[Asis-l] Extended Deadline: Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare 2011 (WISH 2011)

Andrea Grimes Parker agrimes at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Jul 26 23:11:55 EDT 2011

[apologies for cross-posting]


Co-located with the American Medical Informatics Association’s Fall Symposium

October 22, 2011

Washington, DC


The WISH 2011 deadline for short talk and poster submissions has been
extended to August 15, 2011. The deadline for applications to the
student mentoring program has also been extended to August 15, 2011.


Final deadline for submission (extended):  August 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance:  August 30, 2011
Camera-ready paper due:  September 15, 2011
WISH 2011 Workshop: October 22, 2011
AMIA’11:  October 23-26, 2011


With the growing emphasis on the adoption and impact of Health IT
(HIT), HIT researchers and practitioners are increasingly focusing on
the design of interactive systems, human factors, and human-computer
interaction. Despite this progress, however, there exists a largely
untapped potential to create deeper and more profound connections
among the biomedical, informatics, human-computer interaction, human
factors, medical sociology and anthropology communities that would
lead to the development of new methods, approaches, and techniques for
removing the barriers to the adoption of HIT.

To address this limitation, the Association of Computing and Machinery
(ACM) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'2010)
hosted the 2010 Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH
2010,  http://www.chi2010.org/wish/). The workshop attracted over 150
participants from a variety of disciplines and institutions and
included a combination of invited panels, keynote presentations and
research presentations. At WISH 2010, researchers and practitioners
discussed the most pressing issues in the design, development, and
evaluation of HIT and the impact of the new research on commercial HIT

Building on the success of last year's workshop, the American Medical
Informatics Association is hosting WISH 2011, which will be collocated
with its Annual Symposium in Washington, DC, on October 22nd, 2011.
The workshop will be a part of the pre-AMIA program, and will have a
format similar to WISH 2010, including invited talks, panels and a
peer-reviewed technical program.


Authors may present their work in one of two formats: Short Talks or
Interactive Posters. Short Talks are brief oral presentations by the
author, while interactive posters focus more on visual presentation
and discussion between the author and attendees around the poster. We
expect the majority of presentations to be interactive posters with a
limited subset of authors being invited to give short talks.

Both short talk and posters should submit a five page (maximum length)
paper in the AMIA submission format
(https://www.amia.org/amia2011/proposals). Accepted submissions will
be published in the WISH 2011 proceedings. Authors retain all
copyright. We encourage preliminary ideas, design sketches,
experimental results, policy and theoretical contributions, works in
progress, and any other health and interactive systems related
content.  The goal of the workshop is to foster discussion, encourage
broad ideas, and bring together a wide interdisciplinary audience.  A
submission should include:

                • A concise description of the idea(s)
                • Results, findings or theoretical discussion
                • The implications of the work to the
interdisciplinary community who may be present
                • Recommendations for further investigation

Full literature reviews are not expected, although relevant citations
should be included. The paper and abstract, as submitted for review,
will be regarded as the final publication-ready version of your
submission. Therefore, the abstract and paper submission must be
clearly written, carefully proofread and correctly formatted.

Please email your submission in PDF format to WISH2011amia at gmail.com
by 5:00pm PST 15 August 2011. You will receive an acknowledgement of
the receipt of your submission.


Mark Ackerman, Ph.D. (University of Michigan)

Suzanne Bakken, Ph.D. (Columbia University)

Jacob Bardram, Ph.D (IT University of Copenhagen)

Mark Braunstein, M.D. (Health Systems Institute)

Patricia Flatley Brennan, RN, PhD, FAAN (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

James Cimino, Ph.D. (National Institute of Health)

Enrico Coiera, Ph.D. (University of New South Wales)

Kay Conelly, Ph.D. (Indiana University)

Paul Gorman, M.D. (Oregon Health & Sciences University)

Gillian Hayes, Ph.D. (UC Irvine)

Eric Horvitz, Ph.D. (Microsoft Research)

Bonnie Kaplan, Ph.D. (Yale University)

Margaret Morris, Ph.D. (Intel)

Vimla Patel, Ph.D, DSc (University of Texas)

Phillip Payne, Ph.D. (Ohio State)

Wanda Pratt, Ph.D. (University of Washington)

Katie Siek, Ph.D. (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Desney Tan, Ph.D. (Microsoft Research)


Madhu Reddy (Penn State), Co-Chair
Lena Mamykina (Columbia University), Co-Chair
Andrea Grimes Parker (Georgia Institute of Technology), Co-Organizer

If there are any questions or if there is a need for further
information, please send an email to WISH2011amia at gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC at WISH!

Andrea Grimes Parker
Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Interactive Computing || Georgia Institute of Technology

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