From mcunha at Sat Mar 1 10:50:27 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 15:50:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 Message-ID: <> ---------- ProjMAN 2014 International Conference on Project MANagement (an AIS affiliated conference, supported by APOGEP/IPMA and PMI/PC) ---------- Troia (in the Lisboa area), Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 10, 2014 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 19, 2014 Final Submission due date: June 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between seven and ten pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers (full and short papers) will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Like in previous editions, accepted full and short papers will be submitted for indexation in major indexes such as Thomson ISI and SCOPUS. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. The conference chairs, Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal ---------- You are receiving this email because of your research activities on the conference topic. To unsubscribe please send an email to secretariat at with the subject "Unsubscribe" ---------- From mcunha at Sat Mar 1 10:58:13 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 15:58:13 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] HCist 2014 - Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> ---------- HCIST 2014 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 10, 2014 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 19, 2014 Final Submission due date: June 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between seven and ten pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Like in previous editions, accepted full and short papers will be submitted for indexation in major indexes such as Thomson ISI and SCOPUS. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Ricardo Martinho, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal - Rui Rijo, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal Program Chair: - Duminda Wijesekera, George Mason University, USA Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Ricardo Correia, University of Porto, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. ---------- You are receiving this email because of your research activities on the conference topic. To unsubscribe please send an email to secretariat at with the subject "Unsubscribe" ---------- From mcunha at Sat Mar 1 10:59:09 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 15:59:09 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> ---------- CENTERIS 2014 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 10, 2014 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 19, 2014 Final Submission due date: June 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between seven and ten pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers (short and full papers) will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Like in previous editions, accepted full and short papers will be submitted for indexation in major indexes such as Thomson ISI and SCOPUS. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Program Chair: - Niels Bj?rn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Danmark Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Emanuel Peres, University of Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From mashaheen at Sun Mar 2 01:42:54 2014 From: mashaheen at (Shaheen Maqsood) Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014 11:42:54 +0500 Subject: [Asis-l] 2014 ASIS&T SIG-III International Paper Contest for Developing Countries Message-ID: Excuse me for cross-posting!! The Special Interest Group on International Information Issues (SIG-III) of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is pleased to announce its 14th competition for papers to be submitted for the 2014 Annual Meeting, which will take place in Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA, October 31- November 4, 2014. ( Building from the overall conference theme, the theme for this year's paper contest is: "Connecting Collections, Cultures, and Communities". Papers could discuss issues, policies and case studies on specific aspects of the theme from a global and/or international perspective. The maximum length for a paper is 10 pages, single-spaced. Papers could discuss issues, policies and case studies on specific aspects of the theme from a global and/or international perspective. The SIG-III welcomes contributions from all areas of information science and technology. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following core areas: Arts & Humanities; Bioinformatics; Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts; Classification Research; Critical Issues; Digital Libraries; Education for Information Science; Health Informatics; History & Foundations of Information Science; Human Computer Interaction; Information Architecture; Information Needs, Seeking and Use; Information Policy; International Information Issues; Knowledge Management; Library Technologies; Management; Metrics; Scientific & Technical Information; Social Informatics; and Visualization, Images & Sound. Selection Criteria: There will be up to three winners who will be selected by a panel of judges including: Maqsood Shaheen (IRC, US Embassy Islamabad), Alma Rivera (Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de M?xico), and, Fatih Oguz (University of North Carolina at Greensboro). The judging criteria will be based on: Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, method, design, education or engagement, originality and level of innovation, and quality of presentation. Eligibility & Information for authors: Only papers by a principal author who is a citizen of, and resides in a developing country are eligible. The winners in the 2009-2013 contests are not eligible. The papers should be original, unpublished, and submitted in English. We encourage submissions from librarians, information and network specialists, and educators involved in the creation, representation, maintenance, exchange, discovery, delivery, and use of digital information. Award: The award for each winner is a two-year individual membership in ASIS&T. In the case of multiple authors, the principal author will be awarded the ASIS&T membership. In addition, depending on SIG III fundraising for this competition, the first place winner will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000 toward travel, conference registration, and accommodations while attending the ASIS&T Annual Conference which will take place in Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA, October 31- November 4, 2014. ( Style: The international paper contest committee requires that submissions follow the International Information and Library Review instructions to authors. Detailed information is available under the heading, Instructions for Authors at: Publishing opportunities: Submitted papers will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the Taylor and Francis's International Information and Library Review (IILR), subject to the usual peer refereeing process, for that journal. ASIS&T Copyright Policy: ASIS&T will have the non-exclusive right to publish any of the papers submitted on its web site or in print, with ownership and all other rights remaining with the author. Deadline for submission of full papers: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts, not to exceed 5,000 words, by May 31, 2014, to Maqsood Shaheen at ShaheenMA at, preferably as Microsoft Word or PDF attachments. ---------------- Maqsood Shaheen Chair International Paper Contest Committee, SIG III Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Website: Join us on Facebook: From chodgson at Mon Mar 3 11:01:33 2014 From: chodgson at (Cynthia Hodgson) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 11:01:33 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO April 9 Webinar: Back from Marrakesh: Implementing an Accessible Content World Message-ID: <008601cf36f9$da449cc0$8ecdd640$@org> NISO Webinar: Back from Marrakesh: Implementing an Accessible Content World Date: April 9, 2014 Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Eastern time Event webpage: ============================================================================ == ABOUT THE WEBINAR In the fall of 2013, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) agreed to a landmark treaty in Marrakesh, Morocco to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled . This treaty outlined for the first time a set of principles regarding the rights of the print-disabled to have all content made equally accessible for them. The opportunities afforded by digital content distribution to provide accessibility functionality built-in from the start of a publisher's production process and then be carried throughout the distribution process are tremendous. This session will provide an overview of the treaty, discuss its potential implications, and describe how standardized technology can facilitate access to the visually-impaired community. TOPICS AND SPEAKERS Identifying rights for print-disabled and visually impaired - George Kerscher, Secretary General DAISY Consortium, and President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) Drafting the WIPO Treaty - James Love, Director of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) Walking the Walk: A Publisher's Perspective on Moving from Aspiration to Reality in Making Content Accessible - Paul Belfanti, Director, Content Architecture, Enterprise Architecture & Core Platforms, Pearson Education REGISTRATION Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm Eastern on April 9, 2014 (the day of the webinar). Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG members and students. NISO Library Standards Alliance (LSA) members receive one free connection as part of membership and do not need to register. (The LSA member webinar contact will automatically receive the login information. Members are listed here: . If you would like to become an LSA member and receive the entire year's webinars as part of membership, information on joining is listed here: All webinar registrants and LSA webinar contacts receive access to the recorded version for one year. Visit the event webpage to register and for more information: Cynthia Hodgson Technical Editor / Consultant National Information Standards Organization chodgson at 301-654-2512 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From did2005 at Mon Mar 3 11:08:12 2014 From: did2005 at (Diana Delgado) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 16:08:12 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting Instructional Design Librarian Weill Cornell Medical College, NY NY Message-ID: Colleagues, Applications are still being accepted for the Instructional Design Librarian position at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, NY. See the below description and a link to the official posting. Please share broadly with those who might be interested. Those who have already submitted an application need not reapply. Thank you, Diana Delgado ________________________________ Job description is available Position Title: Instructional Design Librarian Department: The Samuel J. Wood Library and The C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center Status: Full Time, Academic/Faculty - Non Professorial Track Salary: Starting salary negotiable: minimum $63,000 Location: Upper East Side - Manhattan location Position Summary: The Instructional Design Librarian is responsible for designing, developing and delivering instructional programming in a variety of formats for the Weill Cornell Medical Library New York and the Distributed e-Library, Weill Cornell-Qatar. Additionally, the Instructional Design Librarian is the expert on copyright and fair usage for the Colleges. This position reports to the Associate Director for User Support, Research, and Education. The position is based in New York City, but will require travel to Doha, Qatar. Responsibilities: * In conjunction with library staff create innovative and effective learning materials utilizing a variety of delivery methods, including digital learning objects and web-based instruction modules. * Provide staff development for the use of educational technology and education concepts. * Provide expertise on copyright and fair usage to faculty, students and staff. * Maintain learning environments and tools. * Develop assessment plans for the library's instruction program to assess student learning and the impact of information literacy instruction. * Liaise with the Educational Web Services Group and Informational Technologies and Services regarding educational technology. * Pursue an active and ongoing plan for professional development, research, publishing and service. Qualifications/Experience: * Advanced degree or certification in educational technologies or instructional design. * Graduate degree in library/information science from an ALA-accredited institution preferred. * Demonstrated ability to apply an established instructional design process. * Excellent technical, written and verbal communication skills and teaching/presentation skills. * Experience with Canvas and WebEx preferred. * Able to work collaboratively in a team environment. * Demonstrated initiative, the ability to manage multiple projects and a commitment to professional development. Please email cover letter and curriculum vitae to librecruiting at Founded in 1898, and affiliated with what is now New York-Presbyterian Hospital since 1927, Weill Cornell Medical College is among the top-ranked clinical and medical research centers in the country. In addition to offering degrees in medicine, Cornell also has Ph.D. programs in biomedical research and education at the Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and with neighboring Rockefeller University and the Sloan-Kettering Institute, has established a joint MD-PhD. program for students to intensify their pursuit of Cornell's triple mission of education, research, and patient care. Weill Cornell Medical College's educational mission emphasizes the importance of combining a strong foundation in the medical sciences with extensive clinical training in patient care. By promoting a true social commitment, stimulating creativity, and fostering independent thought and study, Weill Cornell Medical College continues to cultivate the best of tomorrow's leaders in the field of medicine. Weill Cornell Medical College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. We look forward to hearing from you.<../AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.Outlook/5HFJL0L1/> Diana Delgado, MLS, AHIP Associate Director for User Support, Research and Education Samuel J. Wood Library & C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University 1300 York Avenue Room C-115 New York, NY 10065-4896 did2005 at 646-962-2550 212-746-6494 (Fax) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From info at Tue Mar 4 12:14:16 2014 From: info at (PREFORMA Project) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 18:14:16 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Procurement_on_digital_preservation_-_Informat?= =?utf-8?q?ion_Day_in_Brussels_on_4_April_2014?= Message-ID: ***Apologies for cross-posting. Please forward to interested parties*** ? ** PREFORMA call for tender, information day ------------------------------------------------------------ On April 4th, 2014 PREFORMA project ( organises in Brussels an Information Day to present the call for tender that will be launched as part of the Pre-Commercial Procurement. The main objective of the procurement is the development and deployment an open source software licensed reference implementation for file format standards aimed for any memory institution (or other organisation with a preservation task) wishing to check conformance with a specific standard. More information on the tender can be found at To register to the info day please visit ** PREFORMA, future memory standards ------------------------------------------------------------ PREFORMA, PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives, is a Pre-Commercial Procurement project started on January 1st, 2014, and co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme. Aim of the project is to address the challenge of implementing good quality standardised file formats for preserving data content in the long term. The main objective is to give memory institutions full control of the process of the conformity tests of files to be ingested into archives. Visit the PREFORMA website at Visit the PREFORMA blog at ** Join the PREFORMA community! ------------------------------------------------------------ PREFORMA is promoting an Open Dialogue between memory institutions and technology providers to define the functional requirements of the tender. The network of common interest established by the project already includes representatives from memory institutions, researchers and developers who are interested to contribute to the definition of the requirements and to take part in the assessment and the exploitation of the results produced by the suppliers. More information at To join the PREFORMA community contact us at info[AT] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From youakim.badr at Mon Mar 3 04:22:05 2014 From: youakim.badr at (Youakim Badr) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 10:22:05 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] ACM MEDES 2014: Call for Papers Message-ID: <> * Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * *************** CALL FOR PAPERS *************** The 6th International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES 2014) In-Cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 September 15-17, 2014 Buraidah-Al Qassim, Saudi Arabi Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet, the rapid growth and exponential use of digital medias leads to the emergence of virtual environments namely digital ecosystems composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. The digital ecosystem exhibits self-organizing environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying resources mainly comprehend data management, innovative services, computational intelligence and self-organizing platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems and their characteristics, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES) aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. The conference seeks related original research papers, industrial papers and proposals for demonstrations. Topics ------- MEDES 2014 seeks contributions in the following 10 areas: 1. Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure 2. Cloud computing 3. Emergent Intelligence 4. Service systems and Engineering 5. Trust, Security & Privacy 6. Data & Knowledge Management 7. Intelligent Web 8. Human-Computer Interaction 9. Networks and Protocols 10. Open Source Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Important Dates ---------------- Submission Deadline: 12 May 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 25 June 2014 Camera Ready: 20 July 2014 Conference Dates: 15-17 September 2014 Special Tracks: ---------------- Big Data Processing and Management Computational Intelligence Special issues and Journal Publication --------------------------------------- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in several peer reviewed journals. The list of journals will be announced later. General Chair -------------- Obaid Al Motairy, Qassim University, KSA Richard Chbeir, UPPA University, France Mohammed Alodib, Qassim University, KSA Lamri Laouamer, Qassim University, KSA Program Chair -------------- Morad Benyoucef, University of Ottawa, Canada Saad Harous, United Arab Emirates University, UAE International Advisory Board Members ------------------------------------ Asanee Kawtrakul, NECTEC, Thailand Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Philippe De Wilde, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland Yasuo Matsuyama, Waseda University, Japan Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia Steering Committee Members -------------------------- Youakim Badr, INSA de Lyon, France Fernando Ferri, IRPPS-CNR, Italy Frederic Andres, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Richard Chbeir, University of Bourgogne, France Hiroshi Ishikawa, Shizuoka University, Japan Asanee Kawtrakul, NECTEC, Thailand Dominique Laurent, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France Epaminondas Kapetanios, University of Westminster, UK Keynote Speakers ---------------- Fabien Gandon, INRIA, France Ton Kalker, DTS Incorporation, USA Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California, Irvine, USA Azer Bestavros, Boston University, USA Roger Lee, Central Michigan University, USA International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From wmonroe at Mon Mar 3 13:39:08 2014 From: wmonroe at (Monroe, Wanda G.) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 18:39:08 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] UNC @ Chapel Hill SILS Involvement in 2014 iConference Message-ID: Faculty and students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science will represent their iSchool at the 2014 iConference March 4-7, in Berlin, Germany. The event, which is hosted by Germany's Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin, the Berlin School of Library and Information Science, is an international conference that brings together faculty, students and researchers interested in advancing the field of information science. This year's iConference is organized under the banner 'Breaking Down Walls | Culture, Context, Computing.' "The iConference series was established in 2005 by the iSchools organization, a growing worldwide association of Information Schools. Each annual iConference is hosted by a different iSchools member-institution." Dr. Cal Lee, Frances Carroll McColl Term Professor was involved in the planning of the conference. Lee was one of the members of the organizing committee and received one of the first awards for his reviewing abilities. Dr. Gary Marchionini, dean and Cary C. Boshamer Distinguuished Professor, is part of the iCaucus and will meet and collaborate with deans from the other iSchools. In addition, Dr. Ryan Shaw, assistant professor, will be involved with a number of workshops and sessions. Dr. Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, assistant professor, will also present. Graduate student Armanda Marie Gonzalez and her colleagues from the iSchool Inclusion Institute will present a poster, "Entering the Boys' Club: An Analysis of Female Representation in Game Industry, Culture, and Design." Following are the workshops and sessions with brief descriptions (from the program) in which they're involved: Workshop 3 - Changing Publishing Practices in iSchools Tuesday, March 4, 2014 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Megan Finn, Ryan Shaw, Shawn Walker iSchools are home to many researchers who study the practices of scholarly publishing, a significant number of whom also design, build, and evaluate innovative tools for scholarly publishing. Yet when it comes to our own work, many scholars at iSchools have been reluctant to try new modes of publishing, a trend this workshop aims to correct. Many researchers maintain an appropriate skepticism of the claims made by evangelists of the new modes of publishing; thus, this workshop starts with an understanding that current publishing paradigms are embedded in socio-material practices and institutional logics. Nevertheless, a growing number of scholars at iSchools, and iSchool-related programs are experimenting with new ways of publishing their own work. This workshop will bring together researchers of scholarly communication practice and designers of research publishing tools with those who are considering their own scholarly publishing projects. The aim is to encourage scholars considering experiments through an exploration of both the tools now available for experimentation, and expert insights into innovations in scholarly communication. Workshop 11 - The Discipline of Organizing in iSchools - Collaborative and Digitally Enhanced Teaching of a Core Subject Tuesday, March 4, 2014 2 - 5:30 p.m. Robert J. Glushko, Vivien Petras, Ryan Shaw The workshop centers on a book, "The Discipline of Organizing" (MIT Press, 2013) that proposes a unified trans-disciplinary perspective on one of the core subjects for iSchools: information organization and retrieval. The printed book and several digital/ebook versions will be the focus of a case study in collaboratively developing and maintaining a teaching resource that supports cooperation across the different iSchools. The workshop will present the concept of the "Discipline of Organizing" (TDO), several examples of TDO in teaching, and invites participants to develop a vision for a collaborative teaching environment and process. Wednesday, March 5, 2014 2 - 3:30 p.m. Session 7: Citizen Science Chair: Ryan Benjamin Shaw, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SIE 8: From "Effects" to "Entanglements": A Fishbowl Discussion on Sociomateriality Thursday, 06/Mar/2014: 2:00pm - 3:30pm Presentations >From "Effects" to "Entanglements": A Fishbowl Discussion on Sociomateriality Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Jaime Snyder, David Askay, Heather Wiltse, Arvind Karunakaran Multiple research areas within the field of information studies grapple with the notion of technology and its role in social processes and outcomes. Recent theorizations on sociomateriality reflect a renewed interest in studying the mutually constitutive nature of the relationships among technology, materiality and social contexts (e.g., Leonardi, Nardi, & Kallinikos, 2012; Orlikowski, 2007). In specific, the sociomaterial perspective offers a promising path for `information' scholars to move from theorizing about the "effects" of specific technologies on organizational and societal outcomes to considering the constitutive "entanglement" among them. POSTER SESSION Entering the Boys' Club: An Analysis of Female Representation in Game Industry, Culture, and Design Armanda Marie Gonzalez1,5, Elaine Gomez2,5, Samuel Jacobs3,5, Rebeca Orozco4,5 1The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2Rutgers University; 3North Carolina State University; 4Washington State University; 5iSchool Inclusion Institute Numerous studies have examined the role of gender in game design, game play and game experience and conclude that women are often excluded and objectified in character design, appearance and behavior. Game and gender studies scholars encourage further research in these topics. However, in the analysis and critique of these findings, there is little to no emphasis on a plan of implementation or suggestions made concerning a change in the approach of stereotypes used in game and character design, sexism in game culture and inclusion of women in STEM related fields. This paper provides insights into the importance of gender roles and character design and representation in video games in relation to creating inclusive gaming environments for women. Exceptional Reviewer Awards "Much of the success of the iConference lies in the selfless work of volunteers who review the hundreds of submission we receive each year. This year's organizers have chosen to honor this commitment with a special award recognizing outstanding reviewer dedication. The recipients will be recognized during the morning plenary session on Thursday, 6 March" as quoted from the program. Congratulations to Dr. Cal Lee for his exceptional reviewing skills. 2014 Winners JoAnn M. Brooks, Syracuse University, for her reviews of Notes Terry Costantino, University of Toronto, for her reviews of Papers and Posters Beth St. Jean, University of Maryland, College Park for her reviews of Posters Christopher Lee, University of North Carolina, for his reviews of Papers and Notes Eric Meyers, University of British Columbia, for his reviews of Papers and Notes Stephen Voida, Indiana University, for his reviews of Posters ******************************* Wanda Monroe Director of Communications School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 04 Manning Hall, CB#3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 919.843.8337 Follow us on Twitter at UNCSILS Like us on Facebook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From daniel.erro at Tue Mar 4 15:54:32 2014 From: daniel.erro at (Daniel Erro) Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:54:32 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] eNTERFACE14 Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - Call for participation - 10 days left!! Message-ID: <> *** We apologize for multiple postings *** *** Please forward this e-mail to potentially interested students/researchers *** 10th Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces Bilbao, Spain, June 9th ? July 5th, 2014 eNTERFACE 2014 ? Call for Participation Aholab Signal Processing research group, from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain, invites researchers from all over the world to join eNTERFACE?14, the 10th Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, to be held in Bilbao, Spain, from June 9th to July 9th, 2014. eNTERFACE workshops gather in a single place a team of senior project leaders, researchers, and students, to work on a pre-specified list of challenges for 4 weeks. Participants are organized in teams, each team being attached to a specific project. This is the list of projects that have been selected to be carried out in this edition of eNTERFACE (more detailed information about all of them can be found on the official website): 1. Auracle: how are the salient cues situated in audiovisual content? 2. A character animation authoring platform for the 99% 3. Exploring stylistics of expert gestures and singing voice with motion capture and reactive statistical mapping 4. MILLA - Multimodal interactive language learning agent 5. Online platform for obtaining personalized synthetic voices 6. Quantification of the alteration in the resting state networks for measuring brain pathologies and diseases If you are a senior/junior researcher or a PhD/MS/undergraduate student working on similar topics and you want to collaborate in (at least) one of these projects, please prepare a short CV in electronic format along with a list of skills you can offer to the team and fill in the application form available on the official website. The project leaders will select their team members among the applicants. The program will include several keynote lectures given by renowned experts. Nick Campbell (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) and Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, Netherlands) have already accepted our invitation. eNTERFACE?14 has no registration fee and lodging prices will be highly competitive. We will also offer about 5 grants covering accomodation expenses (more information will be given through the official website in due course). Important dates: Deadline for application: March 14th 2014 Notification of acceptance to participants: April 11th 2014 Workshop: June 9th ? July 4th 2014 Web: Contact: enterface14 at From inna.kouper at Mon Mar 3 13:20:44 2014 From: inna.kouper at (Inna Kouper) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 13:20:44 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] invitation to participate in a study of digital curation and curators Message-ID: Greetings (and apologies for duplicate cross-posting) ~ If you are involved in taking care of digital materials of any type, form and purpose and are interested in the advancement of digital curation as a professional field, we invite you to participate in a study that looks at patterns of professional participation in digital curation. The survey takes about 20 min to complete and can be found at Thank you and please forward this link to others who might be interested. Inna -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cattd614 at Wed Mar 5 12:53:26 2014 From: cattd614 at (Catherine Dumas) Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 09:53:26 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: ASIS&T: The Student Perspective Message-ID: <> Please forward? this to your students who are members of ASIS&T.?Could you also forward this to your colleagues and to give their student members of ASIS&T to the opportunity to participate?? Dear Current and Former Student Members of ASIS&T, I am writing to request your participation in a short survey (5-10 min) on the experiences of being a student member ?of ASIS&T. Having been a student member for the past 4 1/2 years, I think it would be interesting to gain some insight on other student's perspective of ASIS&T. The results will be published in an upcoming issue of the ASIS&T bulletin.? Click here to take the survey: This research is being conducted by myself and Dr. Abebe Rorissa under the University of Albany, State University of New York. Please know that when you submit your response it will be anonymous. Only aggregated survey responses will be published in the article. While we strongly encourage your participation, doing so is voluntary.? . ?If you have any questions about the survey, please email me cdumas at We would appreciate it if you could respond by March 20, 2014. Thanks in advance for your time and input, Catherine ? Catherine Dumas PhD Student - Informatics? College of Computing & Information University at Albany, State University of New York Co-Chair Advisory Board ASIS&T, UAlbany Student Chapter Cell: 518-935-8064 CCI Women in Technology on FB:? Cyber Behaviors in Information Seeking -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ecorrado at Thu Mar 6 04:08:57 2014 From: ecorrado at (Edward M. Corrado) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 04:08:57 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] The Library Research Round Table announces deadlines for submissions for Jesse H. Shera Awards Message-ID: The Library Research Round Table announces deadlines for submissions for Jesse H. Shera Awards The Library Research Round Table (LRRT) of the American Library Association is pleased to invite submissions for two awards named for Jesse H. Shera. *The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 28, 2014.