[Asis-l] Fwd: Information Policy Event in Washington DC

Alan Inouye alaninouye.lists at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 14:04:03 EST 2014

For those who will be in the Washington, D.C. area on November 18th and
have an interest in information policy…

The American Library Association hopes that you’ll join us for the program
“Too Good to Be True: Are the Courts Revolutionizing Fair Use for
Education, Research and Libraries?” on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 5:30
p.m. We are delighted that Arent Fox in downtown D.C. will host the
American Library Association’s inaugural symposium which promises to be a
lively discussion about copyright policy in a digital and networked
environment.  The panel will be followed by a reception with wine, beer and
appetizers and a chance to socialize with colleagues and meet new
contacts.  We hope you can attend!!

DETAILS:  The way we access and use information in the digital age is
fundamentally mediated by copyright policy. For several decades, this
policy has been largely shaped by commercial interests. However, in the
last three years, several court decisions have been more protective of
public access to information and accommodating to the needs of the
education, research, and library sectors. Is this a real trend and will it

Come join us to hear a panel of experts make sense of key court cases such
as *UCLA v. AIME, Authors Guild v. Hathi Trust*, and the high profile U.S.
Supreme Court case* Kirtsaeng v. Wiley*. These experts will also talk about
the prospects these decisions may create for public policy development over
the next few years informed by the 2014 elections . . . and they’ll look
ahead to 2016.


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