[Asis-l] EU27 survey of privacy, data protection and electronic identity

IPTS eID team iptseid at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 10:19:02 EDT 2012

Dear all [ apologies for cross posting, please disseminate ]

We have the pleasure to announce that our Scientific and Policy Report
'Pan-European survey of practices, attitudes and policy preferences as
regards personal identity data'  has been published. It is found at

This study presents the results of the largest survey ever conducted
in Europe and elsewhere about people’s behaviours, attitudes and
regulatory preferences concerning data protection, privacy and
electronic identity, both on the Internet and otherwise in their daily

The study aims to remedy the lack of EU evidence. It is original in
many respects:

- It covers EU27;
- It targets multiple areas: eCommerce, Social Networking,
Authentication and Medical information;
- It retrieves data directly relevant to policy making.

The full reference is:

W. Lusoli, M. Bacigalupo, F. Lupiañez, N. Andrade, S. Monteleone, I.
Maghiros (2012). Pan-European survey of practices, attitudes and
policy preferences as regards personal identity data management (JRC
Scientific and Policy Reports EUR 25295 EN). Sevilla: EC JRC IPTS.
Available from http://is.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pages/TFS/eidsurvey.html .

Of course, comments are most appreciated.

Kind regards

The JRC IPTS eID team

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