa Adler, University of Kentucky Jonathan Furner, UCLA Barbara H. Kwasnik, Syracuse Joseph T. Tennis, University of Washington Melissa Adler, PhD Assistant Professor School of Information Science University of Kentucky 341 Little Library Building Lexington, KY 40506-0224 (859) 218-2294 melissa.adler at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emil.levine at Mon Aug 3 13:15:35 2015 From: emil.levine at (Emil Levine) Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 19:15:35 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] One question about thesauri In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <003501d0ce10$02e40180$08ac0480$> Sir, I suggest you examine the UN IAEA INIS thesaurus which is multilingual. The first and only rule in thesaurus making (I have made several) is don?t. Copy format, etc. from a good one then populate it. This will happen over years, and requires subject specialists, etc. Emil Levine From: Asis-l [mailto:asis-l-bounces at] On Behalf Of Negar Esma Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 7:59 AM To: Asis-l at Subject: [Asis-l] One question about thesauri Dear All, I have a question about thesauri. How can be a thesaurus made? Especially bilingual? I have access to keywords of Persian scientific articles both in Persian and English. I guess these are good resources to make a bilingual thesaurus. Also it can be made automatically. Thanks in advance -- Negar (Razieh) Esmaeilpour Shiraz University RICeST --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 193227 bytes Desc: not available URL: From heather at Fri Aug 7 09:58:57 2015 From: heather at (Heather Pfeiffer) Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2015 07:58:57 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder of SIG Member of the Year Message-ID: <> Due on August 15, besides SIG of the Year, is SIGMember of the Year! Do you have a very active and wonderful member in your SIG? Nominate them at: For what must be submitted: Think about one of your members! If you need a report of all the things your member has done for ASIS&T outside of your SIG, please send the name to me and I will try to get you a report to help out. I am sure one of your members are wonderful! Please nominate them!! -Heather SIG Cabinet Director -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From klabarre at Sun Aug 9 11:53:57 2015 From: klabarre at (Kathryn La Barre) Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 10:53:57 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Reminder: SIG of the Year award nominations deadline in ONE WEEK! August 15th Message-ID: Nominate your SIG for the SIG of the Year award! If you wish to nominate your SIG, officers must file an annual report by Saturday August 15th. [NOTE: If your SIG is not applying for this award your annual report is due on September 15th]. Please direct questions to Kathryn La Barre klabarre at The SIG annual activities report covers the period of August 1st, 2014 through July 31st, 2015 and should include both qualitative and quantitative information about your SIG's activities during the year, including descriptions of conference sessions, publications, planning meetings, etc. Submit your annual report here: The SIG of the Year Award shall be judged on outstanding performance of one or any combination of the following factors: (a) A single publication for the SIG membership (newsletter); (b) A single publication or professional development event, such as, a program at a regional or national non-ASIS&T conference, a paper published in a journal, or a monograph (emphasis is placed on content, not the fact of publication); (c) A single publication for an audience outside of ASIS&T; (d) An innovative form or medium of information presentation; (e) A public service or participation in a public effort, such as, a legislative hearing, standards committee, or other program; (f) A program at the annual meeting; (g) Special projects; (h) Other noteworthy activities not explicitly named above; and (i) Uniformly high performance over a year in member services and in contribution to Association [this can be a combination of newsletters or other publications, conference programs, or other activities; (performance should be the major criterion)]. Jury members: Chair: Kathryn La Barre klabarre at June Abbas Trudi Bellardo Hahn Kevin Comerford [SIG/DL] Tricia Bradshaw [SIG/KM]; Alternate: Liya Deng -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From marialemos72 at Tue Aug 11 08:32:46 2015 From: marialemos72 at (Maria Lemos) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 13:32:46 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] WorldCIST'2016 - Call for Workshops Proposals; Deadline: September 6 Message-ID: <> * ** Please disseminate by your contacts. ** Thank you! * ------ CALL FOR WORKSHOPS PROPOSALS WorldCIST'16 - 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies Recife, PE, Brazil 22th-24th of March 2016 ------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP FORMAT The Information Systems and Technologies research and industrial community is invited to submit proposals of Workshops for WorldCist'16 ? 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies to be held at Recife, PE, Brazil, 22th-24th of March 2016. Workshops should focus on a specific scientific subject on the scope of WorldCist'16 but not directly included on the main conference areas. Each workshop will be coordinated by an Organizing Committee composed of, at least, two researchers in the field, preferably from different institutions and different countries. The organizers should create an international Program Committee for the Workshop, with recognized researchers within the specific Workshop scientific area. Each workshop should have at least 10 submissions and 5 accepted papers in order to be conducted at WorldCist'16. The selection of Workshops will be performed by WorldCist'16 Conference/Workshop Chairs. Workshops full and short papers will be published in the conference main proceedings in specific Workshop chapters published by Springer in a book of the AISC series. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by ISI Thomson, SCOPUS, DBLP, EI-Compendex among several other scientific databases. Extended versions of best selected papers will be published in journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP. Detailed and up-to-date information may be found at WorldCist'16 website: WORKSHOP ORGANIZATION The Organizing Committee of each Workshop will be responsible for: - Producing and distributing the Workshop Call for Papers (CFP); - Coordinating the review and selection process for the papers submitted to the Workshop, as Workshop chairs (on the paper submission system to be installed); - Delivering the final versions of the papers accepted for the Workshop in accordance with the guidelines and deadlines defined by WorldCist'16 organizers; - Coordinating and chairing the Workshop sessions at the conference. WorldCist'16 organizers reserve the right to cancel any Workshop if deadlines are missed or if the number of registered attendees is too low to support the costs associated with the Workshop. PROPOSAL CONTENT Workshop proposals should contain the following information: - Workshop title; - Brief description of the specific scientific scope of the Workshop; - List of topics of interest (max 15 topics); - Reasons the Workshop should be held within WorldCist?16; - Name, postal address, phone and email of all the members of the Workshop Organizing Committee; - Proposal for the Workshop Program Committee (Names and affiliations). Proposals should be submitted electronically by email to worldcist at (cc: lpreis at, in PDF, (in English), by July 30, 2015. IMPORTANT DATES - Deadline for Workshop proposals: September 6, 2015 - Notification of Workshop acceptance: September 7, 2015 - Deadline for paper submission: November 14, 2015 - Notification of paper acceptance: December 13, 2015 - Deadline for final versions and conference registration: December 27, 2015 - Conference dates: March 22-24, 2016 Regards, Maria Lemos WorldCIST'16 Team From nicole.purviance at Fri Aug 7 13:01:34 2015 From: nicole.purviance at (Nicole Purviance) Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 10:01:34 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] SJSU School of Information Launches Entirely Online Advanced Certificate Program Message-ID: <033f01d0d132$b8628a20$29279e60$@SJSU.Edu> Digital Assets and Services Focus of New iSchool Advanced Certificate Program Is the increasing variety of digital content making your head spin? Quickly gain the practical skills needed to integrate and manage digital and physical assets and services-and make all of it accessible to users-by earning your Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services from the San Jose State University (SJSU) School of Information (iSchool). The nine-unit program is open to anyone with a bachelor's or master's degree and can be completed in just two semesters! Apply now for admission in spring 2016, with classes beginning January 28, 2016. The Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services program, which is offered entirely online , allows students the opportunity to customize their education by offering three different certificate pathways : Digital Assets Management; Information Governance, Assurance, and Security; and Data Analytics and Data Driven Decision Making. Students choose three courses in a particular pathway for a total of nine units to complete the program. All three pathways share the same overarching learning outcomes highly prized by employers. First, certificate holders will demonstrate proficiency in "identifying, using, and evaluating current and emerging information and communication technologies to connect individuals or groups with accurate, relevant, and appropriate information." Second, students completing the program will "apply the fundamental principles of planning, management, marketing, and advocacy to the selection, evaluation, organization, curation, and security of physical and digital information items." Students following the Digital Assets Management pathway will choose from a variety of courses designed to highlight the ways that digital content management, digital curation tools and services, and new digital media characteristics are used in a variety of information organizations. The Information Governance, Assurance, and Security pathway focuses on cybersecurity and best practices in information governance in organizational and networked contexts. Individuals drawn to the Data Analytics and Data Driven Decision Making pathway will take courses concentrating on big data, information visualization, and social media research. The goal of the advanced certificate program is to ensure information professionals gain the practical skills necessary to navigate the increasingly complex world of digital assets and services and to manage all types of digital content successfully and make it accessible to users. More information about the iSchool's new advanced certificate can be found on the school's website . A brochure (PDF) is also available for downloads. About The San Jose State University (SJSU) School of Information prepares individuals for careers as information professionals. Graduates work in diverse areas of the information profession, such as user experience design, digital asset management, information architecture, electronic records management, information governance, digital preservation, and librarianship. The SJSU School of Information is a recognized leader in online education and received the Online Learning Consortium's Outstanding Online Program award . For more information about the school, please visit: . Contact: Nicole Purviance Director of Marketing and Communications School of Information San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0029 nicole.purviance at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pr-aksw at Mon Aug 10 02:10:08 2015 From: pr-aksw at (=?UTF-8?B?SsO8cmdlbiBVbWJyaWNo?=) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 09:10:08 +0300 Subject: [Asis-l] [CFP] Semantic Web Journal - Special Issue on Quality Management of Semantic Web Assets (Data, Services and Systems) Message-ID: <> *CFP: Semantic Web Journal - Special Issue on Quality Management of Semantic Web Assets (Data, Services and Systems):* Submission guidelines *Deadline:October 31, 2015* Submissions shall be made through the Semantic Web journal website at . Prospective authors must take notice of the submission guidelines posted at . Note that you need to request an account on the website for submitting a paper. Please indicate in the cover letter that it is for the Special Issue on Quality Management of Semantic Web Assets (Data, Services and Systems). Submissions are possible in the following categories: full research papers, application reports, reports on tools and systems, and case studies. While there is no upper limit, paper length must be justified by content. Guest editors * Amrapali Zaveri, University of Leipzig, AKSW Group, Germany * Dimitris Kontokostas, University of Leipzig, AKSW Group, Germany * Sebastian Hellmann, University of Leipzig, AKSW Group, Germany * J?rgen Umbrich, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria *Overview and Topics* The standardization and adoption of Semantic Web technologies has resulted in a variety of assets, including an unprecedented volume of data being semantically enriched and systems and services, which consume or publish this data. Although gathering, processing and publishing data is a step towards further adoption of Semantic Web, quality does not yet play a central role in these assets (e.g., data lifecycle, system/service development). Quality management essentially refers to activities and tasks involved to guarantee a certain level of consistency and to meet the quality requirements for the assets. In general, quality management consists of the following four phases and components: (i) quality planning, (ii) quality control, (iii) quality assurance and (iv) quality improvement. The quality planning phase in the Semantic Web typically involves the design of procedures, strategies and policies to support the management of the assets. The quality control and assurance components have their primary aim in preventing errors and to meet quality requirements pertaining to the Semantic Web standards. A core part for both components are quality assessment methods which provide the necessary input for the controlling and assurance tasks. Quality assessment of Semantic Web Assets (data, services and systems), in particular, presents new challenges that were not handled before in other research areas. Thus, adopting existing approaches for data quality assessment is not a straightforward solution. These challenges are related to the openness of the Semantic Web, the diversity of the information and the unbounded, dynamic set of autonomous data sources, publishers and consumers (legal and software agents). Additionally, detecting the quality of available data sources and making the information explicit is yet another challenge. Moreover, noise in one data set, or missing links between different data sets, propagates throughout the Web of Data, and imposes great challenges on the data value chain. In case of systems and services, different implementations follow the specifications for RDF and SPARQL to varying extents, or even propose and offer new, non-standardized extensions. This causes strong incompatibilities between systems, e.g., between the used SPARQL features in the query engines and support features in RDF stores. The potential heterogeneity and incompatibility poses several challenges for the quality assessments in and for such systems and services. Eventually, quality improvement methods are used to further enhance the value of the Semantic Web Assets. One important step to improve the quality of data is identifying the root cause of the problem and then designing corresponding data improvement solutions. These solutions select the most effective and efficient strategies and related set of techniques and tools to improve quality. Quality improvement metrics for products and services entails understanding and improving operational processes and establishing valid and reliable service performance measures. This Special Issue is addressed to those members of the community interested in providing novel methodologies or frameworks in managing, assessing, monitoring, maintaining and improving the quality of the Semantic Web data, services and systems and also introduce tools and user interfaces which can effectively assist in this management. Topics of Interest We welcome original high quality submissions on (but are not restricted to) the following topics: * Methodologies and frameworks to plan, control, assure or improve the quality of Semantic Web Assets * Quality exploration and analysis interfaces * Quality monitoring * Developing, deploying and managing quality service ecosystems * Assessing the quality evolution of Semantic Web Assets * Large-scale quality assessment of structured datasets * Crowdsourcing data quality assessment * Quality assessment leveraging background knowledge * Use-case driven quality management * Evaluation of trustworthiness of data * Web Data and LOD quality benchmarks * Data Quality improvement methods and frameworks, e.g., linkage, alignment, cleaning, enrichment, correctness * Service/system quality improvement methods and frameworks * Managing sustainability issues in services * Guarantee of service (availability, performance) * Systems for transparent management of open data -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From junus at Tue Aug 11 16:39:33 2015 From: junus at (Junus, Ranti) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 20:39:33 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: UofA SLIS welcomes Assistant Professor Adam Worrall In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> [Forwarded by request ?ranti] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From:?- slis To:?asis-l at Cc:? Date:?Tue, 11 Aug 2015 11:21:38 -0600 Subject:?UofA SLIS welcomes Assistant Professor Adam Worrall The School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Adam Worrall as an Assistant Professor, starting August 2015. Dr. Worrall earned his PhD (2014) and MLIS (2008) from the Florida State University School of Information. His research looks at the relationships between information-centric communities, information and communication technologies (ICTs), and the information behavior of their users. ?I incorporate social informatics and information behavior perspectives to focus on the boundaries that may exist between communities, especially online,? Adam said, ?and the roles that individual boundary spanners and ICTs can play in supporting information and knowledge sharing in these contexts.? His recent doctoral research looked at social digital libraries and the roles they play in supporting information behaviors and activities taking place within, between, and across multiple communities. Adam is also interested in research into scientific collaboration, social media, and social and community theories in library and information science (LIS). He has published collaborative research articles in the?Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Library and Information Science Research, and?Information Research, and is active in presenting his work at conferences and in service to the profession, particularly with the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Adam's teaching interests include topics in information behavior, information technology, social informatics, and research methods. He brings well-regarded face-to-face and online teaching experiences as a doctoral student and adjunct faculty at Florida State University to his new role at SLIS, where he will teach LIS 501 Foundations of LIS online for the Fall 2015 term. ______________________________________________________ 1. Sophia Sherman, Office Administrator School of Library & Information Studies 3-20 Rutherford South University of Alberta Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4 PH: 780-492-4578? FAX: 780-492-2430 EMAIL: slis at _____________________________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This email message, including any attachments, is intended only for the exclusive view of named recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this message in error, or are not the named recipient(s), or it has been inappropriately forwarded to you, please immediately notify the original sender by reply email and delete this email message, including any attachments. Thank you. From jhowison at Tue Aug 11 17:09:53 2015 From: jhowison at (James Howison) Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 16:09:53 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Orgs and Society (OASIS, IFIP 8.2) Workshop CFP Message-ID: -pre-icis-workshop-fort-worth-tx Call for Submissions, 2015 OASIS Pre-ICIS Workshop, Fort Worth, TX ******************************************************************************** IFIP WG8.2 Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2015 Workshop 12 December 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA Deadline for paper submissions: 10 September 2015 Notification of acceptance/rejection decisions: 24 September 2015 ******************************************************************************** Is your research concerned with the interaction of information systems, organizations and society? Do you need a forum to discuss some of your current research ideas or findings that have not crystallized into a formal paper? Would you like feedback from your peers as you move your current research forward? Do you want to meet internationally respected researchers in information systems? If so, we invite you to present your research-in-progress or ideas for paper development at OASIS, the IFIP Working Group 8.2 research workshop. OASIS is open to all interested scholars and professionals who are researching in the area of information systems, organizations and society. The unique and collegial character of the IFIP Working Group 8.2 ( ensures constructive, helpful, and high-quality feedback. This is a great opportunity for you to share your research, meet group members, and learn about their research in a relaxed and supportive setting. This year, OASIS will be held prior to ICIS 2015 on Saturday, 12 December 2015 in Fort Worth, Texas. Papers will be workshopped in small group discussions in a round-table format. Papers will be grouped around the themes of submissions. Participants will be expected to read and comment on other papers in their group. The goal is to help move the work forward to publication in other venues. We invite those interested in sharing and discussing their research-in-progress or under-development-papers to submit via the EasyChair online submission system: There are two types of submissions: short papers and long papers. The length of short papers and long papers is limited to 5,000 words and 10,000 words respectively (excluding references). The format of the submission is a Word or PDF document that includes a title, author names and affiliations, and 3-4 keywords. The deadline for submission is 10 September 2015. Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection decisions by 24 September 2015. As a paper development workshop there will not be formal proceedings; accepted papers will be made available to other attendees for the period of the workshop and a printed abstract will be include as part of the conference pack. Further information including registration details will be provided on the conference website. Any questions regarding OASIS can be emailed to the co-chairs, Hani Safadi or James Howison . We look forward to welcoming you in Fort Worth, Hani Safadi (Stevens Institute of Technology) and James Howison (University of Texas, Austin) Program co-Chairs, OASIS 2015 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jbertot at Thu Aug 13 20:38:14 2015 From: jbertot at (John Bertot) Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 00:38:14 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ALISE/ProQuest Methodology Paper Competition Message-ID: <> Reminder: The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) is accepting proposals for its 2016 Methodology Paper Competition, sponsored by ProQuest. The purpose of this award is to stimulate communication on research methodologies at ALISE annual conferences. The competition is open to all types of methodology. Papers must be limited to description and discussion of a research method or a technique associated with a particular research method. (For example, papers may address such areas as sampling, grounded theory, historical methods, or statistical methods.) Papers must explain the particular method/technique, including methodological implications for library and information science. Examples to illustrate its value can come from LIS-related published studies, proposed studies, and works in progress. Papers that stress findings are not eligible for this competition. More information is available at: Submissions can be made using the ?ALISE Award and Grant Nomination Form? link at: Deadline for submissions: September 22, 2015 Best, John Bertot Chair, ALISE/ProQuest Methodology Paper Competition ************************************************************************* John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D. Professor and Co-Director Information Policy & Access Center College of Information Studies University of Maryland 4105 Hornbake Building, South Wing College Park, MD 20742 Email: jbertot at Web (Bertot): Web (Center): Phone: 301.405.3267 Fax: 301.314.9145 Associate Editor, Government Information Quarterly Co-Editor, Advances in Librarianship -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jeremy.mclaughlin at Thu Aug 13 17:18:04 2015 From: jeremy.mclaughlin at (Jeremy McLaughlin) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 15:18:04 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG AH Virtual Newsletter: Fall 2014 - Summer 2015 Message-ID: SIG AH is pleased to share our Digital Newsletter: Fall 2014 - Summer 2015 issue, now available online: If you would like to contribute to our 2015 Annual Meeting roundup or the next SIG AH Virtual Newsletter, please email me or asist.sigah at We look forward to seeing you in St. Louis! Jeremy L. McLaughlin Chair, SIG AH -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kalbers at Thu Aug 13 14:17:49 2015 From: kalbers at (Elizabeth Kalbers) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 11:17:49 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] UCLA Information Studies Department Participates at SAA! Message-ID: The UCLA Information Studies Department will be very involved in SAA this year! These are a few of our faculty, students, adjunct instructors, and alumni who will be winning awards, presenting talks, or participating in committees at the event in Cleveland. ? Michelle Caswell, Assistant Professor, will receive the Waldo Gifford Leland Award for Best Publication during the Awards Ceremony on August 21 at 6pm. She will also be on the panel "The 'Great Society' and the Archives: Fifty Years of Archival Activism," session 610 on August 22. ? Kathy Carbone, current doctoral student, will be presenting her paper, ?Artists, Archivists, and Activists: Collaborative Art Making in the Archives? at the 609 panel on August 22. ? Joanna Chen Cham, recent alum, will receive the ARL/SAA Mosaic Program Fellows award, along with her cohort, on August 21. ? Marika Cifor and Stacy Wood, current doctoral students, will be presenting their paper, "Teaching Archival Literacy: The Challenges and Opportunities of developing an Undergraduate Archival Studies Curriculum?, at the SAA Research Forum. ? Noah Geraci, current MLIS student, will be presenting a poster at the Graduate Student Poster Session. ? Recent alums Kelsey Knox, Rachel Mandell, and Beth McDonald will be presenting a poster at the SAA Research Forum. -- Elizabeth Kalbers Administrative Assistant Department of Information Studies 310-206-9393 kalbers at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Katrin.Weller at Thu Aug 13 18:33:11 2015 From: Katrin.Weller at (Weller, Katrin) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 22:33:11 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for submissions: Computational Social Science Winter symposium, Cologne, December 1-3 Message-ID: <2D3DFB539C8F0B49A1D31A47B0C027D1D045B87C@SVKOEXC01.gesis.intra> ============================================================== CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS (POSTERS + PRESENTATIONS) ============================================================== 2nd COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE WINTER SYMPOSIUM Cologne, Germany Main symposium dates: December 2-3, 2015 Pre-symposium workshops and tutorials: December 1, 2015 Website: Hashtag: #cssws15 ============================================================== ------------------------------------------ ABOUT THE WINTER SYMPOSIUM ------------------------------------------ The CSS Winter Symposium 2015 will be a three-day event consisting of: * an exciting program featuring a series of invited talks that will provide different perspectives on current advances and limitations of computational social science * an open call for contributed presentations and posters that will provide opportunities for computational social scientists to present and discuss their own work. * the opportunity to participate in workshops and tutorials on the day prior to the symposium * plenty of possibilities for interdisciplinary networking including an informal evening event at the famous Cologne Christmas markets. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Munmun De Choudhury (Georgia Tech), Noshir Contractor (Northwestern University), Sune Lehmann (Technical University of Denmark), J?rgen Pfeffer (Carnegie Mellon University), Ralph Schroeder (University of Oxford) ------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------- Poster+presentation submissions: September 28, 2015 Poster+presentation notification: October 19, 2015 (Workshop/Tutorial submissions:) (September 01, 2015) Registration deadline: November 19, 2015 Pre-symposium workshops and tutorials: December 1, 2015 Main symposium dates: December 2-3, 2015 ------------------------------------------------ POSTER + PRESENTATION SUBMISSIONS ------------------------------------------------ We invite submissions that describe research results or tools and methods for computational social science. Exemplary topics for submissions include but are not limited to: - Theories and models explaining the dynamics in social systems, networks, communities and teams - Studies of political discourse and spread of opinions, attitudes and information on the web - Studies of cultures and conflicts, segregation, discrimination, prejudice via new kinds of data - Social-/Computational aspects of health, life style, sports and diet - Social-/Computational aspects of human movement, mobility and urban planning - Mixed methods and techniques (e.g. obtrusive/unobtrusive methods) - Methods to deal with biased, selective and incomplete observational data on the Web - Tools that detect and prevent mobbing or depressive behavior online - Tools that support social scientists to capture, store and analyze social data on the Web - Methods for the design and execution of online experiments for the social sciences Other related topics are explicitly welcome. Each accepted submission will be given a brief plenary time slot for presentation (e.g. during Pecha Kucha or short presentation sessions) as well as a poster stand during the joint poster session of the event. The event will be non-archival (i.e. no proceedings). Submissions should be 1-2 page abstracts (up to approx. 1000 words) summarizing the work to be presented. We encourage researchers to also submit mature work that has already been published and/or submit work-in-progress. Submissions will mostly be evaluated based on relevance and the potential to stimulate interesting discussions. Authors are kindly requested to submit a PDF file via the easychair submission system for the event: The full call for posters+presentations can also be found at: The additional call for workshops and tutorials can be found at: ---------------------------- ORGANIZATION AND VENUE ---------------------------- The CSS Winter Symposium will take place at the heart of Cologne, at Maternushaus within walking distance of the central train station and the Cologne cathedral. We aim to keep registration costs very low or - if possible - free. More information will be made available soon. Paper/poster submission is not a requirement for attendance, talks are open to anyone interested. Attendees are highly encouraged to attend the pre-conference events (Dec 1st, 2015), participate in the informal evening event (Cologne Christmas markets) and plan their travel accordingly. PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately we cannot take responsibility for support on visa related issues. ------------ CONTACT ------------ SYMPOSIUM CHAIR: ----------------- Prof. Dr. Markus Strohmaier GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Computational Social Science Department Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8 D-50667 K?ln Germany E-mail: markus.strohmaier at Phone: +49 (221) 47694-225 LOCAL ORGANIZATION: ------------------ Diana Lindner, M.A. GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Computational Social Science Department Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8 D-50667 K?ln Germany Email: diana.lindner at Phone: +49 (0221) 47694-401 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From listserviant at Wed Aug 12 09:47:30 2015 From: listserviant at (Richard Urban) Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 09:47:30 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Collections Cubed Survey: 3D technologies for scientific and cultural heritage resources Message-ID: Dear colleagues, Dr. Richard J. Urban is currently exploring the adoption and use of 3D technologies for scientific and cultural heritage collections. Although there several well-known pilot projects, we are hoping to learn more about the scale and scope of these technologies across the LAM community. If you or a colleague have implemented or are planning to implement a project that uses 3D technologies to digitize, publish, or print collection objects, specimens, historic/archeological sites, or architectural structures, please complete the survey available at: The survey should take only 15-20 minutes to complete by individuals who are knowledgeable about the adoption and use of 3D technologies in their organization. Please complete the survey no later than 09/30/2015. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues and other organizations. We hope to gather as many replies as possible! Sincerely, Richard J. Urban, Ph.D. School of Information Florida State University rurban at @musebrarian -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From niso-announce at Thu Aug 13 11:02:42 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 11:02:42 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] October 5-6 NISO Forum: The Future of Library Resource Discovery Message-ID: *NISO Forum: The Future of Library Resource Discovery* NISO will host a two?day meeting to take place in *Baltimore, Maryland on October 5 & 6, 2015* on *The Future of Library Discovery* . In February 2015, NISO published a white paper commissioned from library consultant Marshall Breeding by NISO's Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee. The in-person meeting will be an extension of the white paper with a series of presenters and panels offering an overview of the current resource discovery environment. Attendees will then participate in several conversations that will examine possibilities regarding how these technologies, methodologies, and products might be able to adapt to changes in the evolving information landscape in scholarly communications and to take advantage of new technologies, metadata models, or linking environments to better accomplish the needs of libraries to provide access to resources. *Confirmed speakers include:* - *Opening Keynote:* *Marshall Breeding*, Independent Library Consultant, - *Scott Bernier*, Senior Vice President, Marketing, EBSCO - *Michael Levine-Clark*, Professor / Associate Dean for Scholarly Communication and Collections Services, University of Denver Libraries - *Gregg Gordon, *President & CEO, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) - *Neil Grindley*, Head of Resource Discovery, Jisc - *Karen Resch McKeown*, Director, Product Discovery, Usage and Analytics, Gale | Cengage Learning - *Jason S. Price, Ph.D.*, Director of Licensing Operations, SCELC Library Consortium - *Mike Showalter*, Executive Director, End-User Services, OCLC - *Christine Stohn*, Product Manager, ExLibris Group - *Julie Zhu*, Manager, Discovery Service Relations, Marketing, Sales & Design, IEEE - *Closing Keynote:* *Peter Murray*, Library Technologist and blogger at the Disruptive Library Technology Jester *Early Bird rates until September!* The cost to attend the two-day seminar in person for NISO Members (Voting or LSA) is only $250.00; Nonmember: $300.00; and for Students: $150.00. To register, click here . Please visit the event page for the most up-to-date information on the agenda, speakers and registration information. For any questions regarding attending this NISO event, contact Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager, via email jwood at or phone 301.654.2512. We hope to see you in Baltimore in the Fall! # # # Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager National Information Standards Organization (NISO) 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302 Baltimore, Maryland 21211 E: jwood at P: 301.654.2512 F: 410.685.5278 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From otmorey at Thu Aug 13 15:52:02 2015 From: otmorey at (Morey, Ophelia) Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 19:52:02 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science (CIDLIS), Call for Submissions and Registration In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> FYI From: Mark Puente [mailto:mpuente at] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:04 PM To: Subject: Fwd: 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science (CIDLIS), Call for Submissions and Registration Of possible interest. This conference is free to attend. Please note that they are still seeking program proposals. All best, Mark Mark A. Puente Director of Diversity and Leadership Programs Association of Research Libraries 21 Dupont Circle, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 (202)296-2296 mpuente at [Image removed by sender.] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: LIS Diversity > Date: Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 12:37 PM Subject: 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science (CIDLIS), Call for Submissions and Registration To: Hello, This is a reminder that the 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science (CIDLIS) will take place at the University of Maryland on Friday, October 16. Pre-conference workshops will take place the evening before, on Thursday, October 15. More information follows this message, and the website for the conference is at this link. If you have not yet registered for the Conference, you can do so through this link or by sending an e-mail to lisdiversity at with the word "Registration" in the subject line. If you have registered, there is still time to submit a paper proposal for the conference. There is also space available in the following three 8/15 workshops: * A session for doctoral students interested in conducting research and teaching on topics of diversity and inclusion in library and information science; * A session for faculty interested in conducting research and teaching on topics of diversity and inclusion in library and information science; and * A session for library professionals interested in collecting data to improve services to diverse populations. We are also still accepting nominations for the 2015 James Partridge Outstanding African American Information Professional Award. Please consider attending what should be an excellent event, and share this notice widely within your communities. Best Regards, Brian -- Brian Real, PhD Information Policy and Access Center (iPAC) 4105 Hornbake Bldg. South Wing University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 (301) 405-9445 ________________________________ 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science (CIDLIS) Registration and Submissions Now Open Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science (CIDLIS) Save the Date! October 15-16, 2015 at the University of Maryland, College Park OCTOBER 15-16 Sponsored by: [Image removed by sender.] [Image removed by sender. iPAC logo] [Image removed by sender.] Other sponsors include: University of Maryland Office of Equity and Inclusion Carroll County Public Library Cecil County Public Library Harford County Public Library Prince George's County Memorial Library System Proquest Simmona Simmons Paul Jaeger The 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library and Information Science (CIDLIS) is now accepting registrations and submissions. The conference (known in past years as the Symposium on Diversity in LIS Education) focuses on issues of diversity, inclusion, and information access in library and information professions. It will be held at the University of Maryland on October 15 and 16, 2015. It is the one place that practitioners, educators and scholars interested in issues of diversity, inclusion, rights, and justice in LIS can gather to learn, share, and network. The two previous events have included more than 170 attendees; it is a large and vibrant community who attend this conference. I. Registration and Workshops As always, attendance is free (and so is the food). All you need to do is visit the conference website and follow the registration link. The main day of the conference will be on Friday, October 16. That day?s events will include the presentations, keynote talks, and the presentation of the James Partridge Award. The events of October 15 will be in the evening ? three concurrent workshops: * A session for doctoral students interested in conducting research and teaching on topics of diversity and inclusion in library and information science; * A session for faculty interested in conducting research and teaching on topics of diversity and inclusion in library and information science; and * A session for library professionals interested in collecting data to improve services to diverse populations. Each workshop will be facilitated by faculty working in these areas. Space is limited for the workshops. If you want to attend one of them, please clearly indicate which one in your registration email. Unless you say you want to participate in one of the workshops, we will assume that you only want to attend the events on October 15. When you register, you will also be given the opportunity to make a donation to help support the event. It is not required, but it would be appreciated. II. Submissions This year, papers for the conference will be refereed and published as proceedings in the new open access Journal of Inclusion and Diversity in Library & Information Science Education (JIDLIS). The CDLIS planning committee welcomes abstracts that address topics including ? but not limited to ? the following themes: * Increasing diversity in LIS education, professions, research, and practice * Libraries and information organizations as change agents * The impact of libraries/librarians on social justice * Libraries as Institutions of Human Rights * Programming and service to underserved populations * Programming and service to patrons with disabilities * Cultural competence in LIS * Methods for increasing diversity in LIS Your abstract should be no more than 350 words and also include a title, and your name, title, organization, and contact information. Submitted abstracts must describe papers that have not been published previously nor are under consideration for publication. Abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 PM EST on August 30 via an email to lisdiversity at The subject line of the email should be ?Submission.? Please email questions regarding registration and the call for abstracts to lisdiversity at Follow on Twitter | Friend on Facebook | Forward to Friend Copyright ? 