* The Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research is given to the author(s) of a research article published in English during the calendar year and nominated by any member of LRRT or by editors of research journals in the field of library and information studies. Please visit the award page for more information and criteria: Jesse H. Shera Award for the Support of Dissertation Research is designed to provide recognition for dissertation research employing exemplary research design and methods relating in at least a general way to library studies. The award is restricted to research designs that have been approved by the doctoral candidate's dissertation committee and that are about to be employed or are in the initial stage of use. Completed research is not eligible for consideration. Please visit the award page for more information and criteria: LRRT was founded in 1968 to contribute toward the extension and improvement of library research by providing public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects and for disseminating their findings. LRRT is dedicated to informing and educating ALA members regarding research techniques and their usefulness in obtaining information. The information must help users reach administrative decisions and solve problems and expand the theoretical base of the field by serving as a forum for discussion and action on issues related to the literature and information needs for the field of library and information science. For more information on the Library Research Round Table please visit -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From beiyumm at Thu Mar 6 11:18:35 2014 From: beiyumm at (Bei Yu) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 11:18:35 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Faculty positions on data science and HCI at Syracuse iSchool Message-ID: Data science and HCI positions Syracuse University's School of Information Studies (The iSchool, see is soliciting applications for scholars involved in the broad and evolving spaces of data science/ data analytics and human-computer interaction (HCI) to join its renowned and interdisciplinary faculty. These positions are open rank, and we specifically encourage graduating doctoral students, senior assistant professors, and recently tenured faculty to apply. Located at the center of the picturesque Syracuse University, we seek entrepreneurial colleagues with a passion for innovative scholarship, a desire to work with others on interdisciplinary projects, and enthusiasm for teaching. The iSchool has seven degree programs and an enrollment of 50 doctoral students, 650 masters' students and 650 undergraduates, led by 42 full-time faculty and over 100 part-time faculty. The iSchool is at the cutting edge of scholarship and instruction. The school hosts five research centers and laboratories and faculty with recognized strengths in natural language processing, information retrieval, Internet governance and telecommunications policy, digital literacy, information management, information and network security, new forms of work and organizing, gamification, data science, entrepreneurship, and social media. There are campus-level initiatives on computational linguistics, sustainability, and urban education, along with strategic partnerships with J.P. Morgan Chase, IBM, and others as reflected in a curricular focus on Global Enterprise Technologies. The SU-ADVANCE program provides extensive mentoring services for female faculty in STEM disciplines. The ISchool recently acquired an IBM Netezza box, allowing for complex, fast analysis of large data sets, and SU has large data-storage capabilities and is home of the Qualitative Data Repository. The iSchool seeks colleagues who can deepen and extend our emerging strengths in data science. We see this as a broad area that spans the following: visualization of large data sets and analytic approaches to large and often heterogeneous data sets; developing tools and approaches for scientific collaboration, and for data access and retrieval; computational social science involving large-scale quantitative data, examining large-scale online social configurations; and other possible areas emphasizing large-scale data and its analysis and representation. The iSchool faculty also seeks colleagues who will continue to expand our strengths in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Although we encourage applications from any area of HCI, we are particularly interested in candidates with research and teaching experience in the design, building and testing of online systems and environments, mobile applications, and other artifacts, and who are engaging in studies of uses and users in the field or laboratory. The ability to obtain research funding will be considered a competitive advantage in our evaluations, as will evidence of teaching excellence. A record of publishing impactful scholarship is expected. Although rank and years of experience are open, we will consider outstanding ABDs with a strong expectation of a successful dissertation defense by 2015. To be considered, applicants must submit: a cover letter outlining their interests and qualifications (including the rank they are seeking); a current *curriculum vitae*; short statements describing research and teaching interests and accomplishments; and the names and contact information of at least three references to: (job #071012). Strong candidates will be contacted for letters of reference and asked to provide research samples and a teaching portfolio or other evidence of teaching experience. Please do not submit these items with the initial application. We will begin screening applicants on *2 April, 2014* and continue accepting applications until the positions are filled, which may extend into the 2014-2015 academic year. Please direct questions to Dr. Jennifer Stromer-Galley, search chair, at jstromer at -- Bei Yu Assistant Professor School of Information Studies Syracuse University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Thu Mar 6 12:34:58 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 17:34:58 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting/ Research Analyst / Downtown Los Angeles, CA Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group seeks a full-time, temporary Research Analyst for our client, a global law firm, located in downtown Los Angeles. This individual needs to be skilled in providing strong research expertise to support the firm's practice areas. This assignment is for at least a few weeks, but has the potential to be a long-term, ongoing assignment. This can be either a part-time position with hours from 1:00pm - 7:00pm, or a full-time position, with hours worked from 10:00am - 7:00pm, with over-time as needed. Responsibilities: * As part of a firm-wide research team, provide substantive research expertise to support the firm's practice areas and business development efforts, including strategic research related to markets, industries, and competitors; * Create current awareness tools, newsletters, and alerts for ongoing monitoring of clients, industries, and events; * Proactively and independently assess research requests and ensure that research meets stated and anticipated needs; * Ensure that library services are effectively promoted to attorneys and timekeepers; * Educate and advise attorneys, paralegals, and staff on sources and strategies for research; * Provide assistance in collection development and maintenance and library space utilization; * Participate on projects that increase the value of library services to the Firm; * Track and record billable and non-billable time spent providing research services to library clients according to the Firm's library billing policy. Close time notes on a daily basis; * Consistently promote and model the Firm's Client Service Principles in leadership, teamwork, work product, and personal interaction; * Ensure compliance with the Firm's Information Handling Policy, including safeguarding confidential and personal information, and reporting any suspected breach appropriately and immediately. Essential Knowledge, Skills and Abilities * Master's degree in Library Science or Information Science or equivalent degree strongly preferred; plus a minimum of three years related experience, or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience; * Substantive knowledge of the legal materials and databases used to support the Firm's practice areas and research needs for client work and for business development efforts; * Excellent communication skills and the ability to build effective internal and external client relationships; * Strong writing skills and the ability to exchange information and to present ideas, report facts and convey information clearly and concisely; * Ability to effectively apply independent judgment and have a strong sense of urgency and professional dedication; * Ability to work collaboratively across departments and with all levels of personnel and to succeed in a teamwork environment; * Strong planning and organizational skills, including demonstrated ability to manage workloads effectively and meet all stated deadlines; * Proficient in Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat Professional, and PowerPoint. For immediate consideration, please apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From chodgson at Thu Mar 6 14:06:15 2014 From: chodgson at (Cynthia Hodgson) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 14:06:15 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] NISO April Virtual Conference: Dealing with the Data Deluge: Successful Techniques for Scientific Data Management Message-ID: <00a501cf396f$26cff630$746fe290$@org> NISO April Virtual Conference: Dealing with the Data Deluge: Successful Techniques for Scientific Data Management Virtual conferences are 5-6 hour conferences held online in webinar-like formats, with occasional breaks in the schedule for participants. The longer length allows the depth of coverage of a conference coupled with the convenience of a webinar. Date: April 23, 2014 Time: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Event webpage: ABOUT THE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE With the expansion of digital data collection and the increased expectations of data sharing, researchers are turning to their libraries or institutional repositories as a place to store and preserve that data. Many institutions have created such data management services and see the data curation role as a growing and important element of their service portfolio. While some of the experience in managing other types of digital resources is transferrable, the management of large-scale scientific data has many special requirements and challenges. From metadata collection and cataloging data sources, to identification, discovery, and preservation, best practices and standards are still in their infancy. NISO's April 23 Virtual Conference, Dealing with the Data Deluge: Successful Techniques for Scientific Data Management-to be held from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern-will explore in greater depth than traditional webinars some of the practical lessons from those who have implemented data management and developed best practices, as well as provide some insight into the evolving issues the community faces. TOPICS AND SPEAKERS * Keynote Speaker - Jan Brase, Ph.D., German National Library of Science and Technology; Managing Agent of DateCite, Chair of the International DOI Foundation (IDF), Vice-President of the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI), and Co-Chair of the CODATA Data Citation task group * Guidelines and Resources for Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Data Access Plans - Jared Lyle, Director of Data Curation Services, Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), University of Michigan * Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles: Implementation of the Principles in the Harvard Dataverse Repository - Merce Corsas, Ph.D., Director of Data Science, Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), Harvard University * Purdue University Research Repository (PURR): A Commitment to Supporting Researchers - Michael Witt, Head, Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2); Associate Professor of Library Science, Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) * Is This Data Fit for My Use? The Challenges and Opportunities Data Provenance Presents - Adriane Chapman, MITRE * A Durable Space: Technologies for Accessing Our Collective Digital Heritage - David Wilcox, Product Manager, DuraSpace * The SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) Project: A Joint Initiative of ARL, AAU, and APLU - Judy Ruttenberg, Program Director for Transforming Research Libraries, Association of Research Libraries (ARL) REGISTRATION Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 4:00 pm Eastern on April 22, 2014 (the day before the virtual conference). Discounts are available for NISO members and students. All virtual conference registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Can't make it on the day of the virtual conference? All registrants receive access to the recorded version for one year. Take advantage of the Virtual Conference subscription package ( ) for all six of the 2014 Virtual Conferences and save 33%. (NISO members can save 50% through April 22.) For more information and to register, visit the event webpage: Cynthia Hodgson Technical Editor / Consultant National Information Standards Organization chodgson at 301-654-2512 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From agruzd at Thu Mar 6 21:10:17 2014 From: agruzd at (Anatoliy Gruzd) Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 22:10:17 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] [2nd Call]: 2014 SOCIAL MEDIA & SOCIETY CONFERENCE (#SMSociety14) - Sep 27-28, 2014, Toronto, Canada Message-ID: <> *Apologies for cross-posting* Call for Submissions: Papers (extended abstracts), Panels and Posters 2014 SOCIAL MEDIA & SOCIETY CONFERENCE (#SMSociety14) September 27-28, 2014, Toronto, Canada Conference website: KEYNOTE: Keith N. Hampton, Rutgers University INDUSTRY KEYNOTE: John Weigelt, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Canada IMPORTANT DATES Paper & Panel Abstracts Due: April 18, 2014 Paper & Panel Notification: May 19, 2014 Poster Abstracts Due: May 23, 2014 Poster Notification: June 13, 2014 Conference Dates: September 27-28, 2014 DESCRIPTION We live in an era of ?Big Data?. Petabyte and exabyte-size datasets are becoming increasingly common. Much of the data is coming from social media in the form of user-generated content. What do we do with all of these ?social? data and how do we make sense of it all? What are the inherent challenges and issues surrounding working with social media data? How are social media platforms and the data that they generate changing us as individuals, changing our organizations and changing our society? Additionally what are the political, ethical, privacy, and security implications of the wide availability of these data? These are just a few questions that we have for this year?s participants of the 2014 Social Media & Society Conference (#SMSociety14). The Social Media & Society Conference is an annual gathering of leading social media researchers from around the world. Now, in its 5th year, the 2014 Conference will be held in Toronto, Canada from September 27 to 28. From its inception, the conference has focused on the best practices for studying the impact and implications of social media on society. The conference offers an intensive two-day program comprising of paper presentations, panel discussions, and posters covering wide-ranging topics related to social media. Organized by the Social Media Lab at Dalhousie University, the conference provides attendees an opportunity to exchange ideas, present their original research, learn about recently completed and work-in-progress studies, and strengthen connections with their peers. Last year?s conference hosted nearly 200 attendees, featured research from 90+ scholars and practitioners across several fields from over 60 institutions in 15 different countries. SUBMISSION PROCESS We invite you to submit papers (extended abstracts), panel proposals and posters on a variety of topics including (but not limited to!): Social Media & Big Data, Social Media Impact on Society, Theories & Methods, and Online/Offline Communities. Full papers are not required for this conference, only an extended abstract (~500 words, excluding references) on a completed or well-developed project related to the broad theme of ?Social Media & Society.? All submissions will be peer-reviewed. If selected, the author(s) will be invited to give a 15-minute oral presentation followed by a 5 min Q&A period at the conference. Author(s) of accepted paper abstracts will also be invited to submit their full papers to the new Big Data & Society Journal published by SAGE. Instructions for authors and more information is available at TOPICS OF INTEREST Social Media & Big Data - Visualization of Social Media Data - Social Media Data Mining - Scalability Issues and Social Media Data - Social Media Analytics Social Media Impact on Society - Private Self/Public Self - The Sharing/Attention Economy - Virality & Memes - Political Mobilization & Engagement - Social Media and Health - Social Media and Business (Marketing, PR, HR, Risk Management, etc.) - Social Media and Academia (Alternative Metrics. Learning Analytics, etc.) - Social Media and Public Administration - Social Media and the News Theories & Methods - Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches - Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis - Social Network Analysis - Theoretical Models for Studying, Analysing and Understanding Social Media Online/Offline Communities - Trust and Credibility in Social Media - Online Community Detection - Influential User Detection - Online Identity - Case Studies of Online and/or Offline Communities Formed on Social Media CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Anatoliy Gruzd, Dalhousie University, Canada Barry Wellman. University of Toronto, Canada Philip Mai, Dalhousie University, Canada Jenna Jacobson, University of Toronto, Canada From fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at Fri Mar 7 08:26:39 2014 From: fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at (Fidelia Ibekwe) Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:26:39 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP "Archives, libraries and museums in the era of the participatory social Web" Message-ID: <> ------------------------Apologies for multiple postings*----------------------- * *Call for Papers* *Archives, libraries and museums in the era of the participatory social Web* Special issue of the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/ *Guest editors* Dr. Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Department of Information and Communication, University of Lyon 3 Dr. Elaine M?nard, School of Information Studies, McGill University *Themes* The term "Web 2.0" refers to a set of Web tools that enhance and support user-generated content. Web 2.0 has made possible -- and intensified -- global collaborative mechanisms for the production of content. For nearly fifteen years, it has been gradually transforming the traditional Web, based on a dissemination model mainly structured by service providers and content providers. This participatory and collaborative capacity of the Web 2.0 may, in some cases, erase old boundaries and hierarchies between professionals and amateurs in various areas, whether in the private or public domains (e.g., Journalism 2.0, citizen journalism, etc.). Professions related to the creation and dissemination of content and knowledge seem to be particularly affected (e.g., publishers, artists, graphic designers, journalists, librarians, competitive intelligence specialists, librarians, archivists, information managers, etc.). The participatory Web's massive implementation of technology by the public has led to a reconfiguration and repositioning of the stakeholders in these sectors. This special issue aims to investigate mutations or changes under way within the institutions and among the stakeholders of libraries, archives, museums and online media due to the spread of Web 2.0 digital practices. The guest editors of this special issue of the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/ invite researchers from different disciplines to submit original unpublished work in connection with the changes brought about by Web 2.0 in these sectors. Contributions may cover different aspects: epistemological, technological, sociological, economic and political impact of Web 2.0 in the context of libraries, archives, museums and new media. More specifically, contributions should address the following questions: 1.How can institutional repositories (nomenclatures, classification languages, catalogues, thesauri, controlled vocabulary indexing) produced by professionals (librarians, archivists, journalists, curators) accommodate the participatory culture of the social Web and content generated by users? 2.How do Web 2.0 digital devices transform (or not) the relationship that libraries, museums and archives have with the public and vice versa? To what extent are the concepts/phenomena of participatory libraries or museums becoming a reality? Are we moving away from non-participatory past practices toward new practices that are rather participatory? 3.How does the public receive the innovative applications of Web 2.0 technology in libraries, archives and museums? 4.Do technical participatory tools (such as mashups, podcasts, blogs, social tagging/folksonomies, social bookmarking, use of social networks including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn or museum informatics, etc.) create new gateways or new modes of interaction with documentary, archival or museum artifacts? 5.How do physical institutions (museums, libraries, archives) coexist alongside their virtual platforms? Will this coexistence continue (e.g., the threatened closure of libraries in some countries) or will the multiplication of virtual forms of libraries, museums and archives not result in the disappearance or deterritorializationof these institutions as physical places? 6. Is the institutional and historical distinction between archives, libraries and museums challenged by digital phenomena? Are the boundaries between them becoming porous due to new needs generated by the public social Web (e.g., "museo-libraries")? 7.What socio-professional changes or epistemological repositioning under way among stakeholders of libraries, archives, museums and media are caused by these new digital devices? 8.What is the impact of opening up public data for these institutions? Proposals will be evaluated by two blind reviewers according to the standard practice of the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/. *The journal* Established in 1976, the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/ is the official journal of the Canadian Association for Information Science. Its objective is to promote the advancement of information science in Canada. *Languages* Submissions are accepted in either English or French. *Deadline* ?March 2014: Call for submissions ?October 31, 2014: Deadline for submission of the first draft of the article ?January 15, 2015: Decision of the review committee sent to authors ?March 1, 2015: Submission of the final version of the article ?June 2015: Publication of the special issue *Submission* For questions about this special issue, please contact the guest editors. Send your manuscripts in electronic format (Word or RTF) to: Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan Associate Professor Department of Information and Communication University of Lyon 3 Lyon, France fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at Elaine M?nard Assistant Professor School of Information Studies McGill University Montreal, Canada elaine.menard at Guidelines for authors are available online on the journal's website at Please indicate at the beginning of your submission which point(s) or theme(s) your paper will address. -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan Ph.D. (MCF-HDR) Associate Professor - Dept. of Information & Communication University of Lyon 3 - France. Homepage: EPICIC colloquium : ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From heidijul at Fri Mar 7 10:45:46 2014 From: heidijul at (Julien, Heidi) Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 15:45:46 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CAIS/ACSI Conference Message-ID: 42nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Information Science & Inaugural Librarians? Research Institute Symposium Connecting Across Borders: Globalization and Information Science Research Brock University St. Catharines, Ontario May 28- 30th 2014 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Jennifer J. Preece, Professor and Dean, University of Maryland, U.S.A. Dr. Preece ( is Professor and Dean in the College of Information Studies ? Maryland?s iSchool - at the University of Maryland. Her research focuses at the intersection of information, community and technology. She is particularly interested how technology can support citizen science and other volunteer activities. She has researched ways to support empathy and social support online, patterns of online participation, and reasons for not participating. Jennifer is author of eight books and numerous publications. Two recent books are: "Online Communities: Designing Usability, Supporting Sociability" (2000) and a co-authored best-selling text entitled "Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction" (1st Ed. 2002; 2nd Ed. 2007; 3rd Ed. 2011) Both books are published by John Wiley & Sons. Keynote Talk Title: What HCI Can Do for Citizen Science and Other Volunteer Activities In 2014 CAIS is partnering with the CARL (Canadian Association of Research Libraries) Librarians? Research Institute (LRI) to present the Inaugural Librarians' Research Institute Symposium alongside the CAIS conference. We are pleased to be hosting these events together at Congress for the first time. Registration The conference will take place as part of the 2014 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. Registration will be available online through the Congress website ( Register soon - earlybird Congress fees end March 31, 2014. For further information, please contact the CAIS/ACSI & LRI 2014 Conference Co-chairs. Matthew Griffis Conference Co-Chair Assistant Professor SLIS, U of Southern Mississippi USA E: matthew.griffis at Heidi Julien Conference Co-Chair Chair, Department of LIS, Graduate School of Ed, University at Buffalo, USA E: heidijul at Lisa Given Conference Co-Chair Professor, School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University Australia E: lgiven at Heidi Jacobs Librarians? Research Institute Information Literacy Librarian University of Windsor, Canada E: hjacobs at Selinda Berg Librarians? Research Institute Librarian University of Windsor, Canada E: sberg at Karen Bordonaro Local Arrangements Chair Liaison Librarian/Teaching and Learning Librarian Brock University, Canada E: kbordonaro at ****************************************************** Heidi Julien, Ph.D. Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo 534 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1020 USA Ph: 716.645.2412 Email: heidijul at ****************************************************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wmonroe at Fri Mar 7 16:11:22 2014 From: wmonroe at (Monroe, Wanda G.) Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 21:11:22 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] =?windows-1252?q?Deadline_Approaching_to_Apply_for_Top-R?= =?windows-1252?q?anked_Master=92s_Program?= Message-ID: The application deadline for one of the highest ranked Master?s programs in the nation is drawing near. Top ranked by US News & World Report, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science (SILS) is number one in digital libraries and archives and preservation, number two in health librarianship and ranked in the top ten in all specialty areas including: law librarianship, information systems, school library media and services for children and youth. Whether you dream of being a school media specialist or network administrator, Web master, rare book archivist or bioinformatics analyst, public librarian or social media coordinator, the graduate programs at SILS can give you the education and training necessary to achieve your goals. Our graduates go into exciting careers of Social Media Strategist, Electronic Documents Management Specialist, Data Services and Public Policy Librarian, IT Director, State Librarian, Data Analyst, User Experience Designer, Project Manager, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Metadata Librarian, Archivist, Teen Services Coordinator, Web Strategist, Information Architect, Chief Technology Officer, Clinical Trial Administrator, Knowledge Execution Lead, and many more! The Master of Science in Library Science is a 48 credit hour, two-year program. The MSLS curriculum educates students in the collection, organization, storage and retrieval of recorded knowledge for a variety of institutions and groups. The goal of the MSLS program is to enable students to contribute to the design, development and management of libraries, archives and other information institutions, and their collections and services; lead the development of new services and technologies to improve access to information for users; and demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of library and archival science, including the theory of information organization, effective communication and social, political, cultural and ethical issues. The Master of Science in Information Science program is a 48 credit hour, two-year program. The MSIS curriculum educates students in the theory and practice of analyzing, organizing, representing and retrieving information. The goal of the MSIS program is to enable students to contribute to the design, development and maintenance of information systems and networks; lead the development of new technologies and new applications relating to the delivery of information; and demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of information science, including the theory of information storage and retrieval, systems science, and social, political and ethical implications of information systems. With acclaimed degree programs, the School attracts some of the best and brightest students from around the world. We seek exceptional students who have the potential to excel in their studies and to become future leaders in the field. The application deadline for Fall semester is March 11, 2014. For more information and to apply today, go to: Merit-based financial aid is available to qualified students. ******************************* Wanda Monroe Director of Communications School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 04 Manning Hall, CB#3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 919.843.8337 Follow us on Twitter at UNCSILS Like us on Facebook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Thu Mar 6 17:01:45 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 22:01:45 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Senior Research Analyst - Education / (USAID) in Washington, DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group is seeking a full-time Senior Research Analyst - Education for a long-term position working on site at the prestigious United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Washington, DC. In order to be considered, candidates for the role of Senior Research Analyst must have a Master's or Doctorate in a field related to international development. The Senior Research Analyst will be part of a dynamic team of information professionals. Must be a United States Citizen in order to be considered. Responsibilities: * Conduct both traditional and online secondary research, using internal USAID and external sources; * Independently respond to research requests from USAID program officers, discuss research needs, and prepare responses that synthesize and analyze information. Responses may include literature reviews, descriptive papers, memos, and annotated bibliographies; * Train and mentor junior research staff when needed; * Contribute to various USAID social media platforms; * Provide courteous and professional service to clients; * Engage in outreach efforts to raise awareness of research services; * Offer guidance to the USAID library as requested to advise on collection development in specific subject areas ; * Provide input to the Library Services, Knowledge Management and Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) teams, whenever appropriate. Qualifications: * At least four years of experience in the field of international development with a focus on education; * Experience with USAID is desirable; * Experience providing research in a policy-oriented environment; * Some experience in gender issues is desirable; * Foreign language capability is desirable; * Must be a United States Citizen. For immediate consideration, please apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From eschenfelder at Sun Mar 9 11:59:59 2014 From: eschenfelder at (Kristin Eschenfelder) Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:59:59 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] 2 year VAP Univ Wisconsin Madison Message-ID: <> Visiting Assistant Professor Position University of Wisconsin-Madison iSchool School of Library and Information Studies UW-Madison For more information ( The School of Library and Information Studies, the iSchool at UW-Madison, invites applications for a two year Visiting Assistant Professor position. SLIS will provide research mentorship and support to further the career development of the VAP. The position would require teaching 2 courses per semester in SLIS's information technology curriculum including courses such as database design, UX /HCI, information architecture or organization of information. Some courses will be online. The VAP will be expected to fully participate in the intellectual life of the School contributing expertise in target research areas such as: information retrieval and search/access, data mining, information visualization, or technological aspects of archives and electronic records. The VAP will also participate in student advising and SLIS governance. Requirements: PhD in LIS or a related field, expertise in desired research areas. Experience successfully teaching courses at the university/college level is preferred. To apply, send the following materials via email to: Ms. Anne Murphy-Lom SLIS Administrator Email to: slis-hr at Required materials: ? Cover letter ? CV ? Names and contact information for three academic references ? Summary teaching evaluation scores and student comments For full consideration, application materials are due *April 15th 2014*. Late applications may be considered if the position is not filled. -- Kristin R. Eschenfelder Professor School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison eschenfelder at 1-608-263-2105 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: eschenfelder.