[Asis-l] CFP: The Functional Future of Bibliographic Control, special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata

Miksa, Shawne SMiksa at unt.edu
Wed May 25 12:00:14 EDT 2011

Special Issue of Journal of Library Metadata

“The Functional Future of Bibliographic Control”

Guest Editor: Dr. Shawne D. Miksa, Associate Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Sciences.
The year 2010 was designated as the Year of Cataloging Research and we made progress on studying the challenges facing metadata and information organization practices.  However, one year of research is merely a drop in the bucket. This special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata intends to address the research and issues as it concerns the functional future of metadata and information organization. 

Topics will vary across a range of issues, including historical, practical, conceptual, educational 

--Re-conceptualization of bibliographic control, past and future; historical analysis of the implementation of AACR1 and AACR2

--Entity-relationship models and visualizing new cataloging workflows, both conceptual and practical

--How functional requirement models impact information behavior (both user and information professional) and resource discovery across information environments

--Bibliographic relationships, bibliographic families; how successfully are these relationships represented using RDA, etc.

--Re-defining the library catalog system—what are the boundaries of the catalog, objectives of the catalog;  pros and cons of viewing the library catalog as a catalog or as new entity altogether 

--How do user tasks (find, identify, select, obtain, contextualize, justify, explore/navigate)
drive description and encoding of bibliographic data? How are they supported in the library catalog? What does it actually mean to support these tasks?

--Authority control in a FRBR-based system; find, identify, contextualize, and justify; both renewed and new authority control training

--Social tagging and control: the impact on subject analysis, determination, and representation
--Addition of non-traditional data to bibliographic records (e.g., citation data, reviews, tag clouds, etc) whether embedded or linked

--“mark it and park it” vs. functional requirements as outlined in FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD

--Interoperability between library systems, copy cataloging, outsourcing of records as impacted by choice of type of description (comprehensive, analytical, or hierarchical) in RDA

--transitioning out of MARC or transitioning MARC? (e.g., see recent announcement by LC entitled “Transforming our Bibliographic Framework”)

--Diffusion of new tools and resources and concepts (e.g., new metadata schema, rules, frameworks, and models), within the cataloging community;  methods of diffusion, rate of adoption and understanding by information organizational professionals

--RDA Implementation issues, feasibility studies, training issues, usability studies involving catalogers, reference librarians, and the end-user as they work on creating and using RDA-based records, etc., across all types of libraries.

--Increased complexity of cataloging and catalog systems, including increases in authority control work, subject representation, etc., and its impact on library administration and operation costs

--Appropriate methodologies for analysis of functionality success or failure

--Functional future and the school library, public library, etc.
--Education of information professionals for the functional future

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit electronically a 1-2 page proposal with names of authors, affiliation, and emails addresses.  Final revised manuscripts (3000-7000 words) are expected to be submitted by December 30, 2011. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.

Important Dates:
Proposal submission date: June 30, 2011
Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2011
Completed papers due: December 30, 2011
Publication: June 2012

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) to the guest editor at following addresses: Shawne.Miksa at unt.edu 
“The Journal of Library Metadata is the exclusive forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. This focused journal comprehensively discusses practical, applicable information that libraries can effectively use in their own information discovery environments. Specialized knowledge, the latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining specifically to evolving metadata use in libraries.” More information about Journal of Library Metadata can be found online: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t792306902~link=cover

Shawne D. Miksa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Acting Associate Director, IISPhD Program
Department of Library and Information Sciences
College of Information 
University of North Texas
email: Shawne.Miksa at unt.edu 
office 940-565-3560 fax 940-565-3101

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