[Asis-l] Open Inform: an online international community exploring open education

Helen Partridge h.partridge at qut.edu.au
Sun Apr 5 00:41:55 EDT 2015

Dear Colleagues

You may be interested in this new international initiative.

Open Inform is a community seeking to engage in conversation and information about open education, and more broadly openness.

You are invited to join colleagues, friends and openness advocates in discussions. Find more details at: http://open-inform.info

To increase awareness relative to open education (perhaps openness more generally) and to engage in an open environment with others, we are actively involving peers and colleagues using the "23 Things" model; in our case "23 Things About Openness".

The idea is to run an activity/session on a topic every 2 weeks. The activities will include live sessions, video capture, and a facilitated session.

If you have a topic of interest (e.g. Open Access, Open Data, Open Educational Resources, Open Standards etc.) please join the conversation and participate in existing discussions using the comments section of individual pages and posts on this site

International openness leaders and practitioners will start the conversation; leading the topics and provide support. All of the artifacts will be published using an appropriate open license.

Feel free to join in, participate, lurk, or whatever seems right. The initiative is very community focused and should be a great opportunity to learn and share about a wide range of openness topics. Every time somebody new joins, the community gets smarter.


Dr Helen Partridge, Adjunct Professor
Information Systems School  |  Science and Engineering Faculty  |  Queensland University of Technology
online email  h.partridge at qut.edu.au<mailto:h.partridge at qut.edu.au> |  twitter  @<http://www.twitter.com/katiedavis>partridh  |  Skype  partridh  |  web  helenpartridge.net
mail  2 George St. Brisbane Q. 4000
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