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 353 bytes Desc: not available URL: From ek.rnlds at Mon Mar 10 11:23:26 2014 From: ek.rnlds at (Emily Reynolds) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:23:26 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Free event: Emerging Trends in Digital Stewardship symposium (April 8 2014) Message-ID: Please see below for information about a free DC-area event, from the Library of Congress/IMLS/National Library of Medicine. Information is also available at, where additional speakers will be announced soon. -- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, IMLS, AND NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE TO HOST NATIONAL DIGITAL STEWARDSHIP RESIDENCY SYMPOSIUM ON APRIL 8, 2014 On April 8, 2014, the inaugural cohort of National Digital Stewardship Residents will present a symposium entitled "Emerging Trends in Digital Stewardship" at the National Library of Medicine. The symposium will consist of panel presentations on topics including preserving social media and collaborative workspaces, open government and open data, and digital strategies for public and non-profit institutions. It will also feature a demonstration of BitCurator. The National Digital Stewardship Residency is an initiative of the Library of Congress and Institute of Museum and Library Services. It "provide(s) a robust, hands-on learning experience to complement graduate-level training and education. The inaugural cohort began their residency at Washington, D.C. area libraries, museums, and cultural institutions in September 2013. Ten residents are embedded in institutions around the area, each completing a project related to an aspect of digital preservation and stewardship. The NDSR program aims to "serve the American people by developing the next generation of stewards to collect, manage, preserve, and make accessible our digital assets." Further information about the program can be found here: All sessions will be held in the National Library of Medicine's Lister Hill Auditorium, on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Information about the Auditorium and host site is here: *The symposium is free and open to the public.* Pre-registration is encouraged. Program: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 8:30-9:30 Registration 9:30-9:45 Opening Remarks, George Coulbourne and Kris Nelson, Library of Congress 9:45-10:45 BitCurator Demonstration, Cal Lee, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science 11:00-noon Panel discussion on Social Media, Archiving, and Preserving Collaborative Projects 1:15-2:15 Panel discussion on Open Government and Open Data 2:45-3:45 Panel discussion on Digital Strategies for Public and Non-Profit Institutions For online registration, please go to: For symposium updates and logistical information, please go to: For all other information about the symposium, please contact Maureen Harlow at maureen.harlow at All are welcome. -- Emily Reynolds Digital archivist, World Bank Group Archives National Digital Stewardship Resident @emilyrnlds | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From daniel.erro at Tue Mar 11 05:51:04 2014 From: daniel.erro at (Daniel Erro) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:51:04 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] eNTERFACE14 Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - Call for participation - 4 days left!! Message-ID: <> *** We apologize for multiple postings *** *** Please forward this e-mail to potentially interested students/researchers *** 10th Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces Bilbao, Spain, June 9th ? July 5th, 2014 eNTERFACE 2014 ? Call for Participation Aholab Signal Processing research group, from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain, invites researchers from all over the world to join eNTERFACE?14, the 10th Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, to be held in Bilbao, Spain, from June 9th to July 9th, 2014. eNTERFACE workshops gather in a single place a team of senior project leaders, researchers, and students, to work on a pre-specified list of challenges for 4 weeks. Participants are organized in teams, each team being attached to a specific project. This is the list of projects that have been selected to be carried out in this edition of eNTERFACE (more detailed information about all of them can be found on the official website): 1. Auracle: how are the salient cues situated in audiovisual content? 2. A character animation authoring platform for the 99% 3. Exploring stylistics of expert gestures and singing voice with motion capture and reactive statistical mapping 4. MILLA - Multimodal interactive language learning agent 5. Online platform for obtaining personalized synthetic voices 6. Quantification of the alteration in the resting state networks for measuring brain pathologies and diseases If you are a senior/junior researcher or a PhD/MS/undergraduate student working on similar topics and you want to collaborate in (at least) one of these projects, please prepare a short CV in electronic format along with a list of skills you can offer to the team and fill in the application form available on the official website. The project leaders will select their team members among the applicants. The program will include several keynote lectures given by renowned experts. Nick Campbell (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) and Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, Netherlands) have already accepted our invitation. eNTERFACE?14 has no registration fee and lodging prices will be highly competitive. We will also offer about 5 grants covering accomodation expenses (more information will be given through the official website in due course). Important dates: Deadline for application: March 14th 2014 Notification of acceptance to participants: April 11th 2014 Workshop: June 9th ? July 4th 2014 Web: Contact: enterface14 at From ierick at Thu Mar 13 04:38:16 2014 From: ierick at (Ingrid Erickson) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:38:16 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] DUE MARCH 20: CFP: 2014 Digital Societies and Social Technologies (DSST) Summer Institute Message-ID: <> **UPCOMING DEADLINE** Call for Participation: 2014 Digital Societies and Social Technologies (DSST) Summer Institute July 8 -- July 10, 2014 (arrival July 7; departure July 11 for 3 full days) University of Missouri -- Columbia, Columbia, MO MOOCs, Education and learning; personal health and well-being; open innovation, eScience, and citizen science; co-production, open source, and new forms of work; cultural heritage and information access; energy management and climate change; civic hacking, engagement and government; disaster response; cybersecurity and privacy -- these are just a few problem domains where effective design and robust understanding of complex sociotechnical systems is critical. To meet these challenges a trans-disciplinary community of scholars has come together from fields as wide ranging as CSCW, HCI, social computing, organization studies, information visualization, social informatics, sociology, information systems, medical informatics, computer science, ICT for development, education, learning science, journalism, and political science. Through summer institutes (CSST), extended workshops (Social Webshop), preconference workshops at a wide variety of venues, and other activities (Digital Societies and Technology Research Coordination Network) this community of researchers from academia and industry has developed a strong focus on problems and opportunities arising from the interplay of social and technological systems which span individuals, groups, organizations, and societies. The 2014 Summer Institute builds on this tradition to strengthen and expand this diverse community by bringing together graduate students, post doctoral students, faculty, and other researchers in four groups at the University of Missouri -- Columbia on July 8 -- 10, 2014: Doctoral students, post doctoral students, pre-tenure faculty, and early career researchers -- Through mentoring, peer networking, and skill-building tutorials, doctoral students, post doctoral students, pre-tenure faculty, and early career researchers will identify substantive ways that the theories, approaches, and tools within the larger community can advance their work with the design and study of sociotechnical systems. Established researchers -- Prior summer institute/workshop participants and established researchers will network with other researchers (senior and junior), explore ideas and new directions, shape emerging research agendas, articulate critical challenges, and share knowledge about practices, tools, and approaches which have the potential to advance the design and study of sociotechnical systems. Emerging multi-disciplinary research teams -- Nascent groups of researchers seeking to develop cross-disciplinary collaborations will work with peers and mentors to refine problem statements and research goals; connect with collaborators with complementary skills and interests; and create actionable research agendas and funding proposals. Preference will be given to groups interested in designing and studying sociotechnical systems that address societal grand challenges such as (but not limited to) healthcare; energy management and climate change; cybersecurity and privacy; education and learning; disaster response; technology development and innovation; economic development and work; and civic engagement and participation. Research infrastructure development teams -- Groups of researchers interested in creating computational or analytic tools, data resources, training materials or other infrastructure to support the design and study of sociotechnical systems will work with one another, other Summer institute participants, and local developers. These infrastructure "hackathon" sessions will result in the creation of use cases, prototypes, draft materials, and when possible deployable systems and resources. Applying for DSST 2014 Applications are encouraged from all academic, industry, NGO, and public sector organizations worldwide. To apply for the 2013 Summer Institute, select the group that best fits your needs and situation and send the appropriate materials to the Summer Institute co-coordinator (Sean Goggins) at gogginss at by March 20, 2014: Doctoral students, post doctoral students, pre-tenure faculty, and early career researchers should send their CV and a short (~ 1 page) response to: "How does/will your work advance our ability to design and understand critical sociotechnical systems?" Several core references should be included to situate your work within the larger research community. Doctoral students should also provide a letter of recommendation from their advisor/department chair indicating their expected graduation date. Established researchers should send their CV and a short (~ 1 page) response to: "What are the most interesting challenges and opportunities related to the design and study of critical sociotechnical systems? What activity (30 minutes to 4 hours long) could you run that would help the Summer Institute participants better engage these challenges and opportunities?" Proposed activities can be for any (or all) Summer Institute participants and might include, but are not limited to: focused presentations; brainstorming sessions; in-depth problem descriptions; method, tool, or data tutorials; or research agenda setting exercises. Emerging multi-disciplinary research teams should apply as a group, sending their CVs and a short (~ 1 page) response to: "What is the research focus/problem domain? What types of activities/studies are needed to engage that domain? How will pursuing this agenda help advance our ability to design and understand critical sociotechnical systems?" References potential funding sources can be included, if known, to situate the proposal within the larger research community. Groups invited to the Summer Institute will have between 4-6 people. However, only 3 individuals need to be part of an application for it to be considered (assistance will be provided prior to the Summer Institute to help invited teams recruit additional participants as needed). Preference will be given to cross-institutional teams in which junior/mid-career researchers play significant leadership roles. Research infrastructure development teams should apply as a group, sending their CVs and a short (~ 1 page) response to: "What is the problem you are seeking to address? What will you do to address that problem? How will creating these technologies, tools, materials or infrastructure improve our ability to design and understand critical sociotechnical systems?" References to examples from other domains can be included to situate your proposal. Teams invited for the Summer Institute will have between 4-6 people from multiple disciplines and institutions. However, only 3 individuals need to be part of an application to be considered (assistance will be provided prior to the Summer Institute to help invited teams recruit additional participants as needed). Lodging, meals, and other onsite costs will be covered for all Summer Institute participants. Limited travel support is available, if needed, for participants from US and Canadian institutions (with preference given to doctoral and post-doctoral students). Travel support may also be available for other Summer Institute participants. To be considered for all available financial support you should provide the following information when you apply: What college or university do you attend? What is your primary department affiliation? If you are applying from a Canadian university, are you a member of the GRAND network? Materials should be sent to Summer Institute co-coordinator (Sean Goggins) at gogginss at by March 20th, 2014. Applications will be reviewed by the Summer Institute Advisory Group beginning March 30th, 2013 using the following criteria: -Clear articulation of the hoped-for contribution to the theory, practice, or design of sociotechnical systems -Likelihood of Summer Institute participation providing significant practical benefit for the individual/team -Contribution to a balanced and diverse group of participants The number of participants selected will depend on the available funding and the fit between applicants' interests and goals. For more information about the Summer Institute, contact the Summer Institute co-coordinators, Sean Goggins (gogginss at and Diane Bailey (debailey at For information about the broader community of researchers interested in design and study of sociotechnical systems, see: CSST (, the "Researchers of the Socio-Technical" Facebook group, or the CSST listserv (csst at 2014 Mentors Mark Ackerman, University of Michigan Diane Bailey, University of Texas (Co-Director) Paul Dourish, University of California -- Irvine Nicole Ellison, University of Michigan Sean Goggins, University of Missouri (Co-Director) Erik Johnston, Arizona State University Tony Salvador, Intel Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Syracuse Susan Stuckey, IBM Steve Sawyer, Syracuse (Digital Societies RCN) Wayne Lutters, UMBC (Digital Societies RCN) Brian Butler, Maryland (Digital Societies RCN) Andrea Hoplight-Tapia, The Pennsylvania State University (Digital Societies RCN) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jlorince at Fri Mar 14 00:31:38 2014 From: jlorince at (Jared Lorince) Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 00:31:38 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] 2014 ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14) - Still accepting poster and data challenge submissions! Message-ID: ***Apologies for duplicate postings*** The paper deadline for the 2014 ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14) has passed. We are thrilled to announce that we received 160 paper submissions! Paper notifications are scheduled for 13 April. We are, however, still accepting late-breaking extended abstract submissions (2 pages) for posters and "lightning talk" presentations, until 23 March. For details, see Also, the Data Visualization Challenge is accepting submissions through 15 April, and is offering $1000 in prizes! For details, see: ACM Web Science 2014 will be held 23-26 June 2014 at Indiana University, Bloomington. Further information available at For questions, contact webscience-14-organizers at -- Jared Lorince PhD student, ABC West Lab Cognitive Science // Psychological & Brain Sciences Indiana University, Bloomington Co-Founder, -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Thu Mar 13 14:37:18 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:37:18 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Librarian (Reference/Web) / Beltsville, MD Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group is seeking a Librarian (Reference/Web) for a full-time (40 hours per week; Monday - Friday) position on a one year contract for our client, a government agency library located in Beltsville, MD. This position is usually the first point of contact for customers with questions regarding the agency's library collections, services, and databases and manages a range of Web sites, services, and most recently scientific databases with associated datasets. Please apply immediately to be considered. Responsibilities: * Interact with customers to answer questions, provide information about collections, content, programs, services, and databases; where appropriate the contractor will refer customers to the appropriate program specialists for in-depth responses; * Provide specific support for a variety of portal systems; routine responses will be prepared for frequently asked questions and reviewed by program specialists; * Build a knowledge base of answers to questions. Regularly consult the knowledge base to ensure a consistency and standards in customer responses, and work efficiency; * Assist program specialists with maintaining specialized portals and Web interfaces for databases; * This includes reviewing, refreshing, and repairing links to external resources. Adding content, including user guides and aids; * Draft user guides and aids; these tools will be reviewed by program specialists; * Staff the Service Desk or the Reference Center based on an assigned schedule; * Assist with system tests of prototype data portals; and other applications; provide feedback on usability for user interfaces; and other services as needed. Qualifications: * The candidate must have a Masters of Library Science degree with training in the environmental, ecological, or agricultural sciences; * The candidate will be familiar with the issues and resources related to natural resources and the environment; * The candidate must have the skills and ability to research and respond to a wide range of requests for information for diverse and wide-ranging projects; * The candidate should be familiar with library databases such as AGRICOLA and the technical language of the environmental, ecological, and agricultural sciences. Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From xh.gslis at Wed Mar 12 21:27:12 2014 From: xh.gslis at (Xiao Hu) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:27:12 +0800 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: for ISMIR 2014 (27-31 October, Taipei): International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Message-ID: [apologies for cross-postings] =================================================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS Paper submission deadline: May 2, 2014 ISMIR 2014: The 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Oct 27-31, 2014 The Grand Hotel , Taipei, Taiwan Important Dates ============================== Tutorial proposal due: March 28, 2014 Notification of tutorial acceptance: May 2, 2014 Paper submission due: May 2, 2014 Notification of paper acceptance: June 27, 2014 LB/Demo: August, 2014 Overview ============================== The annual conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) is the world's leading interdisciplinary forum on accessing, analyzing, and organizing digital music of all sorts. The ISMIR conference embraces the complexity and diversity of music by showcasing ideas and applications that enhance the way in which we interact with music. Centered around MIR, the conference aims to foster dialogue across disciplines by bringing together researchers, developers, educators, librarians, students and professionals, providing multifaceted interaction and cross-fertilization that will benefit a wide range of related fields. Programs and Events ============================== ISMIR 2014 will feature the following programs/events: - Tutorials and keynote speech - Oral and poster presentations - Grand Challenge of MIREX (to celebrate the 10th MIREX) - Late-breaking/demo session - Music program - Music hack day (a satellite event on Oct 25-26) About Taipei & Taiwan ============================== - CNN: 10 things Taiwan does better than anywhere else - BuzzFeed Travel: 28 Reasons To Love Taipei - New York Times: 36 Hours in Taipei, Taiwan - BuzzFeed Travel: 26 Remarkable Places For Solo Travel - New York Times: 52 Places to Go in 2014 Topics of Interest ============================== ISMIR 2014 solicits contributions to the fields of music information retrieval, including but not limited to the following topics: - content-based query and retrieval - database systems, indexing and query - fingerprinting and digital right management - music transcription and annotation - music signal processing - symbolic music processing - music sound source separation - score following and music synchronization - optical music recognition - melody and motives - rhythm, beat, tempo - structure segmentation and analysis - harmony, chords and tonality - timbre, instrumentation and voice - performance analysis - music synthesis and transformation - computational musicology - music perception and cognition - computational ethnomusicology - emotion, mood, affection - MIR applications - genre, style and mood analysis - similarity metrics - music summarization - user interfaces & interaction - user modeling - music recommendation - playlist generation - text and web mining - social tags and metadata - libraries, archives and digital collections - evaluation and annotation - aesthetics - music and gaming All papers will go through a double-blind selection process with at least three reviewers per submission. Accepted papers will be designated by the Program Committee to be presented either as posters or as lectures. All accepted papers have the same status, assignment as poster or lecture is not indicative of the relevance or potential impact but on the type of content and way to better reach the intended audience. Tutorials ============================== The first day of ISMIR 2014 will consist of parallel sessions of tutorials, each lasting three hours and concentrating on a single topic. The tutorials are intended to provide a stimulating coverage of the topic appealing to a general audience. Late-Break/Demos ============================== As in previous years, ISMIR 2014 will include a special track for demos and late-breaking news, with a later deadline than the main paper/poster track. Demos consist of live, hands-on presentations of working software or hardware which is relevant to MIR research/technology. On the other hand, late-breaking news is unpolished, intriguing issues or findings that are likely to invoke discussion or debate. Details will be posted at a later date. Call for Sponsorships ============================== ISMIR 2014 offers sponsorship opportunities at Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. Be sure to take this opportunity and become a proud sponsor of the conference, where you can showcase your company's latest products and development to an international crowd of MIR researchers/practitioners, and learn about the state-of-the-art research and technologies in MIR. Benefits of the sponsorships can be found here: Organizing Team ============================== - General chairs JS Roger Jang (National Taiwan University) Masataka Goto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)) Xiao Hu (University of Hong Kong) - Program chairs Hsin-Min Wang (Academia Sinica) Yi-Hsuan Yang (Academia Sinica) Jin Ha Lee (University of Washington) - Publicity chair Ye Wang (National University of Singapore) - Tutorial chair Li Su (Academia Sinica) - Music chairs Jeff Huang (Kainan University) Yi-Wen Liu (National Tsing Hua University) - Web/publication chair Ching-Hua Chuan (University of North Florida) - Registration chair Jia-Ching Wang (National Central University) - Late breaking and demo chair Ju-Chiang Wang (University of California at San Diego) - Unconference chair Eric Humphrey (New York University) - Finance chair Ming-Feng Tsai (National Chengchi University) - Local arrangement chairs Jia-Lien Hsu (Fu Jen Catholic University) Wei-Ho Tsai (National Taipei University of Technology) Contact Info ============================= - Questions about Paper submission: ismir2014-papers at Music submission: ismir2014-music at Tutorials: ismir2014-tutorials at Late breaking and demos: ismir2014-latebreak at Registrations: ismir2014-registration at Sponsorship: ismir2014-sponsorship at Finance: ismir2014-finance at Website: ismir2014-web at - Contact General chair: ismir2014-generalchair at Program chair: ismir2014-programChair at Local chair: ismir2014-localchair at -- Xiao Hu, PhD Assistant Professor Faculty of Education The University of Hong Kong -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ihadjade at Tue Mar 11 04:58:35 2014 From: ihadjade at (ihadjade) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 09:58:35 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on Multimedia Integration and Interactivity in Electronic Books Message-ID: <> CALL FOR CHAPTERS: HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON MULTIMEDIA INTEGRATION AND INTERACTIVITY IN ELECTRONIC BOOKS EDITORS Alexandra Saemmer (University Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France, Associate Professor), Nolwenn Tr?hondart (University of Paris 8, France, Publishing Specialist and Research Engineer at Labex Arts-H2H), and Madjid Ihadjadene (University Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France, Full Professor) Recommended Topics * Overview on e-books and their history from different perspective countries (America, Europe, Africa, etc.) * E-books publishing models and policies (business models, agile publishing, cultural issues, future trends in the market, selection and acquisition of e-books, marketing e-books, legal issues, archiving, curation, accessibility, digital libraries, digital libraries) * Transformation of the traditional workflow * Imaginations of publishers, authors, and readers related to e-books and enhanced e-books * Designing and developing e-books (evolution of formats, page layout, navigation tools, interface design, content representation, search architecture, datamining, indexing, browsing) * New tools, technology, and content management for publishing (authoring tools, platforms, software, standardization, interoperability, metadata, editorial and production workflow) * Enhanced e-books (categorization, role of hypertext and interactivity, use of media in the reading context, writing, narration, storytelling, gamelike interactivity, augmented reality, gamified books, social medias) * Scenario of use in various fields (children, adults, specific user communities, fiction and non fiction, academic, scientific, textbook, technical documentation, graphic novels, comics?) and contexts (library, private reading, university?) * Empirical studies on digital reading (readers engagement, comprehension reading, user experience and usability, reader response theory) * Integration of e-books in e-learning * Future of digital publishing * Digital literature and e-books: links, experimentations (digital born fiction, research and creation projects, new art forms exploring creative possibilities, innovation), close readings IMPORTANT DATES APRIL 15, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline MAY 15, 2014: Notification of the accepted Proposals AUGUST 15, 2014: Full Chapter Submission OCTOBER 15, 2014: Review Results to authors NOVEMBER 30, 2014: Final Acceptance Notifications DECEMBER 30, 2014: Final Chapter Submission INQUIRIES Alexandra Saemmer Associate Professor, Information and Documentation Science University of Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, 2 rue de la Libert?, 93100 Saint-Denis, France Tel.: 00 (33) 1 49 40 64 17 E-mail: alexandra.saemmer at [1] With copy to: nolwenn.trehondart at [2] Links: ------ [1] mailto:alexandra.saemmer at [2] mailto:nolwenn.trehondart at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wmonroe at Mon Mar 10 16:22:05 2014 From: wmonroe at (Monroe, Wanda G.) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 20:22:05 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Paul Jones and Barbara Wildemuth will lead summer seminars to Prague and London In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Please share the following invitation with your students, faculty, staff and alumni as appropriate. Join us for these terrific international seminars for a once in a lifetime experience! Paul Jones and Barbara Wildemuth, faculty members at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will lead the popular and exciting summer seminars to Prague, Czech Republic and London, England. The seminars present a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit some of the most remarkable libraries and museums in the world. Set for May 18 to May 31, 2014, the two week seminars offer an opportunity to gain an in-depth view of libraries and librarianship in the world's most historic places. Registration is open to everyone. However, students enrolled in a library science program can receive three (3) hours of graduate credit for the seminar. THE PRAGUE SUMMER SEMINAR Prague, the magical city of cathedrals, gold-tipped towers, and church domes, is one of the most popular destinations in East Central Europe. This summer seminar allows library professionals to explore the past, present and future of libraries and librarianship in the heart of one of the world's most remarkable, yet largely undiscovered, countries. During this two-week, residential summer program participants will enjoy lectures and tours related to librarianship in this culturally and academically rich country. In addition to visiting libraries and museums in Prague, the group will also make trips to visit two UNESCO World Heritage sites, Krom???? ( and ?esk? Krumlov ( with their historic libraries, castles and gardens. Accommodation in the center of Prague allows participants to explore this historic and absorbing capital city during the week, and the surrounding countryside during their free time on the weekends. More information about Prague can be found in the Lonely Planet Guide at This seminar has been offered each summer by UNC and Charles University in Prague since 2002. The Prague Summer Seminar will be led by SILS clinical professor Paul Jones. Paul has been the lead faculty from UNC on our London program (2012) and has traveled in the Balkans, Greece, Turkey and Italy. With the support of SILS and the UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communication, he has directed since its beginning in 1992 as Having earned his MFA (in Writing) from Warren Wilson College, Jones is particularly looking forward to visiting the city of V?clav Havel, Milan Kundera and Franz Kafka. While Jones is very involved in digital preservation and digital distribution, his experiences in Europe and Asia inform his passion for libraries and museums as both a local and global practice. "The seminar in Prague was a spectacular addition to my graduate studies. With the group I was able to see libraries and books unavailable to any tourist, or through any other program. The guides were attentive and put together creative and interesting programs and tours for us. We were treated like visiting scholars and colleagues. The Czech Republic itself is a quintessentially beautiful European country and we got to see quite a lot of it. I recommend this program to anyone!" ~ Prague summer seminar participant To register, or to learn more about the summer seminar in Prague, visit: THE LONDON SUMMER SEMINAR The London Summer Seminar is offered May 18 to May 31, 2014 by SILS and the Department of Information Studies at University College London (UCL). The seminar will be held in London, one of the most historic and dynamic cities in the world, and will feature lectures and presentations at UCL as well as tours of libraries and cultural heritage institutions in England. Although most of the program will take place in London, there will be day trips to visit the university libraries at both Oxford and Cambridge. In London, participants will tour behind the scenes at the British Library, the National Archives, the Imperial War Museum (including its library) and the Wellcome Library (including the History of Medicine Collection). Visits will be made to other types of libraries and there will be presentations from experts in the field of librarianship in Great Britain. There will also be guided tours of UCL and the Bloomsbury area of London. Some free time will be built into the program so that participants can explore London and visit other libraries and cultural institutions of their choice. SILS Professor, Dr. Barbara Wildemuth, will lead the seminar to London. She regularly teaches courses in human information interaction, information ethics and research methods at SILS. She has traveled abroad through a Fulbright Senior Specialists Grant (2007, to Prague) and to present her work at international conferences in Canada, Croatia, the Czech Republic, England, Finland and Italy. In the past, she has led five of SILS' international seminars. "The London Summer Seminar was one of the best experiences of my life; integrating all the top aspects of many types of librarianship, and the joys of being with other enthusiastic librarians in one of the best cities in the world. Not only do you get to visit the birthplace of libraries, but you are immersed into another way of life... British-style. You will not want to leave the city or the friends you make here!" For more details or to register, please visit: If you have any questions about the seminar, please contact us via e-mail at: silsabroad at Just a few slots left! Remember that these popular seminars are open on a first come, first served basis. Register is open until April 1t, but register today to reserve your space! ******************************* Wanda Monroe Director of Communications School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 04 Manning Hall, CB#3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 919.843.8337 Follow us on Twitter at UNCSILS Like us on Facebook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From info at Mon Mar 10 18:22:58 2014 From: info at (PREFORMA Project) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 23:22:58 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] =?utf-8?q?Public_call_for_tender=3A_open_source_software?= =?utf-8?q?_for_checking_compliance_of_files_against_standards?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ***Apologies for cross-posting. Please forward to interested parties*** ** PREFORMA call for tender - call description -------------------------------------------------------------- The main objective of the pre-commercial-procurement that will be launched by PREFORMA is the development and deployment an open source software licensed reference implementation for file format standards aimed for any memory institution (or other organisation with a preservation task) wishing to check conformance with a specific standard. This reference implementation will consist of a set of modular tools, which will be validated against specific implementations of specifications of standards relevant to the PREFORMA project and used by the European memory institutions for preserving their different kind of data objects. In order to demonstrate effectiveness (and refine) these tools, they will be developed in an iterative process with multiple releases and with a number of experiments with 'real' data sets (files) from memory institutions during each iteration.?The media types covered by the tender are: documents (PDF/A 1b, 2, 3), images (TIFF 6.0) and audio-visual records (standard to be considered still under discussion). ** PREFORMA call for tender - information days-------------------------------------------------------------- On April 4th, 2014 PREFORMA project will organise in Brussels an Information Day to present the call for tender that will be launched as part of the Pre-Commercial Procurement.We strongly encourage all interested parties to attend this event to obtain more information on the functional requirements and on the technical specifications of the tender, to ask questions and to give feedback.To register to the info day please visit An additional networking session to present the call will be organised on May 21st, 2014 in the frame of the EGI Community Forum 2014 in Helsinki: ** PREFORMA, future memory standards-------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORMA, PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives, is a Pre-Commercial Procurement project started on January 1st, 2014, and co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme.Aim of the project is to address the challenge of implementing good quality standardised file formats for preserving data content in the long term. The main objective is to give memory institutions full control of the process of the conformity tests of files to be ingested into archives. For further information please visit the PREFORMA website at www.preforma-project.euFor any question and to join the PREFORMA community feel free to contact us! Claudio PrandoniPREFORMA Communication CoordinatorPromoter Srlwww.preforma-project.euwww.promoter.itprandoni at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fcunning at Tue Mar 11 10:41:25 2014 From: fcunning at (Cunningham, Flo) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:41:25 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] final notice: CFP DOCAM'14 Message-ID: Please excuse multiple postings. [DOCAM14logo2a] The Document Academy Invites Proposals for the 11th Annual Meeting of the Document Academy, DOCAM'14 Kent State University Kent, Ohio August (6)7-9, 2014 Theme: "Documents Without Borders" The theme of this year's meeting embodies the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary natures of document studies. In this light, the program committee encourages proposals promoting document discourse that is open to all formats, contents, and disciplines. Presentations in any format can address the following (but will not be limited to) * Document Theory, Analysis, Creation, Structure, and/or Design * Applications thereof * Document Showcasing and Collection Highlights * Educational Considerations Background: DOCAM'14 is the eleventh annual meeting of the Document Academy, an international network of scholars, artists, and professionals in various fields, who are interested in the exploration of the concept of the document as a resource for scholarly, artistic, and professional work. The Document Academy fosters a multidisciplinary space for experimental and critical research on the document in the widest sense, drawing on scholarship, traditions, and experiences from the arts, humanities, social sciences, education, and natural science, and from diverse fields, such as information, media, museum, archives, culture, and science studies. The Document Academy originated as a co-sponsored effort by the Program of Documentation Studies, University of Tromso, Norway, and the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley. The 2014 conference is hosted by the School of Library and Information Science, College of Communication and Information at Kent State University from 7-9 August 2014, with an optional preconference gathering on the evening of 6 August 2014. The conference language is English. Presentation Formats: The DOCAM'14 Program Committee especially encourages presentations, research, and visualizations in the following formats: 1. 20-minute presentations followed by 10 minutes of discussion 2. Burst sessions of 7 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion 3. Poster sessions to be on display for the duration of the conference [20-minute presentations are useful for research, performance, demonstrations, and innovations; burst sessions are useful for unfinished research and unpolished ideas; poster sessions are especially useful for students to showcase research; not limited to students, professionals and scholars may use posters to show off collections and for visual representations of models and data] DOCAM'14 Instantiation: *NEW This Year!* This year, the DOCAM'14 Committee will be designing and arranging a three-dimensional space to showcase documents representing all accepted proposals (20 min and Burst) for the annual conference. Representative documents will be sent in by authors and can be of any possible form, assuming it can be exhibited within given parameters. Instructions for participation will be included with proposal acceptance letters. The MuseLab, where the Instantiation will be held, is a creative and collaborative space for thinking, doing, and learning about museal things. It is located in the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, the conference venue. For more on the MuseLab visit Proposal Submissions: For your proposal, include all of the following. Please use standard formats (such as .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .mpg for your submission components). 1. A brief description of up to 500 words (or equivalent) for your proposed presentation 2. Title and up to 5 keywords 3. Names and contact information of all contributors 4. What type of presentation you are proposing 5. Special equipment requirements 6. MuseLab exhibit document: All presentations will be represented as part of the DOCAM'14 MuseLab Instantiation. Describe the document you will be submitting for exhibit including material, dimensions, title, 20-25word description (this will be the label for the exhibit), and a short explanation about how it relates to your presentation (not for exhibit). A photograph of the document would be tremendously useful.* *Once your proposal has been accepted, you will be asked to send (preference) or bring the document, or copy of the document to the DOCAM '14 MuseLab Committee. Proposal submissions should be sent to Jodi Kearns (jkearns at no later than 15 March 2014. Decisions will be announced by 15 April 2014. Proceedings: *NEW This Year!* This year, we will compile conference proceedings. If you wish your work to be part of the DOCAM'14 conference proceedings, you will need to submit your work as a paper of between 2000-4000 words to Jodi Kearns (jkearns at by August 31, 2014. DOCAM'14 Website: DOCAM'14 Facebook page: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 4679 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: From mcunha at Sun Mar 16 20:16:30 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 00:16:30 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> ---------- CENTERIS 2014 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 10, 2014 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 19, 2014 Final Submission due date: June 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between seven and ten pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers (short and full papers) will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Like in previous editions, accepted full and short papers will be submitted for indexation in major indexes such as Thomson ISI and SCOPUS. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Program Chair: - Niels Bj?rn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Danmark Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Emanuel Peres, University of Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From mcunha at Sun Mar 16 20:17:38 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 00:17:38 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 Message-ID: <> ---------- ProjMAN 2014 International Conference on Project MANagement (an AIS affiliated conference, supported by APOGEP/IPMA and PMI/PC) ---------- Troia (in the Lisboa area), Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 10, 2014 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 19, 2014 Final Submission due date: June 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between seven and ten pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers (full and short papers) will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Like in previous editions, accepted full and short papers will be submitted for indexation in major indexes such as Thomson ISI and SCOPUS. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. The conference chairs, Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal From mcunha at Sun Mar 16 20:20:10 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 00:20:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] HCist 2014 - Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> ---------- HCIST 2014 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 10, 2014 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 19, 2014 Final Submission due date: June 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between seven and ten pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Like in previous editions, accepted full and short papers will be submitted for indexation in major indexes such as Thomson ISI and SCOPUS. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Ricardo Martinho, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal - Rui Rijo, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal Program Chair: - Duminda Wijesekera, George Mason University, USA Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Ricardo Correia, University of Porto, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. ---------- You are receiving this email because of your research activities on the conference topic. To unsubscribe please send an email to secretariat at with the subject "Unsubscribe" ---------- From jilloneill at Wed Mar 19 12:28:10 2014 From: jilloneill at (jilloneill at Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:28:10 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Asis-l] Virtual Seminar: Metrics in a New Context Message-ID: <> NFAIS Virtual Seminar: Assessing Contribution, Assessing Usage: Metrics in a New Context Date: Friday, March 28, 2014 Time: 10:00am ? 3:30pm EDST Full Program With Speaker Roster: ============================================================================== What?s Covered: With the emphasis in libraries and academia being on proof of return on investment, everyone is exploring new approaches for making that assessment. How has a researcher?s work contributed to a given field? To what extent is that work being noticed, disseminated and further utilized? In a data-driven environment, how much credibility do new metrics offer? In this virtual seminar, we?ll look at the various approaches available for assessing the contribution and value of research. Learn: ? How current metrics fall short in supporting the creation, discovery and dissemination of new knowledge ? New tools for clarifying the contribution and value of the artifacts of research ? What changes are needed in our publishing practices to deliver article-level metrics and meet user needs ? What data needs to be gathered and which behaviors should be tracked to avoid skewing subsequent use ? How new technologies and guidelines for funding and disseminating research might affect the scholarly communication process and tenure ? How the information community is collaborating in the development of new metrics to satisfy both the researcher and the institution To register or to learn more about this event, go to For individual registrants, the cost of the seminar is $350 for NFAIS members, $425 for allied societies*, and $500 for non-members. Group rates for three or more attendees are also available. *Allied Societies: LYRASIS, CENDI, ICSTI, the Society for Scholarly Publishing, the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of AAP, the Association of American University Presses, NISO, and ASIS&T REGISTER NOW!!! CONTACT: For information on this event or any of those shown below, please contact Jill O?Neill, NFAIS Director of Communications and Planning at 215-893-1561 or jilloneill at UPCOMING NFAIS EVENTS April 10 - Automated Indexing Case Study (90 Minute Webinar) April 23 - Infonomics and the Business of Free (90 Minute Webinar) May 14 - The Emergence and Rise of Video as a Scholarly Content Format (Full Day Virtual Seminar) June 13 - Academic Networks (90 Minute Webinar) June 20 - Discovery Services (On-site/Virtual Workshop) September 29 - NFAIS Humanities Roundtable 2014 (New York) ? From mcunha at Fri Mar 21 10:03:42 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:03:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] HCist 2014 - Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 | Reminder Message-ID: <> ---------- HCIST 2014 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage. Only original contributions will be accepted and submissions will be double-blind reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications All accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Industry and Poster papers will be published in a book with ISBN. ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Ricardo Martinho, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal - Rui Rijo, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal Program Chair: - Duminda Wijesekera, George Mason University, USA Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Ricardo Correia, University of Porto, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From mcunha at Fri Mar 21 10:04:46 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:04:46 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 | Reminder Message-ID: <> ---------- ProjMAN 2014 International Conference on Project MANagement (an AIS affiliated conference, supported by APOGEP/IPMA and PMI/PC) ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage. Only original contributions will be accepted and submissions will be double-blind reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications All accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Industry and Poster papers will be published in a book with ISBN. ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Program chair: - Rodney Turner, SKEMA Business School, Universit? Lille Nord de France, France Organization chair: - Ant?nio Trigo, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany ---------- We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From mcunha at Fri Mar 21 10:05:21 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:05:21 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 | Reminder Message-ID: <> ---------- CENTERIS 2014 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage. Only original contributions will be accepted and submissions will be double-blind reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications All accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Industry and Poster papers will be published in a book with ISBN. ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Program Chair: - Niels Bj?rn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Danmark Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Emanuel Peres, University of Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From hrosenba at Sat Mar 22 00:56:40 2014 From: hrosenba at (Howard Rosenbaum) Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:56:40 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for Participation: WebSci 2014 Doctoral Consortium Message-ID: Call for Participation: WebSci 2014 Doctoral Consortium at the ACM Web Science 2014 Conference (WebSci 2014) Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA 23 -26 June, 2014 Submission deadline: 15 April 2014 We invite doctoral students to participate in the WebSci 2014 Doctoral Consortium, which will take place as part of the ACM Web Science 2014 Conference in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. This half-day event is intended for those of you in the later stages (post-proposal) of your research on problems related to web science and information science. Description The goals of the Doctoral Consortium are to provide you with a supportive and critical learning opportunity to discuss your work in progress and to receive feedback and guidance from senior web and information science scholars. You will be able to explain your dissertation research and highlight theoretical and methodological problems/issues for further discussion and inquiry both with senior mentors and Consortium participants. The Doctoral Consortium aims to broaden the perspectives and to improve your research and communication skills. We expect you to have a specific research proposal and some preliminary results and have sufficient time prior to completing your dissertation to benefit from the consortium experience. Generally, if you are in your second or third year of PhD work, you will benefit the most from this experience. In the Consortium, you will present your proposal and receive specific feedback and advice on how to improve your research plan. The Doctoral consortium also aim to develop a supportive community within which doctoral students can begin to develop their professional networks by interacting with peers and senior scholars in web science and information science. All proposals submitted to the Doctoral Consortium will undergo a thorough reviewing process with a view to providing detailed and constructive feedback. The international review committee will select the best submissions for presentation at the Doctoral Consortium. Submission information We ask you to submit an 8 page description of your PhD research proposal electronically via the EasyChair conference submission System: Your submission must address each of the following questions: ? Problem Statement: What is the problem that you are addressing? ? Relevance: Why the problem is important? Who will benefit if you succeed? Who should care? ? Related Work: How have others attempted to address this problem? Why is the problem difficult? ? Research Question(s): What are the research questions that you plan to address? ? Hypotheses: What hypotheses are related to your research questions (if your work has hypotheses)? ? Approach: How are you planning to address your research questions and test your hypotheses? What will you measure? What is the main idea behind your approach? The key innovation? Provide an argument, based either on common knowledge or on evidence that you have accumulated, that your approach is likely to succeed. ? Evaluation plan: How will you measure your success - faster/more accurate/less failures/etc.? ? Preliminary results: Do you have any preliminary results that demonstrate that your approach is promising? ? Implications: What are the theoretical, methodological and practical contributions of your work? Additional submission requirements ? All submissions must be single-author submissions. Please acknowledge your PhD advisor(s) and other contributors in the Acknowledgements section. ? Students accepted to present at the Doctoral Consortium must plan to attend the full Doctoral Consortium in order to gain as much value as possible from the experience. ? Please remember that the DC submission is not the same as a research paper. ? Submissions must be in pdf and be formatted according to the ACM Publications format. Topics The Consortium has the same scope of technical topics as the main WebSci conference: ? Analysis of human behavior using social media, mobile devices, and online communities ? Methodological challenges of analyzing Web-based large-scale social interaction ? Data-mining and network analysis of the Web and human communities on the Web ? Detailed studies of micro-level processes and interactions on the Web ? Collective intelligence, collaborative production, and social computing ? Theories and methods for computational social science on the Web ? Studies of public health and health-related behavior on the Web ? The architecture and philosophy of the Web ? The intersection of design and human interaction on the Web ? Economics and social innovation on the Web ? Governance, democracy, intellectual property, and the commons ? Personal data, trust, and privacy ? Web and social media research ethics ? Studies of Linked Data, the Cloud, and digital eco-systems ? Big data and the study of the Web ? Web access, literacy, and development ? Knowledge, education, and scholarship on and through the Web ? People-driven Web technologies, including crowdsourcing, open data, and new interfaces ? Digital Humanities ? Arts & culture on the Web or engaging audiences using Web resources ? Web archiving techniques and scholarly uses of Web archives ? New research questions and thought-provoking ideas Important Dates: ? April 15, 2014 - paper submission ? May 2, 2014 - notification ? June 23, 2014 - doctoral consortium Doctoral Consortium Schedule: 12:00-12:30: Welcome session with light lunch 12:30-1:00: Meet mentors, group introductions and discussion of the Colloquium activities 1:00-2:30: One on one meetings where students discuss their work and receive feedback and comments from mentors 2:30-3:00 Break 3:00-4:30: Students present their work to the group and receive feedback 4:30-5:30: Group discussion about career and professional issues in a Q&A session driven by the students >From 3:00-4:30, participants will present their research briefly to familiarize each other with their dissertation project and highlight specific aspects they would like to have further discussion on. These may include specific problems that the student is seeking input on how to approach them; intriguing issues and tensions for web science and information science research generally; methodological problems that other Ph.D. students are likely to be confronting, or issues that have the potential of stimulating discussions of theoretical and methodological significance. If you have questions about this call, please contact the co-chairs ? Howard Rosenbaum, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University hrosenba at ? Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University fichman at ? Lora Aroyo, Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam lora.aroyo at From wmonroe at Mon Mar 17 16:17:11 2014 From: wmonroe at (Monroe, Wanda G.) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:17:11 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Mark your calendar for "Beyond Usability and Economics: Translucent Security" lecture and panel discussion Message-ID: CHAPEL HILL, NC - "Beyond Usability and Economics: Translucent Security" will be the topic of the ninth annual OCLC/Frederick G. Kilgour Lecture in Information and Library Science. The special lecturer will be Dr. L. Jean Camp, director of the Security Informatics Program and professor of Informatics at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University - Bloomington. The event will also include a panel discussion featuring Dr. Zeynep Tufekci, SILS assistant professor and blogger of the popular Web, and Anne Klinefelter, director of the UNC at Chapel Hill Law Library and associate professor of Law. The event, which is scheduled for 2 p.m. on March 31, 2014 will be held in the Pleasants Family Assembly Room of the Wilson Library on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A reception will be held immediately after the lecture, which is free and open to the public. Abstract: Economics of security identified the concept of incentive misalignment in security and privacy technologies. Incentive misalignment suggests that sometimes people do not care about privacy or security, and are right given the products being offered. Resolving this problem requires incentive-aligned design. Risk communications suggest that people would invest and care about security, but are simply unaware of the risks. In this case, what is needed is effective risk communication. Security decisions follow the set of heuristics and incentive requirements documented in other risk domains; and design can recognize this. Finally, traditional usability suggests that technical solution are sometimes unusable, defeating those who seek secure computing. This requires not only improved interaction design, but also an understanding that interaction requirements are part of the cost of security investment. Dr. Camp argues that considering issues of caring, knowing and taking action are all appropriate goals of effective security design. Human and economic components must be treated in a comprehensive, theoretically-grounded manner. She proposes translucent security. Translucent security approaches users as individuals making complex risk decisions with limited budgets: including limited time, limited cognitive budgets, and limited money. She will introduce the theoretical arguments for translucent security and enumerate the theories underlying the approach. Her analysis is grounded in basic observations of why some systems fail (e.g., lemons markets, lack of incentive, stop points). After briefly listing the principles, a few high-level overviews of past and current projects shows how these theories in principle are highly applicable in practice. About Dr. L. Jean Camp Professor Camp is a professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University - Bloomington (IUB). She joined IUB from Harvard's Kennedy School after a year as senior member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She has a doctorate from Carnegie Mellon, and MSEE from University of North Carolina-Charlotte. She is the author of two monographs and the editor of three other collections. She has authored over one hundred fifty additional works, including more than one hundred peer-reviewed works as well as book chapters and invited works. She has made scores of presentations across six continents. Her patents are in the area of privacy-enhancing technologies. Her professional service has included a year as a Congressional Fellow of the IEEE under the aegis of the IEEE. About OCLC Online Computer Library Center Founded in 1967, OCLC is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world's information and reducing information costs. More than 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories around the world have used OCLC services for cataloging, reference, resource sharing, eContent, preservation, library management and Web services. OCLC and its worldwide member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat, making it the world's largest and richest database of bibliographic information. OCLC publishes the Dewey Decimal Classification system, the most widely used library classification system in the world. OCLC is headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, USA and has over 1200 employees worldwide. For more information about OCLC, visit: Driving and Parking The Wilson Library is located across from the bell tower on the central campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on South Road. * Campus Map * For parking and transportation o Morehead Lot (At the Planetarium on Franklin St.) o Rosemary Parking Deck (Behind the Post Office at Franklin and Henderson Streets) o Chapel Hill city lots o Highway 54 Visitor Lot (near the intersection of Country Club St. and South St.) o Ramshead Parking Deck (at the G.W. Hill Alumni Center) o Friday Center Park-and-Ride Lot (take the bus to and from campus) * For those who need handicap parking or access, please contact the SILS office at 919.962.8366 ******************************* Wanda Monroe Director of Communications School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 04 Manning Hall, CB#3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 919.843.8337 Follow us on Twitter at UNCSILS Like us on Facebook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From c.haythorn at Fri Mar 14 17:57:29 2014 From: c.haythorn at (Caroline Haythornthwaite) Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:57:29 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: HICSS Social Media & Learning Minitrack Message-ID: CFP: HICSS Social Media & Learning Minitrack Chairs: Maarten de Laat, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Shane Dawson & Dan Suthers Track: Digital and Social Media Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 48, January 5-8, 2015, Kauai, HI FULL PAPERS DUE: June 15, 2014 via the HICSS conference system This minitrack calls for papers that address leading edge innovation, research methods and design to analyze and support learning through digital and social media. The ability to generate and maintain rich networked connections through social media, social networking, crowdsourcing, cloud technology, and social computing has a profound impact on the way we solve problems, learn, innovate and develop our identities, and the value this creates for individuals and groups. This minitrack will bring together state of the art research that furthers social theories of learning (such as networked learning, learning analytics, collaborative learning, viral learning, and social capital) situated in formal, non-formal and informal learning settings such as schools, higher education, organizations, workplace, leisure, communities and crowds. We call for papers that use, analyze and/or develop technologies, practices, and policies that examine social media and