[Asis-l] ALA Program - Updates on Cloud computing Uses for Library Service - Saturday June 25th, 2011 8:00am

Mitchell, Erik mitcheet at wfu.edu
Fri Jun 10 16:04:09 EDT 2011

Please excuse cross-posting:

Updates on Cloud Computing Uses for Library Service

Join an energetic panel of practitioners and researchers to discuss
current projects and trends for cloud computing in libraries.
Featured in Library Journal's ALA Preview.
When: Saturday, June 25, 2011 - 8:00am - 10:00am
Location: Convention Center Rm 285


    Yan Han - University of Arizona
    Carissa Smith - DuraCloud
    Kirsta Stapelfeldt - Islandora / Univeristy of Prince Edward Island
    Chris Tonjes - DC Public Library
    Erik Mitchell, Wake Forest University

Cloud computing solutions continue to be adopted at both the
organization and personal levels. For example, libraries and their
patrons are finding ways to use cloud-based systems to leverage their
access and use of digital information. The past year has seen growth
in the use of cloud computing solutions in libraries. This session
will focus on examining current and emerging trends in cloud
computing. The session will include a panel of cloud computing
practitioners and researchers and time for questions and discussion.

Do you have a cloud computing project you would like to discuss?  Sign
up for a 5 minute slot by emailing Erik Mitchell (mitcheet at wfu.edu)

Erik Mitchell, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Technology Services
Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Wake Forest University

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