[Asis-l] iConference workshop: Role of Engagement in Human Information Interaction, March 24, 2015

O'Brien, Heather h.obrien at ubc.ca
Tue Nov 18 12:32:52 EST 2014

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to welcome the 1st workshop on engagement and emotion in Human Information Interaction, in the context of iConference ’15.

This workshop is an interdisciplinary venue for researchers from Computer Science, Library and Information Science, Informatics, and Social Sciences, to share ideas and opinions, and present original research work on studying the interplay between user engagement, emotions, and information interaction. The ultimate goal is to develop a better understanding of the above concepts not just as a technology, but also as human phenomena.

To that end, we are inviting short interdisciplinary position papers that address the application of information technology in the study of engagement and emotion, and for informing the design of information and communication technologies that consider this context.

Please refer to the workshop details below for more details: http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/workshops/#workshop10

Ioannis Arapakis, Irene Lopatovska, Heather O'Brien

iConference 2015, Newport Beach, California, March 24-27, http://ischools.org/the-iconference/
Workshop: On the Role of Engagement in Human Information Interaction: From Research to Implementation
Organizars: Ioannis Arapakis (Yahoo Labs), Irene Lopatovska (Pratt Institute), Heather O'Brien (University of British Columbia)

Every day we spend a significant amount of time online accessing, interacting with, and sharing information using a broad array of information resources (e.g., Q&A forums, databases), applications (e.g., social networking) and devices (e.g., smart phones).  This abundance of digital content is problematic for many users, but also information purveyors, such as libraries and other cultural heritage organizations, and online search companies, e-commerce firms, educational institutions, government, etc. Many are asking, “How can information environments be designed to satisfy functional user and organizational needs, yet still be emotionally compelling and engaging?”

This half-day workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers, information and design professionals, and students interested in user engagement and emotion.  It focuses on subjective experiences with broadly defined information systems (i.e., the web, digital libraries, museum interfaces).  The format of the workshop includes in-depth and lightning talks and an interactive session to explore innovate ways to create engaging and affectively compelling information systems.
We invite brief (1-2 page) position papers that address theory, measurement, and design in engaging and emotionally salient information interactions. Questions to be addressed may include:
•       What is the value of developing engaging systems? What do they contribute to the user experience?
•       What methods and measures are appropriate for evaluating subjective user experiences? How do we know if they are reliable and valid?
•       How do we design for user engagement? What ethical, cultural, usability, and aesthetic concerns must be addressed?
•       How do we prevent disengagement?
•       How do we “scale up” small-scale techniques for measuring engagement and emotion and connect them with large-scale web analytics?

Please use the iConference paper template for your short papers: http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/author-instructions/#template
The paper should be submitted to: ischool.engagementlab at ubc.ca

The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2015

Workshop proceedings will be published in the University of British Columbia online institutional repository (https://circle.ubc.ca/).

More information about the workshop can be found at: http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/workshops/#workshop10<http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/workshops/%23workshop10>
If you have any questions, please email Ioannis Arapakis (arapakis at yahoo-inc.com), Irene Lopatovska (ilopatov at pratt.edu) or Heather O’Brien (h.obrien at ubc.ca)
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