[Asis-l] Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) introduces world updated editions with a new friendly interface

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro.aguillo at cchs.csic.es
Tue Aug 27 06:02:42 EDT 2013

Scimago Group has just published the 2013 edition of its World Ranking 
that consists of research indicators for 4327 universities and research 
organizations. Data provided has been extracted and elaborated from 
Scopus bibliographic database between the years 2007 and 2011, using as 
inclusion criteria to publish at least 100 papers during 2007.


SIR is provided not as a standard league table but as a tool useful for 
developing customized rankings. No individual or composite index is 
proposed for ranking purposes and the list of institutions is arranged 
by raw number of publications (output). End users can choose among the 
rich list of careful built indicators those more pertinent to their 
aims. Bibliometric variables are strongly correlated among them but even 
so it is possible to apply different weighting models to the freely 
available SIR results.

As a whole it is one of the most comprehensive summaries of the world 
scientific production including results for emerging and developing 
countries that are not well covered in similar rankings. In fact, there 
is a Iberoamerican counterpart easily accessible from the same 
interface, that covers in depth Latin America, Spain & Portugal 

The revamped interface is offering now all the lists from one unique 
screen. The current year edition is joined by the corrected and updated 
historical ones that are available since 2009. The system allows the 
customization of the request, including selecting ranking criteria or 
filtering universities only. This feature is especially useful for 
comparison purposes with other university-only rankings.

A bilingual report is attached with a detailed description of the 
methodology, a synopsis of the results and a full bibliography 
supporting major technical and scientific decisions.

Major innovation is the inclusion of a new variable, leadership with 
excellence that only combines two key criteria. The list of indicators 
includes also the total number of publications (Output); International 
Collaboration; Normalized Impact, that uses Karolinska Intitutet 
methodology for combining normalized citations from different fields 
(where the world mean is equal to 1); High quality publications, a ratio 
of publications delivered in the first quartile journals (SCImago 
Journal Rank, SJR); Specialization Index (0-1, generalist vs. 
specialized) based on the Gini coefficient; Excellence Rate, the amount 
of papers into the 10% most cited papers in different scientific fields; 
and the Scientific Leadership, that counts papers where the 
corresponding author belongs to the institution.

The SIR and the SJR and future products on “innovative knowledge” are 
offered as a contribution of the Scimago Group to Open Access and Open 
Data initiatives.


Isidro F. Aguillo, HonDr.
The Cybermetrics Lab, IPP-CSIC
Grupo Scimago
Madrid. SPAIN

isidro.aguillo at csic.es
ORCID: 0000-0001-8927-4873
ResearcherID: A-7280-2008
Scholar Citations: SaCSbeoAAAAJ
Twitter: @isidroaguillo


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