learning. We use the term 'social media' broadly to include many ways of interacting online and many forms of organizing online. We also use the term to include use of multiple media and welcome studies that address use across multiple platforms. We specifically welcome papers that address new and exciting areas of research in the potential of social media for new forms of learning, and the potential value social media creates for connectivity, development, and knowledge growth. ORGANIZERS Maarten de Laat, Open University of the Netherlands maarten.delaat at Caroline Haythornthwaite, University of British Columbia c.haythorn at Shane Dawson, University of South Australia shane.dawson at Dan Suthers, University of Hawaii suthers at From cattd614 at Sat Mar 15 11:08:28 2014 From: cattd614 at (Catherine Dumas) Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:08:28 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: The Student Perspective Message-ID: <> Please forward ?this to your students who are members of ASIS&T. Could you also forward this to your colleagues and to give their student members of ASIS&T to the opportunity to participate? Dear Current and Former Student Members of ASIS&T, I am writing to request your participation in a short survey (5-10 min) on the experiences of being a student member ?of ASIS&T. Having been a student member for the past 4 1/2 years, I think it would be interesting to gain some insight on other student's perspective of ASIS&T. The results will be published in an upcoming issue of the ASIS&T bulletin. Click here to take the survey: This research is being conducted by myself and Dr. Abebe Rorissa under the University of Albany, State University of New York. Please know that when you submit your response it will be anonymous. Only aggregated survey responses will be published in the article. While we strongly encourage your participation, doing so is voluntary. . If you have any questions about the survey, please email me cdumas at We would appreciate it if you could respond by March 20, 2014. Thanks in advance for your time and input, Catherine ? Catherine Dumas PhD Student - Informatics? College of Computing & Information University at Albany, State University of New York Co-Chair Advisory Board ASIS&T, UAlbany Student Chapter Cell: 518-935-8064 CCI Women in Technology on FB:? Cyber Behaviors in Information Seeking -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Daniel.Alemneh at Thu Mar 20 12:06:27 2014 From: Daniel.Alemneh at (Alemneh, Daniel) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:06:27 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ETD Guidance Documents Released Message-ID: The ETD Lifecycle Management project is pleased to make available the Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs. The full suite of Guidance Documents is freely available from Educopia Publishing ( and can also be obtained from the Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations - NDLTD website ( About the ETD Guidance Documents Written by ETD program experts from several established and well-respected academic institutions (see below), the Guidance Documents are geared towards the full range of stakeholders in ETD programs from administrators to graduate schools to librarians to vendors. The Guidance Documents cover a range of curation topics that span the lifecycle for ETDs. 1. Guidelines for Implementing ETD Programs ? Roles & Responsibilities 2. Guide to Access Levels and Embargoes of ETDs 3. Briefing on Copyright and Fair Use Issues in ETDs 4. Guidelines for Collecting Usage Metrics and Demonstrations of Value for ETD Programs 5. Managing the Lifecycle of ETDs: Curatorial Decisions and Practices 6. Metadata for ETD Lifecycle Management 7. Guide to ETD Program Planning and Cost Estimation 8. Guide to Options for ETD Programs About the Document Authors & Editors The Guidance Document for Lifecycle Management of ETDs have been authored by ETD program experts from the University of North Texas, Virginia Tech, George Washington University, Boston College, Indiana State University, Pennsylvania State University, and University of Arizona. The documents were edited by representatives from the Educopia Institute, the MetaArchive Cooperative, and the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. About the Project Funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and led by the University of North Texas, in partnership with the NDLTD and Educopia Institute, the ETD Lifecycle Management project is promoting best practices and improving the capacity of academic libraries to preserve ETDs for future researchers. -- Project Manager Educopia Institute nick at 917 409 7907 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From karineb at Sun Mar 16 10:25:29 2014 From: karineb at (Karine Nahon) Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:25:29 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Social Networking and Communities: CFP HICSS Message-ID: CFP: HICSS Social Networking And Community TRACK: *new* Digital and Social Media Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 48 January 5-8, 2015, Grand Hyatt, Kauai, Hawaii PAPERS DUE: June 15, 2014 via the HICSS conference system ORGANIZERS Anatoliy Gruzd, Dalhousie University, gruzd at (Primary Contact) Karine Nahon, University of Washington, karineb at Caroline Haythornthwaite, University of British Columbia, c.haythorn at Twitter: #hicss_snc This HICSS minitrack has been ongoing since 2003 under various titles. Papers address the interrelationship between social media and communities in all aspects of our (online and offline) lives. We call for papers that address research, theory, practice, and/or policy around our new interlinkages via social media in support of communities of practice, inquiry, and interest for business, political, social, learning, and gaming initiatives and outcomes. In the past, this minitrack has been in the Internet and Digital Economy Track. Due to its overwhelming success, the minitrack has become a founding part of the new Track: Digital and Social Media. In previous years, the minitrack has been among the largest at the conference, and ?best papers? from the minitrack have often received the ?Best Paper in Track? awards. We call for papers that address issues of online communities of practice, inquiry and interest created in the interest of political, educational, business, social and/or gaming pursuits, and with attention to how online community building and management contribute to success in these endeavors. Papers are welcomed that address wholly online communities, as well as those that address the interplay between online and offline means of interaction; the use of single media, as well as those that address the way different media support community practice; and community, as well as crowd-based collectives online. Examples of possible interdisciplinary topics of interest in these contexts include, but are not limited to the following: Social, political and/or economic impact of social media Crowds and Communities as sociological phenomenon in the digital economy Community development and community informatics Design, development, and user studies of social media Design of online crowds and/or communities of practice, inquiry or interest Online learning communities: structures, implementations, and practices Serious leisure online Organizational behavior of communities Behavior in online gaming communities Social network studies and analyses of online crowds and communities Mobile applications, services and use for and by online communities Case studies and topologies of online communities Case studies and analyses of the rise and fall of social network sites and online communities Theoretical models of online crowds and communities, social media use, etc. Models and cases of synergies and/or conflicts between offline and online worlds Critical perspectives on social media and local and/or virtual community Research methods for the study of social networking and community ABOUT HICSS CONFERENCES HICSS conferences are devoted to the most relevant advances in the information, computer, and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and practice. Accepted papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or descriptive in nature. Those selected for presentation are included in the Conference Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and maintained in the IEEE Digital Library. How to Submit a Paper: Follow Author Instructions posted on the conference web site: HICSS papers must contain original material. They may not have been previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere. All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process. Abstracts are optional, but recommended. You may contact the Minitrack Chair(s) for guidance or verification of content. Submit a paper to only one Minitrack. If a paper is submitted to more than one minitrack, then either paper may be rejected by either minitrack without consultation with author or other chairs. If you are not sure of the appropriate Minitrack, submit an abstract to the Track Chair(s) for determination, and/or seek informal opinion(s) of Minitrack Chair(s) before submitting. Do not author or co-author more than 5 papers. This means that an individual may be listed as author or co-author on no more than 5 submitted papers. Track Chairs must approve any names added after submission or acceptance on August 15. IMPORTANT DEADLINES FOR AUTHORS FOR HICSS 48 June 15, 2014 -- SUBMIT FULL MANUSCRIPTS FOR REVIEW as instructed. The review is double-blind; therefore, this initial submission must be without author names. Aug 15, 2014 -- Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. It is very important that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the conference. Therefore, all travel guarantees ? including visa or your organization?s fiscal funding procedures ? should begin immediately. Make sure your server accepts the review system address Sept 15, 2014 -- SUBMIT FINAL PAPER. Add author names to your paper, and submit your Final Paper for Publication to the site provided in your Acceptance Notice. (This URL is not public knowledge.) Oct 1, 2014 -- EARLY REGISTRATION FEE DEADLINE. At least one author of each paper should register by this date in order secure publication in the Proceedings. Fees will increase on Oct 2 and Dec 2. Oct 15, 2014 -- Papers without at least one paid-in-full registered author may be deleted from the Proceedings and not scheduled for presentation; authors will be so notified by the Conference Office. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From otmorey at Fri Mar 14 16:00:24 2014 From: otmorey at (Morey, Ophelia) Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:00:24 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: Interested in working for 1 year, full-time at OCLC Research? Applications Due March 21 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> From: Connaway,Lynn [mailto:connawal at] Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 6:11 AM To: lrrt-mem at Subject: [LRRT Membership Listserv] Interested in working for 1 year, full-time at OCLC Research? Applications Due March 21 OCLC Research is recruiting for a full-time, one-year position. Both master's and Ph.D. graduates are encouraged to apply. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world's information and reducing information costs. Tens of thousands of libraries around the world use OCLC services to locate, acquire, catalog, lend and preserve library materials. We are currently seeking individuals for a position at our Dublin, Ohio, office. The OCLC Research mission is to expand knowledge that advances OCLC's public purposes of furthering access to the worlds' information and reducing library costs. The individual will have the opportunity to work on projects in two research activity areas. The first, Advancing the Research Mission, addresses OCLC's interest in understanding and shaping how library services are changing and a responsibility to help libraries plan for and manage these changes. Projects in this area aim to understand the ways that libraries can have maximum impact in providing support to academic departments. The second, User Behavior Studies and Synthesis, focuses on library users' behaviors to determine their perceptions and information usage habits. The objective is to identify and share recommendations on how to better serve library users' needs now and in the future. Working on projects in these two activity areas, the individual is expected to actively engage with OCLC Research teams to address the challenges facing libraries and archives in a rapidly changing information technology environment. Current research projects underway that the individual might assist with include: * The Visitors and Residents Project is designed to increase understanding of how learners engage with the Web and how educational services and systems can attract and sustain a possible new group of lifelong learners. A trans-Atlantic partnership, the project supports comparison of students' digital learning strategies in different cultural contexts. ( * The Cyber Synergy Project investigates the possibility of seamless collaboration between knowledge institutions such as libraries and the Social Q&A (SQA) community. ( * The Dissemination for Information Packages for Information Reuse (DIPIR) Project is exploring how to facilitate the reuse of digital data and collection to identify how contextual information about the data that supports reuse can best be created and preserved. ( * The Librarians and Data Management project is examining the management of research data from the academic librarians' point of view. The aim is to inform the development of effective social and technical infrastructures (e.g. education, training, systems, services, etc.) that support librarians who have this new responsibility. Responsibilities Our intent is to provide the individual with a rich learning experience. Our projects are collaborative, so there will be opportunities to work with a variety of people outside of OCLC Research, including those in OCLC's product area, the academy, and the designated community of users each project intends to impact. In assisting with several research projects, the individual will enhance project management, team work, communication, and data collection and analysis skills. Key responsibilities * Developing, administering, and analyzing online surveys * Conducting user interviews and reviewing and coding interview transcripts * Aggregating and analyzing web server logs to identify user behaviors * Developing theoretical and empirical models * Preparing papers and presentations Qualifications Required Qualifications * A Master's or Ph.D. in Library and Information Science or related discipline (Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Archives, Records Management) is required, though individuals with advanced degrees in social science disciplines (Anthropology, Sociology, Communications, and Psychology) are also encouraged to apply. * Ability to work independently and meet deadlines * Strong communication and analytical skills * Experienced in Microsoft office programs * Familiarity with database design principles Preferred Qualifications * Undergraduate or graduate research experience * Ability to quickly learn new software applications * Comfort working in virtual collaborations Salary and Benefits * Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience and applicable market compensation * The Intern will be eligible for health & welfare benefits such as is provided to other similarly situated term-limited employees * Relocation Assistance will be offered in the form of a lump sum distributed in two installments (50% at signing of offer and 50% after 90 days of start date). The amount of the lump sum will be determined by the distance required for relocation during the term of the internship Submission Requirements To apply for the position, you will need to submit a resume and essay and request two letters of recommendations from persons unrelated to you. Details for these three requirements follow. Resume: * List your educational experience. Please include name and location (city, state, country) of educational institutions, name of degrees, majors, and years awarded * List any employment experience, most recent position first. Please include: position title, institution, institution mailing address, dates of employment, and key responsibilities. * List your involvement with professional/student organizations, publications, and honors and awards. * List the names of two persons (unrelated to you) who will be submitting letters of recommendation for you. Please include the e-mail address and phone number of the two recommenders. Essay: Provide an original essay of no more than 1,000 words describing why you want to participate in the program, and how the experience will contribute to your short-term and long-term career plans. We are interested in hearing the value you would bring to OCLC Research as well as what you hope to gain from the experience. The essay also should demonstrate insight into the problems and opportunities surrounding diversity and inclusion in today's workforce. Letters of Recommendation: Two persons who are unrelated to you will need to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf directly to: diversityfellow at Letters of recommendation MUST be sent separately via e-mail from the recommender's e-mail account (applicants cannot submit the letters). Recommenders should state how long they have known you and in what capacity, provide evidence of your commitment to professional development and service, and give an assessment of your promise as a developing professional. Application Procedures Application is initiated by applying to the specific intern requisition at the OCLC Career Center Internet site,, where you will need to create an OCLC applicant profile. The Job ID number is 2407. Note: If you have created an OCLC applicant profile in the past, please do not create a duplicate profile. Once you select to apply for the OCLC Diversity Internship opening, you will be asked the following questions: * Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? * Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status (e.g., H-1B, F-1 visa status)? You will then have the opportunity to upload your resume and essay. Key Deadlines The application initiation and all required submissions (original essay and two letters of recommendation) MUST be completed and received by Friday, March 21, 2014 at 5:00pm ET. Timeline and Key Dates Application Deadline: March 21, 2014 Anticipated Start Date: June 23, 2014 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. OCLC maintains an ongoing commitment to equal opportunity and seeks to sustain a diverse workplace. Lynn Silipigni Connaway Senior Research Scientist OCLC Research connawal at 303-246-3623 @LynnConnaway -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: message-footer.txt URL: From srichards at Thu Mar 20 18:21:37 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:21:37 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job posting / Library Stacks Manager / Capital Hill Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group is seeking Library Stacks Manager for a contract with a prestigious federal library located on Capitol Hill. This is a full-time, benefited position, working on a contract with LAC Group in Washington, DC. The selected individual must have experience working in the book stacks of a large research library, including arranging, shelving, shelf reading, and experience supervising a staff of 8+ employees. This is for immediate consideration. Requirements: * Shifting, Arranging, Shelving, Transporting and Reporting books and materials throughout the Library; * Supervise, train and review the work of others; * Address issues in performance and processes as needed; * Compile statistical data to produce daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports of work reviewed; * Participate in management and oversight for all aspects of the contract. Qualifications: * Experience working in the book stacks of a major research library with more than a million volumes; * Experience supervising a staff of 8+FTE, including stack maintenance activities (i.e., arranging, shelving, shelf reading, etc.); * Possess the ability to train and review the work of others; * Excellent interpersonal skills, both written and oral communications skills. For immediate consideration, please visit: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Krystyna.Matusiak at Tue Mar 18 12:46:57 2014 From: Krystyna.Matusiak at (Krystyna Matusiak) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:46:57 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Call for papers - IFLA Satellite Meeting, 13-14 August 2014 Turin Italy Message-ID: Please excuse-cross-posting IFLA Satellite Meeting, 13-14 August 2014 Turin Italy CALL FOR PAPERS ON Theory and research on the convergence of professional identity in cultural heritage institutions (Libraries, Museums, and Archives) beyond technology Organized by: IFLA - Library Theory and Research Section, ALISE, EUCLID, Citt? di Torino, Biblioteche civiche Torino. Focus and General Themes: One implication of the digitalization of information resources for cultural heritage organizations and memory institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums (LAM) is an increase in the confluence of skills needed by professionals in all three institutions. More and more of the work of these professionals are overlapping in their use of digital applications to provide better services. The IFLA Satellite meeting to be held in Turin, Italy just prior to the IFLA 2014 conference in Lyon, France, will explore the theories relating to user services provided in libraries, archives, and museums and the strengths and the theoretical foundations for the convergence of educational programs for professionals working in these institutions. Applied and empirical research results on both successful and not successful experiences to achieve the convergence of education and the expansion of services of these three institutions will also be considered. The goal of the Satellite Meeting will be to establish a community of researchers and practitioners who will further the design and delivery of education and services in these three professions and develop the potential for international partnerships to support these services. Such research will improve the design and delivery of library services, as well as the potential for international partnerships designed to support further collaborative research in this area and is an opportunity to explore and discuss research findings related to the convergence of libraries, archives and museums, including the factors that influence convergence decisions, the professional strengths and organizational missions that promote and impede successful collaboration, and the theoretical concepts that suggest that these institutions can create value by working together as they pursue their shared responsibilities as cultural heritage institutions in the digital age. The satellite program will be structured into the following sections: General Themes: Needed Research in establishing a theoretical and applied research agenda for convergence Theoretical foundations for the convergence of professions Review of historical and professional barriers to convergence Impact of international, national, and private sector funding Transnational / transdisciplinary research problems impacting future progress Opportunities and barriers to achieving the convergence of education and services of libraries, archives, and museums. Professional organizations and associations Digital technology Building and accessing multilingual collections Data curation and big data Questions to be explored in the Satellite workshops, panels, papers and posters. How can the traditional focus of each of the three memory organizations. (Libraries, Archives, and Museums) be revised to reflect the opportunities presented in a digital age? How can LAM organizations be involved in Research data and Big data curation? To what extent do professional perceptions and traditions in different countries and cultures create barriers to and provide support for convergence activities? To what extent have technological innovations contributed to convergence? Beyond technology, what ties the memory institutions together? To what extent have changes in traditional missions, such as the emerging emphasis on user-focused services, contributed to convergence and how are they related to changes in theoretical goals and functions? How should we think about convergence? Does convergence mean professional collaboration, cooperation among memory institutions, or consolidation of services and products? Which approaches are desirable and under what circumstances? Is convergence practical, desirable, or just a theoretical dream? This collaborative forum is being offered as a satellite event to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress being held 16-22 August 2014 in Lyon, France. This satellite meeting will be held August 13-14, 2014 in Turin, Italy. Target The IFLA LTR satellite meeting will be of interest to: * University faculty and staff working in memory organizations (Libraries, Archives, Museums -LAM) * National and international planners working with memory organizations * Project leaders and administrative staff involved in curriculum innovation and eLearning for LAM Professionals. * Libraries associations, electronic and multimedia publishers, and information services developers with interests in innovation in delivery of LAM services and products * University faculty, government agencies, and research fellows at national and international institutes who are exploring the benefits of convergence and the factors that influence successful cooperation and value creation * Graduate students in library and information science, archives and museum studies programmes Full papers Proposals for full papers must be submitted by 30 March 2014. The proposal must include the following. Title of Proposed Presentation Abstract of proposed presentation ? 300 words maximum Name(s) of presenters with employer or affiliated institution, plus full contact information (phone and email) Short biographical statements regarding the presenter(s) (300 words maximum per presenter) The satellite themes the proposal addresses Poster presentations Proposals for poster presentations must be submitted by 30 March 2014. Please submit: ? The title of the proposed poster presentation ? A description of the topic of the proposed poster presentation (300 words) ? Details of the presenter(s) (see below) Details of the presenter(s) * Name(s) of presenter(s) * Position or title of presenter(s) * Presenter(s) employer or affiliated institution * E-mail address * Telephone/fax numbers * Short biographical statement regarding the presenter(s) English is the official language of the satellite meeting. All proposals, papers and posters and should be written and presented in English. Proposals for full papers and poster presentations should be sent by email with attachments to: Dr. Anna Maria Tammaro IFLA Section for Library Theory and Research Email: Evaluation and notification of acceptance All proposals will be evaluated by a refereeing committee representing the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID conference organisers. Successful candidates will be notified by 19 April 2014. The full paper must be submitted by 30 May 2014 to allow time for the review of papers and the final preparation of the program. Details on the format and length of the final paper will be emailed to the successful candidates. At least one of the authors must undertake to be present to deliver a summary of the paper or the poster at the satellite meeting in Turin. Please note: The conference is not able to provide financial assistance to prospective authors. Proposals should only be submitted on the understanding that the expenses of attending the IFLA-ALISE-EUCLID-Citt? di Torino Satellite meeting (including travel, accommodation, expenses and conference fees) will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers. Some employers and national professional associations may be able to help fund certain expenses. Organizing Committee Anna Maria Tammaro (IFLA LTR), Terry Weech (IFLA LTR), Krystyna Matusiak (IFLA LTR), Jennifer Weil Arns (IFLA LTR), Patricia Montiel-Overall (ALISE), Serap Kurbanoglu (EUCLID), Tatjana Aparac Jelu?i? (EUCLID), Paolo Messina (Biblioteche Civiche Torino) Further information Please direct any queries about the satellite meeting to: Dr. Anna Maria Tammaro IFLA Section for Library Theory and Research Email: annamaria.tammaro at Krystyna K. Matusiak, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Library & Information Science Program Morgridge College of Education University of Denver Portfolio: E-Mail: Krystyna.Matusiak at Phone: 303-871-6163 ADDRESS: Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall, Room 248, 1999 E. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80208 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nhara at Wed Mar 19 10:58:58 2014 From: nhara at (Noriko Hara) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:58:58 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP: Special Issue on Historic Design Cases-International Journal of Designs for Learning In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> *CALL FOR PROPOSALS* *INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGNS FOR LEARNING* *SPECIAL ISSUE ON HISTORIC DESIGN CASES* Guest Editors: Craig D. Howard & Colin M. Gray Unlike other design fields, instructional design has not had a sustained interest in documenting cases from the past and engaging in our design history in a substantive way. When we think of technology, we generally look forward---to what is possible in the future of technology in education, but it is equally as instructive to look at how far we have come and the individual designs that, as a collective, have impacted where we are now. Many of the same challenges we face in the ecology of modern technologies can be seen in technological leaps from instructional design's past: video-based instruction, systemic curricular moves (e.g., SRA Reading Lab, the "new math"), educational entertainment (e.g., Sesame Street, Bill Nye the Science Guy), and the dawn of the graphical user interface and personal computer (e.g., instruction for the Macintosh, developing for the PLATO system) to name a few. Many of these designs have directly and indirectly informed our contemporary design practice, and illustrate many of the challenges of designing for intentional change. In this special issue, we turn our focus to both the near and distant past of instructional design and technology, addressing designs intended (or used) for learning both in informal and formal learning---inside the classroom, and in our everyday lives. This special issue brings our field to the standard of precedent-building common in other design disciplines, refocusing our attention on marking significant milestones in design innovation, celebrating the often unrecognized breakthroughs instructional design and technology has had in its past. While some artifacts have been preserved, our collective knowledge of what instructional design is in the present has often been embodied in designs which themselves have been forgotten. To begin the process of documenting these past designs, we invite authors to submit design cases of designs used and/or intended for learning from 10-75 years ago, which are deemed to be of importance to the field. Some examples of appropriate historic designs might include: * *Designs that changed our understanding of what learning could be* (e.g., Airborne satellite learning, early collaborative websites, Sesame Street Workshop) * *Designs that highlighted the affordances of specific technologies when they were in their infancy* (e.g., PLATO system, remote teaching through closed circuit TV) * *Designs which failed, either in their initial implementation, or which failed to "catch on" *(e.g., computerized instruction in the 1990s, the "new math") * *Designs which serve as the basis for modern categories of educational technology* (e.g., learning management systems, SRA reading lab) * *Instructional components of mass-market devices* (e.g., training for emerging technological products, such as Apple's click-and-drag instruction) * *Designs created out of a specific felt need for a specific type of learning* (e.g., "murder houses," bespoke designs) *SUBMISSION TYPES* /Full Design Case/ 5000-7000+ words, with as many multimedia and/or visual elements as available. The goal of this submission is to not only visually and textually explain the experience of the design, but also how it came to be the way that it is. Depending on the age of the designed artifact or experience, this may come through interviews with designers, stakeholders, and/or users, analysis of related artifacts surrounding the design/design process, or reconstruction based on previously published marketing and/or academic materials. Your abstract should include the targeted design, its relevance, and any resources you will need to locate. /Brief Design Case/ 500-1500 words, a primarily visual presentation of a design with accompanying text used to annotate and explain the artifact and its experience as depicted in the images and/or video. Your abstract should include the targeted design, and any existing resources that you are aware of. *IMPORTANT DEADLINES* April 30, 2014: Submit 250 word abstract by email May 14, 2014: Acceptance of abstract: July 1, 2014: Submit Full paper/brief paper August 14, 2014: Notification of Acceptance September 14, 2014: Final Manuscripts November 2014: Projected Publication *ABOUT IJDL* The International Journal of Designs for Learning is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal is dedicated to publishing descriptions of artifacts, environments and experiences created to promote and support learning in all contexts by designers in any field. The journal provides a venue for designers to share their knowledge-in-practice through rich representations of their designs and detailed discussion of decision-making. The aim of the journal is to support the production of high-quality precedent materials and to promote and demonstrate the value of doing so. Audiences for the journal include designers, teachers and students of design and scholars studying the practice of design. This journal is a publication of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. More information on submissions for this special issue is available at: Questions and abstract submissions may be directed to the guest editors: Dr. Craig D. Howard (craig.howard at ) and Colin M. Gray (comgray at ). -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From SHASTING at Mon Mar 24 14:29:52 2014 From: SHASTING at (HASTINGS, SAM) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:29:52 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] New Faculty Hires at USC SLIS In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: The School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina is pleased to announce two new tenure-track faculty members. Dr. Darin Freeburg and Dr. Heather Moorefield-Lang will join us in August 2014 and we are honored to welcome them to our school. Brief bios follow: Darin Freeburg has degrees in English and Theology, and received his PhD in Communication and Information from Kent State University in 2013. He decided to pursue a PhD because he enjoys interacting with and learning from college students, and has always dreamed of becoming a professor. Dr. Freeburg shares that he is "extremely excited about the opportunities at USC SLIS to work collaboratively with other faculty and students on issues of information literacy, and message acceptance and rejection. I believe that the research I do can and should have a positive impact on the community, and I look forward to working with and in the local community." On a personal note, he has "been married for seven years to my beautiful wife, Lisa. We have a dog and a bunch of fish, and enjoy the outdoors, e.g. biking, fishing, and tennis. We met while playing together in a band sponsored by our undergraduate university, traveling throughout the Midwest, and so music has always been a huge part of our lives. We are both very excited about the move to South Carolina." Heather Moorefield-Lang is currently the Education and Applied Social Sciences Librarian at Virginia Tech. She received her Master's in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and her doctorate in Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research is focused in technology in education and libraries. She is the chair of the American Association of School Librarians Best Websites for Teaching and Learning Committee. Her current research is involved with the success and challenges of 3D printers in libraries and schools at various types and levels. She is also delving into the research of digital citizenship and the online presence of our digital futures and afterlife. Best regards, Dr. Sam Dr. S. K. Hastings Director and Professor School of Library and Information Science University of South Carolina Davis College 1501 Greene St. Columbia, SC 29208 803-777-3858 hastings at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rhill at Tue Mar 18 13:45:49 2014 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:45:49 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] =?US-ASCII?Q?Deadline_Reminder_=96_ASIS&T_Annual_Meeting?