[Asis-l] iConference Early Bird Registration Ends 12/15

Maria Souden maria.souden at ucd.ie
Sat Dec 8 06:06:47 EST 2012


iConference 2013: Early-bird registration through Dec. 15, 2012

12-15 February, 2013, Fort Worth, Texas



The iConference organizers encourage everyone to act fast in order to take
advantage of our lowest conference rates! Early-bird registration is
available through Dec 15, 2012. Regular rates will apply thereafter.
Register today at http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/registration/.

The eighth annual iConference takes place February 12-15, 2013, at the
Worthington Renaissance Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas. The event is sure to
live up to the high-quality tradition established in earlier years, and a
complete 2013 program schedule is now posted on our website. Highlights

>>>36 Full conference papers, 36 Notes (short papers) and 100 Posters
examining critical areas of study in the information field.

>>>12 engaging alternative events and 12 thought-provoking Workshops, the
latter including a special workshop on information privacy, as well as this
year’s contribution from the Sociotechnical Research group.

>>>3 dynamic keynote addresses from speakers Nancy Cantor of Syracuse
University, Myron Gutmann of the National Science Foundation, and V. Lane
Rawlins of the University of North Texas.

>>>A student Social Media Expo with multimedia presentations centered on
leveraging social media to foster lifelong learning in everyday life.

 >>>A Doctoral Colloquium (open to invited applicants) and an Early Career
Colloquium (open to all junior faculty and postdocs).

 >>>Our first-ever Research Paper Development Roundtable.

 >>>A one-of-a-kind wild-West themed opening reception at Billy Bob's
Texas, the "World's Largest Honky Tonk”.

>>>An Awards Luncheon featuring the iCaucus’s inaugural Doctoral
Dissertation Award, and also the Lee Dirks Memorial Best Paper Award,
honoring this long-time friend of the conference.

At $505 (early standard) and $235 (early student), participation in the
iConference continues to be a great value! A light breakfast and full lunch
is included on all conference days. Access to ALL official conference
social events is likewise included—Opening Reception, Awards Luncheon, and
Farewell Social.

iConference 2013 is presented by the iSchools (www.ischools.org) and hosted
by the College of Information at the University of North Texas. Presenting
Sponsors include the National Science Foundation and Microsoft Research.
Additional support provided by CA Technologies, Emerald Group Publishing,
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, UNT Libraries and the UNT COI Alumni Society.

Conference: http://www.ischools.org/iConference13/2013index/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IConference

Twitter: http://twitter.com/iConf

Maria Souden, MSI, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Information and Library Studies
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4
maria.souden at ucd.ie
maria.souden at gmail.com
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