[Asis-l] FW: Call for Participation: 11th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium at 2011 ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Junus, Ranti junus at mail.lib.msu.edu
Tue Jul 5 12:31:15 EDT 2011

[forwarded by request --ranti]

-----Original Message-----
From: Agosto,Denise <dea22 at drexel.edu>
Subject: Call for Participation: 11th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium at 2011 ASIS&T Annual Meeting



Date: October 12, 2011
Location: ASIS&T Annual Meeting at the New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, LA, USA Conference website: http://asis.org/asist2011/am11cfp.html

  The 11th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) will explore the intersections of information seeking and use with domains outside of information science.  In the last decade, information science's attention to cross-disciplinary questions has remained a central focus of the field.  To some degree, working in information science inherently means working across boundaries.  As information behavior researchers and practitioners, we must not only be immersed in information science practices and perspectives, but able to entertain, incorporate, and challenge the perspectives of the various other domains in which we work.

  This Symposium invites researchers, graduate students, and practitioners to reflect on and discuss experiences in their own work of boundary crossing, boundary living, and boundary pushing.  A series of keynote dialogues will pair information behavior researchers with practitioners from related domains of study, with the goal of stimulating lively and focused discussion sessions among participants.  Participants will emerge with new understandings of and reflections on how working across a wide range of disciplines and domains enables synergies between our world and the worlds of our collaborators.

  An advance written submission is encouraged, but not required.  Advance written information will enable workshop organizers to create working groups based on participants' shared interests.  Workshop attendees may choose any of the following options for participating:

1. REGISTRATION PLUS POSITION PAPER.  Those interested in writing brief papers are invited to submit one-page position papers explaining how your work involves other domains outside of information science, including research, practice, service, collaboration, and teaching.  Position papers will be posted on the SIG USE website prior to the workshop (with authors' permission).

2. REGISTRATION PLUS DISCUSSION QUESTIONS/PROBLEM IDENTIFICATIONS. In lieu of writing a position paper, registrants may submit two or three discussion questions or problems related to the idea of information seeking and use across domains. These may be general questions and problems, or questions and problems closely related to your own work (e.g., "How are changing information practices affecting the field of digital humanities?" or "information privacy issues in organizational contexts").  The organizing committee is particularly interested in questions or problems that would be useful for guiding small group discussions at the workshop.

3. REGISTRATION PLUS IDENTIFICATION OF DOMAIN(S) OF INTEREST.  Those with interests in specific domains can choose to list up to three domains of interest for the organizing committee to consider as topic areas for small group discussion.

4. REGISTRATION PLUS ANY COMBINATION OF OPTIONS 1 - 3, ABOVE.  You may choose to submit any two or all three of the above items (position paper, discussion questions/problem identifications, and domains of interest).

5. REGISTRATION ONLY. Those interested in attending the workshop without submitting written materials may register at any time prior to the beginning of the workshop, provided that workshop spaces remain.

For advance submissions, please use the following submission guidelines:
  * Submit all files as pdf documents.
  * Put your name, title, and institutional affiliation in the upper left-hand corner of the first page.
  * Put page numbers in the upper right hand corner of all pages.
  * Name your file as follows:

N.B.: Indicate in your email message whether or not you would like your submission to be posted publically on the SIG USE website as a part of the pre- and post-workshop materials.  Submissions are due by midnight local time on SEPTEMBER 9, 2011.

Email submissions to:
Maria Souden (maria.souden at ucd.edu).

  * $105 for SIG USE members.
  * $110 for nonmembers.
The registration fee will cover workshop costs, a light breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunch.

  SIG USE will pay the registration fees for two graduate students to attend the workshop and provide live blogging during the event.  If you are interested in serving as a student blogger, indicate your interest via email to Maria Souden at maria.souden at ucd.edu.  Student bloggers will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  * Denise Agosto, Drexel University (chair) (dea22 at drexel.edu)
  * Maria Souden, University College Dublin (maria.souden at ucd.edu)
  * Barbara Wildemuth, University of North Carolina (wildemuth at unc.edu)
  * Xiaojun Yuan, University at Albany, State University of New York (xyuan at albany.edu)

Denise E. Agosto, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
2011 ALISE Award for Teaching Excellence in the Field of Library & Information Science Education College of Information Science & Technology Drexel University
3141 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA  19104

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