2015 University of Maryland's College of Information Studies, All rights reserved. This message includes news or announcements for students, faculty/staff, alumni and friends of the University of Maryland's College of Information Studies, Maryland's iSchool. Our mailing address is: University of Maryland's College of Information Studies University of Maryland 4105 Hornbake Building, South Wing College Park, Md 20742 Add us to your address book unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences -- To post to this group, send email to arl-lcdp at To unsubscribe from this group, send email to arl-lcdp+unsubscribe at For more options, visit For instructions on logging in visit To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to arl-lcdp+unsubscribe at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ~WRD403.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 823 bytes Desc: ~WRD403.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 702 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 566 bytes Desc: image002.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image003.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 572 bytes Desc: image003.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image004.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 332 bytes Desc: image004.jpg URL: From zimmerm at Wed Aug 12 10:45:01 2015 From: zimmerm at (Michael T Zimmer) Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 14:45:01 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Reminder=3A_CFP_for_First_Monday_special_issue?= =?utf-8?q?=3A_=E2=80=9CA_Decade_of_Web_2=2E0=3A_Reflections=2C_Critical_P?= =?utf-8?q?erspectives=2C_and_Beyond=E2=80=9D?= References: <> Message-ID: <> A gentle reminder that abstracts for this special issue of First Monday on ?A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, Critical Perspectives, and Beyond? are due September 1. -- Michael Zimmer, PhD Associate Professor and PhD Program Director, School of Information Studies Director, Center for Information Policy Research University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee e: zimmerm at w: Call for Papers: Special Issue of First Monday (June 2016) ?A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, Critical Perspectives, and Beyond? Special Editors: Michael Zimmer and Anna L. Hoffmann 2015 marks 10 years since the publication of ?What Is Web 2.0?? [1], Tim O?Reilly?s influential declaration of Web 2.0?s practical and conceptual underpinnings. In the intervening years, the popularity of Web 2.0 as a descriptive term has waxed and waned. At the same time, however, the platforms, principles, and ideologies that ushered in the Web 2.0 Era have only grown in their relevance: concerns over labor and social production have persisted in, for example, critical discussions of personal data ownership or the ?sharing economy;? questions of exploitation and dominance are increasingly pressing in the face of the power and reach exhibited by companies like Google, Facebook, or Twitter; as knowledge platforms like Wikipedia have flourished, so have concerns over diminished critical-thinking skills and the monopolization of knowledge; and, finally, critical attention to the (often tenuous) relationship between democracy and participatory platforms remains vital to understanding the power of social media tools for facilitating social and political protest at the same time as it enables new opportunities for surveillance and political repression. In addition, while social networking sites and tools have provided unparalleled opportunities to connect, communicate, and share, they?ve also given rise to problems of identity management, cyberbullying, revenge porn, and (sometimes cruel) practices of trolling. Under various guises, Web 2.0 has retained an ability to expand social, political, and economic opportunity while at the same time fostering resistance and controversy in its reach and ideological commitments. In 2008, First Monday published a special issue on ?Critical Perspectives on Web 2.0? [2] bringing together a diverse group of scholars to ?expose, explore and explain the ideological meanings and the social, political, and ethical implications of Web 2.0?. These contributions addressed issues of labor, privacy, exploitation, and broader conceptual and practical implications of participatory platforms and social production online. In light of Web 2.0?s continued relevance and impact, we are pleased to edit a new special issue of First Monday ? A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, Critical Perspectives, and Beyond ? that aims to update and extend previous critical assessments of online social and participatory platforms and practices. We seek submissions from a broad array of disciplines and perspectives representing a diverse collection topics, including, but not limited to: ? identity and pseudonymity ? algorithms and the filter bubble ? exercise of power and protest ? social media and democracy ? privacy and data flows ? memes and virality ? labor and exploitation ? commodification and corporatization ? content production and appropriation ? cyberbullying and online harassment ? law and regulatory interventions ? social data and research ethics In addition, we especially encourage submissions that examine the above (or other) issues as they intersect with issues of race, gender, sexuality, disability, or socioeconomic status. Timeline: ? Extended Abstracts Due: September 1, 2015 ? Feedback from Editors: October 1, 2015 ? Full Submissions Due: February 1, 2016 ? Peer Review Feedback: April 1, 2016 ? Final Submissions Due: May 15, 2016 ? Issue Appears: June 2016 Logistics: Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract of 400-500 words to DecadeOfWeb20 at for review by the editors. Selected authors will be invited to submit a full paper for the special issue, which will then undergo formal external peer-review. Final submissions must follow the Author Guidelines [3] for First Monday. Editors: ? Dr. Michael Zimmer, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ? Dr. Anna Lauren Hoffmann, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley References: [1] [2] [3] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ballet at Tue Aug 18 10:07:13 2015 From: ballet at (Valeda Dent) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:07:13 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Long Island University's Palmer School Welcomes New Faculty Message-ID: *Long Island University's Palmer School of Library and Information Science is pleased to introduce our newest faculty members.* *Dr. Hsin-liang (Oliver) Chen* joined the Palmer School faculty in Spring 2015. Prior to arriving at Palmer he taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Missouri, and Indiana University at Indianapolis. Dr. Chen?s expertise covers the areas of Information Technology and Systems, and Digital Librarianship. Dr. Chen?s research interests focus on the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to assist users in accessing and using information in different environments. His interest in these areas are guided in part by his previous experience as an art teacher and school librarian in Taiwan and a faculty member in higher education. Dr. Chen has studied how college students search for art historical images to complete their course assignments, how museum practitioners use images for their job duties, how system designers should design online mathematics digital libraries for K-12 math education, and how college students learn from multimedia materials in an online information literacy class. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999, MA in Educational Communication and Technology from New York University in 1995, and BA in Library Science from Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan in 1985. *Dr. Vincent M. Livoti *joined the Palmer School faculty in the Fall of 2014. Dr. Livoti is a Boston-area native. Prior to his arrival in New York he lived in Portland, Maine and worked for the University of Maine as an Assistant Professor. He previously taught in the Graduate School of Education at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he also managed the Kresge Center for Teaching Resources. Dr. Livoti is an alumnus of both Simmons College and Massachusetts State University. He moved to London for graduate studies before beginning his interdisciplinary doctoral research. Having previously worked with Harvard University, The Museum of Science, Boston Children?s Museum and the Boston Center for Adult Education, Dr. Livoti brings a diverse range of human service experience to the Palmer School. As a human service worker with over ten years in the field, Dr. Livoti is engaged with advocating for the underserved in the information sphere as well as scholarship exploring the expanding role of sexual minorities in American culture. Dr. Livoti specializes in social action research and the underserved, inclusion practice and cultural competency, media analysis and information literacy, LGBT studies and queer theory, the diversification of resources for library and information centers, and youth services and developmental resources. In spring 2015 Dr. Livoti revised the Palmer School?s Children?s and Young Adult Services curriculum. Dr. Livoti enjoys contemporary art and film, as well as exploring the expanses of Long Island?s natural beauty. *Dr. Wei Xiong* will join the Palmer School of Library and Information Science as an assistant professor in Fall 2015. Prior to LIU, he served as an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Information Systems at Northwest Missouri State University. Dr. Xiong holds a dual-bachelor's degree in Software Engineering and Marketing from Hubei University of Economics, an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Information Systems from New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Xiong's teaching interests include data mining (big data and its applications), information representation and retrieval, and digital libraries. His research involves a wide range of data mining applications in different domains, including behavioral-targeted advertising in business, automatic document classification in digital libraries, and early alert system for online course instructors in academia. He has worked as a data scientist in industry and has a funded grant proposal on data mining research. Dr. Xiong is teaching a special topics course in Data Mining for the Information Professional in the Fall 2015. He is working on creating two courses focused on Information Analytics for the Spring 2016. Please join me in welcoming our newest faculty members to the Palmer School. Valeda F. Dent, Ph.D., MILS, MSW Dean, University Libraries Interim Director, Palmer School of Library and Information Science Long Island University Brookville, New York 11548 (516) 299 - 2307 Phone (516) 299 - 4169 FAX -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bsbutler at Sat Aug 22 07:59:34 2015 From: bsbutler at (Brian Butler) Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 11:59:34 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Re-envisioning the MLS from UMaryland's ISchool Message-ID: <> In August 2014, the University of Maryland?s iSchool and the Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC) launched the Re-Envisioning the MLS initiative to address significant changes in the information landscape, our communities, information organizations, technology, the economy, workforce needs and trends, and other factors that impact Library and Information Science (LIS) education in general, and the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree (and its variants) in particular. A three-year effort in all, the first year focused on engagement and included a speaker?s series, engagement events, regional visits, discussions with a range of leaders in the information professions, extensive work with the iSchool?s MLS Advisory Board, environmental analysis and scanning, a published white paper that identified trends and issues, and more. Summaries and archives of these events, and documents, are available at The iSchool is pleased to share its Re-Envisioning the MLS: Findings, Issues, and Considerations report. The findings have a number of implications for LIS education and MLS programs, including: * Attributes of Successful Information Professionals. Successful information professionals are not those who wish to seek a quiet refuge out of the public?s view. They need to be collaborative, problem solvers, creative, socially innovative, flexible and adaptable, and have a strong desire to work with the public. * Ensure a Balance of Competencies and Abilities. MLS programs need to ensure that students have a range of competencies, but that aptitude needs to be balanced with a progressive attitude (?can do,? ?change agent,? ?public service?). * Re-Thinking the MLS Begins with Recruitment. Neither a love of books or libraries is enough for the next generation of information professionals. Instead they must thrive on change, embrace public service, and seek challenges that require creative solutions. Attracting students with a strong desire to serve the public is critical. * Be Disruptive, Savvy, and Fearless. Through creativity, collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship, information professionals have the opportunity to disrupt current approaches and practices to existing social challenges. The future belongs to those who are socially innovative, entrepreneurial, and change agents who are bold, fearless, willing to take risks, go ?big,? and go against convention. As noted by then-MLS Program Director Dr. John Bertot, the initiative serves as a complement to current discussions regarding the future of libraries, ?As we rethink our information institutions and the roles that they serve in their communities, we also need to consider who the future information professionals are, their abilities and competencies, and how we prepare them for dynamic and evolving careers as community change agents.? Ms. Lindsay Sarin, MLS Program Manager, further commented that, ?Our libraries, archives, and other information organizations are central to their communities, and we need our future information professionals who are ready and eager to take risks and support their communities in new and exciting ways.? Over the next two years, the iSchool will focus on curriculum redesign, continued engagement, and implementation. Dr. Paul Jaeger, newly appointed MLS Program Director, stated that, ?The report provides a clearly articulated set of issues that we will use as we rethink and redesign our MLS curriculum and further engage the LIS community.? ?For more information see -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dpotnis at Thu Aug 20 08:31:44 2015 From: dpotnis at (Potnis, Devendra Dilip) Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 12:31:44 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Announcing the Latest Issue of "International Journal of ICT and Human Development" Vol. 7 Issue 3 Message-ID: **********Apologies for Cross-Postings********** The contents of the latest issue of: International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) Volume 7, Issue 3, July - September 2015 Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically ISSN: 1935-5661; EISSN: 1935-567X; Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA Editor(s)-in-Chief: Hakikur Rahman (University of Minho, Portugal) Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD). All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process. ARTICLE 1 Implication of Requirements Engineering in ICT4D Project Development M. Mahmudul Hasan (Harokopio University of Athens, Kallithea, Greece) The idea of Information and Communication Technology for development (ICT4D) has been gathering momentum since last decade. It contributes to the development of social, political, and economic growth of the underprivileged group of populations especially in the context of developing countries. Requirements Engineering (RE) is the most sensitive from all other activities involve in the ICT4D project development. This paper reports on a literature review of published ICT4D research and provides an analysis of the requirements design issues in ICT4D project development in terms of functional requirements, non-functional requirements, and user requirements. The analysis of this paper can serve the ICT4D researchers and practitioners as a means of understanding the requirements design issues in ICT4D project development. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below. ARTICLE 2 Quantitative Analysis of Amartya Sen's Theory: An ICT4D Perspective Deen Islam (University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Mahfuz Ashraf (Department of Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Azizur Rahman (Charles Sturt University, Australia), Rashadul Hasan (Brainstorm Bangladesh, Bangladesh) In this article, the authors attempted to evaluate the contribution of Information Communication Technology (ICT) for development (ICT4D) project in a context of developing country: Bangladesh. Though ICT4D is a general term referring to the application of ICT within the fields of development of a country, there are many cases where the potential benefits of ICT linked with the individual, group/community and organizational level. Considering two case studies, the authors have attempted to understand how ICT can be linked with the lives of community in rural areas of Bangladesh. They have adopted Amartya Sen's five freedoms as conceptual framework for this study. Through a quantitative perspective the authors argue that ICT projects can lead to development in general and five freedoms at particular. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below. ARTICLE 3 Understanding the Usability of Course Management Systems (CMS) in Developing Countries: An Empirical Analysis Rakibul Hoque (University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Mahfuz Ashraf (Department of Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Mohammad Afshar Ali (Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh), Rashadul Hasan (Brainstorm Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh) Course Management System (CMS) is now probably the most used educational technologies in higher education, behind only the Internet and common office software. It can facilitate posting content, participating in discussions, maintaining a grade book, tracking participation and managing learning activities in an online environment for instructors and learners. But question arises to what extent these systems are successful in developing countries like Bangladesh. Unfortunately there are very few reports and publication that have tried to focus on above issues. In this study, an evaluation and analysis of CMS in developing countries like Bangladesh was carried out to assess the success of the system by using "ITPOSMO' model. The study found that CMS is partially failing in higher educational institutions in Bangladesh. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below. ARTICLE 4 Addressing Data Collection Challenges in ICT for Development Projects Devendra Dilip Potnis (School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA) This paper equips researchers for addressing a wide range of data collection challenges experienced when interacting with marginalized communities as part of ICT4D projects in developing countries. This secondary research categorizes data collection challenges reported in multiple disciplines, and summarizes the guidance from the past literature to deal with the challenges. The open, axial, and selective coding of data collection challenges reported by the past literature suggests that it is necessary to manage scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, and risks for addressing the data collection challenges. This paper illustrates the ways to manage these seven dimensions using (a) the success stories of data collection in the past, (b) the lessons learned by researchers during data collection as documented by the past literature, and (c) the advice they offer for collection data from marginalized communities in developing countries. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below. _____________________________________ Devendra Potnis, M.S., M.P.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Information Sciences University of Tennessee 1345 Circle Park Dr., Suite 451 Knoxville, TN 37996 +1-865-974-2148; Twitter: DPotnis -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dirk.lewandowski at Thu Aug 20 10:27:09 2015 From: dirk.lewandowski at (Dirk Lewandowski) Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 16:27:09 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Reminder=3A_Call_for_papers_on_=22The_influenc?= =?utf-8?q?e_of_search_engines_on_knowledge_production=E2=80=9D_=28ISI-lis?= =?utf-8?q?ted_Aslib_Journal_of_Information_Management=29?= Message-ID: Call for Papers on ?The influence of search engines on knowledge production? Special issue call for papers from Aslib Journal of Information Management The influence of search engines on knowledge production This special issue, to be published in 2016, is edited by Fredrik ?str?m, Lund University (Sweden) and Dirk Lewandowski, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany). What is the focus of this special issue? Search engines are nowadays the major means for finding information. They are not only the predominant type of search tool on the Web, but Web search has also substituted other forms of searching for information outside the Web. However, search engines are not only ways of finding information, but also shape the production of both information content and knowledge. This influence can be seen at least at two levels: (1) in the process of researching information needed for producing content, (2) in producing content in a way that it intended to increase its visibility in search engines. For this special issue, we invite research papers focusing on search engines? influence on the production of both information content and knowledge, as well as content management in areas like civil society, libraries, education, scholarly communication, news, research data, knowledge organization, encyclopedias and cultural heritage. Potential topics include but are not limited to: ? Visibility as a requirement for successful content ? Qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse search engines? influence on knowledge production; the use of digital methods ? Theoretical approaches to search engines? role in knowledge production ? Knowledge production in different professional contexts (e.g., news, libraries, cultural heritage) ? Gender issues related to knowledge production ? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ? Making collections visible ? Visibility of collections in specialized search engines (e.g., Google Scholar) ? Gaming ranking systems (e.g., search engines) ? Manipulation of search engine ranking criteria ? Changing roles of knowledge-creating professionals (e.g., journalists) and organizations ? Ethical issues related to knowledge and information content production activities adapting to search engines and SEO Submissions All methodological approaches are welcome. Case studies and proof-of-concept studies should present new and unique findings and highlight future research possibilities and developments. Opinion pieces and review articles will not be considered for the special issue. Papers should be 4,000 to 9,000 words in length (including references) and in accordance with the journal?s author guidelines. For all additional information prior to submission, please contact Fredrik ?str?m (fredrik.astrom at or Dirk Lewandowski (dirk.lewandowski at Please submit to Aslib Journal of Information Management using ScholarOne Manuscripts, our online submission and peer review system. About the Journal Aslib Journal of Information Management (AJIM; previously: Aslib Proceedings, ISSN: 2050-3806) is a peer-reviewed international journal providing key insights into the latest international developments in the research and practice of information management and information science. The journal is the major publication for ASLIB ? the Association for Information Management in the United Kingdom - a membership association for people who manage information and knowledge in organisations and the information industry. Information about the journal can be found at Schedule dates and submission deadlines Paper submission: 15 September 2015 Notice of review results: 15 November 2015 Revisions due: 15 January 2016 Publication: Aslib Journal of Information Management, volume 68, issue 3, 2016 (June 2016) -- Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski Hochschule f?r Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences) Fakult?t Design Medien Information Department Information Finkenau 35 D - 22081 Hamburg Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 40-42875 3621 Fax: + 49 (0) 3222-1445 301 Skype: dirk.lewandowski Twitter: @Dirk_Lew ********* Editor, Aslib Journal of Information Management (previously: ASLIB Proceedings) ********* Neue B?cher: Barrierefreie Informationssystme Suchmaschinen verstehen From chirags at Fri Aug 21 08:23:20 2015 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 08:23:20 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Now Accepting Submissions: iConference 2016 Message-ID: Now Accepting Submissions: iConference 2016 iConference 2016 | Partnership with Society Philadelphia, PA, USA March 20-23, 2016 SUBMISSION DEADLINES Papers: Sept. 9 Workshops: Sept. 28 Doctoral Colloquium: Sept. 28 Posters: Oct. 5 Sessions for Interaction and Engagement: Oct. 5 Doctoral Dissertation Award: Oct. 12 Conference website: Conference submission site: We are now accepting submissions for iConference 2016, our eleventh annual gathering of scholars, researchers and professionals who share an interest in the critical information issues of contemporary information society. iConference 2016 takes place March 20-23, 2016, in historic Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. This year?s theme of ?Partnership with Society? examines the dynamic, evolving role of information science and today?s iSchool movement, and the benefits to society. The conference includes peer-reviewed papers, posters, workshops and sessions for interaction and engagement, interspersed with multiple opportunities for networking. Early career and next generation researchers can engage in the Doctoral Student Colloquium, Early Career Colloquium and Undergraduate Student Showcase forums. Authors and organizers can now submit materials using our secure submissions website: . The official proceedings will be published in the open access Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS). The deadline for papers is Sept. 9, with other deadlines thereafter. The iConference brings together scholars and researchers addressing critical information issues in contemporary society. The iConference pushes the boundaries of information studies, explores core concepts and ideas, and creates new technological and conceptual configurations?all shaping interdisciplinary discourses. Visit our website for more information, including sample topics and links to past proceedings: iConference 2016 is hosted by Drexel University?s College of Computing & Informatics. Our conference venue, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, is located in Philadelphia?s bustling center city. The historic 33-storey building is hailed as America?s first skyscraper, and is in easy walking distance of the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, birthplace of the United States Constitution. Other nearby attractions include the Rodin Museum and the Philadelphia Art Museum. The iConference is presented by the iSchools ( ), a worldwide association of Information Schools dedicated to advancing the information field, and preparing students to meet the information challenges of the 21st Century. Affiliation with the iSchools is not required?all information scholars, researchers, and practitioners are welcome at the iConference. The event is sponsored by Microsoft Research. IMPORTANT LINKS * Conference: * Submissions: * Past Proceedings: * Facebook: IConference: * Twitter: @iConf | #iconf16 SUBMISSION INFORMATION All submissions must be in English using our official template. All work should be original and not previously published. Complete guidelines can be found on our Author Instructions page: * PAPERS: We invite papers falling into two categories: completed research, and early work/preliminary results. Completed research papers should be a maximum of 10 pages, including references; early work/preliminary results papers should be a maximum of 6 pages, including references. Each paper will be refereed in a double-blind process. The author(s) of the completed research paper judged the best of the conference will receive the Lee Dirks Award for Best Paper and $5,000. More at Submission deadline: September 9, 2015 Papers Chairs: Yong Ming Kow, City University of Hong Kong; Bonnie Nardi, University of California, Irvine; Chirag Shah, Rutgers University * POSTERS We welcome submission of posters presenting new work, preliminary results and designs, or educational projects. Submitted posters should be a maximum of 1,500 words, not including references. These posters will undergo a double-blind review. Poster abstracts will be published in the proceedings. More at Submission deadline: October 5, 2015 Posters Chairs: Elke Greifeneder, Humboldt University; Kalpana Shankar, University College Dublin * WORKSHOPS Workshops can be half- or full day, and are intended to foster interactive discussions focusing on the particular topic within the purview of the iSchools, namely, the relationships among information, people and technology. Workshops provide a great opportunity for attendees who share common interests and want to have intensive discussions. Workshop proposals should be less than 750 words, and follow the guidelines on our website: Submission deadline: September 28, 2015 Workshops Chairs: Denise Agosto, Drexel University; Sam Oh, Sungkyunkwan University; Nicole A. Cooke, University of Illinois * SESSIONS FOR INTERACTION AND ENGAGEMENT (SIE) These sessions provide an excellent opportunity to present ideas, facilitate discussions, and foster knowledge-sharing in unconventional ways. Formats can include panels, fishbowls, installations, performances, storytelling, roundtable discussions, wildcard sessions, demos/exhibitions, and more. All should be highly participatory, informal, engaging, and pluralistic. SIE proposals should be less than 750 words, and follow the guidelines on our website: Submission deadline: October 5, 2015 SIE Chairs: Karen E. Fisher, University of Washington; Steve Sawyer, Syracuse University OTHER EVENTS SCHEDULED * DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM The Doctoral Colloquium provides doctoral students the opportunity to present their work to senior faculty and engage with one another in a setting that is relatively informal but that allows for the fullest of intellectual exchanges. Students receive feedback on their dissertation, career paths, and other areas from participating faculty and student peers. More at Application deadline: September 28, 2015 Doctoral Colloquium Chairs: Greg Leazer, UCLA; Iris Xie, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee * DOCTORAL DISSERTATION AWARD Recognizing the outstanding dissertation of the preceding year, this competition is open to all member iSchools. Each school may submit one dissertation for consideration. The winner will receive a cash prize of $2,500, the runner up $1,000; both will be honored at the iConference. More at Submission deadline: October 12, 2015 Dissertation Award Chairs: Michael Seadle, Humboldt University; Shigeo Sugimoto, University of Tsukuba * EARLY CAREER COLLOQUIUM This half-day event is intended for assistant professors, post-docs, or others in pre-tenure positions and builds on the tradition of highly successful events at past iConferences. Participants will sign up at registration. More at Early Career Colloquium Chairs: Virginia Ortiz-Repiso Jimenez, University Carlos III-Madrid; Kristin Eschenfelder, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Eric Myers, University of British Columbia *UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SHOWCASE FORUMS The undergraduate showcase will feature iSchool undergraduate research. Such examples include senior design, senior projects, STAR (Students Tackling Advanced Research) Scholars Program students, etc. Details will be posted to our website as they become available. ADDITIONAL ORGANIZERS Conference Chairs: David Fenske and Jane Greenberg, Drexel University Technical Program Chairs: Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University; Spiros Mancoridis, Drexel University Proceedings Chairs: Xia Lin and Mick Khoo, Drexel University Program Committee: Naresh Agarwal, Simmons Moranan Alac, University of California, San Diego Daniel Alemneh, University of North Texas Eric Baumer, Cornell University Wade Bishop, University of Tennessee Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Stockholm University Gobinda Chowdhury, Northumbria University Hong Cui, University of Arizona Xianghua Ding, Fudan University Niklas Elmqvist, University of Maryland Ingrid Erikson, Rutgers University Andrea Forte, Drexel University Roberto Gonzalez-Ibanez, University of Santiago Helen Hasan, University of Wollongong Jeff Hemsley, Syracuse University James Howison, University of Texas at Austin Yun Huang, Syracuse University Mohammad Jarrahi, University of North Carolina Victor Kaptelinin, Umea University Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University Wayne Lutters, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Liz Lyon, University of Pittsburgh Karine Nahon, University of Washington and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya Gabriela Marcu, Drexel University Alex Mitchell, National University of Singapore Javed Mostafa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kyong Eunoh Oh, Simmons Sanghee Oh, Florida State University Xinru Page, Bentley University Matt Ratto, University of Toronto Rebecca Reynolds, Rutgers University Jennifer Rode, ACM Bryan Semaan, Syracuse University Patrick Shih, Indiana University Clay Spinuzzi, University of Texas Norman Makoto Su, Indiana University Emiliano Trer?, Autonomous University of Quer?taro Deborah Turner, Drexel University Ron Wakkary, Simon Fraser University Hao-chuan Wang, National Tsing Hua University Yang Wang, Syracuse University Rosina Weber, Drexel University Tan Xu, AT&T Jude Yew, National University of Singapore Xiaojun Yuan, University at Albany, State University of New York Yan Zhang, University of Texas at Austin More at: ****** Chirag Shah, PhD Assistant Professor of Information and Computer Science Rutgers University4 Huntington St, New Brunswick NJ 08901 p. (848) 932-8807 f. (732) 932-6916 ****** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fcunning at Mon Aug 17 11:11:38 2015 From: fcunning at (Cunningham, Flo) Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 15:11:38 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Neo-documentation Around the World: Global Developments Message-ID: Forwarded message; please excuse duplicates. Please forward to your colleagues as appropriate. Thank you! From: Skare Roswitha > Reply-To: Document Academy > Date: Monday, August 17, 2015 at 2:48 AM To: "DOCAM at LISTSERV.KENT.EDU" > Subject: Call for papers Call for Papers Neo-documentation Around the World: Global Developments In celebration of the 20-year anniversary of Documentation Studies (named Media- and Documentation Studies since 2013) at the University of Troms?, we are publishing a special 2016 issue of the Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy (, a peer-reviewed edition. The theme for this call for papers is Neo-documentation Around the World: Global Developments. Possible topics should reflect the renewed interest in the theory and practice of the document concept, and discuss recent developments inside and outside the field, including discussions about recent developments that have influenced several disciplines during the last two decades like digitization and the material turn. We welcome articles that question, test, and philosophize the role of the document and of documentation. Articles can be submitted in English, and should be between 3,000 and 10,000 words. Deadline for submitting your article: February 15, 2016. Any questions concerning the publication can be addressed to Kiersten F. Latham (kflatham at; Jodi L. Kearns (jkearns at; or Roswitha Skare (Roswitha.skare at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jbertot at Tue Aug 18 08:48:16 2015 From: jbertot at (John Bertot) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 12:48:16 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Re-Envisioning the MLS Degree Message-ID: <> In August 2014, the University of Maryland?s iSchool and the Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC) launched the Re-Envisioning the MLS initiative to address significant changes in the information landscape, our communities, information organizations, technology, the economy, workforce needs and trends, and other factors that impact Library and Information Science (LIS) education in general, and the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree (and its variants) in particular. A three-year effort in all, the first year focused on engagement and included a speaker?s series, engagement events, regional visits, discussions with a range of leaders in the information professions, extensive work with the iSchool?s MLS Advisory Board, environmental analysis and scanning, a published white paper that identified trends and issues, and more. Summaries and archives of these events, and documents, are available at We are pleased to share the Re-Envisioning the MLS: Findings, Issues, and Considerations report. The findings have a number of implications for LIS education and MLS programs, including: * Attributes of Successful Information Professionals. Successful information professionals are not those who wish to seek a quiet refuge out of the public?s view. They need to be collaborative, problem solvers, creative, socially innovative, flexible and adaptable, and have a strong desire to work with the public. * Ensure a Balance of Competencies and Abilities. MLS programs need to ensure that students have a range of competencies, but that aptitude needs to be balanced with a progressive attitude (?can do,? ?change agent,? ?public service?). * Re-Thinking the MLS Begins with Recruitment. Neither a love of books or libraries is enough for the next generation of information professionals. Instead they must thrive on change, embrace public service, and seek challenges that require creative solutions. Attracting students with a strong desire to serve the public is critical. * Be Disruptive, Savvy, and Fearless. Through creativity, collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship, information professionals have the opportunity to disrupt current approaches and practices to existing social challenges. The future belongs to those who are socially innovative, entrepreneurial, and change agents who are bold, fearless, willing to take risks, go ?big,? and go against convention. As noted by then-MLS Program Director Dr. John Bertot, the initiative serves as a complement to current discussions regarding the future of libraries, ?As we rethink our information institutions and the roles that they serve in their communities, we also need to consider who the future information professionals are, their abilities and competencies, and how we prepare them for dynamic and evolving careers as community change agents.? Ms. Lindsay Sarin, MLS Program Manager, further commented that, ?Our libraries, archives, and other information organizations are central to their communities, and we need our future information professionals who are ready and eager to take risks and support their communities in new and exciting ways.? Over the next two years, the iSchool will focus on curriculum redesign, continued engagement, and implementation. Dr. Paul Jaeger, newly appointed MLS Program Director, stated that, ?The report provides a clearly articulated set of issues that we will use as we rethink and redesign our MLS curriculum and further engage the LIS community.? ************************************************************************* John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D. Professor and Co-Director Information Policy & Access Center College of Information Studies University of Maryland 4105 Hornbake Building, South Wing College Park, MD 20742 Email: jbertot at Web (Bertot): Web (Center): Phone: 301.405.3267 Fax: 301.314.9145 Associate Editor, Government Information Quarterly Co-Editor, Advances in Librarianship -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rhill at Tue Aug 18 13:35:52 2015 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 13:35:52 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] ASIST 2015 Annual Meeting - Reg and Program Online Message-ID: <385-220158218173552322@LEN-dick-2011> 2015 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology Information Science with Impact: Research in and for the Community November 6-10, 2015 ? Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch ? St. Louis, Missouri Program and Registration at: This year?s ASIS&T conference theme provides an opportunity for information science researchers ? including academics and practitioner researchers ? to discuss the impact of their research on industry, on government, on local/national/global community groups, on individuals, on information systems, on libraries/museums/galleries, and on other practice contexts. The theme highlights the introduction of a new conference focus on Applied Research, which recognizes that basic research in information science is also inspired by, and/or connected to, information practice contexts. 8 Preconference Workshops 40 Contributed Papers 18 Panel Discussions Plenary sessions: Aaron Doering ?Building Community Online: Connecting People, Places, and Ideas through Innovative Design.? Doerring is associate professor in the LT Media Lab at the University of Minnesota, currently holds the Bonnie Westby Huebner Endowed Chair in Education and Technology. His research involves the design, development and evaluation of online and mobile teaching environments; technology integration in K-12 settings; and the innovative use of technology to support teaching and learning. Sarah Morton ?Creating Impact: Issues, Challenges and Solutions? Morton works at the intersection of social research, policy and practice in a range of leadership roles. She is co-director of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Also within the University of Edinburgh, Sarah is the knowledge exchange specialist for the Centre for Community and Public Health Sciences and an impact analyst. She is a director of What Works Scotland and she is also an associate of the research unit for research utilization at the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement and was a member of the Scottish Funding Council?s working group on Knowledge Exchange and Public Policy. Sarah?s research has investigated the process assessing the impact of research on policy and practice. She has a specialty in contribution analysis and uses this approach in a variety of projects, often working with non-academic partners, and also to assess the impact of research. Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From rong.tang at Thu Aug 20 12:29:13 2015 From: rong.tang at (Rong Tang) Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 12:29:13 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Full-time Contract or Visiting Faculty Position at Simmons Message-ID: *Simmons College * *School of Library and Information Science* *Full-time Contract Faculty (Non-Tenure Track) or Visiting Faculty* Simmons College was chartered in 1899 and opened in 1902; the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) began with the College. Today, SLIS has nearly 800 students on two campuses and online, some 50 of whom are in our PhD program. A top-ten ranked program in U.S. News & World Report, SLIS attracts students from all over the United States and the world. Alumni hail from every state and over 80 countries. The program offers a dynamic environment for research and learning. Our faculty have received grants from a diverse array of federal agencies and private foundations. Simmons SLIS invites applicants and nominations for a one year contract, or visiting, faculty appointment within the broad areas of digital stewardship and cultural heritage informatics. This is not a tenure-track appointment. *Responsibilities*: Teach; contribute to developing curriculum; and provide service to the School, the College, and the information professions. *Areas of Specialization:* We seek faculty to support and contribute to a nationally ranked LIS program and archives management concentration, a newly launched cultural heritage informatics concentration, and a digital stewardship certificate. We are specifically interested in expertise in one or more of the following areas: digital preservation; digital forensics; digital assets management, digital project management and digital humanities. The faculty member may also teach in the core curriculum as needed. *Requirements*: Preference will be given to applicants who hold a doctoral degree in library and information science, or an appropriate related field with experience in cultural heritage institutions or digital stewardship. We seek applicants who can demonstrate excellence in teaching and leadership in professional service. Engagement in scholarly activities is desirable, but not required. Experience in the area of designing and delivering online courses is highly desirable. Salary is negotiable, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Opportunities to teach include: face-to-face courses in Boston and at the SLIS program at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley; online courses; and summer semesters. Simmons College participates in TIAA/CREF and offers excellent benefits packages, including tuition reimbursement for dependents at Simmons and other institutions. Simmons College is strongly committed to diversity, and values candidates who bring a variety of backgrounds and experiences to our community. Please visit us at For further information, please contact the Search Committee Chair, Peter Botticelli, at botticep at . *To apply*: Please apply online at You should be prepared to upload the following required documents: cover letter, C.V., statement of teaching philosophy, letter outlining research interests and experience, and names and contact information for three references. Consideration of applications will begin October 1*,* and will continue until the position is filled. -- Rong Tang, PhD. Associate Professor School of Library and Information Science Director, Simmons Usability Lab Simmons College rong.tang at 1-617-521-2880 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pr-aksw at Fri Aug 21 05:25:43 2015 From: pr-aksw at (Tassilo Pellegrini) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 12:25:43 +0300 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation: SEMANTiCS 2015, 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems Message-ID: <> == Apologies for Crossposting == Below you will find useful information and links about the program, our satellite events and registration opportunities for SEMANTiCS 2015 -- 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems 15-17 September 2015, Vienna / Austria // #semantics2015 // #semanticsconf *? Conference Scope ---* The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, and understand its benefits and know its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers, and researchers, from organisations ranging from NPOs, universities, public administrations to the largest companies in the world. *? Conference Program ---* The 2015 edition offers a rich program consisting of 5 keynotes, 24 scientific presentations, 30 industry talks, 38 posters and various workshops and social events. For details please visit our program page: *? Keynote Speakers --- * ?Jeanne Holms -- Chief Knowledge Architect at NASA ?Peter Mika -- Director Semantic Lab at Yahoo ?Oscar Orcho -- Associate Professor for Artifical Intelligence, Universidad de Madrid ?Klaus Tochtermann -- Leibniz Information Center for Economics ?Sam Rehman -- CTO at EPAM Systems *? Workshops & Satellite Events ---* *MeetUp: SMART DATA SOLUTIONS* An outlook into the world of data centric business, technologies and innovations: Data is everywhere these days and efficient data management is THE key factor for success in nearly all industries in the meantime. McKinsey lists data as a key factor for production alongside with labor and capital in one of their recent reports. Furthermore, Data is produced in huge amounts by sensors, social networks or mobile devices and the amounts of data available worldwide grow exponentially? Place: Haus der Ingenieure, Eschenbachgasse 9, 1010 Wien Date: 15.09.2015, Entrance: 18:30pm CET ; Start event: 19:30 - 22:30pm CET *2nd International Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data* In recent years, Semantic Web technologies have strengthened their position in the areas of data and knowledge management. Standards for organizing and querying semantic information, such as RDF(S) and SPARQL are adopted by large academic communities, while corporate vendors adopt semantic technologies to organize, expose, exchange and retrieve their datasets as Linked Data. Chairs: Alejandra Garcia-Rojas M. (Ontos AG), Robert Isele or Rene Pietzsch, Jens Lehmann (AKSW, University of Leipzig) Date: 15th of September 2015, 09.00 to 13.00 CEST *The SEMANTIC EXPERIENCE Coffee & Cocktail LOUNGE* Sponsored Event: Enjoy semantic technology inspiration in a relaxed atmosphere. Refresh yourself with Viennese coffee or a cocktail and get in touch with semantic industry experts. Date: 15th of September 2015, 15.45 to 18.00 CEST Room: LC Club Room *Linked Data in Industry 4.0* The overall goal of the workshop is to identify challenges and limitations from the manufacturing engineering industry in the scope of the mentioned design principles, and bring them together with experts and solution approaches from the linked data community in the scope of Industry 4.0. Chairs: Thomas Moser (FH St. P?lten), Stefan Hupe (IoT Austria) Date: 15th of September 2015, 14.00 to 17.00 CEST *European Data Economy Workshop - Focus Data Value Chain & Big and Open Data* This workshop is to overview the state of the art in Europe regarding Big and Open Data initiatives and its impact in the Europan economy and benefits for theEuropean society. Representatives from the Big Data Value Association, the annual European Data Forum and data related projects will participate during the first session of the workshop. Furthermore it gives information about the Austrian Big Data Study carried out in 2014 by AIT and IDC Chairs: Nelia Lasierra (STI Innsbruck), Martin Kaltenb?ck (Semantic Web Company) Date: 15th of September 2015, 09.00 to 13.00 CEST *1st Workshop on Data Science: Methods, Technology and Applications (DSci15)* This workshop is meant as an opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in data science to present their ideas and discuss the most important scientific, technical and socio-economical challenges of this emerging field. Chairs: Bernhard Haslhofer (AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology), Elena Simperl (Univ. Southampton), Rainer St?tz (AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology), Ingo Feinerer (FH Wiener Neustadt) Date: 15th of September 2015, 09.00 to 17.00 CEST *Workshop on Linked Data Strategies - Commercialisation of Interlinked Data* In this workshop, we will give several demos and concrete examples of how Linked Data can be used by enterprises in various industries. The workshop aims to give users and providers of Linked Data valuable methods and best practices at hand, which help them to make profound decisions in their Linked Data projects. Chairs: Christian Dirschl (Wolters Kluwer), Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company), Tassilo Pellegrini (FH St. P?lten) Date: 15th of September 2015, 14.00 to 15.30 CEST *Hackathon on "The power of Linked Data in Agriculture and Food Safety"* ?Data+Need=Hack?, this is the idea of a hackathon that brings together like-minded people to develop, in a short time frame, novel solutions to problems around the theme ?Agriculture and Food Safety?. Chairs: Christian Blaschke (Semantic Web Company, Vienna), Stasinos Konstantopoulos (Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of the NCSR Demokritos, Athens) Date: 18th of September 2015, 10.00 to 16.00 CEST *? Registration ---* To register, please go to: We are looking forward to meet you at SEMANTiCS 2015! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From silvello at Tue Aug 18 12:55:55 2015 From: silvello at (Gianmaria Silvello) Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 18:55:55 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] [IEEE-TCDL] Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Data Citation Message-ID: <> IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (IEEE-TCDL) * Call for Papers: Special Issue on Data Citation * * * ****************************************************************************************** Citation is an essential part of scientific publishing and scholarship. Nowadays, many scientific publications are related to or based on data which are modeled, managed and stored by means of heterogeneous formats and technologies (e.g. relational databases, digital libraries, XML, RDF, CSV, ...). Data citation allows us to establish a direct relationship between a data source and a publication or a statement relying on that data source. Being able to cite a dataset or a part of it is essential for: (i) making results of research fully available to others; (ii) enabling others to better build on previous results and to ask new questions about data; (iii) replicating, reproducing and verifying research; (iv) advancing the state of research and innovation. Furthermore, data citation is fundamental for giving credit to data creators and curators, to reference data in order to identify, discover and retrieve them and for building and propagating knowledge. Commonly data citation is paired up with traditional citation practices but data present some key differences that turn out to be serious challenges impairing the development of effective data citation methodologies: - data evolution through time; - different formats and structures: unstructured, single files, hypertext, RDF/LOD, XML, Relational DB, raw data, streaming data; - necessity to cite a subset of data; - collaborative works not structured as it happens in a scientific paper. - licensing issues: open data, limited access, credentials. - variety of systems managing data and lack of common standards and APIs In the last years several international initiatives and research projects have been facing the issues concerned with data citation, but despite all these efforts there are several crucial questions that still need to be answered. For instance: how is a data source or a subset of it to be cited? When some data from a large and complex data source is extracted, how do we create a citation? How is it possible to verify the correctness of a citation? How does one retrieve the cited data? How is it possible to maintain data consistent across time handling changes? What is the role of data citations for scholarship attribution? This Special Issue is addressed to those members of the community interested in providing novel methodologies or frameworks for managing, assessing, monitoring, maintaining and improving data citation and more in general to discuss the importance of data citation for the advancement of research. Topics ------- We welcome original submissions on (but are not restricted to) the following topics: - Principles of data citation - Relational databases, XML, CSV, Tabular data, Linked Data, RDF citation methodologies - Systems for data citation (digital libraries, relation databases, scientific databases, ...) - Computational problems in data citation - Executable/Actionable papers - Metadata for data citation - Automatic generation of citations - Machine-readable data citations - Verification of citations - Closure of citations - Citation of evolving data - Citation with variable granularity - Credit attribution - Definition and maintenance of authority lists - Reproducibility issues - Tools for data citation - Tracking the impact of data - Visualization of data citations - The use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) - Data citation for scholarship - Data sharing - Data citation for the humanities, psychology, social sciences, ... - Data citation for chemistry, physics, mathematics, ... - Licensing issues - Data journals - Relationships between traditional and data citation methods - Enrichment of LOD for citation purposes - Impact measures based on data citation - Interoperability issues in data citation - Data quality and data citation - Data curation/provenance and data citation - Long term preservation and data citation - Open access to data citation Submission guidelines --------------------- All submissions must be written in English following the ACM SIGIR author guidelines ( and submitted electronically through the special issues submission system Accepted papers will be published in a dedicated issue on the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL) Bulletin ( Important Dates --------------- 30 November 2015 - Initial submission deadline 15 January 2016 - Initial reviewer feedback 15 February 2016 - Revised submissions deadline 11 March 2016 - Final decision 25 March 2016 - Camera ready Mid April 2016 - Publication Special Issue Editors --------------------- - Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy - Gianmaria Silvello, University of Padua, Italy Special Issue Editorial Board ----------------------------- To be announced soon. Please check the webpage for updates: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sandy.hirsh at Fri Aug 21 18:32:50 2015 From: sandy.hirsh at (Sandy Hirsh) Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 15:32:50 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] SJSU School of Information Assistant Professor position announcement Message-ID: <> The School of Information at San Jos? State University is recruiting for a tenure track assistant professor in the area of Information Systems and Knowledge Structures. Applicants should have: Experience in teaching 100% online courses in information systems and knowledge structures with a focus on how these systems are integral to connecting users with information. Research interests in at least one of the following: The design, querying, usability and evaluation of information retrieval systems from web hierarchies to controlled vocabularies. Best practices for metadata and for taxonomy/classification. Design as professional practice. An earned doctorate must be completed by the time of application. Applications close on January 12th 2016 Download/Read full job description and how to apply. - See more at: _______________ Sandra Hirsh Professor and Director School of Information San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192 - 0029 (408) 924 - 2491; fax: (408) 924 - 2476 Sandy.hirsh at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From krisztian.balog at Mon Aug 24 07:02:32 2015 From: krisztian.balog at (Krisztian Balog) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 13:02:32 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] CLEF 2016 Call for Labs Proposals Message-ID: <> Call for Labs Proposals Researchers and practitioners from all areas of information access and related communities are invited to submit proposals for evaluation labs for consideration for inclusion in CLEF 2016. Lab proposals will be reviewed by the lab selection committee. Organizers of selected proposals will be invited to include their lab in the CLEF 2016 lab programme, possibly subject to small suggested modifications to their proposal to better suit the CLEF lab workflow or timeline. Scope of CLEF Labs Proposals are accepted for two different types of labs: Evaluation Labs that are a "campaign-style" evaluation for specific information access problems (during the twelve month period preceding the conference), similar in nature to the traditional CLEF campaign "tracks" (see?2015 Labs ). Topics covered by campaign-style labs can be inspired by any information access-related domain or task. Labs that follow a more classical "workshop" pattern, exploring issues of evaluation methodology, metrics, processes etc. in information access and closely related fields, such as natural language processing, machine translation, and human-computer interaction. If the organizers of the proposal are new to CLEF or other shared task evaluation campaigns, we highly recommend that a lab workshop first be organized to discuss the format, the problem space, and the practicalities of the shared task. The CLEF 2016 programme will reserve about half of the conference schedule for lab sessions. The labs will present their overall results "overview presentations" during the plenary scientific paper sessions to allow non-participants to get a sense of where the research frontiers are moving. Organizers of each lab are expected to organize the separate sessions for their lab at the conference so that they contain ample time for general discussion and engagement by all participants - not just those presenting campaign results and papers. Organizers should plan time in their sessions for activities such as panels, demos, poster sessions etc. as appropriate. CLEF is always interested in receiving and facilitating innovative lab proposals. Potential task organizers who are unsure of the suitability of their task proposal or its format for inclusion at CLEF are encouraged to contact the CLEF 2016 Lab Organizing Committee Chairs to discuss its suitability or design at an early stage. Proposal Submission Lab proposals must provide sufficient information to enable to be able to judge the relevance, timeliness, scientific quality, benefits for the research community, and the competence of the proposers to co-ordinate the lab. Each lab proposal should identify one or more organizers as responsible for ensuring the timely execution of the lab. Proposals should be 3-4 pages long and should provide the following information: Title of the proposed lab. A brief description of the lab topic and goals, its relevance to CLEF and the significance for the field. A brief but clear statement of usage scenarios or domain to which the activity is intended to contribute, including the evaluation setup and metrics. Details on the lab organizer(s), including identifying the task chair(s) responsible for ensuring the running of the task. This should include details of any previous of involvement in organizing or participating in evaluation tasks at CLEF or similar campaigns. The planned format of the lab, i.e., campaign-style ("track") or workshop. Is the lab a continuation of an activity from previous year(s) or a new activity? For activities continued from previous year(s): Statistics from previous years (number of participants/runs for each task), a clear statement on why another edition is needed, an explicit listing of the changes proposed, and a discussion of lessons to be learned or insights to be made. For new activities: A statement on why a new evaluation campaign is needed and how the community would benefit from the activity. Details of the expected target audience, i.e., who do you expect to participate in the task(s), and how do you propose to reach them. Brief details of tasks to be carried out in the lab. The proposal should clearly motivate the need for each of the proposed tasks and provide evidence of its capability of attracting enough participation. It is fine for a lab to have a single task, but labs often contain multiple closely related tasks. Expected length of the lab session at the conference: half-day, one day, two days. This should include very high level details of planned structure of the session, e.g., participant presentations, invited speaker(s), panels, etc., to justify the requested session length. Arrangements for the organization of the lab campaign: who will be responsible for activities within the task; how will data to acquired or created, including highlighting any IP issues that need to be addressed to enable data to be distributed to lab participants; tools or methods which will be used, e.g., how will necessary queries be created or relevance assessment carried out; any other information which is relevant to the conduct of your lab. If the lab proposes to set up a steering committee to oversee and advise its activities, include names, addresses, and homepage links of people you propose to be involved. Reviewing Process Each submitted proposal will be reviewed by the CLEF 2016 lab organizing committee. The decision will be sent by email to the responsible organizer by September 14, 2015. The final length of the lab session will be determined based on the overall organization of the conference and the number of participant submissions received by a lab. Organizers of accepted labs are expected to announce and briefly present their lab at the final session of CLEF 2015 in Toulouse on the 11th of September, 2015. Important Dates Final lab proposals: September 1, 2015 Notification of lab acceptance: September 14, 2015 Labs registration opening: November 2, 2015 Submission Details Lab proposals (or questions) should be submitted via e-mail (either plain text or PDF format, using "CLEF labs proposal" in the subject line) to both Lab Organizing Committee Chairs: Craig Macdonald - craig.macdonald[at] Krisztian Balog - krisztian.balog[at] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heidijul at Mon Aug 24 09:56:32 2015 From: heidijul at (Julien, Heidi) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 13:56:32 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition Message-ID: Submissions are now being accepted for the 2016 ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition. Research papers concerning any aspect of library and information science are eligible. This competition is not limited to research regarding LIS education. Any research methodology is acceptable. Up to two winning papers may be selected. The winner(s) of the award will be honored at the 2016 ALISE Annual Meeting and will be expected to present a summary of their paper at that meeting. The award does not include an honorarium. More information is available at: Submissions can be made using the "ALISE Award and Grant Nomination Form" link at: Deadline for submissions: September 22, 2015 Sincerely, Heidi Julien Chair, ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition ****************************************************** Heidi Julien, Ph.D. Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo 526 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 Ph: 716-645-1474 Fax: 716-645-3775 Email: heidijul at ****************************************************** "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Leon Megginson -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mradford at Mon Aug 24 11:33:15 2015 From: mradford at (Marie Radford) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 11:33:15 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation - LIDA (Libraries in the Digital Age) Croatia, June, 2016 Message-ID: Excuse Duplicate Postings - Please Distribute Widely CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Biennial International Conference LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2016 Conference Theme: Digital Library Curation and Collections Zadar, Croatia, 13-17 June 2016 University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia Full CFP can be found here: Email: lida at Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) addresses the changing and challenging environment for libraries and information systems and services in the digital world. This year?s theme ?Digital Library Curation and Collections? is divided into two parts. The first part covers research and development, and the second part addresses advances in applications and practice. LIDA is an international biennial conference that brings together researchers, educators, practitioners, and developers from all over the world in a forum for personal exchanges, discussions, and learning, made easier by being held in memorable environs. The LIDA conference is held at the University of Zadar (Croatia) and the conference?s Guest of Honour is Professor Tefko Saracevic, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, USA. *Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2016* (for all types of contributions) Types of Contributions Invited: 1. Papers: scholarly studies and reports on practices and advances that will be presented at the conference. Both completed research and early work/preliminary results are invited. Papers will be refereed in a double-blind process. Submit 1,500 word abstract, plus references. 2. Posters: short graphic presentations on research, studies, advances, examples, practices, preliminary work and educational projects that will be presented in a special poster session. Posters will undergo a double-blind review. Awards will be given for Best Poster and Best Student Poster. Submit 750 word abstract, plus references. 3. Panels: up to 90 minute sessions that will be interactive and offer different perspectives and approaches to a specific topic. Organizers propose the format and invite up to five panelists (including the moderator). Submit 750 word abstract, plus references. 4. Demonstrations: live examples of working projects, services, interfaces, commercial products, or developments-in-progress that will be presented during the conference in specialized facilities or presented in special demonstration sessions. Submit 750 word description. 5. Workshops: two to four-hour sessions that will be tutorial and educational in nature, and are intended to foster interactive discussions for attendees who share common interest. Submit 750 word description, plus references. 6. PhD Forum: short presentations by doctoral students, particularly as related to their dissertation, in a session organized by the European Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology ( The PhD Forum provides doctoral students the opportunity to present their work to senior faculty in relatively informal setting and to receive feedback on their dissertation by a panel of international educators. Submit 750 word description. 7. Undergraduate/Graduate Student Showcase: short presentations by undergraduate and graduate student, related to their research, practical projects, etc. The showcase will provide students with opportunity to get feedback on their work in informal setting and advice on how to develop their work further and get published. Submit 750 word description, plus references. Deadlines for all submissions: *February 1, 2016.* All proposals should follow formal LIDA guidelines available at LIDA 2016 website ( All work should be in English, original and not previously published. Submission of proposals/extended abstracts should be made using the EasyChair submission system ( Following the double blind review process all accepted submissions will be published in the scholarly journal Libellarium: Journal for the research of writing, books and cultural heritage institutions. Libellarium is indexed by EBSCO and Erich II and has applied for inclusion into Scopus. Conference co-directors: *Martina Dragija Ivanovi?, Ph.D.* Department of Library and Information Science University of Zadar, Croatia mdragija at ; *Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic, Ph.D.* Department of Information Sciences University of Osijek, Croatia sfaletar at ffos.h r ; *Ross J. Todd, Ph.D.* rtodd at ; *Marie L. Radford, Ph.D.* School of Communication and Information Rutgers University, USA Program chairs: For Part I: *Heather Lea Moulaison, Ph.D*. The iSchool at the University of Missouri University of Missouri, USA moulaisonhe at For Part II: *Michael Seadle, Ph.D.* Institute of Library and Information Science Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin, Germany seadle at The entire conference, including all presentations and keynotes,are in English. Zadar is one of the enchanting cities on the Adriatic coast, rich in history. It still preserves a very old network of narrow and charming city streets, as well as a Roman forum dating back to the first century AD. In addition, Zadar region encompasses many natural beauties covering two national parks nearby: Kornati Islands National Park and National Park Paklenica. Marie L. Radford, Ph.D. Professor and Director, Ph.D. Program Communication, Information and Library Studies Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington St., New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Office DeWitt Rm 206 848-932-8797 (o) 732-932-6919 (fax) @MarieLRadford -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nhara at Mon Aug 24 13:48:39 2015 From: nhara at (Hara, Noriko) Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 17:48:39 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Faculty Position in Information and Library Science, Indiana University Bloomington Message-ID: <> Title: Asst/ Assoc/ Full Professor Department: Information and Library Science Expected start date: 08/01/2016 Position summary: The School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for a position beginning in Fall 2016 in the Department of Information and Library Science (all subareas solicited with preference for data curation, CSCW, digital libraries, information policy, digital youth, documentation, metadata, and the social web). This position is open at all levels (assistant, associate, or full professor). Duties include teaching, research, and service. The Department of Information and Library Science (ILS), formerly the School of Library and Information Science, has a long, successful history, having graduated over 8,000 students since it opened its doors in 1946. U.S. News & World Report ranked the Bloomington Information and Library Science program eighth nationally in its most recent rankings. The School of Informatics and Computing is the first of its kind and among the largest in the country, with unsurpassed breadth. Its mission is to excel and lead in education, research, and outreach spanning and integrating computing and information technologies. In addition to ILS, the School includes the Department of Computer Science and Informatics and has a total of more than 100 faculty, 900 graduate students, and 1,500 undergraduate majors on the Bloomington campus. Faculty research areas in ILS include bibliometrics; big data; computer-mediated communication; data science; data curation; digital libraries; information organization, retrieval, and visualization; human computer interaction; science studies; semantic web; social informatics; CSCW; text mining; web science; and more. Graduate degrees offered in the School include Master?s degrees in Information Science, Library Science, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Data Science, Human Computer Interaction Design, and Security Informatics, and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, Informatics, and Information Science. The School is also known for its strong undergraduate programs. Indiana University Bloomington is a major public research university with over 2,000 faculty and over 45,000 students. The beautiful campus hosts 110 research centers and institutes, as well as a wide array of distinguished academic departments and schools. IU is renowned for its high-performance computing and networking facilities, top-ranked music school, and performing and fine arts. Located in the wooded rolling hills of southern Indiana, Bloomington is a culturally thriving college town with a moderate cost of living and the amenities for an active lifestyle. Basic qualifications: Applicants should have an established record (for senior level) or demonstrable potential for excellence (for junior level) in research and teaching, and a Ph.D. in Information Science or a related field or (for junior level) expected before 8/2016. Interested candidates should submit their application at: Application should include curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching, and names of three references (junior level), or six references (senior level). Questions regarding the position or application process can be directed to: Prof. Noriko Hara, nhara at or to Faculty Search, Department of Information and Library Science, School of Informatics and Computing, Herman B. Wells Library LI011, Bloomington, IN 47408. For full consideration, completed applications must be received by December 1st, 2015. Informal and confidential inquiries may be sent to the ILS Chair, Pnina Fichman, (fichman at or to members of the search committee: Noriko Hara (nhara at, Stasa Milojevic (smilojev at, Howard Rosenbaum (hrosenba at, John Walsh (jawalsh at Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status. IU Bloomington is vitally interested in the needs of Dual Career couples. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Noriko Hara, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Information & Library Science School of Informatics & Computing | Indiana University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From niso-announce at Tue Aug 25 10:08:53 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 10:08:53 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO September 2015 Events Message-ID: *NISO Two-Part September Webinar: **The Practicality of Managing ?E"* *Part 1: Licensing* *Date: *September 9, 2015 *Time: *1:00 ? 2:30 p.m. Eastern time *Event webpage: * *Part 2: ** Staffing* *Date: *September 16, 2015 *Time: *1:00 ? 2:30 p.m. Eastern time *Event webpage:* =============================================================== NISO will be holding a two-part webinar on September 9 & 16 to explore the management of electronic resources. In Part 1 of this two-part webinar, speakers will address a variety of licensing issues. A key component to the discussion will be a focus on the critical pieces of a license, including privacy, accessibility, preservation, migration, and the negotiation process between a library and a vendor. For the second half of this two-part series, speakers will focus on staffing issues at different types of libraries and how staff manages integration of e-resources into workflows, as well as a discussion about whether or not to execute a reorganization. *PART 1: **Licensing* Topics and speakers are: - *Preparing your organization to negotiate license agreements ? **Tracy L. Thompson, Executive Director, NELLCO Law Library Consortium* - *Licenses and Author Rights Model from the publisher perspective** ? **Stacy V. Sieck, Library Communications Manager, Americas Region, Taylor & Francis Group * *PART 2: **Staffing* Topics and speakers are: - *Lessons Learned by Rethinking E-resource Management in Academic Libraries ? **Meg Manahan, Associate Director for Collection Management and Services, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota and Nathan Putnam, Head, Metadata Services, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland College Park* *REGISTRATION* Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm Eastern on September 9 for Part 1 and September 16 for Part 2 (the days of the webinars). Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG members and students. NISO Library Standards Alliance (LSA) members receive one free connection as part of membership and do not need to register. (The LSA member webinar contact will automatically receive the login information. Members are listed . If you would like to become an LSA member and receive the entire year?s webinars as part of membership, information on joining is listed here: All webinar registrants and LSA webinar contacts receive access to the recorded version for one year. You can register for either or both parts. There is a 25% discount if registering for both. Visit the event webpages to register and for more information: Part 1: Part 2: * * * * * * * * * *NISO September Virtual Conference: **Scholarly Communication Models: Evolution or Revolution? * Virtual conferences are 5-6 hour conferences held online in webinar-like formats, with occasional breaks in the schedule for participants. The longer length allows the depth of coverage of a conference coupled with the convenience of a webinar. *Date:* September 23, 2015 *Time: *11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern *Event webpage: * *ABOUT THE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE* Scholarly communication deals with the systems and processes involved in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Scholars can?t help but have to navigate the complex issues around author rights, access, costs, new models of publishing, peer-review, and compliance with research funder policies. These scholarly communication components are continually evolving along with changes in technical infrastructure, the economics of publishing, knowledge preservation, and social practice. Learn how scholarly communication models are evolving from the authors?, publishers?, and libraries? perspectives. The presenters will share and discuss their approach in adapting and navigating the issues surrounding this topic. *TOPICS AND SPEAKERS* - *Keynote Address: Ten Simple Rules for Changing how Scholars Communicate* *?* *Philip E. Bourne*, Ph.D., FACMI, Associate Director for Data Science (ADDS), Founding Editor in Chief PLOS Computational Biology, National Institutes of Health - *Open Access & Scholarly Communications ? Lars Bj?rnshauge*, Managing Director, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and SPARC Europe Director of European Library Relations - *Whose job is it anyway? Changing roles and responsibilities for research communication* *?* *Melinda Kenneway*, Executive Director, Kudos - *The role of annotations in scholarly communications* *?* *Dan Whaley*, Founder, - *The r**ole of repositories and non-traditional outputs* *?* *Gregg Gordon*, President and CEO, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) - *Sustainable Publishing and Scholarly Communications* *?* *Sarah Kalikman Lippincott*, Program Director, Educopia Institute, Library Publishing Coalition - *Use Modern Metrics to Tell the Stories of Your Research ? Andrea Michalek*, Plum Analytics - *So Now What? Some Concluding Thoughts on Takeaways and Themes* *? **Charles Watkinson*, Associate University Librarian, Publishing; Director, University of Michigan Press, University of Michigan Library - *Roundtable Discussion* *NEW: Training Thursday!* All registrants to this virtual conference will receive a login to the associated *NISO Training Thursday, Using Alerting Systems to Ensure OA Policy Compliance* to be held on *October 1 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)*. Confirmed presenters are *Howard Rattner*, Executive Director, CHORUS and *Erin Braswell, *Lead Developer of SHARE at the Center for Open Science. (Separate registration to the training event only is also available.) If you are unable to attend the Training Thursday in person, you can view the recording of the session. *REGISTRATION* Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 4:00 pm Eastern on September 22, 2015 (the day before the virtual conference). Discounts are available for NISO members and students. All virtual conference registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Can't make it on the day of the virtual conference? All registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Take advantage of the Virtual Conference subscription package ( ) for all six of the 2015 Virtual Conferences and save 33%. For more information and to register, visit the event webpage: # # # -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Thu Aug 27 12:08:45 2015 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 18:08:45 +0200 Subject: [Asis-l] New collective book on open science Message-ID: <> ALBAGLI, S.; MACIEL, M.L.; ABDO, A.H. (Ed.). Open Science, open issues. Bras?lia: Ibict; Rio de Janeiro: Unirio, 2015. in open access! From jeremy.mclaughlin at Tue Aug 25 17:27:37 2015 From: jeremy.mclaughlin at (Jeremy McLaughlin) Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 15:27:37 -0600 Subject: [Asis-l] SIG AH webinar - Sept 9 (free for members and non-members) Message-ID: (Cross-posted to SIG AH and ASIST member lists) Please join SIG AH and our guest speaker, Gabriel Finkelstein from the University of Colorado, Denver, for a webinar on September 9 at 10am PST/1pm EDT. Cracking the Internet: A Science Historian?s Experience Conducting Research and Communicating Findings on the Web Open and free to all. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From marialemos72 at Thu Aug 27 08:19:53 2015 From: marialemos72 at (Maria Lemos) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:19:53 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Papers - WorldCIST'15: 4td World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies Message-ID: <> WorldCIST'16 - 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies Recife, PE, Brazil 22th-24th of March 2016 ------------------------------------------- SCOPE The WorldCist'16 - 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held at Recife, PE, Brazil, 22 - 24 March 2016, is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Information Systems and Technologies. We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to WorldCist'16. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity. THEMES Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes proposed for the Conference: A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM); B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS); C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM); D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT); E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA); F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS); G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS); H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA); I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); J) Health Informatics (HIS); K) Information Technologies in Education (ITE); L) Information Technologies in Radiocommunications (ITR). TYPES OF SUBMISSIONS AND DECISIONS Four types of papers can be submitted: - Full paper: Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of the Conference themes. These papers are assigned a 10-page limit. - Short paper: Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, open to discussion. These papers are assigned a 7-page limit. -Poster paper: Initial work with relevant ideas, open to discussion. These papers are assigned to a 4-page limit. - Company paper: Companies' papers that show practical experience, R & D, tools, etc., focused on some topics of the conference. These papers are assigned to a 4-page limit. Submitted papers must comply with the format of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website or download a DOC example) be written in English, must not have been published before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the authors? identification. Therefore, the authors? names, affiliations and bibliographic references should not be included in the version for evaluation by the Program Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publication form filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system. All papers will be subjected to a ?double-blind review? by at least two members of the Program Committee. Based on Program Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as the type originally submitted or as another type. Thus, full papers can be accepted as short papers or poster papers only. Similarly, short papers can be accepted as poster papers only. In these cases, the authors will be allowed to maintain the original number of pages in the camera-ready version. The authors of accepted poster papers must also build and print a poster to be exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical format. The Conference can includes Work Sessions where these posters are presented and orally discussed, with a 5 minute limit per poster. The authors of accepted full papers will have 15 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. The authors of accepted short papers and company papers will have 11 minutes to present their work in a Conference Work Session; approximately 4 minutes of discussion will follow each presentation. PUBLICATION AND INDEXING To ensure that a full paper, short paper, poster paper or company paper is published in the Proceedings, at least one of the authors must be fully registered by the 27th of December 2015, and the paper must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all recommended changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the camera-ready version. No more than one paper per registration will be published in the Conference Proceedings. An extra fee must be paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional paper per registration. Full and short papers will be published in Proceedings by Springer, in a book of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series. Poster and company papers will be published by AISTI. Published full and short papers will be submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS and DBLP, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library. The authors of the best selected papers will be invited to extend them for publication in international journals indexed by ISI/SCI, SCOPUS and DBLP, among others, such as: - International Journal of Neural Systems (IF: 6.507) - Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (IF: 4.698) - Computers in Human Behavior (IF: 2.694) - Journal of Medical Systems (IF: 2.213) - International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (IF: 1.841) - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (IF: 1.812) - Telemedicine and e-Health (IF: 1.668) - International Journal of Information Management (IF: 1.550) - Engineering Computations (IF: 1.495) - Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (IF: 1.482) - Telematics and Informatics (IF: 1.120) - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (IF: 1.084) - Ethics and Information Technology (IF: 1.021) - Int. Journal of Computers Communications & Control (IF: 0.746) - IET Software (IF: 0.595) - Knowledge Management Research & Practice (IF: 0.554) - AI Communications (IF: 0.547) - Computing and Informatics (IF: 0.504) - Universal Access in the Information Society (IF: 0.475) - Journal of Global Information Management (IF: 0.424) - Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IF: 0.362) - Journal of Internet Services and Applications (SJR: 0.88) - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (SJR: 0.41) - VINE - The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (SJR: 0.24) - International Journal of Online Engineering (SJR: 0.21) - Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (SJR: 0.12) - Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: October 31, 2015 Notification of Acceptance: December 13, 2015 Payment of Registration, to ensure the inclusion of an accepted paper in the conference proceedings: December 27, 2015. Camera-ready Submission: December 31, 2015 - Maria Lemos WorldCIST'16 From chirags at Thu Aug 27 13:39:59 2015 From: chirags at (Chirag Shah) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:39:59 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Second Rutgers iSchool Research Invitational: Oct 30-31 Message-ID: Call for Proposals Second Rutgers iSchool Research Invitational for Master?s Students October 30-31, 2015 Deadline: September 21, 2015 Notification of decision: September 25, 2015 Rutgers University iSchool invites students with in-progress and completed master?s degrees to the Second Rutgers iSchool Research Invitational. The focus of this symposium is to showcase iSchool master?s student research interests (completed, in-progress and prospective work), and to network with our iSchool community. The participants will also have a unique opportunity to learn about the Rutgers PhD program and the excellent benefits it offers to those interested in pursuing research in iSchools areas of interest. Attendees will present a research poster. They will participate in networking events such as a catered dinner, research presentations by current PhD students, and discussions with iSchool faculty. Any current or past masters student with interest in pursuing research, including a PhD, in iSchool is welcome to apply. A complete proposal for participation requires: Poster abstracts of up to 500 words outlining your research interests and any results you have gleaned to-date, a CV, and a cover letter of introduction briefly describing you, your background and career plans. Applications will be considered by a juried panel of Rutgers faculty based upon thorough completion of the requested materials, depth of coverage, and fit in the iSchool scholarly fields. Selected participants will be reimbursed for up to $300 for travel to Rutgers University. Their hotel for up to two nights and meals will also be covered. Tentative schedule for the event: Friday, October 30: Noon Lunch; Tour of Rutgers; Poster presentations by the participants; Dinner; Optional night out with current Rutgers doctoral students. Saturday, October 31: Breakfast; Presentations by current students and faculty; Research games and exercises in groups; Lunch; Optional tour of the area. Apply today: For more information, contact: Dr. Chirag Shah (chirags at ) Rutgers iSchool provides an excellent environment for research in areas such as Human Information Behavior; Information Retrieval; Language and Communication; Information Agencies and Artifacts; Learning, Youth, Information and Technology; Social and Community Informatics. The school includes world-renowned faculty who lead and teach in these areas. Their accomplishments are reflected in a large pool of scholarly publications, awards, and grants. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From coleman at Thu Aug 27 18:37:09 2015 From: coleman at (Suellen Coleman) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 15:37:09 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] UCLA Job Posting Message-ID: <> University of California, Los Angeles Assistant Professor of Qualitative Research Methods in Education The Department of Education in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles announces an opening for a tenure-track position in Qualitative Research Methods. Candidates will be considered at the assistant professor level. The successful candidate must have a program of research that utilizes qualitative methodology to address problems of education theory, policy, and practice in settings in and/or out of education institutions, and that is deeply reflective about the methods themselves. We seek an individual who will serve as a core faculty member and add significantly to GSE&IS's qualitative methods program, and who will contribute scholarship to one or more of the Education Department's divisions and professional programs. Although the specific area of substantive research expertise is open, GSE&IS?s mission includes at its core addressing issues of education equity, diversity, and social justice. Individuals with a history of and commitment to mentoring students from underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply. We are particularly interested in candidates with a strong grounding in qualitative research in education institutions (e.g., K-12 schools, community colleges, universities, adult learning) and communities, and who are engaged in innovative uses of qualitative methods and methodology that will complement and strengthen our existing scholarship in this area. These methods may include, but are not limited to: ? individual and focus group interviews ? ethnography (including digital ethnographic research) ? critical and participatory methodologies ? online/technology use analysis ? case study ? conversation analysis, interactional analysis and/or ethnomethodology ? discourse analysis ? observational techniques Responsibilities include: ? Teaching introductory and advanced courses in qualitative methods and courses in a substantive area of expertise. ? Collaborating with other GSE&IS faculty and UCLA faculty in related social science disciplines to strengthen the qualitative research program. ? Developing and maintaining a strong qualitative research agenda as evidenced by refereed publications and external and internal grant support. ? Mentoring graduate students, individually and in research seminars, in qualitative methods. ? Teaching in one of the GSE&IS professional programs (e.g., Teacher Education) or the undergraduate minor at UCLA. Qualifications: An earned doctorate in Education or a related field; record of research and scholarly publications consistent with the position and appointment level; and ability to teach and advise students at the graduate level. The successful candidate must have the promise of a strong qualitative research and grant record beyond that achieved to date, a willingness to collaborate on program development, and demonstrated commitment to diversity-related teaching, research, and service. For more information: Contact Professor Teresa L. McCarty, chair of the search committee, at Teresa.McCarty at All inquiries will be kept confidential if desired. To apply: Apply online at with a cover letter describing your research and teaching interests, a curriculum vita, 2-3 sample publications, and 3 letters of reference. Hard-copy writing sample publications can be sent to: Suellen Coleman Attn: Qualitative Methods Search # JPF01553 UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies 2320 Moore Hall, Box 951521 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521 Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Starting Date: Appointment to begin July 1, 2016, with teaching duties beginning September, 2016. Deadline: All applications submitted by November 16, 2016, will receive full consideration. However, screening of applications will continue until position is filled. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy see: UC Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Policy. ******************************** Suellen Coleman, x55844 Management Services Officer Graduate School of Education & Information Studies coleman at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From niso-announce at Wed Aug 26 08:31:49 2015 From: niso-announce at (NISO Announce) Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 08:31:49 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Registration is OPEN! October 5-6 NISO Forum: The Future of Library Resource Discovery Message-ID: (Apologies for cross postings...) *NISO Forum: The Future of Library Resource Discovery* NISO will host a two?day meeting to take place in *Baltimore, Maryland on October 5 & 6, 2015* on *The Future of Library Discovery* . In February 2015, NISO published a white paper commissioned from library consultant Marshall Breeding by NISO's Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee. The in-person meeting will be an extension of the white paper with a series of presenters and panels offering an overview of the current resource discovery environment. Attendees will then participate in several conversations that will examine possibilities regarding how these technologies, methodologies, and products might be able to adapt to changes in the evolving information landscape in scholarly communications and to take advantage of new technologies, metadata models, or linking environments to better accomplish the needs of libraries to provide access to resources. *For the full agenda, please visit:* *Confirmed speakers include:* - *Opening Keynote:* *Marshall Breeding*, Independent Library Consultant, - *Scott Bernier*, Senior Vice President, Marketing, EBSCO - *Michael Levine-Clark*, Professor / Associate Dean for Scholarly Communication and Collections Services, University of Denver Libraries - *Gregg Gordon, *President & CEO, Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) - *Neil Grindley*, Head of Resource Discovery, Jisc - *Steve Guttman*, Senior Product Manager, ProQuest - *Karen Resch McKeown*, Director, Product Discovery, Usage and Analytics, Gale | Cengage Learning - *Jason S. Price, Ph.D.*, Director of Licensing Operations, SCELC Library Consortium - *Mike Showalter*, Executive Director, End-User Services, OCLC - *Christine Stohn*, Product Manager, ExLibris Group - *Julie Zhu*, Manager, Discovery Service Relations, Marketing, Sales & Design, IEEE - *Closing Keynote:* *Peter Murray*, Library Technologist and blogger at the Disruptive Library Technology Jester *This event is generously sponsored by: EBSCO, Sage Publications, ExLibris Group, and Elsevier. Thank you!* *Early Bird rates until September!* The cost to attend the two-day seminar in person for NISO Members (Voting or LSA) is only $250.00; Nonmember: $300.00; and for Students: $150.00. To register, click here . Please visit the event page for the most up-to-date information on the agenda, speakers and registration information. For any questions regarding your in-person or virtual attendance at this NISO event, contact Juliana Wood, Educational Programs Manager, via email jwood at or phone 301.654.2512. We hope to see you in Baltimore in the Fall! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tibbo at Thu Aug 27 07:17:37 2015 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 11:17:37 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] IPRES 2015 - New Student and Conference rates Message-ID: <> We are excited to announce that IPRES 2015, the premiere international conference on Digital Preservation, will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA from November 2-6, 2015. IPRES rotates between North America, Asia, and Europe and it will not be North America again until 2018. For more detailed information regarding the 2015 event, please visit Earlybird Registration rates (until October 1) include: * $650 inclusive of the conference, workshops, tutorials, and all receptions and dinner (M-F); * $475 for the main conference including dinner and two receptions * $250 for full-times students for the entire week * $150 for full-day workshops and tutorials * $100 for half-day workshops and tutorials Full Registration Includes 5 days of activities: * All sessions * Workshops/tutorials (Monday and Friday) * Monday and Wednesday receptions * Conference dinner on Tuesday * Lunch daily * Morning and afternoon refreshments * Bus service to and from many hotels to the conference * Bus service to the Monday reception and Tuesday dinner * Free parking at the Friday Center for drivers See the Registration tab on the IPRES2015 website. Descriptions of the workshops and tutorials can be found at Conference topics include but are not limited to explorations in digital preservation focused on: * Institutional opportunities and challenges * Infrastructure (organizational and technological) opportunities and challenges * Innovative practice * Education and training Please see for more details regarding potential content. The program will be available very shortly. Chapel Hill is home to the University of North Carolina, the flagship campus of the UNC system, the oldest public university in the US, and one of the top schools in the country. While exuding a small town feel, Chapel Hill offers food, fun, and culture the caliber of a big city. Check out this recent New York Times travel piece, 36 Hours in Chapel Hill-Carborro, N.C., for just a taste of what the town has to offer. While here for the conference, you will have the opportunity to dine at world class eateries, grab a drink at some blossoming breweries, and experience a wealth of museums and other cultural offerings. Also, the leaves will just be turning the first week of November! IMPORTANT: A refund will be offered, minus a $100.00 processing fee, for refund inquiries submitted before October 1, 2015. NO REFUNDS ARE PERMITTED AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2015. For refund inquiries, please contact Cassie Ragan at cmragan at Thank you for your interest in the 2015 iPRES Conference, we look forward to seeing you in Chapel Hill in November! For accommodations, please visit For questions concerning the Conference please contact Cal Lee at callee at or Helen Tibbo at tibbo at For questions concerning registration or payment please contact Cassie Ragan at cmragan at Hope to see you in Chapel Hill! -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor President, 2010-2011 & Fellow, Society of American Archivists School of Information and Library Science 201 Manning Hall, CB#3360 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 919-962-8063 Fax: 919-962-8071 tibbo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Tue Aug 25 17:45:01 2015 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 21:45:01 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Post / Information Specialist / New York City Message-ID: <> Apologies for the cross postings . . . . . . LAC Group seeks candidates for an entry-level Information Specialist position with one of the top national television network news organizations in New Yok City. This company operates more than 240 affiliates (including 10 corporate-owned stations) and with stakes in several giant cable channels, publishing and family entertainment and has been a staple of the modern media landscape for over 70 years. The Information Specialist position will work with an established group of news researchers to research databases and provide responses to inquires on a wide range of news topics including politics, government, legislation, health, popular culture, and entertainment. RESPONSIBILITIES * Provide quick and accurate answers in a fast-paced environment with competing deadlines * Demonstrate sound judgment in identifying and using authoritative sources for secondary research * Search premium online databases including LexisNexis, Accurint, TLO, and PACER, as well as public records databases and government documents collections * Conduct efficient Internet searches across public websites and social media platforms * Maintain an awareness of and interest in domestic and international current events QUALIFICATIONS * At least 1 year of experience in library or professional service organization. Previous experience in media or research is preferred. * Experience with searching products from online research providers such as LexisNexis, Accurint, ProQuest, EBSCO, and Gale * Experience with MS Office applications including Word and Outlook * Master of Library & Information Science degree is strongly preferred. A Bachelor's degree is required. SKILLSET * Well-developed interpersonal skills, and the ability to work quickly and independently, as well as part of a team * A strong interest and general knowledge of news and popular culture * Excellent communication and project negotiation skills * This is a full-time, onsite position that includes a regular evening shift each week. Occasional weekend and holiday hours may be required. Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From barilaj at Sat Aug 29 05:29:10 2015 From: barilaj at (Judit Bar-Ilan) Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 12:29:10 +0300 Subject: [Asis-l] altmetrics15: registration and call for contribution Message-ID: [image: Inline image 1][image: Inline image 2] Apologies for cross-posting *altmetrics15: 5 years in, what do we know?* *altmetrics15 *is a follow-up to the successful *altmetrics11*, *altmetrics12 *and *altmetrics14 *workshops and will encourage collaboration and cross-pollination between research and practice, combining academic presentations with group discussions. The workshop is co-organized with the 2nd Altmetrics Conference 2:AM and will take place on 9 October 2015 at the Amsterdam Science Park . Registration is now open: [image: Inline image 4]We are soliciting *empirical and theoretical contributions* for short presentations and as a basis for discussion groups, which will be the main focus of the workshop. Submissions can focus on empirical analyses, novel theoretical frameworks, original datasets or represent a position paper and should be submitted as an extended abstract (max 1,000 words) via EasyChair by *8 September 2015 *(extended). [image: Inline image 1] While an abstract is not a requirement to attend the workshop, we strongly encourage prospective participants to submit a contribution to seed the discussions. All accepted submissions will be made available via the workshop website prior to the workshop. A limited number of contributions will be selected for short presentations. More information can be found at and *Judit Bar-Ilan*, Bar-Ilan University, Israel *Rodrigo Costas*, CWTS Leiden University *Paul Groth*, Elsevier Labs, Netherlands *Stefanie Haustein*, Universit? de Montr?al, Canada *Isabella Peters*, ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics and Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany *Dario Taraborelli*, Wikimedia Foundation, USA -- Judit Bar-Ilan Department of Information Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002, Israel Tel: 972-3-5318351 Fax: 972-3-7384027 email: Judit.Bar-Ilan at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image.gif Type: image/gif Size: 43 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image.gif Type: image/gif Size: 43 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image.gif Type: image/gif Size: 43 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image.gif Type: image/gif Size: 43 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dabbish at Fri Aug 28 18:43:38 2015 From: dabbish at (Laura Dabbish) Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 18:43:38 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] DEADLINE EXTENDED! - Human Computation 2015 Doctoral Consortium in San Diego, CA Message-ID: <> *Call For Participation* *Human Computation 2015* *Doctoral Consortium* *San Diego, CA* *November 8, 2015 * ** ****SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED!: SEPTEMBER 14, 2015**** The Third AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP-2015) will be held November 8-11, 2015 at the Kona Kai Resort and Marina in San Diego, CA, USA. The HCOMP conference is cross-disciplinary, with submissions across a broad spectrum of crowdsourcing and human computation research. The HCOMP 2015 Doctoral Consortium will provide doctoral students researching crowdsourcing and human computation with a unique professional development opportunity. Students will be mentored by a group of faculty who are leaders in the diverse specialties that make up the HCOMP field. The objectives of the Doctoral Consortium are: * *To provide a forum where doctoral students can present and discuss their research with experienced researchers: the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee.* * *To provide students with an opportunity to establish a supportive community, including other doctoral students at a similar stage of their dissertation research.* * * *Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs* Brent Hecht (University of Minnesota) Laura Dabbish (Carnegie Mellon University) * * *Program committee members include:* Jeff Bigham, Carnegie Mellon University Lilly Irani, University of California at San Diego Matt Lease, University of Texas at Austin Haoqi Zhang, Northwestern University ... *Date/Location* The Consortium will take place on November 8, 2015 in San Diego, CA, immediately before the main HCOMP 2015 conference. *Eligibility* *Prospective*: attendees should have written, or be close to completing, a thesis proposal (or equivalent). We will give preference to students who have proposed or are about to propose but are far enough from completing their thesis that the feedback they receive at the event can impact their work. Before submitting, students should discuss this criterion with their advisor or supervisor. Those accepted are required to attend the event in person. Selection *Criteria:* Selection will be based upon the expected potential of both the student and their proposed work, as well as the expected benefit to the student from participation. Priority will be given to students whose research goes beyond locally available expertise at their home institutions. *Required Materials*: Applicants must submit: 1) a solely-authored overview of their doctoral research, and 2) a supplementary paragraph describing their motivation for attending and proposal status. *Doctoral Research Overview*: You should submit a paper that describes your doctoral research. Your paper submission will be distributed to mentors and other attendees of the doctoral consortium. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium will NOT be archived. As such, students may freely submit their research contributions for official publication in other venues. Abstracts will be publicized on the conference website. Sections of the submitted paper should include: * *Motivation for the proposed research* * *Background and related work (including key references)* * *Description of proposed research, including key research questions and planned methodology to be used for investigating these research questions* * *Proposed experiments if appropriate; Any preliminary evaluation and findings are welcomed, but this is not required.* * *Specific research issues and/or challenges (don't skip these; the consortium is about helping you solve issues!)* * * *Format Requirements*: Submitted papers must be written in English, formatted according to AAAI Format guidelines, and submitted as a single PDF file (embedding all required fonts). The paper should be no more than 3 pages in length including all figures and references, but not including the one page appendix. The first page must contain the title of the paper, full author name, affiliation and contact details, an abstract of up to 250 words, and up to 3 keywords describing the research topic areas. Supplementary Paragraph (Paper appendix). The paper should also include an appendix (placed after the references) containing a short paragraph written by the student explaining 1) why she/he wants to participate in the consortium at this point in their doctoral studies and how she/he expects to benefit from the consortium, 2) the student's proposal status (writing proposal or recently proposed), and 3) expected defense date (approximately). *Submission Guidelines:* Papers must be submitted via the CMT online submission system ( to the "Doctoral Consortium" track. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their submissions use no unusual formatting and are printable on a standard printer. Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee. *Schedule:* 14 September 2015: Submissions due 22 September 2015: Acceptance notifications 8 November 2015: Doctoral Consortium More information about the HCOMP Conference is available here: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shriram.bioinformatics.librarian at Sat Aug 29 23:57:48 2015 From: shriram.bioinformatics.librarian at (Shri Ram) Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 09:27:48 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Chapters Message-ID: Dear *Authors!* I hope this e-mail finds you well! Currently, I am in the process of editing a forthcoming publication entitled *?Library and Information Services for Bioinformatics Education and Research?*, to be published by IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research. I would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit your work for consideration in this publication. I am familiar with your research interests and expertise in various issues in medical informatics, while going through your various papers. I am certain that your contribution on this topic and/or other related research areas would make an excellent addition to this publication. The suggested topic for the proposed book is as under: *Tentative Areas of Submission* ? *Bioinformatics and Libraries* ? *Information Needs in Bioinformatics* ? *Bioinformatics Database Resources* ? *Patenting in Bioinformatics* ? *Bioinformatics Information Networks and their Roles* ? *Bioinformatics Software and Web Programming Resources* ? *Bioinformatics Web Server Resources* ? *Collection Development in Bioinformatics* ? *Data Mining, Big Data, Data Analytics* ? *Funding and research support initiatives in bioinformatics* ? *Information Assessment and Needs* ? *Information Network Analysis and Interaction* ? *Information Problems and Issues in Bioinformatics* ? *Information Resources in Bioinformatics* ? *Information retrieval and access - Case studies* ? *Information visualization* ? *Ontology* ? *Medical Informatics* ? *Web services* ? *Library and Information Services in Bioinformatics* ? *Mobile Application in Biomedical Research* ? *Planning of Information Services in Bioinformatics Education* ? *Professional Qualities for Information Services* ? *Role and Impact of Social Network on Biomedical Research - Case Studies* ? *Role of Library and Information Center/Networks in Access to Information* ? *Skill Development for Information Services* ? *Text Mining of Biomedical Literature* ? *User?s Information Need Assessment* This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2016. *Chapter Proposal Submission Gateway:* Please visit * * for more details regarding this publication and to submit your work. You can also find detailed manuscript formatting and submission guidelines at If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your consideration of this invitation, and I hope to hear from you. You can submit your proposal of about 500-1000 words by September 15, 2015. *Important Dates* Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline : *September 15, 2015* Full Chapter Submission : *January 30, 2016* Acceptance Notification : *March 30, 2016* *For more details, Please feel free to contact at shriram2576 at * Best wishes, *Dr Shri Ram* Editor, *?Library and Information Services for Bioinformatics Education and Research?* *Deputy Librarian,* *Jaypee University of Information Technology* *Solan ? 173234* *Himachal Pradesh* *Email: shriram2576 at * *Web: * -- Shri Ram Department of Library and Information Science Osmania University, Hyderabad - 7 Ph: +91 98160 46419 & Dy Learning Resource Manager Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (HP)- 173 215 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ASIS-Authors.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 860040 bytes Desc: not available URL: From rtodd at Mon Aug 31 08:30:24 2015 From: rtodd at (Ross Todd) Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 08:30:24 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Distinguished Professor Nicholas Belkin receives ACM SIGIR Gerald Salton Award Message-ID: The School of Communication & Information (SC&I) at Rutgers University is pleased to announce that Distinguished Professor Nicholas J. Belkin received the ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval's Gerard Salton Award for significant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval. The ten other recipients of this award include SC&I's Distinguished Professor Emeritus Tefko Saracevic, as well as Gerard Salton himself, it's first awardee. An abstract of Professor Belkin's Salton Award Lecture, "People, Interacting with Information", is available in the Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGIR Annual Conference, at the ACM Digital Library, doi>10.1145/2766462.2767854. Ross Todd Dr Ross J Todd Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Library and Information Science Director, Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL) School of Communication & Information Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 4 Huntington Street, New Brunswick , New Jersey USA 08901 Tel: 848 932 7602, Fax: 732 932 6916 Office: Room 201 Huntington House (184 College Av) Email: rtodd at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From marciano at Mon Aug 31 08:44:02 2015 From: marciano at (Richard Marciano) Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 12:44:02 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 3rd Workshop on Big Humanities Data: call for papers -- submission deadline extended to Sep. 7, 2015 Message-ID: <> ******** Submission Deadline extended to September 7, 2015 ******** Call for papers: 3rd Workshop on Big Humanities Data, held in conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2015 The 3rd IEEE Workshop on ?Big Humanities Data? will be held on Thursday, October 29, 2015, in conjunction with the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2015), which takes place between October 29 and November 1 2015 in Santa Clara, California, USA, and which provides a leading international forum for disseminating the latest research in the growing field of ?big data?. This workshop will address applications of ?big data? in the humanities, arts, culture, and social science, the challenges and possibilities that such increased scale brings for scholarship in these areas. The use of computational methods in the humanities is growing rapidly, with the increasing quantities of born-digital primary sources (such as archives of emails and social media) and the large-scale digitization programs applied to libraries and archives. This has resulted in a range of experiments with new methodologies and new applications. At the same time, humanities and culture research is itself challenged by interpretative issues raised by applying such data-driven methods for answering humanities research questions. Moreover, the questions and concerns raised by the humanities themselves have consequences for the interpretation in general of ?big data? and the uses to which it is put, and the challenges of producing quality ? meaning, knowledge and value ? from quantity. The workshop will thus also address complementary research that uses the humanities and its methods to provide a critical appraisal of ?big data? in other areas, both inside and outside academia. Research topics covered: Topics covered by the workshop include, but are not restricted to, the following: * Text- and data-mining of historical and archival material. * Social media analysis, including sentiment analysis * New research objects for humanities analysis such as digital music, film * Cultural analytics * Social analytics * Crowdsourcing and big data * Cyber-infrastructures for the humanities (for instance, cloud computing) * NoSQL databases and their applications in the humanities * Big data and the construction of memory and identity * Big data and archival practice * Corpora and collections of big data * Linked Data and Big Data * Constructing big data for research in the humanities Paper Submission: * Full-length papers are accepted through the online submission system. Full papers can be up to 9 pages in length, and should be submitted as a PDF formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. LaTex Formatting Macros. * We also encouraged submission of short papers (up to 4 pages) reporting work in progress. * All papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the Workshop Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Important dates: * Due date for full workshop papers submission: Sep. 7, 2015 * Notification of paper acceptance to authors: Sep. 20, 2015 * Camera-ready of accepted papers: Oct. 5, 2015 * Workshop: Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 Program Chairs: * Dr. Mark Hedges Department of Digital Humanities King?s College London, UK * Dr. Tobias Blanke Department of Digital Humanities King?s College London, UK * Prof. Richard Marciano College of Information Studies ? ?Maryland?s iSchool? University of Maryland, USA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From agreenwood at Mon Aug 31 16:32:01 2015 From: agreenwood at (Greenwood, Audrey) Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 20:32:01 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science special issue "Data, Records, and Archives in the Cloud" is ready to read online Message-ID: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science Volume 39, Number 2, June juin 2015 Special Issue: Data, Records, and Archives in the Cloud Edited by Luciana Duranti Data, records and archives are increasingly entrusted to Internet Providers who offer on-demand online storage at a low cost, where materials are protected by a level of security that no single organization can afford, and maintained in formats compatible with any user's system. However, the cloud environment is neither transparent nor regulated. Those who create, manage, appraise, control and preserve the materials it stores, encounter problems related to ownership, provenance, and jurisdiction, among others, as they remain responsible for such materials without control, and accountable without knowledge. This Special Issue explores the challenges presented by keeping data, records and archives in the cloud, reports on research into possible solutions, examines existing and proposed policies, procedures, regulations and legislation, and describes cases of adoption of cloud models, law, contractual agreements, and technological infrastructure. This issue contains: Preface/Pr?face Luciana Duranti Authenticity of Digital Records: A Survey of Professional Practice / L'authenticit? des documents num?riques: Un survol des pratiques professionnelles Corinne Rogers Authenticity of digital material is an enduring concern. However, while most people intuitively understand what authenticity is, few are able to identify exactly what is required to ensure, assess, and guarantee it. Read more >> L'authenticit? des mat?riaux num?riques est une pr?occupation qui dure. Mais alors que la plupart des gens comprennent intuitivement ce qu'est l'authenticit?, peu sont en mesure d'identifier exactement ce qui est n?cessaire pour assurer, ?valuer et garantir l'authenticit?. Lire plus >> What About Trust in the Cloud? Archivists' Views on Trust / La question de la confiance dans le nuage: Le point de vue des archivistes sur la question Erik A.M. Borglund More and more information is "going to the cloud,"including records and archives. This article focuses on understanding trust-in-cloud solutions from an archivist's perspective, exploring whether cloud computing has changed the archivist's role and how archivists respond to cloud-related problems and challenges. Read more >> Des quantit?s de plus en plus importantes d'information vont ? dans le nuage ?, y compris des dossiers d'archives. Cet article se propose de comprendre le point de vue des archivistes concernant la confiance qui peut?tre accord?e aux solutions informatiques en nuage, d'examiner si l'informatique en nuage a chang? le r?le des archivistes et comment les archivistes r?agissent aux probl?mes et aux d?fis li?s aux nuages informatiques. Lire plus >> Cloud Service Contracts: An Issue of Trust / Les contrats de service d'informatique en nuage: Une question de confiance Jessica Bushey, Marie Demoulin, Robert McLelland This article compares cloud service contracts with records management and archival needs to determine whether or not those needs are met by currently available, boiler-plate contracts. Read more >> Cet article envisage les contrats de services informatiques en nuage au regard de la gestion des documents d'archives et des besoins archivistiques, afin de d?terminer si ces besoins sont satisfaits par les contrats standards actuellement disponibles. Lire plus >> Through a Records Management Lens: Creating a Framework for Trust in Open Government and Open Government Information / Les objectifs vis?s par les syst?mes de gestion documentaires : La mise en place d'un cadre de confiance et de la transparence de l'information dans un gouvernement ouvert Valerie L?veill?, Katherine Timms Through an analysis of current business processes, workflows, and documentation that guide the creation, management, and control of open government information as well as the policies, procedures, and structures in place that help instruct these processes and establish open government initiatives, this article will offer a preliminary exploration of the possibility of establishing a universal framework around these initiatives that would help ensure that the information being distributed is accurate, authentic, and trustworthy. Read more >> En s'appuyant sur une analyse des processus d'affaires courants, des flux de travail et de la documentation qui guident la mise en place, la gestion et le contr?le de l'information dans un gouvernement ouvert, ainsi que les politiques, les proc?dures et les structures qui sont en place pour aider ? mettre en marche ces processus et ? ?tablir des initiatives gouvernementales ouvertes, cet article offre une exploration pr?liminaire de la possibilit? d'?tablir un cadre universel concernant ces initiatives, cadre qui aiderait ? assurer que l'information distribu?e est exacte, authentique et digne de confiance. Lire plus >> New Technologies, New Challenges: Records Retention and Disposition in a Cloud Environment / Nouvelles technologies, nouveaux d?fis: Conservation et d?classement des documents dans un environnement de nuage informatique Patricia C. Franks This article describes core records retention and disposition functional requirements extrapolated from relevant standards and guidelines and from responses to a questionnaire developed to gather information about retention and disposition functionality built into cloud services. Read more >> Cet article d?crit les exigences fonctionnelles de base pour la conservation et le d?classement des documents, extrapol?es ? partir des normes et des lignes directrices pertinentes ainsi que des r?ponses ? un questionnaire ?labor? dans le but de recueillir des informations sur la conservation et le d?classement en tant que fonctionnalit?s int?gr?es dans les services informatiques en nuage. Lire plus >> Archival Cloud Services: Portability, Continuity, and Sustainability Aspects of Long-term Preservation of Electronically Signed Records / Les services d'archivage dans un nuage informatique : Portabilit?, continuit? et durabilit?: Aspects de la conservation ? long terme des documents sign?s ?lectroniquement Hrvoje Stancic, Arian Rajh, Hrvoje Brzica The authors discuss key processes needed to establish archival cloud services. This is done by examining long-term preservation mechanisms and their elements. Read more >> Les auteurs de cet article discutent des processus cl?s n?cessaires ? la mise en place de services d'archivage par nuage informatique. Pour ce faire, ils examinent les m?canismes de conservation ? long terme et les ?l?ments qui les composent. Lire plus >> Public Cloud Archives: Dream or Reality? / Les archives publiques dans le nuage informatique: R?ve ou r?alit? ? Anna Sobczak The German Landesarchiv Baden-W?rttemberg (State Archives of Baden-W?rttemberg) developed its own software called Digitales Magazin (Digital Storeroom) to appraise, acquire, manage, describe, and provide access and long-term preservation of different kinds of electronic records. Read more >> Les archives d'?tat du Land de Bade-Wurtemberg en Allemagne (Landesarchiv Baden-W?rttemberg) ont d?velopp? leur propre logiciel appel? Digitales Magazin (Entrep?t num?rique) pour?valuer, acqu?rir, g?rer, d?crire, fournir un acc?s et l'archivage ? long terme de diff?rents types de documents ?lectroniques. Lire plus >> Archivematica As a Service: COPPUL's Shared Digital Preservation Platform / Le service Archivematica: La plateforme partag?e de conservation de documents num?riques du COPPUL Bronwen Sprout, Mark Jordan The Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) is piloting a cloud-based preservation service using the Archivematica digital preservation system. Read more >> Le Conseil des biblioth?ques universitaires des Prairies et du Pacifique (Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries [COPPUL]) met ? l'essai un service de conservation bas? sur un nuage informatique qui utilise le syst?me de conservation num?rique Archivematica. Lire plus >> A respected source of the most up-to-date research on library and information science, The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science is recognized internationally for its authoritative bilingual contributions to the field of information science. Established in 1976, the journal is dedicated to the publication of research findings, both in full-length and in brief format; reviews of books; software and technology; and letters to the editor. Join CJILS email list! Please sign up for important news relating to The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science. 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