[Asis-l] [NISO tc46ballots] Groups - Ballot "Comments request for Discussion Paper - Archiving and electronic storage media" opened

Tara Dahal tmdahal at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 11:33:42 EST 2011

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Mark H Needleman <mneedlem at ufl.edu> wrote:

> Folks
> this is a discussion paper from an ISO committee - I can make a limited
> number of copies of this available to the ASIST membership if anyone has
> the desire and/or expertise to provide comments on it and a suggestion
> on how ASIST show reply
> Mark Needleman
> Chair
> ASIST Standards Committee
> Comments request for Discussion Paper - Archiving and electronic storage
> media has been opened.
> -----------------
> Ballot Title: Comments request for Discussion Paper - Archiving and
> electronic storage media
> -----------------
> Description/Question
> A liaison committee, ISO TC171/SC1 (Document management
> applications/Quality), is distributing this discussion paper on
> Archiving and Electronic Storage Media for comments. This document looks
> at information and standards available in archiving activities and
> underlines a lack of technical elements useful to the establishment of
> safe and economic procedures of electronic preservation.
> A copy of the discussion paper can be downloaded from the ballot webpage
> or from the link in the announcement e-mail.
> Your vote options are 1) Have comments; 2) Do not have comments; and 3)
> Abstain. If you select "Have comments", please include your comments in
> the comments box of the ballot webpage or attach a comments document.
> Closing Date: Monday, 21 February 2011 @ 8:00 pm ET
> Vote:
> http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=273
> Have comments,    Do not have comments,    Abstain -----------------
> Group: TC46 Ballot Advisory Group
> Date Opened: Thursday, 13 January 2011 @ 8:00 am ET
> -----------------
> Referenced Items
> ISO-TC171-SC1_N0290_N_290_Storage_media_v8_TC171_SC1.pdf (283K) 2011-01-12
> Download:
> http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/download.php/5557
> View Details:
> http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/document.php?document_id=5557
> ASIS&T 73rd Annual Meeting:
> Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem
> October 22-27, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA
> http://www.asis.org/asist2010/
> ________________________________________
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> Asis-l at asis.org
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*  *    Thanks !  **May I have your COMMENTSr ;  also yr resources,  I think
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           Tara Mani Dahal ;  E-Learning: Virtual  Library ...;New Nepal
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Database & Information Officer RONAST(NAST);KumariMarg-63,BattishPutali,
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रोऔँ..." जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी ("Mother and Motherland are
Greater than  Heaven)
   **   *
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