= Message-ID: <385-220143218174549539@LEN-dick-2011> April 30 is the deadline for submitting proposals for Panels, Contributed Papers, and tutorials and workshops. Additional information below. Connecting Collections, Cultures, and Communities 77th ASIST Annual Meeting October 31 - November 4, 2014 Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA SUBMISDSION URL: The Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology is the premier international conference dedicated to the study of information, people, and technology in contemporary society. The ASIST AM gathers leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe to share innovations, ideas, research, and insights into the state and future of information and communication in play, work, governance, and society. ASIST AM has an established record for pushing the boundaries of information studies, exploring core concepts and ideas, and creating new technological and conceptual configurations -- all situated in interdisciplinary discourses. The conference welcomes contributions from all areas of information science and technology. The conference celebrates plurality in methods, theories and conceptual frameworks and has historically presented research and development from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIST?s many special interest groups: Arts & Humanities; Bioinformatics; Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts; Classification Research; Critical Issues; Digital Libraries; Education for Information Science; Health Informatics; History & Foundations of Information Science; Human Computer Interaction; Information Architecture; Information Needs, Seeking and Use; Information Policy; International Information Issues; Knowledge Management; Library Technologies; Management; Metrics; Scientific & Technical Information; Social Informatics; and Visualization, Images & Sound. Important Dates Papers, Panels, and Workshops: Submissions: April 30th Notifications: June 11th Final copies: July 15th Posters: Submissions: July 1th Notifications: July 30th Final copies: August 20th (All deadlines: midnight, Hawaii Standard Time) . Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From marialemos72 at Tue Mar 18 06:44:38 2014 From: marialemos72 at (ML) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:44:38 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] 2014 World Conference on IST - Madeira Island, April 15-17 Message-ID: <> ========================= WorldCIST'14 ============================= The 2014 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies April 15-17, Madeira Island, Portugal ==================================================================== Program available at: Best regards, WorldCIST'14 Team From at Wed Mar 19 06:00:33 2014 From: at (Lai Ma) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:00:33 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Second Call> ASIS&T History Fund Awards Message-ID: <> The ASIS&T History Fund Advisory Board announces the following two competitive awards for 2014: 1) The ASIS&T History Fund Research Award This award will be for a maximum of $1,000 and will be awarded for the best research proposal submitted by April 30, 2014. All topics relevant to the history of information science and technology may be proposed. The proposal should include: the central topic or question to be researched and an extended abstract, qualifications of the researcher (brief vita should be included), a budget and how the funds will be expended. All funds must be expended by June 30, 2015. Submit proposal to 2) The ASIS&T History Fund Best Paper Award This award will be for a maximum of $500 and will be awarded for the best paper submitted by April 30, 2014. All topics relevant to the history of information science and technology will be considered. The paper should not have been previously published or submitted to a journal. The paper should not exceed 30 pages double-spaced, including notes and references, using APA Style Manual. The winner is expected to present the paper at the 2015 ASIS&T Annual Meeting and to give first rights of refusal for publication to the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Submit paper to The ASIS&T History Fund was established by the ASIS&T Board of Directors in June 2000 for the purposes of supporting and encouraging research and publication in the history of information science and technology. The Fund is supported by donations (including book loyalties) from ASIS&T members and others. The Fund Advisory Board encourages further donations from anyone interested in supporting historical study of information science and technology. Members of the ASIS&T History Fund Advisory Board for 2014 are: Lai Ma, Chair Sarah Buchanan Michael Buckland Samantha Hastings Trudi Bellardo Hahn For further information please contact Lai Ma at at --- Dr Lai Ma School of Information and Library Studies University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Web: Email: at Phone: +353 1 716 7592 From fcunning at Wed Mar 19 08:28:15 2014 From: fcunning at (Cunningham, Flo) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:28:15 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] KM@KSU Webinar Featuring Kraft Foods - this Thursday at 12 noon In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> Please excuse duplicate postings. Join Kent State University this Thursday, March 20 at noon EDT, for another KM at KSU webinar. The webinars will serve as a source for state of the art graduate level education and professional training for 21st century knowledge professionals. If you're not able to join us live, you can access the recordings and presentation files any time after the presentation at: The connection information is provided at the end of this invitation. This week, Nanako Mura and Jeni Wolf, of Kraft Foods, will talk about "Knowledge Capture and Transfer at Kraft Foods". This is a wonderful presentation which I was privileged to attend when it was given at an invitation only workshop. I strongly encourage you to listen in to hear what they're doing at Kraft. This webinar will present KM practices used at Kraft Foods with a focus on the MASK method for knowledge capture. MASK or Method for Analyzing and Structuring Knowledge was developed in France by Jean-Louis Ermine for the Center for Atomic Energy. It is based on the philosophy that a body of knowledge is always structured in six points of view that are represented by six unique models. The MASK methodology has been successfully used by Kraft to capture and transfer critical tacit knowledge. The MASK methodology will be of interest to any of you who are interested in capturing knowledge in a way that makes it easy to find, understand and use. Nanako Mura is Associate Director of Knowledge and Intellectual Property Management and the R&D Learning Academy at Kraft Foods. Nanako is responsible for helping the organization innovate by levering tools and processes to capture and access internal and external technical knowledge for competitive advantage. She ensures RDQ&I fully leverages invention to protect processes and utilizes best practices in IP portfolio management. She also advances training and career development tools for the R&D organization. Jeni Wolf is Associate Principal Scientist working in the Knowledge Management Group Kraft Foods. Jeni provides the Research Development Quality and Innovation (RDQ&I) function foundational capabilities and best practices for internal knowledge capture and reuse, project documentation, literature and technical landscape searching, external scientific information tools and management of the RDQ&I libraries. How to Connect to the Webinar ------------------------------------------------------- Topic: KM at KSU Webinar Kraft Foods Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014 Time: 12:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) Meeting Number: 806 619 372 Meeting Password: IAKM ------------------------------------------------------- To start or join the online meeting ------------------------------------------------------- Go to ------------------------------------------------------- Audio conference information ------------------------------------------------------- To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code. Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208 Access code:806 619 372 ------------------------------------------------------- For assistance ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to 2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support". To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: To check whether you have the appropriate players installed for UCF (Universal Communications Format) rich media files, go to -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fcunning at Tue Mar 18 16:14:41 2014 From: fcunning at (Cunningham, Flo) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:14:41 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] DEADLINE EXTENDED - cfp: 11th Annual Document Academy Message-ID: Please excuse duplicate postings The Document Academy Invites Proposals for the 11th Annual Meeting of the Document Academy, DOCAM'14 Kent State University Kent, Ohio August (6)7-9, 2014 Call for Proposals Extended through 31 March 2014 Theme: "Documents Without Borders" The theme of this year's meeting embodies the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary natures of document studies. In this light, the program committee encourages proposals promoting document discourse that is open to all formats, contents, and disciplines. Presentations in any format can address the following (but will not be limited to) * Document Theory, Analysis, Creation, Structure, and/or Design * Applications thereof * Document Showcasing and Collection Highlights * Educational Considerations Background: DOCAM'14 is the eleventh annual meeting of the Document Academy, an international network of scholars, artists, and professionals in various fields, who are interested in the exploration of the concept of the document as a resource for scholarly, artistic, and professional work. The Document Academy fosters a multidisciplinary space for experimental and critical research on the document in the widest sense, drawing on scholarship, traditions, and experiences from the arts, humanities, social sciences, education, and natural science, and from diverse fields, such as information, media, museum, archives, culture, and science studies. The Document Academy originated as a co-sponsored effort by the Program of Documentation Studies, University of Tromso, Norway, and the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley. The 2014 conference is hosted by the School of Library and Information Science, College of Communication and Information at Kent State University from 7-9 August 2014, with an optional preconference gathering on the evening of 6 August 2014. The conference language is English. Presentation Formats: The DOCAM'14 Program Committee especially encourages presentations, research, and visualizations in the following formats: 1. 20-minute presentations followed by 10 minutes of discussion 2. Burst sessions of 7 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion 3. Poster sessions to be on display for the duration of the conference [20-minute presentations are useful for research, performance, demonstrations, and innovations; burst sessions are useful for unfinished research and unpolished ideas; poster sessions are especially useful for students to showcase research; not limited to students, professionals and scholars may use posters to show off collections and for visual representations of models and data] DOCAM'14 Instantiation: *NEW This Year!* This year, the DOCAM'14 Committee will be designing and arranging a three-dimensional space to showcase documents representing all accepted proposals (20 min and Burst) for the annual conference. Representative documents will be sent in by authors and can be of any possible form, assuming it can be exhibited within given parameters. Instructions for participation will be included with proposal acceptance letters. The MuseLab, where the Instantiation will be held, is a creative and collaborative space for thinking, doing, and learning about museal things. It is located in the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, the conference venue. For more on the MuseLab visit Proposal Submissions: For your proposal, include all of the following. Please use standard formats (such as .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .mpg for your submission components). 1. A brief description of up to 500 words (or equivalent) for your proposed presentation 2. Title and up to 5 keywords 3. Names and contact information of all contributors 4. What type of presentation you are proposing 5. Special equipment requirements 6. MuseLab exhibit document: All presentations will be represented as part of the DOCAM'14 MuseLab Instantiation. Describe the document you will be submitting for exhibit including material, dimensions, title, 20-25word description (this will be the label for the exhibit), and a short explanation about how it relates to your presentation (not for exhibit). A photograph of the document would be tremendously useful.* *Once your proposal has been accepted, you will be asked to send (preference) or bring the document, or copy of the document to the DOCAM '14 MuseLab Committee. Proposal submissions should be sent to Jodi Kearns (jkearns at no later than 15 31 March 2014. Decisions will be announced by 15 April 2014. Proceedings: *NEW This Year!* This year, we will compile conference proceedings. If you wish your work to be part of the DOCAM'14 conference proceedings, you will need to submit your work as a paper of between 2000-4000 words to Jodi Kearns (jkearns at by August 31, 2014. DOCAM'14 Website: DOCAM'14 Facebook page: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fichman at Tue Mar 25 09:48:37 2014 From: fichman at (Fichman, Pnina) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:48:37 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP HICSS minitrack Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS Message-ID: [Apologies for cross-posting] CFP HICSS minitrack Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS Track: Internet and the Digital Economy Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 48, January 5-8, 2015, Kauai, Hawaii Papers Due: June 15, 2014 via the HICSS conference system This minitrack focuses on the sociotechnical dynamics and the ways in which the Internet affects people, groups, organizations, and societies. We are in particular interested in the impact of global, international, and cross-cultural issues on ICT development, implementation and use across the globe. Globalization has historically been tied to technological innovation, and the present era of a networked information society is no different. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have provided the infrastructure for multinational businesses, created new cultural connections irrespective of geographic boundaries and distances, and allowed an increasingly mobile global population to be connected to their friends, families, and cultures no matter where they are. The issues surrounding global, international, and cross cultural issues in Information Systems (IS) attracted much scholarly attention and have been explored under myriad contexts. The minitrack welcomes submissions that relate to all aspects of global IS, or IS research situated in a global, international or cross-cultural context. The minitrack is open to all methodological approaches and perspectives. We are interested in empirical and theoretical work that addresses these and related socio-technical issues. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Research that considers the impacts of cultural values (e.g. on adaptive user interfaces) * Research on global Cloud sourcing strategies * Cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons of ICT adoption, use and development (e.g. Internet diffusion and impacts compared between different economies) * Effects of global social computing on organizational work organization and practices (e.g. pricing strategies) * Issues relating to globally distributed teams (e.g. the adoption and use of social media by cross-national virtual teams, worker motivation, and human error diversity) * Issues relating to Internet adoption and the digital society at the national level (e.g. digital infrastructure sophistication across countries) *Issues relating to global knowledge management (e.g. different knowledge-sharing cultures in multi-national corporations) *Issues relating to cross-national legislation and regulation (e.g. implications of different regulations governing Green IT in the EU vs. US or Asian countries) * Issues relating to global ICT governance (e.g. sustainable strategies for standardization and harmonization in evolving business networks) * Single country studies showing implications for other locations or results different from other contexts (e.g. impact of ICT policies on a transition economy) * Multi-country studies of ICT adoption, use, and development (e.g. e-commerce adoption involving multiple countries) * Global impacts of big data on governments, multinational companies, NGOs and other organizations Minitrack Organizers: Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington; fichman at Edward W.N. Bernroider, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Institute for Information Management and Control, Vienna, Austria; edward.bernroider at Erran Carmel, Kogod School of Business, American University, Washington D.C.; carmel at About HICSS conferences: Now in its 48th year, the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) is one of the longest-standing continuously running scientific conferences. This conference brings together researchers in an aloha-friendly atmosphere conducive to free exchange of scientific ideas. Unique characteristics of the conference include: * A matrix structure of tracks and themes that enables research on a rich mixture of computer-based applications and technologies. * Three days of research paper presentations and discussions in a workshop setting that promotes interaction leading to additional research. * A full day of Symposia, Workshops, and Tutorials. See Program Components for additional detail. * A truly international experience with participants usually from over 40 countries, (approximately 50% non-US). * Papers published in the Proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press and carried in the IEEE digital library Xplore. Access to HICSS papers is in the top 2% of IEEE Conferences. * Paper presentations and discussions which frequently lead to revised and extended papers that are published in journals, books, and special issues. * A keynote address and distinguished lecture which explore particularly relevant topics and concepts. * Best Paper Awards in each track which recognize superior research performance. * HICSS is the #1 IS conference in terms of citations as recorded by Google Scholar. Recent research that shows HICSS ranked second in citation ranking among 18 Information Systems (IS) conferences, ranked third in value to the MIS field among 13 Management Information Systems (MIS) conferences, and ranked second in conference rating among 11 IS conferences. The Australian Government's Excellence in Research project (ERA) has given HICSS an "A" rating. Important deadlines for authors: * June 15: Submit full manuscripts for review. Review is double-blind. * Aug 15: Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. * Oct 1: Early Registration fee deadline. (Fees will increase on Sept 16 and Dec 1.) Early Registration fee: $625 * Oct 2: General Registration Fee begins: $695 (Registration price remains through December 1, 2014) * Oct 15: Papers without at least one registered author will be deleted from the Proceedings; authors will be so notified. * Dec 2: Late Registration fee beings: $795 (Registration price remains through conference) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Tue Mar 25 05:37:18 2014 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:37:18 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] CALL FOR PAPERS : "CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS" 11th Prato CIRN Conference October 13-15 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [ciresearchers] CALL FOR PAPERS : "CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS" 11th Prato CIRN Conference October 13-15 2014 Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:59:39 +1100 From: Larry Stillman Reply-To: ciresearchers at, Larry Stillman To: ciresearchers at, communityinformatics at *CALL FOR PAPERS: "CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS" 11th Prato CIRN Conference October 13-15 2014, Monash Centre, Prato Italy, and Special Workshop October 16: RDF and the Archival Multiverse?* ** Please forward to colleagues and other lists. /Community Informatics/ is primarily concerned with improving the well-being of people and their communities through more effective use of ICTs. Community Informatics foregrounds social change and transformative action in emergent social-technical relationships rather than prediction and control. This orientation also has much in common with Community Archiving. /Community-centric archival research, education and practice/ are concerned with empowering communities in support of such desirable objectives as democracy, human and civil rights, self-determination, sustainable development, and social inclusion. Recordkeeping and archiving are fundamental infrastructural components supporting community information, self-knowledge and memory needs, thus contributing to resilient communities and cultures and supporting reconciliation and recovery in the aftermath of conflict, oppression and trauma. * The 2012 and 2013 Prato conferences were the start of a new journey, in that people from the emerging field of community archives met with the slightly more mature field of Community Informatics to try to make some sense of what each was doing, and to what degree interdisciplinarity might be achieved. By interdisciplinarity we mean not living in research or practice silos, that there is something valuable from learning from each other?s theories, methods, findings and experiences. Yet a lot sounds like the same old story faced by anyone involved in social action or social research. However, the problem appears more particularly acute in the era of spectacular budgetary cutbacks and the increasing influence of neo-liberal assessments of 'worth', and it is time we looked again at what the challenges are, and particularly, how we creatively deal with them. We will consider papers related to any aspect of Community Informatics or Community Archiving. However, we are particularly interested in papers from researchers and practitioners that can address the challenges of locating community-based research within wider theoretical and practice frameworks. * In past conferences we have seen a tendency to qualitative research with an emphasis on case studies and the development of narratives. For example, what are the challenges and solutions to achieving adequate or exemplary voices, documentation, and activity from the perspectives of one or more communities? What of the struggle to tell a story, and whose story/stories should that be and under what conditions? Are academic research paradigms and norms out of touch with the reality of practice and how should they be modified? These are important and ongoing issues, but beyond these there remain unanswered questions about the relationship of community-based research to broader theories and strategies that extend the benefits of projects and theories/outcomes beyond the local communities involved.Do the projects we engage in only benefit the immediate communities served, and perhaps others where projects are replicated ? or can they have broader impact, perhaps through addressing issues related to human rights, social justice, social cohesion or community resilience? * In this context, what theoretical or conceptual frameworks are relevant and effective? Do social capital and the development of social networks truly strengthen communities, or does it depend on the type of social capital being created and/or destroyed? Is there a difference in effect and outcome when considering voluntary associations or place-based communities as opposed to social movements? Could there be negative consequences? Might some projects somehow serve to isolate or disempower communities? And what role do communications play, for example the various forms of social media? * How do we measure and evaluate benefit to the community? In collaborations, which community/ies are we seeking to advance and benefit? How can we measure the long-term impact of research engagement, and the implementation of technologies and services? What promising approaches being undertaken? How can we build a critical mass of studies of a particular community or community-relevant phenomenon? How can we encourage cross-comparisons and analyses of research? Are there ways in which data from some of this research might be shared and/or re-used by other community or community-centric researchers? With which other fields might there be research affinities, e.g., public health, social work, sociology, anthropology? * Another challenge is the (under) resourcing of research and action and how these are conducted. How can we support this research? What methodological or research design compromises might we need to make in order to do this research? What are the ethical exigencies that we encounter and how should these best be addressed? // /The above suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive, but rather, to highlight the range of issues that remain to be addressed within the theory and practice of both Community Informatics and Community Archiving. We believe that the interaction between the two fields will result in exciting new insights and look forward to any contribution that helps to achieve that goal./ // *Special Workshop October 16: RDF and the Archival Multiverse?* The Workshop will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to gain a deep understanding of RDF (Resource Description Framework) . It will focus on addressing the following challenge: Can RDF sufficiently express or capture the contingencies and nuances arising from a glocal and pluralized framing of archival access? Further details will be posted as they become available. *Dates and Processes* In order to enhance the quality of papers in all streams, Program Chairs will take an active role in guiding papers through the review process and deadlines will be adhered to. The following kinds of papers are sought: * Full papers for blind peer review to meet academic peer-review requirements (up to 6000 words). * Works in progress and more speculative pieces (reviewed and selected, but not peer reviewed). * Non refereed papers, including practitioner reports (up to 6000 words). * PhD papers which provide an outline of current or proposed PhD research (between 2-3000 words, including references) * Proposals for workshops or panel discussions. * Proposals for posters. _* Abstracts/papers can *_*_only_*_*be submitted through the conference database which will be made available shortly. *_ Abstracts up to 550 words. ABSTRACTS TO BE RECEIVED By May 15, 2014. Late abstracts will be put on a wait list. * Acceptance/modification/ rejection notices As soon as possible after 15 May. * Full papers and abstracts for all streams due 31 July 2014 * Referee reports to participants by 1 September 2014 * Final version of papers, based on peer review and program committee decisions due 1 October September 2014 * Conference proceedings Online publication with ISBN * Registrations Available from 1 July * Conference * Post-conference 1 day workshop 13-15 October 2014 16 October 2014 For further information about the conference, including information about the Monash Prato Centre, travel and accommodation and so on, see For the conference ********************** Larry Stillman, PhD Senior Research Fellow Monash University No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2014.0.4354 / Virus Database: 3722/7241 - Release Date: 03/24/14 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wmonroe at Mon Mar 24 17:19:20 2014 From: wmonroe at (Monroe, Wanda G.) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:19:20 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Sojourna Cunningham selected as Emerging Leader Message-ID: CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - American Libraries, a magazine of the American Library Association (ALA), has named Sojourna Cunningham (MSLS '10), an alumna of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) as one of its 2014 Emerging Leaders (EL). Cunningham was selected as one of an elite group of 56 new library professionals to be given the Emerging Leader honor. She will participate in the EL program, which takes place between the ALA Midwinter Meeting in January and the ALA Annual Conference in July and includes some online as well as face-to-face components. "I think ALA's Emerging Leaders is an absolutely wonderful program and I am so happy to be a part of it," said Cunningham. "It provides a leg up in understanding how ALA works and gives me an opportunity to make a lasting impact with my particular projects with the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). More importantly it has surrounded me with fun and passionate people who are really trying to make a difference and be leaders in the profession." Cunningham, and others selected for the program, will participate in a poster session at the Annual Conference." The Emerging Leaders one-year program was started in 1997 to "recognize the best and brightest new leaders in our industry." Those selected are "stars" with fewer than five years of experience working as professionals or paraprofessionals in the field. Cunningham is currently a Diversity Resident librarian and research assistant professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her leadership experiences include being elected Member-at-Large to the Library Leadership and Management Association Executive Committee; serving as secretary of the Library Information Technology Association Instructional Technology Interest Group; and participating on the Association of College and Research Libraries Residency Interest Group Programs Subcommittee. She has participated in several presentations and poster sessions and served as an invited panelist at the 2013 North Carolina Library Association Conference and the 2014 Tennessee Library Annual Conference. Cunningham says that SILS is the place she was allowed the freedom to pursue her intellectual thoughts and ideas. "SILS provided the framework as to who I am as a librarian," said Cunningham. "To me, SILS was a place where curiosity and professional excitement was always rewarded. I am grateful to the CALA program and to the people who run and support it. I am also especially grateful for Tiffany Allen and Rebecca Vargha who even after graduation, continue to provide me with mentorship and support." ******************************* Wanda Monroe Director of Communications School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 04 Manning Hall, CB#3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 919.843.8337 Follow us on Twitter at UNCSILS Like us on Facebook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wmonroe at Mon Mar 24 17:27:57 2014 From: wmonroe at (Monroe, Wanda G.) