[Asis-l] CfP: AMR 2011 - 9th Intl. Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, Barcelona, July 18-19

Andreas Nuernberger andreas.nuernberger at ovgu.de
Sat May 14 03:57:59 EDT 2011

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]

*AMR 2011 - 9th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval*

         * EXTENDED paper submission deadline: May 30th, 2011 *

                           July 18-19, 2011
              Universitat de Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain
                    (co-located with IJCAI 2011)

Systems for searching and organizing multimedia information have matured
during the last few years. However, retrieving specific media objects is
still a challenging task, especially if the query can only be vaguely
defined or a similar object, e.g. a piece of music, should be retrieved.
The main reasons for the problems in multimedia search are still on the
one hand, the users' difficulty in specifying their interests in the
form of a well-defined query due to insufficient support from the
interface, and on the other hand, the problem of extracting relevant
(semantic) features from the multimedia objects itself. Besides, ideally
user specific interests should be considered when ranking or
automatically organizing result sets. To improve today's retrieval tools
and thus the overall satisfaction of a user, it is necessary to develop
advanced techniques able to support the user in the interactive
retrieval process.

The goals of the workshop are to intensify the exchange of ideas
between different research communities, to provide an overview of
current activities in this area and to point out connections between
the diverse involved research communities and research in AI.

Topics of interest:

The workshop focuses especially on researchers that are working on
feature extraction techniques for multimedia, computer linguistic
approaches, (dynamic) data analysis methods, and visualization methods
as well as user interface design. Therefore, contributions to the
workshop should focus on, but are not limited to:

- Multimedia retrieval systems (text, image, audio, video and mixed-media)
- Theoretical foundations of multimedia retrieval and mining
- Intelligent multimedia data modeling, indexing and structure extraction
- Adaptive Hypermedia and web based systems
- Metadata for multimedia retrieval
- Multimedia and multi-modal mining
- Semantic content analysis for multimedia
- Semantic web and ontologies
- Multimedia Interaction
- Affect Detection for Multimedia Content
- Soft Computing in Multimedia Information Retrieval
- Adaptive query languages
- Similarity measures (especially user adaptive measures)
- User and preference modeling (including feedback models)
- Methods for adaptive data visualisation and user interfaces

Important Dates:

May 30th, 2011 	 Extended deadline for paper submission
June 17th, 2011  Notification of acceptance/rejection
July 3rd, 2011   Deadline for final paper submission

Submissions: cf.  http://stel.ub.edu/amr2011/

Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for
publication elsewhere. Submissions should be formatted according to
Springer LNCS style (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
Papers should have about 10 pages but should not exceed 15 pages and
should be submitted electronically in PDF or postscript format.

Committee: cf.  http://stel.ub.edu/amr2011/

Program Chairs
Marcin Detyniecki     CNRS, LIP6, Paris, France
Ana García-Serrano    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Andreas Nuernberger   University of Magdeburg, Germany

                              * * *

     Further details can be found on the Web page of the workshop:
                              * * *

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