[Asis-l] Early bird discounts now available for the 2013 NFAIS Annual Conference

jilloneill at nfais.org jilloneill at nfais.org
Tue Dec 18 11:32:32 EST 2012


The 2013 NFAIS Annual Conference, In Search of Answers:  Unlocking New Value from Content, will take place February 24 - 26, 2013 at the historic Hyatt at the Bellevue in Philadelphia, PA.  Early bird registrations are available until January 11, 2013. Until then savings of up to $200 off the full registration fee are available and NFAIS members registering three or more staff at the same time receive even greater savings (for details see the registration page at http://nfais.brightegg.com/page/372-2013-nfais-annual-conference. 
Continuing this year: 

·         50% discounts for staff of member organizations that are in the early stages of their career (5 years or less). Call/ e-mail for details (215-893-1561 or mailto:nfais at nfais.org)

·         30% discount on daily rates for all government employees

·         20% discount on full/daily rates for first time non-member attendees

·         Use of audience-response devices throughout the conference to capture audience opinions – all registrants will be sent a copy of the results

This three-day meeting will take a look at how technologies once considered disruptive have converged, been embraced, and are driving publishers and librarians around the globe to reinvent their methods of information creation, packaging, and delivery.  A “New Normal” information landscape has begun to emerge……. The preliminary program is available at: http://nfais.brightegg.com/page/372-2013-nfais-annual-conference.
Highlights Include:

A thought-provoking keynote by David Weinberger, author of Too Big to Know, on the information explosion and how technology in combination with global collaboration and the shared wisdom of the crowd is reshaping knowledge creation.
Hot off the press qualitative survey results from Outsell, Inc. showing the extent to which tools such as metrics and analytics are being used by publishers and librarians to unlock new value from existing content
The perspective of scholars and researchers on the ability  of existing information resources to provide the answers they need and what they believe needs to be done to extract new value
A look at how  innovative publishers and librarians are applying data mining , linking, analytics, and metrics not only to create smart content, but also to better understand user needs and behavior
New and emerging metrics for measuring the value of information in an  inter-tangled world of scholarly publishing, social media and information sharing
·          Publisher and Librarian perspectives on how data mining, analytics,  the re-use and sharing of content and  collaborative research are forcing a re-evaluation of privacy, intellectual property, and data ownership policies

A look at INM’s Watson and the future role of technology in extracting answers from reams of information 

To register or obtain more information contact: Jill O'Neill, NFAIS Director of Communication and Planning (jilloneill at nfais.org or 215-893-1561) or visit the NFAIS Web site at http://nfais.brightegg.com/page/372-2013-nfais-annual-conference.

The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS), 1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1004, Philadelphia, PA 19102-3403. NFAIS:  Serving the Global Information Community
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