[Asis-l] Reminder: CFP - IFLA 2012 LTR/SET Open Session on international and comparative LIS

Clara Chu cchu at ucla.edu
Thu Jan 26 07:47:51 EST 2012

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IFLA Library Theory And Research Section (LTR) and Education And Training Section (SET) – Joint Open session


THEME: International and Comparative Librarianship: Valid, Relevant and

Authentic Research and Education

Colleagues from around the world are invited to submit an abstract for consideration for a paper to be presented at the LTR-SET Open Session, in collaboration with the LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (SIG).  

The IFLA Section on Library Theory and Research (LTR) and Section for Education and Training (SET) seek papers for an Open Session on the topic International and Comparative Librarianship: Valid, Relevant and Authentic Research and Education. This topic has been chosen in accordance with the main theme of the conference, "Libraries Now! - Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering."

We are particularly interested in papers and perspectives from LIS educators, scholars, practitioners, students and community partners that will contribute to raising the standard of research and education in international librarianship and cross-national comparisons.  Research and practice-based papers must be original, covering research and education on international and comparative librarianship, especially those addressing issues related to validity, relevance and authenticity such as:  

·       Methodological issues in international and comparative research

·       Comparative studies (e.g., policy, practices, etc.)

·       Comparative studies of library, archival, museum and/or information education

·       Critical approaches to international development aid in LIS

·       Theory, evaluation and approaches to international LIS education

·       International cooperation in LIS education and research

·       Applications of international library, archival or museum standards

Preference will be given to papers that reflect critically on theory and methods.

Language of the session: The paper should be in one of the IFLA official languages. It is suggested that if the presentation is delivered in one of the other official languages, then the slides should be in English.  NOTE: Proposals should be in English.

Important dates and information:  Proposals for papers must be submitted by: 1st February  2012 to Clara M. Chu cmchu at uncg.edu and Marydee Ojala marydee at xmission.com. The proposal should clearly indicate the session it is for and include a title, an abstract (maximum 750 words), plus a brief biography (150 words) for each author and contact details. All proposals should be submitted in English even if the paper will be in another official IFLA language. Do indicate the language of the final paper if it is not English. All proposals will be reviewed by a committee representing the IFLA Sections on Library Theory and Research, and Education and Training, and the LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG. Please address general queries to the Open Session Co-Chairs Peter Lor peterjlor at gmail.com (LTR) and Clara M. Chu cmchu at uncg.edu (SET).

Successful candidates will be notified by end of February 2012 and must supply the full paper by 11 May 2012 to allow time for the review of papers and preparation of translations.  Details on the format and length of the final paper will be emailed to those candidates whose abstracts are accepted.

At least one of the paper's authors must present the paper at the IFLA 2012 joint LTR-SET Open Session in Helsinki.  PLEASE NOTE that the sections have no funds to assist prospective authors: abstracts should only be submitted on the understanding that the expenses of attending the IFLA conference (including travel, expenses and registration fee) will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers. Some national professional associations may be able to help fund certain expenses, and a small number of grants for conference attendance may be available at: http://www.ifla.org/en/funds-grants-awards.

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