[Asis-l] CFP: SIG/CR Workshop 2011 "Classification, Collections, and Curation" - New Orleans

Joseph Tennis jtennis at uw.edu
Tue May 31 08:41:11 EDT 2011

** Please distribute widely**

2011 SIG CR Workshop: Classification, Collections, and Curation
Joseph T. Tennis and Melanie Feinberg, Co-Chairs

Call for Papers:

Personal computing has been rapidly advancing toward shared networking models of resources, collections of resources, and descriptions of resources. Social media abounds, from Facebook to Google’s Boutiques.com<http://Boutiques.com/>, from LibraryThing to Flickr and Twitter. Such services enable both individual and aggregate collections of information, enhanced through various forms of description, including classification. Driven by social media’s imperatives to create, to copy, and to cite, the activity of selection, or curation, has new currency. We all collect, and we are all curators.

Although less remarked upon, classification, we contend, shapes and directs these digital collection endeavors, providing the motive and the meaning for selection activities. To that end, we can also say that we are all classificationists.

Given this milieu, what does classification theory tell us about the state of practice, the potentials for systems, and the constantly evolving nature of our personal and professional relationships to collections and classification?  What is the currency of classification research in relation to curation and the constant copying of digital collections? While there is a rich tradition of collecting and curating throughout and beyond the cultural heritage landscape, these literatures are often separate from the classification literature. To what extent might these activities be joined? What insights can we gain from such synergies?

For the SIG/CR Workshop 2011, we are calling for proposals that can address these and allied concerns. Submissions are encouraged from researchers, students, practitioners across disciplines, from archives, museum studies, and knowledge organization, to cultural studies, new media, digital humanities, textual studies, and more. Surprise us.

Accepted papers will be given at the 2011 Workshop associated with the ASIST Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans this fall.

All accepted papers and posters will be published in the newly launched ACRO: Advances in Classification Research Online.

Proposal Categories:
Papers should be submitted in full, no more than 5000 words long, with title, body situated in the appropriate literature, and references.

Poster proposals should be no more than 650 words long, in the form of an extended abstract, which includes a title, a body situated in appropriate literature, and references.

Deadline for proposals is June 1, 2011
Authors notified July 15, 2011
Final versions due August 15, 2011
Papers and poster abstracts published, September 1, 2011
Papers and posters delivered at the workshop, TBA (sometime between October 7-12, 2011)

Submission Process:
Proposals should include names of authors, affiliation, and emails addresses.  Proposals can be submitted to Joseph T. Tennis at jtennis at uw.edu<mailto:jtennis at uw.edu>

The Program Committee will referee proposals.  Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision no later than July 15, 2011. All presenters must register for the workshop. Papers to appear as full text in the Advances in Classification Research Online must be submitted no later than August 15, 2011.

Any questions or concerns, please contact Joseph T. Tennis at jtennis at uw.edu<mailto:jtennis at uw.edu> or Melanie Feinberg at feinberg at ischool.utexas.edu<mailto:feinberg at ischool.utexas.edu>.

Program Committee
Jack Andersen, Royal School, Copenhagen
Melanie Feinberg, University of Texas at Austin
Jonathan Furner, University of California Los Angeles
Elin Jacob, Indiana University
Margaret Kipp, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Kathryn La Barre, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hur-Li Lee, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Jin Ha Lee, University of Washington
Jens-Erik Mai, University of Toronto
Richard Smiraglia, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Joseph T. Tennis, University of Washington
Emma Tonkin, University Bath
Megan Winget, University of Texas at Austin

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