[Asis-l] FW: Seeking: Irish LIS Grads and LIS Grads working in Ireland

Junus, Ranti junus at mail.lib.msu.edu
Wed Jun 27 15:36:00 EDT 2012

Forwarded by request.

S.G.Ranti Junus, Systems Librarian
Michigan State University Libraries

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Where are you now?: Career Pathways of LIS Graduates

We need your help to better understand the careers of library and information science graduates.  

We are conducting a survey investigating where LIS graduates are working and what skills they utilise to support their work.  This information will be used to inform curricula developments in the UCD School of Information & Library Studies and the LAI Continuing Professional Development Programme.

Make a difference to the future of our profession!

If you studied LIS in Ireland or are an LIS graduate working in Ireland, please take the survey! Be in with a chance to win a 3V (prepaid Visa) voucher! 

Please forward on to your friends and colleagues to help us reach our target.

Share the survey on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Where-are-you-now-Career-pathways-of-LIS-graduates/316177085126933>, RT it on Twitter <https://twitter.com/>,  join us on LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lis-workforce/52/38a/a8a>, and follow our progress on our Project Blog <http://lisworkforceproject.wordpress.com/>!
This project is being organised by MLIS students in UCD Dublin as part fulfilment of their Masters in Library & Information Studies.  The project has been approved by the UCD Research Ethics Committee. 

Project Supervisor: Dr. Maria Souden (maria.souden at ucd.ie), UCD School of Information & Library Studies

Project Team: Susan Dennehy, Karen Corcoran, Marianne Hennessy, Aoife O'Neill Gormley, Christopher Ramsay & Kathryn Smith. 

Contact the team at lisgraduates at gmail.com
Maria Souden, MSI, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Information and Library Studies
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4
maria.souden at ucd.ie
maria.souden at gmail.com

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