[Asis-l] ACM Web Science Conference 2011

Jérôme Kunegis kunegis at uni-koblenz.de
Wed Feb 16 03:42:36 EST 2011

*** Apologies for cross postings ***

= ACM Web Science Conference 2011  =
=                                  =
=  June 14-17, Koblenz, Germany    =
=     http://www.websci11.org/     =
=       Call for Abstracts         =

Web Science is concerned with the full scope of socio-technical
relationships that are engaged in the World Wide Web. It is based on the
notion that understanding the Web involves not only an analysis of its
architecture and applications, but also insight into the people,
organizations, policies, and economics that are affected by and subsumed
within it. As such Web Science, and thus this conference, is inherently
interdisciplinary and integrates computer and information sciences,
sociology, economics, political science, law, management, language and
communication, geography and psychology. This conference is unique in
the manner in which it brings these disciplines together in creative and
critical dialogue and we invite papers from all these disciplines and
those which cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.  

Following the success of WebSci'09 in Athens and WebSci'10 in Raleigh we
are seeking papers that demonstrate the development, scope, and
relevance of the emerging field of Web Science. Possible topics for
submissions include:

* On-line lives: individuals and organizations shopping, dating,
  learning, networking 
* Trust and privacy
* Evolving technologies -- new search technologies, linked data, new Web
  languages and/or protocols, and emerging application areas
* The pro-human web in an unequal world: access, inequalities and
  agendas for change 
* Web futures: possibilities critiques and challenges
* The web and the state: nationalism, politics. democracy
* Governance control and power
* Knowledge, education, and scholarship--the potential and effects of
  crowdsourcing and long tails 
* Intellectual property and the Commons
* The dark side of the Web--such as cybercrime, pornography and

Important Dates

Submission deadline for extended abstracts: 28 February 2011

Notification of acceptance: 21 March 2011

Submission Information

Submissions are in the form of extended abstracts of approximately 500
words (max. 2 pages, 11pt font). Abstracts may be submitted in PDF
(.pdf, preferred), HTML (.html), plain-text (.txt) or Word (.doc)

Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to submit a paper,
which will be published on the conference website.  The recommended
length of submitted papers is 6 to 8 pages.  A selection of accepted
abstracts will be allotted a slot for an oral presentation and/or a
poster presentation.  The best submissions will be invited to a journal


Programme Chairs:

David de Roure, eResearch Center,  University of Oxford
Scott Poole, Department of Communication, University of Illinois at

General Chairs:

Steffen Staab, Institute for Web Science & Technologies, University of
York Sure, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for Social Science & University of
Christof Wolf, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for Social Science & University
  of Mannheim 
Gianfranco Walsh - Professor at Institute for Management, University of 
  Koblenz-Landau, Germany

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