[Asis-l] A documentary approach of the web (video)

Laval Hunsucker amoinsde at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 2 07:25:28 EDT 2011

Thanks very much, Jean-Michel. Quite interesting ( though I was
fortunately already aware of Pédauque’s work ).

Just one question :

You wrote :

> Unfortunately, most of the Pédauque’s works are in French, . . .


Why in the world should this be ( or be considered to be )
unfortunate ??

[ I'd say, myself, that we should be relieved and appreciative
that these researchers*  have not chosen [ as is much too often
the case, at least in our field, and can lead to considerable
problems ] to communicate what they have to say in something
other than their own first language. And let's be honest -- we're
not exactly talking about Minangkabau or something here :-). ]

* "Roger T. Pédauque est le nom collectif d'un réseau de
scientifiques francophones travaillant dans les divers domaines
d'expertise des sciences humaines et sociales ainsi que des
sciences et techniques de l'information et de la communication."
( -- e.g. http://cfeditions.com/pedauque/ )

- Laval Hunsucker
  Breukelen, Nederland


    From: Salaun Jean-Michel <jean-michel.salaun at umontreal.ca>
    To: asis-l at asis.org
    Sent: Friday, July 1, 2011 9:57 AM
    Subject: [Asis-l] A documentary approach of the web (video)

    Some of you could be interested by this short video I have recorded at the «Collegium de Lyon». The speech is in French, but there is an English translation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ICyFJouHv4&feature=player_embedded

    It’s about a documentary approach of the web. It applies the proposal of the Roger Pédauque’s group at the very last industrial strategies on the web. Unfortunately, most of the Pédauque’s works are in French, but Niels Lund translated the first collective work (just the one I use in the video) :

    Roger T. Pédauque, Document: Form, Sign and Medium, As Reformulated for Electronic Documents, (12/09/2003) http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/sic_00000594/fr/


    JM Salaun

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