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:27:57 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Video Now Available for Dr. Juan E. Gilbert's Presentation, "Applications Quest and Strict Scrutiny in the Post Fischer Era" Message-ID: CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - Admissions policies and a data mining tool that provides preference free diversity were the subjects of the 2013 annual Lucile Kelling Henderson Lecture hosted by the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The lecture, which was titled, "Applications Quest and Strict Scrutiny in the Post Fischer Era,' featured Dr. Juan E. Gilbert, Presidential Endowed Chair in Computing, an IDEaS Professor and Chair of the Human-Centered Computing Division in the School of Computing at Clemson University. For those who were unable to attend, the video is now available on the SILS Vimeo channel at: For more information about Dr. Gilbert as well as an abstract of his talk, go to: ******************************* Wanda Monroe Director of Communications School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 04 Manning Hall, CB#3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 919.843.8337 Follow us on Twitter at UNCSILS Like us on Facebook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wmonroe at Mon Mar 24 17:28:52 2014 From: wmonroe at (Monroe, Wanda G.) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:28:52 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Video of "Mindtools: What does it Mean to be Literate in the Age of Google?" is Now Available Message-ID: CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - For those who were unable to attend the special talk by Dr. Daniel Russell, research scientist at Google, that took place at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on March 5, 2014, a video of Dr. Russell's presentation IS now available. The title of Russell's presentation was, "Mindtools: What does it Mean to be Literate in the Age of Google?" He presented to a standing room only audience in room 01 of Manning Hall. The video is available on the SILS Vimeo channel at: The event was sponsored by Information Science Student Undergraduates Empowered (ISSUE), SILS' undergraduate student association. ******************************* Wanda Monroe Director of Communications School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 04 Manning Hall, CB#3360 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 919.843.8337 Follow us on Twitter at UNCSILS Like us on Facebook at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From s.webber at Tue Mar 18 17:20:30 2014 From: s.webber at (Sheila A Webber) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:20:30 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] SL journal club: Appropriating Facebook: enacting information literacies: 19 March noon SL time Message-ID: Join us in the virtual world Second Life for a one-hour discussion of an open-access article. Led by Marshall Dozier (University of Edinburgh, Pancha Enzyme in Second Life) we will be discussing: Hanell, F. (2014). Appropriating Facebook: enacting information literacies, Human IT, 12 (3), 5-35. When: 19 March 2014 12.00 noon SL time (which is 7.00pm UK time at the moment and the same as US pacific time: see for times elsewhere) Where: Infolit iSchool Journal Club room, in the virtual world Second Life, You need a SL avatar and the Second Life browser installed on your computer. Everyone is welcome to join the one-hour discussion. You need a SL avatar and A Sheffield iSchool Centre for Information Literacy Research event. -------------- Sheila Webber, Senior Lecturer & Director of the Centre for Information Literacy Research, Information School, The University of Sheffield, 211 Portobello Street, Sheffield, S1 4DP. UK s.webber at Phone: +44 114 222 2641 Second Life & Twitter: Sheila Yoshikawa The Information Literacy Weblog -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From SHASTING at Tue Mar 11 13:44:56 2014 From: SHASTING at (HASTINGS, SAM) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:44:56 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ALISE Hot Topics Poll Coming in April Message-ID: Stay tuned for the next ALISE Hot Topics Poll. What's in a name? Participate in the upcoming April Hot Topics poll about the ALISE name and possible alternatives to launch us into the next 100 years. More information coming in April! >Laurie J. Bonnici, Ph.D. >Associate Professor >University of Alabama >Skype: laurie.j.bonnici >Principal Investigator, Project ALFA > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Tue Mar 25 12:09:49 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:09:49 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Web Application Development Supporter / Washington, DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . . LAC Group seeks a Web Application Development Supporter to work on a contract in Washington, D.C. This is part of a six month contract for which we are bidding for and will start the beginning of May. The ideal candidate will support Web Application development, in both the front end and server side, with a team of analysts, designers, testers, and managers. The developing and supporting responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following duties for the Web Application Development Supporter: Requirements and Qualifications * Deliver completed web application codes; * Update websites; * Provide overall technical support for content management systems; * Work with staff to integrate efforts into existing systems, workflows, and infrastructure; * Provide mobile and mobile application support. Education and Experience * Bachelor?s Degree or equivalent of 4 years of field training in Web Development or similar field; * Experience with the following technologies and standards are a plus:? Front End Web Application (PHP); Python Coding Standards; Javascript Coding Standards; ETL; API; Automated Test Scripts; Deployed Scripts; Oracle Database Standards; TRAC; Jenkins; and Confluence; * Must have experience in content management systems; * Experience in application development is preferred. Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bpanagopoulos at Wed Mar 26 12:39:28 2014 From: bpanagopoulos at (Beata Panagopoulos) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:39:28 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] NEASIS&T Student Travel Award Available - Essay Deadline April 25, 2014 Message-ID: NEASIS&T Student Travel Award STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD AVAILABLE (Deadline: Friday, April 25, 2014) The Association for Information Science & Technology, New England Chapter (NEASIS&T) is pleased to announce the availability of one award of up to $750 to reimburse expenses for attendance at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting (October 31-November 4, Seattle, WA). Applications must be received by Friday, April 25. The winner will be notified by Wednesday, April 30. One award for the best ESSAY will be offered to student members of ASIS&T* in the New England, Upstate New York or Eastern Canada regions. Students must be enrolled in an information science** master's or doctoral program. In order to be reimbursed, the award winner will submit receipts substantiating travel and conference related expenses, such as costs for registration, airfare, food, and lodging. The award winner will also be expected to meet with a NEASIS&T representative at the conference. Submit an essay that addresses the following questions in specific detail: * Why do you wish to attend the ASIS&T Annual Meeting? * How do you believe you will be able to use the conference experience to further your career? * How might NEASIS&T or ASIS&T benefit if you receive the award? Essay criteria: * Essay must be written in English. * Essay may not exceed 500 words or two double spaced pages. * Student must be sole author. The coversheet should include the following information: * Applicant's name * Address * Phone number / E-mail address * School affiliation / information science program / Student ID number * Proof of ASIS&T membership (e.g. ASIS&T member number, copy of email receipt of payment, or photocopy of check canceled by ASIS&T Headquarters) PLEASE NOTE: The ASIS&T Annual meeting is one of the most highly regarded meetings in the information science field. It covers the breadth of activities and endeavors of the information community with technical sessions addressing specialties of the information professional. The 2014 Annual Meeting, " Connecting Collections, Cultures, and Communities" takes place October 31-November 4 in Seattle, Washington. Papers should be submitted as attachments and sent by email to: bpanagopoulos at *You may join ASIS&T via the web at **Terms describing information science programs are varied: they may be called: Library and Information Studies, Information Science and Policy, Information and Library Science, Information Studies, etc. Questions? Contact Beata at (617) 573-8541, e-mail: bpanagopoulos at Beata **************************** Beata Panagopoulos Assistant Director, Technical Services Sawyer Library Suffolk University 8 Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 Tel. 617 573 8541 Fax 617-305-3289 Email: bpanagopoulos at Beata **************************** Beata Panagopoulos Assistant Director, Technical Services Sawyer Library Suffolk University 8 Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 Tel. 617 573 8541 Fax 617-305-3289 Email: bpanagopoulos at From tibbo at Wed Mar 26 15:27:30 2014 From: tibbo at (Tibbo, Helen R) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:27:30 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] DigCCurr Professional Institute 2014-2015 - Reserve hotel rooms by April 1 for best rate Message-ID: <> Please excuse cross postings************************************ DigCCurr Professional Institute: Curation Practices for the Digital Object Lifecycle May 11-16, 2014 & January 5-6, 2015 (One price for two sessions) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Visit for more information. REGISTRATION LINK: The Institute consists of one five-day session in May 2014 and a two-day follow-up session in January 2015. Each day of the summer session will include lectures, discussion and hands-on "lab" components. A course pack and a private, online discussion space will be provided to supplement learning and application of the material. An opening reception dinner on Sunday, Continental breakfast, break time snacks and coffee, and a dinner on Tuesday will also be included. This institute is designed to foster skills, knowledge and community-building among professionals responsible for the curation of digital materials. Registration: * Regular registration : $1,150 * Late registration (after April 1, 2014): $1,300 If you are a grant recipient working on a digital project, we recommend that you check with your program officer to request approval to use available grant funds to attend the institute. Institute Instructors Include: * From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Dr. Cal Lee, Dr. Helen Tibbo, and Dr. Kam Woods. * Dr. Nancy McGovern, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * Dr. Carolyn Hank, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. * Dr. Lorraine Richards, Drexel University. May 2014 Institute Components include (order and session titles may vary somewhat from those listed): *Overview of digital curation definition, scope and main functions *Where you see yourself in the digital curation landscape *Digital curation program development *Digital curation stakeholders and digital curation landscape *Case Study on developing a digital repository *Procedural accountability - policies, submission agreements, rules *LAB -Transforming policy statements into rules *Overview of digital preservation challenges and opportunities *Roles and responsibilities for curation *LAB - Matching skills and roles *Characterization of digital objects *Overview and Characterization of Existing Tools: Placing the Tools in a Larger Industry Context *File formats *LAB - File format robustness *Managing in response to technological change *Digital forensics *Ethical issues *LAB - Media and content *Workflows, humans, and tools *Lab - Workflows *Evaluating curation programs requirements and assessment *LAB - Evaluating curation programs: TRAC/ISO 16363 Review * Characterizing, analyzing and evaluating the producer information environment *Economics of digital curation - costs and resource commitments *LAB - Economics of digital curation *Cloud computing *Web archiving * Formulating your six-month action plan - task for each individual, with instructors available to provide guidance * Summary of action plans * Clarifying roles and expectations for the next six months January 5-6, 2015 Participants in the May event will return to Chapel Hill in Jan. 2015 to discuss their experiences in implementing what they have learned in their own work environments. Participants will compare experiences, lessons learned and strategies for continuing progress. Accommodations for January will be the responsibility of the attendee. For more information, contact Dr. Helen Tibbo (tibbo at for Institute questions or Tiffany Harris (tjharris at for payment or registration questions. The Digital Professional Institute was initiated as part of the DigCCurr II project, supported by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (Grant Award #RE-05-08-0060-08) and is partially supported by the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LODGING: Participants are responsible for their own lodging. A DigCCurr 2014-15 room block has been reserved at the Hampton Inn and Suites for $129/night. Please indicate "DigCCurr" and group code "CUR" when making reservations. Reservations must be received by 04/01/2014. After this date reservations will be accepted on a space a rate available basis only. You may reserve your hotel room by calling the hotel at 919-969-6989 or by clicking on this link: We look forward to seeing you there! -Helen Dr. Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor President, 2010-2011 & Fellow, Society of American Archivists School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360 Tel: 919-962-8063 Fax: 919-962-8071 tibbo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rieh at Wed Mar 26 15:26:26 2014 From: rieh at (Soo Young Rieh) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:26:26 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Search as Learning (SAL) IIiX 2014 Workshop: Call for Papers Message-ID: Search systems to date have been viewed more as tools for the retrieval of content to satisfy information needs, than as environments in which humans interact with information content in order to learn. However, as full-text, information rich search systems become the norm, there is growing recognition of the importance of studying and designing search systems to foster discovery and enhance learning experience during the search process outside formal educational settings. The research agenda of "Search as Learning" will provide opportunities and challenges for researchers to reconsider the value of search systems in providing support for learning directly and to pay more attention to broader outcomes of searching beyond a set of search results. The IIiX Searching as Learning workshop aims to flesh out research directions and methodologies, survey state-of-the-art approaches, and build community around this important emerging research area. We are particularly interested in engaging researchers across the information retrieval, information behaviour, human computer interaction and learning science fields. Areas of interest for the workshop include but are not limited to: * Understanding searching as a human learning process * When and how learning occurs in the search process * The relationship between the learning process and searchers' work task contexts * Features and functionalities to foster learning * Search interface design in support of learning * The implications of searching for learning for different populations: children, low literacy searchers, non-experts * The role of affect and engagement on learning while searching * Methods and measures to assess learning performance and experience * Implicit indicators of learning (while searching) * Interaction monitoring and optimization for learning outcomes We are soliciting submission of 3-4 page position papers from single or multiple authors to encourage sharing of ideas and a lively discussion. Position papers may include preliminary reports of research, proposals for new work, or follow a more traditional position paper format. All papers will be single blind peer reviewed by members of the program committee and assessed for their relevance to the workshop and their likelihood to generate discussion. Papers considered outside the scope of the workshop will not be accepted for inclusion in the workshop proceedings. A small number of papers will be selected for presentation. All papers will be circulated to workshop attendees. Papers should be in the ACM conference style and submitted in pdf form via EasyChair: Important Dates: + Papers submissions due: May 30, 2014 + Acceptance notification: June 25, 2014 + Workshop in Regensburg: August 30, 2014 Organizers: * Luanne Freund, University of British Columbia, Canada * Jacek Gwizdka, University of Texas at Austin, USA * Preben Hansen, Stockholm University, Sweden * Jiyin He, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands * Noriko Kando, National Institute of Informatics, Japan * Soo Young Rieh, University of Michigan, USA Program Committee * Leif Azzopardi, University of Glasgow * Luanne Freund, University of British Columbia * Jacek Gwizdka, University of Texas at Austin * Preben Hansen, Stockholm University, Sweden * Jiyin He, University of Amsterdam * Kal Jarvelin, University of Tampere * Noriko Kando, National Institute of Informatics, Japan * Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina * Rick Kopak, University of British Columbia * Eric Meyers, University of British Columbia * Andreas Nuernberger, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg * Heather O'Brien, University of British Columbia * Rebecca Reynolds, Rutgers University * Soo Young Rieh, University of Michigan, USA * Pertti Vakkari, University of Tampere * Max Wilson, University of Nottingham Workshop Website: Please contact luanne.freund at or any of the organizers directly for further information about the workshop. ------------------------------------------------ Soo Young Rieh, Associate Professor School of Information, University of Michigan rieh at Personal Website: Research Group: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fcunning at Wed Mar 26 11:35:19 2014 From: fcunning at (Cunningham, Flo) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:35:19 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] YOU'RE INVITED: Kent State SLIS to celebrate alumni and student success Message-ID: Please excuse duplicate postings. The School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University invites you to attend its Celebration of Alumni and Student Success 2014, honoring our outstanding alumni and friends (including alumni and friends of the year, recent graduates and more), along with our exceptional students (including scholarship recipients, graduate assistants and more). The annual Celebration of Alumni and Student Success will take place on Wednesday, April 16, at the SLIS site in the State Library of Ohio in Columbus, for alumni, students and friends in southern/central Ohio, and on Thursday, April 24, at SLIS on the Kent Campus, for those in northern/northeast Ohio. Events in both locations start at 6 p.m. and are open to all; there is no charge to attend, but a reservation is requested: Among those being honored are Rollie James Welch, LIS Alumnus of the Year; Jason Shawbell, IAKM Alumnus of the Year; and Vanita and Jim Oelschlager, SLIS Friends of the Year. A list of honorees can be found at Event details are as follows: Columbus - Wednesday, April 16 Hors d'oeuvres reception, 6 to 8 p.m.; brief program at 6:30 p.m. State Library of Ohio, 274 E. First Ave., Columbus 43201 * RSVP (Columbus) by April 11 * Directions Kent - Thursday, April 24 Hors d'oeuvres reception, 6 to 8 p.m.; brief program at 6:30 p.m. SLIS, Kent State University, 3rd Floor University Library * RSVP (Kent) by April 21 * Directions For more information, visit All the best, Flo <~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~>~<~> Flo Cunningham Marketing Communications and Public Relations Specialist School of Library and Information Science Kent State University 330-672-0003 fcunning at Facebook: Twitter: @KentStateSLIS I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. -- Jorge Luis Borges -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Joy.Davidson at Wed Mar 12 13:22:53 2014 From: Joy.Davidson at (Joy Davidson) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:22:53 -0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellows in Data Curation In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Members of the list may be interested in the CLIR/DLF Fellowships in Data Curation for the Sciences and Social Sciences. Applicants are currently being sought for a data curation fellowship at the Weill Cornell Medical Center in the US. This fellowship requires a Ph.D. degree within the last five years in biomedical science, information science or informatics, computer science, biomedical informatics, statistics, or related disciplines. For more information on the fellowship programme, please see For further information on the programme, please contact: Rita Van Duinen, Curriculum and Research Strategist Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) rvanduinen at All the best, Joy Joy Davidson Associate Director Digital Curation Centre (DCC) HATII, University of Glasgow 11 University Gardens Glasgow G12 8QJ Tel: 0141 330 8592 Email: joy.davidson at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sadat at Wed Mar 26 17:11:22 2014 From: sadat at (N Sadat Shami) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:11:22 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] CfP: ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 2015 Message-ID: ------ Please distribute, apologies for any cross-postings ------ CSCW 2015 | Call for Participation March 14-18, 2015 | Vancouver, BC, Canada The ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing is the premier venue for research in the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Bringing together top researchers and practitioners from academia and industry who are interested in the area of social computing, CSCW addresses both the technical and social challenges encountered when supporting collaboration. The development and application of new technologies continues to enable new ways of working together and coordinating activities. The conference offers several types of submissions with the following deadlines. Papers: June 4, 2014 Workshops proposals: August 8, 2014 Interactive Posters: November 10, 2014 Panels: November 10, 2014 Doctoral Colloquium: November 10, 2014 Demonstrations: December 12, 2014 See the individual calls at? more details. The scope of CSCW spans socio-technical domains including work, home, education, healthcare, the arts, leisure, and entertainment. The conference seeks novel research results or new ways of thinking about, studying, or supporting shared activities in these and related areas: ?? Social and crowd computing. Studies, theories, designs, mechanisms, systems, and/or infrastructures addressing social media, social networking, wikis, blogs, online gaming, crowdsourcing, collective intelligence, virtual worlds or collaborative information behaviors. ?? System Design. Hardware, architectures, infrastructures, interaction design, technical foundations, algorithms, and/or toolkits that enable the building of new social and collaborative systems and experiences. ?? Theories. Critical analysis or theory with clear relevance to the design or study of social and collaborative systems. ?? Empirical investigations. Findings, guidelines, and/or studies related to communication, collaboration, and social technologies, practices, or use. CSCW welcomes diverse methods and approaches. ?? Mining and Modeling. Studies, analyses and infrastructures for making use of large- and small-scale data. ?? Methodologies and tools. Novel methods or combinations of approaches and tools used in building systems or studying their use. ?? Domain-specific social and collaborative applications. Including applications to healthcare, transportation, gaming, ICT4D, sustainability, education, accessibility, global collaboration, or other domains. ?? Collaboration systems based on emerging technologies. Mobile and ubiquitous computing, game engines, virtual worlds, multi-touch, novel display technologies, vision and gesture recognition, big data, MOOCs, crowd labor markets, SNSs, or sensing systems. ?? Crossing boundaries. Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that explore interactions across disciplines, distance, languages, generations, and cultures, to help better understand how to transcend social, temporal, and/or spatial boundaries. General Co-Chairs Andrea Forte, Drexel University Dan Cosley, Cornell University chairs2015 at Program Co-Chairs Luigina Ciolfi, Sheffield Hallam University David McDonald, University of Washington papers2015 at Posters Co-Chairs Karyn Moffatt, McGill University Aleksandra Sarcevic, Drexel University posters2015 at Panels Co-Chairs Louise Barkhuus, Stockholm University Anatoliy Gruzd, Dalhousie University panels2015 at Workshops Co-Chairs Laura Dabbish, Carnegie Mellon University Jenn Thom, Amazon workshops2015 at Demos Co-Chairs Tomoo Inoue, University of Tsukuba Tony Tang, University of Calgary demos2015 at Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan Abigail Sellen, Microsoft Research Cambridge dc2015 at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Tue Mar 25 13:01:09 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:01:09 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / E-resources Librarian / Washington, DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . LAC Group seeks an E-resources Librarian to work on a contract at a government agency located in Washington, DC. The responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following duties for the E-resources Librarian: Job Description * Help maintain timely, accurate data in KnowledgeWorks; * Turn on E-book titles on an ad-hoc basis; * Add new database and cancellation information, update description and access information, and keep data in sync with other database inventories; * Upload journal holdings data and perform other manual corrections to print holdings as needed; * Monitor listserv; * Coordinate the configuration of new e-resources to ensure the accessibility per license arrangement; * Assist with the development and maintenance of electronic resources policies and procedures; * Conduct quality control of e-resource links; * Occasionally support Helpdesk. Qualifications * Experience in e-resource management including workflow, access, and delivery; * Experience with e-resource management tools from Serials Solutions or other vendors; * Experience with proxy configurations; * Experience with library applications and different types of library resources (catalog, research databases, electronic journals, and e-books). Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Tue Mar 25 12:52:52 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:52:52 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Digital Asset Management Librarian / Washington, DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group seeks a Digital Asset Management Librarian to work on a contract at a government agency located in Washington, DC. The responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following duties for the Digital Asset Management Librarian: Job Description * Review and index articles, journals, and research papers; * Assign subject terms to documents using the MetaLogic application; * Monitor, manage, and update SharePoint page; * Create bibliographic records in JOLIS catalog; * Conduct quality control of records; * Create new records; * Support indexing activities as needed. Qualifications * Ability to develop deep understanding of subject matter; * Knowledge of SharePoint and MetaLogic; * Ability to learn established JOLIS indexing procedures; * Excellent writing ability; * Detail oriented. Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Tue Mar 25 14:45:51 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:45:51 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Inter-Library Loan Librarian / Washington, DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group seeks an Inter-Library Loan Librarian to work on a contract at a government agency located in Washington, DC. The responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following duties for the ILL Librarian: Job Description * Maintain the borrowing and lending of ILL materials; * Process, create, receive, and record items in OCLC systems; * Create and update user records in SIRSI; * Receive external ILL requests and verify each citation in JOLIS; * Send invoices to staff for payment; * Maintain and report monthly ILL statistics. Qualifications * Knowledge of OCLC ILL systems, SIRSI, and JOLIS; * Minimum of one year's previous ILL experience; * Previous experience in working with CLIO or other Web-based ILL systems desirable but not required; * Ability to form and sustain positive working relationships with substantial number of outside libraries; * Strong written and verbal communication skills. Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From NOsorio at Thu Mar 27 16:54:57 2014 From: NOsorio at (Nestor Osorio) Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:54:57 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Fwd: Information Science Lecturer Position at University of Strathclyde Message-ID: <> On behalf of Ian Ruthven. >>> On 3/6/2014 at 9:30 AM, in message <53344921.4113.00D9.0 at>, Ian Ruthven wrote: The Department of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Information Science to enhance the iLab research group. CIS provides one of the largest postgraduate programmes in Information and Library Studies in the UK, and is a member of the iSchools group, a coalition of the world?s leading information schools. Our i-Lab research group has particular interests in interactive information retrieval, information seeking behaviour, and information architecture; with much of our work societal in nature, investigating human information need and use, and informing interactive public information system service design. You will be expected to further develop the Department?s reputation for excellence in one or more of these areas. You will also be expected to contribute to the Department?s teaching activities in the areas of Information and Library Studies. Full details are available at: and informal enquiries about the post can be directed to Professor Ian Ruthven or Dr Steven Buchanan, ian.ruthven at, steven.buchanan at Closing date for applications is 21st March 2014. ------ Ian Ruthven Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XH Email: Ian.Ruthven at Tel: +44 141 548 4527 Fax: +44 141 548 4523 The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC015263. