[Asis-l] Java Software Engineer Position, University of Arizona (Tucson), 70K

Hong cui hong1.cui at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 13:44:42 EDT 2012

Software Engineer Position

The School of Information Resources and Library Science, University of
Arizona is seeking a full-time software engineer to work on a NSF funded
project led by Dr. Hong Cui. The successful candidate will work full time
to develop a set of text mining/natural language processing software to
support biodiversity and other biology research. Cost of relocation from
another state to Tucson AZ will be reimbursed.

Project start date: As soon as a candidate is selected.
Project end date: 2016. After the project ends,  the software engineer may
be employed by other projects.

Salary: $70,000/year with 3% increase annually

1. Must have solid knowledge and experience in full life-cycle of software
development, from requirement collection to deployment and maintenance.
2. Must have at least one year experience in software industry or
equivalent professional experience in academic research software development,
and be able to deliver production-grade software.
3. Must have experience with Java programming language and application
development environment such as Eclipse. Knowledge and experience in Perl
and web application development is a plus. Must be able to optimize the
performance of an algorithm and meet security constraints for web based
4. Knowledge and experience in natural language processing such as regular
expression pattern match, syntactic parsing, and/or semantic analysis are
highly desirable but not required
5. Knowledge and background in systematics and/or evolutionary biology are
highly desirable but not required

The software engineer will be involved in 1) activities related to
developing, implementing, and evaluating natural language processing
systems,  2) communicating with other collaborators and participating in
project meetings, including short visits to other sites, 3) activities
related to project management, such as project reporting to NSF., 4)
activities related to publish and present research findings, and 5) other
miscellaneous activities related to the project in general.

Application: Applications are reviewed immediately until a candidate is
selected. Please submit a letter of intent (explaining why you are a good
candidate for the position),  CV, and three letters of recommendation
(please send the recommendation letters at the time of the application) via
the UA Career application system (https://www.uacareertrack.com/, search
for Job Number: 50342) .

Questions? Contact:
Hong Cui, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Information Technologies
School of Information Resources and Library Science
University of Arizona
hongcui at email.arizona.edu

Hong Cui, Ph.D
PI: Fine-Grained Semantic Markup of Descriptive Data for Knowledge
Applications in Biodiversity Domains
Co-PI:Collaborative Research: Next Generation Phenomics for the Tree of Life
PI:BCSP: Collaborative Research: ABI Development: Exploring Taxon Concepts
(ETC) through analyzing fine-grained semantic markup of descriptive
Assistant Professor, Information Technology
School of Information Resource and Library Science
University of Arizona
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