[Asis-l] CFP NGWeb Quality 2012

ISMAEL CABALLERO MUÑOZ-REJA Ismael.Caballero at uclm.es
Thu Mar 8 13:24:56 EST 2012


/*  Call for Papers                                                                                                                         */

/* New Generation Web Quality                                                                                           */

/*(NGWeb Quality 2012)                                                                                                           */

/* http://alarcos.esi.uclm.es/NGWQ2012/                                                                       */



in conjunction with

QSIC 2012



27th-28th August 2012

Xi'an, China




Submission deadline: May 4, 2012.

Author notification: June 1, 2012. 

Camera-ready:        June 18, 2012. 



In recent years the Web has undergone a spectacular evolution, both in its technological aspects as well as in its social aspect. As a result, new terms and entities such as Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web, among others, have arisen. In this new scenario, a variety of new types of applications - wikis, blogs, mashups, folksonomies, social networks and so on - are developed. In all of them, the quality is become a discriminative factor and therefore a key aspect for their success. For that reason, it is necessary to carefully asses, define, and use the several dimensions that describe the New Generation Web quality.


                Bearing all this in mind, we want to promote all areas related to the New Generation Web quality of web applications with the first edition of this workshop, by giving to researchers the opportunity of sharing their works and providing a forum to discuss the various aspects of this context. Moreover, we hope to identify possible future lines during the workshop related to the discussed topics.



Topics include but are not limited to: 

- Quality in content (wikis, blogs, etc.)

- Quality in mashups

- Quality in folksonomies

- Quality in social networks.

- The following aspects focused on Web 2.0/3.0:

o Visualization of quality

o Security

o Accesibility

o Reliability

o Quality requirement in the design

o Usability

o Confidentiality

o Qualtiy models

o Quality tools

- New trends in Web 2.0/3.0





Cristina Cachero, University of Alicante, Spain

Gustavo Rossi. University of La Plata, Argentina

Emilia Mendes. Zayed University, United Arab Emirates

Rafael Corchuelo. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Michael Maximilian. IBM, USA

Silvia Abrahão. Politechnical University of Valencia, Spain

Angelica Caro. University of Bio Bio, Chile

Sandro Morasca. Universitá degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy

Antonio Vallecillo. University of Malaga, Spain

Cinzia Cappiello. Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Houari Sahraoui, University of Montreal, Canada





Submissions should follow the QSIC conference policy. Papers must be up to 8 pages. They have to include the authors' name, affiliation and contact details. At least one author of accepted papers should register for the conference and participate in the workshop. 

Submissions will be made through the EasyChair as indicated in the QSIC 2012 web page (http://www.di.univaq.it/qsic2012). 





Mª Ángeles Moraga, University of Castilla-La Mancha.

Coral Calero, University of Castilla-La Mancha.






Ismael Caballero Muñoz-Reja 
Departamento de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información 
Escuela Superior de Informática 
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha 
Paseo de la Universidad 4 
13071 Ciudad Real. 
email: Ismael.Caballero at uclm.es 
Tfno:  0034.926.29.53.00 Ext. 6487 
Fax:   0034.926.29.53.54



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