[Asis-l] The LinkedIn WebGenre R&D Group has been created!

Marina Santini marinamailinglists at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 02:03:10 EST 2012

Dear All,

you are very welcome to join the WebGenre R&D Group on LinkedIn and
take part in our discussions.
Feel free to post your ideas, suggestions, proposals, visions,
references, jobs, inventions, patents and more.
The mission of the WebGenre R&D Group is to apply the power of web
genre to Content Discovery, Text Analytics, Topic Detection, Search,
Emotion Mining, Web Development, Web Design and Social Media.

***Latest discussion***
Text Analytics and Genre Awareness to the rescue of Business
Intelligence (BI) & Customer Experience Management (CEM). White Paper
by Marina Santini
Link to the post:

Marina Santini

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