[Asis-l] 2011 Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX)

J. Stephen Downie jdownie at illinois.edu
Fri Jul 8 17:50:49 EDT 2011

Dear Music IR Friends and Colleagues:

The 2011 Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX)
wiki is up and running. This will be the seventh iteration of MIREX. We 
are looking forward to the most rewarding MIREX yet. Over the past six 
years MIREX has evaluated over 1050 MIR algorithm runs on a wide variety 
of music-related tasks.

The MIREX wiki outlines proposed tasks for MIREX 2011. Of course, if you 
and some colleagues wish to propose some new tasks, and you have some 
data for us to use, please feel free to set up at task page on the wiki. 
In keeping with MIREX tradition, if we have three folks involved in a 
task, we will run that task.

The 2011 MIREX Wiki Page:

Because of robo-spam, most of you will need to make new accounts on the 
2011 wiki. Accounts will need to be verified by one of the MIREX team so 
be patient with us if we fall a bit behind in validating the accounts.

The MIREX plenary and poster sessions will be convened on Thursday, 26
August 2011 as part of the 12th International Conference on Music
Information Retrieval(ISMIR) in Miami, Florida, from August 24th to 
28th, 2011 (http://ismir2011.ismir.net/).

We have two sets of submission deadlines this year.

A) Tasks with a 26 August 2011 deadline:

    1. Audio Classification (Train/Test) Tasks
    2. Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval
    3. Symbolic Melodic Similarity

B) Tasks with a 2 September 2011 deadline:

    1. All remaining MIREX 2011 tasks.

If you have general questions, feel free to post them to the EvalFest
list <evalfest at lists.lis.illinois.edu>[1]. Specific problem requests can 
be made to the MIREX team via <mirex at imirsel.org>.

Remember, MIREX is all about community involvement; so, get involved!

J. Stephen Downie on behalf of the MIREX team.

1. The EvalFest list is the official communications list for MIREX. 
Subscription information at:
    "Research funding makes the world a better place"
J. Stephen Downie, PhD
Associate Professor,
Graduate School of Library and Information Science; and,
Center Affiliate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[Vox/Voicemail] (217) 649-3839
NEMA Project Home: http://nema.lis.uiuc.edu

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