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Header Type: application/octet-stream Size: 1799 bytes Desc: not available URL: From chodgson at Thu Mar 27 15:17:29 2014 From: chodgson at (Cynthia Hodgson) Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:17:29 -0400 Subject: [Asis-l] Annual Year in Review Issue of Information Standards Quarterly Available on NISO website in open access Message-ID: <00ff01cf49f1$33426910$99c73b30$@org> The Spring 2014 issue of the National Information Standard Organization's Information Standards Quarterly magazine-providing a summary of the 2013 standards development work conducted by NISO and by the international ISO Information and Documentation committee (TC46)-has been published in open access on the NISO website. NISO provides this Year in Review issue on an annual basis to keep readers apprised of all the accomplishments of our community in the past year. "NISO's standards and recommended practices development pipeline has more than 20 active projects," states Nettie Lagace, NISO's Associate Director for Programs. "In 2013, we published two new standards, four recommended practices, and a new technical report. We also issued drafts for public comment of one standard and two recommended practices. Four new projects were launched, two of them funded with grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. These are all described in more detail in this issue of ISQ." "NISO's role as the U.S. Administrator for the ISO TC46 Committee on Information and Documentation and the Secretariat for the subcommittee on Identification and Description ensures that our community has an active role in international standards development as well," explains Cynthia Hodgson, ISQ Managing Editor and a consultant for NISO who helps manage the ISO work. "The work of TC 46 and its five subcommittees during the past year -including the newly revised SC on Document Storage and Conditions for Preservation-is summarized in this issue of ISQ. Additionally, in May 2014, NISO will be hosting, on behalf of ANSI, the annual meeting week of TC46-the first meeting in the U.S. in ten years. A two-page spread in the issue highlights this meeting and its sponsors." "We also are celebrating this summer the 75th anniversary of NISO's founding," states Todd Carpenter, NISO's Executive Director. "The leaders in the library community who came together back in 1939 were visionaries who saw the need for our community to collaboratively solve issues through standards development. In 2009 for our 70th anniversary, we published a timeline of NISO's milestones since its 1939 founding; for this issue of ISQ we have updated the timeline with milestones over the past five years. NISO and its community of volunteers have much to be proud of, as this issue of ISQ clearly illustrates." The Spring issue also contains the annual reference listing of all of NISO's published standards, recommended practices, and technical reports. Information Standards Quarterly is available electronically in open access from the NISO website at: ISQ is also available in print format by subscription or in print on demand. Cynthia Hodgson ISQ Managing Editor National Information Standards Organization chodgson at 301-654-2512 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Tue Mar 25 12:21:19 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:21:19 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Library Stacks Manager / Capitol Hill Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . . LAC Group is seeking Library Stacks Manager for a contract with a prestigious federal library located on Capitol Hill. This is a full-time, benefited position, working on a contract with LAC Group in Washington, DC. The selected individual must have experience working in the book stacks of a large research library, including arranging, shelving, shelf reading, and experience supervising a staff of 8+ employees. This is for immediate consideration. Requirements: * Shifting, Arranging, Shelving, Transporting and Reporting books and materials throughout the Library; * Supervise, train and review the work of others; * Address issues in performance and processes as needed; * Compile statistical data to produce daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports of work reviewed; * Participate in management and oversight for all aspects of the contract. Qualifications: * Experience working in the book stacks of a major research library with more than a million volumes; * Experience supervising a staff of 8+FTE, including stack maintenance activities (i.e., arranging, shelving, shelf reading, etc.); * Possess the ability to train and review the work of others; * Excellent interpersonal skills, both written and oral communications skills. Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From srichards at Tue Mar 25 12:37:44 2014 From: srichards at (Suzanne Richards) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:37:44 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Catalog Librarian / Washington, DC Message-ID: Apologies for the cross postings . . . LAC Group seeks a Catalog Librarian to work on a contract at a government agency located in Washington, DC. The responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following duties for the Catalog Librarian: Job Description * Catalog monographs, serials, and electronic resources; * Add and maintain URLs; * Maintain Name Authority database; * Review MARC records; * Receive monographs; * Create information records for discarded gift serials. Qualifications * MLS degree or equivalent; * Minimum of 5 years of professional cataloging experience at a senior cataloger level; * Previous experience using SIRSI, OCLC, LC classification, MARC21, AACR2, and RDA; * Reading knowledge of French, German, Spanish, and/or other languages is desirable. Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. LAC Group is a premier provider of recruiting and consultancy services for information professionals at U.S. and global organizations including Fortune 100 companies, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, large academic institutions, National Libraries and prominent government agencies -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mcunha at Fri Mar 28 12:10:35 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:10:35 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 | Reminder Message-ID: <> ---------- ProjMAN 2014 International Conference on Project MANagement (an AIS affiliated conference, supported by APOGEP/IPMA and PMI/PC) ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage. Only original contributions will be accepted and submissions will be double-blind reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications All accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Industry and Poster papers will be published in a book with ISBN. ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Program chair: - Rodney Turner, SKEMA Business School, Universit? Lille Nord de France, France Organization chair: - Ant?nio Trigo, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany ---------- We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From mcunha at Fri Mar 28 12:11:17 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:11:17 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 | Reminder Message-ID: <> ---------- CENTERIS 2014 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage. Only original contributions will be accepted and submissions will be double-blind reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications All accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Industry and Poster papers will be published in a book with ISBN. ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Program Chair: - Niels Bj?rn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Danmark Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Emanuel Peres, University of Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From mcunha at Fri Mar 28 12:12:10 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:12:10 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] HCist 2014 - Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | Troia, Portugal, October 15-17 | Reminder Message-ID: <> ---------- HCIST 2014 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Troia, Portugal, October 15-17, 2014 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014 ---------- ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 10, 2014. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage. Only original contributions will be accepted and submissions will be double-blind reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications All accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Technology series and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Industry and Poster papers will be published in a book with ISBN. ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker General conference chairs: - Ricardo Martinho, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal - Rui Rijo, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal Program Chair: - Duminda Wijesekera, George Mason University, USA Keynote speaker: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Organization Chair: - Ricardo Correia, University of Porto, Portugal ---------- We look forward to welcoming you in our beautiful Troia, Portugal, next October. From susheel_chhabra at Sun Mar 30 12:14:50 2014 From: susheel_chhabra at (Dr. Susheel Chhabra) Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:44:50 +0530 Subject: [Asis-l] CFP-International Journal of Civic Enagagement and Social Change, IGI Global, USA In-Reply-To: <003301ceb303$8106bfa0$83143ee0$> References: <003301ceb303$8106bfa0$83143ee0$> Message-ID: International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association DOI: 10.4018/IJCESC, ISSN: 2328-5494, EISSN: 2328-5508 Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Susheel Chhabra Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form) DESCRIPTION OF IJCESC: Governments, corporations, individuals, and civic society play essential roles for worldwide growth and development. Management of resources for socioeconomic development of society requires design, development, and implementation of value driven civic engagement processes, practices, and frameworks. These initiatives create an environment of public accountability to distribute benefits of development for the overall benefit of society. The International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC) compiles theoretical and empirical works that significantly contribute to the unexplored field of how bringing social change through civic engagement can widened the ambience of public welfare activities. MISSION OF IJCESC: Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publication in the International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change. The primary objective of IJCESC is to suggest value driven civic engagement practices, processes and frameworks to bring social change for effectively managing socioeconomic resources for individuals and society. IJCESC seeks to achieve its mission through research, exemplary cases, smart processes and competencies, development of frameworks, collaborations, suggesting standards and benchmarks worldwide. RECOMMENDED TOPICS: Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following: * Civic engagement and political reforms for development * Civic engagement for development and social change * Civic engagement for organization development * Civic engagement and urban development * Civic engagement reforms and capacity building * ICTs Engagement and Social Change * Leadership cases for civic engagement * Preservation of natural resources * Public policy and social change * Role of administrative competencies for civic engagement * Smart governance practices * Smart regulatory frameworks for civic engagement * Social accountability for individuals, government, and corporate sectors * Social networks and collaborations for bringing social change * Standards and benchmarks for civic engagement * Value-driven civic engagement * Women and child development * Civic Engagement and Rural Development SUBMITTING TO IJCESC: Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS MUST CONSULT THE JOURNAL?S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All manuscript submissions to IJCESC should be sent through the online submission system: PUBLISHER: The International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Changeis published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the Information Science Reference (formerly Idea Group Reference), Medical Information Science Reference, Business Science Reference, and Engineering Science Reference imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit All inquiries should be should be directed to the attention of: Dr. Susheel Chhabra Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change E-mail: susheel at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Max.Wilson at Fri Mar 28 10:27:04 2014 From: Max.Wilson at (Max Wilson) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:27:04 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Final CfP: IIiX2014 - Aug 26-29, Regensburg, Germany Message-ID: <> The Fifth Information Interaction in Context Conference - IIiX2014 - Regensburg, Germany, August 26-29, 2014, - in cooperation with SIGIR, Sponsored by The Vielberth Foundation & Spinque Updates: - 3 Keynotes announced: Ryen White, Francesco Ricci, & Peter Pirolli. More detail further below. - Free tutorials on topics search as Evaluation, IR Systems, and User Interfaces - 2 workshops: ?Searching as Learning? and ?Searching4Fun? - at least 8 student grants available for ~$500 Full Papers Due: 23rd April 2014. (Short papers 7th May) Call for Papers The Information Interaction in Context (IIiX) conference explores the relationships between and within the contexts that affect information retrieval and information seeking, how these contexts influence information behaviours, and how knowledge of information contexts and behaviours improves the design of interactive information systems. IIiX 2014 will be held in the beautiful Regensburg, Germany next August (see ). The overarching theme for IIiX 2014 is building bridges ? between the main themes of the conference, which are often treated in isolation and between researchers from different communities. The intention of IIiX is to foster an integrated approach to information access by bringing together members of the research communities in information seeking behaviour, user interface design, interactive information retrieval and system design. To reflect this intention, there will be a number of tutorials on offer that cross between disciplines and there will be three excellent keynote speaker sharing their experiences on research on information interactions from three different perspectives: Peter Pirolli (PARC), Ryen White (MSR) and Francesco Ricci (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano). Conference Themes and Topics With the focus on information interaction in context, we are inviting submissions that focuses on or combines the following themes and topics. People and Behaviours: - Human information interaction - Understanding people, their needs, cognition, affect and behaviour - Information use and analysis - Task-based interactive Information Seeking & Retrieval (ISR) behaviour - User experience and user engagement - Genre, media, language, modality and structure in contextual ISR Interfaces: - Design and evaluation of user interfaces for information interaction - Methods for eliciting, identifying, capturing and representing contextual information - Novel interaction modalities for Information Retrieval (IR) - Techniques for information presentation and visualization - Search interfaces for specialized tasks, populations and domains Systems: - Context-aware retrieval models and systems - Relevance feedback (implicit & explicit) and query modification issues for capturing context - Collaborative information seeking and retrieval models and systems - Personalized information access in context - Exploratory search and information discovery - Recommendation models and recommender systems Evaluation: - Measures and methods for studying and evaluating ISR - Ethnography and user studies relevant to information interaction - Test collections for interactive or context-sensitive IR - Simulations of interaction - Qualitative approaches to the study of context-sensitive ISR Contribution Types Full papers: We are looking for high quality original research of relevance to IIiX. This year we are encouraging a variety of paper types and invite authors to consider submitting papers that provide: ? empirical and experimental contributions, ? conceptual and theoretical contributions, and, ? reflections and experience-based contributions, or a combination of. We believe that to build bridges we need to promote and encourage work that is conceptual in nature and work that discusses important issues that affect information interaction in context. So we are particularly encouraging authors to submit papers that include: ? reflections upon the body of research, considering how the field, the theories, the models, and the methods have developed, ? discussion of the implications of research findings on users in the real world, ? proposals for and discussions of theories or models of information-interaction, or ? provoking and creative contributions to stir debate and discussion. Short Papers: Short papers should also be original, high-quality submissions, like full papers, but based upon a smaller, concise contribution. Consequently, we are looking for a range of short paper submissions that describe work in progress, late-breaking results, and reports on projects, applications, software releases and demos. Short papers will be presented as part of an interactive poster session to provide an open forum for discussion and future collaboration between participants. Also, selected topically relevant and interesting short papers will be chosen for oral presentation to highlight the best of these smaller but strong submissions. Conditions: - IIiX submissions should be original, high quality research that has not been published previously and are not under review for another conference or journal. - An international program committee will review all submissions. - All reviews will be double-blind so submissions should be made anonymous. - Full papers will be up to 10 pages in length, while short papers will be up to 4 pages. - All submissions should be formatted using the ACM Conference style (for LaTeX or Word). Submissions should be made in PDF. - All accepted submissions will be made available in the ACM Digital Library as part of the IIiX series. Deadlines: - Full Papers: April 23, 2014 - Short Papers: May 7, 2014 Full details of the call are available from: Keynotes Ryen White - is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington, USA. His research interests lie in understanding search interaction and in developing tools to help people search more effectively. He received his Ph.D. in Interactive Information Retrieval from the Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, in 2004. Ryen has published over 150 conference papers and journal articles in Web search, log analysis, and user studies of search systems. He has received seven best-paper awards, including three at the ACM SIGIR conference (2007, 2010, 2013), one at the ACM SIGCHI conference (2011), and one in JASIST (2010). His doctoral research received the British Computer Society?s Distinguished Dissertation Award for the best Computer Science Ph.D. dissertation in the United Kingdom in 2004/2005. Ryen has co-organized workshops on information seeking, in particular exploratory search, including an NSF-sponsored invitational workshop, and has guest co-edited special issues in these areas for a variety of outlets, including Communications of the ACM and IEEE Computer. Since 2008, he has co-organized the annual HCIR Symposium. Ryen has served as area chair for top conferences such as SIGIR, WSDM, WWW, and CIKM, and currently serves on the editorial board of ACM TOIS, ACM TWEB, and the Information Retrieval Journal. In addition to academic impact, his research has shipped in a number of Microsoft products, including Bing, Xbox, Internet Explorer, and Lync. Francesco Ricci - is associate professor of computer science at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. His current research interests include recommender systems, intelligent interfaces, mobile systems, machine learning, case-based reasoning, and the applications of ICT to tourism and eHealth. He has published more than one hundred of academic papers on these topics and has been invited to give talks in many international conferences, universities and companies. He is among the editors of the Handbook of Recommender Systems (Springer 2011), a reference text for researchers and practitioners working in this area. He is the editor in chief of the Journal of Information Technology & Tourism and in the editorial board of the Journal of User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction. He is member of the steering committee of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. He served on the program committees of several conferences, including as a program co-chair of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), the International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) and the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism (ENTER). Peter Pirolli - is a Research Fellow in the Interactive Intelligence Area at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), where he has been pursuing studies of human information interaction since 1991. Prior to joining PARC, he was an Associate Professor in the School of Education at UC Berkeley. Peter received his doctorate in cognitive psychology from Carnegie Mellon University in 1985. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Psychological Science, the American Psychological Association, the National Academy of Education, and the Association for Computing Machinery SIGCHI Academy. He is the author of ?Information Foraging Theory: Adaptive Interaction with Information.? Organization General Co-chairs: David Elsweiler (University of Regensburg, Germany) Bernd Ludwig (University of Regensburg, Germany) Program Chairs: Leif Azzopardi (University of Glasgow, UK) Max L. Wilson (University of Nottingham, UK) Honourary Chair: Gene Golovinsky (FX Palo Alto, USA) Theme Chairs: Luanne Freund (University of British Columbia) Tetsuya Sakai (Microsoft Research, Asia), Peiling Wang (Tennessee-Knoxville, USA) Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Ian Ruthven (Strathclyde, UK) David Losada (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) Local Chair: Markus Kattenbeck (University of Regensburg, Germany) Proceedings Chairs: Morgan Harvey (University of Lugano, Switzerland) This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham. This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sarahab at Fri Mar 28 10:29:05 2014 From: sarahab at (Sarah A Buchanan) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 09:29:05 -0500 Subject: [Asis-l] Survey of Information Professionals Message-ID: Dear Information Colleagues, The School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin requests your help in finding out about contemporary skill requirements in the information professions in order to improve the education of future professionals (incl. records, social media, data, UX, library). Would you please consider taking this 15 minute survey and share your opinion? Your advice and experience are essential for our research. We will report our findings to the curriculum committee at The School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin, and aim to publish in relevant information journals. If you desire, we will also send you our report. The information you provide will be anonymous. Please follow this link to complete this survey: If you have any questions regarding the survey, please call me at 512-?232?-8364 or e-mail lecia at If you have friends or colleagues who are information professionals, we would appreciate if you could forward this survey to them as we want to have as much information as possible. Sincerely, Ankita Chaudhary, Caroline Stratton, Sarah Buchanan, Yalin Sun, and Dr. Lecia Barker Graduate Students and Professor at The School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin (Please forward this message to any colleagues or distribution lists who might find it of interest.) From D.Allen at Sun Mar 30 09:18:13 2014 From: D.Allen at (David Allen) Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:18:13 +0100 Subject: [Asis-l] FW: ISIC 2014: submission date extension Message-ID: <> ISIC 2014: submission date extension The conference organising committee have received a number of requests for extensions for the paper submission deadline. We have, therefore, extended the deadline for full papers, short papers and posters until the 14th of April 2014. The deadline for submission of papers to the Doctoral Workshop remains the 21st of April. Further information is available here: ISIC is a biennial conference. The last ISIC conference was held in 2012 in Keio University, Tokyo, Japan and the earlier conference in 2010 in the Universidad de Murcia, Spain. The conference is being jointly organised by the University of Leeds Business School, University of Sheffield Information School and the Department of Information Studies, University of Aberystwyth. Keynote speakers at the conference will be Professor Donald Case of the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information, Professor David Nicolas Northumbria and Rashik Parmar President of the IBM Academy of Technology. Papers accepted for the conference are eligible to be published in the journal Information Research ( For further details please visit - -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From regina.avila at Mon Mar 31 09:17:42 2014 From: regina.avila at (Avila, Regina L.) Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:17:42 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Reposted - Science Research Data Librarian at NIST Message-ID: <> Please excuse the cross-post This job application deadline has been reposted. Previous applicants are invited to reapply. ** Vacancy Announcement Reposted ** Science Research Data Librarian Position at the National Institute of Standards and Technology VACANCY OPEN DATE: 03/27/14 VACANCY CLOSE DATE: 04/17/14 Link to Announcement on Announcement Number: ADMR-2014-0019 Position Title: Librarian ZA-1410-III (GS-11/12 equivalent) Salary: $63,091.00 to $98,305.00 / Per Year Position Information: Term Appointment, not to exceed 2 years Hiring Agency: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY Duty Locations: Gaithersburg, MD, US Duties The Information Services Office at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is seeking an experienced individual to help accelerate the development of the Office's research data management services. ISO is a team-based environment, which emphasize knowledge sharing and collaboration to provide services to NIST scientific and technical staff throughout their research and publishing cycles. The selectee will serve as a Scientific Research Data Librarian to identify strategies for understanding and responding to the evolving research data service needs of NIST researchers. In partnership with ISO's Digital Services Librarian, the selectee will develop and provide consultation on methods for data stewardship including managing, describing, preserving, and making NIST research data accessible to appropriate audiences. The selectee will assist NIST researchers formulate data management plans, and prepare data for publication, reporting, and repository ingest. The selectee will identify and recommend tools, techniques, and practices for management of research data throughout its lifecycle. The selectee will also monitor, investigate, and report on emerging trends, best practices, and technologies in digital data stewardship, e-science, scholarly publishing, and open access. Education This position has an education requirement. You must submit a copy of your transcripts to document that you have met the education requirement. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted in the application package. Official transcripts will be required prior to a final offer of employment. Qualifications The job requires the following knowledge, skills and abilities/competencies: * Knowledge of the life cycle of research data in the context of scholarly publishing and digital preservation. * Skill in applying methods to curate research data. * Skill in using tools for managing digital data. * Ability to communicate orally and in writing with all levels of stakeholders and customers. * Ability to plan and deliver training on research data management to all levels of stakeholders and customers. * Knowledge of current issues in eScience/eResearch. * Ability to analyze and synthesize complex concepts and issues, draw conclusions, and make recommendations. In order to qualify for this position, your resume must provide sufficient experience and/or education, knowledge, skills, and abilities, to perform the duties of the specific position for which you are being considered. Your resume is the key means we have for evaluating your skills, knowledge, and abilities, as they relate to this position. Therefore, we encourage you to be clear and specific when describing you experience. This position has a Selective Factor and Specialized Experience requirements: Selective Factor: Knowledge of science research data management. Specialized experience: curating a digital collection including managing a digital repository. For complete information on the qualifications and how to apply, go to the full job announcement on USAJobs at: ____________________________________ Regina Avila Digital Services Librarian National Institute of Standards and Technology 301-975-3575 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From zachry at Mon Mar 31 13:00:15 2014 From: zachry at (Mark Zachry) Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:00:15 -0700 Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting: Graduate Program Director in Human Centered Design & Engineering Message-ID: <> The Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington invites applications for a full time (100% FTE) Senior Lecturer position. The person in this position will serve as the Director of HCDE Graduate Professional Programs, including HCDE's flourishing professional Master of Science (MS) program and User-Centered Design (UCD) Certificate program. The position will be an 11-month appointment; we anticipate an initial 2-3 year appointment at the rank of Senior Lecturer with a possibility of renewal. The position includes responsibilities for teaching four to five courses in our Bachelors, Masters, and UCD programs, with an emphasis on courses related to interaction design, user-centered design, prototyping, organizational/business processes in the user experience (UX) industry, and computational concepts and skills in Human Computer Interaction (HCI). HCDE courses typically involve significant project work. The lecturer will be responsible for directing the MS and UCD programs, teaching courses, and developing relationships with the department's corporate affiliate members. The appointment will start in August 2014. The level of appointment and compensation will be commensurate with the applicant's qualifications. The position requires a PhD or Masters in a field related to Human Centered Design or HCI or significant work and/or teaching experience in the field of Human Centered Design or HCI. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching and program management. Experience in the development of corporate-academic partnerships is highly desired. In their applications, candidates should describe their relevant experiences. University of Washington faculty engage in teaching, research and service. The successful candidate will join a vibrant faculty conducting interdisciplinary research in human-computer interaction and the design of socio-technical systems. Current faculty research includes work in computer supported cooperative work, systems theory, social computing, information and communication technologies for development, usability studies, emerging communication technologies, and engineering education. The department is the home of the award-winning Laboratory for Usability Testing and Evaluation, and faculty regularly collaborate with colleagues in Computer Science and Engineering, the Information School, the School of Art, and the Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching. The faculty also routinely engage in research projects with affiliates from the region's noted high-tech industry. These affiliates also frequently partner with the department to offer class projects, capstone projects, and internships. Seattle is home to many prominent technology companies, along with a robust startup and global health community. The University of Washington is building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from women and minority candidates. The University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The University of Washington, a recipient of the 2006 Alfred P. Sloan award for Faculty Career Flexibility, is committed to supporting the work-life balance of its faculty. *Review of applications will begin April 4, 2014.* To apply, send (1) a letter of application, (2) current CV, (3) statement of teaching philosophy and documentation of teaching effectiveness, and (4) complete contact information for three references. If you wish, you may include a teaching portfolio. Materials should be addressed to Dr. Mark Zachry, Lecturer Search Committee Chair. For questions regarding this position or possible disability accommodations, please contact Robin Donovan (robind3 at ) or Mark Zachry (zachry at ). -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Alyssa.Valenti at Mon Mar 31 12:40:43 2014 From: Alyssa.Valenti at (Valenti, Alyssa) Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 16:40:43 +0000 Subject: [Asis-l] Job: Electronic Resources Specialist Message-ID: <> The Evelyn S. Field Library at Raritan Valley Community College in Somerville, NJ is hiring an Electronic Resources Specialist. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested. See the full posting and apply online at: Thank you, Alyssa M. Valenti avalenti at> Electronic Resources & Web Services Librarian Raritan Valley Community College Somerville, NJ 08876 908-526-1200 x8351 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: